The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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    il5. THAW DENIES
Mania for Champagne Perma-
manent, She Says Effects
Said to Be Dangerous.
Former Actress Says She Was Ac
corded Fine Treatment as Long as
Husband's Life Was In Danger.
She Fears Him if Free.
NEW YORK, Aug. 3. (Special.) In
a statement given to a New York
paper tonight Evelyn Nesbtt Thaw,
wife of Henry Kendall Thaw, who
killed Stanford White, told for the first
time many facts bearing on the trag
edy and announced her reasons for be
lieving her husband should be confined
permanently in the hospital for tile
criminal insane at Matteawan.
"The public has an idea I have
turned against my husband and that
some hatred for him or his family in
duced me to testify against him," said
Mrs. Thaw. -I didn't testify against
him, and I have no hatred; I pity, him.
Twice I have testified, not against him,
but against his release. I want him
held in Matteawan as long as I live,
for he has threatened to kill me should
he be liberated."
"Do you think he would ultimately
kill you?" was asked.
Rennlt of Drinking Fearrd.
"He would if he drank champagne,"
she replied, "but not if he remained
sober. You could no more keep him
from champagne than you could keep
a fish from water. That is his great
trouble. He won t drink ordinary liq
uor, but he will stick to champagne,
which inflames his mind in a most
curious way. Just a little champagne
and he becomes an entirely different
individual. When sober Harry was
cowardly in his physical dealings with
men, but let him drink a few glasses
of wine and he would immediately
Imagine he was the real and only white
hope. If this were to happen now he
would have no hesitancy in fighting
Jack Johnson. As a result of such
fistic delusions he became embroiled in
trouble and was nearly whipped."
"Don't you think Thaw could be re
leased provided he was placed in
charge of some one who could control
Thaw Lair Into Himself.
"No," Mrs. Thaw answered. "There
are two reasons why he couldn't. In
the first place the man or woman does
not live who could control him. In the
second, he would immediately take to
drink. Harry is a law unto himself.
He makes his own rules and remakes
them to changed conditions or to meet
the exigencies of his whims. I could
do nothing with him, yet he profesBed
deep love for me."
Mrs. Thaw was asked concerning any
arrangement made with her prior to
Harry's first murder trial in 1907.
"No money or other offer was made
me," said Mrs. Thaw. "Just before the
trial D. 1L Delmas, Harry's chief coun
sel, came to me and said: "Mrs. Thaw,
In the palm of your hand you. hold the
life of Harry Thaw, and he is your
husband. It remains for you to save
him or lose him. If you d not testify
for him the element of sympathy vill
be lacking. If you do not go on the
stand in his behalf, he will be electro
cuted.' Wife Agrreea to Tell All.
"He told me also to think It over,
and I did. It meant my utter ruin and
"I told Mr. Delmas I would go on
the stand and tell all, all. all, all, down
to the last degrading word. My hus
aand could have my life to use to his
Dwn ends.
"For a time afterwardr flowers came
to me daily from the Thaws and with
them tender messages. There were
more substantial gifts. My rent was
oaid and I received $1000 a month. If
t ran up bills they were paid wltho' t
"This went on until Thaw was sent
:o Matteawan. Then the Thaws had
no further use for me."
Mechanic Tries to Drive Auto
Through Doors but Falls.
HOOD KIVER. Or., Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) Charles Rose, a mechanic of thiy
city, broke into the garage of the
Auto Livery Company yesterday, and
cranking up one of the machines at
:empted to drive an automobile through
'a closed doorway.
The attendant at the garago had
stepped out on an errand, ebout a
block away. When he returned he
found the machine, with its fenders
beet and twisted. bucking against
one of the stone walls of the building.
Not having been able to negotiate the
closed door. Rose had given the steer
ing gear a turn and had run the car
into the wall. The Impact threw him
from the car. He sustained no injury.
The machine was abandoned with its
engine going. Rose was thought to be
Fishermen of That Section Would
Stock Streams With Trout Fry.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) w. L. Clark. Judge A. J. Derby
and C. K. Marshall, three of Hood
River's most enthusiastic fishermen,
met today with Secretary Ray E. Scott,
of the Commercial Club, hoping to
devise some means of securing the
county's pro rata share of the young
trout at the hatcheries, awaiting at
tribution in streams of the state.
A number of the best trout streams
of this county are sadly in need of
stocking. The best fishing is only to
be had on branches of the Hood River,
at remote distances from the city. Local
fishermen are eager to secure a large
number of the fry for brooks near the
Klamath Falls Lodge of Elks Would
Find Tourists.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Aug. 3. Dr.
E. H. Lyman and V". O. Buckley, the
San Bernardino tourists who were lost
In a storm on the side of Mount Pitt,
which they had attempted to scale on
Thursday, are still unheard from, and
the local lodge of the B. P. O. Elks Is
arranging to search for the lost men.
They are without provisions, and last
night's storm was so severe that it Is
feared even if they are alive they are
in a serious condition.
R. E. Hunsaker organized a party of
tea men at bis camp in the Lake of
should be made without
delay, and should pro
vide for the definite and
specific distribution of
your estate as you re
quire it.
The best executor Is
the Trust Company. "We
will aid you in this mat
ter at any time called
upon. Our service is
most efficient and eco
nomical, and absolutely
Merchants Savings
& Trust Company
Sixth and Washington Streets
the Woods and left last night for the
search, expecting to be gone but a few
hours and no report has been received
from him. The telephone to the ran
ger station at the lake is down.
Home Xear Orcnco Invaded and $22
Is Stolen.
OREN'CO. Or., Aug. 3. About 3
o'clock Thursday afternoon two un
known men entered the home ot J. M.
Wickhelser. one mile northeast of
Orenco, and finding no one at home
except Mrs. Wickhelser and her 2-year-old
baby, they demanded money. The
woman refused to give it to them, when
they choked her and hurled her to the
floor. She struck a chair in falling and
became unconscious.
The men searched the house, finding
$19 belonging to a boarder and $3 be
longing to Mr. Wickhelser. When Mrs.
Wlbi.(aal wnVlTA mn ftfi OU SHeSS fthe
started to walk to Orenco, carrying
her small child, nnisning ine irip m
the buggy of a neighbor, who called
Dr. W. B. Cunningham to attend her.
t. n'tiB fnimH nhA was badlv bruised.
and her neck showed signs of severe
choking, and she is also suirering irom
nervous shock.
Representative Henry Says Colonel
Is Mad Mullah of Politics.
WASHiNT.TflK Ane. a. Reoresenta-
tive Henry, of Texas, Democrat, In a
encash in tha VTousa todav attacked
Colonel and President Taft.
He referred to the former as "Theo
dore Africanus, the Mad Mullah of
American politics," and declared tnai
the ex-President, through his Admin
istration, had been In league with "big
Mr. Henry assailed Mr. -Taft's record
on the tariff, and declared he had
"shown his contempt for labor."
via riofAnriAri Ooveraor Wilson's
career and writings, and extolled his
It is not a simple matter to sell 23
carloads of pianos in addition to the
regular quota, but we're going to do it.
First of all. we're going to sell these
pianos at the lowest possible prices;
secondly, we are going to make terms
of payment extremely easy (some only
1.25 a week), and third, we're going
to furnish with each one of these ln
ments a term of free music lessons. A
purchaser of one of ..iese pianos has a
right to select a teacher from the great
list of names of teachers in this town
to whom we have sold and who are
using our pianos. See our announce
ment on page 11, section 1. of this issue.
Barks Herbs
That have great medicinal power, are
raised to their highest efficiency, for
purifying and enriching the blood, as
they are combined in Hood's Sarsa
parllla. 40,366 testimonials received by actual
count In two years. Be sure to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsataba.
Effective Home Remedy
for Tuberculosis
It ts a serious matter when the lungs are
affected. A trip away or to a sanatorium is
expensive, and involves separation from
home. Soma are benefited, but none can
safely return. Eckman's Alterative ts effec
tive no leaving home necessary. For ex
ample: 231 6. Atlantic av,. Haddonfleld, X. J.
"Gentlemen: In the Fall of 1&05 I con
tracted a very severe cold, which settled on
my tunics, and my physician told me I must
go to California Immediately. At this time
I was advised to take Eckman's Alterative.
I stayed at home and commenced taking it
the last week in October. I began to im
prove and the first week In January. 1906.
I resumed my regular occupation, being fully
restored to health. It is now five years since
my cure has been effected, and I cannot
praise Eckman's Alterative too highly."
(Signed) W. M. TATEM.
Eckman's Alterative hi effective In Bron
chitis. Asthma. Hay Fever, Throat and Lung
Troubles and in upbuilding the system. Ioes
not contain poisons, opiates or habit-forming
drugs. For sale by The Owl Irug Co. and
other leading druggists. Ask for booklet
telling of recoveries and write to Eckman
Laboratory, Philadelphia, Fa., for additional
Get a Little
You know what it is, don't yout
No ! Well see full explanation,
page 6, section 1.
Principal Portland Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns and Publications, All Styles and Sizes, at
lOoand 15c-Home Journal Style Book 25c With 15o .Pattern Aree Jaaii uraers jrompxiy xmeu
Women's Gauze Hose, 25c Grade 17
A sale of more than usual importance.
500 dozen pairs of Women's Extra
Fine Gauze Hose, full seamless and
with double garter top, double sole
and high-spliced heel; all sizes -1 j
Sy2 to 10, best 25c grade 1 C
The Most in Value, The Best in Quality
White Silk Hose, 75c Grade, 4S
Just received a delayed shipment 'of
Women's White Silk Hose, made with
double lisle garter top, double toe aud
high-spliced heel; all sizes Sy2 to 10;
regular 75c grade priced to O
close out immediately at .... r-''
id-Summer's Greatest Savings
Our clean-cut policy of closing out by cleaning up all stocks on hand at the end of each six months
business is a SAFE, SURE, CERTAIN policy directly in line with the expansion of trade that treads
on the heels of progress. The last six months' sales were greater by half in this greater store than a
year ago thev go forward by leaps' and bounds even now our selling space is altogether too re
stricted. No pen is necessarv to figure the savings the few we quote are representative ot all:
Sale of New Blazer Sweaters for Women
See Our Morrison Street Window The most striking features of these Nobby Sweater Coats are
the up-to-dateness of style and their excellent quality and low prices. The assortment includes the
Fancy Blazer Sweaters in Norfolk and coat styles, both plain and fancy weaves, in the new plain
shades and attractive stripes. Fine all-wool Sweaters that any woman will be pleased with are
marked for this sale at a positive saving.
$6.50 grade at $5.90 $8.50 grade at $7.90 $10.00 grade at $8.90
Extraordinary Half-Price
Embroidery Remnant Sale
Thousands of Embroidery Remnants in V2 to 4- A ff Tfl t
yarn lenguis aim xii au wnima nm - m
All this season's goods and all the most desired
Datterns. Your choice at
ft B
ent. bv far. that has ever been conducted
by this store. There never has been, to our knowledge, a sale m this city that
could claim a parallel never equaled in variety of patterns, never equaled m
character of materials and workmanship and never equaled in lowness of price.
Here's a Few of the Kinds Yon May Choose From:
Nainsook and Swiss Baby Sets with 3
to 12-inch Edges Fine Cambric and
Nainsook 18-inch Corset Cover Em
broidery 27-inch Flouncings suitable
for infants and children's dresses 45
inch Full-Length Flouncings in beauti-
U Half Regular Remnant Prices As first choice is best choice, we sug- yU
V2 gest an early visit. No phone orders. None sent on approval or CO.
D. Don't let anything keep you away from this great saving sale. Be here when
the doors open.
ful patterns 24-mch Flouncing and
All-over Embroideries suitable for most
any purposer 3 to 12-inch Embroidery
Edges and Insertions in -a wonderful
Men's Bathing Suits
at Clearance Prices
A short season has caused short prices in Bathing Suits
and accordingly all lines have been reduced. You have
choice froni a dozen styles, including all sizes and the
best colors. .
$1.00 grade priced at 85
$1.50 grade priced at SI. 15
$2.50 grade priced at $1.98
$3.00 grade priced at $2.49
Men's Suspenders at Half Price
A special half-price sale of Men's Suspenders, made
from wide or n?rrow lisle web with kid ends to match,
shown in neat colorings; the kind always - Otf.
sold at 50c, this sale at 6J1,
Men's Mohair Shirts, $2.00 Grade at $1.49
Fine custom-made Mohair Shirts with soft button
down collar, faced sleeve with two buttons. They
come in plain cream and white and in all f -1 A Q
sizes; regular $2 grade, sale price P
Men's 5c Linen-Finish Cambric A
Handkerchiefs at only tmt
1500 Prs. Women's
Oxfords and SHoes
Summer Styles in Vici Kid
Patent Colt, Gun-dj-g QQ
metal, $3.50 Val.P-1-0
In the Basement We place on special sale about 1500
pairs of Women's Shoes and Oxfords at far below real
worth. The assortment includes a full variety of
styles in the most fashionable leathers vici kid, gun
metal and patent colt. Especially attractive are the
styles with high-knob toe. All sizes and widths in
regular $3.00 and $3.50 grades. qo
Your choice at . . . . . .P 1
Misses' and Children's Shoes and Pumps in good
styles, both tan and black in button and d1 AQ
strap styles; values to $2.25 at V 1
Men's Velour and Box Calf and Patent Colt Shoes in
this season's styles; all sizes; QQ
values to $4.00 at
anufaeturer's Overstock
of Women's Suits, Reduced
High-grade Suits of pure wool serges and mixtures, shown
in neat tailored and Norfolk styles. Regular $20 to $25
values. Choice this sale at
IoVh'Utt on1 cttIp ATP ho pxtraordinarv features that lend an unusual in-
terest to this announcement which has to do with sacrifice prices on this line ot
Women's Suits. A sale which involves the newest styles and thorough workman
ship High-grade Suits shown in plain tailored and Norfolk styles in white, navy,
black, brown, gray, tan and a large assortment of light and dark mixtures. Every
garment guaranteed pure wool and neatly lined with Skinner's 1 O 00
co -fin T?nrni lor .490 nnrl .495 values, tomorrow at half rjrice .r A vr.W
OCt LXXA. -L.IV Uiui ---'-- ' 7 -
Bathing Caps . 15, 25, 35 and 65
Women's Waists at
65S 95S $1.25 to $5.00
Never in seasons past have we shown
such a great array of Women's Waists.
They are here in the latest styles and
designs. Lawn Waists in low and high
neck, poplins and marquisettes in beau
tiful patterns, also racquet and middy
Blouses in the best styles. We lead in
styles., quality and values.
Bathing Shoes 35 and 65
Bathing Suits
$1.75, $1.98, $2.50 to $4.50
We are now showing a very complete
assortment of Women's Bathing Suits,
made of good quality mohair and other
suitable materials. About fifty differ
ent styles for you to select from. They
come in detachable skirt, one-piece
style, also panel back and front. Priced
$1.75, $1.98, $2.50 to $4.50.
A Grea
42-inch Voile Marquisette; best 75c quality, S9c
priced at, the yard
For tomorrow, in the Dress Goods Section, we have arranged a spe
cial underpriced sale of about 500 yards of. Marquisette Voiles; a
fine sheer fabric so much in demand for evening wear and one that
makes up beautifully, made of pure Egyptian yarn and shown m all
the correct new shades. Comes full 42 inches wide and KQr
All-Wool Challies, 50 Yard
Just opened a new shipment of
these popular fabrics, including
over a hundred pretty patterns
in light and dark colorings, neat
small rings, dots, figures, stripes
and floral designs; soft clinging
Challies, all pure wool, usual
65c quality, our Cnp
price ... JJK,
All-Silk Messalines, 75 Yard
A new lot of extra heavy All-Silk
Messalines, shown in ful variety
of the wanted plain shades, in
cluding cream and black. Comes
full 27 inches wide and fully
worth $1.00 a yard, specially
priced for this sale 7EJr
only at....... oc
est 15c Percales
Go at 10c Per Yard
6000 yards of manufacturer's short lengths of Percales on sale to
morrow at manufacturer's cost. The assortment includes all want
ed plain shades and the most desired patterns suitable for shirts,
wrappers, house gowns and children's dresses. Best quality 36-inch
Percales and 32-inch Imperial Chambra3s that are sold f
every wxieie a.i j.jk a. jom, - - j
At 25 Yard New Wool-Finished
Suitings, shown in a full
assortment of very ' attractive
styles in neat dark colorings. It
is a wash fabric that is sure to
At 25 Yard New Century
Percale, a beautiful new fabric
for shirts, skirts, waists and
dresses. Comes in pretty striped
styles in medium and dark color
ings. Fast colors against sun
and washing.
please you. .
New shipment of Baby Blankets, priced 1 OC
at 60, 85 to ..: P.0
Brown Dress Linens, specially prjeed
at 25S 35 to
White Dress Linens, specially priced
at 50, 60 to