The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 01, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 7, Image 37

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City Circulation .....
Manacliif Editor ....
Caaaar Editor
C am pof n f-room .....
Superlnteadt building
...Main TOT. A es
.. .Main 70T0. A GOSJ
...Main 7070, A BOOT
...Main 7070. A COM
...Mala 7070. A6OTS
Main 7070 A SM
HEH.Tr, THEATER (Seventh Tf'0'
D.Wolffo Hopper In the light opara.
"The Jiikado." Tonight at 8:15.
Sixth and STSDth VaadsvllU. TonlgBt
at 8:80.
r) Vaudeville. This afternoon at
tonlxbt at T:S0 ar.d o'clock.
EMPRESS THEATER f Park and W aabln-
ton Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at
tonight at 7 .SO and o'clock.
CAKS PARK lllaraette Rlr) Atnn.a-
m.nt para: varied attraction Thla alter-
moon and tonight.
ture 11 A M to 12 P. M.
RECREATION' PARK (Twenty-Fourth and
Vaughn) Baseball. Vernon vs. Portland.
Two games this afternoon at 1:30.
For the quickest dell ry 1 Tha
Orrgonian at Summer resorts- ann
cr!he throngh tha following agents.
City rates. Subscriptions by mall are
payable In alvaaee,
Bayoeean. Or-Hotel Bayneenn .swer
Bay City, Or. M. i. MI"
Bar Tlew. Or. E. P. Mareher
Brighton Beach. Or J. A. Baldwin
Columbia Beach. Or- .Frank Bernlee
Carson Springs Mine ml Springs Hotel
Casradla. Or tj- M. Geisendorfer
ColUns Springs Fred A. en ng
Long Beach tenia Cobra
Kaheotta H. Browa
Newport Ota. Sly ster
Oeean Park I. . Beeehy
Kerkaway Bearn.Or. .Wllklna Hire
et. Martina Springs. .Mrs. St. Martin
Seaside Clark Strattoa
eaTiew. Wash frank E. Strahal
lUlamook J. a- Israel
lakeland, Waah. .....John &orl
Gresham to Have Branch Library.
Gresham will soon be provided with
a branch library at a cost of 110,000.
The preliminary sketches as submitted
to the Carnegie library secretary have
been approved, provided the building
can be kept within the $10,000 appro
priated for the building. This will
likely be done. The structure will be
the most attractive of the sort outside
of Portland. It will contain such de
partments as are required in a first
class branch library, providing prac
tically the same facilities as the Port
land main library affords. It will have
a lecture room which will seat from
100 to 200 people. It is stated that the
site for the building has been secured
and that there is nothing in the way
of the erection of the building.
Lents Band Gives Concert. Lents
band gave a pleasing concert Thurs
day night at the Isis Theater in Lents,
which was attended by a large audi
ence. Professor A. A. Thielke. leader
of the band, was in charge. The pro
gramme consisted of a number of
selections, opening with an orchestra.
There were cornet, violin, 'cello and
saxophone solos. The latter was by
Professor Thielke. Efforts of the new
band were appreciated and applauded.
Although organized but a short time
the Lents band made a creditable
Athletic Club Secures Quarters.
Lents Athletic Club has equipped an
ample ball on the second floor of the
. Alcazar building, on Main street, and
It was opened last Monday night. The
hall has been equipped with wrestling
and tumbling mats, punching bags.
boxing gloves, horizontal bars, Indian
clubs and other apparatus. Also the
hall is provided for handball and
basketball, and many of the members
find these departments enjoyable. A
good evening's programme has been
arranged for Monday night.
Ip You Are in the Market for
handsome Omental rug or a fine Turkish
or Persian carpet, you cannot afford to
Ignore the opportunity of looking
through our large collection. Our aim
In business is to sell high-grade rugs
at the lowest possible prices. We are
In a position to undersell all other
dealers. You will lose If you do not
see our stock. Every rug guaranteed
perfect. Cartozian Bros., exclusive
Oriental rug dealers. 473 Wash., bet.
13th and 14th streets.
The Kniohts and Ladies op Securitt.
Membership campaign for 1000 new
members in 60 days, expects to close on
or about September 16, with probably
the largest public class Initiation ever
. held in this city; 600 applications pro
cured to date. If you wish to take ad
vantage of the special campaign in
ducements now offered, give us your
application now. Room 206-207 Alisky
bldg., cor Third and Morrison sts.
Mission Opens Today. Fathers
Thomas A. Meagher and Patrick J.
O'Reilly. 4 Jesuit fathers, will open a
mission in Ignatius Church. East Forty
third and Powell streets, today at 6:30
o'clock, to continue one week. Special
Instructions will be given each evening
at 7:30 P. M.
We Sell hair mattresses retail at
wholesale prices, for 30-pound beds
from $7.60 and up. We renovate mat
tresses and return them the same day.
We also renovate feathers. Portland
Curled Hair Factor". H. Metzger. pro
prietor. 228 Front st. Main 474. A 1374.
For Sals.
A 46-horsepower. 650-volt. Crocker
Wheeler motor, complete with standard
blade starter, no voltage release and
75-ampere overload I-T-B circuit
breaker. In A-l condition. Address
room 203 Oregonlan building.
Excursion. Sunday and Labor day
to Cascade Locks on steamer Bailey
Gatzert: leaves Alder-street dock at 9
A. M-. return at 5:45 P. M.; 1 round
trip. Phones: Main 914. A 5112.
For Sale.
A 40-K. W., 600-volt Crocker-Wheeler
generator, complete with field rheostat
and circuit breaker. In good condi
tion. Address room 203 Oregonlan bldg.
Beware of the magazine subscrip
tion shark: you take no chances with
us. Get our catalogue, lowest prices.
Budelman News Co., 424 Wash. sts.
New Fall Stock. High-grade work
manship, suits $40 and up; 5 per cent
off for cash payment. J. Pollvka &
Co., tailors. 206 Corbett bldg.
Oregon City Boat leaves Taylor
street dock, dally, 8 A. M., I P. M.;
Sundays A. M.. 12 M-. IP. M. Round
trip, 40 cents.
Da Georoe S. Breitlino, splnologlst.
of the Marquam bldg., is now located
In the Royal bldg.. 7 th and Morrison.
Drs. Gustave E. Bruehi and Frank
B. Klstner removed from Electric build
ing to tenth floor. Journal building.
Grand Labor Day Ball, at Swiss
Hall. Monday evening. Sept. 2. Admis
sion. 60 cents. Ladies free.
acne's Portraits. Columbia bldg.. rr
rren. women, children. alaln-A 134.
Go to Skiphkrd's BriUNoa K.
Ehlpherd. manager.
Grand Ball, Labor day. Rlngler's
Hall. Minuet Club: valuable prizes.
Dr. H. C. Fixott and Dr. D. T. Kerr
moved to 505 Oregonian bldg.
Delightful Boating on Lake Esta
cada. O. W. P. cars,
Hop Pickers Wanted. Call at once,
333 Second street.
Dr. Henry Rorx Clare has returned
from vacation from coast.
Wanted. A moderate-sized country
bank. Inquire of AV 9. Oregonlan.
Weddino Rings. The latest Tiffany
shape at Jaeger Bros.
Dr. Trimble, physician, returned; 410
Mohawk bldg.
Reiner, the furrier's adv. on this page.
Diamonds, very finest at Jaeger Bros. ;
Ct-t-w xo tis as Vice Situation.
The MontavUla, Board of Trade. ,wilj
hold a meeting Monday night In the
rear of the hall on East Glisan and
East Seventy-second streets, at wnicn
time the nresent vice crusade In Port
land will be considered. Some of the
directors of the Albtna co-operative
store have been asked to attend and
explain the plans of that store. All
Interested, and especially women of
Montavilla. are Invited to attend thla
Richmond to Have Firs Station.
Plans are to be prepared for a fire
station for the Richmond-Waverly dis
trict. Two lots were recently purchased
there for $3500, leaving $6500 for the
fire station. It is understood that this
building will be similar to the Rose
City Park station, which Is for horse
or ' auto-drawn apparatus, and cost
$8000. L. G. Holden, battalion .chief,
will prepare plans for the new station.
Vice Report Is Y. M. C. A. Topic
Professor A. E. Wood, of the Reed
College faculty and a member of the
Vice Commission, will be the speaker
at the men's meeting In the auditorium
of the Portland Young Men's Christian
Association this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Professor Wood has taken for his sub
ject, "Facts and Conclusions From the
Report of the Vice Commission." The
meeting Is open to all men.
Mrs. Caroline Gillila has moved
to 563 Everett St., wherq she will be
pleased to receive customers.
Thor in Chase Speaks. Thorn
ton Chase, of Los Angeles, will speak
on the purport of the Banal Revelation,
at 608 Eilers building. Sunday evening
at 8 o'clock. The invitation is gen
eral. Oddfellows Made Happy. In
mates of the Oddfellows' Home have
adopted resolutions thanking the
Rebekahs for contributing nuts, canoy
and fruiL " The fact that all who live
at the home are aged makes them
feel the more grateful for the atten
tion shown them.
Administrator's Sale.
Stock of cigars, tobacco and fixtures
of the late George Kurtz, situated at
101 Fourth, cor. Stark, must be closed
out at once. Great sacrifice; make an
offer, with or without store. Mrs.
George Kurtz, administratrix.
For Sale.
One. 126-volt, direct-current genera
tor, complete with field rheostat, am
meter and circuit breaker. This ma
chine Is In good repair. Address room
203 Oregonlan bldg. -
Michigan Society cordially in
vites all Wolverinrs and friends to
grand ball at Women of Woodcraft.
Tenth and Taylor, Labor day evening.
Admission, 50 cents.
Dr. Cutting, eyesight specialist,
has returned from California and is
now in charge of Jaeger Bros., optical
department, 266 Morrison st. Consulta
tion free.
Imported French and American
fashion books, October issues, now In.
Budelman News Co., 424 Wash, sts.,
formerly in Marquam bldg.
V. Kaspar, ladies' tailor, just re
ceived line of beautiful fabrics for the
season. Your inspection Invited 201
Royal bldg.
For Sale Nine-room house, good con
dition, $7500, easy terms. Inquire fore
noons, owner, 716 Corbett, cor. Hooker.
Ben Riesland and the Western Se
curities Co. announce their removal to
729-730 A, Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Gardner Private School, ' shorthand
and typewriting will open September 9,
at 629 Marquam bldg., Pitman system.
For Rent. Eight-room house,
modern, good repair, lawn. Nob Hill.
Inquire 746 Irving street,
Hotel Gibson for rent, at east
end of Burnside bridge, 62 rooms. F. I.
Ball. 528 Marquam bldg.
The Hotel Seward is quoting an
attractive rate to a limited number of
permanent guests.
Parents should read announcement
of . new . Lachmund conservatory of
piano playing.
D. P. Nason. violinist, resumes teach
ing this week. Studio, Wheeldon
Dr. Nunn has returned. Medical Bldg
Wooster sells everything, 488 Wash.
Multnomah Hotel Turkish baths.
Representatives of Three Big Lines
Find .New Locations.
This Is moving time among several
Third-street railroad offices the Rock
Island, the Illinois Central and the
Santa Fe. They are deserting the
Chambers building at Third and Alder
streets, as It has been leased for other
The Rock Island removes to the room
at 264 Stark street, the Santa Fe will
locate at 260 Alder street, and the Illi
nois Central goes to 270 Stark street.
All the new leases are for short periods
so that these offices can move again
as soon as the initial lines take up
their new locations next year.
Dr. Arthur Roscnfeld Is 111.
Dr. Arthur S. Rosenfeld Is 111 with
typhoid fever at Mount Slnal Hospital
In New York City, In which Institution
he began his service last January. His
mother, Mrs. Sol Rosenfeld, hastened
across the continent to be at her son's
bedside during his Illness, and reports
received by Dr. Rosenfeld's family here
are satisfactory and encouraging.
Miaa Ethel yn BoydelL,
gene, Or., Aug. 31. (Special.)
Miss Ethelwyn Boydell, of Nyssa,
has been awarded the Mary Spil
ler scholarship at the University
of Oregon for the coming year,
which is given by the state or
ganization of the University of
Oregon Alumnae. Miss Boydell
was the unanimous choice of the,
executive committee of the Alum
nae association from amongst
many candidates. This is the first
year toa the Mary Splllcr schol
arship. It provides for living
expenses for one year at the
Marr Splller house, the girls' dor
mitory at the University of Ore
gon. The scholarship is limited
to graduates of four-year high
schools, and is given to that can
didate who is deemed most
worthy from the record oi her
scholastio experience and testi
monials as to her character.
Only Auditor In Rainstorm, How
ever Proves ot to Be Much
Feared Secret' Service Man.
Those who -are Inclined to believe
that the dreaded "third section" of the
Russian police- is but a myth should
talk any day to young Mrs. Philip Pelz,
who arrived in Portland there weeks
ago to pay a visit with Philip Pelz,
the bandleader at The Oaks, and was
wedded to him three days afterward.
The presence for three days last
week of an obvious foreigner at The
Oaks, while Mrs. Pelz was singing, per
turbed the young woman, and when he
? J-p 1 1 u W.!SiMLWJW 1 J.WJ L-lil W.SISJ1
Mra. Philip Pelta, Once Sentenced
to Siberia, Bnt Now Recent
Bride of Portland Bandnia ter.
was the only auditor during the rain
Wednesday, the worry became almost
For be it known that Miss Beatrice
Bruckman, which was Mrs. Pelz name
before her marriage, was ordered sent
to Siberia because of a students' rev
olutionary "prank ' from tne ct. t-etera-
burg Academy.
lurvugn . -
pended, but until Mrs. Pelz left a few
weeks ago for this country she was
never out of signt or tne mira eei.-
. .Via At h" nCl Of thfi fOrCO.
The continued espionage got on her
nerves and it was only in Portland that
she began to feel free at last.
So when she told Philip Pelz of her
fears, that Impressive Russian, aeiei
mined to tackle the stranger.
XT, J I ,1 art In TJ 11 UK iTl tOO But till
stranger either would not or did not
tiv i- .an ami aa Mrs. Pelz
shrunk Into a corner she noticed that
the "third section was stiu ; piaym
French had no better result.
in cno-itch uptI. Th ntransrer ooene
his mouth to speak: "Why, didn't you
know me? I'm the boatman on The Oaks
Over Half Amount Required to Send
"Boys" to Encampment Raised.
Portland; Aug. si. (To the Edi
tor.) The veterans of the Grand Army
Drum Corns are receiving much en
couragement, but are still $175 short
of the $400 necessary to defray the rail
in Los Aneeles with the Ore
gon delegation to attend tne isationai
encamDment mere. Deginning Septem
ber 9. Oregon City contributed $50 so
far and promises more. Astoria senas
$50. Many patriotic people in Portland
have contributed $5 and $10 each, until
wo hvn an hut tha above amount, and
we must have that amount If the old
hov n-o if not Oregon will be without
a band at the encampment, and fall
behind all the other states.
This veteran drum corps Is the only
one on the Coast, and the boys play as
wn as thev did in the' days of the
great war. They are equal to any other
drum corps in me umcea oie uu
will be a credit to Oregon if they can
go to the encampment, which probably
will be the last time, unless It comes
to Portland within a few years.
If the citizens of Portland thoroughly
appreciated the situation and its merits
that small Balance couia db raisea m
five minutes. There are many men
who would donate it alone.
Money may be sent to C. A. Williams,
assistant adjutant-general, Labbe build
ing. Second and Washington streets, or
T. M. Kellogg, secretary and treasurer
of the drum corps, at zo uranam ave
nue, Portland. All that Is required Is
enough to cover railroad fare, about
$40 each. We expect to have 12 to 15
members of the drum corps with us.
Resolutions Score Citizens for Ob
structing New Sewer.
Regarding- the construction of the
Sullivan's Gulch lewer the Rose City
Park Improvement League took action
at ita last meeting, and adopted the
following- resolutions:
Whereas, the comtructlon of the aewer
known u the Sullivan' Gulch aewer will
be of Inestimable benefit to thla and the
urrnimriinv diatricte, and the need of this
Improvement Is becoming- very apparent
In certain pares 01 me cnmiuuuiij,
Whereas. Mr. Doernbecher la delaying"
the construction of this aewer by asking
unreasonable damage from the city for a
silent encroachment of the right-of-way
upon his private property, and.
Whereas, We understand that Mr. Doern
becher consented to allow passage of the
aid aewer through that certain part of his
property without expense to the city prlor
to commencement of construction of said
sawer, now. therefore, be it
Resolved, That we, the members of the
Rose City Park Improvement League, do
hereby protest against the unfair demand
of Mr Doernbecher and deplore the lack
of public spirit manifested by his unreason
able demand, which is a hindrance to so
great a public benefit.
On behalf of the East Side Business Men s
Club we Join in the above protest, be
lieving, as we do, that It is time to set
the general Interest, the public welfare. In
it nlar. Klmed bv Dan Kellaner.
C. A- Blgelow. W. E, Welter, M. B. McFaul.
J. O. lison ana J. u. -ii-rui, u.
Construction work has gone forward
on both sides of the Doernbecher fac
tory, skipping the ground until the
question of damages has been settled.
Damages to the amount of $2500 are
Fire and burglarproof vaults, private
boxes, storage for silverware, suitcases,
etc. Chamber of Commerce building.
The Bowers Hotel, 1 1th and Stark,
Caters to permanent guests. Make this
........ hnm. a r rl n ifiv oil tha rnmforta
of a modern hotel, centrally located.
moderate rates. American pian. vr e
please our guests. The Bower HoteL
Charles H. Kowiey, Mgr.
Price of Gasoline Ascends.
I think likely the newspapers will
soon announce a big donation by 'John
eC . fe'
1 mm m m mmm mmm hi . l ! " - . . .
Our New Fall
Jewelry Novelties
are here. You should see the latest in Pendants, Lavalliers,
Wrist Watches, Bracelets, etc. Buy now. Don't -wait till
- they're old. Be a leader not a follower.
-4 j will be higher before the
J-ilcilTlOnClS end of this year. When
customers tell us daily they
are surprised at our low prices, you will understand why we
are always talking about exceptional values to this department
Dr. Cutting, Eyesight, in Charge
The Large Store 266 Morrison Street, Between Third and Fourth
D.,'" said City Health Officer Wheeler
yesterday morning, as Dr. Alan Welch
Smith, a member, nearly fainted when
scrutinizing a bill for gasoline. font a crallon.' ex
claimed Dr. Smith, almost falling off
his chair. xep, gain vr. wneeier, n
looks like a new donation soon, so it
will all end weU, doubtless.- The bill.
hicrh as It was. had to be paid, as tne
department's "buzz wagon" must run.
Street Hallway Company Absolved
From Discourtesy Charge.
At a meeting of the City Council
August 14. J. D. M. Crockwell made the
statement that he had called upon a
company official with a complaint as
to the streetcar service and that he
was told that if "he did not like it he
could walk.'- After the statement had
been made B. 8. Josselyn. president of
the Portland Railway. IJght & Power
Company, ordered a thorough investi
gation as to the employe who made
such a statement. The investigation
resulted in the dsicovery that it was
made six years ago before the present
management took control, and that the
employe accused has not been with the
company for five years.
"It has been the policy of the com
pany," said Mr. Josselyn, "to demand
of its employes courtesy in the treat
ment of all patrons. We have followed
a course of instruction on this particu
lar feature for several years. In ad
dition to thiB, we have organized a
complaint bureau, through which we
handle complaints at a central point.
For that reason I was' surprised at Mr.
Crockwell's statement. The fact that
It was made six years ago and by an
employe who has since left the com
pany, relieves our present force of hav
ing been discourteous in this instance."
Emigrant of 1 1, Ignorant of English,
Finds Friends Through Police.
Direct from his native home in Rus-
i - runHnv IT nf aire.
was found wandering helplessly at
Sixth ana otaric Bircew yooinuoj
morning by Patrolman Bales, who es
corted him to the police station and
booked him as a lost boy. The youth
could speak no English. He had ar
rived by an Overland train in the early
morning and when discharged at the
railroad station, set out to find his
At the police station Derrlng showed
a slip of paper which he had carried
u v. v..,, frnm 'RimnlfL. bearina the
name of Many aret Schlemmer, 819 East
Seventh street North, ene was noiinea
and in a short time appeared to escort
the young immigrant to his new home.
Game Protectors to Sleet.
At the annual convention of the Na
HKnci a astrtintinn nf State frame War
dens, which opened Saturday morning
In Denver, Colo., Portland will be rep
resented by State Game "Warden Fin
ley and by C. K. Cranston, president
V, CfatA (lam Anri Fifth COmmiS-
slon. Immediately following the con
vention comes me raecuug wi iiwm
bers of the American Fisheries So
ciety, which will be held also In Den
ver, from September 3 to 6. Flnley
will be among the speakers before the
game wardens, giving a stereopticon
lecture on the protection of game in
.hi. .tato whlln thA work carried out
by the state board will be explained
by Cranston, ivimey wui qisuush
breedlng of fish in Oregon before the
members of the Fisheries' Society.
Hotel Clark. Tenth and (Stark streets.
rut unuu. v mo . . ...u
srantly furnished rooms and apartments,
. . . . T T J 1 .1
25 with private oain. xiol m
running water and phone n each room.
Best and most central location In city.
Quiet, home-like. Jtinest 1 rooms, or
11.50 to 12 wltn private win, m iu
1 Northwest. " .
ii- t . .Tir.cD mif heartfelt
thanks to all our friends for the many
messages of sympathy and floral
tributes sent us in our bereavement.
Reasons Why
Bought from
Are Most Satisfactory.
We are making a specialty of the
Diamond business; only the better
grade of diamonds are sold by us.
Our buying facilities and the large
quantities of diamonds we sell
make it possible to give better
Our rigid guarantee as to weight,
quality and perfection insures you
against deception.
Last but not least, our Easy Pay
ment system is at your disposal
(without extra charge).
Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon
283 Morrison St. 74 3d St.
will remove all gas odor from your
home and reduce your gas bill. Ask
804 Yeon Bldg.
ii sri ii mini
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Felton wish to
express their thanks and deep grati
tude to thlr manv - friends for the-ir
kind and loving sympathy, with many
i . II a. I A. nT fkalf ka.
uonaj iriDuies. in me iuob ui m-i un
loved little daugrhter, Verna.
Grades to Suit All Purchasers
No Trouble to Show Ton
Large Stock "
Fifth and Oak Sts.,
Between Washington and Stark
Make Tour Head
quarters at the
Hotel Savoy
Twelve Stortea of
Solid Comfort."
A s t r I c t ly fire
proof, steel. : con
crete and marble
building, right In
the center of the
city's activities
within two min
utes' walk of
t h e a t ers, stores
and steamship
$UX Per Day Up
Send for Free Map of
Seattle's Btudaesf. District
PR EE cd cn
a-u. U l
Lens urinumg
the: premises
The eyes examined by a reg
istered optometrist and glasses
or spectacles FITTED by an ex
pert optician this Is the service
we extend to all who do not see
Isn't this the kind of an es
tablishment you want to trust
the care of your eyes to?
Dallas Optical Parlors
SIS Fall! a Building,
Corner Third and Washinfrton
Second Floor. Take Elevator.
Ladies, I am showing; the finest line
of all the best skins, which I will make
to order, latest styles, at prices which
will pay you to get before buying else
where. Redyelng and remodeling at
low-rent prices. A. Reiner, Practical
Furrier, old location, 403-4 Merchants
Trust bldg.. Sixth and Washington.
Elegant Room
For ladies' suits, shoes or similar
goods at any reasonable price.
Free heat and light. Apply
514 Northwest Bldg.,
Sixth and Washington Streets
Arch. J. Tourtellotte
Industrial and General Office Systems
. Security Audits
814 Yeon Bonding
Marshall 1988 Home A 1171
Sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, at
8 A. M-. September 2, 7, 12. 17, 22. 37:
October 2, 9. 18, 23, SO. Freight received
at Alnsworth Dock dally up to ft P. M.
Passanrsr fare First-class. $10; second
class. 17. including berth and meals. Ticket
office at Alnsworth Dock. Telephones
Main S6O0. A 2331. Portland Coos Bay
fiS. Una. H. J. Mohr. Assat.
-r p
z t . in
I El
im nri
Through August
Ota 1m purchased for numerous dates to the East via
Northern Pacific Railway
Until October 31 to return. Liberal stopovers permitted
" on going or return trip with additional stop during the
Park season, to September 15, to permit visit to
Yellowstone National Park
Gardiner Gateway is the Official Government Entrance to the Park.
Thenee Park coaches take guests to Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel.
Two 72 -Hour Daily Through Trains
To Chicago
"North Coast Limited" and "Atlantic Express."
Hotel Multnomah
Another new and attractive innovation for the benefit
of onr guests.
Music in Lobby every evening, 8 :30 until 10 :30.
Sunday evening, vocal selections.
The usual entertainment in Arcadian Garden Grill during
dinner 6 until 8, and 10:30 until 12:30.
Dinner will also be served in the beautiful Blue Room
6 until 8 P. M., without music.
Afternoon Tea in Blue Room 3 :30 until 5 :30, with music.
The Multnomah is rapidly taking the lead for all publio
and social functions. Service and Menu unsurpassed in this
or any other city.
Our aim is to give amusement constantly to our guests,
with the very best service and 'attention to be obtained in
a hotel.
H. 0. BOWERS, Manager.
E Tgl n
i? .ft Pfe T
T nILsj h
E TtaZarjA lai-tiea! (Seat ions
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1 Gat GxiSn&da. T
JfiiaaA Qytdify Supplies
"Everything for the Office'
iand Printing Cc
Commercial Stationers.
Office Outfitters,
Printers. Engravers.
Booklet Makers and
Architects" and Engineers" Instru
ments and Supplies.
and September
Let us give you particulars as to
fares East and to and through the
Park and Sleeping Car and Train ser
vice and furnish you Park literature.
A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A..
255 Morrison Street.
Main 244 Phones A 1244
Day and Night
$500,000 Plant.
100 Courses 50 Instructors.
Day School Open Tuesday, Sept. 3.
Night School Open Monday, Sept. 23.
Accounting Course $160.00
Advertising. 16.00
Algebra 6.00
Assaying 30.00
Apple Culture No Fee
Architect, Draft. 7-50
Automobile 60.00
Bible Study 2 00
Bookkeeping 6.00
Boys School (day) 12.00.
Boys" School (night) 4.00.,
Bricklaying 16.00
Business Letter Writing 2 00
Business Law 2.00
Carpentry and Woodturnlng 10.00
Chemistry 10.00
Cost Engineering 15.00
Electricity, Elementary 15.00
Electricity, Advanced 16.00 .
English for Foreign Men 3.00 .
English Grammar and Reading.. 3.00
English Grammar and Rhet 8. 00
English Literature 3.0l)
Freehand Drawing 7.00
French 600
Forestry and Lumbering 10.00
Geometry 6.00
German 6.00
History 6.00
Latin 6.00
Machine Design 7.50
Mechanical Drafting l oo
Penmanship 3.00
Pharmacy (course) 10.00
Physical and Com. Geography... 6.00
Physics 7.00
Plan Reading and Estimating... 8.00 -
Plumbing. Shop Practice 15.00
Poultry Raising No Fee
Public Speaking 15.00
Real Estate Law m.uo
Reinforced Concrete Cost. 16.00 "
Salesmanship and Adv 15.00
Spanish 6.00
Sheet Metal Drafting Shop 7.60
Shorthand 6.00
Surveying and Mapping 10.00
Show Card Writing 12.00
Telegranhy and Dispatching 12.00
Trigonometry 6.00
Typewriting 6.00
Vocal Music
Call or send for free Illustrated cata
logue, Portland, Or.. Y. M. C. A. Simi
lar schools Y. M. C. A., Seattle, Ta
coma, Spokane, San Francisco, Oak-,
land, Los Angeles.
For Household
Commercial Needs
Irrn 109.0