6r THE SUNDAY OREGOyiAy. PORTLAND. AUGUST 4, 1912. i -' pleated ribbon crossing the' center of the bow should be proportionately wide. With the white hat trimming covering the side of the. crown white hatpins will.be necessary, and the smartest sort this Fall will have seed pearl tops. Hatpins now are modest and incon spicuous affairs; the huge knobs and ornaments have passed out along with the dangerous long points which no woman, fastidious about careful groom ing, will now tolerate, any more than a slouchily fastened stock collar or boots with buttons missing. The hat pin is selected to fit the size of the hat crown and If the pin part Is too long it may be made shorter at trifling cost. MILLINERY CREATIONS OF SEASON ARE HAPPILY GRACEFUL AND CHIC TWO HATS WHICH HAVE CREATED SENSATION FIRST PICTURED HERE Another Charming Creation Is Also Shown Which Is. Intended for Wear in the Mountains During Early Autumn Days With Outing Costume. ' v Georgettes, New Sailor, With Its Saucy Rolling Brim, Cleverly Trimmed, and Virots, Admirable "Amazon" ban, Will Both Prove Popular for Younger Women Pictures of Both Are Shown Below. Tur- 'XinH '" .. - XxXXvxf Milady Now at Height of Her Summer Glory XT X X-X' " xx t 4 X Manr Novelties Are Offered - In Shops, Ramrlna; From Bathing; Sulfa to Moat Elaborate Costumes and Accessories. I I X iV feX .. . tM I I - V xxx -w- V , If XX err V . Jf f XXN , XX .f X- Jevk TIE graceful lines of this hat are strikingly evident, and the color combination a soft pearl gray and white is particularly pleasing. The pearl gray felt shape is very flexible, and the wide brim is caught back against the crown under two white breasts which sweep around toward the side and back of the hat. This hat is part of an Autumn .trousseau and will be worn in the mountains during September with a worsted tailored suit and white buttoned boots of buckskin. This charming Maria Crdzet hat caused a veritable sensation when It appeared last month. The shape is a broad-brimmed affair, almost in mush room style, made of dark blue velvet. The entire crown is covered with I mass of short ribbon ends taffeta, velvet, satin and pros grain ribbons in shades of bluet. Among the ribbon ends at one side are tucked two or three large artificial bluet which deepen and enrich the coloring of the hat. It is anticipated that these ribbon crowns which look like huge flowers will be tremendously fancied later on. This arrangement of ostrich tips showered over with black aigrettes Is novel and Interesting. The new feather Is called the "fountain aigrette," and Is, of course, rather high-priced, since aigrettes delicate enough to curl over and plump little ostrich tips of the sort pictured are naturally expensive. The hat Is a Crozet model with a blocked crown of buff colored moire silk and a rolling brim faced with black velvet, and the "fountain" trimming is made of buff-colored ostrich tips showered over with black aigrettes. Georgette and other French milliners are very partial to these "fountain aigrettes" Just now. and they promise to be a distinctive mode of the Autumn. Jx. v I" I l f a 4J I, . ' : DRAPING HAT NOW AFFECTED BY THE MOST CHIC PARISIENNE Big Picture Shapes of Soft Black Velvet Are Trimmed With White Feathers Slant, Rather Than Stand Up Straight Hat Pins Are Small and Smartest Have Seed Pearl Tops. THE lack ot stiffness ol "hard, se-' vere Jines is the first thing that strikes one in the Autumn milli nery. Shapes are soft and undulating, draped effects are in especial favor, and even the large blocked hats are so flexible that they may be bent and twisted Into all sorts of graceful ef fects. At the Fete Des Drags in July many velvet and silk hats of a dis tinctly Autumn character were noted. The Parlsienne makes no marked dif ference between her Winter and Sum mer millinery except In the sort of fabrics used. In Paris one sees straw and hemp headgear in February, and - velvet chapeaux begin to appear In midsummer, and at the Fete Des Drags or coaching parade there were many interesting creations from au thoritative couturiers all bespeaking coming fashions for Fall. Velvet, taffeta and moire silk are being used for these first Autumn hats, chiefly velvet. Never were velvet shapes so soft and flexible and grace ful as .they are now so light, also. Lift one of the big picture shapes of soft velvet in the hand and you feel scarcely any weight at all. The big hat seems to be made over crinoline, yet in spite of Its lightness and crush able texture the beautiful shape main tains Us lines whatever you do to It. Georgette has brought out a new sailor which promises to be the craze, so graceful It Is and so youthful is its suggestion a prime consideration, as every woman knows, where milli nery Is concerned. This big Georgette sailor is made of the soft black velvet so much In favor, and the brim curls up at the back ever so slightly Just enough to prevent that hideous rest-lng-on-the-shoulder look when the hat is tipped slightly backward. Around the large, loy crown goes a draped band of white satin finished, exactly In front, by a small pert pleated bow which rests on the brim near the base of the crown. Poised at the top of the white satin band, also directly In front, are two smart little white mer cury wings which slant outward toward the side. This Georgette sailor was represented by three models at the Fete Des Drags, and two of tae sailors were of black velvet with the white satin and wing trimming. White trimmings on black hats are to be the grand chic so the milliners f'1 sift i- XX y X- . LtWX- tlx XVV - f t4 fc.T ' XX'X5XX -'Xo'-r XrX say and along with this notion trav els the fad for -plcot-edged ribbon In i black and- white. A tailored hat for first Fall wear has been designed by Virot to accommpany an Autumn go- ing-awajr costume of black and white whipcord, and the striking thing about the rather simple, girlish hat is the trimming of white ribbon having a black plcot edge. A band of the rib bon binds the edge of the brim and a smart bow of it slants backward at one side of the crown. By the bye, all hat trimmings slant now. Instead of rearing aloft in what the milliners call a "stick-up" fashion. The more the bow, feather, quill or aigrette slants, the more chic the hat. Some of the French models are rakishly poised on the head, an outward stand ing aigrette forming a - right angle with the slant of the hat at one side. Another hat trimmed with plcot rib bon is a blocked affair of soft gray blue felt. The ribbon Is blue with a white picot edge and a wide band of it binds the edge of the rolled-up brim. This brim is caught back a lit tle at one side of the front under a loose twisted knot of the ribbon through which Is stuck a long white ostrich quill. Accompanying a suit of navy blue serge wijh white gloves and black patent leather boots having side button gaiter tops of blue cloth, this simple tailored hat will be immensely chic. . Paradise Aigrettes All the Rage. Paradise aigrettes will be the . ultra aristocratic trimming this Autumn without a shade of doubt, because, the price of paradise having mounted with decided leaps and bounds, this trim ming is now expensive enough to be exclusive to a degree. Coque pom pons that curl downward around the edge of the brim are being used by some of the French milliners with good effect, a tiny model by Maria Guy with this coque trimming being partic ularly Interesting. This dainty . little Maria Guy hat is copied from the al most grotesquely small Second Empire turbans which were rakishly poised on the head, a feather curling coquet tishly downward over one ear. The little hats are in nlchee or nest, effect, and are made of soft mate rials, wound round and round, though a definite brim and crown are usually suggested by the drapery. A particu larly pretty Maria Guy model Is of draped white velvet with a facing of black velvet part way up the brim ail - - - j fj - - n i i - - TX v ' x"v x! - X :XX-v - Ss:XXixj - irf ; ,X'-' and a curling coque pompon falling over the right side, near tue oacK. Amaioi Kot Becoming to AIL The Amazon shape is another of the almost grotesqueley small styles which divide honors with the big, picturesque types. This Amazon shape is elongated from front to back and is set rather far back on the head, the brim hav ing a backward roll and the trimming poised at the center front also slanting toward the back. This hat is not becoming to all women. It re quires & chic, well-groomed coiffure and a piquant rather than pretty face to make it as smart and dashing as it should be. A woman lunching at the Rlts the other day wore one of these gay little Amazon hats made of white moire silk and navy blue velvet. The blue velvet crown curled up at either side toward the stiff, blocked crown of white moire and directly at the center front, covering the crown at that point, was a flat bow of the moire silk, finely pleated. . Two mer cury wings of white tipped with blue slanted backward irom tne dow. A blue suit of pernio fabric a wor sted and mohair weave much favored these days in Paris accompanied the Amazon hat. The coat buttoned up trimly in cutaway style and had a wide-rolling Robespierre collar. The neck was dressed In a high, trimly boned stock of white lace and long seed iearl earrings lust now the craze in Paris gave the finishing touch of cachet. Beneath the new pleated skirt of the permo - suit peeped - out black leather buttoned oxfords, worn with navy silk stockings clocked with white. It was a typically French costume, per fectly demure and simple in color scheme, but inexpressibly chic in per fection of detail and . slight exagger ation of style. Big Hatpin 'o Longer Tolerated. Ribbon promises to be a prime favor ite for first Fall hats, and one may use anywhere from four yards down to a quarter of a yard for a modish bow. Some of the new trlcorne and quat'eorne shapes need but a tiny co cade of Btiff grosgraln ribbon to com plete their smartness, and there are other shapes which will stand a huge bow of the charming plaid taffeta rib bon. or of picot edged ribbon in two color effect. The young woman who wants to make ready a smart first hat fos wear with her tailored suit will be sure to strike the right note if she selects a simple, smart shape of black velvet and trims It with a wide crown band and pleated bow of white faille or grosgraln ribbon. The bow may have two pleated loops wide enough to reach from the top of the crown to its base and the band of v X "mmmwmmmm EVEN the bathing suit now has Its Robespierre collar. A suit of this sort, built of black and white striped satin, shows a widely-turned-over Robespierre collar of white satin and white cuffs are set at the edge of the short elbow sleeve. There is a practical advantage, aside from the feature tof smartness. In this collar on the bathing suit, for while the throat is comfortably free for swimming, the back of the neck is protected from freckles, which have a way of alight ing f n this tender spot to depart nev ermore. i . Pearls in the hair are now consid ered the appropriate accompaniment of the evening costume. Sometimes a pearl necklace, sewed securely to a strip of narrow elastic, to make It long enough, is slipped over the head In bandeau fashion,, the elastic coming at the back, under the braids or chignon of curls. The front hair is first waved and parted and caught back as it will remain through tne evening, xnen tne string of pearls is adjusted and fas tened Into position with invisible nair piis, which will catch the string be tween the pearls. Afterward the back hair is coiled, puffed or otherwise ar ranged, and finally a few fancy pins are thrust in. Pins, combs and ba rettes are returning to fashion and even the simple coiffure for day wear is ornamented with two or more mas sive shell pins or a comb. Gaiter boots with buttons set down the outer side have accompanied most of the smart costumes at Longchamps and Auteuil this Summer. These boots are wonderfully trim and dainty and have thin, turned soles ana irencn heels, which, while curved In the fetch ing Louis manner, are not high enough to be uncomfortable o trying to me back. The vamp and heel are usually of patent leather, while the gatier top may be of tan or gray ciotn, 01 ma terial matching the gown or soft suede or ooze leather. Tne top always forms a striking contrast with the lower part of the boot and tne Duttons set down the outer side make the ankle and Instep look very trim and slender. www The fashionable devotees of polo nt on Long Island include iriany women of the young married set and these fair polo players-wear practical ana com fortable costumes for the strenuous game. Cross-saddle riding is the rule and a knee-length' skirt over 'all rid ing boots is accompanied by a Jumper or sleeveless waistcoat, worn over a thin rlrilna- shirt of white mull. Tne head Is protected By a soft felt hat. held on by elastic, and having a Drim that shades the eyes. During the game the sleeves are rolled up above the el bow and the polo player, flying acdoss th field on her alert little pony, is an attractive and inspiring picture of ath letic young American womannooa. , cnmAhnvr ni- nthar thA flat bandeau of ribbon around the head seems to re quire long, swinging earrings to com plete the effect. t;ven tne aemureui debutante acquires a sophisticated and knowing look in one of these wide bandeaux and tne lascinating ana oar ing earrings which swing about saucl i, with avaiv m rtvp m p n t of the head. The bandeau of dark, though vividly colored, ribbon Is usually more becom ing to the dark haired woman man a .I.,, hahtf hinA (ir dnk. and the wo man with deep blue eyes. If she wants to look enchanting, snouia wear a deep blue coiffure band, drawn low hor nrxhnad with soft waves Of hair below it, and match eyes and bandeau wltn swinging earrings wnu blue stones. Seed pearl earrings are 4iic nnw immenfiAlv chic, but the dead white of the sea pearl Jewelry Is be coming to but very lew women. ... Tons fimmrert mantles are charming ly Summer-like and graceful for wear over light rrocKS ana a quantity 01 handsome old lace may be used sat t,f,.tA,iiv in th1 wav for a mantle re aiaiviiij ... celves less wear and tear than a gown or a petticoat. A aengnuui manue ui raspberry taffeta has loose flowing sleeves and Is edged all around with a puffing of the silk, the lace flounce falling below this oversklrt- The mantle slopes sharply downward from the bust to the back, the lace hanging almost to the skirt hem at the back, while at the front It falls only to the hips. Black velvet ties add a touch of French cachet to the gay lltle gar ment, and under the loose sleeves may be drawn soft silk gloves embroid ered In the color ot tne manue. Menus for One Week Tuewiay Frult oup Breaded lamb chops Browned potato slices Creamed cucumber Lettuce and pear salad Devonshire Junket Coffee Wednesday. Cantaloupe cocktail Braised tongue Oreen peas. English style potato "apples and pears" Lettuce heart salad Peach cobbler with cream Coffee Thursday. Bouillon, hot or Iced Minced and curried tongue Cherry chutney Boiled rice Lettuce, peach and almond salad Blanc mange with custard. Coffee . Trlday. Brown vegetable soup ' Lentil loaf with baked tomatoes , 0 Green corn ' Sweet fruit salad, gelatine dressing Sptce cakes Coffee Saturday. Bice and lentil soup with mint Baked flah with dressing New potatoes Cucumber Lettuce salad Elackberries and cream Coffee Sunday. Watermelon cocktail Baked chicken with ttny sausages Brown potatoes Summer squash Lettuce, cheese and peper salad Peach ice-cream with peach compote Coffee Monday. Rice glblet soup Macaroni with cheese Tomatoes au gratln Vegetable salad mayonnaise Plum mould with custard Coffee T4 Tl . CabIt hale nankflffA xs&nn,Jia 'uoi -4.. r- fof gelatin in cold water, and then dis solve It In tnree cupiuis ot douids milk. Add a heaping cupful of sugar and cook for 10 minutes. When cool but not stiff, stir in three yellow ba nanas broken Into bits with a fork. Mold, chill and serve with whipped cream. j-? . xv -X x it x x x "1 r , j.vi'.rffl.:. II VXX; . ,xrSx. I I SV , i. v . N.ts Vj4 'K'e' A ?-t r THIS graceful sailor shape, made of soft black -elvet and having a de cidedly saucy roll to the brim, has been brought out by Georgette, and promises to be the hat of the season, as far as younger wornen are concerned. The Georgette sailor pictured here is trimmed with soft folds of white satin, pleated into a little bow at the ends. RING PURSE FASHION Style Varies From Dainty Eeceptacle Finger to Reticule for S:V,: si RING PURSE IS HALF a century ago every woman who went to the country tor a vacation took with her the silk, the beads and the knitting needles to fashion a rims purse during leisure hours. Now the quaint little old ring purse is back again and is a veritable craze in Paris, where these purses are carried -with the formal type of costume that does not need a roomy- shopping or traveling bag, or a theater reticule large enough to contain vanity be longings and the like. The ring purse may be carried con veniently over one finger or tucked into the breast pocket of the coat with one tasseled - or fringed end hanging over. It will hold more money than one would think, at first glance., for both ends may be stuffed full of dimes, quarters and nickels, with a bank note or two tucked in for good measure, if rz r ..x v ksKX 4 ill I" x K " X yc-r-...'9m0 i- K 4 ,'X JX X v 7 XA yx (1 . ? -V"X this pleated bow resting on the brim at the front of the hat. Poised against the crown at the top are two white mercury wings. This little velvet hat by Virot is in the new "Amazon" shape. Just now the rage in Paris. The brim rolls back ward and the whole hat slants toward the back where the brim is much wider IS BACK; DEMANDS IT for Change to Be Carried on One Evening Necessities. OLD-FASHIOXEB REVIVAL. the metal ring holding the mouth of the bag securely. The ends are usually finished in a different way so that one may keep track of one's belongings and know, without opening the purse, which end contains tickets and which samples and banknotes for these two shoDDlng requisites Demg oi tne same general texture they are usually car ried in the same compartment oi wo man's purse. Parse Is Copy of Old Style. In the old days ring purses trimmed with tiny cut steel beads were the fa vorites, and the more beads the hand somer the purse. An entire purse of steel beads was an expensive affair if bought outright and a labor of love if made by hand for a friend. Iridescent beads in peacock blues and greens combined with steel or gilt were also high In favor and these old-fashioned V 'x- i. " n A "X v i : i. 2X5 OSCZ- 44. 4 than It is at the front. A small bow of black plcot ribbon Is set at the front of the crown, and from this two para dise aigrettes sweep backward. With this hat Is shown one of the new Robespierre collars for Fall, and as a rule tho chic little Amazon hat must be accompanied by very smart, high neckwear it It Is to have the popular effect. effects are being copied in the new ring purse of today. n.i n .. t .t.,.AA 4,, , nlftiirkd la J 1 1 n HI 31 1,4 1,1, 4.4- bu. I' - - a direct copy of an. old-fashioned purse and the knitted silk fabric of the purse as well as the steel beads and trim mings is treated wltn a special ays to i . nK f n r.a ThA Interior of 61C 11 1 . 41144 4 4.4 4. f- ' . - - the purse is lined with glove silk. The purse in the center is a larger model than the little "finger" purses at either side. This large ring purse Is made of dark gray Jersey siik ana is ... i .i.. ..,,.1 ta oitt hAnjifi- ThA LI 1 1 1 1 11 1 .4i 14 iii, ,".' . ' n - - - rings are of carved steel and this purse. ... .. . . , . 1 ..J. .vlmmAjl HKe tne otners, uae me c"4in w ....4 in contrasting style. A purse of this size may be tossed over the wrist snd will hold small packages and a vanity outfit as well as the handful of change and theater or car tickets usually re quired by the woman in a large city. Little Purse for Dainty Costume. The third purse Is the smallest of all and Is a dainty little affair, especially favored for use with dressy costumes. These little purses are also carried to church and Just about hold one's doer key and the amount for carfare and collection In one end. while a rosary may be dropped la the other end. This little purse is made entirely of glass beads, the beads being in opalescent coloring with a steel bead at each in tersection of the strands. Under this open bead mesh is a lining of glovs silk In pastel yellow. These rings are of carved steel and fringe and tassel on the ends are made of the opalescent glass beads. barge ring purses for ffTeater use are of brocaded silk and are roomy enough to contain vanity belongings snd opera glass. Still larger evening bags in the ring purse shape will carry my lady's slippers to a dance, her gloves and vanity belongings being tucked Into the opposite end of the bag. Such, bags are carried conveniently over the) arm under the evening cape. SKAT HAIR POPPED MRS. NETTIE t HARRISON'S mum COLOR Knon o failures. Slntli-Cttie Ir- Harmless - Certain. CooMic etrlhr applied la the prttecj st roar home. Sold (or 20 rearm, Doa't iperlment with its thle-.t an ; risk ruining four hair bo! try this simple tod tun randy. Contains so lead, talphnr or other fcamfot ' Ingredient. Reeosmondod tod Died with utlttartloa br those nda. it firtt-class druggist $1.00. SaaiBls ind Book trts on rtqoett. MRS. NETTIE HiRRlSON CO, SAH FfUUUISCa, 'YOUNG . . 9IiujuKB DHUQ CO. 151 Third M., Portland. 4. N . 4 Xx - . f ST . sk V " Pi. m TV J?I5P