The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Page 5, Image 59

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Future Activity Is Assured in Construction of $4,000,000 Electrical Plant and Irrigation Project to Develop 40,000
Horsepower and Water 250,000 Acres of Land. .
I I " - - .
r 2;&re7 & ZfeiZ?7e. Top, 1 "
i USUlf, Wash., Aug. 3. (Special.)
There Is no pleasure equal 10
a flvinz- auto ride on a day in
June throueh a land of scenic sulea-
dor. where the rancher, orchardtsi and
artisan take advantage or a lerme
country In making a garden spot. The
Oregonian representative recently took
r. trip tnrougn sucn a cuunuj, iu
Husum to Goldendale. the county seat
of Kl.ckitat County. Stops were made
at Gilmer. Camas Prairie and Glen
wood. Western Klickitat districts just
entering an era of growth and pros
perity. From Husum to Gilmer, seven miles,
the road gradually climbs to an alti
tude of 1000 feet, winding in and out
of strips of virgin forests, by newly
developed tracts planted to apple trees
and reaching points of observation that
would gladden the eye of all lovers of
nature and prosperous land.
Below the White Salmon River tum
bles through canyons and In the open
the stream flashes In the sunlight on
Its way to the beautiful Columbia.
Here one sees the river skirted on
both sides by slightly undulating or
chard tracts, the bid and the new pre
senting a picture of a series of checker
boards. On the Oregon side and
through the gap at the mouth of the
White Salmon River, the snow-capped
peak of Mount Hood stands out like
a. sentlrel guarding the rich valleys on
either side of the Cascade range. To
the north and at a closer vision, old
Uounc Adams looms up majestically.
Giant Fir Stands Sentinel.
The road through the tall timber
before reaching ' the Gilmer Valley
passes close to the largest fir tree In
Klickitat County. This giant of the
forest measures 3S feet in circumfer
ence and for 230 feet it looms up
as straight as an arrow.
A short distance beyond are the
holdings of the Mount Adams Orchard
Company, comprising 1000 acres. Over
400 acres' have been cleared and planted
to fruit trees, the different properties
developed presenting a picture of In
terest. C. W. Hollis. of Minneapolis,
president of the company, asserts that
the entire tract will be cleared and
set out to orchards as fat as men
. can perform the work.
Gilmer Valley is one of the prize lo-
calities of Western Klickitat County.
Orchards, grain, hay and dairying make
up the principal industries and new
settlers located or. the surrounding
slopes are adding to its wealth and
productivity. George Gilmer, foundtr
of the town of Gilmer, is one of the
pioneers of the county, having held the
position of postmaster of his town for
J7 years, which is said to be the record
In the state. He came to this section
a poor man and now successfully farms
several hundred acres of rich soil.
Passing on to the Camas Prairie re
gion, 10 miles northeast of Gilmer, an
' " N-
iter" y JZZZ
; aitltnde of 1700 feet is attained.
lies an upland prairie, 10 miles
by four miles wide, surrounded by pla
teaus partly covered with white and
yellow pine. A drainage canal Is near
ly completed which will reclaim the bed
of Conboy Lake and the lower places
of the vast mountain meadow. At the
present time this is strictly a dairy
and hay country, but with irrigation on
the 20,000 acres of alluvial soil that
comprises the lands to be cultivated,
Camas Prairie district may be made to
blossom Into diversified farming and
apple orchards. At Fulda, one. of the
towns bordering on the prairie, a dairy
association turns out annually about
10,000 pounds of creamery butter and
S000 pounds of full cream cheese.
Glenwood, located on the northern
border of the mountain meadow, 27
miles from Husum, is the most impor
tant town in that region. With general
stores, hotels, a bank and numerous
modern residences, the place is advanc
ing rapidly towards a bustling town
in a prosperous section. Two sawmills
located near Glenwood are turning out
the choicest white and yellow pine lum
ber. Premier Project la Power Plant.
But the special feature of interest
Is "Camp Mystery," located on the
Klickitat River a few miles northeast
of Glenwood. This is the camp of the
Klickitat River Development Company,
Incorporated by William R. King and
others, for the purpose of producing
and transmitting electric energy, and
diverting and conveying water; to ir
rigate the extensive tract of land in
the Camas Prairie country, ;.which is
, 31
peculiarly adapted to the growing of
clover, alfalfa and forage crops.
Camp has moved down -the river six
miles from where the dam is to be
erected, which will divert water
through a flume seven miles in length.
It matters not whether corporate or
private capital is backing the enter
prise, the fact remains that over $260,-
000 has already been expended in con
struction work, the aggregate cost of
the project when completed to be
For the past three years a crew
averaging 50 men has been constructing
a grade for the large flume, along the
west bank of the Klickitat River, for
six miles. This grade, which
could be used for an electric railway,
skirts the rocky canyon, the rapid,
sinuous stream 300 feet below making
the route a scenic one. This grade,
blasted through solid rook In places.
and apparently constructed on regula
tion railroad lines, Is the cause on
the part of many of terming the com
pany's work. "Camp Mystery." What
appears a logical conclusion by others
is that the propect is backed by the
Hill Interests, for the purpose of secur
ing electric power for use when it be
comes desirous to make a change in
motive power on the North Bank Rail
way. The company's engineer in
charge, C. J. Bartholet, declares that
the grade Is being built for a flume.
At a distance of seven miles tfrom
where the waters of the Klickitat are
to be diverted, it is the purpose of the
promoters to build a power plant,
capable ' of generating 40,000-horse-power
electric' energy. The flume at
.that point will be 700 feet above the
level of the river, ' where a gravity
flow can be secured for irrigating the
thousands of acres contemplated to
be placed under cultivation.
Auto Road Is Perfect.
For a distance of 15 miles, from
Glenwood to the county bridge over the
Klickitat River, on the way to Golden
dale, an auto rlda is a pleasure for
those who delight to coast and admire
the beauties of nature. In this short
distance there is a decline of nearly
1000 feet. In the vicinity of Dead Can
yon and the bridge the general aspect
Is that of the Columbia River bluffs, the
only difference being In the width of the
two streams.
A gradual . climb of 600 feet up a
winding road leads to the sparsely tim
bered country northwest of Blockhouse
and Goldendale. Close by are the set
tled districts of the famous wheat belt
surrounding the county seat. That
which 40 years ago -was one. of the best
bunchgrass table lands ui the state, is
now one of the finest wheat sections in
Southwestern Washington. A panoramic
view of waving gram fields, young or
chards and modern farm houses, sur
rounded by handsome groves is a de
light. The picture suggests prosperity.
A pioneer says that he has been raising
wheat in the Goldendale country for
35 years, and .has met with only one
failure during that time.
A side trip down the Satus Canyon
to the Yakima Valley gives a view of
alfalfa fields and .orchards to a distance
5 miles north of Goldendale.
Leaving Mabton, we slowly climbed
the tortuous, sandy grade south to the
high table lands comprising the ..Horse
Heaven country. The road to Blckle
ton, in northeastern Klickitat County,
Is over a level stretch of volcanic ash
soil, as far as the eye can see to the
east and south. The vast sagebrush
area is dotted with wheat ranches, the
grain this year promising the best yield
in Ave years.
When the proposed Horse Heaven
Canal, carrying water from the Klicki
tat River, is constructed through this
region, 250.000 irrigated acres will be
under cultivation. The millions of dol
lars worth of produce that will he
raised In the proposed Irrigated country
in Klickitat and Benton counties, and
the commerce of new towns springing
up will cause a scramble among the
leading Coast cities and transcon
tinental railways to secure the output
of that extensive, rich domain.
Gotham Hotelmen Gloomy;
Summer Visitors Shy
Estimated Expense of Harry
Thaw's Several Trials Is 330,
I OOO to tfce City and State of
'New York, While His Famllr
Is Poorer by Approximately
NEW YORK. Aug. 1. (Special.) An
under-supply of theaters and an
over-supply of gun fighters are
blamed by hotel managers for the poor
est Summer season they have experi
enced in many years. Inquiry at the
big hotels develops the fact that the
out-of-town guests were never so few
In numbers as they are today, andjtlre
complaints uttered are numerous and
vociferous. 1
The strike of waiters in the late
Spring materially halted the stream of
visitors, and now the Rosenthal mur
der has given the hotels a fresh black
eye. One of the best-known managers
said today:
"Within the past two weeks I have
received cancellations for nearly 100
reservations. Several of our regular
guests, who heretofore never missed a
Summer in Manhattan, have frankly
told me that they are unwilling to
bring their wives to. a 'gang-run city,'
as they call it. Why in some of the
outlying sections the general belief is
that armed men patrol the streets in
taxicabs, shooting down their enemies
the way they used to do in mining
camps. Many sensational stories have
been telegraphed far and wide, and
law-abiding citizens do not care to
take a chance on being injured.
"It was a mighty bad thing for us
that Rosenthal was slain, "just off
Broadway., and in the heart of the
theater district. Had it been down
town I do not believe our patrons
would have given the matter a second
thought, but as it is they are afraid
that if they come to New York they
will be involved in a desperate gang
"The second cause for bad business
is that so few theaters are open. Out-of-town
people are the ones who sup
port the drama, and in past years they
have supplied patronage sufficient to
keep a dozen houses In expense money.
For some reason the theater managers
have decided to shut up shop this
year, and visitors who want to enjoy
themselves go elsewhere. AH in all
it has been a mighty tough Summer
for the hotel men, and many of them
are viewing the future with appre
hension. Lady feibyl Wilson, daughter of the
Governor-General of the Bahamas, has
astonished society by announcing that
she Intends to open a manicure parlor
in Manhattan this Fall. It will be
located just oft Fifth avenue in one
of the Forties, although the exact site
has not been made public
"In my opinion," she says, "there Is
room for a manicurist among the select
people of that -section, and I believe a
select trade can be built up. At any
rate I am going to try, and I believe
I will succeed. If I fail, why then
I will probably go upon the stage."
Lady Sibyl explains that she has de
termined to earn her . own living be
cause her father is soon to retire from
his post and return to the quiet life
of the country in England. She adds
that she is averse to a residence in
some rural locality, and would rather
be a manicurist in Manhattan than the
Lady of the Manor" In Bury de Squash-
villa or some other similar place.
While her decision may not please
her father, and it is said he is highly
enraged. Lady Sibyl looks for a warm
welcome in New York, and has already
been asked by Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont
to become an active worker In the lat
ter's suffrage club.
Even though Harry Thaw has been
compelled to remain in prison, he can
console himself by the fact that he
Is the most expensive prisoner in the'
country. It is estimated that already
the slayes, of Stanford White has cost
New York County and the state fully
$350,000, while It is believed that his
family has expended considerably in
excess of $1,000,000.
Thaw had two trials, and since being
sent to Matteawan there have been
three hearings to decide whether or
not he is insane. Each trial cost New
York County approximately $100,000,
while the later court proceedings, a
charge upon the state at large, have
averaged $50,000 apiece. At the recent
inquiry before Justice Keogh, former
District Attorney William Travers
Jerome was retained as Special Deputy
Attorney-General, his fee being $10,000.
The Thaw fortune must have been
materially reduced by the legal activi
ties on behalf of the young murderer.
The sum paid out is put at $1,000,000,
although no official figures have ever
been secured. It would not be sur
prising, however, if the real amount
was much larger than this.
When Thaw was first arrested he had
a battery of high-priced lawyers and
money was lavished right and left. One
shining legal light expended fortunes
In the tenderloin, looking for evidence
to support his client. Incidentally this
lawyer wrecked his domestic happiness
and has been involved In all sorts of
diiflcultles ever since. Another lawyer
was Indicted and convicted of a crime,
and several of the alienists who figured
In the first and second trials have
Thaw, before being taken back to the
asylum, declared that he will demand
a hearing every year, thereby taking
full advantage of the law. If he does
so, and the present expensive rate
continues, there is every reason to
believe that he will soon cost the tax
pavers $1,000,000 and his family several
Lawyers point out that the decision
of Justice Keogh was significant, inas
much as he pointedly ignored the testi
mony of the numerous high-priced ex
perts who figured for the state and
the prisoner. The court contented him
self by stating that he was satisfied
that it would be dangerous to permit
Thaw to' be at large, and did not com
ment. In any way or manner, upon the
medical testimony. Justice Keogh is
regarded as one of the ablest men
on the bench, and it is known that
he has very little respect for experts.
It may interest card players to know
that Thaw is one of the best bridge
whist players in the country. One of
the local papers publishes bridge
nroblems every Sunday, and week in
and week out the name of "H. K. Thaw"
appears among the successful solvers.
So excellent is his work, that he Is
enrolled upon the honor s,roll, compris
ing the few men and women who can
get the answer to the hardest of
problems. ,
This fact was not Drougnt out at
the trial. Had it been, the experts for
the defense would undoubtedly have
shown that it proved Thaw's sanity,
while the state's experts could have
been relied upon to note that it was
proof 23 of the germs of acute mental
depression. - , . -
AUGUST 4, 1913.
Dean of Department at Agricultural College Reports Six Members of the 1912 Class Assigned to Positions and
. s Numerous Reauests Received for Recommendations.
I is-' xsjf-
. h v - i - U v
LEGE, CorvalHs. Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) The study of home econo
mics, in all its vital phases, will soon
occupy its long denied, yet proper place
In the high" school curriculum. If the
demand for Oregon Agricultural College
graduates as teachers of domestic sci
ence and art In the schools of Oregon is
a fair criterion on which to. base con
clusions. Dean Henrietta' Calvin, of the depart
ment of Domestic Science and Art, re
ports that six members of the 1912
Theatrical Magnate With Income of $150,000 a Year Plans Extravagant Meet With' McKenzie During 1915 Exhi
bitionFrench Cafes in San Francisco Cause Wives to Do Sleuthing Heiress Has "Simple" Wedding.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3. (Special.)
John Considine, the theatrical
man of Seattle, San Francisco, and
other cities. Is busy building up a stable
of trotting horses in this state. John
Mackenzie, of Winnipeg, who has his
stable in California half of each year,
is Drobably the most extravagant
spender there is on the Coast today.
He is the son of Sir William Macken
zie, one of the railroad magnates of
Canada and also a partner of his father
in business.
Notwithstanding his apparently un
limited means, Considine's friends say
he Is financially able to compete with
the Canadian in collecting a costly trot
ting stable. According to them, Con
sidine is enjoying an annual income of
$150,000 now and is In a position to
get the best of trotting stock. His
nucleus of a big stable Is at present in
Southern California.
One of the horses is a 2-year-old,
and the prediction is made that the ani
mal is going to be a star performer.
Considine together with Mackenzie and
other lovers of the trotter, hopes to ar
rangeMor a light harness horse meet
in this bay region during the 1915 ex
Play Gives Woe.
They are still having trouble or see
ing visions of It over the production of
the Redding Bohemian Grove play, "ine
Atonement of Pan," at the Greek The
Justice Harry A. Melvln, of the Su
preme Court, who is to play Silenus,
astride of a burro, seems to feel that
it hardly comports with the high dig
nity of his office to repeat the per
formance in public.
Dr. Jack Shlels has positively re
fused; John Dornln, who in general Ui'e
sells life Insurance in large chunks, is
willing to play the part of Flora to his
fellow club members in the grove, but
does not wish to exhibit his talent as a
female Impersonator to anyone who can
buy a ticket for the Greek Theater.
Even Dick -Hotaling. who plays An
roca, and is by no means shy of public
productions, balks, and the gentlemen
of the chorus who will disport them
selves in scanty and feminine attire are
of the same frame of mind.
Wife "Trills" Hunband.
The story of Mrs. -F. T. Janes, of Sau
salito, who with two detectives watched
a French restaurant on O'Farrell street
until she caught her husband in a clan
destine meeting there with another wo
man, calls attention to the fact that
these resturants are often watched by
detectives ta the employ of suspicious
wives or husbands.
On the ground floor of the seven or
eight swell French restaurants of San
Francisco everything is clean and per
fect from cuisine to conduct, and the
best people patronize them.
That is a different story when it
comes to propriety but not in things
culinary. Only now and then Is one
of the scandals-of the upper stories of
the French cafes made public These
upper floors constitute a phase of city
class graduated from her department
have received appointments in Oregon
chools this month, and she has re
ceived numerous requests to recom
mend Oregon Agricultural College grad
uates competent to fill positions for
which there are no applicants. One
Oregon high school. In its desperation to
secure a teacher of household science
and kindred subjects, asked if a mem
ber of the college faculty would be
available at an attractive salary.
Five of the college girls recently
elected to high school positions are
Miss Christie Moore, of Corvallis, who
goes to the Pendleton High School to
life not at all creditable to San Fran
cisco." Many a divorce is traced to a
night of erring in these places and they
are apparently Immune from police in
trusion under the fictitious plea that
they are hotels.
The money invested in these prop
erties, together with the rents col
lected by the owners, indicate their
large monthly revenues. One of them
has a turntable for taxicabs, autos and
carriages at the end of a covered drive
so as to make secrecy of visits all the
more certain.
This is one of the most difficult places
for detectives to get Information about
those who visit upstairs. Several de-teeti--j
agencies are making good in
comes doing nothing else than report
to many clients whether this or that
man or woman visits this or that French
restaurant. And .what is worse, men
called "trailers" watch for certain
women and blackmail them under
threats of exposure.
Ex-Mayor to Write. "Serial."
It Is reported that Gene Schmltz, ex
Mayor, is going to follow Abe Ruef as
the . writer of an autobiography.
Schmltz is quietly telling the few
friends he has left, that he is going to
"roast" Ruef for picturing him as a
puppet, a man of clay In his hands. In
his daily serial story, and that' he will
denounce this and that prominent man
because of what he considers their base
desertion of him in his dfre extremity.
Just when and how the ex-Mayor will
get his story before the public is not
known. Ruef and Schmltz were not
always agreed even In the heydey of
their power. Toward the close of their
regime, it is alleged, they frequently
quarreled over money matters...
Ruef Is not mentioning these quar
rels in his story and "it is hardly likely
that Schmltz will -ever put them in
print. Schmltz thinks General Funston
robbed him of the glory of preserving
order here after the nre.
The truth is that neither Ruef nor
Schmitz were equal to ths occasion.
Funston acted on, his own Initiative
and maintained order and the security
of life and property without having to
appeal to Washington to declare mar
tial law.
Later Ruef was a prisoner for weeks
In Schmitz' former home under Elisor
Biggy. He saw there the famous little
hidden door in the floor upstairs which
concealed a small receptacle for val
uables. Ruef used to make spiteful
remarks about it and Schmitz has
known this all along. Then he has
other troubles which It will be best
for him to tell himself in due time if
he wishes to pen them out In detail.
Wingfleld Never "Intended to."
George Wingfield says he never had
any intention of accepting Governor
Oddie's offer of . the United States
"I took a couple of days to think It
over, he tola a iriena recently, out
my mind was made up the moment the
offer came. It was very flattering. It
was very nice of the Governor to offer
me my old partner's place. - And it was
teach domestlo science and art: Miss .
Hortense Epply, of Salem, who will
have the- same work In the Albany
schools; Miss Kern Davis, who is to
teach the same subjects at Baker
City; Miss Rose Sheridan, of Tangent,
has been elected by the domestic science
department at The Dalles, and Miss
Clara Wallan secured a similar posi
tion in her home town of Hermlston.
'Miss Barbara "Moore, of Corvallis. ,
will assist in the domestic art de
partment at Oregon Agricultural Col
lege next year, succeeding Miss Ruih
M. Smith, who goes to Columbia Uni
versity for graduate work.
fine to have every newspaper In the
state, with two exceptions, say they
approved of me for the Senate.
"I appreciated all that, but I didn't
like to think of going away from my
plneo in Lassen County." ;
Wingfield has a wonderful estate In
California. There are 2100 acres of
land, farm, orchard, water, and game
preserves surrounded by a close
meshed wire fence eight feet high.
There is a comfortable house on this
great place; there are two lakes and
a stream plentifully stocked with flnh.
The place is still in the making. It is
only two years old and it will take at
least three more years to get It In
good shape. It Is only four miles by
motor from Reno, and Wingfield likes
.to run across the border frequently to
look it over. Washington is a long
way from that estate in Lassen. So
Diocletian sticks to his cabbages. Cin
cinnattus refuses to leave his plow.
Heiress Has "Simple" Wedding.
The "note of simplicity" which Is
insisted on these days in all- real so
ciety weddlnss was struck with a
resounding whack at the wedding of
Miss Thelma Parker, of Honolulu, and
Henry Gaillarj Smart, of Virginia.
Miss Parker is an heiress with an as
tounding income, so the note of slm-'
pllclty was struck on a golden scale.
The wedding took place amid the
simple surroundings of Miss Parker's
plantation at Waimes, on the Island.
A Kanaka orchestra, simply attired In
native costumes, containing ail the pri
mary colors, played simple Hawaiian
At the same time a beevy of dusky
maidens, more or less simply atfired,
gyrated In the excessively simple con
tortions of the pretty hulahula, which
is the National wedding dance of the
Then there was a luau or wedding
feast, which the hundreds of wedding
guests partook of a repast consisting
of innumerable Hawaiian viands. After
the wedding trip about the island the
couple will divide their time between
a simple mansion in San Francisco and
an equally simple home in Honolulu,
both especially built for them at a cost
that does not run into six figures.
Get a Little
You know what it is, don't you 7
No ! Well see full explanation,
page 6, section 1.