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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1912)
11 THE SUNDAY NONTAX. TORTL AND, AUGUST 25, 1918 FINE, NEW BUILDING IS READY FOR ,t WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. TO OCCUPY Handsome Structure Contains Ten Floors for Selling Space Pioneer Prughouse of Portland Invests $325,000 in Modern and Up-to-Date Home. ' NEHALEM BAY WILL BECOME FAMOUS through the extensive lumber industries. The G0veefnaPP?iiow for the extension of the present jetty at the entrance of the bay w now available and work on the improvement will likely be started soon. s 1 C ! i li . ...i i.i.- . ' V " 7. ." EKKraL'.."; 2i nil an qq qa Frnr 5! -Jj- a'Ui-r ;1 viiu3 -15! S lit S3 i: "'OS- '1 f.t4lwrS?agOCTl?a1fciWltSw T JU' - STHtCTl'RK AT ALDER AM, WEST PARK TO OCCVPIBD KXCI.L SIVELV BV WOODAHD, CLARKE I What Is considered one of the most modern and complete buildings of Its kind Is the new home of Woodard, Clarke 4 Co.. which occupies the north east corner of Alder and West Tark streets. The structure contains eight floors and double basement and with the meszanine floor, it is virtually a. ten-story building. It has been named the Wood-Lark building. The building has been under con struction since November. Material and labor, both in the building and equipment, have been drawn almost ex clusively from Portland firms and fac tories. The fixtures on the first, second, mezzanine floors and gallery basement are of Philippine mahogany and were manufactured in Portland. The site, building and fixtures represent an in vestment of approximately $325,000. The structure was designed by Doylo, Patterson A Beach and erected by the Hurley-Mason Company. It Is of steel and reinforced concrete fireproof con struction, with sprinkler equipment, and was designed to meet the growing demands of the firm's business. This property Is said to carry the lowest In surance rate of any mercantile institu tion in the city. The building, with ten selling floors, will be devoted exclusively to the drug business and its allied branches, such as surgical instruments, dental supplies, electric apparatus and equip ment, optical goods, microscopes and supplies, and photographic and art goods. In the basement, which is en tirely devoted to the selling of mercnanuise, i o -partment, sundries and a beautiful onx and marble soaa louniam. second floor contains a department ror mouldings, pictures and art goods, with a rest room for women and telephone exchanges for the public The second floor is one of the attractive parts of the building and has a ceiling 17 feet in height. On the third floor Is the dental department, the fourth floor the surgical department and the remaining floors are to be used exclusively for the drug department. An important feature is the complete equipment for the weaving of surgical elastio hosiery, with two large hand-looms. An X-ray room has been Installed, where are shown the most recent inventus iu this branch of the profession. A sec .! aim win Via rfavnted to the con struction and repairing of surgical and medical electric apparatus. The firm of Woodward, Clarke A Co. was founded in 1865, by C. H. Woodard. who filled prescription No. 1 in July of that year. The store at that . i . ... . lniatiui nn thii waterfront, at Alder and Front streets. Following the big Are. the store movea to rusi fcnd Alder streets, where the business was conducted until 1895. After the flood of 1894 the firm leased the prop erty at the southwest corner of Fourth and Washington streets and is now vacating this location for its new The present owners of the business are Louis a. Liarxe, wno una " . .1 ..-!,. t v a VimiHA nines 1879. and W. F. Woodward, who entered the .. , i - v. n rim in Aniriist. 1881. c 11 1 1 ' i " j v.. ...... ... c . - tka -i ... Ktnm will hp onened for business tomorrow morning, but the formal opening win- not tane piace - . . t . 1 Y. 1 I 1 1 until tne nrm is iuiiy eBiaun". BIG CONTRACTS LET Paving in Sellwood Will Aggre gate $250,000 or More. ADDITION GROWS SPEEDILY College Bullying Takes Shape, Giv ing Xew Stimulus to Commnnltv; Hard-Surface Streets Connect Other Sections. At Sellwood more improvements ar in progress and in prospect than ever before. Hard-surface pavements ag gregating $260,000 will be made in all in SellWood this year, including the contracts now under way and the Golf Park improvements. In City View Park the most extensive Improvement Is under way In the northern part, where a hard-surface district is being romnleted at a cost of J50.000. This was the first contract let In Sellwood for this class of street work and is the entering wedge for a gen eral movement to pave all the main streets of this suburb. When this single contract in north City View Park has been finished, practically the main streets between East Thirteenth street and Sellwood Park will nave been naved. Spokane avenue, the street connect ing with the Sellwood ferry. Is next in line for a pavement. The contract for Spokane avenue will probably be the Ti.vt in Sellwood. It will be paved from East Nineteenth or Milwaukie street to the Willamette itiver. aiso Umatilla avenue will be paved between -E-r Nineteenth street and Grand ave- nae: to the river. Harney street is also. to be paved. The paving of Spo kane and Umatilla avenue will com- . . . link with Mllwau- piete tne ...... - kie street, which is being paved from Holgate atreet. for tne soutn Hard-Surfaclna; Extensive. When these Improvements are com pleted it will be possible to drive to and through Sellwood on ha-ur'a pavements and cross to the West Side by way of the Sellwood ferry. At pres ent the improvement of Milwauk e street, the key to the Sellwoou. W est moreland, Eastmoreland and Reed Col lege districts, is under way. The Portland nnllwfty. Light S Power Company Is flashing its double . . Tj.-v,-- nv,mip. and the pav- . i- ii'-in. th west side ing company j - ----- . of the street. Most of the grading be tween By bee avenue ana ncu been completed, so that the hard-surfacing may go ahead at once. Great Inconvenience has been experienced by the people or this part 01 ... .v.- -ini with which this Dine vy uifl " . . , improvement has gone forward, but there are prospects now ui provement will be finished early this Fall In' Westmoreland an army of men is at work paving the streets In t he northern district connecting with Mil waukie street. It Is understood that all the streets of this beautiful resi dence section will be paved by Winter, making it a hard-surface district be tween Milwaukie street and the South ern Pacific Railway. Cost 01 tnis in ,1,1,111 isoooo. exclusive of the sewerage, which was recently completed. ttapia progress 1 made in Eastmoreland. where the streets are being paved. College Aids Grovrtk. The long, winding, curved streets of this college district may be seen from the high ground, giving some idea of the great beauty and promise of this . v. -li- a nuTnhAr of resl- dences are under construction in east moreland and more are in pPki. The first buildings of the Reed Col lege are nearlng completion and are doing much to stimulate growth In the South East Side. The improvement of Holgate street eastward from Milwaukie street has been started. This improvement will connect with the proposed hard-surface pavement on East Twenty-sixth street, which will extend to Division street. The prospects are that the ex- . : n n,n4 BVanii, from Wood- lt im!Jn v. . , . . ward avenue to a connection with East Eighth street. In Beneoictine neignts. will soon be accomplished, thus pro viding another avenue to reach the the logical seaport, is just inside the jetty on the deep channel. Visitors to Brighton are plLsed beyond measure Avith the conditions there and With the great future of the new industrial city. The big sawmill-the largest in Tillamook County-is about com pleted and will be in operation soon. The work of clearing and grading is progressing and this Fall will witness a great change in Brighton's aspect. : Brighton is making preparations for the stupendous shipping business to come with the completion of the Panama Canal and the deepening of the channel m fcchalem Bay. Those who secure lots before development will reap the greatest profits. Progress and expansion are great factors in value making. Tardy investors will bemoan then apathy when such an opportunity as Brighton now affords presented itself. It docs not require a large sum of money to secure a lot now. In a short time, however, !t will require more, as prices cannot remain stationary in a town with Brighton s future. Every step of improvement increases value in Brighton lots. Investors can make double profits by buying NOW. Why wait and pay $200 for lots you can now buy for $100? Make your idle money work for you. . Lots $50 Up, Easy Terms '- Investigate Brighton without delay. Call at office or write for literature Use the coupon if you cannot call. : Return fare $3, good Saturday to Monday, or $4 good for season. The trip to Brighton on the P. R. & N. Railroad is one of the best scenic routes in the West. The best beaches in the Northwest are only, one mile from Brighton. Nearly 20,000,000 Acres Lie Idle in Washington. South East Side on a direct route. .VI u o I. ui uic f i v. i- " r. - i finn. v,a fimtth TCtief- SiriA Will have as great an area of hard-surface pavements as any portion 01 mo tnj, - i. V.1 .t,nwlni itnrtRfllprlntf CDT1. a reiimi nui. - - r " ' ' ditlons there a few short years ago, When no progress naa oeen muc iui in sewers or pavements. I.nlng Deals Closed. The following leases were made by T ! JL Murrin last week: For Masters, Brice & Masters, e nr. riuiin a t R7 Twentv-third street, k.ii,uii Washington and Couch, as the new location of the Stutz Motor Car Company, -for a term of five years. For McFee & Banta, part of the t..,iiM nn T7nlnn - avenue and Holla- day, as the new quarters of the Port land Taxlcab company, ior a icrrn m live years. .7 . i. Tn.1a.,t TaTtpali rnmnntlV VII . 1 1 H t v. i -r the quarters this firm vacated at Nine teenth ana Lnapman, to me mm nAAan -NTAwmnn a scniiier to De useu For the Mount nooa rrtwi(, mo . a. ill hn inn mrfieT ue- IVIV 1 i ' i' 111 ' V - - - . washimrinn n-nA Stark streets. to Nicholas Hoble, to Be operated as a barber shop tor a term 01 live years. Salem Gts Fine Rallding. - miiiharii hntldinir at Salem. i hb 1 1 1. u ' which was originally Intended to be a two-story structure, will be four iwrieB in tin's"! " week by E. F. Lawrence, the Portland architect who prepared the plans. The lower floor will contain the Oregon . . . . n.l 1 1. n. la. Thar, Electric ittiiu - ' V" will be 9S offices In the building. The structure will be 80x140 feet and will be Of mill construction. The exterior will be of tapestry brick. Work Is now well advanced on the building. The cost of construction will be about Z6S,UVu. Sales at Mount Tabor Closed. The Tabor Heights Realty Cdmpany has sold a quarter block at the north east corner of East Seventy-third and J,ast Aitier BL.ccfco for $2000. Two modern homes are to be built on these lots mis ran. inumiu R Coon has purchased a lot on the northeast corner of East Pine and East Sixty-sixth streets for $1600. This is a choice lot. and Mr. Coon will erect a residence on tne site nuuu. BRIGHTON DEVELOPMENT CO, Spalding Building, Portland. Please send particulars about Brighton. . . . Name. Address TON DEV 904-7 SPALDING BLDG., PORTLAND, ELOPMENT CO. j. ii. j. o-.-'aVia I J - ... . . 0 i ... - .i ,.,iVi thai BrBnaii rimrii i 11 MUCH L AND VACANT PRODUCERS ARE NEEDED According to Secretary of State Vt- ban Population is Much Prodnce Shipped Front Oregon and Other States. a i & bulletin recently is- mo " Zt Howell, Secretary ct sued by I. M. H el . on Washington farm, to help feed ,00,000 people 10i:aJ"tu"rtn:aers- ous mercanti e It estl. ZTZ t tt. are000.000 acres ryCdle I- -at -tate for the rnt nf developers ana - ?Vto setuers. the bulletin say,: ..rpv,-- ra especially i'"""1, ' Tr T.i? ,Iot. dairy products and S".irpw v.i... , ;. "" Oregon and California. Mack " " . , . n nnn farm There are at P"' -rT " " con.tanuy-inv.r. fccreS l idlndsd,Se :U of soils. The landsare ownea -V", "tn. sd Wera, and consist iands while 8 son "rang-eX "" ".t.r-aJi tATt three-fifths of the " " l.i- nf n live stock in BZe?c, !t0ril The cat- dropped off 21 2 per cent i icina- Pierce, Whitman, Lin nUKinnokrnogan, Doug. as, Gar field arant and Adams counties, while .h. mule li becoming more numerous, especny in Walla Walla. Adanis Ltaj com and Columb a coun es lis also Whatcom and Whitman counties. Dairying I Importasit The report says that na? 'n'tn b, regarded as one of the most fmDorWnt subts of .tudy and is at UacUng much attention. This is due li ih. t act that there is an ever-in-Sta '"demand tor dairy products, whfle the pfoflts are becoming larger Tach year. King County leads in he number of cattle. tf 8 West Side are ahead of the East biao counties? The state now has many model modern dairy farms and has pro duced some world-beating cows. Prac Uctny every section, it is announced, li adaptable for dairying, and the re port covers the climate, so tatlon in the different sections of the state? so that the reader may draw his own conclusions, while letters are also included from dairymen situated in the different parts of the state. After dealing witn swine raisins . uu raising of sheep and goats, the subject ra. "f,,, i. i.ln ud. This industry declared to be "just in its Infancy," for- It has failed to keep pace with the increase in population Between and 1910. It is not generally known that there are almost as many turkeys raised in Washington as chickens, whllo ducks, geese and other fowls are practically negligible quantities, and have fallen below the number in 1900. The report says that there are now opportunities' for between J000 and 3000 families to engage In poultry raising alone, and it is pointed out mat in stead of importing Its poultry pruu ucts for home consumption, the state should be exporting such. COVEY TO HANDLE CADILLAC Local Agent Gives t'p Plcrcc-Arrow In Favor of Detroit Car. H. M. Covey has given up the Port land agency for the Pierco-Arrow, an nouncing that in the future he will de vote the attention' of his staff to the exploitation of Cadillac automobiles. Several parties are negotiating for the Pierce-Arrow agency, which will probably be awarded within the next few days. The top strands of a wire fence are mors act to rust than those which puns through .vT. j..i.,in iTu. a A nnnaltile explanation hai been offered In the fact that the wires runnlnar clos to tne grounu are Bug"-'? trifled. . . FARM EXPERTS HEEDED CHICAGO GRAIN EXCHANGES OFFEI1 TO AID FARMERS. Each County to Receive $100 0, Pro vided Sufficient Fund Is Raised to Pay Salary of Specialist. Every commercial club In Oregon and Southwestern Washington has been ad vised of the terms of an offer made by the crop Improvement committee ot the Council of Grain Exchanges at Chi cago lo aid each county in the district to employ a trained agriculturist for a period of at least two years. The mat ter was submitted to the various or isanlzations by D. O. Lively, vice-president of the Portland Union Stock yards Company. Mr. Lively said yes terday that responses being received indicate that the organizations are de sirous of accepting the proposal made by the Chicago Council of Oraln Ex changes. The committee acting upon authority Of the exchanges is willing' to give $1000 to any county which will raise a fntiii iifrinlflnt to nsv the salary of art expert agriculturist The committee stipulates that the expert must be sat isfactory to tne Slate Agricultural College or the United States Office of Farm Management, or Dotn. "inMriiiir in the iron lmiirovpment committee there is at least 1500,000 lying dormant in any county, saia oir. r.ltro!r 'T hellnVA that Whetl We ShOW the buslnpss men that with a little well- ' directed effort this can be put Into clr- ' culatlon annually, they will see that this Is a business proposition ior un-m and will got behind the movement and give it their full support. "Here in Oregon there are millions of dollars lying dormant in the var ious counties. With a rarm speciaimv i ,.1 h .nn n iv In the stnte coming into direct contact with the farmers and their problems, I believe that It wouia be only a short time until our present .,tm Af nonriintr monpv East for food products would be stopped and vast sums of money kept at home." Glencoe Acres Platted. A tract of 240 acres on ths United Railways has been taken over by Callan & Kaser and will be placed on the market at once. The property has been subdivided into flve-acro tracts and will be known as Glencne Acres. The land lies level and Is adapted to rtlverslflod farming. KINDLY SERVICE AND BROAD POLICY BRINGS ITS REWARD J. P. Flnley A Son are about to open the finest undertaking estab lishment In the United States. The building is located at the corner ot Fifth and Montgomery streets, just enough removed from the business that make so much for the comfort and accommodation of tnose wun whom the company has to come in contact have also been carefully taken Into consideration. in. ..nn-orrf. nf 20 rears it has been the aim and purpose of this and reputation for sfluare dealing of the company he engages. Rec ognising this fact, Mr. Klnley. years ago, adopted a business and profes sional policy that lie has never been called upon to alter. His loyalty to the purpose to treat everyone alike. of is . m 1 ir4 P- i Zff EHTIl - lit Him-!' sr,,?!i l' i""1 v ! i pfF p j; vf If 111) jf 5 T1IK llOMB-LIKB KSTAHLISHnliNf O . V. WSLEt SON NBAUS COMPl.Kl lON. district to assure quiet and privacy, and is admitted by men of the pro fession who have seen it to be the foremost, most conveniently ar ranged and appropriately furnished and appointed building of its kind In America. The floor and ground arrange ment, almost entirely the Idea of Mr. J. P, Finley, surpasses that of onv other building of its kind. Not oniy has the structure been designed td facilitate the professional work of the company, but the very things company to remain always a step or stride in advance of Its confreres. Wh'le it has always been superior in point of equipment. It is the pride of Mr. Finley, Br., to be able to say that the service rendered by his concern has outdistanced the ma terial advantages it has always en joyed. There are few times In the life ot any man that he calls upon the un dertaker. When he does, as a rule, for the first time, his unfamillarity with that line of business compels him to rely largely upon the honor render the most courteous and kindly treatment In his power, give full value for the money received and go Just A little further than anvone would rare to ask has re sulted in his ability and capability to erect a building of which Port land has a Jtiat right to be proud. Service, first, last and all the time practical service service that can not help but be appreciated and ad mired this is the Finley idea, pure arid simple. Such service wins. The present new structure of the com pany Is ample evidence of it. t