The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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Of Big Sum Paid in July $2025
Given by Violators of Auto
Speed Ordinance.
, - . .. . ,
h if atMl iiliftWiiiiHTOTiiw iMiMiMi i ii rrll"
smsu u I :i. if,.,, : ;, , -yfi
In - All 133 Offenders Answer to
Court and Two Appeals Are An
nounced Judge. Lenient With '
Man In Bridge Accident.
AH records were smashed in the
Municipal Court in July in the collec
tion of fines from persons who offended
In various ways in driving automobiles
or motorcycles. The grand total of
money collected from this source is
Of this sum. J2025 was collected from
89 persons convicted of exceeding the
BDed limit with automobiles. Next
in order came motorcycle riders. 24 of
whom paid fines into the city treasury,
to the amount of $355.
Money received from offenders in
other ways, were as follows:
Xo rear light. 11 fines and one bail
forfeiture, total $S0.
Muffler Open in the fire limits, five
fines and one bail forfeiture, $30.
Reckless driving, one fine, $15.
No license for automobile, one fine,
Riding- motorcycle on the sidewalks,
two fines. 20.
Fines Paid By 133.
The total number of offenders that
paid fines, is 133. Including those that
forfeited their bail, the total number
paying money for violations of the
traffic ordinances is 135. The amount
of fines and the number of those con
tributing toward the sum total men
tioned, take into account only instances
where the fines actually were paid.
In a number of cases sentence was sus
pended for mitigating circumstances.
The total number of those fined would
probably be $150.
The progress of police activity
against speeders during the month, is
shown by the following figures:
ju-y i One fine for muffl,er open.
July 2 One fine for muffler open.
July 3 Nine fines for automobile
speeding; one fine for muffler open.
July 5. Two tines for automobile
speeding, three fines for motorcycle
speeding, two fines for riding motor
cycle on sidewalk.
. July 6. One fine for automobile
speeding, one fine for having no li
cense on automobile, one fine for mo
torcycle speeding.
July 15. Six fines for automobile
July 16. One fine for automobile
July 17.i Three fines for automobile
speeding, two fines for motorcycle
July 18. Two fines for motorcycle
July 20. Two fines for automobile
July 2i. Two fines for automobile
speeding, three fines for motorcycle
Julv 23. Three fines for automobile
speeding, two fines for motorcycle
July 24. Four fines for automobile
speeding, three fines for motorcycle
speeding, one fine and one ball forfeit
ure for having mutfler open.
July 25. Five fines for automobile
speeding, three fines for motorcycle
speeding. ,
Speeding Mont Frequent.
July 26. Fourteen fines for automo
bile speeding, one fine for having no
rear light..
July 27. Fourteen fines for automo
bile speeding, one fine for motorcycle
July 29. Fourteen fines for automo
bile speeding, two fines for motorcycle
speeding, six fines for having no rear
July 30. Five fines for automobile
speeding, two fines for motorcycle
speeding, one fine for reckless driving,
one fine for having muffler open.
July 31. Four fines for automobile
speeding, four fines and one bail for
feiture for having muffler open.
Only two fines were imposed in the
Municipal Court yesterday upon of
fenders of this class. Charles Phillips,
a chauffeur, was fined $25, and H. A.
Griswold, -local representatjve of sev
eral manufacturing companies, was
fined $25 for speeding. Phillips paid
his fine and Griswold gave notice of
appeal. Officer Nelson charged Phil
lips with going 20 miles an hour on
Stanton street, between Thirteenth and
Fourteenth, and Griswold was charged
with exceeding the limit on Hawthorne
avenue, near East Tenth street.
George Bowers, a salesman for Gould
& Company, was discharged on a charge
of reckless driving. On July 24 Bow
ers drove his machine through the
closed gate on the Burnside bridge,
knocking down and injuring Joseph
Truman, a gateman, and narrowly mis
sing a plunge into the river. He showed
the court yesterday that the accident
had already cAst htm $200, and Judge
Tazwell thought he had suffered suf
ficiently without the Imposition of fur
ther penalty.
No arrests for speeding were shown
on the police blotter yesterday. Dur
ing the previous night, however, Gris
wold, W. II. Bard and H. S. Rodebaugh
had been arrested. .
Timber-mam Appeals Case.
Some amusement was occasioned in
the clerk's office yesterday when H.
K. Haak, a wealthy timberman and
capitalist, who had been fined two days
before, entered and ' announced his in
tention of appealing the case.
"Give me the papers and I'll fix up
the thing myself. I've already lost $50
on lawyers' advice In this case, and
I'm not going to monkey with them
any longer," announced Haak.
Clerk Beutgen handed Haak the nec
essary papers, and Haak started to fill
them out.
' When Haak got to the copy of the com-
'mitment which goes with the appeal,
5ie was angered.
As he came to the words where the
commitment stated that he had been
found guilty of "wilfully and unlaw
fully" exceeding the speed limit, he
crossed out the indicting words and
iwrote with a bold flourish In the en-
fsuing blank, regardless of grammatical
"I did not wilfully and unlawfully
do the speed of 25 miles per hour."
It was with difficulty . that Nick
Beutgen. the clerk, persuaded hint that
the wording would have to stand as
printed, and induced him to submit to
the humiliation of admitting to the
; higher court that he had been found
guilty of "wilfully and unlawfully"
'doing the speed of 25 miles per hour.
Ten Killed by Falling Building.
NUREMBERG, Bavaria, Aug. 3. Ten
workmen were killed, 35 seriously In
jured and five are missing as a re
sult of the collapse Friday of an im
mense power station under construc
tion here. The entire edifice crumpled
up and fell, burying 720 laborers.
- ' , '
Thousands See Aviator Test
Out His Machine.
Walter Edwards Kises From lower
Harbor, Flies I'p River and Re
turns to Water Height of
Nearly 2000 Feet Attained.
(Continued From First Page.)
for it took several gigantic preliminary
hoDS." soaring from 30 to 40 feet into
the air, before he brought It around
and started up into the wind.
When he was ready to leave the wa
ter, the machine rose easily and steadily
and began to climb and it continued to
climb all the way on the long trip up
the river. As it passed over the
motor-boat at Seventeenth street not
more than 100 feet in the air. one
could see the delicate equalizing planes
on either side shifting quickly up and
down, although th machine as a whole
rode steadily, without the slightest ap
parent dipping or swaying.
Over the new steel bridge It passed,
more than 500 feet above it, higher over
the Burnside bridge, higher still over
tho Morrison street bridge, mounting
steadily at a steep angle until it seemed
no larger than a dragon riy over tne
Helicbt More Than 1800 Feet.
Bevond the Hawthorne bridge the
machine circled at height of more
than 1800 feet, and then shot down in
a long slant toward the lower harbor.
The speed of the return flight, when
the plane ran with the wind, was
nearly twice that of the flight up the
As he passed over the lower bridges,
descending rapidly, the roar of his en
gine again became audible. Lower and
lower he dropped and finally coasted
down and settled easily upon the water
Benton Experimenter Out-Burbanks Bnrbank With Drab Berry Honor Man Morris' Big Long-Distance Bill
Alaska Dog-Race Winner Plans Stnnt in Crater Lake Park. s
CORVALLIS, Or. An Oregon grower
has out-Burbanked Burbank In the
production of a fruit that is a straw
berry in appearance, has the flavor of
a raspberry and grows on a potato
J. A, Kerr has had on exhibition in
this city a bowl of the fruit with speci
mens of the vine, bush or plant on
which they grew. Mr. Kerr Intends to
call the new fruit the "strawberry-
The plants bear fruit the year toi-
lowlng their setting out. They grow
as big as potato vines, are very thorny
and die in Winter time hut spring up
new when warm weather returns. The
berries are like the loganberry in that
they do not seem to have a distinctive
taste. They are very prolific, and Mr.
Kerr declares they are ideal for jams
and jellies.
Morris, "Honor Has," Rons Phone Bill.
HOOD RIVER, Or. While W. Cooper
Morris, convicted of connection
with the failure of the Oregon Trust
& Savings Bank, Is working as a con
vict on the Shell Rock road between
Portland and Hood River, he has man
aged to run up a telephone charge bill
of $50.
Morris Is one of the most liberal long
distance natrons of the telephone com
pany In this vicinity. He has now been
promoted to clerical work in connec
tion with the building ot tne convict
automobile road.
Essaylnar to Ride, Carmen Falls Falls.
PENDLETON, Or. Miss Carmen Falls,
of Portland, came to Pendleton and
wanted to be engaged as a "lady
bronco-buster" for the Pendleton
Roundup, but she will not be adver
tised as the headline attraction as she
Although Miss Falls declared that
she could "bust any bronco the boys
could put tip." the first time she was
hoisted to the hurricane deck of one
of th Roundup's mildest, she hit the
dirt with a vim that must have brought
The second time Roundup officials
rushed to her rescue as bad horse No 2
was sending her skywards. Secretary
Keefe says she is a "book-learned
bucking horse buster.
Albany Folks Sprint After Cars.
ALBANY, Or. Albany used to be a
city where citizens were accus
tomed to arrive at the depot anywhere
within BO minutes before the advertised
departure time of Southern ' Pacific
trains. But there has been a change.
Albanians now sprint to the Oregon
Electric depot with all the vim of a
Fred A. Bennett's Curtlss Bl - Plane,
Showing the Hydroaeroplane Equip
ment Walter Kdwards, Who Drove
It to an Altitude of Between 180O and
Mm Feet In Trial Flight Over the
Harbor in Portland. '
near the island in the lower portion of
the harbor.
Up the river again came the machine,
dipping along over the water like a
petrel and circled into its landing place
before the motor boat in which Mr.
Bennett's party had followed the flight
part way up the river could get back
to its moorings.
"She went pretty well," was Ed
wards' reply to the greeting of his
spectators. "Above the Burnside bridge
there is a whirlpool, one of the worst
I have ever struck, but everywhere else
the going was easy."
Mr.- Edwards has been engaged in
professional flights on the Pacific
Coast for some time. He made many
flights in California for some time be
fore coming to the Northwest and en
tering the service of the Bennett Aero
Company, of this city.
Resrular Exhibitions Planned.
Mr. Edwards himself has very little
to say about his past achievements,
although he remarked yesterday that
he had run into nearly very experi
ence that an aviator might meet, from
reaching an altitude where one would
be almost frozen to splashing down
for a dive 20 feet under the Atlantic
Ocean, and from making flights .that
could be reckoned as perfect to land
ing for a sojourn of several months in
the hospital.
"Mr. Edwards is one of the best pro
suburbanite racing to catch a city
bound car. Anyone who trudges to the
station and arrives within less than a
minute after the Portland flyer is ad
vertised to depart, finds that the trol
ley train has departed in reality.
It is a great sight to see rotund Al
bany business men racing to the cars
with the enthusiasm of a Forrest Smith
son. Dog-Race Winner Plans New Stunt.
I 1 Allen, who has won fame in Alaska
as the ( winner of the Nome-to-Candle
dog-team race, intends to come to
Klamath Falls next Winter to win new
laurels. Four out of five years "Scotty"
has captured the ,$5080 race over the
snow and he plans to visit Crater Lake
in midwinter with Mrs. Darling's dogs,
the same team that won last year's
"Scotty" writes from the hardware
store in Nome, where he is working,
that it is his intention to take back to
Alaska the Crater Lake bacon. He is
known as the "wizard of the North."
Old Horn Still In Service.
ROGUE RIVER, Or. Rusty Htm
mersley toots a big brass horn in
the Rogue River Brass Band that was
carried by a horn-player during Sher
man's march to the sea.
Hammersley's horn was made by the
Boston Musical Company in 1812 and
yet retains the full volume of sound
that cheered up the "boys In blue" as
they marched through the South.
Famous Great Dane Dead.
NEWPORT, Or. Ovid, the champion
Great Dane pup of the Pacific
Coast in 1910, which"was imported from
Philadelphia by Gene Brady and is now
owned by Earl Aupperle, of Newport,
will never win another trophy.
' Ovid had to be shot following the
Injuries sustained when an automobile
running at high speed on the beach
crashed into him, injuring three ribs
and fracturing a hind leg.
For two days veterinarians treated
Ovid, hoping to be able to save the
champion's life.
Dead Eels Gathered Up.
GOBLE, Or. r Portland suburban resi
dents will be saved this Summer
from the' nauseous stench of dead eels
In the Willamette River and the young
fry at the state hatcheries will be the
gainer. Eight tons of eels were shipped
here from Oregon City and will be
kept in cold storage until the Fall.
The Willamette' River residents
organized an association to have the
eels picked up from the river, and
Master Fish Warden Clanton offered
fessional aviators on the Pacific Coast
today," says Mr. Bennett, president of
the Bennett Aero Company, "and those
who have, seen him fly class him with
such men as Ely, Johnstone, Parmalee
and Beachey.
"I have endeavored for some time to
get along with amateurs, but found
this rather unsatisfactory, since a be-,
ginner will fly well one day and poorly
the next. While I fly a little myself, I
merely do it for the pleasure of the
thing and not for exhibition. I am
anxious to further aviation In the
Northwest, and plan to have my avi
ators give exhibitions from time to
time throughout this section.
Mall Service Starts Soon.
The first flights made by Mr. Ed
wards after coming north with Mr.
Bennett were at the Potlatch in Seat
tle, where he won great distinction for
his daring and sensational feats.
The 'flight to Oregon City with the
United States mail will be made as
soon as the necessary permission can
be obtained from Washington. D. C.
This is expected some time next week.
C. B. Merrick, postmaster ot Portland,
is enthusiastic over the plan, and many
of the leading business men of the city
have indorsed the petition to the Gov
ernment authorities for permission for
the aviator to undertake the role of
postman between here and Oregon
City with his hydro-aeroplane.
Oregon City will declare a holiday
on the day the first flight Is made,
and hundreds of visitors to that city
are expected at that time. Special ex
cursions will be run from Portland to
Oresron City at that time.
The success of the trial flight was
very pleasing to Mr. Bennett, and con
firmed his confidence in the new bi
plane he is constructing. The new ma
chine will be much larger than the one
now in use and will also be equipped
as a hydro-aeroplane.
Dr. S. R. Vincent, Injured by Col
lision, on Road to Recovery.
Dr. S. R. "Vincent, who was seriously
Injured when an Oregon Electric ' car
dashed Into his automobile early Fri
day morning at the Tigard crossing,
passed a favorable day yesterday. He
has every chance or recovering, in tne
opinion of his physician. Dr. Byron E.
Dr. Miller said last night that no
fracture of the skull had occurred, as
far as it was possible to determine,
and 'that his patient was resting well.
The only danger now is of an abscess
forming on the brain.
them the opportunity to dispose of the
product. It is believed the eels are
killed coming over the falls.
Miles Standjsh's Descendant Dead.
Standlsh, a direct descendant of the
Miles Standlsh, Captain of Plymouth,
who lost Prlscllla Knowles by request
ing his secretary, John Alden, to "pop
the question" in his stead, died here
recently and was burled by Appomatox
Post, Grand Army of the Republic, with
military honors.
Mr. Standlsh knew all the history of
his distinguished sire by heart and he
was always inclined to believe that the
poet, Longfellow, slandered Miles Stan
dish by telling to posterity the story
of his ancestor's diffidence.
Hen Mother at Six Months.
OREGON CITY, Or. Mrs. George De
Bok, of Willamette, Or., announces
that she has in her care the youngest
mother In Oregon. Although just six
months old the parent Is now raising
seven little ones.
This truly-Rocseveltlan mother is a
Clackamas County hen, who was born
January 18, 1912, and hatched her first
egg May 22. The chickens were hatched
July 18. The little hen, a barred Plym
outh Rock, was hand raised, its mother
dying when her brood was two days old.
Boy Kills Rattlesnake.
BROWNSVILLE, Or. Slvin Northern,
the youthful son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Northern, ranchers, near here,
fought off two rattlesnakes which at
tacked him In the hay field. One of
the snakes the lad killed and the other
escaped when his calls brought help to
the scene.
The rattler killed was one of the
largest ever seen in this locality, but
this is the first time any rattler has
been known in this vicinity to make an
unprovoked attack.
Dog Takes Candy From Babes.
M4.RSHFIELD, Or. Unless A. ' H.
Stutsman manages to inculcate a
better code of canine morals Into his
dog. Tip, the puppy is liable to see the
Inside of a jail. .
Tip Is fond of laying in wait for lit
tle fellows with nickels to spend at
the candy store. Just when they are
commencing to munch their purchases
Tip appears, grabs at the candy and
vanishes with the alacrity of a dog
who has just remembered a pressing
engagement with a bone.
Tip is taken regularly to moving-picture
shows and invariably barks a
welcome when be sees other members
of the' dog family on. the screen. ,
tffflT 111 11
ItailiM I'l'IT'i I iiiii','" '!."!' Inn . :
Ar -v- v t llll
V Cid VL: i?4, rZ-
- Mount Scott Park is already the best
equipped cemetery in the Pacific North
west. When the Community Mausoleum
which it now has in contemplation, and the
modern crematory and chapel are con
structed, this will be one of the most com
plete and perfect Cemeteries in the United
States, being thoroughly modern in every
The accompanying cuts show the front
elevation- and interior view of the com
munity mausoleum. The exterior of the
Wilbur Le Gette May Be Held
in Contempt of Court.
Judge McGinn Declares He Will Go
to Bottom of Charges That Widow
"Flirted" AVith Member of
Trial Board.
' Circuit Judge McGinn yesterday cited
Wilbur Le Gette to appear before him
next Saturday morning to show cause
why he should not be punished for con
tempt of court, the charge being that
Le Gette interfered with jurors in the
trial of the case of Helen M. Goodeve
against R. H. Thompson, Jr., a breach
of promise suit which resulted a couple
of weeks ago in a verdict for $50,000 for
the plaintiff.
At the same time Judge McGinn,
who announced that he is interested
only in the affidavits charging jury
tampering and .lot In those which tend
to corroborate the contentions of the
defense that the plaintiff is married
to a San Francisco man named A. J.
Trimble, will hear oral evidence on
which to base his ruling on the setting
aside of the Judgment and the granting
of a new trial.
"If I am convinced that Mrs. Good
eve connived at the meeting with W.
A. Wallis, a Juror, or that she in
stigated it, I most certainly will set
the judgment aside and order a new
trial," said Judge McGinn. "If, how
ever, I discover after getting to the
bottom of this trouble that Le Gette
was seeking to create material on
which to base a motion for a new
trial someone will go to Jail for con
tempt of court."
Jurors Allege Tampering.
Judge McGinn's action in citing Le
Gette for contempt- of court was based
on the affidavits of several of the
Jurors, who declare that Le Gette tried
many times to epgage them in con
versation regarding the case while the
trial fas in progress, and particularly
on the sworn statement of Juror Wallis,
which is to the effect that Le Getto
led him against his will into a meeting
with Mrs. Goodeve.
"As far as -those affidavits of Mrs.
Ayers and Mrs. Works are concerned I
consider that any evidence these wit
nesses might give simply would be
cumulative, the defense having Intro
duced a lot of testimony along thu
same line In their efforts to connect
the plaintiff with an A. J. Trimble. The
same apDlies to the affidavit filed to
day of a man who gives his name as
William H. uooaeve ana claims w db a
cousin of James H. Goodeve, the hus
band from whom this plaintiff secured
a divorce in 1906. The statements con
tained in this affidavit may be true.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they
are, but it is cumulative.
The affidavit of William H. Goodeve
referred to by Judge McGinn was filed
yesterday and sets up that the maiden.
name of Mrs. uooaeve was not irimme
as she claims but was Cleaver. To
dispose of curiosity as to why she
bad gone By tne name or xrimoio in
San Francisco the plaintiff had declared j
mausoleum will be of cut stone, the same
as that used in the construction of the
large public service building at the en
trance of the cemetery, called "Gate
Lodge," which contains commodious of
fices, reception and rest rooms for the
benefit of visitors. The interior will be
finished in Italian marble and standard
bronze. Architecture will be of the Grecian
Statistics show that 00 per cent of the
people are in favor of burial in the earth
where the cemeteries are well kept and un
der the Perpetual Care Plan, and where
the soil is dry and free from springs. The
other 10 per cent are about evenly divided
between concrete vaults and cremation. As
a Tule, these mausoleums are erected only
in cemeteries where the ground conditions
are objectionable, owing to springs and
poor drainage, causing watery graves. The
ground at Mount Scott Park being of a
sandy clay loam, entirely free from springs,
insuring perfectly dry graves, and the en
tire cemetery being under Perpetual Care,
reduces the demand for crypts to a minimum.
However, it is the desire of the management
to supply even the most limited demand,
and therefore plans to erect a mausoleum
to contain about 500 crypts. The cost of
construction of the mausoleum will be
borne by the cemetery association, and the
crypts will be sold to the public as needed
upon a basis of $100 to $150 per crypt.
This will include the perpetual care of the
mausoleum and grounds surrounding it,
which will be beautifully parked and in
keeping with the other high-class improve
ments in the cemetery.
that she had simply resumed her
maiden . name temporarily. The same
affidavit goes on to charge that a
railway engineer Interfered in the lives
of Mrs. Goodeve and her husband In
Grand Forks, B. C, and led to their
separation and eventual divorce. The
entire blame for this is placed on the
woman. The engineer, the affiant
states, after the trouble started, pur
chased for $4000 a drugstore which
Goodeve was running in Grand Forks.
Jary Satisfies Jndge.
"As far as the contention that the
verdict was excessive Is concerned that
is a matter entirely for the Jury and
a place -ssrhere I shall not presume to
Interfere," announced the Judge. "I per
sonally do not believe that it was ex
cessive.' Here was a lone woman with
only her wit against the Thompson
millions and the jury chose to believe
her. The man she was suing admitted
writing her burning love letters and
admitted having trod the prlmose path
with a great deal of regularity. There
is not one standard of morals for we
men and another for men. Here we
have the spectacle of a man trying
to besmirch the character of a wo
man, charging her with things which,
if true, would make her no worse than
he admits himself to be. This plaintiff
may not have told the whole truth and
nothing but the truth on the stand but
that was for the jury..
"Tire jurors evidently believed that
they ought to set an example for men
who trifle with women, and I do not
care to interfere with their object les
son, unless it is my plain duty to do
The flood of affidavits continues,
those filed yesterday being by
the defense in answer , to a
sheaf of sworn statements left
at the Courtroom Friday by At
torneys Mallory and Lusk, representing
the plaintiff. J. G. Arnold, the defend
ant's attorney, states in one that he
was forced to threaten Le Gette twice
with court proceedings before Le Gette
would- make an affidavit about the
visit which he and Juror Wallis paid
to Mrs. Goodeve. The attorney does
not state where he obtained his first
information concerning the visit.
Attorneys and Defendants Swear,
B. P. Sheldon, the other attorney for
the defense, and R. H. Thompson, Sr.,
and R. H. Thompson, Jr., all deny' in
sworn statements that they knew any
thing of Le Gette until after Attorney
Arnold filed his first batch of affida
vits, which contained Le Gette's, in
support of the motion for a new trial.
Arnold declares that he several times
heard Le Gette, who was around the
courtroom almost continually while the
trial was on, express sympathy for the
plaintiff. He denies in detail that his
meeting with Juror Wallis on the eve
ning of July 20 had anything to do with
the fact that Le Gette met Wallis a
few minutes later. Wallis stated in
his affidavit that Arnold seemed
anxious for someone to appear.
C. R. Pecklns has made an affidavit
that he saw Le Gette, Juror Wallis and
Mrs. Goodeve sitting on the steps Of
a school building near Nineteenth and
Marshall streets on the night of July
20. In another sworn statement, J.
M. Ironsids states that there was no
connection between the meeting of
Wallis by Le Gette soon after Wallis
had left Arnold. He says he was with
Le Gette at the time.
"Affidavits are unsatisfactory for
the reason that what is favorable is
Included, and what is unfavorable is
excluded," said Judge McGinn. "I want
both sides to have all witnesses here
next Saturday. I want an opportunity
to question them myself. This Is. I
believe, the very best way to arrive at
an intelligent conclusion."
Company to Be Reorganized.
There will be a meeting of the bond
holders of the Columbia River Orchard
Company, Monday at 10 A. M., on the
third floor of the Labbe building. A
new company is In process of organiza
tion, which will take over the assets
and liabilities of the old defunct com
pany and complete the irrigation proj
ect. The plans will be laid before all
those interested on Monday.
Sabin Appointed Itcoeiver.
ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 3. (Special.)
The first meeting of the creditors of
Danziger & Co., bankrupt, was helil
this morning at the office of Judge K
J. Taylor, referee in bankruptcy. R. I..
Sabln, of Portland, was named as
trustee. The schedules, filed by the
firm, give the liabilities as 2t.262.27.
with assets of 117.396.71. The nrxt
meeting of the creditors, when testi
mony will be taken, will be held about
September 1.
In the total population of New York
wsi 4.7BA.HS3 nnd the total streetcar trafflo
Strength to Resist
Boiling Sun and
Wintry Blasts
Mr. H. R. King, 60 Tears Old.
"Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has done
me a world of good and has enabled
me to stand my work In the boiling hot
sun 'all summer. I am past sixty, yet
have superintended my men all this
summer and never lost a day only when
It stormed too hard for them to come
out. I am sure I could not have done
so had It not been for the strength
Duffy's gave me. I never lost a day
the past two winters that a man could
possibly work in the open." Harry K,
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