The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 51

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C. C. Chapman Describes Joys
of Motoring Through In
terior of State.
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Vast Unsettled District, Rich In
Agricultural Resources, Pre
sages Wonderful Future
for Portland.
For Ions Summer tours Central Ore
gon offers inducements of the most at
tractive character. This is the un
anlmous verdict of all who have mo
tored over the high plateau region In
the unsettled portion of our great state,
and It Is abundantly borne out by the
experience of the Portland Automobile
Club pathflndlng party, which recently
made a 2000-mile trip into Central ure
fron, accompanied by officials of the
Central Oregon Development League
and the Portland Commercial Club.
Contrary to prevailing ideas. Sum
mer travel is cool In Central Oregon.
The sun shines there most of the time,
it is true, and to this circumstance is
due the impression referred to. This
fear Is groundless. The altitude Is not
less than 4100 feet in any part of the
treat plateau, and at this high am
tude and in the dry atmosphere, the
sun loses its power to enervate In
fact, it seems to invigorate. Moisture
evaporates Instantly from the body.
keeping it cool and comrortaDie. ine
nights, too, are cool, in fact, most of
them are cold, so the enure errect 01
the Central Oregon trip is a tonic.
Two weeks motoring in Central Oregon
fills one full of energy.
Trip Jm Invigorating;.
For wo who live the balance of the
year in a lower altitude there Is noth
ing more exhilarating, nothing of
greater benefit, than going into this
high, dry plateau country. Speeding
across It cool and comfortable in the
bright sunshine, and seeing its count
less wonders, one is greatly impressed
with the beauties and richness of Ore
gon. It is only from the Central Oregon
side that one can gain any conception
of the grandeur of the Cascade range.
Once the car is out in the open, there
are no hills to obstruct the view. The
came peaks that are visible from Port
' land. Including Mount Rainier. St. Hel
ens and Mount Adams, as well as
Mount Hood, are viewed from all the
high elevations south of The Dalles. In
addition, ten other snow-capped moun
tains, many of them almost as, large as
Mount Hood, are seen at one sweep of
the eye.
The sky-line far excels in grandeur
anything that dm be viewed elsewhere
on the American continent, with the
possible exception of Colorado and
Alaska. In addition, the panorama of
forest, river and plain, precipitous rims
and dismal canyons affords a scenic en
vironment that would abundantly re
pay a trip across the continent to en
joy. Mild Game Cross Path.
While game Is seen almost dally.
Porcupine, badger and coyote are com
mon and in the forest you occasion
ally get a glimpse of a deer, while on
the great plains and in the mountains
of the southeast, bands of antelopes
are sometimes seen scurrying away
from the approaching car. Fragrant
mountain lillies, mariposa lillies, ai.d
tiny flowerlets of countless varieties
bedeck the path. Sometimes the en
tire hill is pink or purple with bloom.
There is infinite variety of bird life
eagles and gulls, giant hawks and
(Treat horned owls, pelicans, cormor
ants and kingfishers, ducks, geese,
heron and crane sometimes swans
great, beautiful swans, glistening white
In the sunshine.
Forests of giant pine, containing no
brush to obstruct the view of tall and
clean yellow trunks shade many miles
of road in this interior country, yet the
country is so large that one can travel
for days with not more than a sight of
timber on distant mountain tops.
Nearly all of these level plains are
at the same altitude 4100 feet and
some of them are so large that three or
four of our Willamette counties could
be dropped into one without touching
the mountain at the rim.
Hleh Altitude Soon Reached.
For Portland autolsts The Dalles is
the best and most convenient starting
place. Machines can be shipped there
expeditiously and inexpensively, and
the best hotel accommodation can be
obtained there overnight, preparatory
to an early start in the clear morning
Out of The Dalles It is a steady climb
over good roads. Within an hour an
altitude of 1500 feet is reached. A drop
Into Dufur, 15 miles from The Dalles,
and then another steady climb of 20 ;
miles more to an altitude of S500 feet,
where one of the best mountain pano
rama Is full before the eye twelve
snow-capped peaks of the. Cascade
range, the Great Gorge of the Colum
bia, the Slmcoe Mountains in Washing
ton, just this side of the Yakima Val
ley, the vast checkerboard of wheat
fields In Sherman and Wasco Counties,
the Deschutes Canyon and valley after
valley to the south all are spread be
fore them.
Then follows a ride down Tygh
grade, a winding road along the side
of a canyon bluff, the road dropping
1200 feet in four miles, and every
turn bringing a new view. The latter
turns reveal the emerald Tygh Valley,
s. gem of vivid green set in the gold
Df a grain-harvest landscape.
New Road la Good.
Side trips into the Wamic country
along the old Barlow road, laid out in
1845. and made famous by the immigra
tion travel of half a century; also, a
fine farming and timber country, re
ward the spending of a day. Then on
across the Deschutes Canyon over the
new road at Maupin's bridge, a road
of easy grades and good condition,
which has taken the place of the cele
brated old steep road at Sherar's toll
An altlture of 3500 feet Is reached
in Sherman County, where again for
miles the wonderful mountain pano
rama Is viewed. Through Shaniko Into
Antelope Canyon, past miles of old
stock ranches along Antelope Creek,
and up a gradual ascent to the new
Agency Plains country, where the first
view Is had of a homestead country
settled up as the result of the construc
tion of the railroads up the Deschutes
Cannon. The condition to which this
great plain has been developed by
homesteaders, the crops seen here, the
character of homes and the kind of
people, furnish the first great example
of what the vast plains of interior Ore
gon hold for future Portland in the way
of possibilities.
West Side Route Favored.
The agricultural communities of Mad
ras, Metollus and Culver, along the new
railroad, are visited over excellent wag
on roads. The motorist then can go
either along the railroad line direct to
Redmond and Bend; or, what is better,
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visit Prlnevllle and spend a day at
that old interesting and celebrated Cen
tral Oregon city.
Redmond Is only 17 miles from Prlne
vllle, and In going over that road there
Is an excellent view of the irrigation
possibilities. The demonstration farms
recently Installed by representatives of
the Portland Commercial Club, the rail
roads. Crook County Court and the
Oregon Agricultural College are well
worth a visit at Redmond and Meto
llus. The trip from Redmond to Bend is
short about 30 miles and should he
taken on the west side of the Deschutes
River, the scenic interest being far
greater, roads In better condition and
an opportunity afforded of seeing the
irrigation project at Laidlaw. At Bend,
the great pine forest is reached, that
enterprising city being the dividing
point of the lumber and Irrigation dis
tricts. (Next week Mr. Chapman will de
scribe the route from Bend to Lake-view.)
New Machine Combines Fire Engine,
Chemical Engine, Hose Cart and
Speedy Automobile.
Fire officials of Portland and Mayor
Berger, of Eugene, were Interested
spectators at a demonstration of the
efficiency of the Nott fire apparatus
given here Tuesday. This machine is
a new force in the movement to mo
torize the fire departments of the world
and Is distinctive in its design and
mission. Combined in the one appara
tus are a fire engine, chemical engine,
hose cart and automobile. The power
which propels the machine is the same
that is used to run the pump, which is
entirely separate from other parts.
Progressive Eugene is the first city
in the Northwest to procure a' fire
fighting apparatus of such an expensive
character. The machine used for the
demonstration was the one recently
purchased by that city.
More than 530 gallons of water a
minute, against 130 pounds' pump pres
sure, is the capacity of the Eugene ma
chine. The motor, 5x8, has a rated
horsepower of 63, making its pumping
capacity ten gallons to the horsepower.
The four-cylinder, 63-horsepower
model is the smallest type of this ma
chine made. It has a speed of 40 miles
an hour on level road.
The apparatus is the invention of
Herbert Penney, who was in charge of
the demonstration. It is manufactured
by a Minneapolis company.
Birthday Party at Seavlew.
SEAVIEW, Wash., Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) Naomi Lvy celebrated the 11th
anniversary of her birthday Wednes
day, entertaining 11 of ber little friends
for the occasion. The afternoon was
pleasantly spent playing games, after
which a fine birthday cake was served
with ice cream. Those invited were
Eloise Lowenson, Dorothy Teo, Elsena
Greene, Helen Stout, Ralph Baker,
Frankie Yeo. Russell Wood, Arthur
Markewltz, Sam Levy and Teddy Levy.
Mrs. Levy was assisted In entertaining
by Mrs. Markewltz and Miss Ethel
Government Buys Studebakers.
The United States Government, for
a half century one of Studebaker's best
customers, has just purchased eight
more Studebaker cars for work in the
Reclamation Service and the Indian
George L Baker Boosts Olym
pics to Auto Owners.
Portland Theater Man Asserts Run
From Tacoma to Hood Canal
Head Is as Good as Crater
Lake Trip.
According to George L. Baker, man
ager of the Baker and Bungalow The
aters, Oregon motor enthusiasts have
heretofore been overlooking one of the
most beautiful and most easily nego
tiated automobile routes in the North
west. He recently returned from a
tour into the Olympics, beyond the
head of Hood's Canal.
"I have been over nearly every motor
ing road In the Northwest," said Mr.
Baker before leaving for the East, "and
I have never found any trip more
thoroughly delightful. Perhaps the
Crater Lake trip, because of the sur
passing beauty and marvel of that re
gion, might be considered more Inter
esting, but the deplorably bad roads
leading into the Crater Lake -region
are a greai drawback, whereas the
roads over which my party traveled
between John Cort's camp In the Olym
pics and Tacoma are excellent. They are
wide, well kept and witii only one or
two steep grades. Every mile of the
route is delightful, with sweeping
views of extreme beauty. Overhanging
foliage here and there gives the road
the appearance of a veritable tunnel
through trees and vines and just now
the banks and open spaces are gay
with luxuriant masses of canterbury
bells and other wild flowers. All along
the route are rushing streams and
waterfalls, with an occasional lake, re
flecting the trees and mountains. To the
further delight of the anglers In our
party, both streams and lakes yielded
plentiful supplies of trout and other
fish. .
Cort Camp la Ideal.
' "We left by boat from Seattle," con
tinued Mr. Baker, "and In the party
were' Charles McKee, manager of the
Tacoma' Theater, with Mrs. McKee, Ir
win Heillg, of Portland, and Mrs, Baker
and myself. Mr.: McKee shipped his
car, a five-passenger Franklin, on the
same boat, and when we reached the
head of Hood's Canal we boarded the
Franklin and set out for the John Cort
camp. It is Ideally situated and every
Summer is crowded with Mr. Cort's
friends. Mr. Cort usually has from
30 to 40 people In camp and as they
ere all there to forget their troubles,
it is a most cheerful, invigorating place,
with every form of wholesome outdoor
sport flourishing. , The Cort camp
baseball games are famous throughout
theatrical circles of the country and
the salt water bathing in the nearby
canal is a popular diversion. Mr. Cort's
guests are not coddled in the luxurious
fashion prevalent in so many mountain
lodges; the Cort camp Is really a camp
and the guests eat out of doors an'l
sli-ep in tents. A chef and Japanese
servants satisfy the vigorous appetites
and do the rough wdrk, but this is the
only concession. ' The guests are ex
pected to "rough It," which they io
with great enjoyment
Seven Hour Run Delightful.
"After a delightful sojourn there we
left for Tacoma at 5:30 on the return
trip. The road, which was hard.
smooth and free from ruts and rocks,
invited swift going, and despite the fact
that we had two punctures and stopped
an hour in Olympia fcr supper, we
made the 70 miles to Tacoma in seven
hours. Except for our punctures and
the hour we stopped In Olyn'pla, we
would have made the distance In a lit
tle over five hours. Mr. Cort has sev
eral times made it under five hours.
Thers are only tw3 steep grades and
in the whole 70 miles I lo not believe
there are more than two 'bumps' that
would bounce one out of the seat.
"Coming throtiKh the mountains at
Siinset was a rare experience. A? long
as daylight lasted our party marveled
at the continuously changing pano
rama. Lake Cushman, with the sun
set llshts lingering on the water, was
a hauntingly beautiful picture ar,a all
along the way there were scenes of in
describable beauty. Any motoring en
thusiast who thinks he knows all the
attractive routes in the -Northwest can
count his experience incomplete unless
he has made this trip."
As an incident interesting to the an
gler Mr. Baker says that a party of
three, of which he was one, landed 250
fine trout In one day from the Snoho
mish River.
Hood River Valley Will Perpetuate
Horticultural Chautauqua.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) The commercial organizations
of the Hood River Valley have planned
to make the Horticultural Chautauqua
a permanent annual event, to be held
in some scenic spot of the district of
the apple growing community in. the
month of August each year. As the
Blossom Festival Is an occasion of en
tertaining guests from other parts of
the country, the Chautauqua will be a
gathering of local citizens and their
families, for the most part, to discuss
subjects of apple culture that are of
Interest to all valley growers and to
become better acquainted. However,
people from other parts of the state,
especially horticulturists and their
families, are Invited to attend the
gathering of local orchardists.
' The apple growers will pitch their
tents this year in Woodworth park at
the foot of the noted Lava Beds in the
Upper Hood River Valley. The follow
ing prominent men will participate in
the speaking planned by the invitation
committee: Leslie Butler, president of
the Oregon Bankers' Association; Gov
ernor West; Dr. W. F. Kerr, president
of O. A. C; Dean A. B. Cordley, of the
horticultural department of O. A. C;
Samuel Hill, the good roads enthusiast;
and L. R. Alderman, state superinten
dent of public instruction. The Chau
tauqua, will assemble on Thursday,
August 22, and continue for three days.
Umpire Objects to Alleged Rowdy
Conduct of Player.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. S. (Special.)
Umpire Moran said tonight that he
would report to President Fielder Jones,
of the Northwestern Baseball League,
the alleged "rowdy conduct of Manager
Mike Lynch, of the Tacoma club, on
the field In Seattle this afternoon. Mo
ran had two close decisions in succes
sion, and both of them were made
against the Tigers.
When Moran called Million out at
second in the ninth, breaking up a Ta
coma rally, Lynch made for the umpire
and the official and occupants of the
press box say used foul and offensive
language toward the official language
which, to quote . one hearer, "a negro
wouldn't use to a balky mule.".
Cheung Kwok-ning, who has returned to
Canton after being educated in England,
announces that he has discovered several
gold mines In the Halplng district and in
several other localities.
A Stoddard-Dayton Motor Car for $1450
Stoddard-Dayton cars are known for their style, beauty and comfort.
Ownership of a Stoddard-Dayton gives to you a car with an established
reputation for class and distinction.
The Stoddard-Dayton "30" is a slightly smaller counterpart of the higher
priced Stoddard-Dayton cars. It follows them in splendid appearance, excel
lence of body work, finish, and mechanical details. It is roomy. Deep
upholstery, long wheelbase and easy-riding springs gjveto you the comfort
and luxury accorded only by Stoddard-Daytons.
Its long-stroke motor is a marvel of silence. It has abundance of power and
flexibility. It will throttle down to a walk and pick up easily and quickly.
We'll be glad to have you try it. In other respects also this car merits your
attention. Its specifications show advanced design and its equipmentmakes
it ready for the road when purchased.
It has a 30 hp motor, three speed selective transmission, large double acting brakes,
sturdy frame and axles. It is equipped with mohair top and boot, storm curtains, gas
head lights and oil side and rear lights, gas tank, tools, etc. Moreover, when you own a
"30" you have a" Stoddard-Dayton" there is reason forpride and satisfaction in that alone.
DELIVERIES NOW: We are able to make delivery of touring car and roadster
models at once. We have a full line of models on exhibition at our show rooms,
and if you wilt telephone or write we will be pleased to send a. car for you.
Stoddard-Dayton Auto Co.
690 Washington Street, Portland, Or.
J. S. ASHEART, Engrae, Or.
8. K. CAREINESS, Joseph, Or.
J.' PltUITT,
SCOTT V. DAVIS, Medford, Or.
A. H. HARRIS, Tillamook, Or.
Salem, Or.
f Era
Remarkable Feature Is That After
Passing Through Intricacies Sim
plicity Marks Finish.
"Automobile building can rightfully
be considered in the fine arts class,"
said F. W, Vogler, Keo distributor. In
commenting on the advancement made
In motor car construction. "Perhaps no
invention of modern times has called
forth as great endeavor on the part of
so; many people as has the perfection
of the automobile. The layman some
times thinks of an automobile simply
as an " automobile, without certain
knowledge of what goes to make up
a car, or of the significance of the in
dustry In its relation to other kinds of
business. .
"The advent of the automobile
opened up a world of new trades and
professions that were unthought of a
decade ago.
"LJke man, who, we are told, is won
derfully made, the motor car is a reve
lation of wonderful mechanical organ
Isms. '
"Thousands of Important steps and
processes are required in the construc
tion of a standard car and each suc
cessive stage was made possible only
after exhaustive study and research.
"Never was there greater application
and tax of human ingenuity than man
ifested in this important industry. .In
a decade the automobile has made
greater advance and reached a higher
stage of development than has the
railroad locomotive in three-quarters
of a century.
"Every device represents untold labor
and Is a testimony of man's creative
"A remarkable thing is that after
passing through the countless stages of
invention and intricacies of manufac
ture, the finished product is surprising
in its simplicity. This Is the ideal and
necessary attainment of any article
that has as universal use as the auto
mobile. "No other industry has called for
such exacting study of metals ami
many of the largest laboratories in the
country are conducted by automobile
concerns for the purpose of discovering
and compounding new metals that will
give the maximum service.
"Nearly every part must necessarily
be of a radically different nature and
in some cars as many as 50 and 60 dif
ferent metals are used. A large per
centage of these were discovered by
automobile experts and their use means
a tremndous boon for dozens of other
great Industries. Tha .engineering line
has experienced a wonderful-expansion
and received a shower of opportunities
unprecedented in the history . of the
calling. ...
"The perfection of motors, clutches,
transmissions, ignition, floating axles
and many other parts has been by no
means a before-breakfast Job and It is
only through the greatest concentration
and indefatigable efforts that these ap
pliances have been brought Into existence."
Hood River Congregational Mem
bers Prepare for Dedication.
HOOD RIVER, Or.. August 3. (Spe
cial.) The dedication of the new Con
gregational Church building, which is
now nearlng completion here, will be
held on Sunday, September 1. Work has
been started on the dismantling of the
old building, which was dedicated in
1891. The bell of the old church will
be given to the city and will be used
for public purposes. It was purchased
with a fund, raised by popular sub
scription, about 15 years ago..
The last service was held in the old
church Sunday. It was attended by a
number of men and women who for
merly lived here, who returned to be
present for the last meeting In the old
church, where they worshiped in the
early daj's.
The new building is built on the site
from which the old building was re
moved last Spring. The lot was deeded
to the board of trustees of the
church by the Townsite Company, and
was a gift of E. L. Smith. The cost
of the old church was about $2000. The
new building will cost about $20,000-
It is built of dark gray basalt stone,
quarried on the hillside near the church.
Farmer Hurt In Runaway.
WOODLAND. Wash., Aug. S. (Spe
cial.) A nearly fatal acldent happened
to Gus Wodage, a prominent farmer
of this section, when he was pre
cipitated from a load of hay to the
running gear of the wagon. The team
becoming unmanageable, the load
tipped over and In trying to get off on
the side opposlto to that which tha
hay tipped, Wodage was thrown on the
running gear. Three ribs were oroaeu,
he suffered nartlal concussion of
brain and his spine was injured.
Every German city of consequence bit a
number of palatini cal. which are. nothing
else than hue" club houses without mem
bership formality.
Do You Appreciate
Convenience in ai
Motor Car? -
The White Six, with leftside
drive and electric starting and
lighting system, makes it possi
ble to reach the driving '?at,
start and light the car withput
the necessity of stepping, into
the street.
This is one of the many rea
sons why the White is the m6st
advanced car of the present day.
White Car Agency
Portland, Or.
Sixth Street at Madison.
Have you noticed the 1913
Automobile Announcements o
The Mitchell prediction that 1913 would be a six-cylinder year is being real
ized. You don't have to wait till 1913 for a six-cylinder car
Represents future up-to-dateness and is
a six-cylinder car that is not an experi
ment, but the result of four years' six
cylinder manufacturing experience. The
Mitchell is making good now.
Fully equipped
Sells at; Portland for
One Price to AD
Other Models $1 ISO to $2450
Let Us Take You for a Ride. You Choose the Road.
East Morrison