8 O UT'OF-ORDIN AR Y TALES FROM ALL OVER OREGON Milton Chenrygrowers Spurn. Three Year' Contract for Output McMina vllle Eoys Have Painful Experience With Crows. LoHdoira Trick Played on Water Bar' IVIMINXVILLE, Or. When the circus 1 I played recently In McMlnnvlllo and number of the local lads hired them selves out as hewers of wood and drawers of water for the consideration of a bleacher seat -ticket, the manage ment of the show wanted to bo quite sure that they would stick by the job. And as a bonding and surety com pany was not available ha confiscated their hats and caps. When sundry paterfamilias and materfamlllas hove in the offing and demanded that various offspring; devote themselves to the fam ily hewing and drawing- the hats were rot forthcoming, and It took the strong arw of the law to make the circus dis gorge. Then to make matters worse the tickets were not forthcoming, either. Three Yearn' Cherry Contract Spurned. MILTON". Or. Everything comes to him who waits, a seer once upon a lime remarked, but everything seems to come to the fruitgrowers in the 1111-ton-Freewater section without the trouble of waiting. tract for the whole cherry crop of this section on the trees for three years at i.. . t-hr- ranra a nnnnil. The L-Il O m-W wa w growers, however, preferred still to be In tna waiting ciass ior luuiouuue Washington Nebrnskans Organise. 3 0REST GROVE, Or. With the of I flees of the Forest Grove Press as headquarters, the Nebraska State So ciety of Washington County is being organized hers- Former Nebraskans are so fond of gathering in pairs and joining In a chorus of "Nebraska Is the greatest state in the Union, but we would not exchange it for an acre of Oregon." that a number of ex-corn huskers fig ure that the pean of rejoicing would be greater if composed of a solid chorus of all the Nebraskans of Washington County at once. Black Wolf la Slain. BEAVERTON, Or. After a black wolf had enjoyed himself with the slaughter of aeven sheep and 18 rab bits in the vicinity of St. Mary's Home, Joseph Flnde turned himself into a modern David. Flnde made a concession to civiliza tion by using a shotgun in place of a stone and sling, but the result was Just as satisfactory and the wolf hag de parted for the happy hunting grounds. Jack RabMta to Be Slain. BEAVERTOX, Or. Pendleton really has nothing on Beaverton when It comes to a round-up and a big round up is shortly to be held in this sec tion. All the would-be participants are now engaged in registering. In place of untamable mustangs" and "savage steers" the humble jack rabbit in his IDAHO MAY GET NEW METHODIST COLLEGE Gooding and Boise Offer Sites for University, "With Former Favored. Ex-Governor Makes Attractive Officer Religious Gossip. . ANEW Me .-dist University at Gooding, Idaho, may be opened ir September. 1914. Plans are now on foot for establishing a new Metho dist educational institution either at Gooding or Boise, with Gooding favored. Frank Gooding, ex-Governor of Idaho, has offered the Methodists $250,000 if they will establish a school at Good ing. Associated with him. in making this offer are the citizens of Gooding. This is mostly cash, a part of it being real estate. The matter will come be fore the Idaho Methodist Episcopal An nual Conference, when it meets at Idaho Falls, August 28 to September 2. Bishop Lucock will be in charge. Should the Methodists accept the of fer of ex-Governor Gooding and the Gooding citizens, it is understood that the $250,000 is for the endowment of the institution, and that about $250, 000 additional will be raised by the members of the Methodist Church for the purchase of grounds, and the erec tion of the university buildings. G. W. Barnes, superintendent of the Boise district, may be chosen as the agent for tie school, to raise this money, and if this can be secured quickly enough, immediate erection of the university buildings will be pos sible, so that the new school can be opened in September, 1814. At the annual conference a year ago Boise made a liberal offering. In an effort to have the new Institution es tablished there. That city offered the Methodists 40 acres of land, the pro ceeds of the sale of this property to tie used as an endowment. But this would necessitate platting, and the sale of the property, while the Gooding of fer is largely In cash. The Boise prop erty probably would have yielded be tween $150,000 and $200,000. Methodist students from Idaho now attend either the Willamette University at Salem, or the Montana Wesleyan Uni versity, at Helena. The raising of $50. 000 toward an endowment fund for the Montana institution has Just been com pleted, and J. J. Hill has offered that Institution another $50,000, if the Meth odists will raise $250,000 more, mak ing an endowment of $350,000 in all. The property of the institution is worth about $15i.000. m Bishop R. J. Cooke, of Portland, will leave for Garfield, Wash., next Friday to dedicate the new Methodist Church theie. The church is to be dedicated Text Sunday. He will spend Monday and Tuesday following in visiting the ministers of the churches in Spokane, and on August 21 will preside at the opening of the Pacific German Con ference. This conference will be in ses sion until August 26. Bishop Cooke will then go to Ellens burg, Wash., where he will conduct the Columbia River Conference August 28 to September I. He will conduct the West Norwegian-Danish Conference in Portland September 4 to 9, the Puget Sound Conference at Seattle, September 11 to 17, and the Oregon Conference at Ashland. September 18 to 24. R. H. Hughes, editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, will leave Portland Tuesday for Fort Benton, Mont., where he will attend the North Montana Con ference of the Methodists. He will go from there to Missoula, to attend the Montana Conference. After that be will attend the conferences conducted by Bishop Cooke. Dr. Clarence True Wilson has gone to the Fort Benton Conference. Dr. Fletcher Homan will speak at the Tillamook Methodist Church today. He arrived in Tillamook last night. He has been spending his vacation in the Hood River Valley. He will speak to day in the Interest of Willamette Uni versity. Dr. R. J. Waterhouse, bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, sta tioned at Los Angeles, will be in Port land to preside, at the session of the ' Columbia Conference of the 'church, September 5 to 9. Th meetings will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal thousands is to be the community' victim. Only clubs and "houn' dawns' will be permitted, but it la planned to remove every Beaverton Jack rabbit to a better feeding ground man Oregon. One-Armed Cowboy to-Bide. holder of the Northwest bucking horse championship, retains the tht. Ar at Pendleton RoundUD. ha be the first one-armed cowboy ever to obtain such a title. Spain reoently lost one hand, but has already got Injured arm in a sling and says only needs one hand with whjoh to the he go after leather." D.,i. ! a xn1 1 Alme-nOveL West I.l.. nnn-nimrfior T f A h&S been charged with both cattle rustling and . .tn,llnff - InHlrted for both offenses, but patriotic juuea, t i -.i v f-m,. that rhumtilon Cow ID U41UU H'W ....... r- boy Spain was bringing to Union Coun- ... . l A v, wan ret CH 11 fV R Tl V WH.V- Which shows that it is worth while to be a king, even if as js-ing 01 wio 1 - ham tin ATTltnrV AXOeDt thA will a rana-e over which to lord It. nrt1etvnrl Are I'lentlfuL JOSEPH, Or. Three hundred persona who never cared a Jot about the "call of the wild," are enjoying the sfTneta nf tha "cilL" because they have suddenly realized that a trip to the wild may also ba proauouve 01 wen eil. vne1ratm Every one of the 300 is averaging about three gallons of huckleberries I Aatr atiA thar A r A hafnflr hauled tO JO seph and Wallowa by the wagon load. Th retail nrlea started at 75 cents per gallon and now it is 25 cents. Even at that price, with the harvest Held offer lng from S3 a day upwards, 76 cents arA. i ,,.! ih err! en seems te he J stronger attraction than IS a day and threshing to tne men. ana Doys w iuio section. ' Crippled Dock Coats Life, I IPPEB CHETCO. "Or. P. B. Smith u was drowned here while attempt- ins- tn nut a. duck out of its agony. Mr. Smith was with a party shooting on the river bank and one of the quarry. alter being wounaeo, wujt re-ugtj uai Mr. Smith bent over and endeavored to recover the bird. The rush of blood . 1.1- uaA If la HaIIa-vaiI- ca.nsed him to topple over into the water and he was drowned oeiore neip couia re&uu him. Black Beam Infest Wallowa. WALLOWA, Or. Bears are to be found Just now in considerable numbers in Wallowa County, and the black predatory animals are almost Be coming; a nuisance. From the north end of the county come reports of sheep being killed and sheep herders are reporting that bears are responsible ror tne Killing, ins brutes are fairly numerous in the tim ber and are smaller than in previous years, me bears are an oiocs, nu grizzlies having been reported. Church South, Union avenue and Mult nomah street. Bishop Waterhouse passed through Portland last week, and is now in Spokane. Dr. C. F. Reed, of San Francisco, su perlntendent of the mission work of the denomination for Orientals on the Pacific Coast, will be one of the church men in attendance. Dr. Reed was for 15 years a missionary In China, and was 10 years in Japan. Others to be present will be Dr. Gross Alexander, of Nashville, Tenn book editor of the church; Dr. Stone wall Anderson, of Nashville, educa tional secretary: Dr. A. J. Lamar, of Nashville, superintendent of the pub lishing Interests of the church; Dr. W. F. McMurray, of Louisville, Ky, secre tary of the board of church extension, and W. E. Vaughn, of San Francisco, editor of the Paclflo Methodist Advo-' cate. The conference sessions will be held In the morning, and the sessions of the annual meeting of the Women's Mis sionary Society will be held at the First Church In. the afternoon. Martha E. Curry, of Boston Mass., will preach at the West Piedmont Friends' Church, corner Borthwick and Jessup streets, at 11 o'clock this morn ing. Miss Curry is an evangelist of National repute, and is passing through Portland. The public is Invited. Bishop Peter Trimble Rowe, mission ary bishop of Alaska for the Protestant Episcopal Church, has declined to ac cept the position of coadjutor bishop to the diocese of Southern Oregon, to which he was elected at the diocesan convention in May. Clark County Socialists File. VANCOUVER. Wash, Aug. 10. (Spe cial.) Socialists have filed for seven county offices as follows: D. E. Luns- ford, for Assessor, newspaper solicitor; G. W. Ressor, for Representative, paint er; I E. wornom. Representative, cler gyman; E. S. Simon. Sheriff, machinist; W. C. Metier, County Commissioner of the Third District, farmer; T. S. Arm strong, Commissioner of the Second Dis trict, farmer: James E. McCoy, State Senator, farmer. To date 48 candidates have filed their intention of running for office, of which 28 were Republi cans, seven Socialists, nine Democrats, and four non-partisan, (for Superior Judge). The last day for filing wlll.be tomorrow. DAILY METBOIIOTXK ICAL BXPOBT. PORTLAND, Aug-. 10. Maximum temper ature, 74 degree; minimum. M degrees. River reading, 8 A. 11., 8.3 feet; change in last 24 hours. .2 toot rise. Total rainfall (3 P. M. to 0 P. M.), .04 Inch; total rainfall slnoa September 1, 1911, 85.93 Inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1. 44.6a Inches: deficiency of rainfall since September 1, lull. 8.73 lncnes. 'lotal sunshine, 2 hours; possible sunshine, 14 hours 24 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M. 80 Inches. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer; northwesterly winds. Oregon Fair; warmer interior west por tion: northwesterly winds. Washington Oenerally fair; warmer in terior west portion; winda mostly westerly. Idaho Fair. WEATHER COWDITIONS. Areas of high-pressure are central at sea off the North Pacific Coast, off the North Atlantic Coast and over Florida. The pres sure is low over tha interior of the country with centers of "low" over Northeastern California, the central plains states. Lake Michigan and Saskatchewan, respectively. Within the last 12 hours showers nave fal len along the Oregon and Washington coasts. In Alberta, Colorado, and light to moderately heavy rains in Louisiana, and quite generally east of the Mississippi River. Heavy rains have fallen in the upper Lake region. Thunder storms occurred this after noon at Edmonton, Denver, Chicago, Louis ville and Sault 8te. Marie. Tha weather is somewhat warmer in Southwestern Mon tana, Northern California and in the central portion of the United States. It is corre spondingly cooler in Western Canada, North ern Montana, New York. Pennsylvania and Maryland. The conditions are favorable for generally fair weather Sunday tn this dlstriot. It will probably ba warmer Sunday in Interior wau era portions of Oregon and Washington i no marked temperature ehanffea are Indi cated for the remaining portions of tha district. ' THE WEATHER. Wind Btate of Weathei Baker Boise . Boston Calgary Chicago ,.. Colfax .......... Denver . . . Des Moines... . Duluth Eureka Galveston Helena Jacksonville .... Kansas City Klamath .Falls.. Laurler Los Angeles Marehfleld Medford Montreal New Orleans.. M. New York North Head North Yakima... Pendleton Portland RoseburFt ........ Sacramento ..... St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco... Spokane Tatooih Island.. 760 001 6'W 00 8!N IClear EOiO 82 0 760 72 0 820 840 78'0 68,0 Pt. cloudy .00!l2'3 pt. elouay 00 6 8W 82H4ISW pt. cloudy Rain Clear .0016,W .011 4lSB Pt- cloudy .02 e'NWi Clear Cloudy Cloudv 02 6 NB 00 S tt 0 f)0 78'0 .0022 S Pt. cloudy 02 6'SW Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear 92,0 84l0 790 .00 4!S .00 6!.V .001 4INW 7S0 7810 .00 16 W jS 3 - 72 O S60 72 0. 92 0 ou A ! V 4'XW 88 14.3 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear 00 4 W 760 64 0 00 13 28'S 82 0 84(0 74 0 80 0 94 0 80 0, 70 0. 9o;o 7o;o 780. .00 16W 8 W 00 04110'W ,00jl2NW 001 4 9 00110 SW 12i 81 N 00 8.V 00!24;W 0016iSW Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy 6011. 82 0. 6!0. 9110. 8410. 32:12 S O0ll6W Walla Walla Washington .... Welser Clear .50 4 SB .00). . 00 4 W ool. . I ooii2;sw Clear Clear Wenatchee Pt. oloody WlnnineB 78:0 720. Clear Yellowstone Park ! Ft. oloudy THEODORE F. DRAKE. Aotlng District Foreoaster. MEETING NOTICES, rVANHOE LODGE, NO. 1. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, meets every Tuesday night In Castle Hall. Eleventh and Alder streets. E. M. LANCE, K. R. S. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. a c- a x:n A nr Kra.tAi com munlcatlon this Monday evening at 7:80 o'clock; visiting oremrou welcome. W. M. DeLIN, Secretary, FRAM ASSEMBLY. UNITED ARTISANS Open meeting, "pound party," Salllng Hlrsch buUdlnit. Thursday evening. August 18, for the benefit of a fellow Artisan In need. Admission free to tnose oringina nark&jrea. Otherwise, admission 25c Re freshments and dancing. irrTffn -rtirwpif U'VTf.HTO 1KB T.A DIES OF SECURITY, will meet every w-.. 3 . i . I t tn 4. Ilalrw KMo weunesuay evcnuis in 11111 ouw. - 8d and Morrison, and hop to aea every member preaent aa we hope to build up our council durTns thU splendid campaign, a nnip. t. rHiLDS. Sec XT A ROTTP. RTTF1 CAMP. ROYAL NEIGH BORS will glva a BOO card party and dance at their hall, 109 2d St.. next Thursday ,anl n cr lliff IK flfl.n TtrlzA tO Dft KlVeQ at this time, come ana on in yuur mcwnpnT Tt l m T-nnrtTB. No. 109. IC of P., meets every Monaay niffnt ai me a. v. corner irt ana Aiaer, mira nour.- H. F. HIMUJH, tt- Ql n. p. DEED. n A TJTWTJ PnmA-al .Tnwnll Ci CATiMT. IT- S, A., at Kobinaon, uoio., a-gea a months, 27 days. Remains brought to PnrriBnd for interment, which are at Holtn&n'i Funeral Paxlora. Announce ment oi funeral later. WRIGHT Charles H. Wright, beloved hua- tand of Mrs. Lucy -yvrigni, agea o yva.im months 19 days. Remains at the Eal etrfA Vn n t"b 1 Directors. 414 East Aiaer si. till Monday and ahlpped to Keokuk, Iowa. pt t TATTRoh iriHott. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Uscar uiuoti. rteramns parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 Jtrast Aiaer bl t 1 r-trcrr Ano-nt Samuel B. Jackson, aged 40 years, .ttemains at fuuuiis . McEntee parlors, notice 01 mucrtu w.. FUNERAL NOTICES M LERA2f In thU city, August 10, at the 1 9 j an J cm ,. lrV ait root ramiiy resiaeace, tow f1 " v S. Marian Augusta McLeran, aged 6T years, o monim ana ua-y. services will be held at the First TJnita- i -.l V .A. nt Cavanf h And YftTTl- iia.ll VUUILUt VW.utH w. . hill streets, at 11 A. M. Monday, August 12. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Sir Cematarv. BRANDON At Good Samaritan Hospital, August 1U, vora smn - years 4 months, beloved wife of Hugh Brandon, 820 Hancoolc at. Friends invited to attend funeral eervioea, wium , j .. . nl Ti.rlnrH Monday. August 12, at 11 o'oloclc A. M. Interment n vprviflv cemetery. BETTS Captain AI Betts, at Aitona, ur. to attend funeral services, which will be held at the i"ortlana uremniotium P. M. today (Sunday). Taka Sellwood oar for Crematorium. . t, - v. i Pnlft Itirnat 9. Jewell U. carter, ago a K i ' ,5 "T Xa days. unerai .ev,wo " - Holman'a funeral parlors, Monday, August XA, at 9 JA. XUlWiUDU. ..... . w eterv. Memoers are requuieu w . hall, Tnirteentn Birwi 7 ' X 1, . .... 11 n , lO.nn A'f.lfwlr. fnr the sunuay, auruoi a. . , - , ' . - purpose OA UWluuiiimfl . .. . Anna Godden at the crematorium. By order of noDie grano. .n n.ii x w,wr... , CHEADLE Funeral services of the late coney Maivin unonu c C , Zi Mrs. Frank W. Cheadle, will be held at the family residence, 1181 Maryland ave nue. Sunday. August 11, at 12 M. Friends rearteatfullv invited. - GTJDDEN At the residence of her brother, C zwirei. wi r.ai iuiAAiinv Gudden, aged 70 years. Funeral services will be held at the Crematorium Bunday, August 11. at 1:46 P. M. Friend Invited. Pleaaa omit flowers.' BOTTLE At the Good Samaritan Hospital, Faule HOUie, agea lo - be taken from the parlors of the East Side Funeral directors, 414 East Alder su, at 9 :80. to the Bellwood Crematorium. .j ....i,.. (nav at 11 A- M. WRIGHT diaries H. Wright, August 9, at nis resiaence, ixw - - ; wishing to view the remains call at East Bide Funeral Parlors, East 6th and Alder. Interment KeoKUK. la. CO tll, UIT""'10 v "J ' HON DM ENT8 Otto Schumann Marble Works. Ha-t 3d and Fine bts. luast neril director and undertaker, .Jtto XhitU t corner taimon. Dnnnlnir A UcBntee, Funeral Plreetora, mi, .,. v.r. phnn Main 43U. juaay as- ten dant. Office of County Coroner. Jfc a ZjEjIL. I1jA UVm st uuwmv w phone East 108. O 108. Lady attendant. t tTtr ROQ-l irilllnma aasm s v . Fivi.v.V A SOX. 8d and Madlsoo. EAST BIDE Funeral Directors, snccaaaors F. 6. liunnmg, mc, c. o. x ut. BUth. East lol iPQO. MW ancuunt. t-tr Lirva rn 4 I A W 8ii and Clur. "Mailt 4163, A 23tl. Lady attendant. CEMETERY Beautiful Mount Scott Park Portland's Perpetual Care Cemetery UBO JH.II e OUUVIICBaji. UCUt Large, permanent, picturesque, mod ern. Pemetual care without extra charge. Prices moderate; service ex cellent : every cunvomou. mow, -cludingr large luxuriously furnished rest rooms tor visnum. xicat-uou j j y., a. r- M -r A .wv HVA dlOUni DCUll B.I1U w.o.a.aa w wj. - . auto service. Both phones. City office. LONE FIR CEMETERY 500 choice lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Commercial Blk. Telephone Main 4989. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE 175 MADISOJf STREET. Phones Main 5U8, A TB88. Horse Ambulance Phone Marshall 60O. All disabled or diseased animals will reeelve prompt attention. Will be called for at a nominal coat. Itefer all casea of cruelty to tiila office. Open tlar and night. s 5 STATIONS. a S? i V I . CLASSIFIED AD. RATES liailr or Sondar. Fer IJna. One time B Same ad two consecutive times ., .....tie Same ad three consecutiye times MM Same ad six or sevsn consecutive times. .He The a bore rate applr to advertlMinante under "New Today and all otlisr cLassinca- tions except the following;: Situations Wanted. Male Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent, Kooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Kooms, Private Families, When one advertisement is not run In eoa. secutlve issues the one-time into appliea Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted tor leas than two lines. Oresonlan will accept elasslned advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered toe following oar. Whether subsequent advertisements will ba accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertlsementa. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Inser tion only will be accepted for "Houses for Rent," "Furniture for Sale." "Business Op portunities," "RoomlnK-Houses" and Wanted to Rent." In Mew Today, all advertisements are ehareed by. measure only. 14 lines to the Inch. Remittances must accompany out-of-town ordera. NEW TODAY. 163-168 Parle at, Wear Morrison St. ON TUESDAY NEXT W have for this sale the excellent furnishings of two recently furnished suburban homes, the owners of which have favored us with. Instructions to sell the same to the highest bidder, comprising: Bi-om the eight - room house genuine mahogany rockers, par lor tables Morris chairs, library ta- u v , uu AV-nca ...... o leather seats, tabourettes, lace curtains, oil paintings and otner pictures, vv nton bodv Brussels and velvet rues, several rood Quality small rugs, leather couch. oak parlor desk, continuous-post all braes beds, complete with best springs, mattresses, pillows, blankets, spreads ana comioners, very eiaoorate oiraseye maple dressers, chiffoniers, rockers and chairs, fumed quartered oak 48-inch-top dining table and chairs, china cab inet, steel range, uewei gas range, rj, frlsrerator. etc The second house comprises parlor rockers, rattan rockers, center tables. Morris chair, library table. Jardiniere stands, steel davenport and cover, Ajc mlnster camet. stair camet couches. Quartered oak dining-room suite, viz. pedestal table, bullet and chairs, nn- lsnea goiaen oak; very pretty enameiea beds, springs and mattresses, pillows, Circassian walnut and oak dressers, birdseye maple princess dresser, oak chiffonier. Laurel steel range, gas plate, garden hose, granite utensils, garden tools, freezer, Bridge-Beach parlor heater ana many otner lots. To Parties Furnishing; We especial, ly Invite your inspection of these goods tomorrow, ana u yon want goou, iitmi class furniture, rugs, etc., at your own price, dont fail to attend this sale, as we always have ana still ao sen posi tively to the highest bidder. Auction on Tuesday next at 1 0 A. M at 1X6-108 Parle street, near Morrison street. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have another nice assort. ment of furniture to offer you. These goods can be seen on Wednesday after noon. ' Sale on Thursday next at 10 A. M, In Our Retail Department we stlil keep busy selling new furniture, rugs. etc., at reasonaDie prices, w e never sen at less than oost or try to make you believe you are getting something for nothing-, we sell for casn only. W. C. BAKER & C. A. 9ROWELI, Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers, 166-168 Park St. Located on Park Street for Jfearly Twenty sears. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill Sti. REGULAR 8AXESDATS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY Each Day at 10 A. M. For medium-priced furniture, stoves, carpets, etc If you are looking for this kind of goods, dont fall to attend our saies. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE BALE. We have the choicest line of high grade second-hand furniture to be louna in trie city, it majces no amer ence whether you want nahogany, fumed, waxed, weathered or golden oak fileces, we have something that will nterest you. The goods are equal to new at second-hand nrlces. Goods sold at private sale, fully guaranteed and delivered to your home. LARGE LTIVE OFFICE FTXRHflTUREl OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Merchandise In Our Store, 171 Second St. WE SELL GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BnObS, in lact, almost anyining you need, at about COST. Come In and let us show you. J. T. WILSOX, .auctioneer. Cash said for furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc Call Main 1626, A 4248. Auction Sale MONDAY, 2 P.M. . 211 First Street Five rooms of very fine furniture has just been sent In for this sale, and you can get some' good furniture for very small price. Among various other Items you will find some very pretty rockers in quartered golden oak, tt-iooi rnunrl extension table, dlninar chairs. Morris chairs, refrigerator, quartered oak dressers, neavy metal Deai in Drass finish, springs, rugs, inlaid linoleum, rn ranee, kitchen cabinet, very pretty set of blue dishes, some good cooking utensils, etc, etc These goods have only been used a short time, and are In good condition, and you can call any time Monaay ana examine mem. u. FVKD, Auctioneer. Ton will find a srood assortment for our sale on Wednesday and Friday at P. M. Mortgage Loans on city property at reasonable rates. CLARK-CANNON COMPANY, , 1017 Board of Trade BIdg. MANUFACTURING OR WAREHOUSE SITE Has never been on the market before. U block, one block from North Bank Depot and freight house. Will sell rea sonable. (2905). BLAUSOJT-CHAIG COMPAJYT, 804 Oak Street. Mortgage Loans fSOrOOO and Over CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY LOWKtT CURRENT RATES. WIYL MAC MASTER 71 Corbett Bids. COLLIS, BERRIDGR THOMPSON, U5LIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, KEW TODAY. 25 ACRES OREGON CITY ELECTRIC, ADJOIJtrG GLADSTONE, Eight acres genuine beaverdam, with hydrant each 100 feet for Irrigation, balance choice black loam garden soil. Comfortable large house and large barn and shed with Implements. Abundance of water; two ponds tinea witn large trout. One corner of land Is elevated where house stands. Including beautiful shade trees, flowers and shrubbery: considerable choice fruit. This would make an ideal home with a big income raising celery and onions. Can be sub divided to advantage. Price and terms on application. GODDARD A WTEDRICK, . , 243 Stark Street. Apartment House Best buy in Portland, revenue $6210 a year, no vacancies, pays about 17 per cent on a,6Uo: narawooa floors, sieep-ine- rjorches with screens. Tile floors In kitchens, extra large rooms and clothes closets; vacuum cleaners; heat ed by hot-water plant. On corner lot 55x100, and convenient to two carllnes. $22,500 cash to handle. Where can you equal it isot in .Portland. CALLAN & KASER 712-724 YeOn BIdg. Great Bargain Offered by Owner on Beautiful New Home 9 -room house, of the latest modern Im SlU'OtUCUVOi lUVQlDU All wis? SVW0W a wus ence district 872 Northruo St.. near corner 26th st. Cas& $8000, mortgrag-e izuuu, on s ye&rw morra.B3V o per ceut intercut. Dairy Farms for Portland Realty Will trade 1436 acres of fine dairy and orchard land, 272 acres under cultiva tion, in Klickitat County, Washington; also $3000 hotel at Olenwood and $5000 in first mortgages tor r-oriiana prop erry. MILLER A COIS'KLLV 619 Henry BIdg. UNION AVENUE INVESTMENT Two stores and flats on nromlnent corner, with 7-room house in rear. One of owners sick and wants to go East. Income $1500. Price $14,500, which la a Dig reduction from former price. GODDARD tft WD2DRICK, 248 Stark St. Panama Canal It's a positive fact that the Panama Canal will be opened. It Is Just as cer tain that rich land in our ideal climate will advance In value. Small tracts one hundred dollars per acre, easy pay ments; within half mile of a town of sixty-five hundred, oa the Southern Pacific. In one of the most beautiful valleys In Oregon. Inquire ground floor commercial Club Diag., room ii FRUIT FARM 4000 BOXES THIS YEAR. 87 acres, near Moscow, Idaho, 25 acres in strictly commercial apple orchard, 1000 trees 12 years old and 600 trees 6 years old, Just beginning to bear. This is a. strictly first-class or chard In Drlme condition, and is a big Income producer. Crop Included if taken now. Price $12,000, with, term, Buudlnga not very good. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. (QC 4f Apartment, close In on OOOlUUU Fourth street. $ 6,000 corr lo" dOTrato $Q fCi s'x rooms, modern, WU O, 3J lamette Heights, block, worm 4wju. Higley & Bishop 301 Hamilton Bids-. WANTED 40 acres, on Base Line. Powell Valley or section una roaa. Must oe a bar gain. Bend full particulars. W. H. WEBB 401 Yeon Bldsr. Main 4913 40 ACRES 30 acres fine land. Some cleared. Good road. Close to good little city in Clark County, wasn. price sisuo. MOODY LAKD CO, 1016 Cham, of Com. Bids;. Main 87, 100x100 $2700 Fine arjartment site one block to Haw thorns avenue, between Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth sts. Phone Tabor 4B0. Irvington Home Owner going away. Will sell his nine- room nome, wim iurnnure, locatea in best part of Irvington; everything as gooa as new; tun basement, lurnace, hardwood floors,; all built-in effects; 4 bedrooms and large sleeping porch; street Improvements all in and paid. Terms. Owner, East 3928. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY . $13,500 60x100, with trackage, located on 15th street. The best value on loth street. If you are In the market, don't fail to Investigate this buy. SLAUSOJf-CRAIO COMPANY, S04 Oak St. WILL LOAN Any sum from $200 to $50,000 at current rates on city property. Large sums for downtown property. Have money for close-in farms. GEO. H. THOMAS, 27 Oak St, Room 2, Alnsworth Bids;. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS t per cent on best business properties, ( per cent and 7 per cent on other close in business and residence securities. Income Property Net Wfa 70x100 corner, close In, East Side stores and flats. Income $190 per month.' Price $19,000; terms. W. O, WADDEL, 809 Lumber Exchange. )TCW TODAY. You'll Have To Hurry If You Want Space in "the Yamhill Sanitary Public Market "We have just a few stalls left, so if interest ed see us immediately. Mechanics are now busy remodeling build ing. The , Yamhill Public Market will be modern In every respect. A refrigerating plant. Cold storage. Sanitary fixtures. Plenty of light Good ventilation. Stalls of uniform height Spacious aisles. Quick delivery system, For Further Particulars See H. B. NUDLEMAN, Agt. At Second and Yamhill Sts. (N. E. Corner) Only Eight More Concessions Left MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE ! GREAT SACRIFICE, Four fall size lots, 100x200: 2V4-"T bonis with full cement basement, fur nace, electrlo light system, burglar alarm to all lower openings; two-story stable with carriage and harness room, stall room contains two stalls with Iron hay racks and feed chutes, celled and varnished: extra cow compartment and work shop. Sleeping room rinisnea in stable. Electric lighted throughout, chioiim.liiiiiiii and run with brick foun dation, sanitary removable nests and roosts. &teel-Wre Summer house choice shrubbery, shade, fruit trees and raspbem-les. The grounds and lawn are laid out wiin gravel warns nu unvo wv This nlaoa Is worth 812,000 S62SO spot cash will take It If you act at once. Don't bother to look this nr If vou haven t the casn. or aon i want a good home at half price, or a first-class Investment. See owner, 171 First street, corner ramnui. RIPE FOR PLATTING into acre and half-acre tracts ten acres handv to Oregon Electric, 6o carfare. Land avcross the road sold in acre and half-acre tracts. This land is covered with a young growth of fir and would be an Ideal place for suburban homes. Price $800 per acre. Se C. A. ITlnes, AsTt Ryan Place, or B. S. COOK CD cos l orwtt mag, 20 acres, highly Improved, good seven- room house, hot waier, bathroom, water rjlned to house and barn, chicken runs, farm tools, team oi norsea, cow, s pigs and chickens all go with the place. Mear city. Easy terms. We will be pleased to show this to you. A. W. LAMBERT A COMPANY EJaat 640 404 East Alder St. B 1BIO 4 Flats on E. 1st St., near Broadway, 50x100 Feet Rent for $100 per month. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 404 Wilcox Bnildiiig. FOR RENT TWO -STORY BRICK STORE BUILDING Nos 44-46 First rt., Portland, between Pine and Ash sts., 60 feet frontage, 100 feet deep; fine location. Inquire F. D. Chamberlain, Labbe bldg. FACTORY SITE Trackage on main line of fi. P. R. R., 3 Acres or More This Is close In and offered at a bar gain. X. O. BARKER, 837 Mohawlc Bldg. IX PIEDMOXT. If you are looking for a beautiful home, here Is one cheap. Lot 100x100, corner, fine lawn, shade trees; nine-room house, modern tn every way. This Is (1000 below value. For Information see W. J. MVilAW, Jfo. 844 KlUlngsworth Avenue. Mortgage Loans AT LOWEST CTHREM RATES 1SSIDK CITY LOANS A SPECIALTY. HARTMAJf-THOMPSOBf BANK. Chamber of Commerce BIdg. CITY & FARM LOANS Any amount at current rates. Builders' Loans. JOHX E. CRO.N'AIV, 80S Spalding Bldg. Portland; Or. 800 800 KEW TODAY. i -A M .. W jr-r J0' r vii0 K -: ' r Mi if1 1 Ladd Addition Home $1000 Below Cost We guarantee this statement i and show it by actual figures One year ago the owner paid $7500 for this modern home. It is in the best part of Ladd's Addition; nine rooms, thoroughly modern, full lot, with alley in rear; garage can be built on alley. The owner needs money, hence the sacrifice. The present price is $6500. $1000 cash will handle. Suitable terms on balance. ADA LAND CO. 90 Fifth Street IRVINGTON New Modern House $6500 Thia Attraritive 8-room house is inst completed and we would take pride in showing same. It has a west facing on 50x100 lot. Improvements are all in, and wo are authorized to give terms. See Mr. Jones. Gowen-Ide Trust Company 2 Lumbermens BIdg., Ground Floor. Lot on Park Street $31,000 Near Arlington Club TERMS TO SCTT Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce Last Call Close in Quarter Block Income over I20OO, All Improvements In and paid. Price 825.000 See Mr. Davles CHAPIJf-HERLOW MORTGAGE) A TRUST COMPANY Third Floor Chamber of Commerce Water Front Property Suitable for faotory sites, where both water and rail transportation can be obtained In Portland, Is nearly all oc cupied. We have approximately IK aores, xronung itvv leet on ma rivi, abutting th railroad on the west Una. Price, $100 per front foot. This Is fine factory site and warehouse property. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35 103 Foorth St. AMM NEW BRICK BLOCK PAYS OTER 114 PER CENT. Tinn-ttnrv white rjressed brick block with three stores and offices above, leased to first-class tenants for five years. Situate on prominent corner 75x100 feet. Owner compelled to seek drier climate. Income, 270 per month. Price 28.760. Terms. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. Mt. Hood Electric Line Extension 1000 aores. easy terms, release clause. Fine platting proposition. For particu lars phone A. W. LAMBERT A COMPANY East 640 404 East Alder St. B 1810 $2600 26x100, with 6-room house, East 19th and Washington; $1000 cash, balance easy terms. A. W. LAMBERT A COMPANY East 040 404 East Alder St. B 1910 j TO LOAN $25,000. to $50,000 On downtown business property. See Billings. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST COMPANY Tblrd Floor Chamber of Commerce Best Buy in the State 196 acres of the choicest land at New- berg, all fenced and piantea in five-acre tracts. ' Price 25,00O, terms. ROSE CITY REALTY CO, Tabor 861. Owner Offers Fine Apartment House Site For Immediate sale. 80x100 ' East Twelfth and East Washington C. A. Bow, 240 Stark St. I