Pages 1 to 16 FOG BLOCKS PLAIN DOCTOR BILL FOR HORRORS! FATHER RAISES VEIL TO CATCH GUNMEN ASTOR BABY HUGE OF COUNTRY SWORE SECRECY TO BE TRIED AGAIN WATCHER CAX'T SEE 'IF "GIP THE BLOOD" LIFTS SKIRTS. $1000 A DAY BEING PAID TO I)K E. B. CRAGIX. JOHN QUIXCY ADAMS DIARY PRODUCED AS PROOF. TT V V Yv.Y J " " nt nvi - " .... nnPTT vn rwvnnv sttvha A MORXiyG. AUGUST 18. 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VUL.. AaaI U. iSiS. v,. a- ., " , . : 1 - l COMPROMISE ENDS REDMOND'S MAYOR ORDERED TO QUIT DARRQV ACQUITTED of Amu BREACH iOSt Jury Reaches Verdict in 34 Minutes. REMARKABLE SCENE FOLLOWS Jurors Embrace Lawyer, Judge Congratulates Him. THREE BALLOTS ARE TAKEN Prosecutor Says He Will Insist on Trial t'pon Indictment Involving Bain, Which W ill Be - Set Next Monday. x LOS ANGELES, Aug. 17. Clarence Darrow was acquitted today of the charge of bribery by a jury, which was exactly 34 minutes considering: the case. Notwithstanding the verdict in this case, according: to District Attorney Fredericks, Mr. Darrow's ordeal is not over. Fredericks declared he would Insist upon the trial of the lawyer on a second indictment. As he sat in a cafe a few blocks from the scene of his trial and acquittal this afternoon, surrounded by a few intimate friends and finding more relish in the perusal of scores of con gratulatory telegrams than in hlJ luncheon, Darrow apparently was un concerned in the statement of the prosecutor. .Although declining to dis cuss the threatened second long ordeal, he said he was too happy to feel alarm at anything. Congratulatory Telegrams Pour la. Mr. Darrow was showered with tele grams from all parts of the country, which began pouring in within an hour after the verdict was given to the world. They came from labor or ganizations, leaders of organized labor, intimate friends and many whom he does not know. Most of them came from Chicago, his home and the scene of most of his professional activities for a quarter of a century. The courtroom scene which followed the reading of the verdict. Just 34 minutes after the Jury had retired, this morning was one that had no parallel in the court annals of this city. Jurors whose phlegmatic countenances had given no hint of their feelings through out the three months and more which elapsed since the trial began, em braced the man they had tried and with tears running down their cheeks de clared it was the happiest day of thei." Jives. . Jurors Stay for Reception. Court officials, including Judge Hut ton and the half dozen bailiffs joined in the congratulations and Mrs. Dar row, to whom the trial was a con tinuous nervous strain, stood speech lessly happy with one hand In her husband's, and with the other wring ing those of the jurors. For two hours the courtroom scene virtually was unchanged except for the grouping about the erstwhile de fendant and his wife. A half dozen cf the jurors, forgetting their long weeks away from home, remained throughout to participate In the im promptu reception. Stopped at every step by pedestrians who wanted to shake hands with him, Darrow required nearly half an hour to make his way two blocks to the cafe where he and a small group of friends went for luncheon. Darrow's Attorneys Incredulous. Darrow's attorneys expressed in credulity when informed that there -would be a trial on the Bain lndlet nent They pointed out that all of the evidence in the Bain case had beer submitted in the trial just ended. "The jury verdict was unanimous (Concluded on Pace S.) 8U JLAFOjLLETTB S GIVG- MS UNDtlJD AT7-Jsrrov TO YH ETUJLL. Physician to Widow and Little John Jacob Astor VI to Be in Attend ance for Six Weeks. NEW YORK. Aug. 17. (Special.) John Jacob Astor VI. is one or me most expensive babies ever brought Into the world. Gossip in the medical irnrid l that Ttr. Edwin Bradford wa gin, to whom credit Is due for the safe advent of this baby. Is receiving 1100" tnr ch dav he Is in attendance on Mrs. Madeline Force Astor and her vnunff son. Tr. Craa-in left his country place at r Colchester, Conn., and took up his resi rienee At the Astor mansion August 4. John Jacob Astor VI arrived August 14. It is expected that Dr. Cragln will re main a member of the Astor housenoia until early- In September, for Mrs. As tor Is mc slrous that her son shall . i . . 1 h.aUhv and oe correcu, '(i ic - n.vuj hearty caree.".. -d that she herself CI I ci in snau suiier no .. -bc oho t oe iicaiinji eiiuiiB may rear the child, V 'horn she must . 1 J n r, A n De Dull) niuilivi . Q , - whom she says she exj. -0 to devote her life. Pr.rln tti a v he In rr iRt An t at- tenrinnfe sir wfplcx. At the rate Of $1000 a day'hts fee would total between $40,000 and $45,000. LADY MOOSE OUT OF IT "Women's Auxiliary to Party" at Spokane Meets Death. SPOKANE, Wash.. Aug. 1". (Spe cial.) The "women's auxiliary to the Bull Moose party" was officially killed at a meeting at Progressive headquar ters Friday night, and Mrs. A. P. Fas sett, who had been chosen temporary president of the new order, thereby lost her office. Although the women were careful to bring no personalities into the debate, the fight generally was regarded as one engineered by the element favora ble to Mrs. Phoebe Cox against Mrs. Fassett, who had gained the controll ing positron In the new organization. In future there will be no separate women's organization. The Progres sives of the fair sex will work with the masculine members of the Roose velt Republican League. The women met Friday night for the purpose of perfecting their organiza tion, but Mrs. Cox explained to them that since they had the suffrage, the feminine "Moose should herd with the Bull Moose In the central organization Instead of by themselves. A motion was made to make the temporary or ganization of the "women's auxiliary to the Bull Moose party" permanent, but It lost. CIVIL WAR HEROINE DEAD Dr. C. Annette Buckcl, Known as "The Little Major" Nationally. OAKLAND. Cal., Aug. 17. Dr. C. An nette Buckel. famous nationally as the "little major" of the Union Army be cause of her services during the Civil War, died today at her home In Pied mont. Dr. Buckel was born in Warsaw, N. Y., August 25, 1833, and was graduated from the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. At the out break of the Civil War she volunteered for hospital service in the Union Army and accompanied the trdops through some of the fiercest battles. WAR SECRETARY IS COMING Vancouvcr.Included In Itinerary, May Be Made Brigade Post. WASHINGTON. Aug. 17. Secretary stimsnn will visit Vancouver Barracks with a view to deciding if it shall be made a brigade post. At the conclusion of this session of -nno-ro the head of the War Depart ment purposes making a trip of Inspec tion whlcn win mcwae jiruijr Wyoming. Idaho, Utah and Montana. Th a nhioot nf this- lnsDectlon Is to pass Intelligently upon the abandon ment of posts, me recommenumiuu i which has been made on second-hand Information. lMHE? aiPJLUWOUS SHOULD County Ticket Optional in Washington. SEATTLE SESSION STORMY ONE State Convention Given Power Regardless of Primary. SPOKANE FACTION CONTENT East Side Satisfied It Can Xame Suc cessful Progressive Candidates. Seattle Gets September 1 0 Gathering. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 17. (Special.) After sparring all the afternoon and three times reversing themselves, mem. bers of the Progressive party campaign ommrttee .tonight compromised witn h Cnninna delegation, decided to make it-optional with each county or ganization whether or not local ticKeis are to be named; granted authority to the state convention, which will be called to meet In Seattle September 10, to seat county delegations Irrespective of whether or not preferential pri maries are held, but still adhered to nitinni that aTDreferentlal pri mary vote should be binding upon the delegates from the voting unit. The preferential primary situation oii that ! sulA about it Is rather difficult for readers of the convention call to understand. Theoretically a primary vote Is to control me sime convention in all matters to come be fore it, but as O. C. Moore and A. W. Davis of the Spokane delegation pointed ., -fte it was all over, the state committee recognized the authority of the convention to do as its own sweei will dictated. It may determine when returns are in whether or not a sum n,,mh.r of counties have held primaries and whether or not the result represents the popular sentiment. East Side Satisfied.. In all probability the Spokane men who led a fight against the primary say the convention will not attempt to upset any popular result in the ad visory voting called, for on September 19 but Moore and Davis are going home determined to advise progressives to withdraw from the Republican pri maries and enter a progressive fight. They insisted when the committee fight ended tonight that it had been made possible for Eastern Washington counties to name a successful pro gressive ticket from top to bottom. But both pointed out the fact that if any east side counties desired to name its own local ticket and support a Progressive party state ticket, the way has been left open to do so. Now that It Is all over, neither Mdore nor Davis desires to offer criticism, but half an hour before the final de cision both agreed that they would have won the fight against a primary for state officers and a compulsory county ticket had the King County proxy holders obeyed instructions from their committeemen. There were ten counties represented in today's meeting by committeemen and 16 others who were present by proxy. Eight Seattle men held East side proxies and after the first skir mlsh the Seattle proxy holders began voting against the sentiment of the committeemen they represented. Thte circumstance really is responsible for the decision in favor of a state-wide preferential primary, which Spokane leaders insisted was impracticable and which many West Side county repre sentatives held would degenerate into a soapbox affair. The East Side men were aided in their fight by Tom Crawford, of Cen tralia, and W. R. Moultry, a former (Concluded on Page 2.) SIDELIGHTS ON SOME EVENTS OF THE PAST WEEK, George Washington Quoted as Em ' phatically Stating His Aversion for Senate Chamber. WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. George Washington actually swore. It must be true because Senator Lodge told the Senate so today and produced the docu ments to prove it. Senator Lodge was discussing a prop osition by Senator Newlands to send a committee to the President to con fer on the tariff. Precedents had been cited. "Yes," Senator Lodge said, "Presl dent Washington once did visit the Senate and confer about a pending In dlan treaty. ' But the discussion on the floor was hardly satisfactory to him. John Qulncy Adams in his diary says: " 'As the President left the Senate chambers he said: "I'll be damned. If I'll ever go there again," and he never did.'" , Senator Lodge produced Adams' diary to prove the Incident. TAFT SIGNS PENSION BILL 8160,000,000 Appropriation Ap proved Payment Begins. WASHINGTON, Aug. 17. President Taft's first official act today was to sign the $160,000,000 pension appropri ation bill. . The Pension Office was immediately notified and telegraph orders were sent to the 18 outlying agencies to start payment at once of the money so long held up by the delay in Congress. Each pensioner In the United States will be paid by Tuesday at the latest. Paymaster-General Smith of the Army today authorized payment to enlisted men of the regular Army for the month of July, leaving the June pay to be distributed later. The officers already have received their pay for June. The pay of the regulars has been held up In the general deficiency bill. WAR SCARE IS RIDICULED British Lawmaker Thinks Gunmak ers Financed Agitation. VANCOUVER, B. C, Aug. 17. "The inflated fears and the absurd theories regarding the Anglo-German war scare have no foundation except n the Imag. lnation of a lot of jingo jackasses." The above was the characteristic and picturesque description of .-.Joseph Martin, member of parliament- for East St. Pancras, London, and former Premier of British Columbia, when asked for his views on the question which Is at present engaging the serious attention of .British and Cana dian statesmen. Mr. Martin was in clined to subscribe to the theory of Henri Bourassa that the present war scare was organized and financed by the Vickers of England and Krupps of Germany. - ASSAY OFFICES OMITTED Senate Expected to Restore Appro priation Left Out by House. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Aug. 17. The House today, in passing the legislative bill in lieu of the bill vetoed by the President, made no provision for maintaining assay of fices during the present year at Boise, Helena. Salt Lake City, Deadwood and Charlotte, N. C, or mints at New Or leans and Carson City. It is believed the Senate appropria tions committee will restore the appro priations to jcontinue operating these assay offices and mints and that the Senate will adopt them. PIER FALLS, SHIP SINKS , Steamer Newport Damaged When Old Dock at Balboa Collapses. - pan-ama Auet. 17. A portion of the old French pier of Balboa, about 160 -.rr-Aa in lensrth. collaosed early today and two heavy electric cranes fell on the Pacific Mail Steamship company s steamer Newport, causing If to sink. No lives were lost. The nteamer NewDort. which 'left San Francisco on July 31 for Balboa, was of Zi3f gross tonnage ana was built in 1880. - West to Lead Invasion If He Is Disobeyed. DRASTIC ACTION DUE MONDAY Accused Officials Variously Quoted as to Intentions. - CROOK SHERIFF PROBE ON State Executive Discovers Section of Code Which Gives Him Full Power'" to Act Mayor Jones -Refuses to Leave Position. MAYOR JON'KS REFUSES TO RE SIGN rOST AT RMMIOND. REDMOND. Or., Aug-. 17. (Spe cial.) Mayor Jones refuses to re sign from his office as Mayor of the , City of Redmond upon the demand of Governor Oswald West this after noon. On being asked what he would do, the Mayor replied, "I am not go ing to do anything." SALEM. Or., Aug. 17. (Special.) Governor West and Adjutant-General Finzer, at the head of a squad of the Oregon National Guard, will invade Redmond early next week and the ex ecutive will declare that town under martial law unless Mayor Jones and the City Marshal submit their resig nations immediately. This was the declaration made by Governor West today and along with the declaration he sent notice to Ad- lutant-General Finzer to be in readi ness next Monday with a selected squad of men to leave for Crook County. The. executive received word today that Mayor Jones has been convicted of gambling and that five others have aihHh o-iiiltv. Immediately upon re ceipt of this news the Governor tele graphed to Redmond, to Jones and to the City Marshal, demanding their im mediate resignations. The Governor late tonight receivea telecram from the Mayor that a mass meeting of Redmond citizens would be held, and he would telegraph at the close of the conference his ac tion on the Governor's order. Governor May Take Personal Charge. Sunday the Governor intends to De in ood River and will go over the work H ,n the Shellrock road. If he finds that Jones and the Marshal have not resigned by Monday he intends to ac company the militia in person from Portland and wili take charge of the conditions of affairs at Redmond. In response to statements made by Balfour that the "Sheriff has found the grand jury would fail to return in dictments against disorderly houses. d others of a similar nature," the e-renntlve declared that the Sheriff needs no grand jury Indictments to do his duty In this respect, that the law Is ample enough to give him author ity to make raids and that the Sheriff should have gone ahead on Bis own Initiative if the grand jury was not with him, Too Many Would Blame Others. "Too many of these officers are en deavoring to shoulder the blame off onto somebody else," he declared. "Like 'Bob' Stevens, of Multnomah County, who wanted to come to the next Legislature and ask for the pass age of a lot of laws to put the road houses out of business. He has enough laws to nut them out of business and sheriff Ptnlfniir has enousii laws to put disorderly houses out of business (Concluded on Page 7.) BY CARTOONIST REYNOLDS Newspaperman Thinks Man Is on . Ship Disguised as Woman but Mist Prevents View. DULUTH, Aug. 17. If "Gip the Blood,", and "Lefty Louie," the former dressed as a woman, were aboard the steamer Tlonesta when she docked here this morning, the alleged gunmen Implicated In the shooting of Herman Rosenthal were not molested by the police. Only one man was present In the rain and fog to "discover" them. He was a newspaper man. The correspondent's line of reason ing appeared perfect. If "Gip the Blood," dressed as a female, followed the usual tactics of ladles on rainy days, he would lift his skirts through the drippy dock approach. If he did not he would betray himself by not doing so. The correspondent's cue was to look for big feet under a skirt. The steamer grated into her berth and the passengers started picking their way over the slippery dock, the ladies most beautifully carrying out the correspondent's theory. But Just then one of old Lake Su perior's fogs . settled upon the scene and all feet looked alike. The corre spondent returned to his office and hung his wet coat on a cold radiator. BANKER ASTRIDE SALMON Easterner Catches Fish With Feet and Hands in Rogue River. MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 17. (Special.) S. H. Moorehead, president of the Buffalo Savings Bank of Buffalo, N. Y., visiting friends In this city, has made what he believes Is a world's record when he landed a 12-pound salmon from Rogue River yesterday with his hands and feet. ' Mr. Moorehead was casting for steelhead in midstream when he saw a large salmon just beneath the sur face of the water. He jumped astride the fish, and .holding him with his feet thrust his fingers in his gills and after a hard struggle flung him high and dry on the bank. VANDIVIERS HOLD REUNION More Than 200 Descendants of Hol land Colonists at Meeting. DANVILLE. Ky Aug. 17. The sec ond National biennial reunion of the Vandivler family Is being held in Gra ham Springs, near this city, and is be ing attended Dy more than 200 de scendants of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van divler. There were 65 present from Franklin County. Indiana, which was the largest number from any one county. Peter Vandivler and his wife came to America from Holland In the early colonial days. Their graves are being decorated at Graham Springs, where the reunion is being held. WILD BUFFALO FLOURISH Number In Yellowstone Park Re ported flreatest in Years. WASHINGTON. Aug. 17. Lieutenant-Colonel Brett, commanding Yellow stone National Park, has reported to Secretary of the Interior Fisher that his men have seen more buffalo In the wild herd In the park recently than for ten years. They counted 48 buf falo, he said, all of which appeared to be in fine condition. The tame herd which Is kept In an enclosure In the park, said Colonel Brett, now numbers 144. Nearly one-half the buffaloes In the United States are In the Yellowstone Park. ANCIENT DRESS REVIVED Canadian Mayor to Wear Robe and Chain for Duke of Connau&lit. VANCOUVER, b"C-, Aug. 17. It Is more than likely that on the occasion of the forthcoming visit of the Duke of Connaught, Mayor Findlay will adopt a handsome robe and. gold chain of elaborate design as an insignia of his office. It is believed this will be the rirst time In the history of Canada that the ancient formal dress has been worn by Dr. J. F. Calbreath May Succeed Dr. Hall. OLD CONTROVERSY RECALLED Governor Regrets "Sore" Re vealed by Resignation, j LETTER HITS CONDITIONS 'I Am Unwilling to Be Connected With Failure, if I Can Avoid It," Asserts Man Who Quits j Pendleton Institution. j SALEM, Or., Aug. 17. (Special.) The veil of secrecy which the State) Board has thrown about the letter o resignation from Dr. M. K. Hall, of Pendleton, as superintendent of the) eastern Oregon State Hospital, was) raised by the Board today and the conw tents of the letter were made public Regardless of a statement of many; months ago that the light of publicity would shine brightly on all of their deeds, whether good or bad, the Board saw fit to conceal the contents of the) letter and in some cases even to deny Its receipt at the state capltol, although, the letter was written under date o August 14. Governor West explains this by say lng that he wished to keep the contents of the letter secret, return It to Its) author and thus destroy evidence oi its existence. Old Controvemy Not Wanted. "I did not want the old controversy over the Eastern Oregon asylum) brought up again," was his statement in giving his explanation. Dr. J. F. Calbreath, who, on Thurs-i day night at a star chamber session of the State Board, was appointed to succeed Dr. Hall, telephoned to State) Treasurer Kay tonight that he prob ably will accept the appointment but will be unable to give a definite answer for a few days. Dr. Calbreath was formerly superintendent of the asylum here. Just prior to Superintendent Steiners Incumbency. Dr. Hall, in his letter of resigns tion, bitterly scores the location at the new institution and declares among other things that the water is bad and that the conditions are such as to re quire a much larger outlay for main- tenance at the new hospital than at the Salem institution. "I am unwilling to be connected wittf a failure," Is one of the startling dec larations which he makes in the light of prophecy as to the future of the in stitution which has had troublous times) practically since its inception. Bonerman Governor Then. The institution was created under a) bill passed by a vote of the people la 1910. Jay Bowerman was acting Gov ernor at the time. Bowerman selected the site of the institution and It wa responsible for one of the biggest leg islative fights ever seen in the halls of Salem. An Investigation of the site was made) by physicians headed by Dr. Harry Lane and another by a legislative) committee. The physicians' committee, condemned the site while the legisla tive committee approved It. As a result the Board went ahead and started con struction work on the building. Already $544,000 has been expended on and about the buildings and grounds. In his letter tendering his resigna tion and scoring the site as well as the) arrangement of superintendent's quar ters Dr. Hall says: "To the best of my ability, I have) gone over the history of the establish ment of this institution by its promo ters, through the Instrumentality of thai (Concluded on Pace 2.) S9Z YOQffSeS CWVS fiZPU3UC WTYLF JLmw