The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 06, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 31

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lOCOMGTIVE firemen and bra item n for
nearby railroads. $S0 to $100 monthly;
aye 18 to 35; experience unnecessary; no
strike; promotion to engineer, conductor.
Kali road .employing headquarters. No
charge for assistance to employment;
state age; send stamp lor application.
Railway Association. Oregonian.
FREE illustrated book, tells about over 360.
000 vacancies protected positions U. S.
service ; more than 4t),it60 vacancies every
year; there is big chance here for you,
sure, generous pay. lifetime employment;
easy to get; Just ask for booklet C 369;
no obligation. Karl Hopkins, Washington.
' P. C
HEN and wair.r.n to learn the bioiT trae
In eight weKs; special inducements, per
centaga psld while learning; loo's fre;
expert Instructors; IT years In the busi
ness, 37 schools; a lifetime membership
- glvuD to each student. Moier Barber Co--lege
35 N 4th St., Portland. Or.
Increase your sales,- hence your -alary
and commission, through a knowledge of
the science of salesmanship ; indorsed by
0,000 clients and 2000 leading firms.
Spalding JJldg., Portland. Marshall 1722
SALESMEN No experience required; earn
while learning; write today, list of hun
dreds positioi now open paying" $1000 to
oahi year, ac are ss nearest on ice, uepi.
40C. National Salesmen's Training Asso
ciation. Chicago, New "York. Kansas City,
Seattle, New Orleans, Toronto.
WE teach yon a trade fn few months' time;
pay wages alter second month. Electricity,
automobiles plumbing, bricklaying. loO
satisfied workmen today; 4u Jobs -going.
Catalogue free. United Trade School Con
tracting Co., Los Angeles.
LEARN automobile repairing, driving, on
up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineer
ing, surveying;; methods most practical ;
room and board while earning; positions
secured ; satisfaction guaranteed ; cata-
, logua free. National School of Engineer
ing. 2110 West 7th, Los Angeles.
ONLY room for 3 more ladies and 10 men
in the day and night classes In telegraphy
for graduation in January. Main line
wires In school. Easy to learn. A good
position furnisned each graduate. Apply
The Morse Telegraph Co.. 505 Common-
wealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny.
Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping.
642 Hamilton bldg. Marshall 4253.
Bookkeeper and Clerks.
J AM a lumber statistician and bookkeeper;
my varied experience manes me a val
uable man for some lumber concern; at
present engaged, but as it is necessary for
me to locate in Portland. I desire to make
a change. Age 34 and married. P. O. box
244. Hoqulam. Wash.
HOTEL clerk, 10 years' experience, desires
position with first-class house, in or out
of cltv; refined address, steady; am tem
porarily situated; A-l references. AB 3U3.
Oregonien. .
"WANTED In busy office, situation as cor
respondent, manager's private secretary or
stenographer; neat, energetic, capable,
strictly temperate; highest references. AL
B29, Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires position as stenograph
er; has fair knowledge of bookkeeping
and is rapid and accurate with adding
machine; has had two years' banking ex
perience. AD 423. Oregonian.
AN experienced hotel clerk, middle-aged;
no bad habits; expert at figures; can
handle European, American or dual-plan
house; day or night. J. K. Brunskili.
room 61 6 Imperial Hotel. Portland.
EXPERIENCED, all-around mill and lum
ber man. able to take care of books, of
fice and plant, with A-l references, de
sires position. AM 424, Oregonian.
GENERAL OFFICE man and oookkeeper,
10 years' experience R. K. headquarters,
middle-aged, wants office position, Al
references. AC 426. Oregonian.
Will audit, open, close or write
up books, prepare balances and sta t
ments. install systems. GUI Ingham, au
ditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
EXPERIENCED accountant can take a set
of books to look after; will make a price
on a given amount of work. W 456,
YOUNG man desires position as -city sales
man or collector for established concern;
can furnish best of references. AK 510,
AN experienced bookkeeper and typist de
sires position where his efforts will be
appreciated. AC 430. Oregonian.
YOUNG man stenographer, beginner, desires
position; has had oiiice experience.
H 432. Oregonian. '
THOROUGHLY experienced competent book
keeper desires engagement. J 4u8, Ore
gonian. IF looking for a Qualified male stenographer
with bookkeeping knowledge, communi
cate with P. O. Box WJ. city.
LA W student wants position as secretary;
can keep books and operate typewriter.
E 333. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, employed at present, would
like small set or books to keep, evenings.
AO 427, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL accountant, with business ex
perience, will fix your books, give advice
and not rot you. u 4ii. uregonian.
YOUNG man wants some stenographic
work to do evenings; will use my own
machine if desired. AK 609, Oregonian.
YOUNG man stenographer wishes position
beginner, bat capable of menacing an
average position, aj 44;, uregoman.
A-l SPECIALTY salesman open for city
position, salary and commission; best of
reference. D 432, Oregonian.
MAN possessing executive ability as busi
ness manager, store, experienced finan
cier, city or country. Box 629, Portland
- PORTLAND bank bookkeeper wishes small
set of books to keep during spare time;
reasonable. B 457. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, 10 years' experience, wants
small set books to keep evenings. C 3184
or AG 420, Oregonian.
(WANTED Position as collector and keep
small set of boo its or assistant oooiiKecpw
303 E- 38th. Tabor 1045.
EXPERT bookkeeper would like to keep
small set or dooks auring spare ums; rea
sonable, r 473. uregonian.
M tsccnaneou.
sRST-CLASS colored "chauffeur" and me
chanic capable of doing anything, wishes
a position. write to l. vv. late, 211
Wheeler at.
, EXPERIENCED dry goods, clothing and
sboe salesman wishes position In small
town: competent to take cbarce. tnanave.
buy ; married ; references. A R 450, Ore-
Bv salesman making Willamette Val
ley. If your line is right, answer. I can
qualify. AK 504, Oregonian.
SiTLATION w-nted by married mau as jan
itor; understands steam plants and j.m
do all kinds of repair work. W. Wright,
15 East 6th st. N.
WANTED Position as foreman on cattle
ranch; can make good and show best of
local and Eastern references. AD 434,
MR- APT. OWNER, do you want young mar
ried couple, best references, to manage
your apt. very reasonaote : b 4:u, -r
REFINED young man. employed, would Ilka
to work In the mornings before 8:30, at
tend to furnace and etc., for room; best
of references. P 434. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as engineer or on ele
vator bv exDerienced man: competent and
good character; references. F 461, Ore
YOUNG MAN wants position, 4 P. M. to 9
p. M- State kind of work and pay. AO
435. Oregoniar
EXPERIENCED and reliable chauffeur
wants nosltlon driving private car or auto
truck. B 471. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur, who will do
housework, wants position. F 473, Orego
nian. HIGHEST c'ass salesman wants position;
bonds, realty; any good position. C 454,
POSITION as manager of rocery or gen
eral merchandise; good references. B 474,
EXPERIENCED grocer wants position, citj
or country; best of reference. B 475, Ore
gonian. RELIABLE man wants offices to clean or
any kind of work; hours 7 to 12 mornings.
J 52. Oregonian.
AN experienced stockman wishes place to
take care of horses or dairy cows. A J
460. Oregonian.
L STRONG boy wants work after school
and Saturdays: store work preferred. Ad
dress K 430, Oregonian.
WANTED Jap first-class cook and wait
er. Phone Main ?." between 2 and 4 or
after 8 P. M. G 433. Oregonian.
WANTED Psperhangmg
A 346. Oregonian.
or painting.
"WINDOW cleaning, floor polishing, by Job
or hour. Main 6373. day or night.
EXPERIENCED masseur desires position,
private or sanatorium. AF 524, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED janitor desires position:
good references. H 435. Oregonian.
LANDSCAPE work d-ne by day or contract.
Rruggeman. Call Main 411tx.
EXPERIENCED Jap wishes situation
family. P 440. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants job In the night or be
fore noon. AK 606. Oregonian.
HOUSE, window cleaner, floors, woodwork
r polished, boar or Job. Main 8d4C
Mhtce Caueous.
LIVE, up-to-date young merchant, now em
ploy ea. experienced in doming, lurmsn
lng. shoes, drygoods and kindred lines,
capable as manager, buyer, salesman, ad
vertiser and window trimmer, desires per
manent, profitable position with progres
tive hrm out of city. Answer all week,
C 450, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, married, desires position in
or out of city; eight years' experience,
three as buyer ana manager of grocery,
some expenmc in general merchandise;
can give references as to character and
ability; anything considered in mercantile
or clerical position. AD 4X1. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by practical laundry
man as foreman by Oct. 15; only plants
wnere tee pressing system is usea cons ti
ered, or in large hotel or Institution; state
salary ai-d particulars. AV 255. Orego
nian. CHAUFFEUR, married, 7 years' experience,
most all makes of cars; driving private at
t present, but wish to change; well ac
quainted with city and surrounding coun
try; do own repairing; best of reierenc-.
B 472. Oregonian.
WANTED By middle-aged .married man.
position as watchman, collector. Janitor
or elevator; would also take any other
job that is not too heavy. Address 7123
59th ave., S. E., Portland, Or., or T 446
WANTED Position to take charge of farm;
long experience in farm work, also in
handling men: not afraid of work myself;
can furnish first-class references. Address
Alvm Thomas. Oregon City, Or., R. F.
D. 2, box' 36 A.
POSITION In law or other office where a
knowledge of law is useful, by young East
ern attorney with 8 years successful prac
tice; U. of Mich, graduate: speaks Ger
man; best of references; some real estate
office experience. AH 477, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, 34 years of age. desires posi
tion as city salesman or collector for es
tablished concei n ; experienced and welt
known; best references. Adores C Y.,
P. O. Box 1136, Portland. Or.
a G. SHEPPARD, 4.S6 E. 35th N. Phone
East 6080. Contractor and builder; esti
mates on repair jobs, painting, papering
und tinting, as well as building your new
house; best of reference.
SALESMAN wants exclusive line for Ore
gon and Washington; no side line propo
sitions; must be an opening for man of
i ami i y wnerein nara woric win De reward
fed with good pay. AG 438. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced young
man, graduate doctor, as attendant or
nurse to invalid or mildly insane person;
massage given; best of references. - K
432. Oregonian.
POSITION as salesman for Portland and
Willamette) Valley towns; salary and com
mission oasis; nave ten years road ex
penence am reliable and competent. N
420, Oregonian.
YOUNG man and wife of refined habits.
would like work In hotel; man as Janitor
or cieric, wiie as cnamoermaia, am. zit,
PILEDRIVER. bridge foreman, will be open
for engagement about Oct, 10. Prefer
permanent or long job with good company,
R. R. work; good references. AV 249, Ore
gonian. YOUNG married man wishes any kind of
a position whereby he can earn fair liv
ing; references. H. Stevenson, 189 13th
st. Phone Marshall 4772.
YOUNG man, with several years' experience
In automobile work, wants position in gar
age or machine shop; is married and
sober. J. S. F-. 231 6th st.
YOUNG man with three years machine
shop experience desires position of anj
kind; could also take place as gardener.
AP 413, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN. aged 83, tactful, quick
tninaer. ox good appearance, wants
position as correspondent; has executive
ability. Y 429, oregonian.
YOUNG man, agricultural college education
and experience on poultry ranch, desires
position on Oregon ranch. G 435, Orego
nian. SALESMAN, up to date, live man desires
to connect with established, well-rated
firm; no fly-by-night propositions need
be submitted. AJ 442, OregoniMi.
COMPETENT man, position as elevator man,
messenger or janitor; will contract for
building and furnish help. P 506, Ore
gonian. MAN and wife, experienced In hotel, apart
ment or rooming-house, hard workers and
willing; best city references. Phone Wood
lawn 12SS.
WANTED A position by a young man as
valet; also masseur- good traveler, good
companion, thorough business man. G
354. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by steady young man,
single. In small dairy and general work
about place, in vicinity of Portland. J
538. Oregonian.
ii AN and wife want positions on farm; 15
years' experience. Mr. H. J. Wagenaar,
3oa6 23d st. North. Phone Tabor 840.
WANTED Job as concrete foreman doing
li;ht foundation and frame work. George
PhUHps, 347 3d st.
WAN TED Good home for a boy 14 years
old where he can earn his board and go
to school. E 451, Oregonian. -
HIGH SCHOOL student desires position as
collector afternoons and Saturdays; ref
erences piven. E 452, Oregonian.
BY YOUNG man as collector, office work
or chauffeur; experienced; references. V
436, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, without children, want po
sition on ranch ; can furnish references.
AS 436, Oregonian.
WANTED By experienced groceryman,
work In store, 8 years' experience. 462S
7th S. E.
JAPANESE, middle-aged, good cook, wishes
position, city or country; excellent refer
ences. 107 N. Park st. George Yama.
WANTED Job driving auto or delivery or
work In machine shop. AD 429, Orego
nian. FIRST-CLASS -ell-round carpenter foreman,
understands putting up forms for con
crete; just from East. AR 41, Oregonian.
BY GOOD, sober meat cutter and grocery
.man. 1107 Washington at., Oregon City,
JAPANESE, good cook, wants position In
family; any other kind of work. AN 424.
YOUNG man. 21, acquainted with city, wants
work; references. George Eikels, Wood
lawn 1318. 7S Mississippi.
A THOROUGHLY experienced mechanic
wants posiUon as chauffeur: can furnish
first-class references. AV 283, Oregonian.
JAPANESE young man wants a position In
a jeweiry store, ooy,
year" experience.
a jewelry store, boy, silver polishing; have
YOUNG Filipino attending high school
wants a position after school Saturday
and Sunday. AC 472, Oregoniam
AX experienced promoter is open for en
gn gemen ts ; best of references. Address
AT 551, Oregonian.
MAN and wife, without children, want posi
tion on ranch; can furnish references.
AS 430, Oregonian.
WANTED Position traveling In Oregon by
young man with some experience; saiary
preferred. M 443, Oregonian.
POULTRY man of experience wants position
on ranch in Oregon; references fu mi shea
B 455. Oregonian.
WANTED To oo some work in exchange
for a good living-room. S 433, Orego
nian. PORTLAND Walters' Club First-class wait
ers furnished. 14S Fifth st. G. C. Gera.d.
Mgr. Marshall 7tl or A 4010.
SPECIALTY salesman wishes to represent
local or Eastern house in Portland and
vicinity. AS 434, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, age 17, wishes position in shoe
store; can give good recommendation. AX,
;i uregonian
I CAN write advertising jinales. sonr-lyrica.
pamphlets. folders; best experience and
relerences. Af -m, uregonian.
MOST experienced Jap cook wants a posi
tion; hotel or restaurant. AP 405, Orego
nian. MANY experienced Japanese boy wants posi
tion for apartment-to use. AP 408, Ore-
YOUNG man, 6, sober reliable, 2 years
hotel cierK. wants position; rerereace.
AO 425. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by first-class chef and
helper: references; will leave city. W 434.
WANTED Situation as relief for moving
picture opciator. Archie Smith, phone
Main 247.
WA.NTED Bv voung man. position in con
fectionery store; experienced. AH 454.
WANTED Position by first-class all-around
cook, country hotel preferred; best o ref
erences. W 4.13. Oregonian.
POSITION as watchman or Janitor work,
experienced. Pjione w quo lawn 1397.
JAPANESE porter wants position to woik
at night. Phone Main t-..l.
JAPANESE boy wa" any kind of Job.
4S0. Oresoniaq.
CARPENTER wants 'Job work. Call East
bAKER, first-class break and cakes, wants
work. F 453, Oregonian. -
Misce 1 ianeo us.
Desires to make a change on Novem
ber 1st. Have had many years experi
ence in office management, including the
handling of finances, also road man. ad
vertising experience. Age &; smgie. ex
cellent references. AT 552, Oregonian.
GENERA! house cleaning, janitor work.
day or hour, Pnone i. nav. vinompson.
ifottitkeepers and tttenographera.
I WANT customers; will do your steno
graphic work by month, calling each day
at certain hour; splendid plan. Phone
Main 5323.
YOUNG woman from East, experienced in
lumber, desires position as bookkeeper or
stenographer in that line; good at figures.
AT 547. Oregonian.
CAPABLE stenographer, having typewriter,
permanent position; moderate saiary -accepted.
Main 674.
IOUNG lady desires position stenographer
and . assistant bookkeeper; references.
Main Sw.
COMPETENT bookkeeper. 6 years' experi.
ence, desires position; reasonable salary.
Tabor fcutL
TYPEWRITING by day or hour; short
, stories or continued stores a specialty.
R 432, Oregonian, or Main 73a
f wci AN EN T position, bookkeeping, general
office work; 5 years experience; refer
ences. Phone Marshall 2466.
a;.d accurate; references. Marshall 70i,
room 12. "
LADY, with tv-pewriter, would like circular
letters or copying at home. Beaver Hotel,
room 22. ,
SITUATION-by" experienced young lady as
bookkeeper and cashier. References. Main
YOUNG lady stenographer with some ex
perience wishes position - in an office.
Phone Marshall 707, room 24.
YOUNG lady stenographer ami assistant
bookkeeper; references. Main 890tf.
NUMBER one bookkeeper desires position,
city references. East 1S72.
Dress makers.
DRESSMAKER wishes engagements ladies'
suits and coats; also children's coats; best
references; $3 per day. Phone Sunday and
evenings, B 1139.
MRS. EMMA FRIEND, expert talloress a. id
dressemaicer; periect-fitting coats, suits
and dresses at prices within reach of alL
Room 50. 271 H Morrison.
FAMILY sewing and dressmaking; will sew
by day or take home sawing. Phone Mar
shall 4062. Call evenings after 6 o'clock.
Mrs. C. L Wheeler, No. 11 North 9tb at.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable at
shop or day. 403 Buchanan bldg. Mar
shall 2430.
EXPERIENCED and competent dress
maker wants sewing at homo or by day.
Phone East 4938.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker tailorlst wishes
sewing In families or home; alterations.
Main 6219.
DRESSMAKER of experience wish engage
meats by the day in refined families, sat
isfactlon guaranteed. Seltwood 1800.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress
will sew by the day or take work home;
prices reasonable. Phone East 13S9.
DRESSMAKING by the day or at home.
424 6th St. Phone .A 8728. -
DRESSMAKING or alteration by day or
half day. C 34. .
GENERAL dressmaking, children and plain
sewing done in f ami lies. .. 4ai.
ST i LiSH dressmaking at reasonable prices.
Work guaranteed. 715 Hoyt.
LH ESSMAKING and alteration by the day
or at home. Phone Marsnau Z40.
LADY wishes to do plain sewing at home
reasoname. viv Vancouver
$2 FOR outing flannel gowns; best mater
ial; well made. Phone East 4042.
WANT to do plain sewing- by the day.ilaln
"20. . - . -
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by
the day. Phone Marshall avw.
DRESSMAKING by day or at home. Call
East 4093. 300 Freemont st.
DRESSMAKER Experienced; wishes en
gagements by the day. caajastuoo.
JOIN class, learn to do your own sewing;
experienced teacher. Marshall 8474-
KTTRS1T ntn&- unlit h would accomoanv lu
venile or elderly person. Residence 212
7th st.,- near Y. W. C. A Call after
8 P. M.
EXPERIENCED infant's nurse wants posi
tion In refined first-class family; none
other need apply. X 433, Oregonian.
ANY invalid wanting a practical middle
aged nurse as traveling companion. Mar
shall 4128.
COMPETENT nurse-maid wants care of
children; references. M. 2451. A 2993.
Catholic Women's League.
POSITION by nurse of 12 years experience,
anything taken. Main 3279.
touse keepers.
LADY, seed 35. stranaer in city, wishes
position as housekeeper for widower or
Dacneior; nome ratner man wkg. mib.
Martin, 323 4th St.
RESPECTABLE woman wants place as
housekeeper In small family; country pre
ferred. Cathollo Women's League. Main
2451, A 2993.
WOULD like to keep house for bachelor or
widower; a lady just from California. St.
Helens rooming-house, 229H 2d, room 6.
WOMAN with experience would like place
as housekeeper in rooming-house. Call at
482 Vi Wash, st
WANTED Position aa
widower or bachelor.
Cary, 183 Mill st.
housekeeper for
Miss Irene Mc-
W ANTED Lady with city reference and
city experience wishes position taking
charge of rooming-house. Phone A 42H5.
POSITION in widower's family; excellent
housekeeper and dressmaker; references.
221 13th St. West. Main 6302.
CAPABLE woman desires housekeeping and
care of old lady or Invalid. B 458, Ore
gonian. YOTTNG married ladv with boy desires po
sition as housekeeper or companion; best
references. Call East 1641.
i.TLATi.ON as housekeeper by one who is
a good cook; can furnish the best of ref
erences. AJ 440, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper in wid
ower's home by reliable widow with no
Incumbrance. J 442, Oregonian.
NEAT housekeeper wants posiUon.
POSITION as housekeeper. Call or write.
Mrs. Mary Dean. 1180 East S3d St. N.
NEAT housekeeper wishes position in wid
ower's family. AL 533, Oregonian.
lULNC Japanese girl wantB position gen
eral housework. 212H Madison st.
322 14TH General housework and cooking;
no washing. Main 5608.
COMPETENT cook desires position In a
private family: only kitchen work; wages
S45. Phone C 3182 or by letter. M. A. 762
Montana ave.
NEAT girl wants place to aselst small fam
ily, close in. AG Oregonian.
Mlsce 11a neons.
CHARGE of rooming-house by experienced
young married lady. E 409. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED colored laundress wants
bundle washing. Phone Marshall 404 0.
JAPANESE young lady wants position as
housework; no cooking. O 451, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Phone Tabor 2125.
GENERAL dressmaking, plain and children's
sewing in families. Phone East 6Q2.
COLORED woman wants day work or as
chambermaid. Phone Main 5567.
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants
private exchange. Y 42S, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED laundry woman wants day
work washing. Ironing. East 74.
v'ANT work In lodging-house for board and
room, evenings off. L 622. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants day work, ironing, wash
ing. Phone Marshall 1664.
JAPANESE woman wants a position at
housework. 1S1 N. 12th st. Hisako.
GOOD woman wants day work, washing.
your house or mine. Tabor 3768.
WOMAN for day's work, cleaning only. Mar-
Bhall 1 604.
GIRL wants light work In family, small
wages. M 4 4 7. Ore gonian.
WOMAN wants light housework small
ages. AF 527. Oregonian.
WORK by the day or hounr 25c - Marshall
39. tf.
LAO E curtains washed
Tabor 2445.
by expert. Phone
A LADY wants day work or by hour. 372H
East Morrison st.. city.
EXPERIENCED If.dy cashier wants posi
tion; reference, fi 457. Oregonian.
WANT work bv the day; can give reference.
Address 1456 Villard ave.
LACE curtains, draperies, blankets, laun-
dered 25 cents up. by experts. Tabor 317.
CAPABLE woman wants day work. Room
15. Main 2206.
WANTED Bundle washings. Main 424.
Miscellaneous. .
COMPETENT experienced, neat woman,
first-class cook, - wants place as house
keeper in widower's family or cooking for
men; country preferred; earns and wants
good wages; give particulars and wages.
AD 453, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by an experienced wo
man in all kinds of repair work of men's
. and women's clothing, with best of refer
ence; am capable of taking charge of a
place of that kind. Address 5U1 26tn
L Sell wood 1526.
LADY, thorouh!y experienced, would like
management of apartment-house or ho
tel, with option of buying; muyst be first
class. AJ 447, Oregonian.
ATTRACTIVE, fine-appearing. efficient
business woman of 30, with some nurse's
training, desires position of responsibility;
moderate salary- Main 3334. "
WANTED By an experienced teacher from
the extreme East, pupils for private tutor
. ing In grade subjects, Latin or English.
4i kio, oregonian.
YOU3TG lady employed 8 to 6 wishes place
as companion In nice family in exchange
ior room ana ooara; rxot iar ouu ruuuo
East 6275.
SCHOOL girl, 14, would assist work, mother
pay part for board, close in. West Side.
Marshall 4G67 or Address AM 429. Ore
EXPERIENCED, refined, middle-aged lady
wisnes care eiaeriy mvaua, can aeep
house ; city, country. Sunday, Mono ay.
RELIABLE experienced girl wishes gen
eral housework; state wages, u o. ur
:t r.iRT fi -nnt tcnrlr nnA cook, one second
work and other Eaneral housework. 607
Pettygrove s ,
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes
private exchange; references, a h.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes position in
private family; ooara ana room. otoiu
YOUNG lady, student, will exchange light
services for good home and small wages;
prefer close In. Address G 434, Oregonian.
EXPERiENfEn woman wants day worn.
L- Call Wood lawn 2182; at home week even
ings; bunaay an aay
BUNDLE and piece washing neatly done
at home: special rates with mending -to
noma parties. am o.'u.
COMPETENT cook wants position in Sell-
wood vicinity; city references. J 443, Ore
REFINED lady wants room and board for
service and small consiaerauou. w
AN experienced teacher will tutor pupLs
in Jilff abra.. eeomatrv. Latin. German. F
4B4, Oregonian.
LAUNDRY wanted; young girl wants laun
dry, plain or fancy waists; work beauti
fully done. Call Sellwood 1559.
RESPECTABLE woman wants place as
chambermaid. Catholic women's iwague.
Main 2451, A 2993.
RESPONSIBLE, middle-aged woman will
care for children by the day or hour. AT
5o4, Oregonian. -
EXPERIENCED girl wishes position in doc
tors ortice under graduate nmo, ali
enees. F 4fi6, Oregonian.
LESSONS given in Grammar-grade studies,
German: spcclel attention given backward
pupils; 50c; references. Marshall 3010.
COMPETENT woman wants work Mondays
and Wednesdays. 25c an hour; Desi city
referenens. 8 436, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED woman wants house-
cieftning, 20c per hour. Teiepnone xaoor
WANTED Day work, cleaning, ironing, fine
laundress. (Jail all ween. Keierencen.
LACE CURTAINS hand laundered: special
prices to hotels. Phone Main i486.
LACE curtains washed and stretched; work
guaranteed. Call Sellwood 801.
SWEDISH girl wants general housework.
Apply 5R3 Irving st .
A YOUNO lady wishes day work In bach
elor's apartments. Phone Marshall 458.
LADY wishes dinner parties and luncheons,
also day cooking. Marshall 2594.
WILL caro for children any time, day or
niKht; responsible person. Phone C 3203.
LADY frjm London and Paris, piano and
French; highest references. Main 6474-
EXPERIENCED gir) desires cooking, boarding-house.
Institution. Main 2039, A 4775.
EXPERIENCED German laundress wants
day work. Call Sellwood 1311.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes any. kind
day work. Call mornings. East 4486.
AGENTS make $10 a day selling the new
est and best hand-power vacuura domes
washer on market; washes tub clothes in
3 minutes; will sell itself if left on trial
, one week; retails at $2.50; save time and
correspondence by sending $ for sample
to try out at home; your money back if
not satisfied; my reference, California Na
tional 'Bank, Sacramento. J. A. Burns,
1010 Eye St., Sacramento, Cal.
THE Macmillan Company, subscription
book department, -aeslres the services of
a few more good agents; work on medicine,
music, art, science, education, architec
ture, horticulture, agriculture, fiction, etc.
If you possess Integrity, good education
and hlph earning ability, please communi
cate with Henry C. J. Kiahn. Pacific
Coast general agent, 453 Pacific Electric
bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. -
AGENTS, you can, with our advertising for
you, sell our guaranteed, money-back,
hand vacuum cleaners ; want agents In
every town in Oregon and Washington;
secure vour territory at once, for It Is
being taken fast; easy seller, big money for
live agents; don't wait, write today. San
itary Vacuum Cleaner Co., 401 Northwest
bldg, Portland.
TO canvass school and pablic buildings with
our Hydraulic iiygiene uieanser ana var
nish remover; many AGENTS make $300
month; sample case at cost; price re
funded upon return; write today. Hydrau
lic Chemical Works, 008 N. Illinois sL,
Indianapolis. Ind.
JUST coin money Selling NEW IMPROVED
HOSIERY direct from mill with our big
advertising offer; YOU CAN MAKE $25
Sampl-S In leatherette case free. New Im
proved Knitting Mills, Chicago.
CLEAN your carpet, rugs by air; make
money by getting the exclusive agency on
the best vacuum cleaner on wheels. The
Bo-Beck. Ketans at a low price.
800 Hunter Bidg.. Chicago.
BIG profits; write now and gret full partic
ulars; new E-Z gas Iron, with many new
fAonirPf M1 on nle-ht: sneaks for Itself
territory going fast. Address Dept. 33,
Enterprise Tool & Metal Works, Chicago.
Aftirxts arettinsr rich eellinK Wonderful Lu
minous Crucifix; gives mysterious light
all night in dargest room; big profits; free
particulars, oatnoiic importing ,o., xi.
LIVE-WIRE n'roposltion offer to hustlers
exclusive territory on profitable new
article; fast seller to men; wrlto quick.
Schiller Mfg. Co.. 800 Schiller bldg., Chi
cago. I1L '
GET particulars of one ot best-paying prop
ositions ever put on market; something
no one else sells. Make $4000 yearly. E
M. Feltman. sales manager, G2&1. Syca
more st., Cincinnati, u.
rarn'ED bv three oeoole in 30 days.
Belling our fire extinguishers; buyers
everywhere; 500 per cnt profit; protect
ed territory. United Mfg. Co., 1002 Jef
ferson, Toledo. Q.
WANTED Agents, either sex, sell guars.iv
td hosiery: 70 Der cent profit; goods re-
:farf frA If hole anDears: experience un-
necessary. Address "Wear Proof,' West
AGENTS earn $6 to $10 dally; new specialty
needed in every home; send for catalogue
and free sample. eo. u. uuiinam House
hold Supply Co., box 1684, Los Angeles,
QUICK selling vacuum cleaner, powerfu
sweeper type: ire m a
m-iir hiop monev mnlovlnc subacents:
experience unnecessary. Vacxn Co., 1474
Security bldg., Chicago.
VEST pocket side line ;needed In every
store ; lames or men can u iiuio i. , u.i
nroft: end I2c for sample and postage.
O. K. Novelty Co., Mutual Bank bldg..
San Francisco.
almost every teiepnone user ouys x to a;
earn $10S a week; Bend for complete set of
instructions In salesmanship, free. Pacific
Mdso. Co.. S05 20th ave. 6.. Seattle. Wash.
BIG profits selling "Vulcan" fountain and
CityiO pens. W eil BUV.ruiBU, quick ouei ;
write for catalogue showing liberal dis
counts. F Ullrich Co., 135 Greenwich at-
New York.
NEW article sells like wildfire on sight: 400
per cent profit: one agent sold 130O In 10
days; profit $2Q0; free par. Home Art
Co.. S20S Logan blvd.. Chicago. .
BIG money selling metallic letters for office
windows, store fronts and glass signs; any
one can put on; samples free. Metallic
Sign Co.. 437 N. Clark, Chicago.
AGENTS earn $6 to $10 daily; new specialty
needed In every home; send for catalogue
and free sample. Home Novelty Co.. We
natchee. Wash.
A CINCH $25 dally made by agents, la
dles or gentlemen, calling automobile
owners and garages. Michigan Specialty
Co.. 112 A. G. SO. Water, Saginaw, Mich.
WANTED Agents to sell best patented
articles ever offered on Pacific Coast ;
evervbody needs them; they sell at sight.
310 Stark st.
PHOTO coupons, a winning offer for agents.
Sarome Studio, $4) Morrison.
to spend $100,000 .on a tremendous ad
vertising campaign, requires the services
of a bright young man or woman in each
town and city. The work Is easy, pleasant
and highly respectable, and no previous
experience is xiecessary. We will pay a
good salary and ofter an unusual oppor
tunity for advancement to the person who
cn furnish good references. In addition
to this saiary we offer a Maxwell auto
mobile, a Ford automobile and over tOOO
in prises to the representatives doing the
best work up to December SL In your
letter give age and references. Address
Ira B. Robinson, Advertising Manager.
2043 Beverly St., Boston, Mass.
made at home with "ZANOL" Concen
trated Extracts. SAVES OVER FIFTY
,PER CENT. Two minutes does work.
Agents coining money;' $40 to $50 weekly.
No license required. GUARANTEED
uine article; used by liquor dealers for
years; new to consumer; enormous de
mand, quick sales, large profits; can be
sold In dry as well as wet district; light,
compact, carry in pocket: act quick; ter
ritory going fast: agents, here's article
t hut ought to make you rich. Universal
Import Co., 552 Sycamore St., Cincinnati
For our complete line of famous hand
power Vacuum Cleaners, retailing at low
prices; guaranteed; protected by patent;
big profits to you; our system Is different.
Get our nrices before buying.
Peoples Gas bldg., Chicago, I1U
every week; Weaver, of Oregon, sold 40
in one day; profit $24; Lowry reports:
"Why, I actually believe-1 could sell this
article blindfolded and with a gag in
my mouth." Experience unnecessary sell
ing the self-wringing mop; 150 per cent
profit; sample free with first order. Write
today. U. S. MOP COMPANY, 1583 Setss
bldg., Toledo. Ohio.
ENDLESS neckties sell on sight; girl made
$87 one week; man made $21 one day;
looks like any stylish tie; wears 20 times
as Jong; write for free literature; sample
tie for 35' cents postage. Endless Neck
tie Company, Gumbel bldg., Kansas City,
WE have tenants now waiting to rent first
class houses and flats.
Main 68ti9. 209 Washington St. A 6267.
WANTED To rent. , 5 or 6-room modern,
well furnished cottage or bungalow, in
first-class residential district. W 431,
WANTED Newly furnished cottage or bun
galow; no children; references. AL 62&
WANTED To rent modern 4 or 6-room fur
nished house; no children. AD 455, Ore
gonian. WE cau rent youi place for you. - Watson
A Therkelsen Co., 306-108 Spalding bids,
M. 759J.
11-ROOM or more modern house, with yard.
neat, electricity; goon location. :ast 4oib.
WANTED to rent small furnished house at
Seaside for Winter. J 533, Oregonian.
HARVARD man in business wants comfort
able room in cultured family. West Side;
price must be reasonable. P 438, Ore
gonian. ROOMS wanted; 8 unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms in Ladd School district. Will
pay $10 per menth. References given
and required. J 513, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
ROOM and board wanted in private fam
ily by two young men. Give full particu
lars. R 457, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want board and room where
wife can work few hours a day to pay
her board. F 455, Oregonian.
BOARD and room for father and child In
private home, ZV years old; walking dls
tance P. O. AR 444, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman desires room and board in
private boarding-house; congenial young
people. Marshall lz-ig 11 to i.
LADY desires room and good board, walk
ing distance Third and Stark streets,
about October 20. L 604, Oregonian.
WANTED Pleasant room, modern conven
er Kk mnnth' A t AIT DnRnnliin
ROOM and budd wanted by gentleman,
convenient - to .Mississippi canine; pieasu
state terms. m. orogoniaTi.
WISH room, with or without board, private
family, close in. 85 Bianaena st.
YOUNG MAN wishes room, board if possi
ble. in private family.. AJ 461, Oregonian.
WANTED Home for a 10 -months-old boy.
Apply Kline. 630 6th St.
FURNISHED also unfurnished rooms, very
suitable for gentlemen. Kamm ouliaing,
First and Pine.
Jt rnishod Rooms.
On Fourth-at., running from Salmon to
Taylor sts. In the heart of the city
Brand new brick with all modern conveni
ences. Offering special rates to permanent
guests. Rooms from $3.50 per week up.
Tourist trade solicited. - Give us a call
and you will look no further.
Furnished rooms from $1.50 to $4.00
week; all rooms large and nicely furnished
and have free light, heat and bath; only
half block Rose City or Beaumont car
to 11th st, or easy walking- distance. Call
71 E. 11th st. N.
One block from Union Depot. MO out
side rooms, with all modern convenlencos.
Making special rates to permanent guests. from $10 per month up. Give us a
call d you will b more than pleased.
1-8 N. Ufa st.
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sts.
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths, steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special rates by the month
Phone Marshal! 4049.
126 13th St.. at Wash.
Rooms with detached bath $3.50 to $5
per week; rooms with private bath. $L'2.50
to $27.50 per month; a first-class residen
tial hotel under the personal management
of the owner. J. W. Bushong.
731 Eleventh Street.
New. modern brick building; Strom
hea'ed. private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
$1.25 A WEEK, with steam heat and free
bath. Is cheap enough, Isn't it? Large
room, 2 beds. 4 young men; just the right
fit, or 3 of you at $1.50 each; come get It.
131 10th st.. corner Alder.
150 Park st.. very central, European and
American plan; homelike service in dining,
room st reasonable price; $1 European.
12 American, special rates per week.
1C5V Twelfth St. Marshall 2790.
la heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up.
HOTE RENWiCK Ideal horn for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Helllg Theater. Main frlO,
Large, pleasant front room; easy walk
ing distance; all home conveniences: $2.
' ri ,n c i nar WMilC X 4th mr "
GILMORE. 181 10th St., cor. Alder Clean,
well furnished, steam heat; respectable,
quiet place ; transient and permanent ;
plenty hoc water; free baths; both phones.
60c a day up; $2.50 to $5 a week.
Splendidly furnished outside rooms; ex
cellent table. 710 Washington. Main S651.
TASTILY furnished rooms, clean, steam
heated; plenty of hot water all rooms;
rates reasonable. Maxwell Hall. 14th near
THE KING, 80 Jefferson Nicely furnished
rooms; cheapest and best In city; close to
business center; $2.50 week up. Take 5th
st. car from Union Depot.
HOTEL JOYCE. 270 H 4th St., opp. City
Hall; newly zurnianea rooms, not ana cola
water, steam heat, free bath, both phoncV
rates reasonable.
tastily furnished rooms. large, steam
heated, hot and cold water; phones; rates
reasonable. Maxwell . Hall, 14 th. near
THE LARRAB EE, 2 27 h Larrabee Rooms
$2 and up; brick bldg., steam nea, ht.
cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
HOTEL CONGRESS, beautifully furnished
rooms with all modern conveniences. 6tb
and Main. , -
KLICK.IT AT, East First and Holladay. near
EiW Steel onase, new, wen iurnisneJ,
plenty hot water; $3 per week up.
New, strictly modern, private baths and
suites; rooms. S3.50 per week up. M. 0472
LIGHT, clean, well-furnished sleeping
rooms. S1.5U per ween; no use suites, f:.u0
up. 557 Williams ave., corner Knott.
24S SALMON ST. Newly furnished rooms.
strictly moo era ; rent reasonai.
Furnished Booms.
Under new management,
625 Washington St. '
Large ioboy, finished In mahogany, tile
and marble; ladles parlor, with elegant
fireplace; free telephone service in rooms
all night and day, electric elevator, steam
beat, hot and cold water in all room,
many with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, wht-re every effort is made for
the co tfort and convenience of Its guests;
rents he most reasonable In the city;
rooms by the day, week or month. Look
this over betore locating. Take "W car
at dept, get oil at 19th and Washington.
4th and Aider eta. .
New reinforced concrete building, nnder
new management. Why not have a room
right oon town? They are well fur
nished, right In the business center of
the city. All have hot and cold water,
nan- with baths, and ail othar moa-rn
convenience Pi ices most reasonable by
month, Mir or day. Investigate before
locating. Any car from depot pass with
ln .one block Cf hoteL
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill ta A residential hotel where guests
ompany are entertained only In the par
lor. Elegant furnishings and fixtures
with every modern convenience and com
fort found in any hotel in the city: all
outside rooms; tile baths, six-foot piate
dressing mirror in every room, beautiful
lobby an) parlor; don't fall to inspect the
Arthur before locating1 In Portland; rates
per month. $20 with detached bath; $25
with private bath; suites $45; no extra
charges. .
Corner Third and Main Sta -Thoroughly
ii odern and clean, and con
ducted as a first-class hotel, under the
personal supervision of the owners. Spe
cial rates by the week or month to de
irt!e partlea.
Cor. Washington and Trinity Place
(Bet. 10th and 20th sta)
Under new management.
A strictly modern, up-to-date house,
beautifully furnished; all outside rooms;
prices very reasonable.
HOTEL FORD Strictly modern, private
phones in all rooms. 7S3 Washington st-,
cor. Lucretla, near entrance to City Park.
Phone Main 623.
Furnished Rooms In private Family.
TWO southern rooms, one large, with bay
window, suitable for two; one smaller;
.outside rooms; reasonable; furnace heat,
plenty of hot water, near bath; every
thing now; all home comforts; private
family. 333 12lh St. Marshall 4T75.
WANTED One or 2 gentlemen for beauti
fully furnished large front room in at
tractive modern residence, furnace hfat,
walking distance, reasonable. '61 E. loth
st. N.
NICELY furnished room, suitable 'for lady
or gentleman; bath,' both p ho nop. electric,
gas; walking distance; price $12. 470
Columbia bl
COMFORTABLE furnished room for one or
two; electric lights, phone, bath, near
Multnomah Club ; reasonable. 253 Chap
man. Marshall 8933.
l W-LL-HEATED, comfortable room, in
private family, for 1 or 2 ladies; best
. West Side residence district; references
required. E 431, Oregonian.
WEST SIDE, pleasant front room, heat,
bath and phone $8; foe one or two; also
room $1. 75. 1&5 17th st- North. Phona
Main 8.02.
NICELY furnished room, all modern con
veniences, suit table for one or two gentle
men $i.60 per week. 403 6th eL
NICELY furnished bay-window room for one
or two; also small, airy, single room rea
sonable; central. 6S6 Everett st.
ONE nicely furnished front room; also two
unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Call
East 3742. 282 Broadway.
OUTSIDE rooms, modern conveniences,
will king distance. ioO 14th South. Main
FURNISHED ROOMS in private family, freo
bath and phone, rent is reasonable. Call
Sellwood mil. 705 E. 21st si. South.
A NICE furnished room, steam heat, mod
ern, special rate to party with piano. C
437, Oregonian.
WELL-FURNISHED room private family in
Irvington, 2 blocks from Broadway car.
Call East 2612.
WANTED By middle-aged gentleman,
party to share furnished apt. D 46, Ore
goniatu AN elegantly furnished room, steam heat,
in pretty, modern home close in. Phone
Marshall 4012. Board if desired.
40 A MONTH, furnished rooms, phone, bath,
electric lights, talking distance, near car
line. 427 Harrison. Main 2331.
1 FURNISHED front room with bath and
phone, $6 per month. 7V0 E. 6th st. N.
Woodlawn 2438.
THREE llirht. airy rooms, private home,
reasonable. Goddard Station, SU Johns
carline. Columbia 463. .
NICELY furnished room, close in, private
family; walking distance. 229 West
Park. ; .
FURNISHED rooms for rent In nice, mod
ern house. East Side, walking distance.
L 624, Oregonian
BEAUTIFUL rooms, overlooking river and
city, at $8 per month. 532 Kerby St., cor.
Graham ave.
FRONT room on park; heat, electric lights,
phone, bath, $10 per month. 300 H Park
st. Phone M. S304.
park block; all
3624 Park St.
modern conveniences.
$2, $3 Cheap, good, clean rooms, home
like place, for gentlemen; 4 blocks from
P. O. Main 3334. 2(55 6th.
$1.50 WEEK Good, clean, well furnished
front room. 420 hi Jefferson.
CHOICE furnished rooms. Seventh and
Montgomery sts. Phone Main 4242.
LARGE, well furnished room, furnace heat,
$10; walking distance. 60ti E. Morrison.
DANDY worm room; every modern conve
nience; five minutes from t. o. za iar,
PLEASANT single room, good closet; $2.50
per week. 847 13th, near Market.
NICELY furnished room for one or two
gentlemen. 414 Salmon st.
MODERN front room, walking distance, $10.
434 10th BU Main 32tWJ.
ONE large furnished housekeeping room,
ground floor, $8 month. 54 E. Ifith N.
3&4 10TH 6T. Good furnished up-to-date
rooms, for rent reasonable.
LARGE, comfortable front room, reasona
ble, one or two. 1SQ 14th. A 1222.
$ti MONTH, neatly furnished bay window
room, all conveniences. 123 N. 23d st.
TWO rooms, close In, pleasant location,
prices moderate. 454 6th, corner Jackson.
ONE or two large, attractive front rooms,
suit married couple. 655 Washington.
BASEMENT room, neat, clean and complete.
cheap. US N. -3d st., cor. uiisan.
12 LARGE, handsomely 'urnished room.
f!0 rieimont, near i--.n., aa car.
$2.50 PER week for very pleasant room. 208
TWO single rooms, hot and cold water. 211
12th st.
NICE room for one or two gentlemen, fur
nace heat, good location. 251 10th st.
A SNAP Large front room, bath, phone,
close In. Ring up Marshall 015.
LARGE, well furnished room for two, use
of piano. 361 10th st.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished, mod
ern home, $12. 384 college Main 6860.
GOOD room for gentleman; close in; all
conveniences, a h.b.
FURNISHED rooms, $12 and-$15 a month.
".33 12th, cor. Alder. -
NICELY fupnfshed front rooms with board;
reasonable price. 167 11th st.
NICELY furnished front room in private
family. 254 Page st. Take U car.
NICE LY furnished rooms, heat, bath
phone. 70 ioyt st.
NEWLY furnished room, $3 per mouth. 611
3d st.
MODERN furnished rooms, suitable for two;
reasonable. 6S4 GUsan. Marshall 29o6.
j FTS brVht I on"ro.n. i conven.
lences; also small rooms, $1.50. 245 6th.
JSE nicely furnished room, suitable for 1
7 or 2. 683 Irving St.
NICELY furnished rooms with fireplace and
modern conveniences. Phone B 2267.
ONE or two front bedrooms, bath connect
ing, cheap caUA&sit esunaay.
NICELY furnished front room suitable for
two, $10 per monui. 7P k. tn st. rsortn.
SMALL front room. $2 per week. 180 17th
st., corner Yamhill.
NICELY furnished rooms, single and house
keeping. 473 Alder .
NICELY furnished sleeping room. 601 East
Morrison. Telephone E. 1004.
NICE front room near Multnomah club.
Modern, reasonable rent. 170 Chapman.
FURNISHED front room for rent. 69 E.
12th st. North.
LARGE front room suitable for 2 or 3,
close In. 1S1 llth
$2 WEEKLY; nicely furnished room: attic
$1.75; desirable location. 305 12th st .
Fernishgd Rooms In private Family.
NICELY furnished room or two en suite In
strictly private family of two; gentlemen
preferred who will be permanent roomers
ior the Winter; ret ere aces. Phone Mala
. 3fcH)6 or call at 272 Park St.,
FOR RENT Suite of rooms, nice large .
closet, heat, bath and phone, suitable tor
two, 15 a month; one block from Buck
man School. E. Burnnside St. Private
family. Board convenient. S 42. Ortigo
nian. VEK- finely furnished rooms for lour geu
tlemen, $1Q per month; nw, nioderu.
phone, hot baths, furnace heat, walking
distance, few steps East Morrison-si. car
line. Table board close by. 052 Belmont
St., cor. East 18tb.
i HAVE large, sunny apartment, with sleep
ing porch. Would like one or two younu
laules. employeu, to room. May have use
of kitchen, reasonable. Main tD73, A
ON THE park blocks, elegant, private, mod
ern home, easy walking distance or two
blocks from carllne; very reasonable; fur
nished room for one or two ma. Phone
Main 4575. "
Lu v ELY parlor fireplace, closet, in new.
modern home, also, pleasant room for i
or 2, board if desired; every convenience;
reasonable. 632 H Everett. .
NICELY furnished room, modern house,
heat, light, phone, bath, near carline,
walking distance: near Portland Academy.
Tel. Marshall 1621.
NICELY furnished room in modern housa
to lady employed. Privilege of getting
own breakfast. Take SS or Mt. Tabor car.
173 E. 20th st Phona East 4672.
TWO large, light, sunny front rooms, fac
ing the park; gas range, running water,
bath, phone. 10 minutes to P. O., deslr
able location. 3S8 Park st.
NICELY furnished rooms facing the beau
tiful parkway, near Lincoln High School;
homelike and quiet; reasonable rent. $31
West Park.
HANDSOMELY furnished front parlor bed
room; married couple or gentleman; use
of kitchen for breakfast ; every conven
ience; all new. 42 N. 21st. A 4715.
WANTED Two students, teachers or work
ing girls to share furnished bungalow
with other girls; block to car; $7,50
per month each. Tabor 486.
$10 A MONTH.
Newly fu rili shed room, private family,
modern In every respect. Just like home,
breakfast If desired, male. B2S 13th st.
MOST desirable, newly furnished, front
room, large closet, southern exposure, con
venient, quiet, reasonable. 540 YamhllL
Also siugie rouin.
NICE, furnished, large, front bedroom, fur
nace heat, bath and telephone, home priv
ilege walking distance, gentlemen pre
ferred. 611 East Couch. FhoneEast 19.
HAVE three newly furnished housekeeping
rooms, modern house, best equipment, free
bath, phone, lights; price $18 per month.
4H3 E. 50th North. Phone C 2119.
ONE single room modern, desirable, fur
nace heat, close to bath: a home place,
walking distance; price $10 per ma 629
vereii. m. t v.
ONE or two ladles, employed, can find com
fortable, newly furnished rooms, conven
ient, quiet, reasonable; board or use of
kitchen, a o-4t.
LARGE front room for rent, unfurnished;
e'ectrio light, furnace, telephone, near
Irvington and Broadway cars. Call Mon
day or later.. 4U3 East 15jtjit.N.
WELL furnished room In" modern house, for
business gentleman; all conveniences, near
Postoffice, breakfast if desired. Phone
mornings. Marsnan
FURNISHED SUITE suitable for 2 or 3
gentlemen; private entrance, modern con
veniences, reasonable. 1128 Hawthorne
ave. B 2ooi.
DESIRABLE room for business person, pri
vate, steam-heated, modern home, walking
distance. Nob Hill; references. T 42,
BEAUTIFULLY furnished roams, stationary
bowl, sleeping-porch BUlte, twin beds. 745
STEAM-HEATED room, all modern conven
iences, for two young men. $5 per month
mich. Phone Marshall 3215.
LARGE front room and clean. like mother
gave us, with phone, bath and heat; only
$3 50 a week. 171 16th S. Investigate.
NEWLY lumfshed room, all modern conven
iences, central, reasonable. 4U4 Clay, near
MODERN furnlBhed room, light, heat, phona,
bath references, near carllne; walking
d i s tance. West Side. Phone Mar, mi.
FURNISHED rooms; very central; hot, cold
water, bath, phone; $1.7& up week, l-o
NICELY furnished rooms In private fam
ily, walking distance. 240 McMllten. East
BEAUTIFUL, large room In a swell Pflvata
home; all modern conveniences; suitable
ror a. (A j.iih.lj x-i-v--
A COZY room for two ladies employed; use
of piano, bath, telephone, close in. Today
afior K riurinr week. 147 N. 21st.
! PLEASANT room, all conveniences $8 per .
i month to steady roomer or $10 for two
' . i rj- nnvli tit
361 TAYLOR Nicely furnished suite and
single room; running water, free gas.
phone, bath, laundry.
LARGE front room, first floor, modern,
!kine- distance. $15 per month; twe
doors from carline. 385 Mill St.
LARGE double room, private bath and
sleeping porch, hot water heat, Portland
neisim. rii"" - -----
TWO choice single rooms in new modern
anartment; will rent together or separate,
c lose in. Phone Marshall 2J-16.
FURNISHED rooms. $1.75 and $2.50 pej
week; two if desired; bath, phone and
neat, --o
" nfurnlshrd Rooma.
THREE rooms and bath, water, gas, wood-
, . i j ! Kite niltan
sneu, jai f-
TWO rooms. $7; largo 3-room . flat. $13;
, an r i-v 1QO UarlrMt.
single, go.u". '
Rooms With Board.
Select Family Hotel.
Now under former management.
Special rattjs to families: desirable rooms.
ii. ,-V.ln 11th ann Vh m hill fltlL
DOES a home appeat to you? THE WHITE
HALL cor. fith and Madison; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda; quiet, close in. neaf
Car; 4 Pipers irum - r T
NICE furnished rooms with board suitabli
for 2; modern conveniences; good board;
price t-s75jLLoveJoy'
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. V. Wilson, sup.
THE CALVa'rD. Yo2 Morrison, cor. 13th,
well furnished rooms; modern conveni
ences 554 COUCH ST.; well furnished outside
rooms, steam heat, running water, good
board, wanting U"""-v' .
BEAUTIFULLY located private boarding
house, large, eunny rooms, facing parts;
fir;t-riass board. 374 Park st.
PLEAS .NT room for 2 or 3 persons; steam
heat, hot and cold water, walking dis
tance, reaBou". .
c. IV. A mnmm vlth hnorrt :
running water; steam utm. q-
MTon. 201 13th st. Attractive, oleaa
rooms, steam heat, good board, close In.
ROOMS and board,
Casa Rosa, 300 Jeffer-
SINGLE and doubl
board. 33 N. 17th.
double rooms, choice table
Rooms With Boid In Private ismiiy.
NICE room, board or breakfast for one or
two refined gentlemen, private family.
West Side, walking distance; nice home
to suitable party. Marshall 4554.
-iKST-CLASS room and board for 2 in
unvate family. 166 N. 2lst. M.
FURNISHED rooms with board. 320 lltb
st. A H3&
M.UDEKN room, with board. 204 N. 22d i
between Kearney and Lovejoy. A 72
ROOM and board $5.00 week.
Main 33t'4.
605 6th st.
GOOD room and board for one gentleman;
aiso roommate wanted. 501V Davis st.
iL N. 22d ST., Main 2071 Well furnished
rooms. Excellent board.
ROOM and board for one or two gentlemen.
54 N 10th St.. cor. Davis.
FRONT :oom with board, private family;
two gentl-men. 574 Ladd ave. East 5145.
ROOM, board, one or two gentlemen. 576
Ladd ave. rnonc iaot
.ADY wishes to board a few more children
In her home. Phone B 2810.
FIRST-CLASS board and room, everything
modern. 553 East Couch.
TWO ple.e.nt rooms, good board; alt home
comrorts; walking distance. Main 3 96u.
WANTED Care of 1-2 children by good,
jr.otherly women. Sellwood 22
FRONT room with board; man and wife or
2. men. 346 Clifton st.
WANTED Infants or small children to
board, by trained Infants' nurse. A ;i057. '
;4i JEFE-riON ST. Room and board,
"reasonable. Come and see.
ROOMS, with or without board; all conve-
niences. 548 Hoyt st. A 3420.
TboM and board. 3'i9 N. 20th st; $5.50 per
weeK iorvwu.
& NICE, large tootv.4, with board. 055 Kear-
m;. inoiie .v-rBituu
ROOM and board, man and wife or two
gentlemen; beet home cooking. 449 3d st.
LARGE room, with or without board. 636 .
Irving st, ...