The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 13, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 31

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FIFTY young mn wanted to prepare for
position as passenger and freight train
brakemen, locomotive firemen and tele
graph operators tor Portland raiiroaas,
8&0. $125 monthly: no experience needed:
stats position wanted, writ for apoiica-
uon. pacific Kan way Association, vtaau-
ington bide.. Beat tie, wafli sj
BARBERS' Board of Examiners of Oregon
will be In session October 14. 15 and 1ft
at 167 First su, this city, lor tne pur
pose of examining all those holding per
mits: those holding permits failing to ap
pear for examination on either of tne
above dates, their permits will be revoked.
T. M. secretary.
men and ladles In the telegraph service-
Salaries $75 to $t0 pur month. Easy to
learn, positions waiting. Main Line wires
In school. For particulars apply to J. C
Wright, resident manager the Morse Tele
graph, Co., 605 Common wealth, bldg., 6U
and An ken y.
FREE Illustrated book, tells about over 860,
uuu vacancies protected positions u.
service; more than 40,000 vacancies every
year; there Is big chance here for you.
sure, generous pay, lifetime employment
easy to get: lust ask for booklet C 369
no obligation, Larl Hopain. Washington.
U. 1
LOCOMOTIVE: firemen and brake men for
near by rai I roads, J SO to 1 00 mon thiy
age is to experience unnecessary:
trlke : promotion to engineer, conductor.
Railroad employing headquarters. N o
charge for assistance to employment
state age; send stamp for application.
rtan way Association, Oregonian.
Increase your sales, hence your -alary
and commission, through a knowledge of
me science oz salesmanship; inaorsea oy
ov.wu clients ana xuuo leaning nrms.
BpaMlng Bldg.. Portland. Marshall 1722
HEN and women to learn the barber trade
in eight wee; special inoucemeau; per
centaxe oaid while learn in k : tools free;
exoert instructors: 17 ve&n in the busi
ness; 27 schools; a lifetime membership
' given to -each student. Moler Barber col
lege. 85 N. 4th st., Portland, Or.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving, on
up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineer
in:, surveyine: methods most Dractical:
room and board while learning; positions
secured; satisfaction guaranteed; cata
logue free. National School of Englneer-
lng, 2110 West 7th, Los Angeles.
UNEMPLOYED? $15 to $25 weekly in the
mail order business; It's permanent; you're
boss; little money required; experience
unnecessary; no canvassing, quick returns.
write today xor positive proox ana inter
esting booklet free. Desk 45. Pease Mfg.
to.. inc. tti -Broadway, gmiaio, i.x.
SALEjUEN. no experience reauired; earn
while learning; write today list hundreds
position now open paying $iouu to sauuu
year. Address nearest office, dept 466,
National Salesmen's Training Association,
Chicago. New York, Kansas City, beat-
tie. New Orleans, Toronto.
WE teach you a trade In few months time;
pay wages after second month. Electricity,
automobiles plumbing, bricklaying. luO
satisfied workmen today; 40 jobs going,
Catalogue free. United Trade School Con
tracting Co., Los Angeles.
vitvt niT nn tw v. t? A TV.
Easy inside work; short hours; $2o to
$40 weekly salary. Call today. Lessons
reasonable. 5204 Washington, near 17th.
GOVERNMENT customs, internal revenue.
Tilwav mail rlerk examinations every
where soon; get prepared by former Unit
ed States civil service secretary -examiner.
Free booklet 8. Patterson Civil Service
School, Rochester, N. Y.
LADIES, 'make shields at home; 410 per
100. Work sent prepaid to reliable wom
en. Particulars tor stamped, addressed
envelope. Eureka Co., Dept. 97B, Kala
mazoo, Mich.
FOOT -DOCTORS needed everywhere. Earn
960 weekly. Profession taught by mail;
diplomas. Write for booklet; tells how.
Frof. Frasiesr- LL.D., 101 West 42d, New
Rii.F!SMK Ra.I ambitious salesmen, now
employed, who desire to increase their
incomes, (jiasses in saiesmansuip iubliuu
tlon being formed. Wm. A. Markert,
Mgr., 505 Spalding bldg.
UKKE'S your opportunity to make 4200
monthly; spare time; no matter where
you li e; no canvassing; guarantee free
booklet will show you how. a. sogers.
Dept. AK, Boston. Mass.
I WILL start you earniug Si dally at home
In spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital,
free instructive booklet, giving plans of
operation. G
jr. Redmond. Dept. 56, Bos-
ton. Mass.
FRENCH and German; private lessons; cor-
rrt nrnniinrlnllAn bv Individual tuition
grammar and conversational lessons. John
Muttray, izi aeiiing umg., city.
HIGH-CLASS stock salesman wanted; must
be well recommended and responsible; by
established mfg. business. AE 603, Ore
.AMRTTIOUS voting- men to become travel
Ing salesmen, earn while they learn. Write
Tor particulars, jsraastreei Daieiu, wu
ester, N. Y.
RAILWAY mail clerks, prepare now, ex
cellent salaries and promotions; no lay
offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa
cific States School, McKay bldg., city.
WANTED Men to learn watchmaking and
engraving- few months learning ; position
guaranteed graduates. Write Watchmak
ing School, 210 Globe bidg.. Portland, or.
LADIES make supporters, $12 per 100; no
canvassing; material furnished; stamped
envelope particulars, w aoasa suppiy v-u.,
desk 8tJ5, Milwaukee, Wis.
INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools;
headquarters 152 8d st. (near Morrison).
Open evenings. Personal assistance given
students. Phone Msln 4048.
BE DETECTIVE Earn 1100 to $300 month!
Travel evervwift-Te. Stamp for particular i.
National Detective Service, Los Angeles,
Book keepers and Clerks.
X AM a lumber statistician and bookkeeper;
my varied experience makes me a val
uable man for some lumber concern ; at
present engaged, but as It is necessary for
we to locate in Portland, 1 desire to make
a change. Age 34 and married. P. O. box
-44. Hoqulam, Wash.
RELIABLE accountant will take charge of
estate books for trustees and executors,
write up books for nrms where regular
bookkeeper Is not required, audit accounts
and adjust complications; bank refer
etces. Mr. Chamberlain. 410 Spalding
bldg. Mars h a 11 t7 4.
BUSINESS MAN", executive. 10 years' ex
perience with high class financial insti
tutions, open for preferment. Excellent
business connections, large personal ac
quaintance, highest credentials, etc. Ad
dress AD 465. Oregon lan.
Position with good firm in or out of
town; good appearance; executive head;
original methuus; fiu-a writer; business
getter; wide awake. 'AG 446, Ores Oman.
YOUNG man wishes position as sten
ographer; beginner, but cupable of man
aging fair position; would doother work
part of time if desired. H 4o0,- Orego-
CAPABLE male stenographer with fair
knowledge of bookkeeping ; used to em
ployment; been loafing for ten days; It
gets my goat; accept position In or out
of town. P. O. box 692.
FIRST-CLASS accountant and office man
with 12 years' experience opeu for en
gagement; fine references. AM 450, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG man with some money and good
business experience wants to hear of le
gitimate opportunity. Good office man.
AM 45t5, Oregonian.
A SMALL set of books wanted for keeping
after school and on Saturdays by ex
perienced bookkeeper and typist. K 400.
Oregonian. ' '
LUMBER ACCOUNTANT and first-class of
fice man desires position with good lum
ber company. .Best of references. T 4t2,
up books, prepare balances and state
ments, install systems. GilUngham, au
ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
YOUNG, stven years' experience in
staple and fancy groceries, wishes posi
tion: not afraid of work; can furnish Al
references. J o-S. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by competent boo keep
er ard stenographer, with six years' ex
perience in lumber business. Best of refer-
ences. L 613. Oregonian.
BY middle-aged American; no objection to
hours and not afraid of work; clerical
work preferred. K 454. Oregonian.
AN A-l salesman w ishes a position In or out
of town; A-l references. C 514. Orego
nian. KE LIABLE accountant will keep and write
up books, prepare balances and state-
ments; auditing. 335 East 30th st. North.
COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper
d sires employment; married, sober and
Industrious. P 451. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced, competent
bookkeeper desires engagement. AE 4D6.
HIGHEST class result salesman wishes a
gaud position 12 years' success; submit.
O 486, Oregonian.
tate firm.
s bookkeeper for Al real es
AT 571). Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, well recom
m ended, desires position. Marshall 34.
BOOKS fixed up right. small charge.
Anderson. 226 Henry bllg. Mar. 2073.
BY competent man. stenographer la law of
fice. D 4t2, Oregonian.
ASSISTANT to bookkeeper desires position;
references. Call O Mix.
situations Wastedmale.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
1 WANT a position, with a wholesale firm,
where ability and earnest, conscientious
work will brine advancement. Am ;,
years of age, married. A-l bookkeeper
and stenoeraDher. ell uo on credits.
capable of taklnsr full charse. Good at
making delinquents pay; can reduce your
outstanding accounts; years experience;
4hk years with local wholesale firm, where
at present employed. Acquainted with
tne general store trade throughout ure
gon and Washington. AH 48 y, oregonian,
YOUNG man, several years bookkeepln;
and office exnerience. desires position, vie
of becoming interested. Best references.
a an uregonian.
A thoroughly reliable and experienced
couple, miadle-aged, want position to
manage a good apart men t-no use. ugn
class references. Willinz to accept rea
sonable salary and apartment for own use.
fnone Main Wii.
I AM a jewelry salesman, havlns had si:
years' experience with a large Eastern
firm. Am considered a good salesman,
especially on watch movements. Will make
a valuable man for some concern needing
the services of a salesman. Am at present
engaged, but X desire to ma a change.
3U years of. age and married. P. O. B3X
484, Hermlstou, Or. C F. Morrow.
SUPERINTENDENT of construction build
ings, bridge conduits. docks, dams.
flumes, hydro-electric. Irrigation, pipe.
lines, reservoirs, sewers, seawalls, tun
nels, wharves, etc., who thoroughly un
dcrstands his business, can produce re
suits at lew coat. AD 445, Oregonian.
BAKER, German. first-class. all-around
man, good on cakes, bread, rolls, plea, long
years experience, Europe and New York
City, have taken charge in small and
large bakery; also sober, reliable; age 32,
married y. -i;es pennon, -tix, w
THOROUGHLY experienced and capable
traveling salesman desires permanent con
nection with a house of quality, either
at home or on the road; an opportunity to
work partly on a commission oasis win
be appreciated. Address AF 510, Ore
A PRACTICAL and experienced gardener,
lnnrflifl -arnner nl&nt erower. special
ist In roses and carnations, graduated
from a .gardener training school, wants
situation on commercial, private place or
lor institution, av 3u, oregonian.
WANTED Situation with country weekly
or semi-weekly, by A-l advertising solici
tor and news writer. can duuq up prop
erty. Want Hv location. Can manage
plant. Buy interest later. Best refer
ences. A. Burhans, WatervIIle, Mmn.
A CAPABLE, adaptable and efficient young
Sentieman stenograpner ano typun, oi ie
ewish faith, wishes salaried position,
modest compensation to begin; no Satur
day work: highest references. Address
Portland Business College.
WANTED By man, 34. position with good
iirm; 10 years" experience in reai estate,
loan and Insurance business; 3 years sec
retary of Insurance company; able end
competent office man; a bustler. AC 600,
POSITIOV as nleht watchman or lanltor.
experienced in firing steam Doners, owti
city references of six years and will work
very reasonable. l. K. wiison, az-
Shaver st. Woodlawn 1249.
GOOD Advertising man ooen for Position
experienced in all Kinds or out-aoor puo-
llcity, newspaper ana catalogue worn; can
Install and handle mall order department.
AN 4i4, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED solicitor and salesman, of
fice furniture, sales, hardware special
ties nd bonks. non for Dosltion o:
agency. C 500, Oregonian, or phone Hill,
A 7831.
POSITION WANTED By a No. 1 chef lh
hotel, restaurant, duo or careteria, in
or out of town. I am an all-round man
and economical workman. Al references.
Sober and reliable. AF 515,Oregonian.
WANTED Position by practical laundry-
man as roremaa Dy uci. io; oniy pi.iu
where the pressing system Is used consid
ered, or in large hotel or institution; stale
saiary ana particular, a v ioo. w6
SITTTATIOV wanted hv a man with a tech
nicai engineering training, having naa t
years experience in designing, oraugnt
ing and general engineering work; can
giva best references. AV 30U, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS general merchandise man
wishes position in country store; can take
charge or do buying If necessary; best
references; might buy if suited. O 461,
HOTEL MAN and wife, absolutely compe
tent, would act as manager ana nouse
kftflner. citv" or country hotel. Eastern ex
perience; local references; employed at
present. V 4S7, Oregonian.
WANTED Work as janitor wood or oil
burner; will take any steady employment
or watchman nigh ts ; don't drink or
smoke cigarettes; middle-aged ; can give
good city references. AK ail, oregonian.
WANTED Man. wife and daughter want
Job of running country notei zor wages
reasonable, thorough, reliable hotel peo
ple; finest cooks. H 458, Oregonian.
JANITOR desires poaition; experienced in
Dunaings ana apartment-nouses; uuuei
stand some steam fitting. H 457, Ore
Man and wife to manage apartment-house
or hotel on percentage 7 Very highest
references. At uregooian.
POULTRYMAN, with experience In handling
Incubator and raising cmcitens on larga
scale, wants position, l rteinnart, joi
Williams ave. -
CHAUFFEUR and repair man; 10 years'
factory, garage and driving experience;
married and strictly sooer; siutu-y fxuv,
AG 4-18, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, Japanese, careful driver.
with e-nnri hfthitJi familiar wiin city.
wishes steady position private family. T
404, Oregonian
ENGINEER. 20 years experience, holding
IWla license, oou-n.p., can maintain elec
trical plant, lathe experience, wants work.
Stewart, sin lamniii.
experienced man and wife want work
on ranch or care oz place; reierence; no
children. Address T. L. c, quo to su
MATHEMATICS, experienced teacher would
like a few students lor private lessons.
435. Oregonian.
A JAPANESE boy wants to work as porter
j 1 k. -1, U Vau T V!v.-T-.
Or UO CUAUiucr wvm. . - -
ett st.
YOUNG man desires position at anj tning
where hard worn win d dyyicv-micu. -
543, Oregonian.
WANT any kind of work after school hours
and Saturdays, can ciera in oiur.
WANTED Position as night watchman by
man of 40, sooer ana not airaiu u.
AL 543, Oregonian.
A POSITION as janitor, collector or watch
man by a miauie-agcu mwi
Phone Tabor 2903 or 7123 GOth ave.
YOUNG man attending Holmes Business
College desires a piaco io wur "S. "
room and board. Call Main 513, A 25j4.
YOUNG man and wife desire work on ranch.
good farmers, no tuuuicu. V S
bla 225 or write St. Johns, box 8ftft,
POSITION by man and wife, German, mid
dle-aged, no euuureu. jaiuiui ui
family; references.
H SOI, Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced grocery maa,
work in store, a yer avmiu.. v
67th S. E.
MAN" and wife, capable, desire care of poul
try farm or small ranch or property near
Portland. AB 440, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR and repair man, stranger,
wishes position ss helper on auto truck,
so as to learn city. A. M. Marshall, 3423.
MANand wife; man all-round cook and
meat-cutter, wife room work or pastry;
country hotel. AC 445. Oregonian.
POSITION by 'man and wife as Janitor in
apartment-house. Some experience. C
603, Oregonian.
HANDY man to attend furnace, garden,
ranch; good recommendations. B 42 Ore
gonian. CUTTE1. and first-class coatmaker. willlna
to do both, desires position; wages 30 pei
week. C 513. Oregonian.
Hol'tE. window cleaner, floors, woodwork
repollshed; hour. Job. Main 8036. Martin.
ALL-AROUND engineer and good repair
man wants position. D 454. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants a Job for half day or
short hours. E 457, Oregonian.
AN experienced Japanese boy wants Job a
elevator ooy. aj vi
JAPANESE wishes pos itioa as porter or
janitor, n ujw.
PALTRY cook, baker, wants position.
446, Oregonian.
GOOD boy wants delivering, grocery
butcher shop. Phone Woodlawn 1438.
POSITION in grocery store to be generally
useful; references. W 448, Oregonian.
M VRR1ED man wants position on farm or
dairy ranch- AD464. Oregonian-
LANDSCAPE work done by day or con
tract. Main 4116.
GOOD pastry and all-around man wants Job.
t?. i - .Nnri C. 5 9 ? i.
FIN DOW cleaning, kitchens and stoves
nicely cleaned. Main 6573. day or night.
EXPERIENCED carpenter, $3 day; contract
work solicited. Phone Woodlawn 983-
WANTED Paperhangiug or painting.
4S!, Oregonian.
KtLiABLB man wants janitor work or
nlshtwatchman. AB 43S, Oregonian.
GENERAL housecleaning, janitor work, day
or hour. Phone E. 13S9. Mr. Thompson.
YOUNG man wishes S hours work evening;
and all day Sunday. F 82, Oregonian.
l'OUNG man, German. American raised, of
good character, experienced in general
farmwurk, desires position with refined
German family. Will milk, if necessary.
State full details in answering. AR 465.
SASH, door and planing-mill estimator and
salesman, xo years experience, marneu,
highest references, desires permanent po
sition which may grow into something
big. Phone East 6730 or address X 462,
WANTS a Doa It ion. a nlumber. first-class.
one of the best on the Coast; capable of
taking full charge. Has all necessary
tocta. vouid go in country. Al. cotter,
No. (552-A Thurman st. Phone A 3863.
AN 18-year-old boy wants a place to learn
electrical business: has some experience;
opportunity for advancement with living
wage desired. Phone Last 2o9.
POSITION wanted aj attendant or nurse
by experienced young man ; would take
elderly or mildly insane patient; used to
travel; best references. S 4bl, oregonian.
A MAN with family wants position on farm
Dy tne year at xrom 9w to io a montn.
nouse ana other accommodations. aq
dress S. Vrooman, Gaston. O.
YOUNG married man desires position as
sales manager with zirst-ciass mercantile
nouse; aouuy., oono, sooer. u
4o3, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, with long experience In ho
tel wouia ltxe position, cnamuerwora;
are capable of taking full charge; best
city references, a. 40 i, uregonian.
uregon, can nandie good side tine on com
mission, a 3o, oregonian,
MARRIED man wants position as manager
or apartment-house or hotel. tgnt years
experience, .fnone Main uoij.
CARPENTER wants Job work any kind.
can Last 20s.
FIRST-CLASS baker, meat cook and pastry
cook, ak eoo, oregonian.
Bookkeepers aud Stenographers.
YOUNG woman of good appearance, com
petent, morougn,, stenograpner, oooaaeep-
er, wiaeiy experienced in clerical worn,
wishes permanent position with estab
lishment, or will travel as secretary. G
45t), oregonian.
WANTED Position as stenographer with
real estate iirm, o years- experience in
Los Angeles; employed at present in that
city, but for business reasons desire to
make a change. Addresi Miss C, 621 H.
w . .rienmau oidg., los Angeiea.
THOROUGHLY experienced capable book-
Keeper ana stnapgrapner, young woman oi
tact, accustomed to handling confidential
ousmess matters ana taaing charge on ice.
a aotf, uregonaan.
CAPABLE woman wants positijn as cash
ier in restaurant or oiner responsiDie po
sition, where honesty and integrity count.
.Best ox reiereuces. x 437, uregonian.
HAVE taken advanced trainlnr in account-
tng ana am an experienced oookkeeper.
Can produce results. would like inter
view with good firms. Y 460, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wishes to share her
rooms with nice working girl; stenogra
pner preierred; private home; very rea
sonable. SelL 02 or D 458. Oregonian.
EXPERT etenoKaroher and typewriter.
with clerical experience desires work to
do at home or evenings. AO 489, Ore
LAD Y bookkeeper wants position as first
or assistant bookjeeeper, quaiiiiea to nan
die general office work. L 612, Oregonian
or phone c lUUtt.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. 12 years-
experience, executive aoiiity ana gooo pen
man, desires position. City references. AF
pits, oregonian.
POSITION wanted by capable, experienced
Dusiness woman; very proiicient in dook
keeping: will invest if proposition is suit
able. Address AK 62tf, Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenotrraDher. bookkeeDet,
good penman, seven years' experience, de
sires employment novemoer x. tr
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants em
Die-y men t about hair time; good reier
ences. Address 821 Beck bldg. Phone
Main 4749.
CAPABLE stenographer having typewriter
wishes permanent position; moaerato sal
ary. Mam at.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants permaa
ent position, city references. Pnone ben.
wood 1301.
PUBLIC stenographer would like desk room
or connecting oixice with telephone serv
ice. AH 48S, Oregonian.
YOUNG ladv stenographer and assistant
Dookkeeper; nve yeary experience; oest oi
reierences. raoor liw.
COMPETENT stenographer would like per
manent position; none but renaDie parties
neea answer, aj iu, uregonian.
A COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenog
rapner wants permanent position, ad dz,
STENOGRAPHER Young lady wishes posi
tion; neat ana accurate; city reierence.
Marshall 707 or A 2481. room 12.
STENOGRAPHER wishes copying work to
do at home evenings. AT ool, Oregonian.
LADY stenographer desires position; ref-
erencea. atain 3301.
LADY stenographer desires position In law
office; references. A oooo.
YOUNG lady, stenographer and assistant
bookkeeper. Phone Main 390tf.
STENOGRAPHER, 12 years' experience,
sires position. 443 H E. 4aq. laoor my.
TYPEWRITING, by day or hour; stores a
specialty. R 432. Oregonian. or Main 73.
YOUNG lady desires position In doctor's
waiting-room. Tabor bo.
EXPERIENCED trimmer will call at your
residence or worn at nome; trim, re
model bats ; old material made to look
like new; charges reasonable. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED, competent dressmaker
wants sewing by day or at home; satis
faction guaranteed. Phone East 4938 even
Ings only.
LADY, experienced In embroidery and lace
making wouia nae nor. wiia ares&majter.
Phone Marshall 181.
STORE altering done satisfactory,
dresses made new; prices reasons uie.
Tilford bldg
DRESSMAKING, alterations, children's
work, by day or hour, a aoya. ask xo
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress
wishes iew more engagements oy day.
Marshall 1029.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker and designer
wishes more engagements oy aay. frice
53.50 per day.Maln 1153. Apt. 15.
DRESSMAKING and tailoring, will go out
by day, 2. Phone Mannau utfa.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring by
the day. Taoor wo.
Ait T needlework and lessons. Phone East
6171. B HOtt. '
EXPERIENCED dressmaking done by the
day or at home. A 7oU4.
2 FOR outing flannel gowns, best material.
wen mane, r-aone cui
RELIABLE dressmaker by- day or week.
Phone Tabor 2ibtt.
SEWING done in families by the day. Phone
Sellwood 1952.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, at shop or
day. 4UZ jttucnanan oiug. juarsnaii z-tou.
WANT plain sewing to do by the day.
Marshall 1693.
WANTED Dressmaking at home or by the
day. Tabor 4vsi.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker at your home.
J4. TeL 1182 (Sellwood).
TAILORED skirts and waists; work guar
anteed; reasonaDie. Marsnaii loou.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes care Invalid; some
housework; $30 & month. V 44u, Orego
nian. YOUNG glrL Id yeards old, desires position
as child's nurse ana soma upstairs wora.
Marshall 3212.
THOROUGHLY competent nurse wishes po
sition taxing cnarge or miant or smau
child. Best referencea Sellwood 1943.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes a position;
do housework. - bet i wood 1944.
GOOD, practical nurse, doctor's reference.
Main tjbdt.
PRACTICAL nurse. Mrs. Kelly. Phone
Mam aj.6i. oou Morrison, cor. latn.
YOUNG woman (widow with daughter 12),
experienced, best reierences. wants posi
tion; housekeeper, small family, city or
town. P. O. Box S65, St. Johns, Or.
POSITION as housekeeper or nurse and
companion to etaeriy couple by capable
woman. R 505, Oregonian.
MAN and wife wish to take charge of an
apartment; have had a number of years
experience. D 461. Oregonian.
lAui, with child, wishes position, house
keeper. Must have piano in house. A v
2Vr. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper in wid
ower's home; no Incumbrance. K 4W1 Ore
gonian. k - - -
Housek eeiem.
A REFINED, middle-aged lady, excellent
housekeeper and cook, would like a po
sition in widower's family or where she
can take entire charge; would consider
good pleasant home more man Dig wagea.
Pbone Woodlawn 627, or aa 4b, ura
gonian. .
MOTHER and grown daughter wish position
as housekeeper on a ranch or in hotel in
smaii town; references. u aoo, wi6u
nian. ,
LADY, unincumbered, wants position
housekeeper for business couple, club of
students, bachelor or widower. No ob
jections to children. AO 453, Oregonian
REFINED widow lady, with little girl,
wants position as housekeeper for widower.
Address P. O. Box o, Hew Plymouth,
motweib and dauehter would Ilka house
keeping, widower or bachelor home. In
or out of city. W 446. Oregonian.
WIDOW, with girl, 9 years, wishes position
as housekeeper in respectable family. Call
or write 1032 East 80th North.
WOM ;VN with child wants to keep house
far man in country; small wages; gooa
home. C 606, Oregonian.
YOL'Nf! woman wants charce of bachelors'
home; only first-class position considered.
Lj du uregooiau.
REFINED lady wishes housekeeping for
gentleman with one or two children. 1402
Rodney ave. woodlawn .24 1.
BY capable woman, housekeeping and care
or old iaay or invalid. AJb ox i, urego
nian. Domestics.
REFINED young lady desires domestic
work In small family, where she may
have home privileges, or housekeeping
position. Ar ool oregonian. -
CAPABLE Swedish women, cook, hotel,
camp. crew. St. Louis Agency, Main 20u.
Mlscellaneu us.
Young lady pianist wishes position a
accompanist or with an orchestra ; has several years experience and can xur
nish excellent references. Call Miss Del
gade, J3 3007, or address 125 E. 32d St.,
Who also plays piano, will accept posi
tion In picture theater in or out of town;
has strong voice; can put on special' musl
cal features. AG 449, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by a first-class fitter
ox ladies garments; no oDjection to out
of the city. 806 Tillamook st. Phone East
WANTED Work by experienced chamber
maid in roomirg-nouse or kitcnen worn
in private family. Address 701, Savler st.,
COLLEGE graduate wishes work tutoring
pupus in grammar graae or nign scuuui
subjects and oil or water color painting
Phone Woodlawn 16S3.
A WOMAN wishes place taking care of-chil-
aren evenings wmie rotas axe ai meaier,
any evenings but Tuesday. Address AS
v21, Oregonian.
APARTMENT free; young married ladv
would like to manage small modern apart-meiu-house
for the use of apartment; ref
erences. Y 438. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED saleslady desires position in
ready-to-wear department; aieo aoia to
do alterations; good recommendation. AE
501, Oregonian. .
WANTED By an experienced teacher from
tne extreme East, pupils xor private tutor
ing In grade subjects, Latin or English.
c two, oregonian.
NEAT youn a: xirl wants position to do sec
ond work or upstairs work and care oi
children. Address F 493, Oregonian, or
3S0 E. 1st North.
WANTED Day work by experienced laun
dress; can give references. Phone wood
lawn zao.
WANTED Lady past middle life wishes po
sition as nurse, companion or nouseaeeper.
AK 4ii, oregonian.
A colored woman wishes dav work.
house cleaning, laundry work prexerrea.
Fhone Marshall aoa. can raonaay.
LESSONS eiven in arammar trade studies
ioreitrners taugm cngusn; iuc ruwue
Marshall 8016.
,iv n: kra l housework in adult family
apartment preferred; reference. p 40A
LADY emoloved would like room In ex
change for company ; waiaing aistauco
preferred. AT 583, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED colored laundress wishes
work by day, Dunaie, rnono marsnaii
EXPERIENCED cook wants situation in
private family ; city reierences. x o.
EXPERIENCED woman wants Janitor
work; best of rererences. vv o, ore.
JIAhKlED woman wants position as man
ager oi hotel or rooming-nouse; nas nau
experience; references. P 615, Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE, experienced girl to take
cars of children arternoons ana evenings;
75c and carfare. Woodlawn 2460.
WANTED Position for child's nurse or care
of Invalid. Call at 340 wasn. sx., room
7. Main 2692.
FIRST-CLASS cook would like position, in
stitution or Doaroing-nouse cooaing pre
ferred. AN 476, Oregonian.
RETOUCHER wants position or dark-room
work; experienced in ait lines ox p Holog
raphy. 6 River St., East Side.
LADY wishes -the care of one or two chil
dren under 4 years, comtortaDie nome,
reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 1116.
GERMAN woman wants work by the day,
house cleaning, washing, tu jteinuart ooa
Williams ave.
AMBITIOUS young lady desires position. In
exchange for nrst-ctass vocai instruction.
AB 409, Oregonian. '
WOULD like to care for infants In my own
home; best of care ana reasonaDie. ben
wood 402.
ATTRACTIVE, fine-appearing efficient busi
ness woman oi aw wants position in aoc
tor's or dentist's office. Main 3334.
SMALL bundle and piece washing neatly
done at home reasonable. Mam bo.
WASHING and ironing to take home or day
work. Phone A Boio.
LACE curtains hand laundered; special
prices' to hotsis. fnone aiam nao.
SAY. let me wash for you. Tabor 8768.
EXPERIENCED woman wants days work
Tuesday and Friday. woodlawn.
GIRL, wishes situation; go home nights. AF
REFINED girl desires chamber work In
good hotel. Mercy nome, oi . ioia st.
WILL care for children any time day or
night; responsible person, o a -vs.
YOUNG woman understanding
B 1740.
wants work by day. rtoom o.
PRIVATE instruction In English grammar.
rhetoric, .literature, nistory. aiam oio.
WOMAN wants day work of any kind;
references. Call Woodlawn liOtt.
YOUNG married lady would like position
In dentist's otfice. AC 4ti. oregonian.
WANTED Washing snd ironing at home.
Called for and delivered. Aiarsnan uo.
RELIABLE woman wants work by the
hour. East 1725.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants posi
tion. Mrs. Belcher. Woodlawn 1558.
WANTED Day work, 'ironing1, fine laundry.
Call all week 5 P. M. References, B 19V1.
EXPERIENCED ledy wants washing and
Ironing. East 3SSS from 7 to 9 evenings.
JANITRESS, with best of references. Phone
East 33SS from 7 to 9 evenings.
LADY from London and Paris; piano and
French; highest references. Main 6474.
MUSIC teacher gives two piano or mando
lin lessons, 75 cents. Main 4723.
EXPERIENCED woman wants houseclean
ing, 20c per hour. Telephone Tabor 3806.
CAPABLE woman, day work. Main 2206,
room IZk
WANTED Lace curtains and bundle waah
. lngs. Main 3424.
NEAT young lady works by the hour. Phone
K. J2Z alter v a. m. juiss cruise.
GOOD laundress wants laundry work by th
day or hour. East 4801.
LADY wants dy work Phone E. 4482.
AGENTS getting rich selling wonderful
luminous crucifix. Gives mysterious lisht
all night, darkest room. Big profits. Free
particulars. Catholic Importing Co., K 4.
J25 A WEEK for two hours' work a day;
brand new hosiery proposition that beats
them all; write for terms and free sam-
. pies If you mean business. Guaranteed
Hosiery Co.. 5836 Penn bldg., Dayton, O.
WANTED Agents, either sex, sell guaran
teed hosiery; 70 per cent profit; goods re
placed free If hole appears; experience un
necessary. Address "Wear Proof," West
Philadelphia, Pa.
per t ent profit Best 25-cent seller. A two
minutes' demonstration makes every call a
sale. Free sample and particulars. G. V.
ales Co.. 4 Spruce St., New York.
WANT money 7 Get something - new In
soaps and specialties. Write for my prices.
Joseph Daigneaurt, 1844 W. Lake, Chi
cago. ,
WANTED Lady demonstrator with good,
long hair. Good salary. C 09, Ore
gonian. AGENTS. earn about the profits made sup
plying perfumes to families. Address LeC
ler & Co Indianapolis, lnd.
to spend $100,000 on a tremendous ad
vertising campaign, requires the services
of a bright young man or woman in each
town and city. The work is easy, pleasant
and highly respectable, and no previous
experience is necessary. Vro will i"J
rood salarv and of ier nn unusual oppor
tunity for advancement to the person who
cn xurnisn gooa reierences. tn wuuuu
to th fa ulllrv nr nffP b M ATWftll RUt O-
mobile, a Ford automobile and over S3O00
ju prizes to the representatives doing toe
best work up to December 3L In your
letter give age and references. Address
Ira B- Robinson, Advertising Managur,
AGENTS, here's the biggest and easiest
seuer on eartn oecause it s needed u
every home where oil lamps are used
a lamp that uses a mantle burns coal
oil, is economical and gives better light
than gas or tungsten electric; over 100
per cent profit to agents; one agent sold
over SSOO worth in 15 days; another sold
1000 lamps on money-back guarantee; not
one returned; nundreds coining money
experience unnecessary: sells itself: even
lngs made profitable: ask for axency prop
osition. Mantle Lamp Co., 84 North 6th
bu, rorujiua, ur.
WHISKIES, liquors and cordials can be
maae at nome with "&anor concentrated
extracts; saves over SO per cent; 2 minutes
uucs wui h ; agents coining money, io
50 weekly : no license reauired: srua.ra.n-
teed strictly legitimate; makes genuine
article; usea oy liquor dealers for years
- new to consumer; enormous demand, quick
sales, large profits; can be sold dry as well
as wet districts; light, compact, carry in
pocket ; act quick ; territory going fast ;
agents, here's article that ought to make
you rich. Universal Import Co.. w&2 Syca
more st., Cincinnati, o.
For our complete line of famous hand-
power vacuum cleaners ret a time .at
prices ; guaranteed ; protected by patent
big profits to you; our system is dlf-
lerem, get our prices oerore Duying.
Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago.
THE Macmlllan' Comnanv. suoscrintlon
book department, desires the services oi
a iew more good agents; work on medicine.
music, art. science, education, architec
ture, horticulture, agriculture flrtlon. to.
If you possess integrity, good education
"and high earning ability, please communi
cate with Henry C J. Klahn, Pacific
Coast general agent. 459 Pacific Electric
Dmg.. Los Angeles, cal.
WORK for yourself; make $56 to $76 every
ween; weaver ox uregon sola 40 one aay,
proft S24; Lowry reports, "Why, I actually
believe could sell this article blindfolded
wiin gag in my mouth : experience un
necessary selling self-wringing mop, 150
per cent profit ; sample free first order.
Write today. U. S. Mop -Company, 1586
ocina uiug., xoieao,
AG EN TS cn salary or commission. The
Kreaiesi agent s seller ever produced.
Every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight.
w to .tw per cent prone une agent i
sales amounted to $620 in six days; an-
uiuer in two nours. Monroe Mig. to,
X 44. La. Crosse, Wis.
AGENTS, endless neckties sell on sight
sin maae ssu m one week; man mad
$20 in one day; .looks like any stylish
necKtie; wears 20 times as ong; pat-
euwu. write cnaiess isecKtie co. Gum
wiuiug., a ansa s uity, ju.0.
HERE'S BEST LINE of flavors, perfumes,
toilet nreDarations over nrfrrt n
Ual needed. Fine sample case furnished to
workers. Write quick for full particulars.
more, uincinnau, o.
SOLICITORS, CREWMEN, send for sworn
proois, juo month up. patented sell
cleaning dust bag Columbia vacuum clean:
era drive comDotltion from fieid Nn cn.
ital required. Reimiller Sales Co., Colton
mag., i leao, o.
JUST coin money selling new Improved ho
siery direct from mil! with our big ad
vertising offer; you can make $25 daily
everybody buys; credit samples in leather.
ette case free. New Knitting Mills, Chi
LOCAL representative each town to sell un
derwear, sweaters, neckties direct from
our xactory to wearer ; permanent busi
ness, liberal terms, bis- nrofita: verv
article guaranteed. Steadfast Mills, dept.
FREE to advertisers, book to keep your
, reuuros. iz you are looKing ior results,
use classified section Boyce's Weeklies.
Write, using letterhead. Record Book,
uept. ( i, oub uearoorn ave., umcago.
YOU can learn to make an article that sells
to throe out of five ladles; everything fur
nished; 500 per cent profit; an average
salesman or saleslady can make $5 per
ay. Ja uregonian.
GOOD live men wanted to handle our Auto
matic Damper in their own town oi
neighborhood; no experience necessary: 1
sells itself. Call from 10 to 3, Monday.
AHioiu tamper inc., 4u cneriocK oidg.
SELLS like hot cakes. New laundry wax
pen urn es ciotnes witn lasting vioiet per
fume. Working outfit 4c. New offer. Per-
lume-oioss, 13 water st.. New York.
PHOTO coupons, a winning offer for agenta.
onrony piuqio, saornson.
A 6-ROOM strictly modern bungalow in a
gooa neignoornooa ana gooa car service.
by family three adults. Phone A 1417,
main iaii secretary, ju. ou, ore
WE have tenants now waiting to rent first
class houses and flats.
Main 6S69. 269 Washington St. A 6267.
FURNISHED house wanted on East Side of
city, 5 or 6 rooms, near school, not over
s.'O pr zz.ou per montn; must oe clean
and modern. Address AB 422, Oregonian.
WANTED before 18th Inst, five-roomed fur
nished house In X. W.. Portsmouth pre
ferred. Phone B 7230 after Sunday. Rugg,
rortsmoutn bcnooi.
WANTED To rent, by man and wife, 3 or
room iurnisnea riat, neatea. email xur-
nished bungalow In suburbs. Address P.
O. box 2064.
ADULT family desires 8-room house; prefer
place where cow ana poultry may oe Kept.
Call 871 Brooklyn st. or Main 73 IO after
bun day.
WANTED To rent, 4-6-room house, couple.
no children, rent sio-szu. can jn. j. it.
Sellwood 1651.
WE can rent yom place for you. Watson
& Therkeisen to., .uo-sutt opaiaing oiag.
M.. 1091.
WANTED Modern house of five rooms.
near U car; family 2; S20. F 547, orego
nian. vV'-a.N TD or 5-room bouse in Sellwood,
about Nov. 1. AM 402, Oregonian.
FURNISHED housf or flat by adults, close
in; state rent. A J 4oz, uregonian.
WANTED 3 modern, heated, unfurnished
rooms for housekeeping, oy 2 adults: must
be clean and respectable; not to exceed
$18 or $20. P 516, Oregonian.
WANTED By man and 'wife one large
light nousegeeping room, private iainiiy
and permanent; Nob Hill district pre
ferred; state price, u ouj. uregonian.
WOULD like room In Nob Hill, I rv Ington,
or other good district, ao jjiandena.
Rooms With Board.
GENTLEMAN wants breakfast, six o'clock
dinner and comfortable room, with ail
modern conveniences, if sleeping porch at-
tarhftd so much the better. Must o first
class in every particular. Highest price
cheerfully paid for suitable accommoda
tion. West Side preferred. References
exchanged. AC 453, Oregonian.
fiEX'TLEMAN with congenial manners, ac
customed to good home, wishes room and
board in private home; references gladly
furnished; state location and particulars.
please. E 506, Oregpnlan.
WANTED By youug man of refinement,
board and room in private home with
young people on West Side; $25 per
month. Give phone number. AJ 472, Ore
goninn. WANTED bv couple with 18-month baby.
two rooms and bath in select home with
board. good neighborhood, and nice
grounds; references required. Phone Main
4256 Monday A. M- or after 8 P. M.
WANTED Good home to board girl
years; middle-age ladv with no other
children preferred; references exchanged.
F 490, Oregonian.
GOOD home for girl, 9 years old; none but
reliable people considered. Call Regent
Hotel, 151 7th, room 20.
YOUNG man desires room in private family
with privilege of meals; reference. AN
471, Oregonian:
WANTED Care for a boy 10 years old and
.room for gentleman. S 469, Oregonian.
FURNISHED, also unfurnished, rooms, suit
able for gentlemen. Katnm bldg., 1st and
Furnished Rooms.
THE LARRABEE 227 ft Larrabae. Rooms
82 and up; brick bldg.. steam neat, act,
cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
New, strictly modern, private baths and
suites; rooms. 83.50' per week up. M. 9472
HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnlshea
rooms with all modern conveniences. 6th
and Main.
LARGE, doMble, front rooms, steam heated,
running water, phone, 2 closets, reason
able. Maxwell Hall, 14th. near Taylor.
BOOMS, good furnace heat. 70S Everett st.
Two blocks north of Washington gt
jruxnitthed Boon.
Under new management.
625 Washington street.
Large loboy, fmisaed In mahogany, tile
and marble; ladies' parlor, with elegant
fireptace; free telephone service in rooms
all night and day, eiectric elevator, steam
heat, hot and cold water in all rooms.
many with bath, a residential hotel abov
reproacu, where every eiiort is maae ior
tne comiort ana convenience ox lis guesu
rents the mast reasonable in the city
rooms by the day, week or month. Look
ims over oeiore locating, rate w car
at depot, get off at Uth and Washington.
-4th iLnd Alder streets.
New .-einforced. concrete building, nndei
new management. Wiry not have a room
right down town 7 They are well fur
nished, , right in the business center of
the city. All have hot and cold water,
many with baths and all other modern
conveniences. Prices most reasonable by
month, week or day. Investigate before
locating. Any car from depots pass with-
in one DiocK ot notei.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill s's. A residential hotel where guests
comnanv are entertained only in the par
lor. Elegant furnishings and fixtures
with every modern convenience and com
fort found in any hotel in the city; alt
outside rooms; tile baths, six-foot plate
dressing mirror in every room, beautltul
lobby and parlor; don't fail to Inspect th
Arthur before locating In Portland; rate
per month. $20 with, detached bath; $2a
with private bath; suites $45; no extra
Corner Third aud Main fits.
ThorouEhiv modern and clean, and con
ducted as a first-class hotel, under the
personal supervision of the owners. Spe
cial rates by the week or month to ae
sirable parties.
On Fourth st.. running from Salmon to
xayior bis. in tne neart ot tne city
.Krand new brick with all modern conveni
ences. Offering special rates to permanent
guests. Rooms from $3.oo per week up.
Tourist trade solicited. Give us a call
and you will look no further.
23d and Hoyt.
Thoroughly modern residence hotel
.brick, running water and telephone in each
room; excellent meals, good service. Main
126 12th St.. at Wash.
Rooms with detached bath $3.50 to $5
per week; rooms with private bath, $22.5u
to $27.50 per month; a first-class residen
tial iiuiei unucr me persona.! uiauueuivut
ot tne owner. J. w. 5usnong.
131 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick building: steam-
heated; private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
One block frewt- Union Leoot. 140 out
side rooms, with all modern conveniences
Making special rates to permanent iruests.
Rates from $10 per month up. Give us a
call and you will be more than pleased.
6th St.
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnside sta
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths, steam
heat, hot and cold water, jjrivate phones
In each room; special rates py the month.
fnone Marsnaii 404D.
WANTED Roomers who desire and appro
ciate absolutely clean, newly furnlshea
rooms at moderate prices ; right down
town. 2SS Sd fit., cor. Jefferson. Outside
rooms up; not water an nours. Jje
sirable people only.
Just renovated; beautifully furnished
single and double roms, private baths,
$3 per week and up; steam heat, hot and
coia water iu every roum; ootn pnones.
tS Outside rooms, well heated, newly fur
nisnea, not water an nours, rignt aown
town. Hotel Cadillac, 3d St., near Jeffer
son. Also double rooms, two beds, rea
LARGE ROOM, 2 beds, suitable for 4 peo
pie; o a week or si.zo eacn, or 3 at
xi, so each; steam heated. free bath,
plenty not water, both phones. iai fa
lutn, cor. Aider.
150 Park St., very central, European and
American plan; homelike service in dining
room at reasonable price; $1 European,
American, ppuciai per wees.
105U Twelfth St. Marshall 27fl0
In heart of business district: steam heat.
hot and cold water, free phone in every
room; si day, and up; $4 week and up.
HOTEL FENWICK Ideal home for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and
Tayior sis., i oiock xrom foruana notei.
opposite neing Theater, jjain uiq.
Large, pjeasant front room; easy walk
ing disanco; an nome conveniences;
$2.50 to $4 per week. 328 4th st. Main
G1LMORE, 131H 10th st.. cor. Alder Clean,
well Iurnisnea, steam neat; respectable.
Quiet place; transient and permanent;
plenty hot water; free baths; both phones.
boc a aay up; sz-ou to so a wee a.
TASTILY furnished rooms, clean, steam
heated: Dienty or not water an rooms
rates reasonable. Maxwell Hall, 14th near
KBlendidly furnished outside rooms: ex
cellent table. 710 Washington. Main 8051.
HOTEL FORD Strictly modern, private
pnones in uii iwui. t aiuiug iuu (.,
cor. Lucretla, near entrance to City Park.
Phone Main 823.
LARGE steam-heated room for three gen
tlemen; $a.tit per ween, a&i lamniu, a a
blocks from P. O.
248 SALMON ST. Newly furnished rooms,
strictly modern; rent reasonable.
x-'urulbhed Rooms in private f amily.
vVLLL-FURNISHED room for business gen
tleman; moderu, private nouse on v est
Side; nve minutes xrom fostouice; DreaK
fast IX desired. Phone mornings, Marshall
LARGE front room with alcove on ftrst
floor; hot and coia water, xurnace neat,
furnished or unfurnished, ltsi 10th, cor.
ICE, large front room, suitable for 1 or 2,
bath, phone. H. and C. water, walking
distance. 120 North 18th st. (cor. Gli
sanj. Phone Main 1070.
COMFORTABLE furnished room for one or
two; electric lights, pnone, oatn, near
Multnomah Club; reasonable. 2$ a onap
man. Marshall 3938.
NEW LY furnished room for one or two
ladles, employed. reierences. Aiarsnaii
THREE neatly furnished housekeeping
rooms, walking distance, reasonable rent.
Call 211 McMillan st.
NEWLY furnished modern rooms; front
rooms, suitable tor and one single; rea
sonable. 427 Clay, near 11th.
FOR RENT 2 rooms, furnished oY unfur
nished. Mrs. Cari, 8ti w imams ave. rnoue
woodlawn z&io.
FRONT room, suitable for one or two gen
tlemen. tit otxiiJiun.
WO comfortable rooms, walking distance.
4M 0th, corner Jackson.
ATTRACTIVE rooms, close In, bath, phone.
2ti3 7th. Mam auviu.
WELL furnished room, all
5H'J Flanders st. jiarsnan
FURNISHED room, Fordham. Apartments.
Apartment 36. 170 Ford st,
$1.25 COMFORTABLE front attic room, 1
or Z. 180 a -
MODERN front room, walking distance, 810.
434 10th st. Phone Mam
LARGE, nicely furnished front room to one
or two gentlemen, aos ' lain.
412 LARGE furnished room, furnace heat.
14 r-ast uJin pl.
FRONT room on first floor; very pleasant;
reasonable, iioo bl.
FURNISHED room, conveniences. Apt. D,
Cincinnati court, lum ana narrison.
440 Jefferson, corner 12th.-
$4 PER MONTH, clean, airy attic room. 114
COMFORTABLE, light room, walking dJ
tance, steam neat, fnone jiain wo.
FRONT room, modern home; desirable loca
tion; walking distance, a
LH.N1SHED rooms, fine location,
reasonable. 211 12th.
CLEAN, moderate rooms in private family.
$2, 12.5Q weekly. ov2 x-aao ave.
a Yicavn mnm. In srrlctlv flrst-dask
home. AJ 450, Oregonian.
GOOD rooms and conveniences for gentle
men; reason aoie. molu bi,
PARTLY furnished two-room house, $10.
Phone Tabor 440 mornings oniy.
WELL furnished room, suitable for 2 gen
tlemen, 810 per montn. ano xtin.
NICE room, good location, for one or two
gentlemen, jm iota.
UNNf, furnished rooms, phone, downstairs.
walking distance. 4po r abq.
NICE, sunny furnished rooms, from $2 to
4 a weea. eo cua. ai., bw v rau.
FOUR furnished rooms near Finland sUa-
Uon $i vail xaoor suoi
PuxuLhed Booms In Private I-amlly.
MY LOVELY, large kitchen, also pantry,
largo dining-room and den, and the fin
est porch in the city, with storm
curtains; no children; I have too much, '
room tu care lor; will rent all for $22
furnished. Phone B 2074.
A SMALL but comfortable front room, very
reasonable, for some lady who la em
ployed and wishes home comforts In a
firlvate Christian family evenings ; must
nclose reierences In reply. AE 474, Ore
gonian. WE will rent a few choice rooms, single or
en suite, to permanent guests, at attrac
tive prices for the Winter season. Thor
oughly modern and the cleanest hotel in
the city. Cornelius Hotel, Park and Alder
WANTED To rent, to a young lady, em
ployed, pleasant room in fiat, private
family, board If desired. Nob Hill district.
Phone forenoon. Main 9258.
LOVELY parlor, fireplace, closet, In new
modern home, every convenience; also very
pleasant sleeping room, board If desire a.
fer-Mfr Everett.
CHRISTIAN young lady, bet of job and
under expense, may have- room free in
refined home until employed, ii 493, Ore
gonian. A N E WLY furnished room In apt. house,
steam heat, hot water, private bath. $J
per week. ISO N. 22d St., near Johnson.
Apply Apt. 5.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished, mod
ern, large porch, walking distance. 4t3
Hall iu, between 13th and 14th. Marshall
ATTRACTIVE room, steam-heated, private
apt., good view, home privileges, walking
distance, Nob Hill, reasonable, referencss.
AM 461, Oregonian.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms, fire
place, stationary bowl, SLEEPING
PORCH, twin beds, adjoining room;
cnoice, reasonable. T45 rioyt.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, fine beds
clean, comfortable ; piano, gas and elec
tricity, bath. Phone B 3187. 1070 E.
LARGE newly furnished room, hot water
all the time, steam heat, bath, phone.
560 Couch St., near 17th. Phone Marshall
NEWLY furnished rooms for ladles em
ployed, privilege to use kitchen, laundry
tuba and piano. 147 N. 21st. Marshall
NICE steam-heated room in apartment
house, all modern ccnvenlencea Phone
Main 7448. A 5145, Apartment 4. Cen
trally located.
$2.50 WEEK Nicely furnished front room,
all conveniences; also side rooms, $1.75.
245 6th st.
MOST desirable, newly furnished room, as
a suite or single,-every convenience, rea
sonable 649 Yamhill.
ROOMS In private family, single or en
suite. 347 Montgomery st., near Lincoln
PLEASANT nicely furnished room, modern
1 1th and College sta, walking distance;
one block from car. Phone Marshall 1621,
LARGE front suany room for gentleman,
phone, bath, beat, walking distance, ref
erences. 173 16th st.
COMFORTABLE room In modern flat, Kob
Hill district, gentleman preferred, 83.
709 Kearney st. Tel. M. 9271.
FURNISHED rooms $8, $10 and 12 per
month; bath, furnace heat. 687 tGllsan,
Marshall 2865.
tiooD, clean rooms, electric light, heat,
bath and phone; $3, $9 and $10 per month.
405 West Park, phone M. 4791.
l'OUNG people can have room with home
comforts cheap; piano, etc.; laundry priv
ileges. 00 E. Salmon.
IN strictly modern new homes, rooms with
porches, fine view; to Christian young
men reasonble. Phone Sellwood 1039
NICELY furnished bay-window room, also
small, airy room reasonable; central. eSS
Everett St.
NICELY furnished outside room, suitable
for two, cheerful, cozy for Winter. 475
TWO front rooms, home comforts, suitable
for 1 or 2 girls; very reasonable. 601
FRONT room, east' exposure, suitable for
. 1 or 2; heat, bath, phone walking dis
tance: rent reasonable. 325 12th.
LARGE, handsomely furnished front room,
running water, heat; near Everett. 70
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in good
honte; references. Nob Hill. 73S Johnson
FOR RENT Furnished room with private
family, 2 schoolgirls; bath. Tabor 285L
$8 per month.
FOR RENT One large double room, pri
vate bath and sleeping porch,- Portland
Heights Phone Mar. 2674.
NEWLY furnished roms, modern conveni
ences; central; $3 week. 404 Clay, near
$G PER month, private residence, pleasant
iurnisnea room; electric light, gas, pain;
homeiike. 7S4 Lovejoy sL
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms; just
on wasnington; an moaern. witn or
without piano. 29 N. 17th st.
NICE front room In refined family, home
cooking, xor two men or man ana wire;
close in. Phone C 2365.
NEATLY furnished rooms, heat, bath, phone.
t.&u to per week, close in, l.
CLEAN, light rooms, single or en suite.
very reasonable, private tamiiy. leu iW
13th and Mill.
OUTSIDE rooms, modern conveniences. 269
lull st. South ; walking distance. Main
FIRST-CLASS room knd board, nice social
xamiiy, walking distance; $j week. -4t
E. 15th.
$2-$3 Clean, pleasant rooms for gentlemen;
4 mocks xrom r. o., t neuters ana best
homelike place. 265 O'.h.
PLEASANT furnished room wllh or with
out kitchen, private family; suitable for
one or two ladies. 129 East 20th.
NICELY furnished rooms, hot, cold water.
bath, phone, very central; ST.50 per week
up. 226 H'th, near Salnicn.
ONE or two neatly furnished front rooms.
walking distance, ?o a montn. pnone a.
fell mornings or evenings.
KUOM mate wanted; young man desires
gentleman to snare room in private iam
liyor apartment. AN 470, Oregonlsp.
FRONT room, new house. 53V Rodney av.c
bet. rtusseii ana ivnott sts.
7 E. 7TH ST., nicely furnished front room,
ground rioor, ery reasonable.
ROOMS, free wood, phone, heating slxvs
$11 per month. S02 Chapman st.
NICE modern room, walking distance, $10
per month. 047 xamntn.
NEW and elegantly furnished; electric lights.
gas, phone, oatn ana neat, two fcverett st.
WELL furnished room, suitable 1 or 2;
walking distance. 329 West Park.
FOR RENT Desirable room. West Park
modern conveniences. jnarsnaii xw.
FURNISHED room, a refined gentleman
preferred. 20 East 15th. Call Sunday.
NICE airy front room for two, suitable fofr
light housekeeping; sunnysme. Tabor 38 7".
Stto MILL ST.; single rooms, $3 to $10 mo
modern, walking distance.
CHOICE of two rooms, one $12, 1 $15, all
modern. iom Aider, cor, aitn.
$2.00 WEEKLY, nicely furnished room;
attic, si. io. Good location, auo lztnsi.
NICELY furnished front rooms, reasonable
to emp'oyed. 6S1 Gljsan. Marshall 124.
ONE front room. 2S0V Park st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
THREE modern and clean unfurnished
housekeeping rooms ; rent reasonable, 8
minutes' walk to P. O. Reference. 271
Clayv st
8 CLEAN, unfurnished rooms and bath; $10
per month; feast aide, walking distance.
269 Hassalo, short distance from new
SEVERAL large unfurnished rooms, use oi
water, light, oath. Main moi. iatn.
Rooms With Uoara.
Select Family Hotel.
Now under former management.
Special rates to faralllos; desirable rooms,
excellent tabl'i. 11th and Yamhill sts.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE
HALL, cor. o and maaison; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda; quiet, close In, near
car; 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
YOUNG lady desires room and board with
exclusive family, west side, or walking1
distance from corner of Hawthorne and
Grand; references. AS 534, Oregonian.
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 520 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup.
554 COUCH ST.: well furnished outside
rooms, steam heat, running water, good,
board, walking distance, reasonable.
B EAUTIFU LL Y located private boarding
house, large, sunny rooms, facing park,
first-class board. 374 Park st.
PLEASANT room, suitable for two persons;
steam heat, running water, board. 201
13th st.
THE ROBINSON, 328 10th st., well-furnished
rooms, strictly home boarding-house;
water in rooms.
THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board;
running water; steam heat. 335 3d St.
MANITOU. 201 13th st. Attractive, clean
rooms, steam heat, good board, close in.
ROOMS, with board, private boarding-house.
Call at 3S9 Taylor st.
SINGLE and double rooms, choice
board. 33 N. 17 th-