g , . THE SUNDAY OREftOXIAN. PORTLAND. AUGUST 4, 191.2. , 1 SLAVIN AND TAYLCE'S PERRY ROADS BEING- REBUILT INTO TWO OP BEST HIGHWAYS IN STATE 10 FINE COUNTRY "Man Know Thy Speed" PUT ON A GOOD SPEEDOMETER GET A STEWART ARCHER & WIGGINS Found at the Corner of Sixth and Oak Streets. IS Long Stroke Motor Makes New Formula Necessary. Slavin and Taylor's Ferry Highways to Be Models When Completed. CRANK RADIUS ENLARGED RATING IS CHANGED ROAC SHAPED 88 CURVES ARE ELIMINATED Thoroughfares In Southwest Portion T'of MnJtnomah to Be Example of Modern Construction. w Machine Csed. When Improvements which are now under way on the Slavin and Taylor's Terry roads are .completed, those two highways, extending- through the south west portion of Multnomah County, wlil be among the best In the state. The work on the TayMir'a Ferry road has been completed to a large . extent, but It wlil be several weeks before the flavin road Is finished, owlns to im portant changes which are to be made In Its course, eliminating curves and cutting down grades. On the Taylor's Ferry road, which extends up from -.he Macadam road In the Fulton istrict. the work for the most part has been resurfacing, the county having placed a new coating of rock on the top of the old road foun dation, making a smooth surface for the heavy traffic to which this high way is subjected the year around. The Improvement has been made whenever needed from the beginning of the coun ty's portion of the road near the Kiver lew Cemetery west and south to the crossroads south of Multnomah Station. Eeven.l portions of the highway are yet to be fixed before the work will be finished and the road placed in shape for the Winter. Work Is Bis Tank. The improvement of the Slavin road has been a much, larger undertaking Inasmuch as it was In bad condition in many places. The work is being ex tended from a short distance east of Bertha Station to the east end of the county's part of the road near South Portland. So far a long stretch has been entirely rebuilt, the old road hav ing been torn out and a new highway built from the foundation up to the fine upper layer of crushed rock form ing the surface. This work has been done with great care and it is expected he road will withstand the heavy traffic for many years. Among the improvements on this highway is to be the elimination of a series of curves which have been a part of the road since it was first con structed years ago. There are about ten of these which are to be taken out and the road made perfectly straight. This work Is under way at present, forces of men being engaged in ex cavating for the new course which is to be arranged with heavy macadam. The old road is to be torn out and the base rock used for the base of the new course. This change will make the Slavin road immeasurably better than It is at present and will afford an excellent highway to connect lower Corbett street with the new Terwilligcer boule vard. The boulevard enters the Slavin road at a point about a mile and a half south and west of where the Slavin road leads out of Corbett street. Auto mobiles use this road in going to and from the boulevard. When the curves are taken out and the road resurfaced and a number of grades reduced there will probably be no finer stretch of highway in the county. Road Has Heavy Traffic. The Slavin road is heavily traveled by teams and automobiles, it being the main artery of a wide farming dis trict and presenting exceptional scenic attractions for automobiles. From the time it leads out of Corbett street it gradually rises up the side of the hills in South Portland, passing through rare forest scenery on one side and overlooking the lower part of the city and the Willamette on the other. After reaching the summit of the hills it pro ceeds almost duo west to Bertha Sta tion, from where it leads southward into a beautiful forest and farming country. The work at present is being done sear the entrance to the Terwilliger boulevard. A large number of men is employed. The portion which has been rebuilt indicates the excellence which Is to characterize the rest of the high way. In two places grades have been re duced, and in a dozen or more places Irregular stretches have been so changed that the road is both straight and level. Stw .Machine Tried Out. On the Slavin road the county of ficials under the direction of Super visor A. H. White are trying out a new scara'ier. a machine for digging up old road construction. The machine is re ported to be working well and is ex pected to help in keeping down the cost of the improvements on the road. Crushed rock is being hauled from the Taylor's Ferry county crusher, which is running full blast for the first time since a vast amount of rock was uncovered by the city's unem ployed last Winter. There is enough rock at the quarry now to last many years without further cost of removing the top covering of dirt. The rock in this quarry is considered of excep tionally good quality and is probably responsible for the exceptional roads which are being built with it. CAR'S EQUIPMENT COMPLETE Dr. Wright's Buick Attracts Atten tion of Californians. Dr. G. S. Wright, one of Oregon's foremost exponents of good roads and inthusiastic motorists, is attracting considerable attention by reason of the completeness of the equipment on his Bulck car. Dr. Wright now is tour ing California. The following is from-j the San Francisco Evening Post: "Dr. G. S. Wright. ex-State Senator of Oregon, is now on the way down the coast from Portland, accompanied by his wife, making- a tour for pleas ure and jogging leisurely along tak ing in the beautiful trip this route embraces. The doctor has probably the most novel and best equipped car with whica such a trip has ever been taken. "The car a 40-horsepower Buick roadster comes more nearly resem bling a moving van than an automo bile. Dr. Wright carries with him a complete campina; outfit, consisting of a collapsible stove with telescoping stove pipe, folding table, pneumatic mattress which Is inflated by the pump from the engine of the automobile, small gas stove and light supplied by the prestnlite tank of the machine, water bag, Amazon tent with folding rods. 100 feet of rope with double tackle. Two large combination- trunks are built on the back of the machine containing 'provisions and clothing Every article Is strapped separately." bpa Jyfm, i . isrrXt" - - - - : - ' - - ------ - - . - ; t , --ii MOTOR TRIP CHEAP Eugene Men Average 100 Miles Daily fcr $2 Gross. SMALL CAR IS ECONOMICAL R. H. Pierce Has Brush "One-Lune- er" Fitted With Electric Lighting System and Camp Outfit Gives Independence. Ecenomv In motorinsr Is SDtlv illus trated in the trip just finished by K.H. Pierce and N. M. Clem, of Eugene. Pierce drove his Brush car more than 3100 miles, at an expense, he says, of less than $2 a day. The full signifi cance of this can be had when the fact Is taken into consideration that he traveled an average of 100 miles a day. The averase day's expenditure includ ed both the cost of running the auto mobile and his living expenses. No less interesting than the low cost of operation is the fact that Pierce's trip took him from Southern central Oregon down the Coast route to Tia Juana, Mexico, and back up the val ley route to. his old home. This was all done In a "one-lunger" 10-hcrse-power machine. Fierce, s automoone ramonngs nave taken him over many hundreds of miles of Oregon roads, and through experi ence he is well able to compare the highways of this state with those of California. He is emphatic in his de nunciation of Oregon roads. "After motorlne over the fine high ways of California, it seems like a con tinual drive through uninhabited coun try to travel by auto in Oregon, saia Pierce while in Portland last week. 'California roads are remarkably well maintained, and they are fine roads." A complete camping outfit was car ried by Pierce, with an auxiliary gaso line tank, a storage place for oils and two extra boxes on the running boards. Camping Increases Pleasure "We didn't have to worry about keep ing up a schedule or making a town so that we could stay over lor tne nignt, said pierce. "We were entirely inde pendent and spent practically every night in camp. Campins adds consider able pleasure to such an outing. - Any one contemplating a long automobile trip should carry a camping outrit, n possible." with tne aaaea equipment, tne cr welched 1600 pounds. Several little conveniences not seen on small automo biles feature the Pierce car. It Is equipped with an electric lighting sys tem, designed and installed by its own er. He followed the same principle that the Cadillac Company uses. "My trip was a great demonstration I." of what one can do with a little car," said Pierce. "For 31 conseeutive days I averaged 100 miles, over mountains, through valleys, forded streams and pushed along over all sorts of roads. Few were the times I had tire trouble and such a thing as a balky engine or generator was unknown. "Taking a vacation in this manner Is the only way, and the cheapest, too, to have a real outing. There Is real fun In driving about the country if you are not in a hurry to get to places and are well provided to live in the open. It is not hard to keep up an average of 100 or 160 miles a day, even with a "one lunger." Even In the hot San Joaquin Valley, California, I made my average mileage with ease. Small Car Preferred. "For comfort, economy and pleasure there is nothing that will come up to the small motor car for vacation. The average man cannot afford the luxury of a big motor car; its initial cost is too large and the maintenance runs into high figures. But how is one going to get as cheap a vacation as I had? Bailroad fare would cost a great deal more; I enjoyed a 3100-mile trip at the cost of camping in the mountains for a month, or stopping at a resort for two or three weeks. - "California has made wonderful prog ress in the matter of good roads. For about 700 miles, after entering the San Joaquin Valley on the south to Red ding on the north, there Is a fine, level and almost straight road. Although the heat in the daytime in the San Joaquin is Intense in Summer, the morn ings and evening3 are delightfully cool. The roads were so good that I could lay over when the heat was oppressive and Btlll keep up my average daily mileage. "There Is a beautiful stretch of road for 40 miles out of Los Angeles on the valley road north. It is pared and kept in excellent condition. Boads through out the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys are fine. This eopditlon also obtains from San Francisco south to Santa Cruz." Among the towns visited by Pierce after leaving Eugene were: Ashland, Klamath FaUs, . Lakeview, Alturas, Chico, Marysville, Stockton, San Fran cisco, San Jose, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Salinas, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Dleso, Tia Juana, Riverside, Bak orsfleld, Visalia, Fresno and the Pa cific Highway cities to Eugene. CADILLAC PCT TO HARD TEST American Car Wins Honors From Royal Automobile CInb. For the second time the Cadillae motor ear has come to the forefront in London, England, in a manner some what startling; and certainly signifi cant. The most reeent achievement of the iDetroit-majle car was a remark able demonstration of the efficiency of its electric eranking device, a test which proved to be as spectacular aa the standardization test of some time ago when the parts of three cars were mixed up In three different pile and then three whole oars rebuilt from those parts. The self-starting test, word of which has Just been received, was made diffi cult by the fact that the cars used were taken from crates that had been stand ing on the docks for 80 days, and each car was started 1000 times. Both the standardization and the self-starting tests were conducted by the Royal Au tomobile Club, the most authoritative body of Its kind in Europa This Accounts for Sixty Per Cent More Horsepower Than Square Motor Is Figured to Supply, Says Hupmoblle Agent. W. 8. Dulmage, of Dulmage & Smith, Hupmoblle distributors, has an ex planation of the 83-horsepower rating of the new type of machine of this make, about which he says he has been asked often. The question as put to him was "why this car was rated at 32-horsepower when the American Licensed Automobile Manufacturers' formula-abased solely on the size of the bore would only give a rating of 18.9." As this formula developed in 1904 is a rough means of comparing the power of automobile motors and seems still to be regarded as an authority by many, a brief comparison might be Interest ing. "As you know, the A. L. A. M. for mula horsepower equals D square N divided by 2.5; where D is the cylinder bore in inches, N is the number of cylinders and 2.5 is a constant," says the'Hupmoblle man. "At the time this formula was adopted automobile mo tors bad strokes virtually equal to their bores, so this formula gave a fair idea of the power, but at that, even this was only regarded by experts as a vm.o-v, fftrYtmin nnri nfleful chiefly be cause of its simplicity. Eight years of improvements in camureiors, mosuowc and in motor details greatly increased the power of automobile motors so that the present A. L. A. M. rating expresses only about 80 per cent of the power de livered by the average 'square' motor. a tno.iv wa rflto nnr small mo tor, which is 3 inches bore and 3X inches stroke, as a zo-norsepower, al though the A. L. A. M. rating would i -- i . o ico A Annllpri to the long stroke motor the fallacy of the A. L. A. M. rating is at once apparent, as it does not take into consideration the length of the stroke and gives the same rating to our model H, which is 3 54 Inches bore and 5 inches stroke. "As a matter of fact, we get the oon-.a amlnsinn nressure on the piston of both our motors. But in the larger motor, the model H long sirono, un pressure has the advantage of acting on r -nritV, - lnnr T&dlUS. SO that it produces a turning effort equal to 1.63 times mat OI me Bmaiicr muiui. In other words, it has over 60 per cent greater pulling power. This pulling power is maintained to as great a num ber of revolutions per minute as in the smaller motor, giving at least 60 per cent more maximum power. "Finally, additional confirmation of this rating Is given by the formula adopted by the English Institute of Automobile Engineers after a test of nearly 150 motors. This formula gives our model H a rating of 33.6 horse power." - E FEDERAL E "Extra Service" 5 S TIRES jjj Will reduce your tire ZZ expense. Let us show you these dur- ZZ able high grade tires SI and explain the reason. ZZ Federal Tires are ZZ known everywhere as ZZ the tires of "Extra ZZ Service." ZZ H They deserve the ZZ 7 name. ZZ ZZ In all typos for ZZ Zi all standard rims " mtm WEST COAST SUPPLY CO. JJ Distributers, a 81-S3 North Seventh St. 3IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf5 Atterbury Truck Columbia Carriage & Auto Works, Agts. . 209-211 Front Street Phona Main 2892. General Auto Repairing. Bodies and Wheels Built to Order. Auburn Motor Car Co. ROBT. SIMPSON, Mgr. 505-7 Burnside Street A 7339. Main 2674. BALLOU 8 WRIGHT ' Largest Stock Automobile Accessories M. & W & & J. and Hartford Tires, Monogram Oils 80-82 Seventh St, Cor. Oak. Portland, Or. OTORCYCLES INDIAN AND EMBLEM BALLOU & WRIGHT, 80-82 Seventh Street, Cor. Oak M OWSER GASOLINE and OIL TANKS STORAGE SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC AND PRI VATE GARAGKS. S. D. Stoddard, Representa tive, 305 Columbia Bide Main 1476. CHANSLOR & LYON MOTOR SUPPLY CO. The Only Exclusive Automobile Supply House in 'the City "EVERYTHING BUT THE AUTOMOBILE" 627 Washington St. Seattla Spokane San Francisco Fresno Los Angeles JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. Northwest Distributors, EAST MORRISON AND SECOND STS. Phones: E. 3S87, B 1625. FORD The or that comet folly equipped Best for the money Ford Motor Car Agency B. E. Sleret, Pre, and Mr, E. 8tk and Hawthorne Ave. Phone Eeat MS. TIRES VolcanUln RatreadinK. R. E. BLODGETT, 20-81 N. 14th. Main 7006. APPEESON. STEARNS. RSO. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. DISTRIBUTORS ' F. W. VOGLER, President 617 Washington Street. Phones Main 7179, A 4959. PREER CUTLERY & TOOL CO. Headquarters for Shop Supplies and Automobile Tools 74 SIXTH AND 311 OAK STREETS Our Motto: "Quality and a Square DeaL" Western Hardware & Auto Supply Co. SEVENTH AND PINE STREETS. Vulcanizing, Hardware and Auto Supplies. Phones: Main 8828, Home A 2016. "The Is DIFFERENT from all other automo biles." "If you know the dif ference, you will buy a Cadillac." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington and Twenty-first Streets Portland, Oregon GLIDDEN TOUR WINNER. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD Tne Car of Proven Durability, Economy and Reliability. UNITED AUTO CO. 522-38 Alder Street. Phones Main 43S7, A 7171.