The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 2, Image 46

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seating capacity of S00, celebrsted It J
grand opening with an excellent pho-l
lopiay ana musical ii uni amino i
nesday evening. July 31. The house wal
VISltea oy lOUW peupitj uii uiai uti--
slon, from the locality thereabouts, an.j
were apparently wen iuacu vwm
The films consisted of "Nursle an''
nillgllli B i iiaiitivuu--i
Joyed by a large number of children Inl
the audience. -Mippery jum, me iuri
or a reformea criminal; iyoe rinr
Triv.ii ovhihitinff flowers of tries:
Rich Quick." a comedy that really madrl
people laugh- I
The residents ot tnat locamy arni
talnment, and the new house bids fairl
to become a popular locai inrmuituu.
1L V ' ' "X l't i -
TWO Attractions, of a character
widely divergent, will be staged
at the Kcilfg this week. For the
first four days Cathrlne Countiss will
be seen in "The Awakening of Helena
Richie." Charlotte Thompson's drama
tization of Margaret Deland's fasci
nating piece of fiction. From Thurs
day onwards everybody will be sing
ing "Lou. Lou, I Love You." or words
to that effect, for "Louisiana Lou," the
tensatlon of the Chicago La Salle 1911
J912 season, will be here. Musical
comedy, of course.
To follow Marguerite Anglin In one
of her favorite characters is no mean
task. To follow her successfully is an
achievement of which any might be
proud. Yet playgoers here need have
no fear of Miss Countiss' ability to present-
a characterization of Helena
Richie. That it will differ materially
from Margaret Anglin'3 version goes
without saying, after witnessing her
presentation of the slavey in "Merely
Mary Ann." for Miss Countiss shuns
the exact imitation of other stars, but
that it will be in thorough accord with
the creation of Margaret Deland they
mav rest assured.
It was in this play that Miss Countiss
made her debut as a star at the Ma
jestic in New York, a year ago last
September, when all the critics hailed
her as the worthy successor of Miss
Thursday night fun, melody, beauti
ful maidens, and all the paraphernalia
of the musical -comedy will be on the
boards In "Louisiana Lou."
Local patrons doubtless will flock to
see the show In greater numbers when
they know that Barney Bernard and
Sophie Tucker will take the leading
parts- Bernard was here eight years
ago in the old Marquam Theater with
his own play, and later in "Sleeping
Beauty and the Beast." while every
body knows the one and only Sophie.
U"or a Juggler to top the bill on any
vaudeville stage, he must be an ex
reptlon. To head the Orpheum bill, for
the ' first time in history, too, W. C.
Fietds, slelght-of-hand artist, silent
humorist and complete funster, must
be A remarkable man. His game of
pool by himself, has been praised.
"stffemat!zd," he would probably say,
as a veritable classic in voiceless com
edy. Interesting from a local point of
view will be the playlet presented by
MrsGene Hughes, a Forest Grove
woman, who appears In "Youth," a
comedietta built around a particular
lystem of remaining perpetually young.
The Latin Quarter of Paris will be
the scene of the headliner at the: Em
press. Six girls as models, who pose,
dance and sing, and three artists, will
be the performers in a miniature mu-
ical comedv production owned by Bil
lie Burke, and styled "Models of the
Jardin of Parts."
' An extra .added attraction is Hugo
Lutgens, a Swedish dialect comedian,
in parson's clothing.
' Jewell's Manikins head the pro
gramme offered this week for the ap
proval of Pantages' patrons. Miss Lil
lie Jewell has won praise at home and
abroad for the marvelous scenic repro
ductions these Manikins give. The
'.'Death of Cleopatra" and other tab
leaux are additional features of the
The Peoples. Star and Arcade thea
ters offer new bills of the latest films.
Hellig Star Who Appears as Helena
Ritchie Gives Way to Visitors.
Catbrine Countiss. at the height of
her success at the delightfully coo!
Heiltg. amiably interrupts her season
to give the melodies of "Louisiana
Lou" a hearing the last half of this
week. This condenses her- presenta
tion of- "The Awakening of Helena
Richie" Into four nights, commencing
tonight, with bargain matinees on
Tuesday and Wednesday. The extra
matinee" of Tuesday is a positive ne
cessity, for every woman has reveled
In Margaret Deland's fascinating fic
tion in book form, and the demand for
matinee seats is unprecedented.
"The Awakening of Helena Richie
is a blend of comedy and emotion, with
a gripping story of a woman who,
cheated out of early happiness by the
death of her parents and the brutality
of a drunken husband, has taken hap
piness as she found it.
Helena, nominally a widow, has
dropped into the quiet little Pennsyl
vania Tillage, with its roses, its frank
and peaceful atmosphere. Its conserva
tive notions. To Old Chester, Mrs.
Richie Is a widow of unknown ante
cedents. She dresses smartly and uses
much sachet powder; she knows noth
ing of housework, but lolls lazily about
upon cushions the while she reads
French novels and consumes large sup
plies of confectionery; she is at home
to few callers and she makes no calls
whatever. Her only link with the out
side world, so far as Old Chester seess,
1s Lloyd Pryor, who. posing as her
brother, is a frequent caller. Never
does Old Chester learn that the re
lationship is mythical.
It is Old Chester in the early "0s
the day of erlnoline and hoopskirts and
waterfall coiffures and a quaint, old
fashioned atmosphere hangs over and
clings appealingly to the scene. The
Inevitable moment comes when Helena
Richie chooses between her love-and
her happiness. In this instance she
puts away her lover who deser-fls no
better consideration rather than spoil
the- life, of the waif child whom she
has taken into her home and heart as
a matter of charity and whose unfold
ing life she has learned to worship
with the love of a mother heart denied
Its own. So the price is paid and so
she comes at last into the promise and
happiness of her womanhood as the
refined product of the social crucible.
Miss Countiss starred for an entire
season as Helena, succeeding Margaret
Anglln. Her success was great. It was
a veteran New York critic who wrote:
"Miss Countiss depicted the psychology
of the character with the certain
touch of an artist. This talented and
magnetic woman has appearance, tem
perament, grace, voice and rare Intelli
gence, and no star has more."
Sydney Ayres, a leading man of al
tlnction. will visualize the heartless
man of the world, with Roy Clements
as the dear old village pastor; Henry
Hall as the queer grandfather, Robert
Lawler as the poetic boy, John C. Liv
ingston and Claire Sinclair as the
young doctor and his gossiping wife,
Laura Adams as the housekeeper and
the local child prodigy. Mayo Methot,
as the strange little Doy, tavii, 10
whom Helena owes her spiritual re
generation. Miss Countiss resumes ner season ai
the Helllg August 11 in Clyde Fitch's
sparkling society comedy, "The Girl
With the Green Eyes."
Xoted Juggler and Humorist Fea
tured Oregon Woman to Appear.
At the Orpheum this week a sep
tuple comedy bill will reign. Looming
as headliner is W. C. Fields, a juggler
of international note, who is on the
poster as "The Silent Humorist." Fields
does not utter a single word during
the 10 minutes he holds the stage, but
it Is written In his stage record that
he keeps his audiences in continuous
laughter, so ludicrous are his feats
performed with commonplace articles.
A feature of Fields' vaudeville enter
tainment Is a pool game played all by
himself. Fields has the distinction of
being the first juggler In a long pe
riod to headline an Orpheum bill.
Next on the laughter programme Is
Mrs. Gene Hughes, a former resident
of Forest Grove, Or., who, with her
company of four, will present "Youth,
comedy written by Lagar Alien
W'oelf. The playlet Is based on the
reputed endeavor of all womankind to
look young despite age and newspaper
critics say it teems with laughter-provoking
situations. Mrs. Hughes has
been praised highly all along the Or
pheum circuit for her portrayal of the
rollicking grandmother. This Is Mrs.
Hughes' third visit to Portland. On
the two former occasions she appeared
at the Orpehum with her husband in
"Suppressing the Press."
Venlta Gould, who is prociaimea to
be blessed with youth and good looks.
presides as the mimic on the first
August bill. She apes stars of the
stage world. Including Anna Held,
Emma Trentinl. Madame Naximova ana
George Cohan. Critics have praised
Miss Gould s Impersonation or George
Cohan as perfect. She goes through
her vaudeville turn without profuse
use of facial makeup, she uses no spe
cial costumes and she Informs stage-;
hands in advance that she does not
require special stage accessories.
Rae Belmont ana Mattie nan win
appear In a singing, dancing and
piano-playing act which is heralded
aa brand new. Van brothers will en
tertain with, music extracted from nu
merous musical instruments, Including
a dozen varieties of the mouth organ.
Comedy also prevails in this . act.
Bradshaw brothers, who are fresh from
successes abroad, are billed to enter
tain with comedy contortions of their
own creation. 50tn aress in street
costume an unusual procedure for
vaudeville cortortionlsts. The Stan
leys will amuse with silhouettes, a fea
ture of which will be a shadow war-
i,,;;:.;i . JM ' 4L.
Since 'Lady Livingstone, the skating bear, first rode on the Blue
Streak at the Oaks Amusement Park last Sunday she has taken many
another trip around the fast course. The accompanying picture
shows the bear with her trainer, Charlie Webber; Dr. D. B. Boyd, her
owner: John F. Cordray, manager of the Oaks, and J. Petrlth, assist
ant manager.
The car was run to the head of one of the Inclines, where It was
stopped by the emergency electric attachment and there the photo
graph was taken, the picture man hanging to one of the guys of the
structure.- Tb bear was perfectly content to ride around as long as
the cars would go.
0zziS'Jana Zo tz "ace-
1 wyvaj rwMSmuf
shin battle thrown on a white curtain
bv the coUDle.
W. H. St James and his players will
aoDear at the Orpheum for the last
tim tonitcht in "A Chip of the Old
Pantages Offers Many Novel Fea
turcs on This Week's Bill.
London, Paris and New York critics
were unanimous during the recent sea
son in pronouncing Jewell's manikins
the greatest mechanical novelty in the
world and welcomed every performance
of the act personally staged and pre
sented by Miss Lillle Jewell. That the
attraction will be the bannered one on
a programme of unequaled vaudeville
at Pantages for the week commencing
with the matinee tomorrow at 2:30 sig
nifies the excellence of the; acts that
are being offered by Alexander van
tages, whose representatives are at
work In all parts of the civilized
Miss Jewell's manikins are the most
marvelous automatons ever offered to
the- public and they will delight young
and old. Featured in tne act is ine
Death of Cleopatra,", a scenic marvel
that has astounded the many critics
who have reviewed the production.
Many tableaus and effects are seen and
the act is remarkable In one way for
Li' - 'ft
the magnificent display of costumes
and effects.
Second on the programme. Max
Witt's four Southern singing girls Is
an act. auite new to vaudeville. Each
rlrl is a soloist of no mean ability
while the songs introduced are of the
sort that win instant popularity. They
are chosen from the favorite melodies
of the antebellum days, folk lore songs
and the popular typical ragtime airs
of the day. The members 01 tne or
ganization appear in gowns of the days
before the war and tney score a neavy
In the musical absurdity, "Piano
Fun-Ology," Williams and Wolfus will
appear. These select comedians will
score a big hit with their musical non
sense and the melodies introduced in
the Diosrress of the act are many of
the recent harmony hits of Broadway
for the first time rendered In Portland.
"Honora" is the vehicle which Miss
Francesca Redding, the noted come
dienne, has selected for her first sea
son on the Pantages circuit. The plot
has to do with the adventures of a
poor but titled Englishman whose chum
is the son of an American millionaire.
Each place themselves In remarkably
funny situations In their desire to see
the foreigner wedded happily and to
wealth. Miss Redding makes a most
delightful heroine, while Frank, B.
Borland In the leading counter-role Is
equally entertaining. The supporting
cast is excellent.
Raymond, the acrobatic Juggler, will
be seen in all his recent sensational
novelties, his feats being new and ex
tremely surprising. Not a moment In
his act lags and for that reason ne
makes his close a matter of regret to
his audience. The Pantagescope will
offer new animated events.
Frank Bush, the world famous story
teller, will conclude his engagement
with the performances this afternoon
and evening, supported by a bill of
unequaled vaudeville.
Models of Jardlns of Paris" Head
line at Empress.
Five girls, beautiful of face and flg-
urev will pose at the Empress Theater
all this week In the headline sketch,
Models of the Jardlns of Paris," a
comedy to be presented by Billy Wild
and Company. Nine are in the cast and
the comedians featured are Billy Wild,
who takes the part of Clarence Skin
ner, "a wise fish out or water, ana
George Gillespie, who appears in the
role of an artist who Is sailing under
false colors. "Models of the Jardlns of
Paris" Is a miniature musical comedy
In which an abundance of tuneful
music. Blathers of comedy, special
scenery ana Deautiiui cosiumes are
found. All the girls are pretty, say
newspaper reviewers, and all along the
Sullivan & Considino circuit the com
edy has been- praised as one of the best
Dresented under the auspices ot tsiine
Burke, owner of the production.
Huso Lutgens, the Swedish dialect
preacher, is the special added attraction
for the early August bill at the Em
press. In Minneapolis recently a news
paper critic declared Lutgens "carried
off all the honors of a big bill when,
as a gentleman of pious make-up and
subdued gesture, he walked to ttve foot
lights and there delivered his mono
White's comedy circus Is next on the
bill. In thla "Punch and Judy," mules,
supply most of the comedy. Trained
dogs and leaping hounds also appear.
White values his unrideable mules at
$10,000 each.
Then Constance Windom, a' beautiful
woman, will shine In the comedy, "An
Up-to-Date Invention." which the New
York Telegraph referred to as "one of
the laughing finds of the season."
Breezy dialogue and most comical situa
tions abound in the merry piece.
Jean de Lisle and Sarah Vernon,
musical comedy stars, will appear in an
act crowded with Jolly patter, dancing
and singing. The young women have
gorgeous costumes for every change In
their vaudeville act- Veroni Verdi and
Brother are the closing number on the
bill. Miss Verdi Is a violinist of note
and her brother is ranked high as a
"A Wyoming Romance" and Happy
Jack Gardner and Company in "A Close
Call" will be seen for the last time at
the Empress tonight.
Arcade Theater Puts on Four Rounds
of Scientific Sparring.
"The King's Power." a two-reel spe
cial, will head the show at the Peo
ple's Theater today. This Is a picture
which, for artistic acting and photo
graphic perfection, has never been sur
passed in this or any other land. It
tells the true story of the sacrifice of
a King's son in one of the modern
monarchies of Europe, and cannot fail
to grasp the mind of every beholder.
Another clever picture will be a "New
Cure for Divorce," on original treat
ment of an old and interesting theme.
"The Wood Nymph" is a pretty scsnlc, and furnishes splendid melody,
finishing out the show, together with
appropriate music to the films.
At the Star, "The Honor Squad" Is
an extraordinary picture, dealing with
the police of New York at a time
when the police of this great city are
charged with murdei- to stop the
tongue of one who knew too much.
"The Sheriff Outwitted" is a lively
Western story, containing much excite
ment, "Mysterious Flowers" is a ro
mantic drama, and "Imagination" is a
farce-comedy. There will be two mu
sical acts, and the voting contest will
continue during this week, closing bat
urday next. A bulletin of the standing
of the leading contestants will be kept
posted at the Star, and on Saturday
three babies will be made happy. These
pictures are being shown twice daily
now once during the 3 o'clock show
and once durlnar the 8 o'clock show,
At the Arcade Theater there will be
unusual entertainment In the shape of
four excellent pictures headed by A
Life for a Kiss," showing the tragedy
of an outlaw who laid down his life
for a woman's smile. "Farmer Allen's
Daughter" Is one of the best rural
comedy romances. "The Palm Garden"
is a beautiful scenic, showing hundreds
nt the most beautiful flowers and
nlants. Arthur Elwell will sing. To
morrow and for the rest of the week
Rud Anderson and his company or six
will present their interesting training
mil hnxtner act. with four rounds of
nnianttfle BDarrinfT.
The new Sunnyslde Theater opened
at Thlrtv-flfth and Belmont streets
Wednesday evening to a crowded house
and will be conducted in a clean, up
to-date manner as a house of family
amusement for the residents of that
district. The best obtainable in pic
tures and music will be furnished.
Council Crest Will Continue Showing
Them Rest of Season.
Open-air moving pictures, inaug
urated at the Council Crest bcenie
Amusement Park 10 days ago, proved
such a success that they will be shown
th of the season. The pictures are
displayed In the apple orchard and the
performances begin as soon as dark
ness has settled upon the big hill west
of the city. Open-air movies are an
innovation in these parts and tne large
attendance last week shows they are
appreciated. The management has
been able to secure the famous Mr.
Bunny, the well-known fat man, whose
movlng-plcture antics have "been amus
ing thousands for many months.
Last Monday night, when Bunny was
going through one of his regular night
ly stunts of being -treed by a dog, a real
live dog which had entered the or
chard with his master saw the picture
and making a dash for the film, barked
ferociously, to the great amusement
of the spectators. There will be a com
plete change of bill today and here
after a change will taice place di-
Manager Duchamp Is preparing for
special events on nights when mem
bers of various clubs will be his guests.
Th list will be headed by the Press
Club and then" will come the Rotary,
Ad, Commercial and Transportation
Arrangements are In progress for the
championship meet of the four roller
skating clubs which have made the big
rink at Portland's roof garden their
headquarters. This contest will be
held some time In the latter part of
next month and probably will extend
over four nights. Entries will close
August 10.
Theater at Thirty-Fifth and Belmont
Streets Has Opening.
Th new Sunnyslde Theater, at Thir
ty-fifth and Belmont streets, with aj
Music Bright and Catchy In Show to
Open at Heilig Thursday.
"Louisiana Lou," the brilliant musical
comedy success, which comes to the
Hellig Theater Thursday. Friday and
Saturday, with a matinee Saturday,
caught the public's fancy with the
brightness of its book, the easy rnytnm
of its music, the cleverness of its peo
ple and the general attractiveness of
ensemble that is irresistible.
It proved one of the biggest drawing
cards of the Columbia Theater season,
and It was trebly welcome In view of
the late general theatrical stagnation.
In fairly "shoots up the town" with its
exuberant vitality. It overflows with
healthy humor, fun and laughter. It la
youth and optimism running riot on
the stage. No pent-up I'tica of conven
tionalism contracts Its powers. It gives
free rein to Individual and collective
efforts to banish dull care with
sprightly lines, flying feet. Joyous
young voices and gladsome comedy. No
one cares much what It is all about. But
Its authors, the Messrs. Burkhardt. Don
aghey and Jerome, have provided a
tangible background for their elusive
love story of the New Orleans Mardl
The old French quarter of the South
ern city Is one of the most picturesque
spots in America and its quaint charm
has lost nothing In Its "Louisiana Lou"
production. Mr. Jerome's melodies are
up to the high standard with which the
public associates his name. Widely dif
ferent, but equally catchy, is his "My
Rose of the Ghetto," sung by Barney
Bernard; Sophie Tucker's "Puritan
Prance": the waits song. "If Love Be
Madness," and the rollicking choruses
of "Now Am De Time," "When Patty
Goes a Courtln' " and "Louisiana Lou,
My Lou."
Barney Bernard has never done any
thing better than his David Warfield
like Lidoffski. Sophie Tucker has Im
proved Immensely since her last ap
pearance on the Pacific Coast, and
Harry Hanlon, Helena Salinger and
Robert O'Connor return as old friend'.
The chorus cmes under the category
of those things which are widely writ
ten of but rarely In evidence good
lookinr girls, who can both sing and
dance and whose effectiveness lies in
their intelligent efforts to secure en
semble results. Bessie de Vole and
Eleanor Henry fairly shine as the In
genue and soubrette. and Leader Mer
rlam's musicians Justify his Chicago L
Salle fame as the cleverest muslial
corned director in the West.
Mr. Askln, who has sent this, his
original company, to the Coast, has
every reason to be proud of its accom
plishment. "The Girl With the Green Eyes." -
Cathrlne Countiss, for the fifth week
of her special season at the Heillnr.
commencing Sunday evening. August
11, will present a merry and season
able comedy offering, "The Girl With
the Green Eyes," one of the wittiest
and most brilliantly satlrlral works of
the late Clyde Fitch, and one never
seen by hundreds who compose the
present Summer clientele.
It is the story or a cnarming younw
bride, whose only fault is an Insane
Jealousy. She Is even Jealous of her
bridesmaids. While upon ner noney
tnonn in Europe she seems to have
acme tangible cause for complaint, but
it Is all through misunderstanding, an
after she has made life a burden to
herself and everybody whom she loves
she wakes up to the realization of her
folly. One of the big scenes snows an
art gallery at the Vatican In Rome,
with ita crowd of Cook's tourists. The
comedv is full of humorous situations
and resounds with laughter.
"Bub" of Bayocean Is
Real Old Sea-Dog
Veteran Boston Bull Never Falls to
Meet Ferry Yacht and Act as Es
cort to Passengers Going and Com
ing. BAYOCEAN, Or., Aug. 3. (Special.)
Visitors to Bayocean are first
attracted by a huge BoBton bull
dog which greets them at the pier at
Garibaldi, carefully sees them aboard
the yacht Henrietta, which acts as
ferry from there to Bayocean, finally
boards the craft and entertains the
visitors during the pasaage by select
ing for himself a place just over the
stern railing and proceeding to chase
his stub of a tall until he Is dizzy.
Speculation has been rife as to
whether' "Bub." as he is called, may
not fall overboard sometime, but reli
able information is to the effect that
this has never happened but once, and
then, not from chasing his tall, but be
cause he tried to get aboard after the
gangplank had been withdrawn.
"Bub" does not belong to Captain
Jenkins, of the Henrietta, but to a
landsman in Tillamook. He has Im
bibed a love for the sea, .however, and
is always a passenger on the little
Starting from Bayocean early in the
morning on the first trip, "Bub" makes
regular trips with the boat, landing at
Tillamook, going up the dock to see
that everything is all right, and never
falling to return with the first sound
of the whistle.
"Bub Is a great favorite with guests
at the resort, though he never conies
to the hotel, but haunts the restaurant,
where the people are especially liberal
and he never suffers for lack of good
food or a good place to sleep at night.
In days gone by "Bub may have
been a famous tighter, for his massive
head is marked with numerous deep
scars which indicate he has been in
several lively mlxups.
Suit Involving Seignorinl Rights in
France Holds Record.
PARIS, Aug. 3. (Special.) The Nea
politan Camorra trial, in which the
Judge has Just summed up at the end
of IS months, cannot claim the record
for its long duration. The longest case
on record is French, and was concerned
with certain seignorial rights, as to
which the Comte de Nevers differed
from the town of Donzy. The case be
gan In 1210, and was not finally fin
ished until 1848.
In England litigation concerning land
in Gloucestershire, to which the Llsles
and the Berkeleys both laid claim, holds
the record with 120 years. .
The Scotchmen ar the heaviet in weight
on. the average of all Brltnh subject!.
population or yaw. wmcn i approxi
mately three times as larg a the enroll
ment at Yai.