The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 11, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 56

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"Sokel" or Turn-Festival in Austria Lures 12,000 Men and 6000 Women; English King Basks in Shadow of American Flag; Photographer Invades Royal Realm of Greece.
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NEW TORK. Aur. 10. fSpeclal
The 6okel. or turn-festival, which takes
place every 20 years, occurred at
Prague. Austria, last month. There
were 12.000 men and 6000 women who
participated in the sporta. The men
and women were- on the field sepa
rately, and each went through turner
movements in union. A large number
of women from the L'nited States took
part, and an organization of Chicago
girls' attracted much attention and
praise. An enormous number of vis
itors witnessed the sports.
Speaker Champ Clark headed lis
Democratic Congressmen, who called
on Governor Wilson at his Summer
home at Seagirt. N. J., recently. They
paid their respects to their candidate
for President. Party leaders from
practically every state In the t'nion
were present, and all pledged them
selves to support the new leader. The
Speaker made a brief address to which
Governor Wilson responded. Mrs.
Wilson and two of the Governor's
daughtrrs. Miss Jessie and Miss El
eanor, were introduced to the visitors.
The three pretty daughters of Prince
Xicholas, of Greece, and his wife, who
was the Grand Duchess Helena Vlad
imirowna. are shown In the accom
panying picture. The wife of the
Prince is the daughter of the Grand
Duke Vladimir, of Russia. Of the
three daughters. Princess Olga was
born June 11. 1903: Princess Elizabeth,
May 23. 1904. and Princess Marina, No
vember 30, 1905. The Prince is the
third son of King Georgios I. of
Greece. He was born January SI. 1872,
ind was' married August 27, 1902.
The motorboat Detroit, which sailed
last week from the city after which
she is named and where she was built,
for St. Petersburg, Russia, is shown
herewith. She is 35 feet long, and uses
gasoline as the motive power.
Colonel Roosevelt Is shown giving
Instructions in practical politics to the
New Yoaw State chairman of the Na
tional Progressive party at the party's
headquarters in New York. The occa
sion was the meeting for the organiza
tion of the "Bull Moose" party In New
fork State.
The tank steamer Trinldadian is
shown, as she was being devoured by
flames at the big Marcus Hook oil
fire on the Delaware River. The Union
Petroleum Company's plant also "went
up," making a total loss of about $1,
00,000. The picture of the Artillery Company
of Boston. Mass., has caused comment
both here and abroad. It was taken
on the occasion of the visit of the
srtillery, company to the King of
England, and shows the King, posing
with the Americans in the shadow of
the American flag. The British flag
Is conspicuous by its absence.
Count Carl von Moltke. Danish Min
ister to the United States, sailed on
the Kaiser Wilhelm II. accompanied
by the Countess and their little daugh
ter. The Count has been in the serv
ice of his country for about 13 years.
He will not return to Washington,
where he has been since 1908, but will
represent his country at Berlin. The
Countess, who Is a very, charming
hostess, will be greatly missed in
diplomatic circles next
A recent photograph of thg royal
family of Luxemburg 13 shown here
with. The young Grand Duchess Ma
rie, shown seated on the left of her
mother, is the ruler of that country.
She succeeded to the throne on the de
cease of her father, in February last.
She is the eldest of six daughters.
There Is no male heir. Her sisters are
Princess Charlotte, Princess Hilda.
Princess Antoinette, Princess Elizabeth
and Princess Sophie. The last named
is nine years old.
Founder of Olympia, Wash., Standard, Retires After 52 Years' Active
Work Early Experiences Full of Stress of Civil War.
THE permanent retirement from ac
tive newspaper work of John Mil
ler Murphy, the founder of the
Standard, Olympia. Wash., on. Novem
oer 17. 1860, and its editor up to the
past week almost 52 years, easily
making him the dean of Pacific Coast
lournallsts calls for more than a pass
ing notice.
Mr. Murphy was born in the little
village of Cedarville, Allen County, In
diana, not far from Fort Wayne, No
vember 3, 1839. His father. John Mur
- phy. was a native of Ireland, and his
mother a native of Pennsylvania, was
of German descent. To this crossing
of blood may be traced several char
acteristics of the successful editor
among them the combativeness and
ready repartee of the Celt, and the
sturdy persistence of the German, re
gardless of difficulties.
Opportunities for securing an educa
tion in his native place were small, in
deed: but In 1817-49 his parents moved
to Cincinnati, and there the future edi
tor acquired his first knowledge of the
three "R's" "readin', 'rltin' and 'rith
metic," and in those basic studies he
bad unusually good standing.
Crossed Plalna la 1550.
In 1850 Mr. Murphy crossed the plains
to Oregon with his brother-in-law,
George A. Barnes, starting from Fort
Wayne, Ind., the last week in March,
and arriving in Portland in the month
of August.
Mr. Barnes and his wife first crossed
the plains to Oregon in 1848, arriving
at Oregon City on October 17. They
left that place on April 7, 1849, over
land, for the California gold mines, and
two months later arrived at Sacra
mento. Mr. Barnes secured a stock of
miners' goods, took them to Auburn,
75 miles from Sacramento, and estab
lished a store. This he sold out to good
advantage, and on November 28 left
San Francisco with his wife for Fort
Wayne, via the Isthmus of Panama, on
tbe ship Edward Everett, making the
voyage in 52 days, with a loss of five
of the 82 passengers. After a few days'
rest they rode on donkeys 35 miles to
Gorgona. then embarked in a canoe
and went down the Cbagres River to
Chagres, and took steamer there for
New Orleans, arriving eight days later.
They engaged passage on a river boat
and made the trip in 16 days to Cin
cinnati. From that city to Fort Wayne
the journey was made by stage and
private conveyance.
In the three weeks following Mr.
Barnes fitted out a train, including all
his father's family, and Mr. Murphy,
as already stated, and started across
the plains the second time, and finished
the Journey to Portland in 95 days. In
September, 1850, Mr. Barnes opened a
general merchandise store on Front
street. West Side, just north of Alder.
In the Winter he took an active inter
est in public affairs, and on April 7,
1851, was elected a member of the first
City Council of Portland. In February,
1852, he sold out and removed to Olym
pia, Waslu, where he still resides, just
entering his 92d year, although in very
poor health. Mr. Barnes, while in
Portland, was an advertiser In The
Oregonian, beginning February 22, 1851.
Student In Portland In 1851.
Soon after the arrival of Mr. Mur
phy In Portland he was a pupil in a
subscription school taught by Rev.
Nehemiah Doane. The building In which
this school was taught stood on the
west side of Second street, one door
north of Oak. He also was a pupil of
John T. Outhouse, in the same-building,
who began teaching the first pub
lic school in -Portland "on October 1,
1851. Nights, mornings, Saturdays and
the time between school terms, he was
employed as an errand boy and clerk
by his brother-in-law. Early, in 1851
Dr.' E. H. Griffin, who died In this
city a few months ago, organized a
choir of 16 persons for service in the
Taylor-street (First) Methodist Epis
copal Church, and Mr. Murphy, having
an excellent tenor voice, was the
Junior member of that organization.
This was the first church choir on the
Pacific Coast. He went with Mr. Barnes
to Olympia in the Spring of 1852, and
clerked for him about two years. In
1854 he became a pupil o Bernard
Cornelius, A. M., a graduate of Trinity
College, Dublin, and a' member of the
College of Preceptors, London, Eng
land, with more than 20 years' experi
ence as a teacher before opening his
"Select School" at Olympia on May 8,
It was while under the instruction
of Professor Cornelius that Mr. Mur
phy acquired his knowledge of the use
of good English which was to serve
him so well in subsequent years. In
1857 he returned to Portland and be
came an apprentice in the printing de
partment of the Oregon Weekly Times.
He was employed in the same capacity
on the Democratic Standard, also of
this city, and in the Argus Office, Ore
gon City. While at work on the latter
paper he was the correspondent of the
Portland Dally News, the first daily in
this city, and the first in Oregon, and
his pen name was "Sardanapalus." ,
Mr. Murphy left Oregon City early
in June, 1860, and in partnership with
L4. E. V. Coon, a newspaper man of con
siderable experience in California, and
in Roseburg, Or., issued1 the Chronicle,
at Vancouver, W. T., on June 30, 1860.
Three months later, finding that Mr.
Coon better known as "Alphabetical
Coon" was exceedingly "sly" in busi
ness matters, the partnership was dis
solved, whereupon Murphy chose Olym
pia as the field for his future life work.
A newspaper plant was ordered at once
from Francisco, including a Wash
ington hand press, at a cost of $1000,
including everything, and on November
17, 1860. the first number of -the Wash
ington Standard was issued. In the
beginning the paper was a six-column
folio, but for many years it has been
an eight-column folio. Originally it
was printed on a hand press, at the
rate, of 125 perfect papers per hour.
About 35 years ago the hand press was
set aside and a drum cylinder press in
stalled. Ideal. Always, High.
In the outset Mr. Murphy had a high
ideal of what a newspaper ought to be,
and In his editorial career of nearly 52
years he has been uniformly consistent
witt his original purpose. Every move
ment that In his Judgment would aid in
improving moral, social, educational,
and industrial conditions In all their
varied ramifications, has received his
earnest support. In general it may be
truthfully said that all who have
known the Standard during the half
century and more of its life recognize
it as an excellent newspaper a credit
to its editor and its supporters.
Politically, by inheritance, associa
tion, habits of thought, and observa
tion, Mr. Murphy Is a Democrat. At the
time he established his paper, however
onlv 11 days after the momentous
Presidential campaign of 1860 had
closed, and before the result of that
election was known in this part of the
country there was no telegraph line
to this coast then he declared himself
to be uncompromisingly in favor of pre
serving the Union. That attitude led
him into the Republican party during
the Civil War. and on up to 1867. In
th June election of that year he sup
ported Governor Marshal F. Moore, for
merly an able General in the Union
Army, for Delegate to Congress. Since
then he has been an independent Dem
ocrat, as ready to criticise wrongdo
ing in his own party as in its oppo
nents. While he has never sought political
office to any degree he has been called
to perform public duties to some ex
tent: First, as public printer for one
term, second. Territorial Auditor for
several terms; third, Quartermaster
General of the State Militia: fourth,
member of the City Council of Olympia
for several years.
Civil War Days Exciting.
While political controversies of the
present day become unduly hot at times
yet at the end of the conflict all who
have sufTered defeat accept the situa
tion gracefully with the hope of suc
cess at another time. Not so during
the Civil War period. No one can
realize what the conditions then exist
ing were except eyewitnesses. The
relations between the early settlers,
who came to this coast from both
sides of Mason and Dixon's line, fre
quently became greatly strained and
occasionally resulted in - personal con
flict. It must not be understood, how
ever, that all Union men came from
the North and those opposed from the
South. Among the strongest support
ers of the Union were men from the
South, and frequently it was found that
the most ardent advocates of secession
were from the North. In this trying
experience Mr. Murphy bore a conspic
uous part. He realized that there were
honest differences of opinion, and was
therefore generally considerate of those
who failed to agree with him.
I remember one case. however,
wherein his caustic comments upon the
views of a man who had been a Fed
eral office-holder under Presidents
Pierce and Buchanan, but lost his place
when Lincoln was inaugurated, drew
forth a number of fierce rejoinders,
and at length Editor Murphy was chal
lenged to fight a duel. As a result
the would-be duellist was informed that
the "Code Duello" was the refuge of
a coward and not recognized in this
part of the country, and In addition he
was so mercilessly lampooned that he
withdrew the challenge.
The only serious charge that was
brought against Mr. Murphy while I
was in his employ as an apprentice,
compositor and pressman, 1861-1864, was
that ot being "young." That was
sneerlngly flung at his contemporar
ies. Those who felt called upon to
measure strength with him in discus
sion frequently failed, and then would
spitefully credit other persons with
writing his editorials. It is true that
an occasional article appearing upon
the editorial page was written by
other men; but Mr. Murphy's decided
views upon the questions of the day
led to a severe pruning of many arti
cles to such an extent that they were
scarcely recognized by those who wrote
them. Mr. Murphy was the editor ana
from his decision there was no appeal.
Mr. Murphy Faltbful Friend.
Among the excellent traits of Mr.
Murphy are those of faithfulness and
fidelity. I remember as an apprentice
that I was instructed not to divulge
a word relating to any transaction,
business or otherwise, that occurred
In my presence In the newspaper of
fice. . What took place there, even cur
rent gossip, I was taught to regard as
of a strictly private nature. I do not
think an instance can be found in his
Ions career where his opinions as ex
pressed through his paper were in
fluenced in any degree by mercenary
motives. And I do not believe that he
ever betrayed any confidence reposed
in him in the slightest degree even
though by so doing it would have re
sulted in his pecuniary or political
Now that he has retired from active
Journalism I trust that Mr. Murphy
will reap the reward of a useful life.
And I cannot think of anything better
to wish for his successors than the
hope that they will follow in the foot
steps of their predecessor, and "Hew
to the line, let the chips .fall where
they will.".
Casting flowers upon the graves of
the "dear departed" Is a beautiful cus
tom, but If there were more evidences
of appreciation scattered along life's
pathway through the earthly 'existence
of humanity, there would be a marked
increase in the happiness of the race.
On this account I am thankful that
have been given an opportunity to ex
press my appreciation of Mr. Murphy
in this feeble way.
Protecting: Concrete Against Frost.
Popular Mechanics.
A concrete reservoir, 45 feet in diam
eter and 21 feet high, partly above and
partly below the ground, erected in
Virginia, Minn., by the Electric Power
& Water Co.. was successfully proteced
against freezing by covering the ex
posed part with a layer of clay, then
a layer of cinders and above that a
second layer of clay. When this cov
sring was removed last Spring, the
tank showed no sign of injury by frost.
despite the severe Winter. ,
Turkey's Former Sultan Spends His Last Days Building Toy Mosques,
Carving Soldiers, and Writing His Memoirs.
THE life of Abdul Hamid, the de
posed Sultan of the Ottoman Em
pire, is drawing to its close. Late
ly, it has become known through a
semi-official source that his health is
failing and that the end may come at
any day. It Is not primarily a physical
disorder from which the Red Sultan is
suffering, but it Is the terron of the
past conjured up in a thousand differ
ent haunting forms that harasses his
mind and thus affects the body.
The Villa Latini, which for the last
three years has been the former Sul
tan's home, faces the bay, but a "high
wall surrounding it cuts off much of
the view from Inside.
The north boundary wall is skirted
by a road beyond which opens out a
green valley in striking contrast to
the rugged brown hills to the east,
says the London Chronicle. The de
posed Sultan's prison is one of many
similar villas owned by rich Greek
merchants of Salonica, who have made
their fortunes and retired to a semi
regal life along the shores of the wind
ing bay. The Turkish government
bought the Villa Latini from one of
these princes of commerce and little
change has been made except at the
former Sultan's own request.
It seems rather ironical that the
former Sultan's prison should be lo
cated here where the Young Turk
movement had its birth, and where its
greatest strength is found, and that
the man at whose door so many
bloody deaths were laid Is thus, so to
speak, within reach of those who were
formerly his- victims, but Salonica, the
principal city between Rome and the
East, bustles about its business and
gives not a thought to the deposed
commander of the Faithful who is
dragging out his monotonous life on
the eastern outskirts of the city.
To be physician to the Sultan one
must know his own remedies thor
oughly and have faith in them, for
the physician Is often called upon to
take a preliminary dose In front of
his patient. However, the former Sul
tan usually selects one of his servants
generally his valet, as medicine taster.
One day not long ago the physician
prescribed a mixture in which quinine
was the principal ingredient. The
valet was called in to take the trial
dose, but he was new to his duty, and
the stuff was bitter. His expression
in swallowing it was as bitter as the
quinine, and the former Sultan, think
ing he had Just escaped a plot to
poison him, poured out the contents of
the bottle.
Several times that day he sent to
Inquire if the valet was still alive, and
he seemed grsatly surprised when the
valet, perfectly well, presented himself
before his master on the following
Abdul is equally exacting and fear
ful regarding his food and his chief
cook must taste every dish in his pres
ence nefor? he will touch It.
Abdul Hamld Is very fond of certain
Turkish dishes prepared with rice and
finely chopped meat. When a dish is
brought in the chief cook always ac
companies it. Abdul arms himself with
a large spoon and proceeds to the
attack. He plunges the spoon at ran
dom into the dish and. bringing it
forth full of the steaming rice, he
hands it to the cook. Should the lat
ter show any hesitation about tasting
it the dish is t,ent back to the kitchen
About a year ago Abdul Hamid be
gan writing what was generally sup
posed to be his memoirs. He spent
several hours ?ach nay at his writing
desk, but after a few weeks restless
ness got the best of him and he tore
up his manuscript. This has been the
end of his literary' efforts. Some time
ago he was supplied it his own request
with a small tool chest, such as a boy
of 14 misht glory in.
He amused himself with this toy
equipment by building two tiny mos
ques. A third Is uncompleted. He also
has carved out a small company of toy
soldiers. Eut the lack of being able to
concentrate his mind on any one thing,
be It work or play, drives him from
one thing to another. This in an en
deavor to while away the time waiting
tor the death he fears so much to end
the sufferings of a conscience steeped
in the crimes of the past.