The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Many Beautiful Iieder Lyrics Will Be Rendered, and Tnree Great Wag
nerian Arias Are to Be Offered Portland Audience.
Manufacturers to Meet Dur
ing Land Products Show.
Annual Convention Will Be
Held in First Presbyterian
Church This Week.
John S. Beall Says That Farmers and
Factories Should Work In Har
mony and Insure Each '
Other's Success.
Work and Play In and ont of School
to Bo Considered and Addresses
Made on Variety of Topics
for Improvement.
Final arrangement for the annual
Child Welfare Convention, to be held
in the First Presbyterian Church. Oc
tober 29 and 30. have been completed.
and the distribution of programmes has
been made. A large number of mothers
have expressed particular Interest in
Mrs. J. C. Elliott King's demonstration
of th schoolelrl's dress. So much B
been said and written regarding- lm-
nroDrletv in dressing children and trac
ing crime to this particular source that
the topic is considered of particular
moment. Extravagance In aress is an
other extremely practical side of the
question. This topic will be taken up
Wednesday, under "Child Welfare in
the School."
Another topic will be "The School
Lunch." The principals and teachers
have declared that the average lunch
put up by parents for their children Is
not sufficiently nutritious, and the chil
dren show this lack In their appear
ance and progress. In one instance
during the last week, three children, all
from one family, were sent to school
with Ave cents with which to buy their
midday meal. They bought five cents'
worth of cookies at a nearby bakery,
and that wasall they had during the
hours of study from morning until
night. This subject will be demon
strated by Mrs. Ellen Rawson Miller,
Parental Side To Be Dlacasaed.
There Is a marked movement In the
Oregon Congress of Mothers and among
parent-teacher circles toward dealing
with these intensely practical themes
and seeking their solution. An address
on "The Possibilities of the Parent
Teacher Circles." by Mrs. Herbert Arm
strong, of North Bend, will cover this
feature. Mrs. Armstrong was formerly
a resident of Spokane, where she was
aave in work of this kind. She was
instrumental in the organiiatlon of the
large circle in North Bend. This sub
ject will be open for discussion.
Mlsa Harriet Woods will speak on the
"Library Work of the School." Little
has been said of this phase of education,
but It has proved popular among the
pupils and is of great educational
power. These are but a few of the
features of the convention. The kinder
garten, which will be maintained
throughout the gathering for the con
venience of mothers, will be In charge
of Miss Florence Klehle.
Interest has been aroused among the
parent-teacher circles, not only In Port
land, but throughout the state, and the
attendance, especially from out of town,
promises to be unusually large.
Mrs. Tate Will Preside.
The programme Is as follows:
" Tuesday. October 29 Mornlns; seslon.
n Robert H. Tate presiding. :SO Reg
istration of delegate. 10 Call to order: in
voratlon. Dr. Johln H. Boyd. X. T. : greet
Irms, Oregon Federation of Women Clubs.
Mm. Sarah A. Evans, Women's Christian
Temperance Union, Mrs. Ada W allace l-n-rjh:
Superintendent Portland Schools. FranK
fUgler: State Superintendent of Schools. L.
R. Alderman: response. Mrs. C. M. Collier.
Kugene: roll call of state officers and dele
gates. 10:4?! Reports, three minutes each;
reports of presidents from Portland parent
teacher circles: report of President Portland
Council. Mrs. W. J. Hawkins; presentation
of state ork by chairman of slaty de
partments; president's address. Mrs. Robert
H Tate. 12:30 Luncheon. Afternoon ses
sion: 2 "The States Duty to Widowed
Mothers." Mrs. R. 'E. Bondurent, chairman
of the dependent widows pension bill com
mittee. 2:15 Piano solo, ' Erl-King. Snu-brt-Llit.
Miss Susie Michael: "The Child s
Paradise." Rabbt Jonah B. Wise; A. Pri
mary Factor In child Conservation." Dr.
W T Williamson; "Prevention of limes In
Children." Dr. Mae H. Cardwell; discussion.
Evening session: 8 Invocation. Rev. Ben
jamin Voting, D. D.j solo Miss Dorothy
Lewis: address, "Child Welfare In the
Church." Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D.: organ
solo. Miss Eugenia Patten. 8 Informal
reception to be held In the chapel.
Wednesday October SO Morning session:
Mrs. A. King Wilson, presiding. 10 Call to
order; invocation. Mrs. C. H. Blanchard:
report of th credential committee. Mrs. I.
B. Andrews: report of the Chautauqua de
partment Mrs. G. R. Stephenson: report of
the Engsne conference, Mrs. Robert tu
Tate; report of th Salem child welfare ex
hibit. Mrs. W. IV. Williams; report of the
Salem Eugenics Exposition. Dr. Kittle Plum
mer Gray; report of the literature depart
ment. Mrs. I. N. Walker: message from the
librarian. Mrs. J. C. Elliott King.
11 Reports of presidents from parent-teen-her
circles throughout the state: "How to
Raise Funds for Child Welfare Work." Mrs.
Thomas O. Green; discussion: report of the
resolutions committee, Mrs. u. C. Phillip.
12 :t0 Luncheon. Afternoon session: 2
Solo Mrs. O. S. Heavener: "The Possibilities
or Parent-Teacher Circles." Mr. Herbert
Armstrong. North Bend; discussion; Li
brary Work of th School." Miss Harriet
wood, school librarian. Library, Association
of Portland; "Our Schoolgirl' Dress.' dem
onstrated by Mrs. J. O. Elliott King;
"School Lunches." demonstrated by Mrs. fal
len Rawson Miller. Evening session: 8
Invocation. Rev. W. B. Hlnson. D. D.; solo.
"Zur Pprossel Sprarh der Fink." "The May
Night." Mis Caroline Lowensart: address.
"The Child The Future Citizen." Rv.
Father O Hara: address, "An Evolution in
Educational Methods," Dr. George Rebec,
department of education. Eugene Univer
sity; olo. "The Jewel Song from 'Faust.
Miss Caroline Lowengart; address. Child
u-lfsre in the State." Governor Oswald
Street Parade and Music to Precede
Address by Williams.
Preceded by a street parade and In
spiring band music, the Democrats will
hold another big rally In this city to
morrow night, when George Fred Wil
liams, of Massachusetts, will deliver an
address at the Bungalow Theater. Mr.
Williams is one of several speakers as
signed by the Democratic National com
mittee to this state during the cam
paign. The Progressive Democratlo March
ing Club will assemble at the party's
headquarters In the Swetland building
at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, and,
headed by a band of a doxen pieces,
will parade the principal downtown
business streets before disbanding at
the theater.
State Chairman Haney will preside
at the Bungalow and Introduce the
speaker. Several of the candidates on
the state and county tickets will occupy
seats' on the platform.
Civil Workers to Meet.
Delegates from all local clubs and
Improvement associations will be in
vited to attend a special meeting of
the Civic Council, which has been called
by President George A. Carter, to meet
at the East Side Library tomorrow
Tract Brings $9S00.
X. Halverso'n yesterday purchased
from S. Salmonson a tract of 40 acres,
situated eight miles north of Vancouver
on the Pacific Highway, for $9300. The
place Is highly Improved. The sale was
negotiated by C. De Young.
- "j J - :
1 - L
1 w V
f.r. ...
At fi
s-itt a -vt-vt ninsirT t Vi a aT-r8.t dr&-
JUnAliilA v."'".-' J
matlc soprano of the Metropolitan
Opera-House, New York, who comes to
the Hellig Wednesday, October 0, un
der the management of Lois Steers
Wynn Coman. la probably unsurpassed
a m a nroarrjLmme- maker. Her Portland
concert will embrace at least a dozen
of the most beautiful lleder lyrics ana
English ballads ever written for the
voice, love songs and nature songs by
Brahms, Hugo Wolf, Strauss and oth
ers, which strike the deeper note of
emotion, together with lighter songs
of enchanting gaiety and naivetis oi
the most captivating sort.
But the crowning numbers of the
nrnrramma will be the three great
Wagnerian arias. In Elsa's "Traum" we
have a rapt vision of the Knight
T-nhene-rln hastenlna- to champion the
cause of the Innocent, accused maiden.
his shining coat of mall and golden
horn glancing in the sunlight. Elsa's
"Song . to the Breezes, also from
'Lohengrln." shown her alone on the
balcony. It is her bridal eve. and she
is too happy to sleep. The moonlight
shines upon her bright hair hanging
loose over her robe; the soft winds
blow against her face, and to them she
confides her Joy. while lurking below
In the shadows is the treacherous Or
trude, awaiting this opportunity to In
still doubt into the mind of the unsus-
pectlng maiden, and so wreck her hap
The love scenes between Brunnbilde
and Siegfried are without doubt the
greatest in all opera, and in Brunn
hilde's "Farewell" from . "Gotterdanv
merung" we have the full and perfect
raDture of love in Its loftiest mood,
without any sense of foreboding, al
though tragedy and disaster are des
tined to part them forever. The two
come forth Into the sunrise from their
chamber in the rock. Siegfried fully
armed, Brunnhllde leading Grane, her
horse, which she gives Siegfried as 'a
parting gift In exchange for the fate
ful ring of the Nibelungs, which he De
stows upon her unwitting of the train
of evils which cling to it.
Brtfnnhllde, more courageous than
mortal woman, bids her lover leave
her on the fire-encircled mountain top
and go down Into the world below
seeking new adventures and righting
wrongs as befits a knight. And Sieg
fried, the supreme type of humanity.
with his manhood, his strength, his
passion and his tenderness, obeys this
call of -honor and duty. Glorious Is
this scene of parting. A nobler pas
sion has never been expressed. The
music is altogether jubilant. The wise
daughter of the Wala and the most
splendid here of the world are simple
as children, sincere as animals or an
gels, ardent with honest and natural
fire like stars.
The seat sale opens Monday at 10
A. M. at the Hellig.
Big Gathering at Salem, November 2
at Which Many Candidates Will
Speak, to End Campaign.
Reports of late have been coming Into
the various offices of the suffrage
organizations with increased frequency
as the day for the election draws near
er. . Final activity Is evident on all
sides, and the reports are all extremely
"At a Joint meeting at the home of
Mrs. Henry Villard, at Dobbs Ferry,
N. T., October 22. members of the Wil
liam Lloyd Garrison Equal Suffrage
Association and of the Hudson River
Equal Franchise Society asked me to
send warmest greetings and heartfelt
good wishes for the triumph of the suf
frage cause in Oregon. (Signed) Fanny
Garrison Villard. president."
Above is a copy of a telegram sent
to the chairman of the Woman's Club
campaign eommittee here from New
York, October 23.
Somewhat on the lines of the politi-
Ben Selling. Dr. Harry Lane, Dr. H. W.
Coe, A. E. Clark. P. H. D'Arcy.
. People from Portland have signified
already their Intention of being pres
ent at the capital on this occasion, and
a limited train leaves Portland for
Salem at S P. M. The banquet Is at
7 o'clock.
Many speeches have been made re
cently by Miss E. E. Grlfith, the ener
getic worker and member of the Col
lege Equal Suffrage League, In Clacka
mas, Aurora, Canby and other places.
At the first-named town she waa one
of the speakers of the evening at a
Joint suffrage and Republican meeting
in the moving-picture theater. S. 8chu
bel, of Oregon City, also spoke there in
favor of equal suffrage.
In Aurora Miss Griffith found plenty
of sympathy for the cause and at the
conclusion of her speech in the Knights
of Pythias Hall prominent citizens an
nounced that the matter was receiving
their assistance.
At the conclusion of her address In
Canby last Friday In the City Hall, it
was decided tk form an equal suffrage
association to work for Amendment
1 until November 5. The following of
ficers were elected: Mrs. M. Ogle,
president; Mrs. W. H. Balr. vice-president;
Mrs. A. L. St. John, secretary, and
Mrs. M. J. Lee, treasurer. .
Am m. ttllrti tll Irlfl Of TTIfln
who drives his automobile the fastest
lsn t the one wnoso time is worm uie
lit - j i
Mrs. J. C. EHott King. 1
If f " II
cal banquet held at the Portland botel
here, and at Pendleton, but on a larger
scale, is the banquet that the women of
the state equal suffrage organizations
are planning at Salem on the night of
November 2, as the greatest "round-up"
of any campaign for the securing of a
measure or the passage of a bill.
Political speakers of note, and can
didates for office, .have been asked to
attend the banquet and make speeches
of short duration upon suffrage. So far
all replies have been in the affirma
tive. Among those asked to attend are
Ml Dorothy Lewla.
Bringing to Portland the producers
and the manufacturers in the week of
November 18-23. which will be ac
complished by having the First An
nual Convention of the Manufacturers
of Oregon here while the Paclfio
Northwest Land Products Show Is In
progress. Is developing Into the most
Important industrial event of the
city's history.
" 'Made In Oregon' can easily be ex
panded to 'Produced In Oregon,' " said
Chairman John S. Beall, of the board
of directors of the Land Products
Show, last night. "Just as rapidly as
the farmer progresses the manufac
turer will forge ahead. The farmer
gives the food supply which makes
economical labor possible for the fao
tory, furthermore the farmer buys the
manufactured product. The factory
creates a payroll which makes a de
mand for the farmers produce and
livestock, and also makes it possible
to pack or further manufacture this
produce so that it may' be shipped to
all parts of the world. s
"They are inseparably entwined in
the industrial order, but they have
been working apart in the past. Our
joint meeting, which has been ar
ranged through the courtesy of the
manufacturers, will bo the finest op
portunity ever presented here to get
the two vastly Important Industries
together. When we have brought
them together and aided in getting
them to a full, thorough understand
ing, their separate work In the future
may be made to bring constant co
operation in common good.
Farmer May Come to Bta Owa.
"Portland has been prone to appre
ciate the manufacturer more than the
farmer in the past. We will endeavor
at this Land Products Show to dem
onstrate the co-ordinate Importance of
the two Industries. Oregon can attain
nothing without development of agri
culture. This wonderful soil and cli
mate will have little value, unless we
make It produce the tremendous crops
which nature' Intended. Factories will
not have the necessary foundation upon
which to stand. If agriculture Is
negleoted, will not have the home
market, the abundant fool supply, the
best and most Btable labor and a
multitude of other essentials which a
manufacturing industry relies upon at
every stage of development.
"Oregon has a wonderful future as
a manufacturing state, as has all the
Northwest, by reason of the abounding
water power here, the rapia eiecinc
trend of all manufacturing, and the
enormous supply of certain raw ma
terials that can be had in this region.
But this Industrial future does not for
a moment surpass agricultural oppor
tunities. We can make the farm of
the Northwest truly a marvel, because
we have ' soil, climate and moisture.
Manufacturers need co-operation and
public sympathy, but so does agri
culture. Snow Space at Premium.
"In the Northwest are remarkable
achievements in agricultural work, but
the average must be pulled up, the
enormous areas of unused land made
productive, and every farmer be given
opportunity to learn what the most
advanced fellow worker In that line
has achieved. We want to make this
Land Products Show start the great
work, and it will be especially oppor
tune to get the manufacturers with
us at the same time so that they may
go back to their work imbued with
the necessity of supporting first, last
and . all the time their loca,l agricul
tural Industries."
November 21 is tne date fixed for
the convention of the Oregon manufac
turers In Portland, and Governor West
will declare It Home Industry day.
Yesterday Manager G. A. E. Bond
took off the proposition to sell a cer
tain amount of space to real estate
men who wanted to put in private ex
hibits. He found that the demand for
public exhibits was growing so strong
that he could not sell any more private
space. ' This is an Index to conditions
at the first large land products show
attempted In the Northwest.
"Made-ln-Oregon" Celebration to Be
Elaborate Event.
Thursday, November 81, will be
known as Home Industries day by proc
lamation of Governor West, and Mayor
Rushlight and Mayors of other cities
with their commercial bodies will
recognize it. On . that day the
first convention or manuiacturera
from all over the state will be held in
this city, concluding in the evening
with a banquet given the guests -oi
the city by the Manufacturers' Associa
tion. That organization will expend
$1000 entertaining their guests from all
over Oregon.
The local committee consists or 'r. J.
Mann, of the Pacific Stoneware Com
nanv: Arthur II. Devers. of Closset &
Devers; O. E. Helntz, of te Pacific Iron
Works; A. M. Haradon, of Haradon &
Son; W. F. Scott, of the Davis-Scott
Belting Company, with Colonel D. M.
Dunne, chairman .of the executive com
mittee, master of ceremonies at tne
banquet hall. '
One thousand Invitations nave oeen
sent out to the manufacturers all over
the state, and with 1000 more factories
at Portland, great and small, there Is
material for a big meet of the men who
employ 30,000 operatives and produce
an annual product of 200,000.000.
The programme will include an ad
dress by Governor West on the im
portance of the home industries and a
response by Mayor Rushlight.
Women of Grants Pass Do Much to
Improve Civic Condltons.
What women can do in the com
munity by supplementing the work of
the Portland Commercial Club Is shown
in a striking way by a report Just re
ceived by C C. Chapman, secretary of
the Oregon Development League, Irom
Mrs. C. C. Clevenger, an officer of the
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Grants Pass
Commercial Club. The women have
been active there and have accomplish
ed a great deal of good.
The auxiliary was organized in May,
1908, and two weeks later the organi
zation held a rose festival that proved
a great success. It has been made an
annual affair. With funds thus obtain
ed they began their work. From the
railroad company a lease on land lying
along the tracks on both sides of main
street was obtained. They employed a
landscape gardener who drew plans for
beautifying this tract. The women
Lewis M. Head Company
Advertising Service
Managing Several Large and Successful
Advertising Campaigns in This
Territory, Have Removed to
SUITE 525-526
Telephonei Marshall 220
Advertising Accounts of Any Size Solicited
raised money for the purpose and have
not only greatly Improved these
grounds, but have maintained tnem
ever since.
By means of the annual rose festival,
people of Grants Pass have become In
terested In growing roses ana xnrougu
. i i. A i. s.ii,H hiiah. were ob-
U1C9 wvijv x mo
tained at cost Not only public parks,
but private homes and grounds were
beautified. To stimulate interest a
prize of $10 was offered In each ward
for the best kept grounas.
i -j u 1 nhi.l,an woia Intnmated
priUtt, CLIIUUI vu.iv.. ..w.w ....
and the women made application to the
K . a - ' , l .... 1 ... .. n fnK flnvnr
uepartment di h-uhu. u . . - -
AAiis. These were distributed In the
rhnnla and a "Sweet Pea day" was
named, when the children Drougnr. mir
flowers tor exniDit ana pne- -
, -1 t . . n Aaw till ABUD
A ujcaiiius mi www
llshed, when garbage and tubbish is
collected ana removea.
ir No. 1SS on the ordinance
providing for official recognition of
t-ra uArT onn Kisns. l inn urui
nr.- nnf commit the city irre
vocably to follow the Bennett plans. 11
simply provides for their recognition
s. o-iifria n nil future ImDrovements
and gives them moral support. It costs
the taxpayers notning. r-aia auv.
Even while a man Is exceeding the
-4 limit hard times can overtake
bins. ;
Lob Angeles Man Had Rheumatiflm
From 1861 to 1.11, w nen ou
phurro Brought Relief.
Thanks to Sulphurro!
Lds Angeles, Cal.,
Aug. 12. 191S.
The C. M. C. Stewart Sulphur Co.,
71 Columbia St., Seattlei.
Gentlemen: I had Rheumatism
from 1861 to 1911; was seldom free
from pain. I began taking Sul
phurro, and took it about six weeks.
I have had no Rheumatism since,
thanks to Sulphurro.
You can publish this if you wish.
Yours Truly,
1SU Albany St. Q. Q. Prltchard.
When Sulphurro will put an end to
half a century of rheumatic sufferings
it is indeed, a remarkable medicine.
The truth Is that Sulphurro seems to be
an absolute and unfailing antidote for
Rheumatism, when the simple direc
tions for its use are followed.
The blood poisons that produce the
pangs and tortures of Rheumatism
cannot exist when Sulphurro spreads
its purifying influence, throughout the
-ystem. By means of baths and the
internal '. treatment Sulphurro intro
duces Nature's antiseptic and germi
cide. Sulphur, into the blood. The re
sult is tne passuis vl niicuniduom, nw.
blood, skin and stomach disorders.
V)w.qh t.h Sulnhurro booklet (accom
panying each bottle or sent free upon
request) and you will understand why.
Sulphurro, ou cents ana . uiu
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
America's Largest Drugstore.
Orders by Mall Promptly Filled.
mi m
"3 m
.ILs .
We Sell
We Sell
To All
'VSS? $10.40
Carload buying makes this price possible. We
have 1000 of these beautiful low-down toilets,
that are all in first-class condition, that we will
sell for one week only at this remarkably low
price, $10.40. Remember every one guaranteed
absolutely first-class and complete.
The Trust Busters
Take S car going south on Third, get off at First and Grant
and go one block east.
tpwmaflo -Mat. Pad
Do yam " 0 " lha Braavaf
FfcYTFinPITrfc V seeiey's Spermatic Sfcleld Trus
Seeley's Spermatic Shield Truss, as
fitted to the Czar of Russia and
now nsed and approved oy tns
United States Government.
will not only retain any ease of rupture perfectly, affording inimediata relitf,
bat also closes the opening in tan days on the average case.
If you can 't eoma, send for descriptive literature.
Truss Experts and Exclusive Agents fox Seeley's Spermatic SMeld Truss.