THE SUNDAY OREGOyiAy. POKTXAXD. AUGUST 4. 191. JURY IN DARROW CASE Ifl STREETS Court Held on Corners, in Sa loon and in Rooming-House. SCENE OF ARREST VISITED Judge, Prisoner. Jurors, Bailiffs and Attorneys Go by Auto to Points Mentioned in Connection With Bribes. LOS ANGELES. Aug. 3. In the brib ery case of Clarence S- Darrow, a ses sion of the court was held on three corners in the business section of the city. Inside of a saloon and on the . third floor of a rooming house. Shortly after court opened, the jury was conveyed in automobiles to the scene of the alleged bribery of George X. Lockwood, talesman, and at Third and Los Angeles streets, the place where the bribe money was said to have been passed, Judge Hutton recon vened court, in the presence of hun dreds of curious spectators attracted to the spot by the unusual scene. Judge Alone Addresws Jury. By stipulation of opposing counsel. Judge Hutton alone addressed the jury as it visited the various points in the vicinity mentioned in the evidence, the court reporter standing at his elbow recording his remarks, as well as the frequent suggestions of counsel. A half doren. bailiffs guarded the jury as the itinerant session of court was held and at each Ftop newspaper photog . raphers mounted wagons and automo biles to take plcturee. The saloon in which detectives waited for the appearance of Bert H. Franklin, the confessed briber, was visited and the patrons ejected while a brief ses sion was held, the bartender removing the evidence of recently served re freshments. Juror Visit Scene of Arrest. After a visit to the rooming-house a block distant, from the window of which Detective Samuel Browne, so he testified, watched, the meeting between Lockwood and C. E. White, the "stake holder" of the alleged bribe money, the jury wks taken to the scene of Franklin"s arrest, after which court officials, jurors, counsel end reporters returned to the courtroom where court was adjourned until Monday morning. Judge Hutton"s failure today to rule on the question of extending the scope of Darrow's cross-examination to the I Harrington conversations, said to have been recorded by means of a telephonic . device, destroyed whatever hope was ' entertained that the trial could be ended nest week. Although it is be :teved that the defense will close Mon day, it is believed that the case finally will go to the jury not before late in the following week. JUDGE TELLS OF THREAT Ohio Taft Man Says T. R. Demanded He Support Roosevelt. WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. L. C. Laylin. an Ohio Taft leader, just appointed Assistant Secretary of the Interior, made public at the White House a let ter from Judge E. D. Dillon, who re cently declined the Republican nomina tion for Governor of Ohio. Judge Dil lon wrote he had received from Colonel Roosevelt a letter demanding that he declare for him (Colonel Roosevelt) or face the opposition of a second candi date. Judge Dillon wrote in part: "I have not desired to continue dis cussion of the affair, and was sur prised that there was any question as to the attitude of Mr. Roosevelt, aa represented here in Ohio and othei states. Everybody knows, or soon will know, his peremptory demand hns been from the beginning, with respect to the regular nominee for Governor, that the nominee must declare for him .or he will nominate another candidate who will. This was true in 'my case, and 1 refused." EDUCATORS OFF ON HIKE Salem Men Will Walk to Coos and Curry County Institutes. SALEM. Or., Aug. 3. (Special.) E. F. Carleton, Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction, accompanied by Charles H. and Allan Jones, left for Coos and Curry counties, where they will attend teachers' institutes, and by way of recreation will do most of their traveling on foot after reaching West Fork. They intend to walk from West - Fork over the mountains to Agness, a distance of 52 miles, and from there will go by boat to Gold Beach. After the institute at Gold Beach the pedestrians intend to hike from there to Bandon. a distance of 65 miles, along the beach, to attend the Coos County Institute. Mr. Carleton and Charles H. Jones will both take prominent parts in the two institutes. BILL POSTER MEN SUED Government Would Cause Dissolu tion of Organization. CHICAGO. Aug. 3. Suit tor dissolu tion of the Associated Bill Posters and Distributers of the United States and Canada, who have been succeeded by the Posting Advertising Association, was filed today in the United States District Court here. In a oetltlon in equity Attorney-Gen eral Wlckersham charged a conspiracy to destroy competition, tlx prices ana mononolize and dominate the bill-post ing business of this country and Canada.' In addition to the dissolution, the Government asks injunctions against practices and agreements said to be in violation of the Sherman law. 34 PETITIONS ARE FILED Many Want Offices In Pacific County, Washington. RAYMOND. Wash.-, Aug. 3. (Special.) Pacific County will have plenty of candidates for every office, from cor oner to State Representative. Filings of declarations are being made daily by those candidates who early in the day announced themselves for one of flee or another, and unless all signs fail, there will be many eleventh-hour filings by men who cannot withstand the urging of their friends. For the non-partisan position of Su perior Judge, for Pacific and Wakia kum pounties. there are five filings. Judge Sol Smith, tne present incum bent, former Judge X. H. Bloomfield, former Prosecuting Attorney J. J. Brumbaugh. Assistant Prosecutor Ed ward H. Wright and C. H. Fuqua. the latter an attorney of this city, are all willing to serve. For Representative. Charles A. Payne, of Chinook, a newspaperman, prom inent in the order of Redmen. is the only one so far to announce himself, although it is rumored he will have two and probablv three opponents, one a Democrat. Captain A. T. Stream, ot Kllpsan Beach. Three attorneys want to serve as Prosecutor. They are John I. O'Phelan. who held the office one term: H. W. B. Hewen and F. D. Coudan. of South Bend. They are Republicans. Five aspire to the office of Sher iff, four Republicans and one Demo crat. They are: A. B. McDonald, for mer Sheriff; Deputy J. J. Clark, E. F. Wood, J. T. Shratton, T. H. Bell. Two Republicans and a Democrat would be County Clerk. E. A. Seaborg, present Incumbent, will be opposed by J T. Dorrlen. City Treasurer of Ray mond, and G. G. Hloks, a South Bend Councilman. Joe Glazebrook will probably have no opposition for Treasurer. While no filings have been made for the office of Auditor and Assessor, It is generally conceded that Walter Lov ering. Deputy Auditor, and K. Brown present Assessor, will be likely to run without opposition. Angus Jack, C. W. Borabeek and Mrs. Arepta Murdock would serve as County Superintendent, while Dr. Edward R. Perry Dr. J. T. Dalton and R. t- Hen derson would like to be Coroner. For County Commissioner- of tne Third District, there are already three or four who have filed declarations. Thev are: E. W. Lilly. F. C. Crawford, F. s". Wilson, all Republicans, and V. M. Bullard. a Democrat. jr. E. Halverson, County Engineer, Is out for re-election. He will likely be opposed by City Engineer Hall, of South Bend. . In all. 34 candidates have filed dec larations for county jobs, and the final date for filing is still more than a week distant. WILS0NMSJ30THAM RUMORS OF FRICTION FOLLOW CONFERENCE WITH M COMBS. Governor's Trip Quiet and After It He Says Important Announce ment May Be Made. K-c-r vfwi- Ausr. 3. Governor Woodrow Wilson came tonight to New t-nir fnr- the first time since he be came the Presidential nominee on the Democratic ticket, but scarcely a na.i dozen persons saw him. Few persons recognized mm on mo ..,) ,.-hon he reached the Pennsyl vania station he walked inconspicu ously to the lunchroom, where he sat perched on a high stool and obtained over the counter a sanawicu "u k,,tt.rmiib Ha hurried away In a few minutes in a taxicab to a club, where he met William F. Mc- i.o nf fh Xatlonal Dem- LuniUB, " - ocratic committee, and conferred with him for several hours. . nrnn nf the Governors informal visit was not divulged. He denied reports of friction, but admitted . i . Mnn..,ant nnnnnnMment Of the campaign plans would follow his con ference witn Mr. Mcv.uiiiu- .o .. .11.. Vi , nrnhTm before lievea gcurianj - - the candidate and his campaign com mittee is the appointment of a Na tional treasurer, chairman of the fi nance committee and vice-chairmen to preside at the various headquarters. Henry Morgenthau, of this city, prob ably will oe enner . ,.- -nmltif. while it vir- U 1 ine iiiiwuvt v ........ . - - tually is assured that Senator Thomas Gore, of Oklahoma, will be in charge of the Western neaaqum icia , ...v. ARGHBALD TRIAL IS SET SENATE DELAYS OPENING UNTIL DECEMBER 3. Postponement Comes After Long Fight for Immediate Henring as Desired by House. n-icuiVT.TnS A uar. 3. The trial of HaW) W Arrhbald. Judge Of the United States Commerce Court, on Im peachment proceedings Drougnt oy tne House of Representatives todav was set by the Senate to open Tuesday, nainw 3. the second day of the next regular session of the Congress. The postponement ot mo t tame after a long tight by a number of Sena tors to have an immediate trial as desired by the House. The House managers oemirara mai . . v t W tipilav Alienist 7 Judge Archbald, through his at torney, A. S. Worthlngton. presented today to tne oenaie iuhhi 1 h " -. , . i . i. AAa until rwnher 15. He L 1 1 H L 11 UC i. i i ' n . - . - said his case could not be prepared . . . . . t Art,, twn hmir Deiore mat umr- - . i in .....t aassfnn. the Senate bv pa&ru lit . - - : , a vote of 44 to 19 determined upon the postponement. . . . WA,-th!nfrtrn t nl1 the Sen- ate that the accused jurist would not participate in any wum m n.c merce Court until the charges against him have been disposed of. POWDER FUMES FATAL JOSEPH PARKE SUCCUMBS TO GASES IN WELL. . Fred Buskuhl Is Rendered Uncon scious In Trying to Make Rescue. Victim Is Wealthy. DUFUR, Or.. Aug. 3. (Special.) - n . 1.1 I 1 . J XTfA josepn L. rarne wia kuicu w,u Buskuhl narrowly escaped death today as the result of an explosion in a well which Parke was digging on his ranch near Friend. Or. Parke placed a charge of black pow der, in the well and lighted the fuse ... ,a A.iAi, Ahmit i n'cloclc he re turned and descended into the well, but was soon overcome witn tne mg ana r....l... ).! wAt rfnirn nfter him B. ouaftuiu "---- and was overcome also, so that when they were taken out Parke was dead and Buskuhl unconscious. He did not revive until evening. Parke w-as a well to do rancher, 58 , -nrl tin relatives in Cald well. Idaho, and Arlington, Wash., and had recently come iu uits" Washington. Mr. Buskuhl is a promi nent merchant of Kingsly. It is not a simple matter to sell 23 carloads of pianos in addition to the regular quota, but we're going to do it. First of all, we're going to sell these pianos at the lowest possible prices; secondly, we are going to make terms of pavment extremely easy (some only 11.25 a week), and third, we're going to furnish with each one of these in- ments a term of free music lessons. A purchaser of one of these pianos has a right to select a teacher from the great list of names of teacners in mis town to whom we have sold and who are using our pianos. See our announce ment on page 11, section 1, of this Issue. BOILERPLATE' MEN 1ST END BATTLE Anti-Trust Decree Is to. Stop Possible Combine Influ encing Thought. DISSOLUTION IS UNSOUGHT Government Will Allow Different Publishing Associations to Ex ist, but Will Not Permit Alleged Unfair Methods. CHICAGO. Aug. 3. With the filing of an agreed decree in a civil anti-trust suit against the Western Newspaper Union and the American Press Associa tion the Federal Government today took an advanced step under the Sherman law to prevent what the Department of Justice regarded as the possibility of a combination to Influence the thought of 60,000,000 readers Of rural newspa pers. The proceedings in this anti-trust suit were terminated in record time. United States District Judge Kenesaw Landis entering the agreed decree Im mediately following the filing of the Government's petition and the answer of the defendants. The suit was di rected against the following corporate and individual defendants: Central West Publishing Company (holding company of the Western Newspaper Union): Western Newspaper Union; Western Newspaper Union of New York; George A. JosLyn, of Omaha, Neb.: John F. Cramer, alllwaukee; H. H. Fish. Omaha: M. H. Miller, Chi cago; American Press Association, or ganized In New York; American Press Association, organized in West Vir ginia: Cortland Smith; W. G. Brogan, and Maurice F. Germond. In fair Methods Barred. The decree is designed to end a bitter trade war between these corporations, which furnish "boilerplate" and "ready plate" to thousands of country news papers. The defendants are restrained from beginning or continuing alleged unfair methods in competition which would result in destroying one or the other and a complete monoply for the survivor, with all its potential power of Influencing sentiments on economic and other important questions of the read ers of the 16,000 small newspapers of the United States, which, it is esti mated, fall into the hands of two-thirds of the people of the country. Pointing out that an attempt was made in 1909 to bring about a con solidation of these interests, the Gov ernment petition says: "The expectation was that In view of the great power thus acquired in dis seminating information, the united property could be disposed of at great profit to those interested in instilling certain economic ideas In the minds of the public and It was the design that such a disposition of It should be made. Defendants Agree to Decree. "If all plate and ready-print were supplied by one concern," the petition adds, "then the news thus distributed and the discussion of economic and other important questions thus supplied would all be designed to mold the sen timents of the readers to one particular view." United States Attorney William T. Chantland said the defendants nad agreed to the decree on being shown copies of the Government's petition. The Government did not seek the dis solution of either corporation. While it is charged that- the Central West Publishing Company, Incorpor ated in Maine, with a capital of $6,600, 000, acquired from 1906 to 1909 at a cost of $2,600,000, the business of compet itors for the purpose of monopolizing trade, the Government holds that the absorbed plants have become so identi fied with the properties and assets of the defendants that ti separation wou.d be a legal Impossibility. Larger Agencies Held Best. As another reason against dlnsolu tion, the petition says that news gath ering and dissemination can best be performed for the general public through the larger agencies, "if there still remains between the larger agencies fair, genuine and substantial competition." The central West Publishing Com pany, it was added had an arrangement for furnishing paper matrices to the Pacific Newspaper Union, which is the ready print department of the Ameri can Type Founders' Association, with offices at Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and Spokane. As a result it is said there is no competition between the defendants and the Pacific Newspaper Union. The defendants as a whole together with the associations with which they have trade agreements supply, it is stated, number more than 95 per cent of all the newspapers in the United States, using plate or ready print. The American Press Association, according to-the Government, furnished until re cently, four-fifths of all the plate mat ter used in this country, while the Western Newspaper Union supplies 80 per cent of the ready print service. Fight Began In If) 11. The smaller independent agencies, the Government adds, supply less than 600 newspapers with either stereotyped plate or ready print. As the result of the failure of nego tiations to effect consolidation in 1909, the petition charges that the defendants began a campaign of destructive com petition In 1911 and sets forth the al leged methods pursued by each cor poration. The decree forbids the con tinuance of these alleged practices. Ex- AUGUST CLJ PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Men patronize our sales at this time for varied reasons. One man waits for it to get the Suit he wants at less prices ; another to get a better Suit than he would care to afford at regular prices; and still another because he doesn't feel that he should miss the opportunity to complete his wardrobe with clothes of such high quality at sueh low prices. And they all win. There are 500 Suits here: fine quality, correct style; perfect fitting; hand-tailored. The prices are greatly lessened. It is time you took the matter in hand. THE CLOTHING WE OFFER IS FROM SUCH FAMOUS MAKERS AS SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. OF BALTIMORE, AND OTHERS $15.00 Suits now $ 9.75 $18.00 Suits now 11.50 $20.00 Suits now $13.25 $22.50 Suits now $14.85 $25.00 Suits now 816.65 $30.00 Suits now $19.85 $35.00 Suits now $23.35 $40.00 Suits now $26.50 Boys' Knicker Suits, Now V Price BUY FURNISHINGS NOW AT REDUCED PRICES Shirts $1.00 "values now...80 $1.50 values now SI. 15 $2.00 values now SI. 35 $2.50 values now SI. 85 Neckwear 50c Ties now 35d $1.00 Ties now 65 $1.50 Ties now... SI. 15 $2 and $3.50 Ties S1.50 Underwear $1.00 values now...75d $1.50 Values now SI. 15 $2.00 values now S1.35 $2.50 values now SI. 65 a&r suntxi. a xv via tu us vac i Fourih Mitd Alder Streets ClOlhlttQ C0 I Qrant Pheglei. Manager I i , -i .1 iirwirirri rTrT"rrTrgraM.Tffwii i pressing the belief that unless fore stalled, one or the other of the cor porations would be wiped out, the peti tion said: . "As the Wrestern Newspaper Union has assets to the value of $6,500,000 and the American Press Association's as sets are only about tl. 600,000 in value, It Is quite probable that the latter will be the one to succumb, leaving the Western Newspaper Union in control of the entire field." BIG DAY HERE AT LIS! AT 9 O'CLOCK THIS MORXIXG PRESS EXCURSION LEAVES. Great Crowd Is Assured and Bonne ville Will J3e Scene of One Hilarious Good Time. Nine o'clock this morning is the hour. Portland's Press Club, with as many i -1 Aw tlimieanfla nf the C 1 1 1ZP II S UUIiutowa, v. ww.. of Portland as are able to Join them, will leave irom me union smuuu .u . in. A1ri. th ct .VJ. R. & N.. for luai Li..'.-. .- ' the annual excursion and picnic at uonnevme. in isuti jjiuuv.. -the attendance, namely the general public, bids fair to be enormous, ac cording to the announcement of the advance sale of tickets. ; . tii. memhera of the Press Club, the officials have announced that every man of them wno iaus 10 sue will be haled before Judge Morrow in the near future and fined to the very limit of the law. Therefore, even if i a in., who mteht not be inclined to attend, they will cer tainly hesitate long Deiore niey win attempt to Join the small minority that will stay behind. The excursion win reacn eunnBuuo 0 ohmit 10 o'clock and an hour will be spent at the fish hatcheries. The list 01 amusemeniB mn iu i M,. tho romn inflpr nf the ueeu icu w. . -- - - day Is practically limitless. The Ad Club baseball team and the Press Club men will meet on the diamond In a struggle for the championship, and will Incidentally give an exhibition of baseball such as has not been seen in the Northwest for many a year. Fat men will race: there will be three legged races, potato races, barrel Taces more different kinds of races than one can find tabulated in the com bined records of the Athletic Union. An orchestra will furnish music in the pavilion for those who wish to dance, and refreshments will be served on the grounds. Many of the members of the Press Club, according to reports, didn't go home at all last night, for fear they might overlook the summons of the alarm clock this morning and fail to be "in" on the festivities that have been planned. Shipp Nominated for Congrees. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 3. Thomas R. Shipp. of this city, secretary of the National Conservation Congress, was nominated here today by the Republic ans of the Seventh District tor Repre sentative to Congress. on 40. S Finest homesite property between Portland and Oregon City. Only half an hour out on Oregon City Electric. Homesites 80x200 for $410. Small payment down and $5 to $10 per month. Just the place to build a home and live in comfort. Keep a few chickens, raise your own vegetables. Send for map. Northwestern Trust Co. 2d Floor Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 3517, A 7340 WANTED Two experienced, high class capable men of unquestioned selling ability, capable of inter esting business and, fi nancial men in a well established financial proposition, now on a good paying basis, hav ing the co-operation and association of the most conservative and suc cessful business men of Portland. We need two more forceful and pro gressive men to increase the sales. For such awaits high 'remuneration, permanency and promotion. T 280, Oregonian. THE WAIST SHOP. TEL. MAIN S98. Mid-Summer Sale All of Our Fine Lingerie Waists With Dutch Necks Reduced. ft2.50 special 81.98 $3.00 special 92.55 96.00 special 4.S F. P. YOUNG CO. LADIES' HABERDASHER, 828 Morrison St, Hotel Portland. Intensely Interesting FREE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE at TENT TABERNACLE 13th and Morrison, TONIGHT, 8 O'CLOCK Don't Miss It. r WATCH OUR WINDOWS MANY ITEMS NOT ADVERTISED ON SALE Annual Midsummer Sale of Books at Gill s DURING August each year it is our custom to extend to Port land booklovers the opportunity to secure good books at a very material reduction in price. And this is to be the greatest of all our midsummer sales from the standpoint of PRICE AND V ARIL 11 as well as CLASS of books offered.. You are invited to participate m this sale either in person or by mail. Orders will be filled at the price quoted as long as our present stock lasts. Six. Rousing Specials Musical Memories By George P. Upton. Handsomely bound in silk cloth. Contains over fifty photographs of musical celebrities of the half century, 1850-1S00, by Mr. Lpton, who knew most all of the great artists of the time personally. Reg. price 2.7 5. d 1 OC Sale price.. 0 X J JllSt for TWO By Amelie Langdon. Not a hotel cookbook, but one for small fam ilies The recipes are for two people. This eliminates the waste caused by use of the or dinary cookbook. Regular price 90c. 4.f?C Sale price "V, Tarbell's Lite cf Lincoln By Ida M. Tarbell. Splendidlv illustrated with many reproduc tions fro'm original paintings, rare photo graphs, historic documents, etc. In four hand some cloth volumes, library size. Published by the Lincoln Historical Society flJC C( at $15.00. Sale price .- 2V.JJ Personal Reminiscences of Henr Irving By Bram Stoker. In two library volumes, well illustrate and beautifully written. A rare opportunity, p u b 1 i s hed by Wacmillan at J7.50. 25 S&Ig price Trailinff and Camping. in Alaska ' Illustrated Books of Travel -y r,,K!icl,o T.nnrinn nt 2ft shillings Rv Addison M. Powr A well illustrated cloth-bound book (A some 375 tremendously interesting pages..'Descrip tive of the country and pioneer life C 1 (f in Alaska. Reg. price 2. Sale price O I W r,,K!icl,o l T.nndnn st 2ft shillings: Sold in America at $6.00 each. Descriptive circular and complete, list of countries sent O Crt on request. Sale price n,JJ SOME ADDITIONAL ITEMS S2.50 Sets Three Musketeers, 2 volumes. Over 250 wood cuts. Sale tgj 23 $11.00 Plays and Players. A record Jfr book. Sale price sJWfc. 50c Atlases. Off- M.50 Art Books. 7C Sale price ..3C Sale price f J 3.50 Family Dictionaries. The best ever sold at this price. Sale 25 price S2.00 Itoma n's Automobile Book. Good for either amateur or expert. gfl C( Sale price 91.DV f56 set of Stoddard Lectures, f ff 14 vols., Ms leather. Sale price 0'V.JJ Set of Bldpath's History of the World. 9 volumes, leather. (tQQ fr Sale price OOJ7.VJU 864.C0 Set ot Charles Dickens, I1C An 16 vols., leather. Sale price JXJcHJ 35c and 50c Standard Books. Sale Ol rice tlC 50c to 75e Testaments (revised edi- lo tion), published 1881. Sale price... lUC 81.25 Foster's Skat Manual. The J?rt best book on skat. Sale price. OXJC BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS m rffHE J.K.G1LL CO. OFFICE OUTFITTERS THIRD AND ALDER STREETS