THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 4, 1912. MOOSE PICK STATE TIGKET IN ILLINOIS Convention Nominates Funk for Governor and Gives Pledge of Fealty to T. R. VISITORS JOIN IN ORATORY Platform Embraces Initiative, Refer cndum and Recall, . Advocates Improved Social and Labor Conditions, Aims at Trusts. CHTf-AfiO. Aua 3. Illinois progres sives in state convention today selected Statu Senator Frank H. Funk, of Blooming-ton. as their nominee for r.nvrrnor. named a complete state ticket, and nledged fealty to Colonel Roosevelt as their choice to make tc Presidential race. Orators hailing from California, to New England, veterans of the Civil "War. and young- men experiencing their first political campaign lomea in pledging their faith and efforts to the advancement of tne progressive cam palgn. Former Democrats and Repub llcans were prominent In the delibera tlons of the convention. Among those who addressed the con ventlon were Governor Hiram W Johnson, of California: Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania: James R. Garfield, of Ohio. ex-Secretary of the Interior, and Raymond Robbins, Chicago settlement worker. The delegates adopted a platform said to represent the most advanced of progressive ideas. In addition to the initiative, referendum and recall, the platform advocated Improved social and labor conditions. aDoiisnment 01 ran road passes, authorized city planning, urged publicity of legislative commit tee sessions and equal suffrage, and discussed the trusts, tariff and rail road valuations. PRISON JUTE MILL EARNS . Industry at Walla AValla Peniten tiary to Show $85,17 0 Profit. OLYMPIA, Wash.. Aug. 3. (Special.) The State of Washington will net profit of about $85,179 from the oper ation of the Jute mill at the Walla Walla penitentiary during the present blennium up to the close of the selling period in September, according to the report of Superintendent C. S. Reed to the State Board of Control. It Is ex pected that a total profit of $100,000 ', will be shown for the blennium if the mill is operated on the same basis as the present. This profit Is the direct result of the revision of the old Jute mill law, and is the first net revenue derived from the Jute mill during the whole period of Its operation, nearly 22 years. The profit goes into the general fund of mlhe state. The abnormal profit is partially ac counted for by the higlf price of sacks. resulting from the failure of the Cal cutta brokers to anticipate the enor mous wheat crop of the Inland Empire for the present year. During January the State Board of Control apportioned the output of the jute mill among the wheat-raising counties on the basis of last year's product as reported by the grain inspection bureau, fixing the price at the f. o. b. price of Calcutta sacks at Walla Walla at that -line, which was 7 cents. Of the apportionment to the counties the wbeatgrowers failed to make appli cation for more than 800,000 sacks, which were stored in readiness for their demands, and these have been sold in the open market at prices ranging from t to 11 cents. TORRENT. SWEEPS FARM Farmer and Family Escape Deluge in Their Xightclothes. TACOMA, Aug. 3. Swollen by water which was turned from White River into the Lake Tapps reservoir, a tiny stream, from a' spring two miles below the Lake Tapps reservoir, assumed the proportions of a destructive torrent early this morning and swept , a flood of debris across the berry farm of Vernie Bounds, at the foot of the hill below the lake, two miles from the dam. Two trees crashed into Bounds' new $1800 bungalow. Bounds, his wife and baby escaped in their nlghtclothes. The avalanche struck head-on a house on Bounds' farm, in which four berry pickers were asleep. They had barely time to get out when the house was overturned. The flood is attributed to the damming of the lake for the Stone Webster power plant. Filling of the reservoir began Wednesday by a flume from the White River, near Buckley. NEWPORT PARROT TOO GAY Discourse With Woman's Guild Shocks Religious Gathering. NEWPORT. Or.. Aug. 3. (Special.) Newport has a parrot which needs ad monishing, according to Elliott Hurd, son of Rev. Charles T. Hurd, pastor of the Newport Presbyterian Church. Elliott, who is six years old. was earning spending money by putting some kindling in the woodshed owned by E. W. Langdon, of Portland. He heard a squawk and stopped working. "Do you know that poll parrot?" he asked Mrs. Langdon. "No," replied she. "Well, he's a wicked bird." remarked Elliott. "When the Woman's Guild of papa's church met at that house to talk about saloons he swore at them." PUBLIC IS CALLED TO AID . (Continued From First Page.) erty made known today that he had found what he believes to be the re volver from which some of the shot's were fired that killed Rosenthal. The weapon was discovered in a trunk left behind by "Lefty" Louie when he fled, and all the chambers were empty. The revolver has been examined for finger prints. Conference Is Held. John W. Hart,- counsel for Charles Becker, the police lieutenant charged with instigating the murder, conferred today with his client In the Tombs re garding their line of defense. While Hart was not communicative, it was reported that Becker proposed to lay the murder plot at the door of "Jack" Rose, and would seek to show that Rose's motive was that of vengeance growing from a long standing feud with Rosenthal. It would be shown. It was said, that the two gamblers for merly were partners and had a violent quarrel in which Rose got the loser's end, financially, as well as a beating. SOME PROMINENT FIGURES IN GATHERING OF BULL MOOSE PARTY AT CHICAGO. - v;aJi o ) ' " 'J CONTESTS ABE MANY' FhFiL ;f l- Moose Convention Committee Framing Temporary Roll. NEGROES CAUSE TROUBLE Seats of Southern Delegates Claimed by Rival Factions "Steam Roll er" Tactics Xot to Be Used, " Say Roosevelt Leaders. (Continued From First Page.) their home states. Then the commit tee voted to allow Alaska, the Hawaii an Islands and the District of Columbia representation in the convention, but to withhold from the delegates from these places the right to vote. The first contest taken up was in the Alabama delegation. Twelve ne groes, led by Dr. Joseph T. Thomas, contested the delegates elected by the progressive convention held in Bir mingham from the fourth, sixth and ninth districts of the state. It ap peared that some 31 negroes who at tended the convention elected the 12 contestants after the regular conven tion had named its delegates. Negroes Figure In Contests. The committee did not vote on the Alabama contest when the argument was concluded, but proceeded to hes.r the Florida contests. Six negroes and one white man appeared as the con testing delegation. They were electnd by two negro conventions, one held at Ocala, and one at St. Augustine, but both working In conjunction. They pposed six white men chosen by a convention called at Ocala by H. L. Anderson, the member of the . Na tional committee. C. H. Alston, a negro, who appeared for the contestants, asserted that tha negroes had been barred out of the convention called by Anderson. He said two kinds of tickets were used for the convention, red, which admit ted only to the galleries, were given to the negroes, and white tickets ad mitting to the floor of the convention, to the whites. Alston produced a letter written by Anderson in which the latter urged that the negroes hold a separate meet ing in St. Augustine. Barring of Negroes Admitted. Anderson- admitted he had endeav- red to keep the negroes out of the white convention. It was necessary," he said. "My experience in Southern politics has shown me that the white men will not follow negro political leaders. When Anderson concluded, the com mittee called for an expected Georgia contest. The contestants failed to ap pear and on suggestion of Cecil Lyon the committee voted to place ine ueie- gatlon on the temporary roll, expressly providing that any contestants might appear without prejuaice Deiore me credentials committee of the conven tion. Committeeman Lyon in making tne motion expressed his anxiety lest there appear any suggestion oi "team roller tactics about tne worn oi ins committee. This sentiment was echoed by all present. HOMES SWEPT ON FLOOD (Continued From First Psge.) Above, Charles E. Merrlam, Chairman of the Illinois Convention, and Cecil H. Lyon, of Texas Center, Medlll McCormlck Below, Governor Hiram W. Johnson, Who Heads Delegation From California. the county, and much damage was done to crops, especially to hay, most of which was cut. In some sections farmers estimate that one-third of the grain was also lost. The electrical storm put many telephones out of commission in Eagle Valley. . ' HARVEST OPERATIONS HALTED Pendleton Reports Heaviest Rains In Umatilla History. t PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 3. (Special.) One of - the heaviest rains ever re corded In the history of Umatilla coun ty at this season of the year, com menced at midnight yesterday and lasted until late forenoon today. As consequence all harvest operations have been held up and it is reared some damage--to- "down" grain may result. . Farmers, however, state clear weath er with a cool wind will dry out the grain and alfalfa and little Injury be sustained. The damage Incurred by farmers throughout this county in the hail storm of two weeks ago is not so great as at first believed. Many report much better conditions on their farms and in tha harvest fields where the hail storm was the hardest, than it was thought possible could exist. LA GRAXDE RAIXFALL HEAVY Hay Damage 'but Small, Grain Xot Materially Hurt. LA GRANDE, Or.. Aug. 3. (Special.) During 12 hours one and 11 one hundredths inches of rain fell last night in this city, bringing the total rainfall for 1912 to a higher ngure than all of 1911. The downpour was constant but not violent, consequently small grain was not seriously menaced. An abundance of hay is down, however, and consid erable damage has been done In that respect. There was no serious light ning or w'lnd. A contest from the state of Mississ ippi followed, and in presenting the claims of the negroes from that state. Perry 3. Howard, a negro of Jackson, appealed to the provisional committee not to discourage the 900,000 negro voters of that state by refusing them recognition. Howard, who was a dele gate to the regular Republican conven tion, took up the campaign for Koose velt after the first call sent out in July by Senator Dixon. In this he met opposition from B.- F. Fridge, who was picked out by Senator Dixon to take up the fight for Roosevelt in Mississippi. Senator Dixon asked Howard If he did not think it would be wise to have the negroes in Mississippi who favor Theodore Roosevelt, led from the Democratic party by white men. "That would be all right," said Howard, "but the majority of the ne groes who are Democrats Will not fol low white leaders. We must be Tec ognized. We do not want to lead, but we must have recognition In this pro gressive party If we are to do any ef fective work. The negro problem was unsettled at a late hour. M BILL APPROVED Dolley Says Oregon Blue Eky Act Is Strong Measure. FEW DEFECTS POINTED OUT In Letter to Secretary Olcott, Kan sas Bank Commissioner Compli ments Oregon for Efforts to Protect Investors. WALLA "WALLA GRAIN IS HIT Continued Dampness Would Make Cereal Soft as Well as Bleach. WALLA WALLA. Wash., Aug. 3. (Special.) A gentle rain which lasted for several hours, amounting to over a half an inch, fell generally through out this section of the state today and has caused no little damage. In the light land districts where the wheat crop is thin the only damage will be bleaching, but in the foothill district, where the grain is down but could have been cut, the loss will be considerable, as the wet weather will not only have a tendency to bleach it, but make the cereal soft as well. The greatest loss to date, however, is the delay in harvest. Rains at ' this time of year are almost unknown, though the damage will not be great unless they continue. WOMAN WRITER ARRESTED Portuguese Search Residence English Correspondent. of LISBON, Aug. 3. Miss Alice Oram, the correspondent of a London daily newspaper, was arrested today, after a domiciliary search of her residence had been authorized by the military authorities, who seized a number of documents. The British Minister to Portugal has taken up the defense of his country woman, the charge against whom has not been made public The Oram fam ily has been long resident in Clntra, near Lisbon, and was closely connected with the royal court. Miss Oram, under the name of "Celia Roma," has translated into Portuguese many American and English books and plays. Cottage Grove Plans Exhibit. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Aug. 3. (Special.) Cottage Grove Is going to have another record-breaking exhlb at the district fair In Eugene this Fa5 If the intentions of the Cottage Grove Grange are carried out. The Grange about October 15. The new lodge will has secured one of the best positions In I start off wlth'a membership or irom the agricultural iullding. - 250 to 300. SALEM. Or., Aug.. 3. (Special.) J. N. Dolley, Bank Commissioner of Kan sas, where theblue sky law Is in force and according to reports has been car ried on with extreme success, has writ ten Secretary Olcott complimenting him on the proposed blue sky law for Oregon, which will go before the peo ple in November. He declares that the Oregon Din is strong, forceful measure. Some crltl clsms are made by Bank Commissioner Dolley, but Secretary Olcott states that the provisions which are criticised were in the nature of concessions made in relation to the bill and, If these provisions are found to be too loose, it will be an easy matter to amena mem. In commenting on the Oregon bill Commissioner Dolley says: "I have your favor of tho 15th Inst enclosing copy of your act to protect nurchasers of stocks ana Donas, i pre sume, as you state, that you had to make some concessions in order to have a reasonable chance to enact it Into law, but I wish to say on the whole, Mr. Olcott, that you have a very strong, forceful bill. I have gone very carefully over it and am well pleased with it. "I consider your bill better than ours wherein it covers real estate, mort- srasres and other indentures pertain lnar to real estate located outside of your state. Including bonds secured by mortgages. "I believe that you should have made your fee at least $10, as the permit is worth many times more than that sum in selling their stock and you will And that you need the additional amount to bear the expenses. "In regard to your section 3, where in it provides that a company may ac cent conditional subscriptions, I doubt whether or not this provision is wise, and I believe you will find It will em barrass you more or less in enforcing the law. "Your section 9 provides for an an nual statement, instead of a semi-an nual statement. I believe the com panies should be required to make a semi-annual statement as it makes it too long between statements when they are annual. The selling or mis stun, no von miv know. Is done more or less aulckly and I think the semi-annual ntatATnpntfl much better. "Section 10 provides that they make a trial balance once each quarter and record the same In a book thereror. I think our bill is better wherein It provides that these trial balances be made once eacn montn. t onnaidor section 13 a strong sea tlon and also section it, a strong and effective section "I doubt whether It is wise to cause It to be illegal to sell the stock for not less than par value as provided in section 16. I consider that pari oi sec Mot, l Drovldlngthat a financial state ment be filed with each purchaser of stock before he purchases the stock s. verv srood provision. "I have had occasion to reaa several bills along these lines since our law was enacted and 1 wish to congratu late you and your associates on hav inr drafted one of the most efficient and Htronar bills that I have seen. I will be pleased to nave you Keep me advised from time to time as to the progress you make with this legislation. . "if I can be of any assistance to you in any way, I will be glad to do so. RAYMOND WILL GET ELKS Lodge Will Be Installed Perhaps About October 1 5. - RAYMOND, Wash., Aug. 3. (Spe cial.) Raymond is to have an Elks' lodge. Such was the welcome an nouncement made yesteraay Dy Jt k. Ingersoll of Seattle, chairman of the charter committee, at a loncheon given In his honor by the Elks of this city. Mr. Ingersoll arrived In Raymond late Wednesday and, after looking over the city stated at the luncheo that he would be pleased to recommend to the exalted ruler that a dispensation be granted for a lodge at RaymotnT, which will be instituted some .time A CHANCE FOR YOU in a Local Money-Making1 Amusement Company. . OREGON TELEPHONE HERALD CO. (Associate Company of United States Telephone Herald Co., of New York.) Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Oregon. Capital $300,000 30,000 shares par value $10.00 per share; fully paid, non-assessable, all common stock 51 per cent to be owned in Portland. All officers and eight out of nine Directors Portland men. XfTX TELEPHONE HERALDdK A NECESSITY FOR OFFICE AND HOME ' August 1st We have now signed up 4790 installations. Come and see our con tracts, covering thousands of installations. Seventeen hotels every room, hospi tals, apartment-houses, homes and offices. , Large net profit in sigM right now, as soon as we can make installations and commence our commercial service. . That means large dividends the first year. Only a small amount of stock will be sold to the public. Subscriptions will be accepted for a few days. Act quick. Get a few shares. It will make you big money. Come and let us prove it. See our subscription map of city. See our books. See our contracts for yearly subscriptions to the service. It wTill pay big dividends to its stockholders. The proof of this is its popularity and acceptance by the public. The shares are $10.00 each full par value no discount. Buy now. Everybody knows about Telephone Herald. If you don't know, let us say TELEPHONE HERALD IS A COMBINED TELEPHONE NEWSPAPER AND ENTERTAINMENT PURVEYOR, "Heralding" Its service over an Independent party-line a one-way service according to a time schedule, from sarlv mornina- till late at night. AH the important happenings of the day transmitted to your home, office, or place of business many hours ahead of the newspapers, together with MUSIC, SON, "VAUDEVILLE and OPERA. BASEBALL REPORTS right from the park; lectures, speeches, language lessons, talks and stories for the chil dren hanDeniriKS of eVery sort, by telephone; In clear and melodious tones: the human voice and musical instru mets" relchinf you ove? a separate and distinct wire system. NOT FROM RECORDS. FREE DEMONSTRATION 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. M. Come and Listen. AT . OUR BEAUTIFUL PARLORS, 5TH FLOOR ROYAL BLDG. (Formerly Tall fc Glbbs Bldg.), Seventh and- Morrison, Entrance on Morrison. Commercial Service WILL COMMENCE ABOUT OCTOBER. A few shares of this stock will bring you a handsome income. Write or apply to the Secretary at once 506 EOYAL BUILDING (Formerly Tull Gibbs Building) Seventh and Morrison Open Evenings 7 to 9 WHEAT 16 STRICKEN KICK FAK3tEB OF PALOrSE DIES OF APOPLEXY. Father of Joe Smith, Newspaperman. Now living in Seattle, Passes. Tale of Wealth Told. SPOKANE, Aug. 3. (Special.) Lillls n Smith, wheat king of the Palouse district, died today after a stroke of apoplexy at Endlcott, wash. Mr. smitn reached the Palouse country from Mis souri nearly SO years ago, secured a homestead, near Endlcott and began farming. . He was accompanied to Washington Territory by his two neDhews. William Huntley, of Spokane, and George Huntley, of Colfax. In 1897, the turning point ot west ern Whitman County, Mr. Smith's land produced enough grain to pay 'off all his indebtedness and leave him more than 2000 acres clear. Since than he has made money rapidly. One year he sold his wheat crop for $46,000, get ting a single check for that amount. Several years ago his health failed and he divided much of his property between his six children three sons and three daughters. Joe Smith, of Seattle, newspaper writer, is his eldest n. Mr. Smith served one term in the Legislature and one term as Commis sioner of Whitman County. He leaves a widow, three sons, two of them liv ing at Endlcott, and Joe at Seattle, and two daughters. Miss Elva Deane and a married daughter at Endlcott. LIBERALS SUPPORT MENA Xlcaragnan War Minister Head of Revolutionary Party. LA LIBERT AD, Salvador, Aug. 3. While telegraphic communication be tween Salvador and Nicaragua-is sus pended, sufficient news has leaked through to show that the situation In Nicaragua is regarded as serious. Both President Diaz and ex-Minister of War General Mcna, who now Is at the head of the revolutionary party, are conservatives, and It Is understood the liberals are supporting Mena. Mena now holds Massya and Gran ada, and Is said to have a strong force at Rlvas, a short distance from ban Juan del Sur. Kelso to Vote on Monday. KELSO. Wash., Aug. 3. (Special.) An election will be held here Monday for the purpose of voting $14,000 bonds for the erection of a new City Hall. The election was called after consld- We Make No Charge E to our clients for lacing their money good mortgages. fT The borrower pays " us a modest sum for or services in his or her behalf. T Many of our clients " hand us their check for the amount they wish to Invest, and 'we attend to all de tails, delivering to them a fully-secured first mortgage approved- by us. rr We can do so for . 11 you. Hartman-Thompson Bank Mortgage Loan Department Fourth and Stark Streets Chamber of Commerce Building erable dissension among the Counc'l-men. THE DEAF CAN HEAR KfcT 35-00 (5fepV ELECTROPHONE K'Vk 30 DAYS' ifflia. ONLY THOUSANDS SOLD at price of 35.00 Only a limited number to be uold at the price of 20.00. If you have de ferred purchasing on account of price, OYV In your opportunity to buy for UO.OO. Call or write STOLZ ELECTROPHONE COMPAN Y, 230 Lumbermen BUlg., Portland. Or. Hin t(!n Km Mlltd Ttttor, Salt fthetm, Pruritus, MiLk-Cnut, Wotping Skin, ete.) ECZEMA CAN BB? CURED TO STAY, md trben I say cured, I mean juttt what I Bay O-U-K-K-D, and not merely patched up for awbtle, to return worse than before. Jtemouiber I make tills broad statement after putting ten years of my time on thin one disease and handling In the m en n -time aquarVr of a million cases of this dreadful disease. Now. I do not care what all you have need, uor bow many doctors have told yon that you could not be cured all I ask Is just a chance to show yon that I know what I am talking about. Tfyon will write me TO DAY, I will send you a FREE TRIAL of my mild, soothing, guaranteed cure that will convince you more In a day than I or anyone else could In a month's time. If you are distrusted and discouraged, I dnro you to plve me a chance to prove my claims. By writing ma to-dayyou will enjoy more real com fort than you had ercr thought this world holds for you. Justtry It and you will see I am telling you the truth. Dr. J. E. CannsdsT, 557 Park Square, Sedalia, Ma. BifmMw: Th!J Nafconm bank. SmUIU. M. Could you do a better aet than to send this notice to sof poor sufferer of Ecaemal 0