The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 01, 1912, Image 1

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    Pages 1 to 14
YIH... AA1 rSU. r. :
8 Months of 1912 See
Business Expand.
Lumber Exports Are 14,739,
019 Feet for Period.
Cn Two Months Just Closed Total of
1.561,350 Bnhcls Arrive In
Portland Bank Clearings
and Building Advance.
Za rm f t
J. 227.673
For 8 months 1912..
. .S8fi
For 8 months isii..
For August. 1912. . .
For August, isii.
.. 775
Grain. July and August. J.1..
Grain. July ana .ausubi.
v.- . Feet.
i-lU,.t Aunt. 1912 14.739.019
Exports August. 1911
Bank clearings
For August. 1912..
For August. 1911..
..- 44.377.626.66
With big gains in every Important
line of business for August, Portland
has maintained a steady and healthy
(trlde throughout the present year, the
records for the tight-month period
ihowlng substantial increases over the
corresponding period ot 1911. Port
land's commercial and industrial prog
ress is strong proof that Its productng
zone Is making proportionate headway,
giving still further assurance of the
city's premier position among the Im
portant trade centers of the North Pa
:ific Coast.
The August records show notable
gains In bank clearings, postal re
ceipts, Train receipts and lumber,
itraln alid flour shipments. A gratify
ing showing was made In building op
arations, with an increase In the num
ber of buildings authorized.
Sales Made Despite Summer.
In the realty market the usual Sum
mer dullness has prevailed. There
were, however, a number -of substan
tial sales of Inside property closed.
Portland's financial solidity Is Indi
cated in the showing made in the
year's dullest month. Clearances
reached a total of $45,017,462.70. ' as
against $44,377,526.66 In August, 1911.
The gain was J640.936.04. Clearings
have made substantial gains every
month so far this year.
The postal receipts for August, as
estimated last night, show an Increase
of 6.79 per cent over the corresponding
month of last year. During the month
just closed the receipts reached a total
of $84,727.01, as compared with $79,
341.93. Contrary to expectations, a
higher Increase was made In August
than In eitlrer June or July. "When the
final figures for August are compiled
it Is estimated that a still larger total
will be Teached.
Lnmber Trade Active.
One of the noteworthy features of
the month's activity was the big lum
ber movement. Shipments to domestic
and foreign ports established a new
mark for August. Portland shipped 32.
392,152 feet of lumber, of which 17,565,
122 feet was sent to Pacific Coast ports
and the remainder to offshore markets.
The gain In lumber exports over totals
for the same month, of last year was
in excess of 6,000,000 feet.
Th8 market for lumber Is growing
stronger steadily and millmen look
forward to an unusually large trade
during the Fall and Winter. California
(Concluded on Page P.)
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Republicans to Draw on "Movies,"
and Roosevelt Folks to Carry
Organs on Automobiles.
CHICAGO, Aug. 31. Publicity plars
which will Include moving pictures
and novel schemes to attract atten
tion are to be utilized In the Republican
National campaign. Just what form
these adjuncts will take have not yet
been decided by Charles F. Scott, direc
tor of publicity. Mr. Scott, who re
turned today, was encouraged by re
ports which he brought from ' the
Eastern headquarters.
NEW YORK. Aug. 31. From Roose
velt Progressive headauarters a "flying
squadron" of automobiles, equipped
with a piano, organ, printing press ana
other novel features, has started for a
tour of New York State.
One large automobile van decoruted
with a bull moose head and with por
traits of Roosevelt and Johnson, led the
parade. It was followed by two tour
ing cars filled with speakers, singers
and distributors of campaign litera
ture. There were 10 men in the party.
There will be six such squadrons, and
every county in the state will be vis
Cottonwood Connected With Indian
Prophecy Removed at White House.
WASHINGTON, Aug. fl. An historic
cottonwood tree that had adorned the
President's front yard--the north lawn
of the White House since it was
planted in 1832, by President Jackson,
and several of his cabinet officers,
was removed today, having succumbed
from unknown causes.
it was nresented to President Jack
son by the Creek Indian Chief. Alpa-
taca. Just Derore tne signing ui mc
treaty by which the Creek Nation
was removed from Florida.
An Indian prophecy connected with
the tree was that as long -as it should
utra iiD EtrnriA would tvnifv the orotec-
tion and good will which the mysterious
"visible god of the ureeK Indians
would spread upon the white -Government.
Volcanoes In Alaska Drive Mammals
to 'ew Feeding Grounds.
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 31. Alaskan
vnlfHtiic disturbances are held indi
rectly responsible for the shortage of
whales on the North Pacific Coast, by
Captain Thomas Willikson, commander,
inH Cantaln TL A "set. eunner. of the
tam whaler Patterson, which left
;VLL JCHLllWUJ C . . . u . ... .. ......
II... r,. nnlul thai lh kill Of
the Moran and the Patterson last year
was 18 as against o iur me x-aii.ei"ii
this year. They say the volcanic dis
turbances have made some changes in
ocean currents which for a time may
have diverted the small fish that form
i t rt dii.-i.i1.. r. f ih. leiHflthtnn.
111(3 ivuu ll j v. ..... -w. .
This would have the effect of making
tne wnaies remeiy did . u o . .
rr (-rounds. Rot'i cantalns
expect the whales soon to be back to
their accustomed naums.
Sacramento Appropriates Money to
Fight Southern Pacific.
SACRAMENTO, Aug. 31. (Special.)
The budget which will be adopted by
the City Commissioners tomorrow will
Include an emergency fund of approx
imately $30,000, the principal purpose
of which will be to press cases pending
and new ones to be begun against the
Southern Pacific Company by the City
of Sacramento for the possession of
portions of the waterfront and land
now occupied by the railroad, but on
which franchises have expired.
The fact that such ample provision
has been made for costs to prosecute
the cases now pending against the
railroad indicates that the City Com
mission is to take a determined stand
in its effort to get back from the
Southern Pacific valuable waterfront
privileges which were granted to the
corporation when the city was young.
Esterly Recognized as
"Special" Only.
Carriers Warned of "Shipping
Liquor to "Dry" Sections.
Governor Sends Fourth letter to
Sheriff and Demands Copy or
letter's Bond Executive Goes
to Salein Over Sunday.
I Judge McGinn rule. Governor
I West's action In removing District At-
Forney Cameron from n.-
J ranted, but recognize. H. f f s"'
I to act as a special prosecutor In vice
t Governor West a fourth
t letter to the Sheriff, office, P""n
I out duties, and addresses open letter
I to common carriers and to liquor
dealer warning them to cease .hlp-
... ,..- . ii-v territory- Gen
eral denials on the part of those ad
dressed are., made.
Mass meeting to be held at Gipsy
Smith Tabernacle "Wednesday to dis
cuss the crusade against vice In
Governor West return, to Salem to
remain over Sunday. R"mor ,a
made that he may move his office,
back to Salem, leaving the prosecu
tion of bis crusade In the hands of
Mr. Esterly.
uc-ifh niHtrlct Attorney Cameron sus-
...i..t in his office by the ruling of
Judge McGinn, and H. M. Esterly, ap
pointed by the Governor to supplant
Cameron, recognized as a special prose
cutor to handle the vice cases eu
. . , . j of the District
slveiy .ana iiiuc.i--- - , .
Attorney's office. Governor West started
a movement against tne -,
linnnr Interests of Port
land, which was made public in an open
letter to these interests given
Anvartinr VPH terdii t -
The Governor's letters to the common
carriers and the liquor dealers declared
that investigation had convinces ......
that liquor was being sold and shipped
Into "dry" territory, and notified them
f his intention to take drastic steps
against such procedure.
Common Carriers Warned.
The letter addressed to "The Common
, r rwtrnn" wast as follows:
arnci o v. v.-es-..
"I have found ipm investigation that
many of the common carriers oi ,im
state are transporting liquor in large
quantities Into dry counties for the use
of certain unlawful establishments
known as 'blind pigs.' As tnese esiau
lishments are a public nuisance and un
i.i .nn are herebv notified that all
ahinmonta must be accepted at
your peril, as this oince mienas in umo
i .... iha nAlziirn and destruction
of all such shipments and to take such
further action, both civil ana criminal,
against such common carriers as the
law will nermlL"
In his notification to the liquor deal
ers, tiovernor wesi saiu;
-vnn u rt hArphv notified that all
sales of liquors to 'blind pigs," houses
of prostitution or any other establish
ments which, through violation of law,
would be deemed a public nuisance,
must cease forthwith.
"All those who fail to comply with
rtlnni will be nroceeded
.uwuv I, -
against both civilly and criminally In
such a manner as the law will permit.
(Concluded on Page 10.)
ERY AT 11 P. M.
Mrs. Edward Pleased With Baby and
Says She Will Rear It Dr. Mount
Recipient of Gift Recently.
OREGON CITY, Aug. 31. (Special.)
A girl baby, two weeks of age, was
found on the front doorstep at the
home of U. Edward, Mount Pleasant,
at 11 o'clock last nie-ht Tha . hah..
was well dressed and It is believed its
parents are well-to-do.
Mrs. Edward was awakened nhorMv
uefore 11 o'clock bv Mia hnrU1nr of
dogs, and looking out of a window.
aw a Dunoie on the step. Her hus
band made an Invest! s-st Inn flnin ih.
baby. The foundling was asleep, and
did not awaken for several hours. It
was wrapped in whit flannel ta
bottle of milk lay at Its side. '
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Newman,- who
lived next "door to the Edward family,
aided in caring for the Infant, A suit
case filled with baby clothing was
found in the yard at daybreak. Mr. and
Mrs. Edward moved to tiia noiii-
day, taking the baby with them. Al-
mougn iney have six children thev
announced thev wnuM ,r ih. ,..-
ling, and are delighted that the baby
is sucn a fine .one. The Infant has
blue eyes and auburn hair.
It is believed by the police that the
:hild was left at the Eltranl hnmA
by a strange woman who wa An
carrying a baby and a suitcase in Ore
gon ny early last evening. She is
thought to have come from Portland.
A Daby was left in the anlnmnhll.
of Dr. Hugh S. Mount, of this city.
several weeks ago. The police are
confident the child was brought from
Portland, a woman with an Infant in
ner arms having been seen to crat off a
Southern Pacific train southbound, only
a rew minutes before the child was
found. The baby was sent to St.
Agnes Home at Parkplace.
Lnther Bnrbank, Here Yesterday,
Will Visit Rose Festival.
Luther Burbank, "the plant wizard,"
is coming to Portland next Spring to
attend the Rose Festival and to enjoy
the fragrance of Portland's roses. He
yestetrday accepted an invitation ex
tended him by the Rose Festival Asso
ciation and he says he will bring along
with him some new kinds of roses for
planting. , .
George L. Hutchln of the festival
association, who extended an invitation
to the wizard, says he has the promise
that no attempt will be made to make
hybrids of Portland's roses. Mr. Bur
bank did not intimate what kind of
new roses he will Introduce on his visit.
LOGS R!SE $1 A 1000 FEET
With Most Mills Operating Available
Supply Is Reduced.
Beginning tomorrow an advance of
$1 a 1000 feet on fir logs will become
effective, according to notices set out
last week by Columbia River logging
camp operators. This places the prices
of logs at $7, $10 and $13 according
to grade.
With most of the mills in . opera
tion last month, the available supply
of logs has been reduced materially
and is said to be much smaller than
usual at this time of the year.. Cedar
logs also are unusually scarce. The
same situation as to fir logs prevails
In the Grays Harbor district.
Interocean Traffic to Be Handled at
"Tryont" In- September, 1913.
LOS ANGELES. Aug. 31. Writing a
personal letter to Clarence H. Matson,
secretary of the Los Angeles board of
harbor commissioners. Colonel George
Goethals, chief engineer of the Panama
Canal, said that the big trans-isthmian
ditch would be handling interocean
traffio In September, 1913.
Such handling of traffic, however, ac
cording to Colonel Goethals, will be a
"tryout," in preparation for the formal
opening a year later.
Chicago Gives Up Bat
tle Early in Day.
All Over Middle West, Temper
. ature Tends Upward.
Single Bright Spot in Horizon Is
That Com Crop, Which Has Been
Dreading Frost Prospect,
AVill Be Made . Safe.
CHICAGO, Aug. 31. (Special.) All
heat records for the season meitea
away today, when Government ther
mometers registered approximately 95
fl-rAB This was on top of the ea-
eral building, where breezes were blow
ing, but down in the cavernous
.v. 'u.f w. ahove the 100 mark. One
death and many prostrations were re
corded by the police, in"
i - mi,r.h lare-er IS auts ij
fact that this was a half -holiday and
thousands of persons had quit worn.
noon. ...
The maximum degree or neat
reached at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
and continued until after sundown.
City Gives r Trying.
The entire city wilted and gave up
the battle early in the day. The night
had been hot and there was no oppor
tunity to store energy against todays
heat. The proprietors of department
t-h rfftllzlnsr tne un-
stores ana i1 . -
usual situation, dismissed as many of
their employes as posstDie ana p.".
ted the remainder to drag around as
they chose. An invading army ui -
energetic men couia nave w
entire city with small resistance.
Dispatches from cities and towns in
Illinois. Northern. Indiana, Lower Mich
igan and Wisconsin tell of U8U
oppressive heat, wnicn ----life
and energy out of man and beast
alike. Prostrations were rBpv,.t ...
many of the smaller cities, ana -u
. i, own and farming districts
tell of horses being killed by the sun's
ray' - Corn Crop Will Benefit.
There was one bright spot In the en
that stood out promi
nently In the general picture of misery.
The torrldity Is pushing the great corn
crop rapidly beyond the peril of early
r 111. . i, a. thA AlltPT
frosts, which now consilium
bugbear In the grain markets.
. . . .n-Aitprln humanity is con-
A 11" o " - - ,
cerned. the only possible relief which
the Weather Bureau couia "
whahlv showers in the extreme
northern portion of the state."
The temperatures in an siai w
Middle West were higher in spite of
cloudy weather and slight showers in
.. riifii. This condition and
Isouth and southwest winds combined to
make Chicago a bakeoven. The air was
loaded to the limit witn numiuiL,.
which la always the chief cause for
heat suffering in the Great LaKes re
gion. Crowded District Suffer.
The suffering in the congested dis
tricts was intense The Inhabitants of
other badlv crowded
districts, where there Is no ventilation.
no Ice and no sprinkled streets, gave
up the battle early and sought relief In
Aormvs halls, sewer openings, fire
escapes and other points where they
might get a breath or air wunoui u
....iinn ThA ereater. part of the
population in these districts slept to
night upon roors. in tne street anu
Previous records of the month of
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Mental Condition Xot of Best and
Patient Himself Believes His
Stage Days Are Over.
LOS ANGELES. Aug. 31. (Special.)
Whether Nat C. Goodwin, who has
delighted a generation in two hemis
pheres with his gentle art of acting,
will ever appear again before the pub-,
lie as an actor. Is hanging by a slen
der thread. It is believed his acting
days are over. The danger centers
about a crushed pelvis which was not
discovered in the hurried examination
after his recent Injury. Goodwin was
struck In the lower abdomen and at
the base of the spine. He lost the use
of his lower limbs, but a physical
examination failed to show that the
pelvis had been fractured.
Dr. John C. Ferbert, who is attend
ing the actor, not satisfied with the
progress his patient was making, de
cided today to make a more thorough
examination. Up to this time it had
been impossible to examine Goodwin
with the X-ray because his stoutness
made a portable apparatus useless, and
his condition forbade his removal to a
Dr. Ferbert administered an anes
thetic and discovered that the pelvic
bone had been fractured, but that no
internal organ had been Injured.
The mental condition of Goodwin is
not of the best. He seems morbid and
convinced that he will never again
walk or be able to go on the stage.
It was thought best not to Inform him
of the discovery. He Is able to draw
himself up in bed and move about
with the aid of his arms, but cannot use
his legs.
Ban on Booze and Corporal Punish
ment Brings Resignations.
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 31. (SDecial.)
Roscoe srrelton, disciplinarian at the
Oregon State Training School, and
Chester Cannon, farmer, have resigned,
it is asserted, because there has been
a disagreement between them and the
newly-appointed sunerin (prnlon t w K
Hale, over rules and regulation whluh
have been promulgated by Hale during
ins snort incumbency.
Corporal punishment lias hepn ahnl.
ished among the pupils, and a rule has
been established that no llauor should
be used in or about the building or
This last rule was resented by the
resigning employees because they said
that it was an insinuation oast upon
mem. aneiton was particularly op
posed to tne rule abolishing corporal
punishment- As disciplinarian at the
school he disagreed as to the advisa
bility of abolishing corporal punish
ment and when he was reprimanded
by Hale for punishing one of the boys,
he Immediately decided to quit.
G. I. Statu and Herbert Davis have
been appointed to succeed the resign
ing officers. Stahl is from Portland,
and will succed Shelton. Davis Willi
succceed Cannon.
Eugene Officers Think James John
son May Have Attempted Suicide,
EUGENE. Or., Aug. 31. (Special.)
A laboring man giving the name of
James Johnson was picked up on a road
Just outside of Eugene late this' after
noon wandering about with his throat
slashed, wrist cut and knife wounds in
the abdomen. Ho Is now in the Eugene
Hospital in a precarious condition.
Johnson was not able to give much
information as to himself, but said a
heavyset black-haired man stabbed
him. Some of the officers think he
may have tried to commit suicide.
Surety Firms Satisfied.
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 31. (Special.)
Agents for surety companies which are
carrying bonds for State Treasurer Kay
have Just completed an examination of
the books in that office, and have sub
mitted a report, showing that tho con
ditions there are excellent. These ex
aminations are made annually by rep
resentatives ' of the company which
handle the large bonds for the treas
urer, and from the personal interest
which these companies have in the of
fice, such examinations are considered
more accurate than those of the legis
lative committees.
Portland Pledges Aid
- to Exposition.
Royal Rosarians Induct Visi
tors Into Order.
Following Trip by Automobile to
Points of Interest, Fair Boosters
Are Luncheon Guests a
Commercial Club.
With wide open arms Portland yes
terday received and entertained the
Flying Legion of the Panama-racific
Exposition, comprising 85 of San Fran
cisco's commercial. Industrial and ed
ucational leaders, who were In the city
for a few hours on the last lap of a
ten days' trip through 'the North Pa
cific territory to arouse Interest in the
great exposition which San Francisco
is preparing for the world In 1915.
They came to Portland with the
spirit of enthusiasm, optimism and en
ergy which has marked their exposi
tion campaign from the beginning and
before their special train left fur San
Francisco they were convinced that
Portland has as much interest in their
show as they have themselves.
Welcome Is Hearty.
From the time they were given a
round of real college yells by the
Royal Rosarians, of Portland, when
they arrived from Seattle, until their
special tooted a farewell and glided
homeward they were Ehown a round
of hospitality and entertainment,
which indicated beyond cavil that
Portland Is with them heart and soul
In their exposition project
The legion represented besides the
San Francisco exposition spirit, some
of California's leading institutions, in
dustries and enterprises. Among tho
visitors were educators, publicists,
lawyers, bankers and capitalists, all
out on the common mission of exploi
tation of what is to be San Francisco's
display to the world of the resources
of the United States and particularly
the Pacific Coast.
The entertainment of the visitor,
was In the hands of the Royal Rosar
ians of Tortland. "Although rain In
terfered with part of the day's ar
rangements the visitors enjoyed them
selves and were more than successful
in fulfilling their mission of ex
ploitation. City Offera Willing Hand.
In speeches they announced their ex
position plans and asked for assistance
and co-operation from Tortland and
Oregon. With loud applause- and
noisy demonstrations Portland Indi
cated through many of her biggest
business men a complete wlllingnesa
to do her full share.
tiia PMvinir Ledon special arrived in
the city at 6:30 o'clock yesterday morn
ing and found a hearty welcome. Al
most simultaneously with the arrival
the sun broke from behind the clouds
and shone for about 10 minutes, while
the visitors were being cheered by the
Rosarians. The arrival was followed
by handshaking, after which the visit
ors were Invited for an automobile ride
about the city.
Thirty-five machines furnished by
the Portland Automobile Association
tobk them to Willamette Heights and
Portland Heights and to other parts
of the city for a ride of about two
hours. Following this the party wen!
to the Commercial Club, where they
were greeted by about SO of the Rosa-
(Concluded on Page 8.)