THE SITXDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. AUGUST It, 1912. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OVEGOXIAX TKLEPHOXX9. i PrtgdnrTMia Main TOTO. A 60M City ClEulatlon Mala TOTO. A 0S3 tanalne Editor Main TOTO, A 695 Sunday Editor Main TOTO. A 69J Coaipoafca-room Main TOTO. A ft5 CuperiaUndt bulldinc Main 70.0 A flWi AMUSEMENTS. HXILIrj TBS1TER (Seventh an Taylor) Cathrlna counties in the comedy. "The lrl With the Green Eye.". Tonlgst at Of PKEUM THEATER (Morrison, between flxth and Seventh) Vaudeville. Tonight at 8:80. rvpr-e tup a i-trn rPurV id Washlng-- ton) Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:13, tonlrht at T:30 and 9 o-ciocjc FAXTAGES THEATER (Seventh and Al der) Vaudeville. This afternoon at S:l. tonlfht at 7:30 and 9 o'clock. OAKS PARK (Willamette River) Imnw ment park; varied attraction. Thla after noon and tonight. COUNCIL CREST Portland Hlhts Ccentj amusement park. PEOPLE'S. STAR, ARCADE. OH JOT. TIVOLI AND CRYSTAL First-ran pie turea 11 A M. to 12 P. It RECREATIOX PARK (Twenty-fourth and Vacehn) Baseball. Portland v t acorn a. This afternoon at 2:3o o'clock. OREGONIAH AT REPORTS For the quickest delivery of The OrecoBtaa at Summer reeorta. aab scribe through the following; acenta. City rates. Subecrtptlona by mall a payable la alvanea. Bayoeeaa. OrHot! Bayoeean AnnT Bay City, Or. M. J. Miller Bar View. Or. E. P. Marcher Brighton Beach. Or J. A. Bnltiwtt Colombia Bc-ech. Or.. .Frank Beraloe Caraoo Sprlnsa Mineral Sprtea Hotel Caacadia, Or O. al. Ceiaendorfrr Collina Springs t'red A. Tonne Ixmc Beach Ionia Cobra Nabrorta X. H. Bram Newport .............Geo. Slyverter Ocean Park D. B. Beech j Rockaway Beetch.Or. .Wilkin St Rice St. Martina Spring-. .Mra, St. Martin Seaside Clark Strattoa Beariew. Waah Frank K. Htrarml Tillamook ............. .J. S. Laznof Takelaaa. Waah ioha Morby NnrCTT DATS PRAWN BT ROBBERS. Three men accused of robbing- drunken men in the North End. received sen tences of 0 days each, in Municipal Court yesterday. One, Tony Matson, was convicted of assault and battery, when his alleged victim, Thomas Blake, was found to be still too drunk to testify that he had been robbed. Robert Davis and George Mullen were convicted of an attempt to rob Frank Pets as. in broad daylight, within one block of the police station and under the eyes of Patrolmen Sherwood and Miller. The officers passed by as the two men were going- through the pockets of the third in a doorway. Earlt Morrino Fire Arouses. Twelve policemen pounded on doors at the Mercedes apartments. 165 Stout street, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, arousing lodgers in the building, when a fire broke out In one of the rooms on the third floor. All reached the street in safety and without undue confusion. The fire was traced to a room occupied by chauffuers, smoking cigarettes. The damage amounted to about J600. Firemen J. A. Haggerty and H. A. Foss were caught by a tongue of flame while fighting the fire and sustained painful burns about the head. y Pbninsula Sewer Ststek to" Be Explained. There will be a mass meeting at Thlel's Hall, Killingsworth avenue, between Michigan, and Mis sissippi streets. Monday night at 8 o'clock, to hear City Engineer Hurl burt explain the detailed plans " for the proposed Peninsula sewer system. The meeting will be under the auspices of the North Portland Commercial Club and the North Albina Push Club. The ewer, it is estimated, will cost ap- j proximately $2,000,000 and all property holders interested are urged to attend the meeting. War Dub on Cigarette Sals to Minors. War upon dealers who fur nish cigarettes to minors, is being waged by Sergeant Kay and Patrolman Stewart specially assigned to tne auiy, and two cases brought by them are now before the Municipal Court. The defendants are: H. C. Winkle, 1045 Belmont street, and Charles Chow, 385 Flanders street. Harry Hayden. 20 years old and living at 584 Crampton street, was arrested by the same offi cers for having cigarettes in his pos session. New Tobk State Society to Meet. The New York State Society will hold its regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening. August 13, at Chrlstensen's Hall. Eleventh and Yamhill streets. Ad dresses will be made by Addison Ben nett and Captain G. E. Caukin. There will be a musical programme and light refreshments. The society will have a moonlight excursion on the steamer Kellogg Tuesday evening. August 2T. All New Yorkers ere cordially lnviteo. Amebic ax Plan Rates. The Bowers Hotel under management of Charles H. Rowley, formerly with Mrs. H. W. Hogue and the past two years with the Imperial, is quoting American plan monthly rate. The Bowers Hotel, corner 11th and Stark sts. Charles H. Rowley, manager. Hotel Multnouah. Before engaging rooms elsewhere or looking at apartments in flats, let us sho- yon rooms and quote attractive prices for the Fall and Winter months. Our rooms are large and specially adapted for permanent guests. H. C. Bowers, manager. Da. Drake Speaks Todat. Dr. Emma F. A. Drake will speak today at the Highland Baptist Church. East Sixth and Alberta streets, at 11 o'clock, and at the Centenary Methodist Epis copal Church, at 8 o'clock, on the sub ject "Home, Church and School." Special excursion on the Mount Hood Line Sunday, August 11. Round trip to Pleasant Home -25 cents. Cars leave Third and Yamhill 10 o'clock, Sunday morning. Can only accommo date 100 on special train. For Sale. . A 45-horsepower, 550-volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75-ampere overload I-T-E circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 203 Oregonian building. We Sell hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 30-pound beds from $7.50 and up. We renovate mat tresses and return them the same day. We also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, pro prietor. 228 Front st Main 474, A 1374. Wanted. Man with $5000 to build cottages. I furnish the ground and guarantee 8 per cent net. besides one half the profits; bank references and security given and required. Phone Mr. Marvin, Main 7270. For Sale. Oiie, 125-volt, direct-current genera tor, complete with field rheostat, am meter and circuit breaker. This ma chine is in good repair. Address room 203 Oregonian bldg. Fob Sale. A 40 -K. W.. 600-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condi tion. Address room 203 Oregonian blJg. Oregon Citt Boat leaves Taylor street dock, daily, 8 A. M., 2 P. M. ; Sundays 9 A. M., 12 M., 3 P. M. Round trip, 40 cents. Geabhart. Furnished cottage for rent from August 15. Apply Mrs. Livingstone. Gearhart. Dr. Geo. F. Koehler returned to city. Electric bldg., hours by appointment. Elton Coubt. excellent table, home cooking. Special rates to families. Vooet sells everything. 4S8 Wash. Dench to Face Crrr Chaboss. After being held to the grand jury on a charge of assaulting his wife with a knife. C. P. Dench, wh'o calls himself "doctor," was called back in Muni cipal Court yesterday and will be pro secuted instead under a city charge of assault and battery. The action was taken at the request of the wife, who wishes to expedite the case and will sue for a divorce. She charges that Dench has made frequent attacks upon her, the most recent being an attempt to stab her because she wouii not re turn to live with him. Cleaning Establishment Called Nuisance. Declaring that the carpet cleaning establishment at Front and Gibbs streets in which the recent $15,000 Goose Hollow blaze started. Is a nuisance, property owners of the neighborhood have filed a petition with the City Health Board asking that the place be condemned and removea. In the petition it is asserted that the place Is a menace to me. neaitn ana property. The Health Board will con sider the petition at Its next meeting. Lents Platobound ix Use. Miss Nellie Fox, of the City Library, gave a reading Wednesday on the Lenta plays-round to about 100 children, who were greatly interested. These readings will be given every Wednesday after noon for the present. Friday evening the Lents Concert Band gave a concert, on the playgrounds. The members of the Mothers-Teachers' Club sold Ice cream and cake to the amount of $40 which will be used to maintain the playgrounds. Woxmt Rtb Bbead Investigated. A loaf of rye bread in -which were found a number of worms will be the subject of an Snvestigation by tne city health department, which may re sult in the arrest of the baker who sola, the loaf. It was purchased by John Musshold, of 142 East Forty seventh street, and caused the violent sickness of both Mr. Musshold and his wife after supper Friday night. Oriental Rcgs. Our choice collec tion is of such magnitude that we can satisfy any one desiring reliable rugs and carpets no matter what size or color required, and every rug bears our guarantee. Modest prices always. We have a most complete cleaning and repairing department in charge oi ex perts. Cartozian Bros., exclusive Ori ental rug dealers, 473 Wash., beL 13th and 14th streets. Costello Estate $5000. Sadie Costello. the widow, was yesterday appointed administratrix of the estate of Maurice N. Costello. who died from injuries sustained when the police patrol automobile ran into him on the East Side on the night of August 1. Mr. Costello died intestate, leaving property of the value of $5000, and the widow states that she Is the sole heir. Mrs. Laura Baldwin Doo little is fitting up a fine suite of studios in. the Eiler building. Mrs. Doontties ousi- ness has Increased so greatly that her present quarters are inadequate. The new studios (Nos. 414-415-416) are all well-lighted and large, especially well adapted to displaying her new samples of wallpapers, hangings and furnish ings. Sax Case Continued. On the show ing of a physician's certificate that Louis Sax is confined to his bed. the hearing of the arson charge against him and S. A. Sax, accused .of setting fire to their store on' First street earjy in the week, was continued till next Tuesday, when it came up yesterday morning. Funeral or Mrs. Mart E. Retnolm Held. The funeral service of sirs. Mary E. Reynolds, a pioneer, who died Wednesday at the Iamlly residence, 10 East Ninth street, was held yesterday from St.' Francis Church. Interment was made In Rivervtew Cemetery. Mrs. Reynolds was 74 years of age. Wanted. Large room for man and wife in strictly modern house, with private bath if possible, if not. bath near room, and two meals breakfast and dinner, at night. Must be near-in. Both employed during day. ri. w. Doollttle, 439 Stark street. Hotel Men. For rent to man and wife at beach resort, furnished hotel; complete In detail, everything first class: very little money required; small per cent of income accepted as rent. Address AS 270, oregonian. Crimb to Bb Discussed. "Crime. Its Prevention ana Cure" will be the theme for discussion at the Vegetarian Conversazione. 611 Yamhill street. Tuesdav night, at 8 o'clock. Miss Noble will give the opening address. Fine Irvington Quarter, 100x100, southeast front, everything in and paid: half block from Broadway car, surrounded by new homes; $4500, terms. Phone owner, Mr. George. Main 7270. To Those who are building new homes for Fall occupancy, can save considerable by placing their orders now for furniture. Baltimore Artistic Furniture Company. 411 Alder St. On Account of dissolution of part nership, the Baltimore Artistic Fur niture Company will make great re ductions on furniture, bric-a-brac and Sheffield ware. 411 Alder sL Must Sacrifice my five-room modern cottage, close to union ave. and Al berta sts. Price. $2750, terms. Big reduction for cash. Call M. Weaver, Main 7760. Dr. Freeze, the eye specialist, has resumed his practice at 308 Merchants Trust bldg., after a month's outing with his family at the beaches. For Sale. Nine-room house, good condition, $7500. easy terms. Inquire forenoons. Owner. 715 Corbett, corner Hooker street. Reduced Prices, largest selection, high-grade' workmanship only. J. Polivka & Co., tailors, 206 Corbett bldg. Dr. G. S. Whiteside has removed his office to the new Journal bldg., cor. Seventh and Yamhill streets. Picnic. Free dance afternoon and evening Rohse's Park today. Fulton car. Dr. C. T. Chamberlain has moved to the Journal bidg. A 1371. Main 623. Acne's Portraits. Columbia blOs- men. women, children. Main-A 13S. Dr. Ralph C. Matson has returned. Office 1021 Corbett bldg. Wedding Rings. The latest Tiffany shape at Jaeger Bros. , Delightful Boating on Lake Esta cada. O. W. P. cars. Go to Shipherd's Springs.. E. L. Shipherd, manager. Dr. Nelson, dentisL movea to Journal bldg. Diamonds, very finest at Jaeger Bros. Db- Sternberg Moved. Journal bldg. MEG MAN HAS ADVANTAGE $1.50 for Him Buys $a Pants. Tn make good on our ads. of $1.50 per leg. or $3.00 the pair, and free seats, we hereby offer to fit any man with 'one leg with his choice of any of the $4. $5 and $S pants now on sale at $3 for $1.50. We consider that he is entitled to this consideration and we are having to make good nearly every day. We never knew before how many men there were who had lost a leg; but it's all right and we have plenty of pants for all who come to the either of our Brownsville Woolen Mill stores.- BARGAIN. For sale 50x100 lot on 7th st, north of Ainsworth: $675. F. E. BOWMAN. Owner. 22d and Brazee. E. 935, C 2322. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. Private boxes $3.50 and upwards per year. Storage for valuables. Chamber of Commerce Building. Suit sale at Jimmy Dunn's. ACTRESS WILL HARPOON MOST POPULAR CRITIC Oathrine Countiss to Present Novel Gift as Token to New York Drama Reviewer Press Agent Tries to Explain Effects of Criticism. .................. T sasaa..;.. s MV M S' - " -'-''''$ '-SV I -' 7 $fJ.', I i- -Ty i yj . j i I CATHRINE3 COrNTISS. t I ' CATHRINE COUNTIES haa been har pooned; that is to say, she is the surprised and grateful recipient of a harpoon. It came to her at the Heillg Theater as p. touching token of re gard from an ancient Portland mariner, who was deeply moved by her "Awak ening; of Helena Richie." The harpoon Is of heavy wrought Iron, and duly authenticated, as having dealt the death blow to a 75-foot right whale. It , may be explained to the first class in natural history that a right" whale is the kind the whale bone comes from. A harpoon can be used but once, and in many Instances is never recovered. This particular harpoon is rusted, red-stained, and dulled by losing its temper through the firing process which was necessary to straighten it Harpoon to Be Given. What bearing has this upon the stage and its affairs? How does it concern Miss Countiss' Summer season, or "The Girl With the Green Eyes?" Why should a tale of a right, or wrong, whale's untimely cutting-off come under the general head of amusements? You see, it is tms way: Miss Countiss, although an actress, still retains a conscience. She is aware that hurling the harpoon is a favorite pastime of New York dramatic critics. A cold, logical process of reasoning compels her to concede that the whal ing memento rightfully belongs to one of them. She wants the harpoon to hang up In her dressing room. The law would perhaps Justify her. But Miss Countiss feels that she has no moral right to it, and will give it PAST0B1S SUFFRAGIST DR. BROUGHEB DENIES RUMOR OF HIS CHAXGED VIEWS, Ex-Portland Preacher Will Speak on "Votes for Women" Here In White Temple August 18. Repeated asservations by antl-suf- fragists that Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher, pastor of the Temple Bap tist Church in Los Angeles, and a former Portland minister, was now opposed to equal suffrage, has brought forth a letter of denial from him. In it, he ,says that never more than at the present time was he in favor of equal suffrage. The pastor will preach twice here on August 19 at the White Temple. In his letter Dr. Brougher refers more specifically to statements attrib uted to Dr. Clarence True Wilson in a recent speech against the movement. Dr. Wilson had been saying that tem perance reformers ahd others were bitterly disappointed because in every state where women had obtained the right to vote there had not been the expected reform in the evils of the Dr. J. Whitcomb Brongher. Popu lar Preacher of Los Angeles, Who Will Speak on Hla Equal- Suffrage Vlewa la Portland I Anguat 18. 4 f to the most popular dramatic critic in New York. She simply but forcefully voices her decision as follows: "The obliauitv of New York's criti cal verdicts tends to the obscuration of l nlav-sroer's judgment. That is why. with so many people, the practice of forming independent Judgment is oo solete. The omniscent reader, who re allv reads the critics, finds his im pressions becoming many sided. So It personally pleased witn too snpw, no thinks he must be wrong. The man who sits up forward to chuck the har poon Into a new play directly it Is sighted is paid to think for him. That's his business. Presa Ac-ent Kant a. "The critical scholiast doubtless of ten expresses schismatic views as pain ful to author and actor as an ordeal of urtication," says Miss Countiss" press agent, "but the agonized protests of wounded victims are no more regarded than the whining whimper of a whinchat, or the convulsive ' death quiverings of a harpooned right whale. Subjected to the prick of a critic's pen, the swelling balloon of artistic self-conceit speedily shrinks to the simple proportions of a spherole, the turgesence of ." But all this Is . Immaterial and ir relevant, and would be ruled out by any self-respecting city editor. That is why this story is condensed to mere mention of the fact that Miss Countiss has been presented with a harpoon. An equally enthusiastic admirer on Was co street has also given her a piece of the original Atlantic cable. But, as Rudyard Kipling wrote, in one of his finesf moments of inspiration, "that Is another story." liquor trade. He had quoted Dr. Brougher as among those who were dis appointed, and not now In favor of the movement. After admitting his disappointment that women did not vote more unani mously against the liquor interests, the pastor says: "I have never changed my attitude toward Woman suffrage. I believe In it more heartily today than ever. If it had not been for the women, Los An geles would have been in the hands of the I. W. W.'s today. They saved our city in the last election, when its honor and Us prosperity werj imperiled. If I had my way about it, every woman in every state ef the United States would have the privilege of voting. "My friend Wilson must have gotten hold of a little reprimand I gave tne women for not voting more universally for temperance, possibly exaggerated by anti-woman .suffrage reporters in this section, and no doubt unintention ally he Is using It to the advantage of his nosition. Residents of this city soon w$ll have an opportunity of hearing for them selves from his own Hps the views of Dr. Brougher ofi this subject. lor tne Los Angeles pastor will be here next Thursday or Friday, and will preacn two sermons at the White Temple on Sunday, August 18, one in the morn ing and the other at night. In his letter to the secretary of the Woman's Club campaign committee, Dr. Brougher Inclosed a slip announcing that his subjeet Tor his next sermon would be "On the necessity of muzzling dogs and some others." BEAUTIFUL JRESIDENCE. We have for sale one ef the finest homes in the city, occupying more than a quarter block on corner near the Irvington Tennis Club; large, hand somely appointed house, built less than a year ago. This place offers a rare opportunity to purchase a home ready for occupancy which could not be du plicated for the - price asked, namely, $32,500. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., agents, 404 Wilcox bldg. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A most attractive and modern nine room bungalow; designed and built for owner's own home; two bathrooms, billiard-room, masive stone fireplace; acre of attractive grounds; beauti fully wooded with native trees. For price and terms see Henry C. Prud homme, owner, 806 Wilcox bldg. Laymen Ocupy Pulpit. DALLAS. Or.. Aug. 10. (Special.) Rev. D. Lester Fields, pastor of the First Methodist Church of this city, in order to interest his congregation during the Summer Sunday evenings, has invited several of the business men of Dallas to make addresses from the .'A A D I A M O N D Purchased From la Means Quality That Is the most Important part about a diamond. Our Prices will convince you that we buy In so large a quantity as to enable) us to save our cus turoers money. QJIR GUARANTEE Is the very strongest. Investigate for Yenrself. JaegerBros. DIAMOND IMPORTERS, The Large Jewelry Store, 266 Morrison St., Bet. 3d and 4th. pudpit Three weeks ago Walter L. Tooze, Jr., an attorney, spoke on the subiect "Modern aw as Traced to Hip Ileal Teachings." Last Sunday evening A. B. Starbuk, physician, spoke on the subject "Why Do I, as a Physician. Be lieve In Christianity?" GRAND JURY TAKES NOTICE Charges of Mark Schlussel Against Mrs. Bloch to Be Probed. If Mark Schlussel wants further ac tlon upon his charge that Mrs. Maurice Bloch stole $4100 from him 13 years ago, he will have to go before the grand Jury, which will assemble in two weeks, and at the same time friends of the wo man, who assert that the charge purely malicious, will have an equal opportunity to tell their story, says District Attorney Cameron. In the meantime a felony warrant which fol lowed Mrs. Bloch by telegraph while she was traveling to San Francisco on the Shasta Limited, will be withheld. While legally there is nothing to pre vent the arrest of an alleged criminal after a term of any number of years, if he has been continuously out of the state in the interim, it haa been shown that Mrs. Bloch's place of residence since she left Portland has been a mat ter of common knowledge among large circle here, and she could have been extradited at any time. The mo tlve of Schlussel In neglecting action of this kind and waiting till the woman with her family came here for a social visit. Is being severely passed upon among her friends here. The action, if any basis for one exists, they say, is a civil one, and real property owned In this Jurisdiction by Mrs. Bloch is sub Ject to any execution that Schlussel might obtain. BAND SELECTS CLASSICS Interesting Programme Arranged for Park Concert Today. The Portland Park Band. W. E. Mc Elroy, director, will play at Peninsula Park this afternoon. The concert be gins at 2:30 o'clock, and the programme will be as follows: March. "The Midshipman." Lauren- dau; overture, "Zampa," Herold; waltz. Blue Danube," Strauss; duet, "Mis erere," from "II Trovatore, verai B. F. Driscoll, cornet; Eugene Cioffl, baritone; Entr'acte et Valse from "Cop pelia," Delibes; Intermission; grand se lection. "Mefistofele," Boito; (a) "Vis ion," Von Blon; (b) "Berceuse," God ard; selection, "Maritana," Wallace Highland patrol, "The Wee Mac- Greegor, Amers; march, "On Dress Parade," Chambers. Monday evening the band will play at Holladay Park. Monday evening's concert will be in place of that post poned Wednesday evening- of last week on account of rain. HALIBUT STIRS NEWPORT Large Catches Canse Speculation as to Location of Banks. NEWPORT, Or., Aug. 10. (Special.) Considerable interest has been aroused recently as a result of the large catches of halibut made off riew port. If the halibut banks have been definitely located it will prove an in estimable benefit to the town. Twice this week the "Arrow" and the "Ollie S" have returned with a ton each. An effort Is being made to keep the exact location of the banks a secret, but it is stated that they are about 12 miles out and 26 miles south of Newport. At different times during the past four years capitalists have visited the town with a view to installing a cold storage plant and an effort will now be made to induce these interests to take up the proposition again. MEN'S SUIT SALE. It would cost me $183 if I took a page in this newspaper to tell you of the wonderful bargains I am giving during my clean-up sale of men's suits. Bring $10 along and remember: my economy Is your gain. Jimmy Dunn, room 315 Oregonian bldg, " WHEN YOU TRAVEL Let us check your baggage at your home. The Baggage & Omnibus Trans fer Company. Phones: Main 6980, A 8322. Vancouver Barracks and Portland Railway Company use Roslyn-Cascade coal. Why? Because they get more heat units from it than any other. This class of trade knows." We are exclusive agents. Special prices on orders booked now. PORTLAND & SUBURBAN COAL Co. ST. JOHNS ICE & COAL CO. BEAVER HILL COAL CO. - Main 358, A 3358, Columbia 84. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Urdahl and familv wish to thank their friends for ths manv kindnesses shown them during the illness and death of their second daughter, Alice Mary, who died July 26, aaed 19 months and 18 days. CARPENTERS WANTED, rumen t ?rs and laborers wanted at once to work on Round - up grounds. Top wages paid. Apply to C. A. Cole or Sec'y Round-up, Pendleton, Or. Our insecticide positively Duts bed bugs out of business. We also make all styles of sweeping compounds, floor oils and floor spray. Phone Plummet urug co., xnird and Maaison. Main zmi. Rosenthal's shoe sale now on. The Cutler Desk Co. Established 1824 Big men, keen, successful bus iness men, know the dif f e r e ne e , be tween a e t u al facts and mere talk. ORIGINAL The distinction between gentlemen's stuff and peasant stuff is often that of the genuine and an imitation. Eventually you will lean toward the former not for the purpose of sale but for personal use and owner ship. Cutler's are the only makers of SOLID OAK AND MAHOGANY OFFICE FURNITURE TVe are exclusive agents here. "Everything for the Office" Corner Fifth CARD OF THANKS. I wish thus publicly to express my sincere thanks to Drs. Kenneth A. J. Mackenzie and Donald H. Jessop for their skillful attention and unremitting care to which I undoubtedly owe. my life, after being shot on the evening of July 9; also to the Misses Vander cook and Short, the graduate nurses, and the kind sisters of St. Vincent's Hospital, who so successfully carried out tha surgeon's orders and ministered to my wants and comfort. I owe due thanks. Last, but not least, to Mr. J. A. Johnson, of Pantages Theater, and the many friends both in and out of the theatrical profession, especially includ ing Sheriff Robert Stevens, Chief nnntv W. T?. Hollinsrsworth and Tom M. Word, I am under deep obligations rnt rn manv Kina ana mouKnuui re membrances during my serious illness. Have Edlefsen book your coal or wood order now. is. ifiis, c Z3s HEITKEMPER'Si Standardized and Trademarked Jewelry - Watches Silver Particular attention is called at this time to our superb stock of Watches, in great variety, .both style and price. Our ironclad guar antee behind every watch. On account of being a little over stocked at present in the watch line, it would certainly be to your interest to make your selection now. We are pleased to show goods G. Heitkemper Co. Teon Bldg., 130 Fifth St. Old in Portland, New in Location. The Confidence Inspired by the- Registered Optometrist Is not misplaced, for he has many ways of detecting and locating the trouble with vmir v that would be overlooked or ignered by any one less experienced. By all means, wnen your eyes irouoie you, come to us. Dallas Optical Parlors 218 Falling Building, Corner Third and Waahinarton Second Floor. Take Elevator. A GAS PURIFIER will reduce your gas bill. Ask MABTYN & HILTON, 603-604 Yeon Bldg. tt jjl Have Made Solid Office Furniture for 88 Years There is often the difference ef facts versus assertions be tween a gen tleman's word and an ordi nary t r a d es-man's. - GEM and Oak Streets LEOPOLD DESKS A desk must be more than just strongly built it must be handsome as well the surface woods should be matched large-figured woods, and still be cons tructed to withstand wear and tear and climatic changes such is the Leopold Desk. If you are moving it Is a girod time to change your old furniture for new, modern, bright office equipment. We will allow you top prices for your old outfit. Try us. PACIFIC STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. 107 Second St., Bet. Waah. and Stark, HOTELS. EB EG E0 EH EEEBEBEB JjjElrBEB EB Seattle "Tw.Wt Stories of Solid Comfort CJn the center of things theatres and stores on both sides. Building abr golutely fireproof concrete, steel and marble. EUROPEAN PLAN $1.00 Per Day Up Send for Free Map of Seattle's Buaineu District SEABED- HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up New teel and brick trueture. Every modern convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theater and retail district. Oncarllnes transferring ail over city. Electric omnibus meets trains apd steamers. ' HEADQUARTERS FOR TOILET GOODS Razors and all cutlery ground and set by expert mechanics. The most complete house of its kind in the West. Lewls-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. Tenth and Morrison Sts. NE 'frifi '-jlm e o IjlI U U t Hotel Mi QAVAV IP illll