The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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Senate Authorizes $100,000
Expenditure for Citizens
Who Flee From Mexico.
Committee to Go to EI Pas-o , to In
vestigate Alleged Brutalities.
Bailey Says Deliberate Stove
Made for Intervention.
WASHINGTON. Ail 3. The destitu
tion of American refugees from Mex
ico now quartered in El Paso resulted
in the adoption yesterday by the Senate
of a resolution authorizing the War
Department to spend $100,000 in trans
porting them to such points in the
United States as they wish to reach.
- The measure was presented by Sen
ator Bailey and passed after a brief
debate. It will need the approval of
the House and the President before
the appropriation becomes available.
El Paso Auks Conference.
Members of the Senate received in
the afternoon a request from El Paso
newspapers to come to that city Au
gust 12 and confer regarding "affairs
in Mexico and plan to meet the Im
pending crisis."
The special investigating committee,
headed bv Senator William Alcen
Smith, which is to investigate the
charges that Americans have been in-t-Jting
and sustaining the insurrections
in Mexico and Cuba, particularly was
appealed to. Senator Smith sent 'orj
to El Paso that his committee would
visit that city as soon as possible, but
it would not be able to take part In
a conference there on August 12.
Bailer H-ra Deliberate Motive.
Senator Bailey said were it not for
the proposed Investigation by a special
Senate committee, he would tell the
Senate not only of brutalities suffered
t"y American refugees, but something
tt the experience of citizens of Texas
t the hands of the United States Army.
"There is no doubt in my mind." he
lddcd, "that there has been a delib
erate, sedate interest on the part of
certain persons to eforce intervention
jn the part of the United States."
Senator Fall, of New Mexico, was
idded yesterday to the special Investi
gating committee.
Madero Blamed for War.
Peace in Mexico Is impossible so long
as Madero Is In power, according to
Juan Didapp. representative here of
the revolutionary party In Mexico.
In making this frank assertion. Senor
Didapp said those opposed to the pres
ent government had plenty of money
back of them and would continue the
fight for years until the United States
would be compelled to recognize the
rights of the Orozco faction.
President Madero. who has failed
In his efforts to float a loan of 150.
000,000 or more in Europe or the
United States." said Senor Didapp. "fi
nally has sent his brother. Gustavo, to
Japan, evidently to see if they can
ft the money there. Officially Gus
:ae has gone to thank the Japanese
yovernment for participating In the re
cent celebration of the centenary of
Mexican independence, but I feel sure
there is more behind his long trip."
Promises Broken la C harge.
Senor Didapp accused. President Ma
dero of failure to keep his prom
ises, except to a few that benefited
nls own family. He raid Madero al
ready had spent virtually all the 162.
JOO.OOO that was in the national treas
ury when the government was turned
over to him by Temporary President
de la Barra. Not even the $15,000,000
voted for the settlement of claims by
foreigners had been used for that pur
pose, charged the Orozco representa
Rebel Leader Says He Is ot Ready
to Evacuate, Despite Federals.
JUAREZ. Mex.. Aug. S. General Pas
' cual Orozco said tonight that he was
In no hurry to eacuate this city in
face of the two advancing federal
armies, and that he would remain up
to the last moment so that Juarez
would not be unprotected. He says he
is In communication with General Inez
Falazar. who is at Casas Grandes with
more than loon rebels, and that all Is
quiet In that district. ...
Salazar began today to destroy the
Mexican Northwestern . P.allway . be
tween Casas Grandes and a point near
Madera where the federal army under
(ieneral P.abago Is mobilizing. This is
done to delay a federal train movement
north. When the federals under General
Sanjines, moving from the west, draw
near. Salazar and his forces will re
treat back to Juarez, Join Orozco and
proceed due south on the Mexican Cen
tral Railroad.
Tt Is probable that then the rebels
will move overland to the Guerrero dis
trict, west of the City of Chihuahua
and east of Madera. Its topography
makes it ideal for guerrilla warfare.
Federals Occupy Rebel Town.
MEXICO CITY, Aug. General
Sanjines reported today to. the Presi
dent that he had occupied Baviacora,
near Ojitos. after a brief engagement
with the rebels. The laconic character
of his report caused the President to
believe the resistance would be slight.
Policeman and Culprit Mix and Roll
Down Stairs Three Stories.
NEW YORK, Aug. 3. A policeman
passing a tall loft building on Tenth
avenue early this morning, heard men's
-olces coming from an upper flobr
and broke In to Investigate. In a
closet on the fourth floor he found a
muscular young man who Jumped at
him so quickly that they both rolled
down the three flights of stairs to
gether. The young man was under
neath at the foot of the stairs and
was promptly handcuffed.
A search of the lofts revealed a
great stack of silks and satins valued
t $25,000 packed up ready to be taken
The prisoner told the police later
that three other men escaped while ne
was struggling on ' the stairs. They
had an automobile outside the build
ing to use In carrying off their loot,
he said.
Two Antolsts Go Shooting on Sfount
Fitt and Fail to Return.
KLAMATH Aug. 3. Iost
In a driving thunder storm at the base
of Mount Pitt, on Upper Lake Klamath,
two tourists from San Bernardino have
not been seen since Thursday after
noon, when they left camp to go shoot'
Ing. Searching parties sought for them
in vain all last night and today. '
, The automobile party of which they
were members passed through here on
Its way to the upper 'lake last Sunday,
and they are only known here as Dr.
Lyman, a dentist, and his friend, Buck
ley, a real estate man. With them
were Lyman's wife, William Garret, a
Miss Nlckerson and two other men. The
party was understood to have started
from San Diego on a border-to-border
trip. -
Seventeen men are In the searching
party at work tonight. The heaviest
thunder storm seen here in years drove
them to shelter, when lightning struck
near them In the big pines.
The San Bernardino persons on the
trip ' from border to border, two of
whom were lost during a inunoer
storm on Upper Lake Klamath, in
cluded Dr. and Mrs.-E. H. Lyman, v.
O. Buckles. J. Gale Gentry and W. E.
Vardy. In the party also was Miss
Daisy Hartzell, of Los Angeles. They
left here July 17 in three automobiles,
Plan Is to Put Five Stembers Now
in Office Upon Circuit Bench.
Report Is Submitted.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. The five
Judges of the United States Commerce
Court would be retained In office as
Circuit Judges by an agreement
reached yesterday by the House and
Senate conferees on the legislative, ex
ecutive, judicial appropriation bill.
The Commerce Court could be abol
ished by the agreement and its work
turned over to the district courts.
The Tenate had proposed that the
five Commerce Court Judges be dropped
from the Judicial rolls; while the House
proposed to keep them as circuit
Judges, but not fill vacancies mat
mleht occur.
In this event, the number of circuit
Judges ultimately would drop to 29,
the number now authorized by law.
The conference report was submitted
yesterday to the Senate. It provides
for a modification of the civil service
term, fixing it at seven years. After
each term Federal civil employes
would be required again to qualify for
their places by examination or omer
wlse. Those now In the service would
be credited with admission to a seven
year term beginning next September.
The plan also contemplates the pro
motion of civil service employes on a
basis of merit.
Agreement on the agricultural ap
propriation bill was reported last night
to the Senate by Chairman Burnham
of the Senate conferees. The so-called
Nelson amendment was modified In
conference so as to direct the Secre
tary of Agriculture to select, classify
and segregate all lands within National
forests that may be opened to settle
ment under the homestead laws, ap
plicable to National forests.
Both branches of Congress made
progress today on the appropriation
bills now long overdue. The $116,000.
000 sundry civil bill containing the
tariff board provisions and other im
portant features was sent to conference.
Spokesman-Review Pressmen and
Publisher Disagree.
SPOKANE. WashZ Aug. 3. A dis
agreement between the pressmen and
the publishers of the Spokesman-Review
culminated last night in declaring
an open shop In the pressroom. -The
pressmen's union repeatedly has been
urged to make an arbitration agree
ment with the Spokesman-Review, but
declined to do so.
Thev contract offered the pressmen
was similar to the arbitration agree
ments recently made by the Spokesman-Review
with the Typographical
and Stereotypers' Unions.
The pressroom of the Spokesman
Review was manned with non-union
men when the presses were started for
the Saturday morning run. There was
no trouble and none is expected. Tbe
management of the paper haa advised
the old men that they would be kept
on the payroll for two weeks at full
pay. to give them time to seek new
University Professor Assails Meth
. ods of Teaching Children.
OAKLAND. Aug. 3. In a lecture on
The Process of Thinking," Professor
Warner Brown, of the department of
philosophy of the University of Cali
fornia asserted today that the modern
kindergarten absolutely is valueless In
the primary education of children.
"Time that might be well given to
the pursuit of knowledge Is dillydal
lied away In foolishness," he said. "The
chief object of education is to teach
the child habits of accurate observa
tion, clear discrimination and careful
Judgment. Against these habits, the
telling of silly stories, weaving and
block building seriously .militate. The
most pathetic spectacle I ever have
seen in misdirected education was that
of 100 little school children in a New
York kindergarten making - scratches
on pieces of paper as letters to Santa
Outbreak Growing Rapidly in Euro
pean Turl.ey.
LONDON. Aug. 3. Bombs exploded
In the market place of Kotschanna, 60
miles southwest of I'skup, European
Turkey, yesterday, killing or wounding
50 persons, according to a dispatch
from Salonlkl.
A dispatch to the Times from Saloni
kl describes the Albanian rebellion as
having resulted in a state of complete
anarchy. The correspondent adds that
the strength of the insurrection is
growing daily and that if the Tuiklsh
government should yield to the Alba
nian demand and dissolve the Chamber
of Deputies, the situation would still
be extremely critical.
Head of Snuff Company Owes Nearly
vptt- VfiR V An- a. Martin J. Con
don, president of the American Snuff
Company, who Is living in Memphis,
was adjudged bankrupt here by
Judge Hand in the United States Court.
In accordance with the recommendation
of a-referee. Condon's liabilities were
said to amount to nearly S, 000.000 ana
his country place at Pelham Manor,
valued at $300,000 was given as vir
tually the only asset.
Judge Hand scored Mr. Condon for
too generous family allowance, hold
ing that they constituted illegal prefer
ential payments. Mr. Condonxwas in
.... i ...j i. th. inMAi aiiitAlned bv the
collapse of the . Carnegie Trust Com
pany, of this city.
Expert Estimates at High.Fig
ure Average Yield.
K. W. Smith, of American Linseed
Oil Company, Writes Commer
cial Club of Plans to In
' crease Production.
Returns from the acreage of . flax
planted in the Northwest last Spring
will be exceptionally good this year,
according to E. H. Smith, of Duluth,
Western seed manager for the Amer
ican Linseed Oil Company.
Mr. Smith' was In the Willamette
Valley this week to Inspect the plant
ings that have been made under the
auspices of the company he represents.
The Illness of his daughter made it
necessary for him to leave for the
East sooner than he had expected, but
a letter was received from him at the
Commercial Club yesterday . contain
ing a report of his observations.
Visiting the planting made near
Brooks last April, he found It In ex
cellent condition.
Great Crop Assured.
"It has -developed wonderfully," he
says, "and will make one of the bent
crops I have ever seen. It will be
ready in about two weeks for the har
vesting, and unless I am greatly dis
appointed it will yield an average of
from 20 to .10 bushels an acre..
Under the auspices of the American
Linseed Oil Company, which has a fac
tory in Portland, 100 bushels of seed
flax were distributed among the farm
ers of the Willamette Valley last
Spring in packages of from 10 to 14
pounds. J. A. Mertz, manager of the
Portland factory, estimated that It
would return- from 12 to 30 bushels -to
the acre, but Mr. Smith's report indi
cates that the crop will be even heavier
than this.
About 5000 ' acres of flax . were
planted in the Northwest last Spring,
1000 acres . near Chehalis, 3000 near
Baker and La Grande, 1500 near Lew
Iston. Idaho, and 500 in the Willamette
Valley. Of these plantings about 4000
acres were seed flax and the remainder
was sown for fiber.
Price Will Exceed Estimate.
When Mr. Smith first came to Ore
gon, In March, to- arouse the interest
of the farmers in flax raising, he said
that the company he represented
would guarantee them at least $1.30 a
bushel, or whatever amount above
that figure the .price might reach. It
now appears that the price at the time
of harvesting will be nearer $2 a
bushel than $1.30.
The fiber from the fklax will be
handled either at the Chehalis mill or
will be shipped East to the mills 1n
Duluth, while the seed will be sent to
Portland to be handled by the linseed
factory here. The returns in Beed will
probably be heavier this year than the
returns . from the fiber, as the ma
jority of the flax sown was of a qual
ity that ran largely to seed.
The factory - in Portland has been
Importing from the Eastern states
largo quantities of seed each year, and
the flax Industry of the Pacific Coast
will have to be developed to propor
tions considerably greaterthan at the
present time to meet the demands of
this local concern. . The purpose of the
company Is to attend first to the seed
consumption on the Pacific Coast and
later to Install linen factories wnen
the flax fiber production has become
sufficiently large to assure a good sup
ply of raw material.
Linen Factory May Come Here.
The Portland Commercial Club will
collect samples from all of the flax
plantings that have been put in in
Oregon and these will be sent to the
company which Mr. Smith represents
in the East. "Also samples will be sent
to . George H. Campbell, of Toronto,
president of the Canadian Flax Com
pany, who was in Portland last Spring
making preliminary. Investigations
with a view to establishing a linen
factory in the Northwest.
Mr. Smith has informed the Commer
cial Club that the American Linseed
Oil Company intends to continue its
campaign for the development of the
flax industry in the Northwest more
vigorously than ever next year.
Anderson, of Minnesota, Asks House
Committee to Ascertain.
WASHINGTON, Aug. -8. "What is
beer? And if so. why?"
These are two questions Representa
tive Anderson, of Minnesota, wants
Secretary Wilson to answer. Anderson
asked the House committee on agricul
ture today for the answers and later
introduced an amended resolution call
ing upon the Department of Agriculture
for them.
Anderson's only curiosity Is to know
when beer is not beer. His constituents
raise barley, which they believe Is the
only grain which should go to make
up beer, and that other concoctions are
a snare.
Anderson recently got from the Ag
ricultural Department a definition of
beer, signed by Dr. Harvey W. Wiley.
The definiton was not given the force
of law by Secretary" Wilson, Anderson
says, and he wants to know why.
The Wiley definition of beer as set
forth in Anderson's resolution is a "fer
mented product made from a mash com
posed of barley malt and hops, witn
or without a small quantity of unmalt
ed cereals not exceeding 30 per cent
of the weight of the barley malt used."
Camp Benson Convict Work Means
Much for River Highway.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 3. Special.)
By the end of late Fall, if the crew
of convicts at Camp Benson and the
county road hands in the Wyeth dis
trict continue their work at the pres
ent gait, a passable wagon road will
connect this city and Cascade Locks.
The convicts, a portable railroad and
dump carts having been added to their
equipment, are making excellent prog
ress .around Shell Kock Mountain, su
pervisor J. F. Hendricks, of Cascade
Locks, will have completed the road
from Cascade Locks to the portion be
ing built by the convicts within- two
A stretch of about six miles of well-
finished highway is now built in the
west end of the county and will form a
part of the Columbia River highway
between Cascade sLocks and Wyeth.
Material has been within easy reach
and the road is constructed of the lava
and basalt rock, crushed by prehistoric
volcanic disturbances. It Is finished
with a covering of cinders.
. Spokane ex-Major Dies.
LONG BEACH, Cal.. Aug. 3. Frank
A. Bettls. formerly both Councilman
and Mayor of Spokane. Wash., and
prominent as an attorney In Washing
ton and Kansas, died here today. He
was 76 years old.
Spring Suits, One-Third O
r desire for good clothes can be satisfied here and now in this Midsummer Special Sale of
I Olir Hart Schaffner & Marx Fine Clothes. You reap the benefit of our semi-annual plan of
clearing out the season's stock. The quality of these goods, the style and patterns are the same the
only difference is the price.
Hart Schaffner &
Marx Suits. .
Hart Schaffner &
Marx Suits
Hart Schaffner &
Marx Suits. .........
Shirt Specials
$1.50 Cluett, Arrow fc C
and E. & W. Shirts P 1 .1 J
$2.00 Cluett, Arrow d 1 Ofi
and E. & W. Shirts P 13
Beet Sugar Industry at Salt
Lake to Be Eyed.
Government Inquisitors In Hearing
at San FrancJsco Disclose How
Havemeyer Got Independ
ents Into Combine.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 3. The Gov-
ernment attorneys who have been con
ducting the hearing- In this city in the
suit brought againsr ine ahici."
Sugar Refining Company under the
nntitiii.t inw. left last nisrht
for Salt Lake City, where they will be
gin the inquiry into me oeci
branch -of the industry Monday morn
ing. a i saf Attorney
James R. Knapp. of New York, said
.ha i,a 1,1 aarriAt would be in
Utah only three days. From Salt Lake
the inquisitors will proceea w
Havemeyer Actions Related.
t- i . v. n. ..I. rtf tho h en r I n c here
the connection between the Western
aa.a- Paftntnir nnmnn-nv and the HflV-
i.......... .
emeyer Interests was exposed and the
manner in wnicn mvumtici m
the beet sugar field and brought the
i,ia-a-.a,,, .nmniniM Into the com
bine was explained in the testimony
of several witnesses. iraoe remnuuo
in the sugar business in the Western
ii.u t i th. xri a.nTirl River also
L1CJU HUU 'luiife . . i
were exposed. Both Knapp and G. 5.
. . . . a .ham-
Dorr, nis associate, eipr-n
selves as satisfied with the depart
ments in the local hearing. '
Kor reasons which the Government
attorneys did not disclose John D.
Spreckels, who is one of the defendants
to the suit and the head of the West
ern Sugar Refining Company, was not
called to the witness stand, although
lie was under subpoena.
Secret File la Kent.
A secret file kept by the Western
f T1 . t I . Prtmnanv WAK the fill h-
ject of the interrogation of William H.
Hannam. secretary or mat company, a..
the final hearing loaay.
ITannom whA W Called bV the GOV-
ernment in an attempt to prove an
alliance between the American and the
r,n- arlniHtrVd that a
secret file was kept by the company, in
order to Keep certain .i
clerks and bookkeepers, but said he
he wirhh!.-, nnne of the correspond
ence sought by the Government.
He was questioned cioseiy as w mo
absence of letters and telegrams which
! J-'AirA-nmont ttttnTOAVfl 1 i V P d tO
II1C .-.. V
exist, but replied that he had produced
j V. ,,-1.1 In4
all tile corresponutrnLe -"um
after a thorough search.
Man at South Platte Runs Amuck.
Deputies Go to Scene.
nrvvim Aiiar. X. Word was re-
; t Tint nio-ht from the train dis
patcher of the Colorado & Southern
Railroad at soutn nane, a summer re
sort, that a man there has run amuck
and had shot and perhaps killed three
persons and then had set the hotel on
Telephonic communication has been
a... .fr a-, aina the disDatcher sent
his message the operator here has been
unable to raise mm. a onenn mm
deputies are leaving for the resort.
Ex-Mayor of Spokane Is Survived
, by Widow and Son. f
LONG BEACH, Cal.. Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) Judge F. A. Bettls, died at his
home on East Nineteenth street last
night after an illness of two years.
Judge Bettis was a native of Maine and
"S years old. . '
His life covered a long range of
prominent service In the Army, on the
bench and in legislative and munici
pal affairs. .
. Retiring from the Army at the close
Schaf fner & Marx
For Men and
Is the Way
Men's Hart Schaffner & Marx
Odd Pants
20 Off
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co., clothier
of the Civil War, he passed some years
in Washington, v. u.. in- mo prK
of law. He then removed to Kansas.
1 ha r- aavaml VPftTH aCtiVe
In politics serving In the Legislature
and on the superior Dencn.
Removing to the Pacific Coast he was
. a..ii.. o i Ti n M I m m ti and Mayor
of Spokane. He came to Long Beach
seven years ago. but aio not tane ncuvt
. n Kndn.Ga HfA hfiP&U86 Of his
health. He leaves a widow and one
son Judge Bettls was a n-nigni ;m
plar and a thirty-third degree Mason
and will be burled under thir auspices.
GoodThingsin Market
PEACHES, cantaloupes and watermel
ons seem to be the most plentiful
fruits this week. Peaches especially
axe of interest to the housekeeper with
her mind on the Winter's provision of
canned fruits and preserves. At pres
ent most of the peaches are from Cali
fornia (Elhertas and Crawfords), but
Oregon peaches are expected shortly.
The present price ranges from 10 cents
to 20 cents a dozen, or 75 cents to $1 a
Apricots are now about at their low
est price for canning and preserving
and are to be had at 20 to 25 cents a
basket. For "those who enjoy, sweet
sandwiches, and easy, wholesome, "fan
cy" desserts "apricot butter" is a good
Investment. Peach plums and several
other kinds of plums and prunes are
also available at 20 to 25 cents a bas
ket. Pears cost 15 to 20 cents a dozen,
and apples, of various kinds and prices,
are coming again to the fore.
The first of the crabapples, for jelly,
or preserves, or pickles, are now to be
had at about three pounds for 25 cents.
Pineapples sell at 10 to 15 cents and
cantaloupes at 5 to 15 cents each. Wa
termelons seem leBs plentiful than last
week, and the price Is a shade higher,
though in some places they.are still
offered at 1 cents a pound.
Of the small fruits, blackberries seem
to be the most plentiful, at IV, to 10
cents a box, or $1.60 a crate. There are
still a few raspberries and loganber
ries, at about 10 cents a box. Red cur
rants also cost about 10 cents a box,
or 12.25 a crate. Very good huckleber
ries are just beginning to appear, the
largest and best costing about 20 cents
a pound. Cherries are of course nearly
over, but there are a few Blngs. Lam
berts Royal Annes and May Dukes to
be found at prices ranging from 10 to
25 cents a pound. Diligent search may
also discover a few nice, looking late
strawberries, at 20 to 25 cents a box.
Corn Is becoming the most conspicu
ous vegetable just now. and costs 30 to
40 cents a dozen. Beans are about at
their cheapest, selling at 3 pounds for
10 cents. Eggplant is also lower in
price, costing 15 to 20 cents a pound.
Tomatoes are getting more plentiful,
and can be had as low as 6 cents a
The first okra has arrived, so that
lovers of chicken gumbo may begin lay
ing their plans. New also this week
are particularly attractive English hot
house cucumbers plump, smooth
skinned, and bright green, over a foot
long, and 15 cents each.
The appearance of bunches of dill on
the vegetable stands indicates the for
mal opening of the pickle season. The
tiny pickling cucumbers are still scarce,
but the larger sizes are both cheap and
plentiful. '
Colery Is getting better in quality and
lower in price, and the same Is true of
green peppers, at 10 to 15 cents a pound.
The vegetable list also indudes green
peas, Oregon Lima beans, shell beans,
new sweet potatoes, and the last linger
ing remnants of asparagus.
The fish supply is about the same as
that of last week, except for the pres
ence of hard clams and the absence of
lobsters. Crabs are again to be had at
15 to 20 cents each, and shrimps at 15
to 20 cents a pound. Salmon trout costs
1T to 20 cents, Chinook salmon and
sturgeon 15 to 17 cents, catfish and
rock cod 15 cents: halibut, black cod.
sand dabs, silver-smelt and flounder,
all about 10 cents a pound.
Poultry prices tend to be very little
changed. Hens cost 18 to 20 cents,
chickens 25 to 30 cents, and ducks 20
to 25 cents a pound. The best butter
costs 73 cents a roll and the best eggs
are up to 40 cents a dozen.
Armored Cruiser South ... Dakota
Breaks Propeller at Sea.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. The armored
cruiser South Dakota, en route with
the Pacific fleet from Yokohama to
Honolulu, broke a propeller shaft, ac
cording to a radiogram from Admiral
Sutherland. ",
The accident occurred last Monday
Young Men
We Price Them:
dOP- Hart Schaffner & QOQ QC
)00 Marx Suits piJ.OiJ
Hart Schaffner &
Marx Suits
All Blue and Black Suits
All Full Dress Suits Now
and the vessel Is proceeding under one
propeller. She Is expected to arrive
at Honolulu Sunday. If the vessel can
proceed safely, she will continue to
Mare Island, arriving about August 20.
Congress Delays Making $30,000,-
000 Appropriation for ex-Soldiers.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. Payment of
$30,000,000 in pensions to veterans of
the Mexican and Civil Wars is being
held up here because of the delay in
Congress of the pension appropriation
bill. Vouchers are ready for mailing
if Congress would agree on- the bill,
but It is being held up by a dispute
over the abandonment of pension
San Francisco Fire Causes Loss of
Approximately $100,000.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3. Thirty
two automobiles were destroyed here
last night in a fire that burned out the
body factory of Albert E. Lattimore.
The damage was estimated at $100,000.
With nine exceptions the machines
were privately owned. The fire depart
ment has no knowledge of bow the
blaze originated.
Alaska Fishing; Season Is Ended.
ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 3. (Special.)
George H. George, manager of the Co
lumbia River Packers' Association, re
ceived a wireless message today from
Nushagak River. Bristol Bay, Alaska,
under date of July 30. The message
stated that the fishing season had
ended, that health conditions were
good, and the vessels expected to sail
for Astoria about the middle of Aug
ust. The pack on that Vlver, Mr. George
says, was not up to expectations.
Relief for
No Hospital or Doctors' Bills;
Smf- nn GO
No longer any need to dras; through life in
the clutches of rupture.
No earthly excuse for letting yourself keep,
on getting worse.
No hlg expense to stand In your way. Ana
you won't have to take a single cent's worth
of risk. ,,
Think of that! You who have spent dollar
after dollar without finding a thing that haa
done any good.
Think of that! Tou who have been afralfl
that some day you'd have to risk the dangers
of operation you who dread the surgeon's
knife because you know It results In per
manent weakness or death about as often as
In recovery.
In the last 2 years probably more rup
tured people have b cured WITHOUT
operation than by all the operations ever
performed. ... . .
Cured without leaving home without be
ing In bed a single day without losing a
single hour from work.
Cured by the wonder-working Cluthe
Truss (Cluthe Automatic Massager) some
thing so remarkably beneficial that nearly
all feel better and stronger get immediate
relief after trying this truss.
For this is far MORE than a truss far
more8 than merely a device for holding the
rupture In place.
Test It on 60 Days' Trial.
tVe have so much faith In the Cluthe
Trues that we are willing to let you prove at
our risk lust what It will do for you.
We'll make a Cluthe Truss especially for
your case and allow you 60 days' trial to
prove .that It will hold your rupture secure
ly In place, when working and at all other
times that It will put an end to-the trouble
you've heretofore had and do you a world
of good. If the trial we allow you doesn't
prove It, then tbe truss won't cost you a
single cent. ' . .ai.
For your protection we guarantee all this
In writing.
Healing Takes Place While Yon Work.
We guarantee that with the Cluthe Truss
on you can do any kind of work, exercise,
take a bath or swim (this truss Is water
proof), etc., with absolutely no danger of
the rupture coming out.
You sea this truss unlike all others Is
self-regulatlng. self-adjusting; can't slip or
shift away from the rupture opening: auto
matically and Instantly counteracts every
one of the strains or sudden movements
which, with ordinary trusses, are almost cer
tain to throw the rupture out.
And. in addition, something no other
truss or appliance In the world does
It is made to overcome the WEAKNESS
which Is the real CAUSE of rupture
All rlftv long, without any attention what
ever on'vour part, tt AUTOMATICALLY
MASSAGES the weak ruptured parts
AJ U J1 1
Half Price
Plain Blues, Fourth Off
Wash Suits Half Price
Stranger Arrested After Taking
Painting to British Embassy.
Experts Are Puzzled.
PARIS, Aug. 3. Le Journal says this
morning that an unidentified man
called Thursday at the British em
bassy in Paris with a picture which is
supposed to be the missing "Mona
Lisa,'' the masterpiece of Leonardo Da
Vinci, which mysteriously disappeared
last August from the Louvre.
The man. the paper says, said he had
been charged by a person in London
to restore the picture to the Louvre
and asked the ambassador to Inform
the French authorities, saying he would
return Friday to the embassy. He de
sired to take the picture away with
him, but the ambassador refused to
permit It to leave the embassy.
The Ministry of the Interior was
communicated with by the embassy
authorities and sent experts to make
a statement concerning it.
The newspaper says that Friday the
man returned to the embassy and was
given the picture, but on leaving the
building was arrested. According to
Le Journal, a member of the British
embassy who saw the picture says It
was painted on an old wooden panel
and absolutely resembled the stolen
masterpiece, though It seemed to hln.
that the hands of the subject were
slightly different from those he had
seen In the picture of "Mona Lisa"
when it hung In the Louvre.
PANAMA, Aug. 3. Advices from the
nrnvinaaa nm that i ii t electoral as
semblies today unanimously elected
D.u,.rn t 1 . t-i-;i s; nrafiidpnt of the repub
lic for the term running from 1912 to
No Loss of Time from Work
Davs' Trial
And thl- manare STRENGTHENS Jum ai
EXERCISE trenKthens a weak ARM In
many casos m.Ke tne rupiurea pans
strong- and sound that the ruptur openlnc
Is entirely clo.ed and no sign of the X0J-
tfnr la,.
That la how the cluthe Tru ha iw
some of the worst casts ot riuiture
Amonir them men and women SO to 70
years old, who had be-n ruptured 20 to BO
years cured manv of thrm after every
thins; else. Including operation, had proved
utterlv useless.
iliiuK wine. iiii
utterly useless.
Get World's ireatt Rupture Book.
So that you can judge for yourself, we
want to send you a free book we have writ
ten a cloth-bound book of advice. Even
physicians who have read It pay It Is the
best book ever written on rupture.
It sums up all we have learned In 40 years
of day-after-day experience in me iuwpw
ful treatment of over 21)0.000 cases. It deals
in .imnle lanffuaife and Dhotographle il
lustrations with rupture in all lis forms
and stages; explains the dangers of opera
tions; puts you on guard against throwing
money away on things that can't stand a
fair test. . t
And It tells sll about the Cluthe Truss
how little it costs how It ends constant ex-pen-e
how It frees you forever from the
torturing harness which makes other trusses
so uncomroriaDie mo springs, oeit or eiunv
around your waist, no leg-sirapsi how you
ran try a Cluthe Truss '. aays at uurv
risk, thus giving you plenty of time to make
sure of Its wonderfu
:ui non
oldlng and healing
llaa In fhelr own words It tells the ex
periences of. many former sufferers glv-s
their names and addrrsaes perhaps you
Unnw Nome nf them.
Book sent In plain sealed envelope. Write
for it toiiay aon t put u on.
After reading mis onnK. you u Kmm m""
about your condition than If you had gone to
a dozen doctors. You'll know how to get Im
mediate relief -without risking a penny.
Just use the coupon, or simply say In a
letter or postal: "Send me the Hook." In
writing us, please give our box number as
125 Kaat 2d St.. New York City.
Send me your Free Book on The Cure
of Ruzsture.
Town .