THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. AUGUST 4, 1912 10 DELTA IN MEET Association at Clatskanie Has Discussion of Work. MARKET PLANS ARE TOPIC JIetuber Look Over Crops anil After Having Watermelon Feast listen Committee Reports and Addresses Follow. i 1 1 ' The second meeting- of the Columbia Delta Gardeners' Association was held at Clatskanie. Or., July 30. The Co lumbia Delta Gardeners' Association Is made up of the purchasers of the vari ous tracts of land in the Columbia Delta gardens at Clatskanie. Any per son owning land or leasing land under contract is eligible to membership. They had a good attendance, although a "number of gardeners were haying. The members congregated and walked along the levees and looked at the crops. Each one asserted that he had the best crop ever grown. After look ing at each crop they met at the new barn of Isaac Bumgardner. John Wal grin had two dozen watermelons hid den in the hay. and after the crowd had eaten watermelons the meeting was called to order. Bai-kua Named President. Orrin Backus, who- was appointed temporary chairman at the first meet ing. July 3. was elected president of the association for one year. V. L. Malcom was elected secretary and treasurer and Henry Kratz was elected vice-president. At the meeting of July 3 a commit tee of two was appointed to visit the diked lands near Everett. ash., the PuvallUD country, the La Conner rials, the Government experimental station at Dellingham and the land at vhite Klv.;r Vallev. Washington. J. A. w aigrtn and R. R- Marvin were appointed on the committee, with J. A. Walgrin as chairman. A report was made by the chairman telling of their trip to these places. A letter was read from C. E. Lake, who has charge of the Columbia County exhibit at the State Fair at Salem, ask ing the association to have an exhibit at the State Fair. Isaac Bumgardner was appointed to select the various vegetables to be displayed at the. lair. A letter was read from Professor II. D. Scudder. of the Oregon Agricul tural College experimental station, ad vising that he would co-operate with the association In every way and would outline some experiments to be started next year. Committee I .ml. A committee was named to investi gate and submit plans for selling the products of the association, the idea being that all of the crops marketed should bear the name of the Columbia Delta Gardeners' Association, that they. should he packed in the best manner and nothing but first-class prouuvts sold. A salaried man will be appointed to stay In Portland to dispose of the produce. It is planned to gather the broduce in the afternoon, have It leave Clatskanie on the boat at 8 o'clock at night, reach Portland at 4 o'clock the next morning, so the produce will be fresn. The man in Portland will take orders from the various hotels, grocery stoics and vegetable men aid in that way the gardeners expect to get a bet ter price than usual for their products. W. A. Spanton. selling agent of Co lumbia Delta Gardens, of Portland, said: "Gentlemen, we realize that we have made some very strong statements to you regarding these lands. We have made them In good faith and we be lieve every word of it. Now, I want to ask you, gentlemen, if we have made these statements too strong? Can you get the results we predicted?" L. R. Parke said: "I have a better crop than I expected this year.. I did not move down until late and I did not get to plant my vegetables, but I have . the best crop of oats I have ever seen. Next year I will be In shape to show you whatT know about vege tables." John Kleger. formerly a florist of Portland, said: "I can't talk much, but if you will go and look at my crops they will talk for me." The meeting adjourned to meet the second Saturday in August. ii mm i i uJtrmwr, v. n t ii ii rumry.. - r.- - AND TO PLAY "PARSIFAL" McKlroy's Musicians to Give Concert on Mount Tabor Today. The popular Portland Park Band, W..'E. McElroy. director, will play this afternoon at Mount Tabor Park, on the crest of Mount Tabor. Mr. McElroy will present an interesting programme, including works of the best-known composers. The concert begins at 2:30 o'clock, and following will be the pro gramme: March, "A Deed of the Pen" (Moret); overture. "William Tell" (Ros sini): baritone solo. "For All Eternity" Mascheroni), Eugene Cloffi; waltx, "Dreams of Childhood" WaIdteufel); selection. "Macbeth" (Verdi), by re quest: intermission: "Procession of the Knights" from "Parsifal" (Wagner); selection, "Daughter of the Regiment" (Donizetti); Pizzicato polka and valse lento from "Sylvia" ballet (Delibes); characteristic. "Guard Mount" (Ellen berg): march, "Regimental Pride" (Heed). The popularity of the band is attest ed to by the large audiences that at tend the concerts. Friday night at Holiaday Park it is estimated between 7000 and 8000 people gathered to hear the music. An equally large number attended the concert Thursday evening at Peninsula Park, and still larger crowds heard the music at South Park way Tuesday evening and Washington Park Wednesday evening. MODJESKI JIAMES. PROXY Engineer Will Not Personally Esti mate Cost of Bridge Span. Word was received yesterday by Mayor Rushlight that Ralph Modjeskl, who was selected to estimate for Port land the cost of the upper span of the new Steel Bridge, has delegated W. E. Angier. one of his assistants, to do the work. Mr. Angler will arrive In the city next week, prepared to take up the bridge work at once. There may be some complaint about this work being done by Mr. Angier, inasmuch as the City Council passed a resolution authorizing Mayor Rush light and City Attorney Grant to en gage Mr. Modjeski personally. Whether or not the Council will allow an ap propriation of J2500, voted for Mr. Mod jeski, to be given Mr. Angier, is doubt ful. The plan was to have Engineer Mod jeski check up the cost of the upper span of the bridge. His decision, with that of an engineer representing the O.-W. R. & N. Company, is to be the basis on which the rental of the bridge by the city will be determined. The plan is for the city to pay S per cent of the amount, less $18,000. which has been proposed as the share of the streetcar company for operating street car over the structure. .Dei The "kind that speaks for Itself when you speak or laugh. Dental work that shows-Skill, Finish and Durability. Painless Extractions Very Moderate Prices DR. B. E. WRIG AND ASSOCIATES 342V2.Washington St., Cor. Seventh PHONES: MAIN 2119. A2119 Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sunday, 10 to 1 SEVENTEEN YEARS' PRACTICE IN PORTLAND DANG E IDEAS VARY Public Men Discuss Public Pavilion Proposed. MAJORITY IS OPPOSED Reasons Advanced for Beliefs as Varied as Personalities of Men Advancing Them Few Favor Hall Plan. Varied opinions were expressed yes terday by a number of the Council men. by Chief of Police Slover and by Dr. A. A. Morrison on the question of the advisabiirty of the erection of a large public dancing hall run by a nrivRte individual. Chief Slover admitted the public Into a secret when he admitted that per- sonallv he was opposed to dancing. "For those who want to dance, or wno feel they must dance, or who have no religious scruples. I suppose it is an right. My Idea would be. to have only men dance with men and gins wiin girls; then there'd be no more trouble. In any case it is better to have, or ganized amusement with proper chap erones than to allow young boys and E-lrls to roam, about all over without any surveillance. I think the project would be satisfactory with proper in spection." - - Dr. Morrison was opposed to public dancing of any description. "I studied the matter carefully, as recorded in The Oregonlan, and cannot say that 1 favor the idea. In a large dance nan of the description proposed, it would be Impossible to regulate the class of attendants." Dr. Morrison had no ob jections to dancing In itself for people who wanted to enjoy that form of amusement, though It was not one which appealed to him personally. Strong opposition cama irom ttaipn C. Clyde. "Inasmuch as we have re fused to grant our own citizens a li cense for such a dancing pavilion I cannot see why others, people from outside, should be allowed to have one. especially so, as the Vice Commission has charge of the regulation of such affairs. It does not sound right to butt in on meir spnere 01 wura.. "Furthermore, the usual system in vogue here Is for a charge of 50 cents for the whole dance. If a man or girl goes out, they have to pay an addi tional 50 cents before they can re-enter. Under this system of Mr. Fisher's, as I understand it, he would charge five or ten cents for each dance, al lowing people, thereby, to come in for a dance, and then go out to get a drink, if they wanted to do so. That is an aspect I object to strongly, and, as a member of the licensing commit tee, I shall oppose the granting of a permit." So far the matter had not received sufficiently careful attention from John H. Burgard. Councilman, for him to express any decided opinion on me matter, though he thought it might nnssiblv be a arood thing provided mere was the most stringent police supervision. T-,,rthpr ooDositlon came irom urann E. Watkins. who was opposed to all large dancehalls. "I do not look on any large aauue halls with favor, and I am against pub lic dancing, ever since the halls were closed down some few months ago. after the investigations that, were mart The commercial aspect or me case is an additional argument against the erection of such a hall, lor private xnnrerns cannot be run entirely from a 'moral benefit" standpoint, no matter who is at the head of them. Allan R. Joy would have no odjoc- tions to the scheme provided he could be assured that it was properly regu lated. So far. said-he, he had not had the time to go into the matter suffi ciently to give an opinion as to the merits of this particular case- On the other hand support. was given the movement by R. E. Menefee. who: considered It a move in the direction of solving the amusement question. "Amusement of some kind must be provided for those who cannot go to private -dances or who do not move in society. Since the closing of the old dance halls some place for such recrea tion has become- necessary, though of course it would have to be run on the proper lines. If every care were taken to keep the floor under strict super vision it should prove a great benefit" Another opponent to the pavilion was William Schmeer, whose personal ideas showed him against dancing of. any kind. "It would be Impossible to tell what kind :of persons would enter the hall. I do not see how any one could be assured of the morals of any par ticular entrant. Womenr who go there cannot tell from a formal introduction what kind of a man their partner Is likely to be outside of the hall." SEWER CUT, 36 FEET DEEP Improvement Work on East Stark Is Most Difficult Feat. The deepest cut ever made by the city In constructing a sewer Is that which is nearlng completion on East Stark street between East Twenty fourth and East Twenty-sixth streets. The sewer pipe, which Is seven feet In diameter, is being placed 36 feet below the surface. The cut is nearing com pletion, the work being slow on, ac count of the difficulty in removing the dirt from the bottom of the trench. A system of elevators has been put in to do this work. The men who are work ing in the trench are protected by the walls of the trench being braced and boards being placed overhead to pre vent rocks and dirt from falling on them. In building sewers the city has often tunneled, but never before has an at tempt been made to cut a trench to such great depth. The huge sewer Is to be known as the Stark street trunk tube. It is to drain the districts be tween Montarilla and the river border ing on East Stark street. NEW AUTO TRUCK PLEASES Eugene AVell Satisfied Wth Exhi bition of $8000 Fire-Fighter. EUGENE, Or., Aug. 3. (Special.) Hundreds of Eugene citizens attended two demonstrations Friday of the new automobile combination fire engine and chemical wagon, and expressed them selves as greatly pleased with the city's investment of $8000. The engine was stationed on a bridge crossing the mill race and threw two large streams Into the air to show the power of the new machine. ; . The fire fighter, with Mayor Berger, arrived yesterday afternoon from Port land, after stops at Salem, Albany and Corvallis, and was at once surrounded by an admiring throng of citizens. Fire Chief. Will Hodes declared the purchase of the apparatus was the best investment the city could make. The new machine is housed in the central fire station and the horse-drawn com bination chemical and hose wagon that has been In use for six years will be held as a reserve; IT'S ONLY FOR THE CHILDREN Too often w e hear those words as an excuse for buying a poor mat tress. We beg of you don't allow your child to sleep on a hard, un comfortable mattress. There Is nothing too good for your little ones. Try a "Sleepwell," see what a difference plenty of sound, dreamless slumber will make in a nervous. Irritable child. The "Sleepwell Mattress" conies In special sizes for cribs and lit tle beds costs no more than the common kind. A Hoirie Industry Mattress THAT IS FAR SUPERIOR TO THE HIGHER - PRICED M ATTRESSES ADVERTISER BY EASTERN MAGAZINES. Delivered to You on Payment of $1.00 The Perfect Mattress so good we would like to send It to you on free trial: mo good that we really don't need to. Resilient, elastic, shape retain ing it comes back into perfect form after every night of restful slumber. Anoccaslonal sun bath the only renovating necessary. Best of tickings, expert workmanship. ' x MADE OK SII.K FLOSS AND COTTOX, thoroughly mixed In our electric picker. Made by day labor In our own factory. A Sleepless Night passed on' a sagging, lumpy mat tress may be instrumental in causing a direct loss to you of several times the cost of the "Famous Sleepwell Mattress." Nothing is more important than sleep, not even food, and on a good night's rest depends the achievement of the coming day. Many a mattress would lose a home if the dark secret of its contents were to be exposed. Do you know what's Inside of yours? BULL IS RULER ON BRIDGE Kenton Man Contests Bight, but Is Driven to Telephone Pole. v Because he was able to run fast and climb a telephone pole on a Peninsula North Portland bridge a few days ago, L. C. Wilkinson, ot Kenton, was able to escape the horn's of an Infuriated bull, which was holding possession. Mr. Wilkinson was on the bridge when he encountered the animal, which contested the right of way. The bull started " for Wilkinson. Fortunately there happened ' to 'be a friendly telephone pole near by. Wilk inson had never climbed a pole, but he went up it with wonderful agility Just as the infuriated bull reached it, and none too soon. He felt the swing of the bull's horns slice off a section of his coat tail as he went up the pole. The bull then held undisputed pos session of the bridge for some time until he was captured and Wilkinson released. Edwards' . Terms Are Best because of the treat ment accorded after purchases. Every emer gency or unlooked-for circumstance is cour teously and unfailing ly met. And, remem ber there are no easier terms than Edwards' terms. Two Room Outfit Exactly as Pictured Above $118 Old Time Edwards' Terms $10 Down, $2.50 a Week An outfit of exceptional merit Intended for apartments where wall beds and installed kitchen furniture obviate the necessity of furnishing anything but the living and dining-rooms. The Dining Room $65 Furnishings Include a solid oak six - foot pedestal extension tkble, handsome solid oak buffet with French plate mlrroT, four mas sive solid oak dining chairs and a genuine Brussels Rug 9x12 feet. The Living Room $53 Contains a solid oak library table with drawer, a massive Morris chair with loose brown cushions, handsome oak roeker up holstered In Spanish leatherette and arm chair to match, artistic solid oak book stand and a 9xl2-foot Brussels Rug. See Edwards' Hammocks o., i. . h md wn are readv with Hammocks, Refrigerators, Oil, cohol Stoves, etc., etc. Gasoline or Al- Victor Brussels Rugs " 9x10-6 FEET If you want a good rug, buy this one. If you want a better rug we have it, but not at ten dollars nobody has. Victor Brussels Rugs are unequal-d at the price. Pay 81 a Week. Trade in Your Old Cook Stove foraNewGas Range We are very proud of our Gas Stoves the new Relia ble make. If you have no money, we will take your old stove as first payment. Ring up Main 504 or A 2826 and we will send our salesman to give you an estimate on its worth. , PATTEEN, PRICE AND QUALITY 'Avill be found satisfactory and your promise to pay "a small amount each week or month will do, just as well as if you had the cash. !( s: i 1 1 3 AGENTS FOR MONARCH RANGES A Good Place To Trade 7-TT l ASenuq AGENTS FOR PEERLESS BIRDS FURNISH SUBJECT AUDUBON SOCIETY SECRETARY AVOILD CONSERVE HFE. T, Gilbert Pearson Talks to Portland Audience In Behalf of Feathered Tribe., T. Gilbert Pearson, secretary of the National Association of Audubon So cieties and president of the National Association of Game. Wardens and Commissioners, lectured last . night in the auditorium of the East Portland Branch Library on "Protection of Birds and Animal Life."' He was intro duced by William L. Flnley, State Game Warden, who told something of the work of the National Audubon So ciety, and that of Mr. Pearson, for. the preservation of wild birds in the United States. He said that Mr. Pear son was the foremost factor in the movement to save what birds that have survived the slaughter that had swept over the country for many years until this movement of preservation was started by nature lovers. Mr. .Pearson paid William L. Finley high tribute for the work he has done In Oregon, and said that his methods were attracting attention all over the country. Mr. Pearson told of the economic value of birds, and declared . . that many were ignorant of the real value of the birds in the destruction of insects that were harmful. He urged that boys be taught to respect the lives of the birds. Mr. Pearson told what the Audubon societies had undertaken to do to stop the slaughter of birds for the plumes through education and adoption, of game laws and establishment of bird reservations, nearly 60 of such reserves having been established, four of which are in Oregon. "The work of the Au dubon Society," said the speaker, "has been extending rapidly for the study and protection of wild bird life. The society urges the setting aside of pre serves for birds." Mr. Pearson condemned In strongest terms the woman who wears plumes. He said that one means for the propa gation of the work is through the in troduction of the study of .bird life In the school, and declared that, there is a wonderful awakening in interest In bird life. Toward the close of his lecture Jlr. Pearson showed a number of stere optlcon pictures of bird life on reser vations set' aside for the homes of birds, where they may live In safety from the hunter. At the conclusion of his lecture Mr. Pearson announced that work of wild life preservation will be extended Into Alaska. The address was given under the auspices of the Portland Audubon Society. FAST RIDING PERILOUS BREATniXG WITH MOUTH DAN GEROUS, SAYS PILOT. The announcement that Karachi, the.cap ltal of sclnde. Is about to double Its wharf accommodations calls attention to the fact that this city has become the chief wheat port 01 me DniiBQ Aiuyiic xjso,. . exported more than one million tons of 1 wheat. Driver Takes Life in Hands If Rules Are Not Strictly Observed, De clares Bob Evans. "When you're in a racing car at speed, keep your mouth tightly shut." This Is the advice given by "Fight ing Bob" Evans, of the Studebaker team, whose successes this year have stamped hlra-as one of the brightest stars of the game. And it is advice which will be indorsed by every ex perienced raue driver. "Keep your mouth shut," continues Evans, "because you will want to breathe now and then. "Opening the mouth "makes inhaling easy, it is true., But the extreme speed of a motor car will keep you Inhaling for a long time after you want to stop, if you try to do it through the mouth. The pressure will cram your lungs, mouth and air passages so full of air that you will choke and strangle. "We had . Studebaker-Klanders out mArntns last SDrinsr on the Santa Monica course, for practice. The wind was blowing 60 miles an hour, accora ing to the weather reports. On one straightaway we faced it squarely. The gale pulled us down to a speed of 75 miles an hour, where, on calm days, we had been doing 85. But 75 added to 50 the speed of the gale gave us a headwind of 125 miles an hour. Some wind! Why, the roar In my ears made them ring for days afterward. The pressure on my shoulders was greater than two men could have exerted. My cheeks pushed back on both sides so that my Hps hurt. "Charley Bamesburger, my mechanic, leaned over toward me and started to say something. The next moment he doubled up and nearly fell out. I thought he was sick and stopped the car as soon as I could. When he got through choking and coughing, he said he'd been through all the torture of drowning. "He had started to make some re mark about the weather. I guess, and pressure of the wind had simply in flated him almost to the bursting point. He tried to gasp it out and got more air jammed down his throat. He was frank to admit that 1 saved his life by stopping When I did. "Of course, that was worse than one usually gets. AH the same, you will notice that the only time In a blc road race when the driver and me chanic of a car do any talking is on the turns, when .the car Is slowed down. At anything more than 70 miles an hour a man takes chances when he opens his mouth. Above 90 miles an hour, the result is sure to be serious." Wireless operator In England must have a license and there are strict rules and res; ulationa to be enforced by those who ar conducting the experiments in this Una.