The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 31

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    m i -..--,, --o cirriTinxa nr a vrr n . .i lk. i fvt7 - . - i -
Colored cook. (40.
Family cook, $40.
Waltree. lor restaurant. $S per week.
Hotel waitresses. In and out of city.
t2S to 30. Housekeepers, kitchen belpra
and girl for general housework. $13 to
Ladies' Dept.. 2o5-4: Morrison.
BRIGHT business woman for Portland man
ager, by lart; corset concern, making
trlctly -custom corsets, boned with flex
ible sbapa retaining iuyi; guaranteed one
year not to break or rust. Complete train
lng In corset fitting and selling. Liberal
contract and control- permanent busi
ness, which many are making $1500 to
25o0 a year. Mention experience, write
at one to the Barcley Corset Company.
678 Broad at.. Newark, N. J.
THE Municipal Department of Public Safety
for Young Women. 407 Merchants Trust
bldg.. will be giad to give advice or as
sistance to any woman or girl who may b
In need. Interviews are confidential ex
cept In cues demanding criminal action.
Office hours 8:30 to 6. lira. L. G. Bald
win, Supt.
PIANIST Good and permanent position for
algot reader. Apply Monday and Tuesday,
U A. a, Song Shop. 322 Washington l
TRAVELER to employ women to se.l Amer
ican Queen corsets; test corset, beat
terms; liberal salary, expense allowance;
extra commission and bonus; permanent
position. American Corset Company, dee.;
3 If. Chicago.
THE Domestic Service Bureau. 309 Centra)
bldg.. recelvea daily calia from the best
of home for competent, relia'o.e girls lor
generai houcework. cooks, second work
ana nurse maitu.
WANTED A competent office woman;
must be a first-class stenographer ana
have had experience In double-entry book
keeping. Coast Bridge Co.. 4u Hallway
Exchange blug.
fe"IVE ladle, good appearance., to take up
business proposition; refined and of great
merit; big money to right parties- par
ticulars with personal interview. H 4oL
WANTED Young lady, capable and ener
getic, for store and office work; state
wage wanted, give phone number and ad
dress, n sou, urcsuniau.
V ANTED First-class woman pantry cook.
one that can give reference, win bvw
wagea to right party. 284 Washington
WANTED Neat girl to do light work In
apartments, take chlid out of an after
noon; will exchange for room and board
and small wages. East 208
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
small family, good wages. 5-3 E. 26th at
N. Take Broadway and Alameda Park
car to Braxee, 1 block east,
"WILL give a good horn to refined high
school girl for light services in small
apt., references required. Phone for in
terview. Marshall 44 il.
A PITMAN short-hand student can secure
Instruction to finish course for one-half
tuition: 95 . per month. Write at once.
with references. W 454. Oregonian.
LAIjV with teaching experience and good
acquaintance in Portland to take a course
lor commercial leacuiuK sin ei,e.
and references. AC 463. Oresonlan.
WANTED A thoroughly reliable, capable
girl who has had experience to take care
of two children and do upstairs work. Call
during the morning. Marshall HoiJ.
MODERN 5-room upper flat, fireplace, attic,
Uscmeat, firet-ciass, reasonable rent to
reliable party. Phone Main 7156, East Ai
der. Dear 12th. -
12 ka pkh DAT naid ladv each town to
.distribute free circulars, concentrated fla
voring in tubes, rertnaneni poemo .
E. Barr Co., Chicago.
WANTED i refined ladies with pleasing
personality to represent us in city; steady
employment; later, to travel, x u, o'
SALESLADY wanted for furs; must be neat
of dress and fully competent: stale ex
perience, reference and salary required. P
627. oregonian.
HELP wanted In ladles' tailor shop. 137
East 60th at.
9 TO 11.80 A. M. MONDAY.
WANTED On farm, man and wife, no
children; man must be practical lawn
man and gardener and generally handy
man about premises; wife to cook for
family; both must be competent. Write,
giving age, nationality and experience.
A V i. uregonian.
MAN and wife, experienced, to take charge
of neat, small restaurant; line location,
no competition, $loo cash required. 322
Lombermens bldg., Stb and Stark.
WANTED Man and wife on farm to do
general work; must have had experience;
German preferred; no children; references
required. S 480, Oregonian.
WANTED Competent man or woman to
take charge of pantry. Apply Immediately
at Weinhard-Astorla Hotel. Astoria. Or.
ilANDOLINIST, guitarist partner for con
cert work. R 610. Oregonian.
1 W'ILL start you earning S4 daily at home
In spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital ;
free instructive booklet, giving plans -of
operation. G. F. Redmond. Dept. 50. Boe
ton. Mass.
LADIE3 may learn in two weeks how to
make a properly tailored coat. Save
money. Room 324 Goodnough bldg. Mra
LADIES make shields home, 110 100: work
sent prepaid reliable women. Particular
stamped addressed envelope. Eureka Co..
Dept. 97 B. Kalamazoo, Mich.
AMBITIOUS young men to become travel
ing aalcsmen, earn while they learn. Writ
for particulars. Bradstreet System, Roch
ester, N. x,
LADIES make supporter. $12 100; no can
vassing; material furnished: stamped en
velope for particulars. Wabah Supply
Co.. "desk 5, Milwaukee, Wis.
BE DETECTIVE Earn $100 to $300 month.
Travel everywhere. Stamp for particulai i.
National Detective Service, Los Angeles,
RAILWAY mall clerks, prepare now, excel
lent saJarl.-s and promotions; no layoffs;
sure pay; free book. Call today. Pacific
States School. McKay bid,., city.
WANTED Men to learn watchmaking and
engravln?;: few month learning; position
guaranteed graduates. Write Watchmak
ing School. 210 Globe bldg.. Portland. Or.
BOOKKEEPING course for a lady; special
position; part of tuition payable from sal
ary when in position; give references and
experience. - - tot. urBbfm".
v. r. it. BUSINESS COLLEGE quickly and
thoroughly trains for good positions guar
anteed. S30 Worcester pioca. - aiarsuo.ii
MF.V and women for Government positions
f.l week. Write for list positions opjn.
Franklin Institute, Dept. S38-T, Roches
ter. N. y.
REFINED young woman to tay with two
little girl two aiternoons a weeit in ex
change for lessons In elocution; near E.
13th and Taylor preferred. Phone E. P734.
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools,
headquarters 152 3d su (near Morrison!.
Open evenings. Personal assistance given
student. Phone Main 4048.
MAKE money writing short stories or for
newspapers: big pay: free booklet tei.s
How. l DUfff r-ress ajnn.. u-i, omn rrnjca
ft v. a DETECTIVE. Men wanted every
where: earn $100 to $-i0i) monthly. Write
Loralne System, Dept. 67. Boston. Mass.
tviVTF.rj Picture-Dlay writers; big pay
we'll teach you: free Information. Picture
play Association. P. -. nn rrancisco.
BE a detective, earn $150 to $300 per month,
travel over the world. Write Supt. Lua
wig, 1402 Scarritt bldg., Kansas City. Mo.
r it,-. iiTU a V P ,vnHtinr erhooi.
:CS 14th
J st. Main 3S93. Expert Instruction $. mo.
L' . FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for
v tnhrs. 610 Swetland bid. M. 48o..
mt. Ma,o 3S93. Expert Instruction $
PUBLIC accountant teaches mojern meth-
i- .n.,tln Wllliama 1.1 (- of C
TVKttT BflOtt-VAmi ,3 . n ' -v l
Individual Instruction, 511 Wilcox bldg.
- I is
LOCOMOTIVE hremen and brakemen for
nearby railroads. SM to J" nioniuir.
age 18 to 33; experience unnecessary; no
strike: promotion to engineer, conductor.
Railroad employing headquarters. No
charge for assistance to employment;
state age; send stamp Tor application.
Railway Association. Oregonian.
LKA KV automobile repairing, driving, on
up-to-date cars; electrical, civil essineer
Ing. surveying; methods most practical;
room and board while learning: positions
secured; aatisfaction guaranteed; cata
logue free. National School of Engineer
ing, .110 west Ttn. lo Angcira.
FIFTY young mm wanted to prepare for
positions aa pnasenger ana rreigm
brakemen. locomotive firemen and tele
graph operators for Portland railroads,
k0. $125 monthly; no experience needed:
state position wonted, write for apDlica
tlon pacific Railway Association. Wash
ington bldg., Seattle. wasa
FREE Illustrated book, tells about over 880,-
ouu vacancies protectea position -. -aervlce;
more than 40.UCO vacancies every
year; there la big chance here lor you,
sure, generous pay, lifetime employment;
easy to get; Just ask for booklet C 3tv;
no obligation. Earl Hop-ins, Washington.
D. C - .
Increase your sales, hence your -a,ary
and commission, through a knowledge of
the science of salesmanship; Indorsed by
50.000 clients and 2000 leading Arm.
-rue- :lji.-i iuiv i-HiVlL.
Spaldlr.g bldg., Portland. Marshall 1728
MEN and women to learn the barber trade
in eicnt weeKs; special uiuuuj. i-
centage paid while learning; too.a free,
expert Instructors; 17 years In the busi
ness; S7 schools; a lifetime membership
given to each student. Molar Barber Col
lege, SO IN . jlll rui ...:, v..
POSITIONS waiting for young people who
are qualified to handle telegraph posi
tions; easy to learn; day and night
classes now forming. For particulars ap
ply J. C. Wright, resident manager the
Morse Telegraph Co. 605 Commonwealth
OlOg., n. ill i. j .
LIQUIFIED SULPHUR cures rheumatism.
eczema, stouicii, nuimj " u ,7
eases. Diug stores charge $1 pint. mik
it at home 26c gallon. Formulae and dl
rectlona 25c Write today. Internationa.
Sulphur Company, 836 Camblt sL, Van
couver, CanadaJ -
Easy Inside work; short houi-a; 125 to
$40 weekly salary. Call today. Lessons
reasonable. 626 ( Washington, near lith.
WE teach you a trade In few months time;
pay wages after second month. Electricity,
automobiles. plumbu-g. bricklaying; loo
satisfied workmen today; 40 Jobs going;
catalogue free. United Trade School Con-
tractlng Co.. Lo Angeiea.
MILLINERY school, both seasons taught.
make you competent 'to fill position in
three months; also experienced trimmer
will call at your home. trim, remodel
hats; old material made tr look like new.
Phone Main ClfeU.
GOVERNMENT customs. Internal revenue,
railway mall clerk examinations every
where soon; get prepared by former Unit
ed Kiirpi civil itervice secretary-examiner.
Free booklet 8. Patterson Civil Service
School, Rochester, N. Y.
KPECT4T. nrlvate instructions, short term.
saving In tuition; short road to buainesj
success; attend evening shorthand and
business class. Call evening Marshall
7S4, Apt. 24.
SALESMEN Real ambitious salesmen, now
employed, who desire to Increase their
Incomes. Classes in salesmanship instruc
tion being formed. Wm. A. Markert,
Mgr.. 606 Spalding bldg
H.'iKE'S your opportunity to make 1200
monthlv; spare time; no matter where
you live; no canvassing; guarantee free
booklet will show you how. H. E. Rogers.
Dept. AK. Boston. Mass.
LEARN to operate moving pictures; full
course taught; aecure positlona. 404 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington gt.
Shorthand, typewriting. bookkeeping.
642 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4258
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
1 AM a lumber statistician and bookkeeper;
my varied experience makes me a valu
able man for some lumber concern; at
present engaged, Out as it is necessary for
me to locate in Portland, 1 desire to maae
a change. Age 34 ana married. P. O. Box
244. Muqulaiii. Wasu.
I AM a married man, 28 years of age; have
had 7 years experience in clerical work;
am combination man with knowledge of
shorthand, bookkeeping and typewriting,
handling files, correspondence and rec
ord; will cousider eut-ol'towa position.
AS 552. uregonian.
YOUNG man, 29 years old, accountant, 8
years' experience, desire position with
responsible concern, experienced cashier,
used to handling large sum, underetande
stenography, speaks French fluently ana
some knowledge of Spanish. J 550, Ore
gonlan. BOOKKEEPER, cashier, age 80. ten year
experience in bank and office work, want
permanent place; 1 have lived in Portland
five years and can show the best of rec
ord and reference. Phone Marshall 2207,
or address R 453. Oregonian.
Position by experienced bookkeeper and
stenographer; in or our of city; married
man, permanent residence; good charactei.
best of references; unemployed. A 38L
YOUNG MAN wishes' some stenographic
work to do evening, or will call and
take dictation and transcribe It on my
machine and return transcripts. H 4t4.
EXPERIENCED man deslrea position a
bookkeeper, stenographer or salesman;
have extensive experience; an Interview
will convince you. AM 443, Oregonian.
WANTED Postlon by a flrst-cla ho
salesman; have had 10 years' experience;
can furnish the-beet of reference. Address
Box 306, Portland. Or.
EXPERIENCED auditor, accountant and of
fice man, and correspondent, particularly
Insurance lines, desire position, Portland
or Seattle. P 635, oregonian.
up book, prepare balances and state
ments. Install systems. Gllllngham, au
ditor. 612 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
PHARMACIST, registered In Oregon and
California, wishes position in city; A-l
reference; experienced; age 25. AF f34.
Oregonian -
A YOUNG lawyer. Just arrived In Portland.
would lino a cieraanip witn some estao
lislied firm; can furnish references. T 441,
Boo rv. KEEPING, cashier or clerical posi
tion, young lady, several year' experi
ence. Main 1298.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, well recom
mended, desire employment. Marshall
34 8.
WANTED by experienced bookkeeper, smalt
set books to care for evening. T 4'B,
I'oUNG man, 2 years drug experience,
wants position, evenings, bat. and Sun.
AN 454. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by young man. experi
enced salesman and shipping cl3rlc Will
go out of town. V 4 ia, oregonian.
EXPERT STENOGRAPHER desires position;
know bookkeeping; legal experience. AE
4.8, Oregonian.
HIGH-GRADE real estate bookkeeper and
office manager, wants position with A No.
1 real estate firm. AG 454, (pregonian-
BOOKKEEPER, office man, experienced In
plumbing, lumber, construction. X 447,
HOUSE window-cleaner, floor, furniture
rt polished, hour or contract. Main 8030,
CARPENTER " want Job work, any kind.
Call East 2059.
WANTED Small set of book to pot- X
449. Oregonian.
GROCERY CLERK from Denver. Colo. An
dres OtI Room. 371 East Burnslde.
IF WANT steady, reliable, experienced
stero-bookkeeper. address P. O. box 692.
SITUATION wanted by bookkeeper. In or
out of town. M 4tu, oregonianJ
MAN and wife want place together: man
first-class cook, waiter and all around
hotel and restaurant man; wife waitress,
ntntrv or kitchen helper: we have had
years' experience. In the East and have
been in ousines tor ourselves a ywui iioiw,
best references: will go anywhere, camp,
boat, hotel or restaurant; city or country.
Address for Interview. AR 501. Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS chauffeur and a,uto mc
hanif much exDorlence: capaole and
willing to do something else. Adress Levy
Tate. 271 neeier st.
uivtfIi Position a Janitor In apart
ment-house by married man; aome expe
rience. L) 4u. urcfc-oniuii.
vnrv.i Tnnn with irood experience
good milker want all-Winter Job on dairy
farm. A.N ""t1"
iipivrse Mutual Aid Association will fur.
nleh all kinds of help- Phone A 2484, rm.
16. 62 N. 4tr st-
OIL WEl.L UKlLbr.n: ttlLl-l.Mi IV ou
ANYWHERE, ti jao. pipo.m-'.
PLASTERER'S apprentice wants work; has
some expenenee! o.p,
MAN 31 years, wants Job: understands farm,
"lng and dairying. V 454. Oregonian.
WANTED Painting; write. Y 442. Orego
MEAT and grocery man wants steady work.
Good references. AL. oso. oregonian.
GENERAL houae cleaning, floors waxed a
Specialty, Atr laviuiwua, luwr vivo
I AM a Jewelry salesman, having had six
years' experience with a large Eastern
firm. Am considered a good salesman,
especially on watch movement. Will make
a valuable man for som concern needing
the services of a salesman. Am at present
engaged, but I desire to make a change.
8: years of age and married. P. O. iJx
44. Hermlstoii. Or. C. F. Morrow.
A YOUNG man of S2 years of age. having
had ten years experience In the lumber
business, desires- a position aa traveling
salesman with a good lumber company. In
city. Can furnish best of references aa
to character and ability, and will endeavor
to "make good." AP 51J. Oregonian.
PHYSICIAN and surgeon desire location
as locum tenens for 3 or 4 months: can
come any time; will furnish first-class
references as to ability and eharajter if
desired; will accept a contract position
for a greater length of time. Address AY
310, care Oregonian.
A YOUNG man of 24 years of age. having
had experience In general store; grocerlee
a specialty; safe, reliable and can fur
nish best references; all I ask 1 an op
portunity to show what I am. Phone
Tabor 638. 46J8 S. E. B7. ;
PRINTE R-FOREM AN All-around, up-to-date,
20 years experience, city and coun
try; total abstainer: seeks permanent job
with first-class country weekly or daily:
available Nov. L Address AV 810. Ore
gonian. PRACTICAL printer and all-round newspa
per man wants permanent situation on
live paper or In Job shop; married, sober
and capable. Write H. C. King, Alliance.
COMPETENT, reliable man, with large ac
quaintance, city and country. capable
handling office, sales or traveling. Is open
for proposition; highest references. h.
472. Oreponlan.
APARTMENTHOUSE manager: position
wanted as such; I can keep your apart
ments full, neat and clean; I am thorouttn
In this line; permanent: salary reasonable.
V 45;:. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED general merchandise man
wants position, country preferred; good
bookkeeper and salesman; good, clean
record; hustler; references. AE 4SL ore
gonian. AT LIBERTY; A-l manager of picture
show or vaudeville house (Eastern man
will guarantee results and pick up oeaa
ones; 20 years" experience. W. F. Smith,
room 1. Commercial Hotel.
THOROUGHLY competent man and wife
desire position to managa a modern apartment-house;
best of references; can posi
tively show results and be permanent.
Phone Main 01L -
YOUNG MAN with 4 years' apprenticeship
as camenter and S years in architect s
office, would start with small salary
there la chance lor advancement,
485, Oregonian.
YOUNG married man, thoroughly experi
enced In all lines for general store in
country town, can trim windows amd
write the advertising, will work 30 days
on trial. AV 322. Oregonian
.NIGHT or day watchman, experienced In
firing steam heating boilers; can give the
best city reference; must have work and
desire a steady employment rather than
big wages. E. K. Wilson, 124 Shaver
st. Wood lawn 2754.
PLUMBER, one of the best on the Coast,
capable of taking full charge: has all
necessary tools, city or country. M. Cotter,
flr2 H Thurman st. rnone a pjw.
M. P. manager and pianist, aio opejto.
at liberty, long experience, sober and re
liable. W. P. Landls. Vancouver. Waeb...
R. F. D. B, box B3.
YOUNG man. looking for and not afraid of
work, will consider anything 'hat re
quires work and hustle; will make good.
AD 47S, Oregolan.
WINDOW trimmer and card writer wiahes
to eet In touch with one or two email
.tores In the city desiring the -vice of
an experienced man. AD 472, Oregonian.
REGISTERED pharmacist. 80 year old,
good habits, 6-n year- experience; best
of reference, desire position In Ore-
- gon. O 494. Oregonian.
BAKER, New Yorker, first-class thorough,
experience In all kinds baking cakes,
bread, rolls, also reliable, sober, age 80.
married. S 476, Oregonian.
GOOD ail around office man. 12 years on
coast. IH year In P.rtland; uthre
ability; best of reference. AR 478, Ore
A GOOD all-around engineer want P";
tion; can do all kinus of repair work,
have my own tool; good references. n
618, Oregonlun.
CH1UFFEUR from the East wishes position
in private family, clean character . icb,
with best of reference. Chas. Shackleford,
B34 Borthwlck. rooms 2 and 8.
MAN and wife, young, no children, experi
enced and bard worker, want JahM
eition in apartment-houae. Phone Main
YOUNG man. seven yeare experience In
staple 2nd fancy groceries, wishes . posi
tion; not afraid of work; can furnish Al
references. J 528. Oregonian.
MAN. 85, position at any honest work,
capable of taking ear. of apartment
house; willing and experienced; good clt
reference. V 44D. oregou....
CHAUFFEUR and repair man; 10 year
factory garage and driving experience;
married and "strictly .ober; .alary WI.
AG 443, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted a attendant or n'"'"e
by expenenceu juurn, - 7-
elderly or mildly Insane patient: used to
travel! Jtref erenws.S 463. Oregonlan.
WANTED-Pos'ltlon by married man as
chauffeur; careful and thorough!, ac
quainted with city and sub.; two yarr
lty reference.AR 484. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED firemen familiar with all
make, of burners, marine and railway ex
perience. Address w. Martin. Merchant
Hotel. Phone Main 8678.
JAPANESE wants a position In a jewelry
.tort boy. gllver polishing; have
experience: or any kind work. S. .okal.
94 N. Sth st.. city.
DENTIST, experienced many yeara, Euro
pean granuate, - :r, 7,r:
do extracting especially. AP 428, Ore
YOUNG man with level eiptrreuc. -
like work witn u"ut'- ' '
427. Oregonian.
IKBL1ABLE man anW W"k ianUor
or general nouse """""
Kearney t- ,om.
. .v- V... A,.r- nd
IF you want a .aiesmau -o .... ----
can do ousines.. . ' -
P 601, oregonian.
YOUNG man will tend furnace and "of"1"
w, .hum house morning and evening
for room and board. Y 467, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by competent, Pr-aV.i-!tura operator. 45 N. -th
St.. room t.
lov ERT1SEMENT WRITER want. ' Position
will accept cio.i-.
es. AR 458. Oregonian;
HONEST; sober man wants wora; very goov,
at figure and handwriting. J 53L Ore
wants work: very good
JANITOR, experienced in apartment house.
offices, marrieu. ,v -
&r0, oregonian
POSITION as Janitor, "atc-iman riaa-
aged, marrieu . . .
MAN and wife wish to take charge of an
apartment-or rooming-house; experience.
P B2Q. UTCgimiBih
COMBED chauffeur desires position with
private family; will do housework. Main
MAN and wife, no children, desire ei ploy
ment small ranch or farm. References
Liven R E. Wood. 1151 Mississippi avo.
v7v -nd wife want care o. apari.11. en.
txperienced; references P 523, . Orego-
nlan. ,
MAN and wife want work on ranch; ex
SA ' .u- w Waits. Phone
perlencea; can
Main S734. 163 16th St. N.
fXPFRIE.N'CED window trimmer and show
cird writer de.lre. position either In or
out of Portianq. -i v,"..
JAPANESE BOY wishes any sort house
h.fnre U M. morning. AE 4.9.
r.Tc--ri?rt rnriTtTSTTCH assisted by
good bm wiahe. a choir to dlrecL AG
4S1, Oregonian.
WANTED Position a packer, nipping
clerk or night watchman by experienced
man. AH 497, oregonian.
MASON, brick, stone, cement. "".,'"'
naces; wage moderate. Newman. 152 .
0th st.
WANTED Situation by man and wife as
?XC .nd helner. city or country. Ad
dress AO 441, oregoum...
NEW and empty houses cleaned, joo or
hour. Main oma evenings, v.ieeu.
MOVING PICTURE operator desire por
tion a relief. ' AF 664, Oregonian.
YOflvQ MAN want work on farm. Win
work very reasonable- T 468, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wishe Inside wont 01 any
tnd; reterencee. .u iiv, bv-...-..
GOOD pastry baker want position; good
reference. Phene East 448.
POSITION by a chauffeur to drive private
car; good references. AS 548, Oregonian.
JAPANESE want, position as porter or
chamberwork. Main 6521, A 3921.
SHOW-CARD writer wants a position; small
w a ges to start. AB 449, Oregonian.
POSITION as assistaut engineer or fire
man. .1. loimotty. o :3 ...
Apply 61
-A nositlon as cook In a family.
lOih st. North.
XQj1 married man wishes position any
kino, lair wn.e. . ., .i...
MAN 40. wants barn Job; don't drink' ref-
ranee. E. W. -64 auing at,
WANTED Work aa Jaintor In rooming
house or apartment-house; can run oil
or wood boiler; I will take employment
In restaurant as porter or pantry work, or
yardman; I can give city reference; I will
call at once. AL 684, Oregonian.
WILL do Janitor work or night watch; will
take rooms, board for two, some cash.
AP 62S, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Position as stenographer with
real estate firm, 6 years' experience in
Los Angeles; employed at present In that
city, but for business reasons deaire to
make a change. Address Mis C, 621 H.
W. Hellmaa bldg., Los Angeiea.
BY DOUBLE-ENTRY bookkeeper and sten
ographer; over 12 years' experience; cap
able of full charge of book and corres-
' pondenoe; highest reference. F 495, Ore
gon ia u.
YOUNG LADY desire clerical poaitlon; Is
very proficient in drawing up legal In
strument uch a mortgages, etc. Writ
a nice hand and can do typewriting. G.
465. OregoniaD-
WANTeA Plays,- manuscript for books,
specifications, brief or any kind of type-
wrlun? r-alk-ri for and delivered. Spe
cially low prices and neat work. Address
A- J. K-, 168 East 1SU t-. Portland, ur.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, with knowl
edge of stenography and billing, want
permanent ponuon; excellent city refer
ences, phone bell wood lotl.
POSITION as clerk, general office work; un
derstand stenography and bookkeeping,
several years' experience; reference. J
4oo. Uregoniaa
iOLi.v lauy with experience in office
worK and bookkeeping wisnes position in
funeral parlors; 1 an experienced - organ
ist and sings alto. AP 426, Oregonian.
WANTED Position assistant bookkeeper,
cashier or clerk; have had 9 yeara' expe
rience. Phone A. G.. C 263, or address
5j2 East otth st. North.
POSITION wanted by a young lady of ex
perience In demonstrating office work and
bill clerk. Call Columbia 225.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced In the lumber
businee-i, desires position of any kind; Al
references. Address AG 480, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady stenographer, some experience,
with knowledge of bookkeeping, desires
position. Marshall 707. Room 24.
YOUNG woman wishes position as compan
ion or private secretary; reference. . C
624. Oregonian.
iiA.PERi' lady stenographer would like
work; prefer to work at home; rate rea
sonable. At' SIS, Oregonian.
Competent stenographer wishes perma
nent position with reliable firm. Main
2iiN or K. 443, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer;
references; permanent or temporary. M
440, Oregonian. v
FiRST-CLAS checker and cashier, refet
ences. National Cash Register system
Phone M. 5o30.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desire posi
tion; A-l references; would consider work
by hour. AS 551, Oregonian.
LADY wishes position In doctor office for
reception room and phone; have worked
In city. AN 486, Oregoniam
EXPERT bookkeeper would like to keep et
of books during spare time, reasonable.
AM 444. Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY stenographer, experienced In
general office work, desire position. Main
2451, A 21)06. Catholic Women's League.
WANTED Collecting to do by responsible
lady; reference given. AP 619, Ore
gon ian.
YOUNG lady atenographer desires light of
fice work with privilege of doing publn.
work. Tabor 1208.
POSITION Stenographer, cashier, general
office clerk well qualified In either capa
city, also bookkeeping. AG 475, Oregonian.
NO. 1 BOOKKEEPER dealre position, city
references. East 1872.
WELL educated lady, atenographer. desire
position; reference. A 394. Oregonian.
A lOtNG woman wishes position In doc
tor or dental office. W 487, Oregonian.
MDLLE DE BILLAUT. 055 Washington
tElla-st. entrance). Main 4498. Exclu
sive French designs in gown, suit,
waists, etc.
FOR 60 days I will make long coats at $7.
evening gowns at $12, street costumes
. from $7 up. Madame DeMay Wright, 62S
East Ankeny. East $825.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailorist,
wishes sewing in families; alterations, de
signing. Main 6219.
WANTED All kinds of needle work, plain
sewing, one-piece street dresses, etc, 103V
E. 18th t. North. A car.
COMPETENT dressmaker wishes more en
gagement by day; reference. Phone
Marshall 48S7.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker Jut from Eat
desires wont by hay; plain, lancy sewing
or tailoring. Phone C 1594. '
DRESSMAKING ami alteration by compe
tent dressmaker, by day or week. Main
7082. A 325U.
LADIES and children's tailor and dress
maker, at your home, best city reference.
Phone B 1139, Sunday and evenings.
DRESSMAKING and tailoring. 222 E. 48th.
Tabor 1078.
EXPERT dressmaker and designer from
Chicago; good fitter. Phone Marshall 1181.
DRESSMAKER, good fitter and style;
home or out; references. Main 78S9.
DRESSMAKING Want family by
day, $1.75; experienced. Main 5226.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring.
Mar. 1127, room 27. t-iihi Washington.
DRESSMAKING and tailoring, latest styles,
go out, $2 day. Marshall 1795.
EXPE-tiENCED dressn aklng done by the
day or at home. A 7504.
TO make tailor-made skirt a specialty. Call
Marshall 22O0. room 412.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3 per day, or
at home. Ida E. 30th. Tabor 8688.
DuEoaMAKEK wants sewing tn families or
at home. Phoqe A sows.
WANTED Plain sewing; prices reasonable.
Phone Tabor 2420.
DRESSMAKINC. alteration or plain sewing
by day or half day. C 2436, Main 4485.
AN Invalid wanting good praotlca) nurse
or traveling companion and nurse. Phone
Main 718.
EXPERIENCED nurse will care for chil
dren or Invalid, hour or day. bellwood
183d. -
RESPONSIBLE middle-aged woman would
care for children by the day or hour;
references. M 439, Oregonian.
Wei' nurse, competent take entire charge In
fant; best references. A 884, Oregonian.
A WOMAN of experience, of domestic and
public business, would like a position In a
business man's home as housekeeper; can
give best of references, city. Call Mar
shall 1684.
HOUSEKEEPER and companion; can take
full charge In family of adult; also good
cook; in or out of city. AJ 4S4, Ore
gonian. A MIDDLE-AGED, responsible woman wants
work in widower's family or for bachelor,
from 8 o'clock until 5. Address Mrs.
Adams, car No. 723 Borthwlck .. city.
MOTHER and daughter would Ilk to take
charge of home for gentleman In the
country or cook for mea on ranch, AB
446. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper for a
rooming-house, or for widower; no objec
tion to one child. 264 Jefferson St., room 5.
WOULD like position as working housekeep
er in a hotel or rooming-house; good ref
erences. Call A 2187 after 6 evenings.
WANTED Position a housekeeper for
roo-ning-ho lse on p. percentage nasi by
mlddlo-aged widow. Main 718.
YOUNG lady wishes position aa nousekeepea
for one or two gentlemen; business pre
ferred. AB 426, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER. position In widower
family, experienced and capable- refer
ence. 221 13th SL West. Main 6302.
THOROUGHLY experienced young lady, at
tending school, dealre housework; prefer
West Side, close in; some salary. A sovs.
REFINED young woman desire position
as housekeeper; reference exchanged. AL
646, Oregonian
A POSITION as bouaekeeper In rooming or
apartment house; experienced. East 8695
REFINED, neat widow, desire position a
housekeeper In widower's home, rooming-
houee or Hotel, pnone Main 1104.
WANTED Take care of hotel or rooming
house. Phone Woodlawn 8208.
REFINED middle-aged lady would like po
sition as houseKeeper Main earn.
keeper. A
woman a ' hou-
WANTED A place a housekeeper (the
elect preferred). Room 6, 2291. 2d t.
Good housekeeper wishe position:
ressonable. phone Marshall 4857.
CAPABLE German girl.' family cook. St.
Louis Agency. Main -uaw. A erio.
WOMAN wants work by day or hoar. Room
2. Phone East lias.
WOMAN wants ax work, Mrsnan
1 .
fOUNO lady. Just arrived from the East,
desires position immediately aa helper to
coairoaker; I'm first-clase finisher ano
buttonhole maker on men's clothe; can
make good sleeves. AT 682. Oregonian.
r'iLST-CLASS photographlo retoucher de
sires work by the piece or position In
studio; lest references. Phone C 43o.
Address Photo Retoucher. 434 Freemonv
Y.OUNO Mexican woman would like Job
singing In moving-picture house or cafe,
can accompany own songs on piano U
necessary. AT 6L Oregonian
REFINED young lady, employed 9 to 5, will
assist with houework or sewing morn
lng and evenings for board and room.
East 4S3L AP 424, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as companion to a re
fined woman by middle-aged woman; no
oblection to traveling; reference ex-
changed. H 604, Oregonian.
WOMAN, experienced, wants day' work
. 1 - - .it Huv TiiM'svi. Thursday. Sat
urday. Phone C 1434, East SBOO. At home
from I to 4 nunaay.
oilUATloN wanted aa housemaid by Swed
ish young laay. Address Rev. John Oval Is
residence, G48 Mill gt. i-none
YOUNG woman want place a companion
and helper or care of convalescent adult;
West Side. Phone Tabor 2603.
WANT work camp, boarding-houBa, hotel
r institution. Phone A 4205. Mrs. Al
itEFiNED young lady- desire position in
doctors or dentist oiiice. k w
AH 460, Oregonian.
REFINED young lady dealre nice home for
light ervices or company. "u
ment two meau. yy iu, www
, . . v-. . ...!.. .mn!Av.ii a tn a. wishes Place
In family 'as companion; will assist for
hmrri pri room: not ir out.
Ni'.AT. reliable girl want to assist "hall
family, cioae in, o per .
it too, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work,
Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. East 4226.
Room 6.
YOUNG lady, with experience wishe gen
eral office work or position a cashier.
Tabor 924. ; .
nnnri nv with two boy t year old,
want place In the country. T 446, Ore.
COMPETENT middle-aged lady would like
general housework four or five hour each
day. Best of references. Woodlawn48.
CAPABLE, cultured lady desire good home
as companion for light ervlce; highest
reference. A 4792. bet. 4 and 7.
RESPECTABLE lady, fond of e'lar
woulJ like care of child. Box 47, Os
wego. Or.
EXPERIENCED German teacher will take
ttw more pupli. at their own homes. 0
6U0, Oregonian.
WANTED Washing and Ironing at home ;
called for and delivered. Call after 7 P.
M., Marshall w-o.
EXPERIENCED girl .want housewors;
email family aduit; reference. AB 46o,
VERY competent laundres wiene or
tirst of week; best referenoes. K 4b2,
LACE curtains, draperies. "J""-" '-.Tr
-.-1. rents up. by expert. Tabor su.
CARE of invalid, some housework; $30
montn. & du, . -
WANTED Position as cashier by lady; best
,Vf references. AH 40B, Oregonian.
A WOMAN wishe work by day washing and
fancy ironing. Phone Main 6745.
LADY would like
Woodlawn 3203.
office work. Phone
SITUATION wanted as chambermaid.
West Side. Main 4839.
EXPERIENCED colored laundress want
bundle work. Phone Marshall 4040.
WANTED One or two children to care for
Wa7 my hoie. O 478. Oregonian.
REFINED young woman desires position as
companion. O 474. Oregonian.
WANTED Days work oy ur.i-cit
dress. Main 1 UN
EXPERIENCED woman want work In or
out of town, raarsiinn gv-.
EXPERIENCED woman wants npuse
InV 20c per hour. Telephone Tabor 3368.
FANCY work don reasonable for holidays.
Sellwood b.
COMPETENT woman want war, or
or hour, pnone ai-m iv"-
EACH curtain, washed, stretcneo. c.u.o
for. qeilverea. m
LACE curtain hand 'aunaerea. w
prices to notei. mo"-
GOOD worker wants gem.-. ,.0.--.-.
with caoy 1 yem o"J. "
rr.Tr, t- wM-k trontna-. cleaning, fine
"TT . . ,k. & P. M. B 1971.
366 East
rlrl want day work.
Davl st.
GIRL wishes position to assUt witn iignt
V....nrk or nursing. Woodlawn 2182.
EXPERIENCED woman wants days' work.
woodiawn io-
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Main 2266. room 15.
PLAIN sewing by day or 01
East pavia t.
COMPETENT woman warns -"' -
1- v. iinv
Cal! Marsnaii tuw-
LAUNDRY woman wants day wora, wa.u-
ine. ironing. cv -w-
WILL care for children any v,, ,-,.-.
Il VIOLINIST desire, work in Picture .how
rti dance worn. - -
GIRL 15 want, light nousewors. or
children. rnor
LESSONS given In grammar -de studies
-Tk Pinkish to foreigners. Marshall 3016.
niso English to foreigne;
PoiTriON BY Al xPlenced operator, at
vate ne-e. AC 606, Oregonian.
WOMAN wishes work by tne day or
day. Sell, im".
will assist light housework. m8,ll
AJ 4.15. oregoniau.
RELIABLE woman want work by hoar.
East 1425. .
day work. Call Tabor oQ94.
UADY wants
NEW sterling. hoecleanoJJkenU bonanza.
automR Liciuiy ":,.- ,at,rnn or
cmlS'sho." r. opVItfo-m
tuauy! !SS per Jest. Capable agent, ap-
flHlK'MOFac!a.Cyi02 Grand av...
est ime ""-rlm .hat meet
endars ever .";" .,-!. fo,
pSa't-T Manliattan AdertUing Spe-
claltles Co.
MARVELOUS. eiwational. entirely new
ce-uT;' wonderful se-ler In year.; stun-
tle IOC, g-nraiiiu,
?24 Vwra Place, Cincinnati.
vl- - v-TFn Representative; something new
W tfut of the ordinary ; popular demand
oulck money; correspondenc. ---"f-0 Grand avc. Lo. Ang-
lea. Cal.
HERE'S best line 01 tisvow y? . "'"T:T
toilet prepsr---.... - h . ,c
SVU.u.i. - ... , 1. ., ffl
needed; fine sample case
-nrUers. Write qulcK lor iun v-'
Imricn Product. Co.. 6299 Sycamore .L,
Cincinnati, O.
jitT-coin-money selling new improved
SHtr;?- Tin Sak.$r25b,Ia. I
Mills, cnicago.
ANY intelligent person bavin, ,150 to $2500
SiJiatei;? big result.; thU Vdk,
FREE to advertisers, book to keep , your
" if vou are looking for results
use classified section Boyce weeKiies.
Write. vising letterhead record book. Dept.
77. SOS uearoorn,
AGENTS getting rich .elling wonderful lu
AmlnoTus Irucifix; give
nleht darkest room; big profits, free par-f-thoilo
Importing Co.. K .
iRtvr ---., - ? -V-2 ;rci. which
i.V,. itself: 100 per cent profit; sample
free. Where U Want It Light Co.
T WANT YOTJ to take this chance tp make
I WABi jvu another offer like
KV."ini. wriie m today; fre.detalla
O. M. King, ITS S. Adam . Bpokane,
. either sex. aell guaraB
teed hosiery; 70 per cent profit: goods re
placed free If hole appears; .xp.rlenceun
Addrea "Wear Proof," Weil
Philadelphia, Fa.
,o.v r rr- r- r m-w iwn nnnrs nui uay
Srand new hosiery proposition that beats
ill: write for terms., free sample If you
mean business. Guaranteed .Hosiery 00..
JS74 State bids.. Dayton, Ohio.
AGENTS, earn $6 to $10 daily; new apeclalty
itiled in everv nviu-. so.u.
and fiee sample. Housewives Supply Co.,
Pak. Oregon,
ADVERTISING PIPES, sell to all merchants.
Commissions liberal. Sales easily made.
Sample free. Japanese Novelty Co.. Clin
ton lows.
PHOTO ooupons, a winning offer for agent.
r-T T SHWia oevm ""i
RESIDENT agents to introduce new Sn-ori
Cut to Ligiit. fo engines, ujuamw
intricate machinery. New Invention rev
olutionize old methods. Cost much less
to Install and operate than any known
method of Illumination. Gasoline lights
that can be switched on or off Instantly.
Artistic fixtures for all purposes. ueh as
lighting of store, homes, churche. halls,
streets, etc Neinlng to wear out or get
our of order; lt-year guarantee furnished
with each svstem: opportunity of lifetime
Is offered Industrious men to get Into per
manent money-making business; every sys
tem Installed sells others; every user en
thusiastic booster; write at once. Gloria
Light Company, 1275 Washington blvd.,
Chicago. ,
AGENTS Something new; whiskeys, liquors
and cordials can be made at uome. sav
ing over 5;' per cent of the liquor dealers
prices, with "Zanol" Concentrated Ex
tracts; a low minutes does the work;
makes the genuine article; you sell the
concentrated extracts, your customer
makes his own liquor; guaranteed strictly
legitimate; no license required; can be
sold In dry as well as wet territory; enor
mous demand, new business; thafa why
lt' easy; sample case and agent's outi'.t
free: big repeater, big profit, and big
business now; territory being snapped up,
send no money; don't wasto a moment.
Write or wire today now. Universal Im
port Co., Dept. 65i, Cincinnati, O.
to spend $100,000 on a tremendous ad
vertising campaign, requires the services
of a blight young man or woman In each
town and city. Tne work i easy, pleasant
and hlhly respectaole, and uo previous
experience Is necessary. We will Py a
good salary and otter an unusual oppor
tunity for advancement to the person w no
ccn furnish good references. In addltian
to this salary we offer a Maxwell auto
mobile, a Ford automobile and over fciooo
In prizes to the representatives doing tne
best work up to December 3L In your
letter give age and references. Address
Ira B. Robinson, Advertising Managur.
2043 Beverly t Boston, Mass.
irrtk ,rm' ih. hire-eat and easiest
seller on earth because If needed in
every home where oil lamp are used;
a lamp that uses a mantle burns coal
oil. Is economical and give better light
than gas or tungstea electric; over 100
per cent profit to agents; one agent sold
over XK00 worth In 15 days: another sold
1000 lamps on money-back guarantee; not
one returned; hundred coining money;
experience unnecessary; eli itself; even
ings made profitable; ask for agency prop
osition. Mantle Lamp Co.. $4 North 5th
St., Portland, Or.
What has been demanded we have per
fected by combining a vacuum cleauer
with a carret aweeper. We can protect
you In territory. People will not tell you
some other agent baa been ahead of you.
There 1 no other like It. Patented. Write
for photograph and terms. Harvoy Cor
poration, People' Gas Bldg., Ciilcago.
for our complete line of famous hand
power VACUUM CLEANERS, retailing at
low prices; guaranteed; protected by par
ent; big profit to you; our system Is dif
ferent; get our prices before buying.
IN every township, county and state to diu-
triDUte lor us our iamous yuivunun
VACUUM CLEANEK; small amount of
capital will piace you in paying, profit
able business; .5 to $150 per week easily
made. Our constantly Increasing, business
-has enabled us to manufacture most fa
mous medium-priced vacuum cleaner In
world. Sells for 5. Big profits to agent.
Write O'NEILL-JAMES CO., 387 Madison
st., Chicago.
WORK for yourself; make $50 to $73 every
week; Weaver, of Oregon, soin 40 one oa ;
profit $24: Lowry report. "Why, I ac
tually believe I could sell article blind
folded with gag in my mouth"; experience
unnecessary, selling self-wringing mop:
150 per cent profit; sample free with first
order. Write today. U. S. Mop Coiupan,
153 Sals bldg.. Toledo. Ohio.
A RESPONSIBLE firm has splendid opening
In Washington and Oregon tor experience,
high-grade salesmen for new patented de
vice; ho proven a tremendous seller and
repeater with all leading Eastern storrs
and hotels, new here; unquestionable ret.
ereuces Imperative; liberal commission
proposition. Box AV 817, Oregonian.
SELL new "sun" vacuum sweeper; clean
carpet on floors by suction process, col
lects dirt In bag without scattering the
dust; low price; quick sales; agents mak
ing big money. Write today for liberal
proposition. Sun Manufacturing Company.
Columbus, Ohio.
MAKE money down cellar thl Winter; one
man is uoing it so can you. j wiuu
room chestnut; new scheme you never
lieard of. "Back Lot Schemes" explains
and score of other unique, remarkable
Schemes in dirt." Write for prospectus.
F. U. Affhauser. Healdsburg. CaL
WE start you in business, furnishing every
thing; men and woinon; ...u 10 u
ly operating our "New System Specialty
Candy Factories," home, or small room
anywhere; no canvacslng; opportunity life
time; booklet free. Ragedale Co., box e.
Eait Orange, N. J.
GET acquainted, with our proposition; easy-
sales, big protlts; agents evsifwiieio
ting rich. Write today, information free.
Jas T. Coulton, 1137 Elk u, Belllngham,
Wash. "
Phone Main 3363. ure.
apart nieut.
JUAYS-REED CO., 207 Railway Exchange.
A FAMILY of four, children of 8 and 8
years, desire room ana ooara waa ui
family on East Side, near Catholic School
and in nice neighborhood; state rates ana
particulars. At. QKQ, oregonian.
WE have tenants new waiting to rent first-
class houses and flats.
Main 6560. 2i Washington St, A 6267.
u ivTirn Tn RirKT 7-room modern house,
Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor preferred. Main
1355, 713 Marquam oiag -
WE can rent youi place for you. Watson
& Therkelsen Co., Us-80 Spalding blug.
. M. 7Di. .
SMALL furnished flat or cottage, modern.
by Nov. 1. Adults, state lowest price -u
locallty. y 4.
NICELY furnished apartment for Winter
by woman alone in business; must be
reasonable, close In; references. Address
191 7th st. Helllg Theater bidg.
WANTED Furnished housekeeping apart
ment in private family, brother aud sister.
AB 522, oregonian.
WANTED Bv responsible parties, 8 nicely
furnished housekeeping rooms, with oatn
and ht. on first floor, or second floor,
with back stairway, where quiet and
where old do may be ept; must be
within 8 or 4 blocks of Portland Academy
give phone number. K 445, Oregonian.
thkke unfurnished, clean, light housekeep
ing rooms. In private modern home, want
ed to rent oy .v v . J . uiu.u " "
ter; piedmont district preferred; refer
ences. C 023, Oregonlon.
have you? Thousands of vacant rooms.
Let me fill your rooms. A. J. Jooiewnite,
628 Lumbermen e otug. nwrsnaiiiOTi.
GENTLEMAN desires room with or without
board, in reiinea uarw.. &..;. -
TWO room, suitable dressmaking shop,
where can do sewing to pay part first
month' rent. N 433, Oregonian.
ROOM WANTED Refined young man
want room In private family. East Side.
State price. AL o&o. oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED By young man of good habits.
board and room in private lanmy, vwiu
tn w.ikin- distance of Union and Holla
day; give phone number if possible. AB
462. oregonian
FOR couple employed. 2 rooms with board
t2 meals) in private family where child
of 4 can be cared . for during day. AP
620. Oregonian.
TWO ladies, employed, desire room- and
board in modern home; reasonable; walk
In distance: West Side preferred. V
47. oregonian.
YOUNG lady desires room and board with
exclusive family. West Side, or walking
distance from corner of Hawthorno anu
Grand; references. Aa 04. oregonian.
YOUNG man desire breakfast and C
rt'i.iof.1. flintier: warm. we!i-f urnlshed room
with good hoard, in refined family. East
Side preferred. A K 04?. oreKoiuan.
WANTED Room and board In private fam
11- rh,M thA ladv would care for (
child. 18 montns old, during the day. Call
at 11M) W. Par or pnone ftiaraumi -..'-p.
WANTED By two married couples and
.single lady, room and board In private
family: must be iirsv-ciaos i- icbu
able. Phono A 8944.
YOUNG MAN desires room, or room and
hnarri with refined private family: walk
ing distance; West Side. State price and
- 7. . 1 . H I'll- Ar.-n.l..
lull pariicuiain. . w-u. vi.b'niiun.
GENTLEMAN wants board and room in
privatB modern home; particulars; West
Sine. Al. .jr-y..inq.
GENTLEMAN desires room with or without
board in Irvington home; state terms. AS
525. Oregonian.
BY young married couple, board and room
with private family, wno nave nice uiuu
era home. AM 471, Oregonian.
Buslnetx Place.
WANTED First-floor store room In central
business district, about 1600 sq. fL. sult
sble for clothing store. Monthly rental
$150 to $200. A-l 'fnant: occupancy
Feb. or Mar. a S. Todd, 1119 Third av..
ONE nicely furnished room, close In, West
Side, desirable location. Apply Mr.
Raleigh. 413 Montgomery it. or call Eas
408. .
x-'urniBiied xtuonia.
Under new management.
625 vashinKton street.
Large lobby, finisued in mahogany, til
and niarbit; ladies' parlor, with elegant
fireplace; free telephone aervlce in rooms
all night and day. electric elevator, steam
beat, hot and cold water In all rooms,
many with bath. A reeiuentiai hotel above
repr-'ach. wnere every ertort is made for
the comfort aud convenience of it guests;
rents the most reasonable la the city;
room by the day, week or month. Look
this over before locating. Toko "W" car
at depot, get off at ltU and Washington.
4th and Alder street.
New .-elntorced concrete building, under
new management. Why not have a room
right down townt They are well fur
nished, right In the buslnusa center of
the city. All have hot and cold water,
many with baths and all other modern
conveniences. Price most reasonaoie by
month, week or day. investigate before
locating. Any car from depots pas with
In one block of hotel.
Corner Third and Main Sts.
Thoroughly moueri. ana clean, and con
ducted as a first-class hotel, under th
personal supervision of the owners. Spe
cial rate oy tn week, or xnontA to de
sirable parties.
Ai 12iH. VVAbiiiNuTON. AT 12TH.
Come early aud secure choice of 76
rooii.s. juaf opened under uew inauagunent
after being thoroughly renovated; will
Just suit It you desire an absolutely clean
and zucdern place In convenient location;
very reasonable; special rates by the
On Fourth St.. running from Salmon to
Taylor sis. In the heart of tne city.
Brnd new brick with all modern, convenl
ences, OHeriug special rates to permanent
guests. Rooms from $J.ou per week up.
'iourist trade solicited. GUa us, a call
and you will look no further.
081 L. Burnaiue.
Live here and ave money on your room
rent; we have 120 modern rooms, steam
heal, hot and cold running water, room
with private bath, singl or en suite, rates
$2 to $6 per wees; no extra chaige for
2 In a roony Phone East 5040; H 12 7 5.
126 13lh St., at Wash.
Rooms with detached bath $3.6Q to IS
per week; rooms vviih private bath, $22.00
to $27.50 per month; a first-class resideu,
tial holti under the persuual ma naaieut
of the own..T, J. W. Bushuug.
131 Eleventh Street.
New, moiiern brick building; steam
heated; private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasonable, call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
One block from Union Di-pot, 140 out
side rooms, with all inoUeru
Making special rates to permanent gucsta.
Rates from $10 per month up. Give us a
call and you wil be more than pleased.
128 N. 6th st.
A suiie of 2 line large rooms on first
floor: hut and co.d water, steam heat;
for 3 or 4 gentlemen; $3 euch per week;
also sqme nice corner double rooms up
stairs. NEW SCOTT HOTEL, corner 7th and Ank
eny; we have a few choice corner rooms,
with private hall, to rent on very reason
able tciin to permanent people; the
rooms are exceptionally large, light and
airy: give us a call.
HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnslde sts.
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnisned rooms; private baths, steam
ht-at, hot and c-old water, private phones
in each room: special rates by the month,
phone Marshall 4049.
WANTED -Roomers who desire and appre
ciate absolutely clean, newly furnished
rsonis at moderate prices; right aown
town. 2bS"i 8d SL, cor. Jefferson. Outside
rooms $2.5o up; hot water ail hour. Le
slrqble people only.
Just renovated; beautifully furnished
single and double roius. private baths:
$3 per week and up; steam heat, hot and
cold water In every room; both phones.
23d and Hoyt,
Thoroughly modern residence hotel
brick, running water and telephone in each
room; excellent meula, good sorvice. Mala
$3 Outside rooms, well heated, newly fur
nished, hot water alt hours, right down
town. Hotel Cadillac, 3d at., near Jeffer
son, Also douDle room, two bed, rea
sonable. G1LMOKE, 131 10th St., cor. Alder Clean,
well furnished, steam heat; respectable,
quiet plai.e; transient and permanent;
p.eniy hot water; treo baths; both paones.
Cue a day up; $2.5v to $i a week-
150 Park st., very central, European and
American plan; homelike service In dining
room at reasonable price; $1 European,
$2 American. Special rates per week.
10014 Twelfth SU Marshall 2790.
In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone in everi
room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up.
HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; Tin and
Taylor sts 1 block from Portland siotel.
opposite Helllg Theater. Main Xltt.
Large, pleasant front room; easy walk
ing distance; all homo -convenience ; $2.
2 50 to $4 per week. 828 4th st. Maiu
HOTEL EUCLID. 673 Washington; newly
furnished, with or without bath, modem
conveniences, some attractive suite un
able for 2 or 3 gentlemen.
Splendidly furnished outside rooms; ex
cellent table. 710 Washington. Main 81I6I.
HOTEL FORD Strictly modern, privet
phones in all rooms. 733 Washington St..
cor. Lucretia, near entrance to City Park.
Pbone Main 623.
TASTILY furnished rooms, clean, steam
'heated: plenty of hot water all rooms;
rates reasonable. Maxwell Hall, 14 La near
New, strictly modern, private bath and
suites; rooms. 33.50 per week up. M. 9412.
THE LARRABEE. 3271 Larrabee. Room
$2 and up; brick bldg., steam nee, hot,
cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
THE KING, 808 Jefferson, nicely furnished
rooms, modern, heat, bath, close busi
ness center, rates $2.26 per week up.
SLlLPING room for two gentlemen; tree
phone, steam heat; $8 per mouth. 429 st.
HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished
rjoms with all modern conveniences, . 6ta
and Main.
$13 PER month, nicely furnished four rooms,
complete. 91 1 Vs Williams live.; bath ana
new furniture. Phone E. oO".
'i' LAM-HEAT ED. furnished rooms, $2.50
per week. 308 V4 4th st.
FurtiUhed Rooms in Private J-amtly.
LARGE front parlor with exclusive porch;
also bearoom in quiet, mouern. newly
furnished ttat; rent reasonable: references
exchanged. Phono Marshull 412N,
J?' Li KN1.SHED room; modern conveniences;
' reaHonauie; walking distance. 32 E. loth
liLAUTli-'ULLY furnished rooms, station
beds. 743 Hoyt.
NEATLY furnislied room In private fam
ily; all conveniences; geutleman preferred.
1174 loth st.
LuiivijE, sunny room, hot and cold running
water, hot water heat, with or without
board. 564 Flanders. Marshall 2747.
UjS WASHINGTON, cosy rooms, from $21
extra large one. $5; furnare heat.
J1.50-WEEK Large, clean, welt furnished
front room. 420 Jefferson.
iNlCELY furnished front room in privatt
family. 254 Pago st. U car.
NICELY furnished room, close In; private
family; walking distance. 3L". Went Park.
LAKGE front suite, suitable for two or three,
finest location. 67 North 20th st.
W' ELL-FURNISH ED room, rent very rea
sonable: suitable for 2. 869 12th.
Ifl I'l.lJ IULil!lie .1" V. V.VVV 1
Marshall 3677. Ci!9 i'londers.