THE isD'UAY J'UKTL.AJ(U, crjC31KCK ZZ, ivZ, 10 RE-VL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. CHEAP LAND IN CANADA. Canadian land are the best investment on the American Continent today. Land that will produce 30 bushels o wheat or 50 bushels of oats per acre can be bought for the value of a single crop, and there is plenty of moisture to produce a crop each, year. Payments are one-tenth cash and the balance in 9 annual payments, with 6 per cent interest. See It now, while the crop Is In the shock, -and Judge for yourself what the land will do. eo.006 acres of our lands were sold last month. W e secure spec i a 1 rai lroa d rates to prospective purchasers. CANADIAN LAND CO. General agents Canadian Pacific Railway Lands. 91 Fifth Street. Next door to Lumbermeus National Bank. RICH LAND. 15 TO $30 PER ACRE. The Lest opportunity for a splendid In vestment offers today the Grays Harbor district, where rich, level land, Inciudlnc river bottom, can be bought for $15 to $30 per sx-re, on easy terms. The soil Is deep, rich, free from gravel and with abundance of water. Over 100 families are now lo cated on part of the land. Schools and store conveniently locatetd. The distance Is only five to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam. Bo not delay. Now la the time to come and see the crops grow. We are the owners and not agents. JTor further information write at once to WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION COMPANY, ABERDEEN. WASH. FARMS. 154 acres at St. Paul, Or,: 87 acres in high state of cultivation, good house and barn, hophouse, two wells, gasoline engine to pump wa ter; all kinds' of fruit, pears, ap ples, peaches, etc.; it acres of logan berries, 8 acres hops; - close to atones, church and school. Price $140 per acre. For particulars see THE LAWRENCE CO., a 171 4th St., Between Morrison and Yamhill. Mala tt15. . A 2815. YOU LAND SEEKERS. SPECULATORS, INVESTORS, LOOK AT THIS. , Marvelous offer for quick sale. 80 acres. 3 miles New berg, near Rex; 20 acres ciearea, ia acres apples, walnuts, peaches, mostly apples, 3 years old. bearina or chard at house, richest soli, balance very line piling timber, no underbrush, fenced, nouse, oarn. etc.. fine spring, runnin water, -mile stores, church, school, fin nomes, . line country road; land adjoining sold $175 per acre, near by $400 to $600 per acre. This offered, quick sale, for $5000; $3000 cash. This is a genuine bar gain, not duplicated this section of coun try. Marshall 1345. Becker, 327 Lumber Exch. 20 ACRES. Ideal chicken ranch: located In the WII lamette Valley; lhh miles from Oakland, In Douglas County; excellent soli; 13 acres under cultivation, good orchard and ber ries: 4-room house with wire screened porch, barn with loft and tool shed, wood shed and feed shed, incubator and brooder bouse,, six 8x12 chicken-bouses, 2 Incubat ors (ttOO eggs). 4 brooders U0OO chicks) 60-gallon steel oil tank, hand and power bone cutter, lawn mower, all tools and im plements. 60 to 60 chickens; all furniture, including a $450 piano, sewing machine, stove and range go with place; a sacrifice ai eoiuu, .i.mju casn. - KAUKFMANN A MOORE. t 8125 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE. 120 acres, close to Portland, all fine soil, -fine springs, very sightly. This Is offered at a great bargain. Owner leav ins- state and must sell. hi block very close In, West Bide, at a bargain. Owner non-resident. Very easy terrr a. t- acre?. 12 miles from Portland. In Tualatin Valley, offered for a few days at a great bargain. 2 close-in hi blocks, Hawthorne ave., Bargain, easy terms. GREEN & EHRLICH. . 713 Chamber of Commerce. IS $7500. H1LLSBORO ACRES. Near electric and R. R. depot, 18 acres cultivated, fruit and vegetable farm, beau tlfully located for a modern home; 1 acre In oruhard. good 9 -room house, large barn, pure water; this place jnay be divided into two or tnree tracts to suit ouyer price Is very low compared to going rates in the neighborhood. Call at office for information. Acreage ior sale, an prices. KA.K M KAKLA.NU KbALI 1. UU., 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland. WE would like to see YOU, Mr. Landseeker, Produce Anything, Anywhere, Like These Two fieces: Beautiful 100 acres, lays beautiful, rich sou, all tillable, choice location, near city house, barn, etc., fine spring, running stream: $-0 per acre; easily worth $-10, the cheapest price around iu Owner leav in it stale. Terms. 120 acres, just as fine, lays beautiful. rich sol), house, barn, etc; offered for $2000: cheap at $3500: $1000 cash. Marshall 1345. Becker, 327 Lumber Exch. a-AC RE SUBURBAN HOME AND RANCH7 A first-class, nearly new, 7-room home; good barn; nice fruit and berries; located just out of town on the Oregon Electric and close to the station. This is some thing especially choice, and the price only $40to. I will accept a modern residence, bungalow or cottage. In Portland, ud to $30-0 as part pay. Anyone wanting . a fcooit country nome win una tnis attrac tive and worth the price. See J. E. Smith, 414 t namoer or commerce. 20-ACRE farm on the Willamette River for pale. Any person wishing to purchase a splendid and wen-improved o-acre iarm located on the banks of the "Beautiful Willamette River." about 25 miles from Portland, at a reasonable figure, may call at Room 106. St. Charles Hotel, and see me this week. I must sell, but can give terms. No agents. This can be divided nicely 1670 ACRES at $10 per acre. 34 miles from Columbia stiver, id mues east oi uoiaen dale.. Wash. House, barns, family orchard, well, 3 living springs; about 1000 acres can be plowed, balance hilly and rocky, but good for pasture: suited for all kinds of grain, alfalfa, beef cattle, hogs, horses ana sheep, two years gram crop win pay for the ranch; would trade. B 400, u gonian. 160 ACRES, 23 miles from Vancouver. Wash.. IS miles from two stations on the North Bank R- R., and boat landing on Colum bin. Klver; 50 acres cultivated, SO acres more ensil y cleared for cultivation ; 6 room-; house, large barn, good fam ily Orchard, excellent spring water; 1R0 rer acre: reasonable terras. Geo. En glehart, with Westlyn Trust Company, 91 5th st., Lumwrmeni mag. ltio ACRES of Irrigated land, all under ditrh. and In a high state of cultivation, 5 acres in fruit, just coming into bearing, 75 acre In alfalfa. 300 tons now In stack, all stock and tools go with the land; Is one of the best Irrigated farms In Oregon. Price 1250 per acre. W. H. LANG & CO. 315 Abington Bldg. CAN YOU BEAT THIS FOR A BARGAIN? So acres, 2 miles hustling, busHling city, 200 cords wood, easily cleared, county road, make fine dairy, fruit and chicken ranch; price, for very quick sale. $1-00 snot cash. Less than -mile distant soiling land $100 to $250 per acre. Seeing is Deneving. Marshall 1345. Becker, 327 Lomber Exch. 14W ACRES. 2 miles to town and railroad. part In cultivation, fine lot of saw tim ber, a, stream runs through the tract, 40 miles from ortiana m lamnui county. Price .573 ter acre. Small payment down then $14 per month at 6 per cent. See F. E. Seachrest. CHAPIN-HERI.OW MTO. TRUST CO. 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. 15 ACHES IMPROVED NEAP PORTLAND LIFE-SAVING SACRIFICE JUST $3250. All in cultivation and Improved with complete set of splendid buildings; 100 vards to electric station and close to school, church, stores and good neighbors, pon't flelay. At $3250 and terms, this will sell first. Macniflrent view. Main 106. C. L. BAMBERGER. 705 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE By owner. 32H acres. 20 miles from Portland on Oregon Electric, mile from depot ; good home, oarn and out buildings; stock and implements if want ed; firm tn good running order. AR 368, Oregonlan. HERE IS A SNAP. 40 acres, about half cleared, good house, barn., etc.. orchard, small fruit, all crops, machlnerv and too'.s, etc ; close to city; all for $1500; $1000 cash. We are dealing lnTten.ulne snaps. Marshall 1345. Becker, -827 Lumber Exch. TILLAMOOK SNAP. Dairy farm, 160 acres, 70 acres bottom land, balance timber; 11 -room modern house, and barn; farming utensils; $100 an acre; easy terms. L. T. EALES. Tillamook. Or. 101 ACRES, 19 miles out, 100 acres in cul tivation; large house. 2 large barns, 15 acres hops: all fenced, good soil; only S5 par acre, $1000 cash, . baL. 10 years at 5 per cent. HIOLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. YES. 140 acres; 23 acres bottom land and 73 acres of plow land: schoolhouse on place, family orchard, 5-room house and barn-40i 0 H. F. L. route, telephone In house. Bin Elk River running through place. Price $25 p-r acre. C. K. Crosno. Toledo, Or. LEAVING STATE. Will sell equity in 40 acres, near New berg, good house, furnished, large bam. new waron. implements, incubator, etc, all for $2500 cash. Owner, AO 3S2. Ore gon lan. MOLALLA VALLEY FARMS FOR SALE AND TRADE. B. R. LEE. CAN BY. OR. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, IS miles -from Portland, near electric line; bargain for ail cash. By owner. 182 Morrison it. REAL ESTATE. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 9S acres of fine land just sloping enough to drain welL Woven wire fence. Main county road on two sides. Fine new house' and barn, cost 1 3 5110 last year; also hog house, chicken house and all necessary buildings; 4 acres of bearing orch ard, assorted. Fine well, spring water piped to house; 73 acres under the plow and in crop this year; 5 acres fir grove; balance of land In pasture and can be put under culti vation for $10 per acre. This place Is located IS miles from the heart of Portland on the railroad and Colum be sold within the next week. We absolutely no rock. This farm must be sold within the text week, Wa will sell it on good terms to the right party. Will consider good resi dence property as part payment. If you want a good farm that will bring you an income and want it at the right price, see us at once. Price, $12,500.- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. C40 acres of land, well located, all cleared. Will exchange for Port land Income property. 7-room modern house, located In restricted district, to trade for su- -w b urban acreage. 20 acres, all under cultivation, with buildings, stock and tools, to exchange for Eastern Oregon or Idaho property to the value of $2000. Price $4000. BAKER & DRYER. "The Acreage Men." 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. 102 ACRES. A FARM THAT WILL APPEAL TO A FARMER. This choice farm is located In heart of Willamette Valley, 28 miles from Port land, 2 miles from station Oregon jiec tricL 4 mile from stood town on S. P. lies 170 rods on Boon Ferry road, which Is main highway, Portland to Salem; the soil is of the very best; land lies per- iectly; 70 acres in high state oi culti vation; good family orchard; 30 acres of timber and nasture: fine serins; branch through comer; has 6 acres hops which will nay owner $1200 net this year; au fenced and cross-fenced; good 8-room plas tered house, barn 50x50. shedded on two sides, equipped with fork and carrier, wood house, chicken-house and machinery shed: three aood horses. 5 dandy cows. young bull, 8 dozen chickens, 2 farm wagons, l nacK, top Duggy, suuey piow, 3 dIowsl 2 harrows. 2 cultivators, mower. rake, new seeder, new disc, binder, potato digger, manure spreader; all kinds small tools, iota of hay and grain to xeea au stock; all household goods, range, organ, camels, ruts. etc. in fact it Is a No. 1 farm, fully equipped ahd everything goes. If you have $5000 cash to make the first payment, we can convince you upon inspection of the property mat u win pay out in 5 years. Price for everything X1U5 ner acre. J5U0 cash, balaca 5 years. 6 per cent. Tis farm is absolutely the best we have ever orierea ior tne money. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. 520 Railway Exchange. 4th and Stark. NEARLY 1000 acres in Douglas County, Or egon, on county and R. "ft. road; good nouse. Darn, outhouses, etc. fienty or wa ter; about 160 acres in cultivation; more cleared and half can be cultivated; BO acres In fruit, all bearing; 33 acres in nrunes. a. cron that never falls. Prune or chards round here sell for $600 and $1000 per acre; 5 acres In apples and 7 in pears, all fruit that bring top prices; all orchard In the beat of condition. New fruit dryer cost over $2000; llnvstone on the place that ia worth more '.nan we ask for all. Very fine proposition for hogs, cattle and sheep: all big money-makers; great coun try for poultry; the turkey's home; $12,000 has been spent on the lime quarry. The right man can clear $10,000 year on the place; all goes for $30,000, on good terms. B 399. Oregonlan. ANGORA GOATS. HORSES AND IMPLEMENTS. Also 101 acrea of the best land in Ore gon; 100 acres being rich bottom land, 70 acres In cultivation, 40 acres have been slashed and goated for five years, balance very valuable oak timber, close to ax handle factory. Good 10-room house, some furniture, good outbuildings. Includ ing fruithouse. Orchard Is now loaded with apples; about 10 acres. Schoolhouse on the property and rural route. Large barn, 900 bushels of oats, 230 bushels of wheat, 3 mares 1 colt, 60 goats. 28 hogs, 15 Durham cattle In fine condition. Com monly would be worth $125 per acre. This old man wishes to retire and will sell for $05 per acre. See Hart, 332 Chamber of Commerce, or write L. W. Damon, Wil lamina, Or. "THE SOIL IS THERE." 220 ACRES. NEAR PORTLAND, 160 IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION, 55 ACRES IRRIGATED. ALL CAN BE IR RIGATED IF DESIRED, OWN WATER CONTROLLING. SEVENTY HORSEPOW ER DEVELOPED; FEED AND FLOUR MILL WITH LATEST MACHINERY. A FINE EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM. A FINE SUBDIVIDING PROPOSITION. A FINE TRUCK FARM ON ELECTRIC R. R. CORN GREW 12 FEET IN 90 DAYS. COME IN AND SEE VIEWS AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT IT IS A SNAP. WILL CONSIDER SOME PORT LAND PROPERTY UP TO $5000 AS PART PAYMENT. ZIMMERMAN, 310 BOARD OF TRADE. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS f 44 acres 38 level and tillable, running stream, water piped to buildings, 2000 cords alder wood, new good 5-room house, good barn, etc., good team, harness, wag on, all machinery and tools, household goods, canned fruit, flour for nearly a year, other groceries, piano, range, heater, An-ins machine, cream separator, stump- puller, cow. heifer, all crops, etc; gravel road, DeaUtllUl locauun. iimiw uuoiiiS bustling city, river boat landing, fishing. Vvrvthlnir rnM for S3S0O: $2000 cash. hainncA 4 Ar 5 vears. Can You Beat It? Marshall 1343. Becker, 327 Lumber Exchange. RRST OF FARM LAND. 147 acres, best soil in Tualatin Valley (90 acres river bottom), 115 acres culti vated;' 20 acres partly cleared; 12 acres timber and pasture, i i mues irom iron ind au miles from Hlllsboro toward city. I defy competition when location and soil in considered. Will take residence not over $4o00 with some cash and long time on balance. G. A. NICHOLS. OWNER, 007 Wilcox Building. Phone Marshall 15; A 305S. 4014 ACHES. 27 miles west of Portland, close to rail way and electric line In splendid neigh borhood. 2S acres in cultivation, good or chard, 6-room house, barn, and outbuild ings; best of soil, no rock or gravei; a fun- ArrM nf cood onion land: Drlce $72r0. half cash. Adjoining farms held at $200 per acre; will sell stock and implements. S100O additional, a oarga:n. K.AUFFM ANN A MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. WHERE IN THIS COUNTRY CAN YOU FIND ANYTHl.NU llts. TH1SI Beautiful 120 acres, 100 acres level, bal ance undulating, all tillable; 20 acres cul tivation, all so easily cleared, good bear ing orchard, small fruit, fencing, 4-room house, large barn, etc., wen, ncn son, nno road, good neighborhood, good location, deed from original homesteader; $2200; $1200 cash, balance 3 years 7 per cent. Marshall 1345. Becker, 327 Lumber Exch. FARMERS AND SPECULATORS. 89 acres as beautiful a piece of land as lavs outside the door; very good soil and fine for subdivision, hit mile from New Era on Pacific Highway, at $125 per acre; just one-half what otner iana sens ior ana on good terms. Get all particulars oy F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 30 miles from Portland, 160 acre oi At iarm or orcnara iana; must sell and will make you a price that is like giving It away; must raise some money quick; largest offer takes It. For particulars address, giving address or telepnone numoer. t. a.D, uregonmn. 20 ACRES AT CAN BY. Close' to river, some timber land, some In cultivation, place all tillable, small buildings; price only $2000; would take, clear house or equai vaiue. &ee nan, CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. A TRUST CO. 3d floor Chamber of Commerce. IDEAL DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 151 acres. M mile from Oregon Electric station; good bouse, oig Darn. alio, splen did soil: now making big profit; will con tract for the milk. s BEACH IDLE MAN, Tabor 1R60. 1000 Division St. FOR all-purpose farm lands ranging from 100 axres ana npwarui i prices reason able, call on or writ J. V. Pipe, Al bany, Or. ALL KINDS OF FARMS. KUPPER A HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 1965. A 1134. STOCK RANCH You can run 60 of cattle. 610 head of goats, with plenty of feed. Terms that you can pay it out. Sea H. N. Swank. SOS Abington bldg. 6ANTIAM RIVER BOTTOM LANDS, potatoes, hops, fruit and grain lands, SANT1AM REAL ESTATE CO-. Jefferson. Or. 70-ACRE Improved dairy farm, 2 miles from station, running water, with plonty of back range, $15 per acre. Box 523, Cottage Grove. Or. - 130 ACRES, all highly Improved, mile Ore gon Electric sua. taay terms, sickness, must sell. Swank. 306 Abin gtonb 1 dg. ACRES Improved farm, near Newberg. Purse Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce. $31,000 SUBURBAN home for $17,000; no novice ntea appiy. bwana, jua a Ding too. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SACRIFICE. SICKNESS IN THE EAST. TUALATIN VALLEY FARM. 80 acres extra deep loam 'soil, adapted to general -farming; 72 acres in cultiva tion, 35 acres in clover, 5 acres potatoes, baiance grain, 8 acres fine timber; 2 springs and creek, all naturally drained; good fences and cross-fenced; 1 acre family orehard; -7-room house, with bath, large barn, painted, and ail necessary outbuild ings; 2 7-year-old brood mares, 1 driving horse, 2 fine mule colts, 8 mlich cows, 2 heifers, 1 thoroughbred Holstein bull, 4 calves. 2 Berkshire brood sows. 8 Berk shire hogs, 150 chickens, 2sets hand-made mower, rake, -2 plows, riding plow, cultiva tor, riding cultivator, 2 harrows, disc, new disc drill, fanning mill, feed cutter, bone grinder, wagon, hack. 500-egg incubator, 50 tons of hay, 700 bushels oats, 200 bush els wheat, lots of other tools and imple ments, all in fine shape; place lies In "Tualatin Valley, TJ. miles from Port land, on main county road; R. F. D., tele phone and milk route; ctbse to good schools and church, 3 miles from Cornelius and -4 miles from Hillsboro and Forest Grove. Price for everything. $12,500; $500 cash, balance 5 years, 0 per cent. Sick ness In the East causes this man to leave as soon as possible. Unequalled opportu nity. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY "CO., 520 Railway Exchange, 4th and Stark. A SNAP YOU BET. 30 ACRES, CROP AND STOCK. " 14 acres cleared, 12 slashed. 4 acres timber, fine soil, 40 fruit trees, 4 to 1Q years old;, good buildings, cost $1700; well and spring; if sold within 10 days will Include crop, feed, 2 cows, 1 heiier, 3 hogs, SO chickens, good team, top bug gy and harness, light wagon and harness, feed cutter, plows, harrows, cultivators and small tools; on good road, 23 miles from Portland! the best buy we have had for some time; $4tf00 takes every thine! will s-ive terms and might con sider Portland house up to $2000 as part . payment. ATCHISON &. ALLEN, 210 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. A SPLENDID FARM BUY. 30 acres. 17 acres under cultivation, 12 acres of It bottom, the balance la slightly rolling, mostly all siasnea; acre m clover; about 100 fruit trees of different varieties; running water; place well fenced; house and barn and milk house. With the place goes the following per- nnl nrnnnrlv 1 team of horses. 5 COWS. a. hoifnn A f thm fresh this Fall: SOW with 14 pigs, 2 shoats, 150 chickens. 45 tons oi nay, acres poiaioe, i turnips. 2 acrfcs kale, H acre cabbage, all machinery and tools needed on farm. This -place is 18 miles from Portland. 3 miles from United Railways. 9 miles from Hilla boro, 4 mile to school on good road; also milk route. Price $3800; $itouo casn, Dai ance to suit purchaser. OTTO & HARKSON, 133 . First St. ' 120-ACRE FARM. All in the highest state of cultivation, fine orchard of 2U0 trees 6 years old. 10 acres fine bottom land, all first-class soil; good well and a fine trout - stream on place. It Is all fenced with woven-wire fence and Is bounded by a county road on one side and slough on other. Has a fair house, good barn, granary, milk house, hoghouso and chicken-house. Is on rural route, has telephone in house and Is just 2 miles from one of, the best towns in the valley. Price $85 per acres; $4000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. Will take Portland property up to $7000 as part payment. C. De YOUNG, 514 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 1 acre, with a choice variety of bearing fruit trees and berries. The location ii; within two minutes' walk of a station on the Oregon City carline. There is a side walk from this ground to the station. The soil is very choice and the' view la excellent. On the ground Is a modern two-story, 8-room house in fine condition and nearly new.; an excellent barn, chicken-houses, woodshed, etc. This is one of the choicest suburban places that can be found. Actual cash value is $0500. I would accept a good modern bungalow or house in Portland with one lot up to not exceed $3000 and give time on the bal ance. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Com merce. THIS IS A FINE BARGAIN, TOO. 40 fine acres, level, all tillable, running stream, orchard, small fruit, fenced, 5 room house, 2 barns and outbuildings, team, harness, hack, 2 good cows, heifer, machinery and tools, household goods, chickens, cream separator, bees, etc., all crops, close to city; price, everything, $3700; $1500 cash, balance easy. Marshall 1345. Becker, 327 LumberExch. CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED FARM. C. L. BAMBERGER. 705 Spalding Bldg. 200 ACRES. vall tillable, abundance running water; sia per acre, xzua icon mug. MUcel lan eons. HAVE Oregon farm and city property for sale; railroad msiae or one year; gouu harbor; unsurpassed climate. Box 61(5, Bandon, Oregon. ' FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED. To Farmers I have a customer who owns 3 good houses on good street in Portland, close in; also 5 acres and fino home close in on 6-cent car fare. The fK-v ia ail fine- DroDertv. clear of in cum bran ce, and wrth $14,000 cash. He wishes to exchange same for a good farm of 100 or more acres which should be mostly clearea iana ana nave guuu lngs; must not be too far from Portland. riav ar me rflffprence Give full par ticulars when writing. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber Commerce, Portland, Or. WANTED TO BUY iO or 00 acres, nice place, good Duuamgs, ciobo iu buhuwi u church, about 15 miles out. If place not rnH Hnn't aniiwpr. Give exact location. description and lowest price. No agents wanted. N 379, Oregoman. WANTED, TO BUY Several hundred acres very cheap iana tor pasiuie. wivo bu description, location and lowest price. Ab- solutely no agents. Address K Ore gonlan. w a vTFn SMALL FARM. Will give you a good little home, 2-acre tract, with good new 4-room house and barn in good country town, 15 miles from Portland: value .uvu. j otw, wi-T rt n.trrhiM s to 10 acres, cultivated, near high school, on" electric line, within hour s ride of fortiana. ax WANTED Small ranch for city property phone number. AE 423, Oregonlan. WANTED Stock farm or ranch in or near Astoria. f 4li, iregoiiii. WANTED Close-In acreage; give phone. AP 373, oregonian. FOR BALK TIMBER T,ANT OWNER of stock In syndicate owning larg est compact tract of fir in Western Ore gon will sacrifice portion of holdings for cash. Purchaser would become associated with biggest men in lumber world, and buy Into this timber at 75 cents per at. aq dress AF 146, Oregonlan. i-iDr-D TIMBER TIMBER 640 acres Douglas County timber; cruise SO 000 00O feet;- price C0c per thousand feet; one-half cash, one-half city prop erty. X uresnimi. x vrpc nffp sit billion feet fir timber. Western Oregon; also 700 million yellow pine. Eastern ureon; compact, lble. Address AF 147. Oregonlan. - FOR SALE: 160 Acres of heavy yellow fir timber 41 miles back of Stevenson, Wash. Apply to A. E. Weber, Timber Valley, Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M-CRACKEN, 304 McKay Bldg. MUST have money on 8 million feet fir and SUItar Pine in DOUgias o. nat uave ;wu to offer? Owner, V 300. Oregonian. ONE acre $350, large timber, $7 per month. AK 400, oregonian TIMBER location, 12,000,000 feet yellow fir. 70S Selling bldg. 100.000,000 feet of pine Xor sale. Address AK 411. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent with privilege of buy ing later, smau aairy iarm near cream ery route and school ; would buy stock, crops, etc. Give location and other par ticulars in first letter. D 284. Oregonian, WANTED To rent dairy farm with stock and Implements. Jrrea wiaener. tocap poose, Or. WANTED To lease 40 or 60 acres of land. Improved or partly improvea. aj juu, Oregonlan. SINGLE man, 35, wants to rent farm and board with owner, a a a. a. u. Anaerson, K a la. ma. Wash. WANTED to rent a furnished farm, 100 to 200 acres. AH 3ov, oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 7 acres; 7-room house, big barn, wen; iv acres pasture aiso; price $12 per month; will lease. A. L. Har vey. Gresham. Or. Phone Farmer 403. 40 ACRES on carline, 25 miles from Port land; $J00 per year, owner, u zbs, ore gonian " WANTED To lease farm and exchange piano as paruat payment on stocK, etc Box 9 B, R- 4. Beaverton. Or. 40 ACRES. 36 4n cultivation; stock. Imple ments, ieea tor saie. iw iteimont at. Phone Tabor 174. FOB RENT rRMS. FOR RENT 20 acres fine garden land; house, barn, plenty good water, some fruit; hk mile from Clackamas station, on S. P. Railroad. Bess C lough, Clacka mas. Or. FOR SALE Dairy of 30 cows, ail tested; cood wholesale route: zood lone lease. cheap rent. Inquire R. Buetikofer, 2(33 Salmon st. 3 ACRES, close in, cheap rent, good build inas. aood chicken, hoe. duck ranch crop, stock, lease and Implements for sale. Price reasonable. X 3S7, Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT a good Investment on East Side, prefer business property or good business location on or, near Grand avenue; wilt not go east of East 12th st. Will buy either improved or vacant property up to $100,000. Give price and location or no attention will be paid to your answer. I will see you personally if your property suits me,- Af 3j4. oregonlan. . WANTED Smaller house in exchange for new 10-room modern residence, walking distance, near Union ave. and Russell, or will sell on easy terms and will sell car pets and some furniture all new ; what can you pfrer? Will give tire lot iree u. you pay cash for improvements. Owners only and with partioulars. AN 380. Ore gonian. T-J n J R WANTED. Have 160 acres In Eastern Oregon of the vain at -ikjft- will pirhflnre and assume mortgage or pay cash difference on good home on East Side of river. Give exact location, price, amount of debt, or cash man. WANTED To hnv strictlv modern 7 or 8 room house; must be free of incumbrances, from uartv who will take uo-to-date apart ment-house, doing good business, as part payment: balance casn. A.t. t o, u' gonian. ' MILK ranch wanted; 60 to 100 acres, with runnlne water. Will bifr stock and equip ment ud to ISfHlQ. Stats full particulars in first letter, location, etc. Price must be right. I mean business. C 6 its, ore gonlan. RRA1. ESTATE WANTED. K er li.rnnm hniifi in a eood neighbor hood, with convemences, that I can buy by paying $100 down. I have a first claBs position and am capable of paying $30 per month. N 3o"l, Oregonlan. TWO to four acres not over six miles ou with modern 7-room house, some fruit. good water, near car, on improved roan, state price, terms and location. Y 380, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy modern S-room residence in good neighborhood on East Side; must be free from incumbrances; will pay $1000 cash and balance in country property. 37, Oregonlan. WANTED New building. suitable for garage, shop, service dept. and show rooms; will lease for term of years. , STODDARD-DAYTON AUTO CO., 090 Washington St. IF we fail to sell your property we can exchange it for something you want. KUPPER & HUMPHREY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall 1165, A 11$4. I WANT a modern bungalow, Irvlngton dis trlct preferred: would assume mortgage will trade choice flnreaee. city lots or i acres in Gladstone for equity. Deal with owners only. Call 806 Wilcox bldg. WANTED To buv from owner. MODERN 6 room bungalow In good East Sido district, frnm Inrnm hra l)fo from naV wh1 will take small orchard 'as part payment and balance cash. M 374. oregonlan. WANT unincumbered residence immediate lv. fiiv. improved Willamette 40. JlioOO adjoining 40, $1250. Also SU, $8000. Give soouu equity xor nouse. uwner, j.uau umim ave. n . WANTED A house In Ladd's Add. or Jlur ravmead. in exchange for & acres oeau tlfully situated, close in on Mt. Hood carline. as part payment. Will assume the. difference. Phone E. 1653. FIVE- acres, from owner, on Base line road, 10 to 15 miles out; must be good culti vated farming land; state price. K 3S9, Oregonlan. I WANT an up to Hate country home of 3 io 10 acres witmn tne i-mne circie vi Portland ; give full particulars. H 402, Oregonlan. WANT to 1 acre In Park Rose or near vicinity; all cash; must be a bargain ana near canine. security development o. 4th and Pine. WANT Portland Heights vacant lots house from party who will take beautiful riverfront acre as part pay menu AT 378, Oregonlan. WANTED LOTS Have 6-room bungalow in Laurelhurst district: will- take lots up to $&uu in trade. 913 Chamber of Commerce, WANTED Two or more well-located lots close in. suitable for Immediate develop " ment; will give choice acreage or timber in payment, au a, oregonian. WANTED Direct from owner, a large body of land, suitable for dairying, fruit or general farming. Must oe cheap. s on, Oregonlan. - ONE or more acres wanted near electric give location, price and if you sell, take $i.ouu clear residence at btewart station. Ai" 401, oregonlan. FOR quick results list your property with us. KUPPER & HUMrHHi, 212-213 Chamber of Commerce, I WANT a modern 4 or 5-room house In good location- must be a bargain; will deal with owners only. F 423, Oregonlan. MODERN bungalow, Hawthorne district, for vacant property, acreage. . AG 3S0, Oregonlan. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow, center west; give lowest price and location in Tirstjetter. k a3, oregonian. WANTED, New, well-paying apartment building as an Investment. E 394, Orego ntan. CASH for eouity. house, lots, morteajces, acreages,, contracts; will exchange. United Realty, ,a06 Geriinger bldg., 2d and Alder. WANTED From owner, house and lot In exchange for small, well Improved farm. aoout $;i,uo value, au an, oregonian. 5 ACRES near Parkrose, with 5-room house for city property ot small payment down. Tabor 3159. AE 3S-0, Oregonlan. CASH for small fractional lot. preferably between Sunnyside and Hawthorne car- lines. V SS6, Oregonian. WANT some cheap Clackamas County acre age. Give price, terms and location. D 2vS, Oregonian. WANT about 200 acres logged-off land. Must be on road and not too far from railroad. P 3ol, Oregonian. WANTED 5-room house between 2d and 7th, Madison rand Lincoln; about $3000; $i00 down, k 418, Oregonian. WANT view building site on Portland Heights; state location and price. Own- ners oniy. as o-, uregonian. rest si property. Le Noir & Co., 835-S37-S3U Chamber of Commerce. WANJT ED -Timber land with some cedar and piling timber; give location and price. Address Art Slid, uregonian. WANTED Bulldine site on Portland Willamette Heights; owners only. AO 3 1 8, Oregonlan. MT. TABOR residence, or good lot wanted; give location' and price without profit. A LP o3o, uregonian. $5000 TO $6000 residence wanted; $3000 in trade, balance cash. Oregonlan. will give au aa, $3000 RESIDENCE wanted in good location; terms ana cneap. ad am, oregonian. TWO lots, SU Johns carllnu. AG 37 gonian. WANTED Laurelhurst equities. Carlock A Mullhaupt. 1026 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Acreage, West Side, give full particulars. AP 3oi, oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE, close in, for city prop- erty, facreage. Main pqsp. WAN T acreage from owner ; have house. iota, casn. ir bj, uregonian. LOT between 9th. 16th. Everett, Marshall; give location, price, wjm, oregonian. & OR 6-room bungalow., close in; not ever giuu. Ar 416, oregonian. 80 ACRES for city property direct from owner; no agents. Mar. 390. WANTED Bungalow, from owner; phone. Af iWi, uregonian. WANTED 2 lots, from owner; phone. i, uregonian. SPOT cash for 1.00x100 Irvlngton; East of l4tn. -4UU. uregonian. VERNON" Alberta lots for cash; n a. agents. AC a&i, uregonian. WANT cottage; make payment with 15 acres W hite Salmon, clear. 33 Worcester bldg. HAVE a fine new house and cash for farm from owner, ah s i, oregonian. WANTED To buy house, new. modern. from owner. K. 3fe4, oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. TO exchange for acreage, strictly modem 6-room nouse, . in. gooa aistrict, at Monta-villa- WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 303-306 Spalding Bldg. M. 7592. HAVE 40-acre farm, 10 miles from Port land, on county xoaa ; gooa nouse and barn; 10 acres cultivated; to exchange for city property. D 294. Oregonian. HAVE beautiful high-grade, new, modern home, best location last siae; need $1000 cash, balance easy terms and trade. AN 3S0. Oregonlan. - WILL trade 6 lots In a growing valley town for a ugnt automooue trucic call at H2 First st. TO EXCHANGE. FOR ECHA.NGES SEE THE HARBOLT-W ILSON CO.. INC. U13-yi7 Lewis Bldg. "THERE IS ONE MIND TjaAT IS COM MON TO US ALL. EACH iilND IS AN INLET TO THE SAME AND ALL OF THE SAME. This is the reason why any business man will find It to his advantage to read the following; a 6,000 15 lots, one 8-room house with $3000 equity, to trad for small ranch to about $ikuu. $ 6,0002 high-class houses, located In Laurelhurst and Xrvington, to trade for ranch1ap to $b000. $ 6,000 20 acres in apple orchard. Will consider 2 first-class equities in Portland residences. - $ 10,000 55 acres, located on Amity Heights, Amity. Oregon, to trade for city property up to $20,000. $ 11,500 City lots and close-in acreage to t trade for flat buildings for six families. $ 12,000 9 acres, all In high state of cul tivation at Vineyard station, with A-l buildings, to trade for apartment or flats up to $16, . ooo. $ 12,000 40 acres A-l alfalfa land, under the Government ditch, to trade for city property and assume - up to $20,000. $ 12,500 SO acres of which 50 Is cleared and in high state of cultivation with plenty of stock- and implements to work same, to trade for city income up to $15,000. $ 14,000 796 acres of A-l wheat land In Eastern Oregon, to trade for city property up to $25,000. $ 14,600 4-famlIy flat building. Income . $120 per month; will take 2- family flat up to $b500. $ 15,000 120 acres, lying close to New berg; A-l apple land, toHrade for city income property. $ 16,000 128 acres at Brush Prairie, to trade for first-class wheat ranc.i up to $25,000. $ 16.160 202 acres in high .state of cul tivation, with A-l buildings, to trade for city property up to $20,000. f 18,000 First-class general merchandise stock, with autos, horses and wagons and everything cora- plete, to trade for .city income property up to $15,000. 18,000 2-famlly flat building; 100x200, on Grand avenue, with first class greenhouse and 10 acres of orchard, near Salem, to' tradn for a good farm that can be used for a nursery. , $lS.900 235 acres, 70 of which Is In high state of cultivation, with good buildings ; located near Salem, to trade for city property up to $25,000. 22,000 HO acres, deep, black soil, 2H miles from The Dalles, with good buildings and plenty of stock and Implements, to trade for city property up to $30,000, . or close-In acreage. 9 25,000 314 acres, 200 of which are in cultivation, close to McMinn- i vllle, to trade for city property up to $15,000. $ 23.000 1S3 acres at Tillamook, well stocked and" considered one of the best stock ranches In Til lamook Valley. Will consider one-half trade on Portland property. 9 25,000 Miscellaneous property, consist' Ing of equities in houses, mort gages and land, to trade for first-class farm up to $40,000. $ 80,000 30 acres In Hood River, with nearlv all bearlne- fruit trees good buildings, 1 miles west of the town, to trade for city property up to $o0,ooo. 9 82,000 320 acres of some of the finest fruit land located near The Dalles ; 140 acres already - In wheat, balance very easily ciearea. $ 37,800 640 acres A-l wheat land and ' 01 acres bottom land, located near Spokane, to trade for N apartment-house up to $60,000. 9 40,000 310 acres, 5 miles south of Sa lem. all cultivated and good "buildings, to trade for city up io tuv.uw. 9 40,000 187 acres of- alfalfa land In Eastern Oregon; 63 acres in al j air a, the balance under th aitcn, witn a-i ouiidings. trade for city property up to $00,000. $ 45,000 Close-In West Side business property, to trade for first-class farm up to 5 d 0,000 near Salem, $ 60.000 worth of city and farm DroD erty located In Portland and . The Dalles, to trade for large Income piece of property up to $100,000. Will pay from $10,000 o )iD,wu casn. 9 60,000 100O acres of A-l wheat land in Eastern Oregon; lies right on the railroad; to trade for city property up to siuo.vuo. $ 67,200 672 acres located at, Sunnyside all platted in 10-acre tracts; no finer fruit land In the North west, to trade for one larcre In come piece of property up to 8 75.000 Chicago apartment -house, with X8000 a year Income, to trade for first-class Hood River or valley ranch up to $35,000. 75.000 Inside 50x100 business corner. close to Washington street. Will take one-half trade, . balance mortgage and cash. $ 90,000 313 acres, all set to fruit. In the famous uooanoe Hills. known for their fine quality of iruit, to iraoe ior city property up IO flUU,UUU. $115,000 11,500 acres, one of the finest stock ranches in the Pacific Northwest, located in Eastern Washington, near Walla Walla. It Is stocked with 3500 head of sheep and all kinds of machin ery; will trade for business block up to $75,000, balance mortgage. $125,000 Close-in business corner. trade for city or farm up to 9189,000 6S00 acres wheat ranch; all cul tlvated. except a few acres; plenty of stock and Imple ments, to trade for city or in come property up ta30U,uuu. 94O0.00O Close Inside business property; shows returns of approximately 6 per cent on $400,000, with 10 per cent increase in valuation of said property each year, to trade ior ciiv income or acre age up to $200,000. Inflated values or worthless property will not be given considera tion. $500,000 Close-in business lot, covering nearly one-half block; will con sider $100,000 trade ana $100,- t uw casn ana will give terms on balance at 6 per cent to suit purchaser. : This Droperty Is ad vertised for the shrewd investor who has a desire to make at least $500,000 in the next ten years on tnis property. THE HARBOLT-WILSON CO., INC., - - 013-917 Lewis Bldg. 4th and Oak Sts. Main 8400. A 7158. I WANT A LOT. free of incumbrance, in exchange for $450 equity in well located Beaumont lot. r. H. Atchison, 210 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Aiaer. HAVE two Bayocean lots; will trade my equity In one or both as first payment on small nouse not over v-ow. At ore gonian. FOR SALE or exchange: 6-room house in MontavlUa, worth S60O, with $600 mort gage, z years ; win traae ior mortgages, land or good business. E 3S4. Oregonlan. 518 ACRES fruit and wheat land, Spokane country, 4 miles rrom Btation. trice $3D per acre; want city property. Haynes &. Co.. 310-Stark st. $1200 EQUITY Waverleigh Heights house. traae ior late auto or gooa iol. x aoi. Oregonlan. WANT $3000 from private party, 8 per cent, Portland Heights improvea, ampie security. AS 37, oregonian. $1500 EQUITY In 6-room bungalow. Al- oerta district; want guoa conuumn auto mobile. Haynes & Co., 310 Stark st. WHAT have you to trade for my equity of $3600 in two new nouses, wen locaiea t AJ 393. Oregonlan. . HAVE $4000 equity in choice Seattle vacant; want clear acreage suname ior cnicnen and garden. AO 885. Oregonlan.' FOUR launches for sale cheap, or will trade. 715 Swetland Didg. LOT or smaller house for S-room modern house. L 875, oregonian. ,0 ACRES for city property direct from owner: no agents, juar. avv. - .LirORNIA LOTS for auto or cheap acre age. 602 Buchanan bldg. . TO EXCHANGE. FAIR EXCHANGE IS NO ROBBERY." THKE ARE.FA1B. 4 2-ROOM HOTEL, well located, doing nice business, free of incumbrance; $35U0; for city property free from debt. 3S ROOMS, $4500; fine, central place, paying $150 to $LtH a month, mortgage $1500. easy payments; take lots in city or improved for equity. 48 ROOMS, 5-year lease at $2t!5 a month, a good payer; $3150; take city property or small ranch. 75x100 WITH 4-roem cottage, plenty fruit, Woodstock district ; price $2uoo ; give equity $lt0 as first payment on small ranch. Improved. COUNTRY HOTEL, $S500; equity of $4250 to trade for Portland property. MS-ROOM HOTEL, city, a good propo sition, equity of $5000 to trade for city or country property. 1 10 ROOMS, best proposition In Port land; take city or nearoy country prop erty up to $12,600; $500 cash, balance $2400 monthly. And there are others. O. C. R. ELLIS ft CO., 609-510 Wilcox bldg. - ' GARDEN HOME 11.5 acres, well improved, unincumbered ; want city property. Im proved or vacant; will assume. Near Garden Home. 18 acres, good Im provements, stock and Implements, high state of cultivation; commercial orchard. Want dairy farm. 4 acres right at station on 4th -street electric, unincumbered, lies beautifully, family orchard, old buildings. Want house. STAVE R, 616 Couch bldg. HAVE two tracts of land, one of 2S00 acres, the other an improved farm t?f 2000 acres, amounting in price to over $100, 000. Can be exchanged, together or sep arately, for good town or city property. The incumbrance on the properties is small. Inability of the owner to look after these properties induces him to con sider an exchange for town or city prop erty In any thriving place In the North west. 1 K. Moore. 517 Board of Trade. QUARTER block wanted in Laurelhurst, Ir vinwton. Holladay Addition or piedmont In exchange for SO acres of land in Baker . County, 3 miles from the town of Durkee; land worth $12.50 an acre. Will assume some debt or pay cash difference. Give exact location, description and price property, and where meeting can be held. Address AR ai, oregonian. EXCHANGE for home in Portland ; fin farm of 55 acres in Clarke County, Wash - 4& miles to railroad station; first-class buildings, good sou, wen fenced; in tmcK ' lv settled community, close to school anc church; a good bargain- at $tf500; will take house- or bungalow in good location . up to $4000; balance terms, a 413, Ore gonian. TO TRADE; 10 acres in California, irri gaiea, smau house ana barn, orchard. acres grapes, 3 acres alfalfa, miles to town, 1 mule. 1 cow, 1 heifer, chicken and tools; equity $2000 to trade for house and lot of about same value in Portland or acreage near Portland; nai $1200 can run 5 years. F 4-2, Oregonlan PORTLAND property, out-of-town lots am acre&ge. to exchange for Umber claims what have you? Good real estate to exchange for grocery Clear lots, out of town, for 40-room apartment nouse. AM ADO N, " 312 Lewis bldg. WILL exchange 100 acres of land in Baker uounty, 4 miles irom the town or Unity, for house and lot, oc equity in good house and lot; would assume mortgage or pay cash difference. Don't want any fancy price, as our land is well worth $12.50 per acre. Give exact location of nrooerty, price, etc., and where meeting can be neia Aaaress ak Sftii, uregonian. fi s ACRES riKht on the electric line. miles from Portland and Just two blocks from depot. This tract Is all first-claes black loamy soli: is ail In cultivation an has a fine orchard of two acres on It. Price $4500. Exchange for residence or income property, u. uexoung. oi Cham uer oi commerce oiag. $1000; 800 ACRES, mile of good city. S. P. R. R.: fine for dairy, rood fruit land lots of timber; water. Take home some city near school; $2o00 cash, lont time on baL Owner, 417 Lumber Ex- change jHdg. I WILL trade a $1500 1012, 5-passengor Overland automobile In good order, for gooa notes or mortgages on improved rea estate and pay cash lor excess amount, any. State what you have, with full db scription. 8 3a7, oregonlan. "THIS IS IT."' Have you something to exchange for farms, houses, lots, acreage If so, why not let "The Live Traders" trade It for you? Apply to Clopton and McDanieis iiU4 oaK st., near oth st. 20 ACRES, value $3500. 2 ml. from Gresham right on O. W, P. carline, to exchange xor income property or nouse ana lot, WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., 305-6 Spalding Bldg. M 7592. 5 LOTS. Regent Park, Berkeley. Calif. streets paved, sewered, price $3250; for property in or near Fortiana or Astoria. a. ju. uigax, twio snattucK. ave., uek land, Calif. INCOME PROPERTY FOR BUSINESS Four houses in Tacoma. always rented , prefer hardware and furniture, or small iarm. teai estate men copy. nox -uo Portland. DIAMOND ring for furniture, a beautiful 2 hi carat, cure white, perfect diamond a bargain at $750. I will take furniture to the amount of $400y-balance cash. A. J. Heskitt, real estate, S3 5th st. CONFECTIONERY and cliiar store, esvab lished 7 years, doing" big business;- long lease: 230 WashinRton st.. near Seond: -ill take acreage or small Improved farm up tc- $3000. J 388, Oregonian. 80 ACRES at ScaDnoose. Or. Very fine tim ber on this place. Will' exchange for $aoou house ana lot. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO., " 305-6 Spalding Bldg. M 7592. WILL trade any or all for what you have 5-room cottage, $2350; 0-room, 2-story, iswu; 0-room. a-story. xziuo; clear or ai range equities to suit. Griffin, owner, 515 Gerllnger bldg. 13 ACRES just 9 miles out on Canyon Road and a short distance irom electric sta tion to exchange far Portland property. Price $4500. C. DeToung, 514 Chamber or commerce. HAVE 160-acre farm, all under plow. home in Portland. Value of farm 54000 no Incumbrance; m city for a few days only. J. C. Hay ward, room 324 Clyde Hotel. Main Ztf. $250 EQUITY new 4-room plastered cottage? zuu casement, jar. bcoil car; discount cash : trade for niano. diamond, any thing equal value; balance $1015; $10 month, Q per cent. J avi, oregonian. WE have some fine trades In land, 45-acre tract, 4-acre tract, also z acres ana ift acres; any oi tnese can do iraaeu ior. 437 Chamber Commerce. 15 ACRES, all good land, some timber, nice creeK, 14 miles ot nice city; o. r, n. 1.. - Trade for horses or auto to $800. Owner, 417 Lumber Exchange idg. FOR SALE or trade: 120 acres, fine timber, in Morrow County; plenty of water; a bar gain. Address w. u. leming, .auranae, or. $S000; PORTLAND home to exchange for grocery in city or general store in gooa town. State location and amount of stock. F 411, Oregonian. WANT a-ood fi-nassenger car as Dart mw ment on acres DBttvetuam iana at rail way station, near Portland. Ait 3tiS, Ore gonian. 40 ACRES, 2 miles from Hood River, bear ing orcharas an arouna. rice xtfuuo; exchange for good Portland property. C. PeYoung,-n4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GROCERY stock, -new and clean, for good acreage or ciear roruaaa property; in voice J2100. H1GLEY & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. 10 ACRES land, unimproved, rich soil, 40 minutes irom aeatue, ior nouse in Port land, value $1500. Write owner, room 210 Globe bldg., Portland, Or. WHAT will you trade, $1500 equity modern 7-room house, 2 lots? Call Monday. 801 Front st. Main 877. $S00 EQUITY In 10 acres land for city property or wnai nave your u aio, ejre gonian. NINE rooms, furniture new, flat close in, modern; win exchange lor property. K 866, Oregonian. LARGE West Side lot, clear of Incum brance, for late rooaei roaaster. owner, jy 2s2, oregonian. TRADE fine lot for a good launch not less than 45 It- Can 12 until 4 V. M., phone B 2723. GOOD typewriter; will exchange for dia monds or jeweiry; value $45. AL 485, Oregonlan. MODERN 5-room house, will accept auto as first payment, Daiance like rent. 002 Bu chanan bldg. 5-ROOM modern house, close to car; noth ing down, $10 to $20 a month. 602 Bu chanan bldg. I HAVE five rooms good furniture to trade towards gooa lot. what nave you to of fer? W 399, Oregonian. WILL trade equity in Irvlngton residence for auto in gooa condition and balance cash. AE 40S, Oregonian. NtEED money, will take most anything of value ana some money tor oeautirui corner lot, 70x100. East Side. P 3S7, Oregonian. WILL trade a 4-seated runabout car for lot, valued about $ouu. 13 4-o. oregonlan. A GOOD auto to trade for real estate. dres3 AR oregonian. 2500 8 per cent mortgage for city or coun try property. J 3f0, oregonian. 10 ACRES, unincumbered. In Multnomah County, for a business. East 5973, WE can exchange what yeu have for what yon want, oariana s to., 191 4th St. ROOMING-HOUSE, close In, for city Prop erty, acreage aiaia eoov. TO EXCHANGE. "IT'S ALL IN THE WATER." $40 ACRES. 200 UNDER DITCH. OWN' WATER, DEEP. RICH SOIL. FIXE AL FALFA LAND. O.N OOOD COUNT! ROAD, CREAMERY ROUTE. DAILY MAIL AND TELEPHONE; PRICE. IN CLUDING CROP, $15.0tm; $400 CASH; WILL CONSIDER SOifE GOOD PORT LAND PROPERTY ON PART AT RIGHT VALUES. 80 ACRES, 60 UNDER DITCH, AD JOINS THE ABOVE; SAME SOIL AND OWN WATER; PRICE $50M0. $1000 CASH; WILL CONSIDER PORTLAND PROPERTY. IMPROVED OR UNIM PROVED. AT RIGHT VALUES. FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE ZIMMERMAN, S1Q BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. - A FEW GOOD TRADES; Elegantly furnished small rooming house. Tear 17th and Washington; price iN)uo; not a cent owing; take house and lot or acreage. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR LOTS. 30-room rooming-house, near Portland Hotel; clear of incumbrance; take acreage or lots valued $3000. LARGE ROOM1NG-HOUSB FOR SMALU ONE. $1500 equity in 45-room house en Wash ihgton; full; price $3700. R. IL GOOD-KIND CO., 10t5-6 Wilcox Bldg. SPLENDID DAIRY AND HOG RANCH NEAR PORTLAND. 80 acres, just off St. Helens road, near Holbrnok; to acres can be cultivated; all splendid soil; running brook; several springs; old orchard, some timber, old barn for 1!0 cows; all free of Incum brance; only $100 per acre; easy terms. Will consider trade for Portland prop erty; no equities. J. W. CROSSLEY. 519 Corbett Building. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 20 acres of fine orchard land beautifully situated on the East Side district Hood River Valley ; over H planted in com . merclal orchard, part In bearing; fine building site, worth $20,000, but can be had at extremely low price of $15,000 ; plenty of water for strawberries; will take unincumbered Portland residence ia good district as part payment. AH $98, -Oregontan. TEN ACRES commercial apple orchard 3 years old. adjoining Newberg; level, very rich land for general purpose, for Port land property or very easy terms ; noth ing better. Also will sell my 18 lota In a bunch, some fruit, well and new cot- tage, very rich garden land, 4 blocks from station and store, one hour's ride on electric; for Portland property, or very easy terms. Owner, P. O. Box 105T. I HAVE a $70,000 irrigated farm, consider exchange for Portland or Valley prop erty; 2u0 in growing alfalfa: 200 in oats; main line of irrigating canal through farm; nnest of buildings, all kinds of "stock and machinery. This property is clear of. mortgage; owners might assume or pay some difference. L. K. Moore, alt Board of Trade. Portland. OWING to sudden Illness will sell on part time, part cash, or take part cash and bal. in good real estate, my large "tore building with living-rooms in back and lodging rooms above, and a full stock ot all new furniture, rugs, stoves, hardware, buggies and farm implements, in the growing town of Washougal, Washington, Inquire of PostmasterJ . HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 6 acres, all planted to choice varietleg of commercial apples, on main county road; only few miles out of town of Hood River in fine condition; 2 to 4 years old; price only $3000; will accept unincumbered residence lot In Portland as first payment and give long time on balance. Address owner, AH 396, Oregonlan. RANCH to trade for property in country town 140 acres, good orchard, barn and house, 10 miles to R. R.. level road: school on place; phone; neighbors close; 30 acres river bottom, balance hill. Write what you have. George Hodges, Salado, Or. 8 ACRES, 19 miles from Portland, hi, mile from station; fine orchard, all farming implements. Including span good horses, two wagons; 0-room house and al' out buildings; fine water. 'Will excha'.ga for a good residence in city and some cash Nf 274 Stark st. WEST SIDE ACREAGE. 0 24 acres within 4 blocks of paved street, near Council Crest Park and Healy Heights, overlooking the beauti ful Tualatin Valley. Will consider 6 or 7-room residence up to $3500 In exchange. Will assume to eover difference. 013 Chamber of Commerce. CITY PROPERTY FOR FARM. Modern 9-room house ,50x100 lot, all improvements in and paid; Garfield ave., near Alberta. Price $000. Want good improved farm. Must be near town, w'th good high school. Prefer about 40 acres. Will go up to $500 tor good place. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 170 Oth at. WANT Pan Diego or Los Angeles property In exchange for a nice bungalow and lot 60x100 in a good section of Portland; not far out, now rented by the year to good tenants, paying interest on $3000. Inquire At 315 Abington bldg. ' 53 ACRES, mile from Orchards; 20 acres cleared : good house, barn, etc. ; good rich soil; will exchange for city property on cash basis, M. C. Davis, SIS Hamilton bldg. Tabor 2675 or Marshall 23 U4. $15,000 WORTH of first-class properties in city, ootn vacant ana improveu, to trade in on one piece of property of equal or higher valuationr We have a legit imate proposition and our trading price is our cash price. Apply 503 Yeon bldg. EQUITIES in 2 fine new 6 and 7-room homes. Rose City Park and Beaumont. - Will sell for a hundred or two down or exchange for lots or land. J. Jr. uaaiey, 810 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, 16-room furnished hotel in a thriving mill town In South west Washington; hotel running full ca pacity. Address L. B., C3S South Bend Washington. . HAVE a beautiful lot in Hawthorne district will exchange ior auto. TOM TAYLOR, 09 Northwest Bldg. Marshall 1680. WILL exchange for Portland property, my 100 seres near ooiaenaaie, wain.; some Improvements; price $5000, mortgage $1500. This is first-class. AN 8y, Ore gonlan. 80-ACRE tract In Clackamas County in Red- lands district, ricn son, aoout iw acrea cleared, no buildings, price $6000; will trade on Portland property. A, B. Poulsen, 418 Railway Exchange. G LOTS, fair house and barn, in fine town 23 miles from portiana. on eiectric car lines, to trade for stock, machinery and lease on good farm. Address W: E. Fitch, Cornelius, Oregon. HAVE seven town lots In Necarney City, on P. R. N. Ry., near the oil wens; value $1750; will sell or trade for grocery, con fectionery or small house and lot; terms if desired. V 400, Oregonlan. EXCHANGE Grocery, old established and doing a gooa casn Dusiness; mis is cen trally located; for good city real estate to the value of 15000. T 308. Orego nlan. ' 320 ACRES good, unimproved Eastern Ore gon what land, no lncumorance, ior inuu ern home; will adjust difference on cash valuation. 431 Chamber of Commerce. Main 0294. BEAUTIFUL, new, modern, East Side home. $15,000 to apply. It suiiea. on purcnase price improved farm of same or greater value. AE 417, Oregonlnn. WANTED to trade lot In Port Angeles for small rooming-nouse; must o gnua lo cation ; no agents. George Moore, 60 hi North Seventh street, city. FOR exchange, by owner, Spokane prop erty for Portiana property; wining to assume reasonable amount. AN 305, Ore gonian. TO EXCHANGE A good paying grocery Store. Will invoice wu. ior a iiuuse ana lot or lots. J. Singer, 700 First sL Mala 437. MOVING-PICTURE show, is now making good money, and in gooa location; win exchange for real estate. See McCurdy Music Co., 83 N. 3d st. OLD WINTON TO TRADE. 5-passenger, 4-cyllnder, good condition, for lots or acreage. Fred W. German, 433 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. 4 NICE lots and one large Norman stallion to exenange ior yuuug mares, law pounas and over. Ed HoUoway, 512 Rothchlld bldg. WILL sell or exchange for Portland prop erty, S5.0- acres in Kitsap county, vvasn., about 0 miles from the U. S. Navy yards. Call at 371 Vancouver ave., Portland, Or. LEAVING THE CITY. Will sell my tine modern home at a bargain or exchange for Seattle residence. Call Main 821:3, owner, for particulars. WILL trade $425 equity in lot, no Interest on payments. w nat nave your m 01, Oregonlan. ACRES finest Hood River orcnara u exenange tor a resiuence in rui uauu, u. 274 Stark St. TO EXCHANGE Eight lots in East Mt. Tabor for equltyoi Siiuu in ouu uunsa low. Wood. 101 Oth st. HIGH-GRADE piano, nearly new; will ex change for lot, vaiue ou, or win sen on installments. Phone E. 4022. HOW would you like a farm near Denver, or 40 acres in rruit dcii 01 western siope, Colorado? J. F. Hadley. 310 Spalding bldg. LARGE automobile, tine condition, in ex change for larromg lauu or city prop erty, t 1 & . B'- TWO lots as part payment on 6 or 6-room house in gooa resiueuv uwincu v 01 v, Oregonlan. " EQUITY of $4000 in modern residence and $1000 m Casn ior unuwnio block 01 equal value. O 3H, Oregonian. WANT exchange 2 lots and house for farm. 104 AVlilQw at. EXCHANGE 4-pass. cartercar tor lot. Ta bor 4uys. V'-