The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Last Week of Exhibition of Franz A. Lundahl's Beautiful $100,000 Painting, "The Crciixion,, Shown on Fifth Floor, New Building
Interesting Demonstration "Pelouze" Percolators, Chafing Dishes and Toasters, Big Basement Store Morrison or Alder-St. Entrance:
Visit our Beauty Parlors for manicuring,-
electrolysis, shampooing hair dressing,-massage,
.etc. Balcony, 1st floor.
Government Weather Forecast:
Summer reading hundreds of inter
esting novels reprints of former $1.18
to $1.50 Books. Now 50c. 5th-st. window.
Use "Waykuk" Paper Bags for cook
ing and baking. Economical, labor-saving,
foods nutritious. Pkg. 25c 1st floor.
Z7 5 Women's
Faeey Suitits, 1
$40, $50, $60 a
at 18.75!
A grouping of all high
class mid-Summer mod
els in Women's and
Misses' Fancy Tailored
Suits. Serges, whip
cords, tweeds, and fancy
worsteds, in navy, black,
brown and tan checks,
stripes and fancy tan.
and gray mixtures. .
See the double-window display today
hd $65 Values
Beautiful man-tail-
ored moaeisin styles
for afternoon and
reception wear.
Many exact copies
of French creations. All re
flect Paris.
' About 375 Suits, which bear
original price-tickets of $40,
$50, $60, $65 and even higher.
Salespeople Plan to be here at 8
$ 1 2.50, $ 1 5 Lingerie and
$ J '7.50, $20 Tub Dresses
200 of them, for misses and women. Linens, reps, Bedford cords., etc., in white, blues, pink, tan, brown and helio.
A Great Purchase of
fFine Knit
LOT 1 Consisting of Vests and
Pants, in white, sky and pink, low
neck, sleeveless and lace-trimmed
umbrella pants, plain and fancy lace
and arched yokes. Reg
ularly 50c to 85c grades,
on sale tomorrow, only
LvOT 2 Consisting of .women's
.Vests: Pants' and Union Suits; fine
ribbed and spring needle weaves, in
white only ; low neek, sleeveless, lace
trimmed and trimmed yokes
with lace embroidered umbrella
pants. Keg. $1 to $1.50
each. Specially priced
for this sale at, each
63 c
LOT 3 Consisting of "Women's
Vests and Union Suits, in white, sky
and pink ; low neck, sleeveless. Plain
and fancy lace and hand crochet
yokes, including lisle and mercer
ized ; . lacertrimmed umbrella style.
Regularly $1.75 to$2;50 ; Q O
on sale for tomorrow C C
only, special, each, at
' LOT 4 Consisting of Women's
famous Kayser ribbed and spring
needle Union Suits, all white. Plain
and fancy yokes, low neck, sleeve
less ; knee length ; l
lace-trimd; value, 4t
$2.50 to $4, Suit atT -
Fe La Gamille Corset
A Special Corsetiere Here
Beginning Tomorrow Morn
ing to Demonstrate These
Superb Front-Lace Models
The most interesting' Corset Demon
stration of the season will begin tomor
row in our second floor section. An ex
pert corsetiere from the makers here to
tell of these superb La Camille Corsets.
The make that's the highest conception
of Front Lace Corsetry. That is why it
has superseded all other Front-Lace
Corsets here in our section.
Made with the shield front and ven
tilated back features that are distinc
tive with La Gamilles. Every price
from $3.50 to $10.
ii t
Second Floor, New Balltfinnr
Wash Goods Sensation
$1 Satin Striped
Voiles at 35c
46 inches ; wide, jn
light blue, navy, pink,
tan, green, lavender
and black. Regular $1
grade, priced r
tomorrow, yd. OOC
75c SilK Poplin
Tomorrow 35c
27 !; inches wide, in
green, tan,' yellow,
orange and lavender.
Beautiful, shimmering
qua 1 i t y. 75c ry
grade, priced 30C
Fimt Floor, New B
25c Fine Irish
Dimities, 15c
Pretty, sheer Irish
Dimities, for waists and
dresses. Good colors and
patterns. Regular 23c
grade, priced .
at only, yard J. 3C
alldlne Mall Order Filled.
To $ 1.25 Flouncings, 69c
For the last week of the Clearance, these beautiful 27-inch
Swiss Flouncings, in lovely floral patterns. Em-
broideries so widely used for children 's and infants ' &
dresses, etc. ' Regular 85c to $1.25 grades, for only
60c to 85c Corset Cover Embroi
deries Varied patterns, on a r
Swiss and nainsook, yard, r5C
$i.25 to $.25 Swiss Flouncings
27-in., floral des'ns, hemm'd r ry
and scalloped edges, only JOC
Flrot Floor, New Building. Mall Order Filled.
No Abatement to ) the August H Sale
6Lifetinie Mission Furniture
Two Carloads Enter August Sale Tomorrow!
It's the famous 14 Lifetime" Furniture, with which we've furnished thousands of Port
land homes. Every piece made with the lock-pin construction. Genuine leather auto
spring seats. Two 'solid. carloads, bought just for the August Homefurnishing Sale and
under-priced a third and more. Many pieces reduced besides those listed below.
$17 "Lifetime
RocKers, $12.25
. Solid fumed oak Chairs
it Rockers, as ' illustrated
abtfvp. with areniiine leath
er auto snriua: seat, fieeu-
hirlv .?l,.o0,
$15 'Lifetime' Chair
or RocKer $10.25
Either '"Lifetime" Mis
sion Chairs or Rockers
may be had ia the style il
lustrated. Genuine leather
auto sprain P "I fl
Slo at V-1-
$35 "Lifetime"
Tables, $23.25
"Lifetime" solid oak Li
brary Tables, iu -wax, golden
or fumed f i n i sh. Heavy,
sturdy pattern. dJOO OC
Resrular at P-SO.SiiJ
$20 Library Tables $14.25
$40 Library Tables $29.85
$52.50 Library Tables, priced
at S38.75
$60 Library Tablsa $46.25
AH of Our Brass Beds at V2 Price
ml l-'JJ!l - -rr1
?55 "Lifetime" ;
Buffets' $37.50
Almost like above "illnstra-
tion, finished in fumed. Real
French plate mirror; highest
eharaeter of cabinet work:
Regularly $55,407 CA
tomorrow, only Vu .
$30.00 Bnffets. at $21.75
$40 Wax Buffets, $29.75
Contihuat ion Ring & Carpet Event
. Homes, hotels, offices, etc., should take advantage of the phenomenal savings in this mammoth event.
All specials formerly advertised still in force, including the offerings possible through great $35,000 pur-'
chase of Alexander Smith & Sons' warehouse surplus.
$50.00 Wilton Rugs High
grade, wear-resisting quality.
Large 9x12 size. These will
be cm sale to- $Q QC
morrow only, dOtatU
$2.50 Wilton Carpet Best
wearing quality. Made up in
sizes to fit your floors. Placed
on sale tomor- J QQ
row, special, yd y i Oc
Wilton Velvet Ruff s Hand
some plain and mottled green
centers with borders, $25 rugs,
$22.50 R
Riigs 5) 16.00
$17.00 Axminster Rugs One
of the many specials included
in great Alexander Smith pur
chase. 9x12 Q QC
sizes, special X JmJ O
Fonrlb Floor, Mala Buildlns Mall Orders Filled.
$6 Silver Casseroles $4.49
The August Homefurnish
ing Sale means big savings in
Silverware, Cut Glass and
This $6 quadruple, silver
plated Casserole, as illustrat
ed; two-pint size, with pot
tery," lin
ing ; regu
lar $6, at
$7.00 Bean Pots 2V-pint
size, quadruple plated $4.98
$7.50 Baking Dishes 2
pint size, burnished finish,
with plain or fancy cover, at
ilk size, nitn jiui-
$4.75 Quadruple - Plated
Fruit Stands Burnisheckfin
ish, open work pattern. For
fruit and cake, $3;18 .
$3.00 Fern Dishes 6-inch
size, open scroll design, with
lining, $1.98." ,
'r. 'i i it i. rr.
Beds, 8.75 $57.50, Beds, $28.75
Beds, $25.00 $58.00 Beds, $29.00
$70.00 Beds priced only $35.00
$72.50 Beds priced only $36.25
$80.00 Beds priced only $40.00
$85.00 Beds priced only $42.50
$ $150.00 Beds priced at $75.00
l!l l-4r 1 til
WX1 VL"""
II -
est3 ffff0rac7?ri
I Lawn Needs
- Reduced for
Sl o n d ay and
Garden Hose, 20 off
$1 Grass Catchers x77
Lawn Mowers, 20 off
$1 Hose Reels at 75
The Basement Starr.
Main Building.
1200 Pairs of $4 to $10
Lace Curtains at $2.98!
Here comes one "of the mostssrcf
sensational Lace Curtain bar-. 1
gains of our August Sale 1200
pairs of the most beautiful pat
terns which ever sold regularly
at $4. $5, $6, $7.50 and to $10!
See them in 5th-street window
12 patterns with hand-made
Renaissance Insertion and Edg
ing, and corner motifs up to 15
inches deep; $6.50-$10- grades.
20 patterns in Braided and
Marie Antoinette Curtains
white or ecru. $4.00 to $7.50
Curtains, with linen elunyg,
edge and insertions. $4.;0 to $b.:0 grades.
All a Pair $2.98
600 pairs of $3.50 to $5 Curtains French Nets. Scrims
Swisses, in white, ivory and ecru. Scores of ($ aq
patterns, shown for the first time tomorrow iD J. ai0
500 Remnants of Bungalow Nets a j-ard each, in white
and ecru. From 3 to 5 yards of a pattern. "Worth - rj
35c to 75c a yard, bargainized for this 'sale at, each x C
1 tfl
IS?' f 8
& I
4 !