THE SUNDAY OREGONTAN, FOBTLANP. AUGUST 4, 1912. J,' 00 E POLITICS MUNICIPAL BLIGHT ISocial and Economic Feature at Present Lax Says Char ter Revisionist. NEVV FORM PROVIDES AID V. B. Ayer, of Commission, Declares Old System in Vogue Is Costly and Bunglesome Responsi bility Xot Centralized. Discussing commission government of luniciDalities yesterday, W. B. Ayer, a. member of the committee that re cently completed the draft of a com mtsion charter for Portland, said the ml trouble in Dresent-day municipal administration is the influence of politics. He contends that the fault lies noi alone with incompetent officials, but be cause municipal government today is political rather than coctal and eco nomical. With the municipal afralrs or fort land Intrusted to 48 men,- the absence of concentrated authority, points out Mr. Ayer, gives opportunity for shift ing responsibility. Mr. Ayer does not assume that a commission plan will guarantee perfect government, but he does maintain that in its operation the commission charter that has been com- niled. if adopted by the voters, win accomplish many Improvements by en couraging efficiency and economy, con centrating authority and fixing respon sibility. Authority Not Centered. "I am not one of those who despoil of government of American cities." salil Mr. Ayer. "I do not believe they are bo bad as they are painted. Whenever there is an election, or even Deiore, when a candidate is grooming himself for office, it is the fashion to make all sorts of wild statements about graft, rice, etc.: but after election it ail settles down to the dull monotony or inefficiency and spasmodic bursts of grandstand play. "Neither do I believe that the men elected to office are venal or incom petent. They are simply a product of a system of government that is not adapted to the conditions of communal life. Municipal government should be social and economical and not political. Our present charter is purely political, with all its checks and balances: It does not concentrate authority, but gives the opportunity for dodging and shifting responsibility. There are 48 men intrusted with the legislative and executive management of this city the Mayor, 15 Councilmen. 10 on the Executive Board, four on the Park Board, four on the Water Board, four on the Health Board, five on the Public Docks Commission, five on the Audit orium Commission. Could the Ingen uity of man devise a scheme that is less direct and business-like, or freer from responsibility? Who ever heard of, a corporation, big or little, trying to manage its affairs in any such clumsy manner? And what is the. diff erence between a municipal corporation and a private corporation that demands such a different form of management? No great railroad owner, like James J. Hill, would tolerate such a system in his own affairs for a moment. Why should the individuals who make up a city endure it? rmwot System Chaotic. "The so-called commission fornj of municipal government provides for con centration of power and responsibility in the hands of a few. All the above enumerated officials are abolished and the entire management of the city lock, stock and barrel is given over to the Mayor and four Councilmen, sitting together and called a Council. Each Councilman has allotted to him a spe cific duty. -such, for Instance, as the parks and lire department, and to gether they consult and consider the general policies and enact such legis lation as may be necessary. The res ponsibility for efficiency and econom ical administration is apparent, and I do not question the assertion of ex Mayor Lane that hundreds of thou sands of dollars could be saved annu ally that are now wasted, by substi tuting a business management for the chaotic political system now in vogue. "The question that each citizen is always asking is,, are we getting our money's worth? Does each dollar of public money buy as much as a dollar of private money? Personally, I do not see how it is possible under the present charter, for there Is no co ordination between departments and a divided responsibility. .The money re ceived by the city from taxes, fines, etc.. amounted this year to $4,000,000. That then is the size of the city's finan cial business. The volume of business of any one of our big department stores is about the same amount per annum, and in no case are there over two or three owners attending to-- the entire buying and selling. From a business standpoint alone, the present charter Is a poor job. Responsibility Good Thing. "The principal argument of the op ponents of the new charter is that the same character of men would be elec ted to office under the new charter as under the old; consequently, there would be no improvement in the gov ernment of the city. I am willing to admit that the same character of men may be chosen under the new as under the old charter, but do not admit that results will be the same. I have never yet known a man who failed to re spond, to a degree at least, to increased responsibility. He will not only as sume the added burdens, but he will do his work- better and more con scientiously; in other words, he r'ses to the ocasion. Every man holding a position of trust and giving his entire time to the business, and receiving an adequate salary for the same, will do much more successful and satis factory work than when h is receiving nothing and devoting only a small por tion of his time. I am absolutely con vinced that the failure of municipal government Is In only a slight de gree due to the character of men elec ted to office, but almost entirely to the character of government prescribed in our charters. "I do not expect a perfect govern-, ment to follow the adoption of the Commission Charter, but I do expect a great Improvement, because it se cures the entire time and attention of each Councilman: It encourages ef ficiency and economy: it concentrates authority and fixes responsibility." ORATORY TO - BE REVIVED Reorganization of 19CC Interstate League Practically Assured. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Aug. 3. (Special.) Following the in structions of the committee on oratory and debate at the University of Ore gon. Graduate Manager Geary is pro posing the re-organization of the Inter state Oratorical League, established in 1903 among the universities of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, by the King County Bar Association. The plan is to enlarge the league by the admission of the Oregon Agri cultural College, Washington State Col lege, Whitman College, and to elimi nate the University of Montana, which took the place left vacant by the Uni versity of Idaho, three years ago. The main complications in the re-organlza-tlon of the league are the terms under which the annual gift of the King County Bar Association to the win ners of the contest "was made. It was stipulated that 176 should be given to the winner of the first place and $25 to the winner of second place in an annual oratorical contest held among representatives of the state uni versities of the Northwest. Manager Geary has written to the manager of the University of Wash ington and to the secretary of the King County Bar Association asking whether aTMIXWItiLE BISIXESS MAS CHARTER MEMBER OF ELKS' LODGE PASSES AWAY. i i "v -- ' J I - i Arthur L. Tidd. MMINNVILLE. On. Aug. 3. (Special.) Arthur L. Tidd, a prominent business man of this city, died here July 30. He was a son of one of the early settlers of this countv and was born at Yamhill. Or., February 10th, 1S85. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the new Elks' lodge here, of which he was a charter member. He resided with his mother, Mrs. M. C. Tidd. Mr. Tidd Is survived by his mother, three sisters and two brothers. They are: Miss Lulu Tidd. McMinnville; Mrs. C. B. Mann, of Seattle; Mrs. J. F. Slater, of Portland; Earl Tidd, of McMinnville, and Win. Tidd, of California. The funeral was conducted by the Knights of Pythias lodge and was held at the Christian Church. . Burial took place at Yamhill Cemetery near Yamhill, where Mr. Tidd passed his early life. r the annual gift will be continued if the league is thus enlarged by the admission of the agricultural colleges of Oregon and Washington and Whit man College. The purpose of the en largement is to bind together closely the colleges of the Pacific Northwest conference. GITY OFFICIALS DEMUR MEX CXDER "BRIBERY" INDICT MENT TAKE ACTION". Attorneys for Mnyor, Chief and Oth ers Object to Charges Based on Nuisance Statute. Asserting that if their clients are guilty of anything it is of a violation of section 2029, Ford's Oregon laws, which relates to the giving or offering of a bribe, or section 2054, Ford's Ore gon laws, which refers to malfeasance or negligence in office. Attorneys Mal arkey, Logan and Benbow yesterday filed in Circuit Court a demurrer to the indictment, drawn under the nuis ance statute, charging Mayor Rushlight, Chief of Police Slover, Detective-Captain Baty and Detective-Sergeant Smith, with committing an indecent and immoral act and injuring the per son and property of another by of fering a bribe of $400 to Deputy Dis trict Attorney Collier. The demurrer is on two grounds, one being that the Indictment does not state facts sufficient to constitute a crime and the other being, to quote the exact language of the demurrer, "that the acts of the commissions charged therein as being the crime al leged to have been committed by said defendants are not clearly and dis tinctly set forth in ordinary and con cise language without repetition and In such a manner as to enable a person of common understanding to know what Is intended thereby, or such certainty as would enable a court to pronounce Judgment upon a conviction, according to the rights of the case." Points to be relied upon in argument are given in detail.' 'It is alleged that the Indictment contains nothing to show how the person or property of Collier was injured, how the public peace was grossly disturbed, how pub lic decency was openly outraged or how public morals were injured; that the indictment fails to state a specific date upon which any of the acts men tioned was committed: and that the In dictment "shows on its face that the acts complained of were committed for the purpose of entrapping another and obtaining evidence of his criminal acts and were therefore Innocent and law ful." In conclusion the statement is made that section 2087 (the nuisance statute) refers only to acts not made punishable by other criminal statutes and the con tention is advanced that the crime, if any exists, is covered by either section 2029 or 2043." The original Indictment, against the same defendants, with the exception of Detective Smith, was drawn under the statute relating to the bribing of public officials, one of the sections re ferred to above. This Indictment, con viction under which left the defendants open to penitentiary sentences, was dis missed on the eve of trial by motion of District Attorney Cameron last Mon day. At that time the defendants were arraigned on the second charge, which is a misdemeanor punishable by fine or Jail sentence, and given until yes terday to move or plead. The date for argument of the de murrer interposed yesterday has not been set. It probably will come up early this week, before Judge Ganten bein. The defendant's attorneys evi dently have forsaken a previously-expressed intention to demur on the ground that the grand Jury had first voted a not true and later a true bill on this indictment. Lionel R. Web ster, who will appear as special prose cutor, asserts that there is no question of the right of the grand Jurors to change their minds. Our insecticide, positively "puts bed bugs out of business. We also make all styles of sweeping compounds, floor oils and floor spray. Phone Plummer ltuk Co.. u nird ana Maaison. Mam SAVINGS : ' v V DEFINITE DE M ONS TEA TED When people patronize sales they expect to save money. .The object of this sale is not to save money for youj but to get cash for ourselves. If, by that means, we can make it pos sible for you to save money, we are glad, for, we kill two birds with one stone and make friends, besides. Wq believe that the following a$i' will speak for itself. The old Steinbach prices are given so that you can demonstrate definitely, exactly how much money you save on each purchase. It's just a matter of subtraction. Make Your Own Careful Comparisons , ' , Steinbach SALE ARTICLE pnee , PRICE Young men's hand-tailored Suite to $22.50 $11.75 Youngjnen's high school Suit3 to". . 18 00 9.35 1912 rubberized Raincoats to 15.00 7.45 Ladies' rubberized Raincoats to 6.00 3.65 Ladies' polo and mannish Coats to 35.00 11.85 Boys' long Pants to 3 50 5 Boys' long Pants to 5 00 1.15 Boys' long Pants, peg top, to.... 5.00 2.35 Boys' Blouses, Shirts, with collars to 1.50 - .45 Children's novelty straw Hats to... 5.00 .85 Boys' straw Hats, 6 3-8 to 7, to. .. 1.00 .45 Boys' straw Hats, same sizes, to. 2.00 .65 Yonman's Derby Hats to 5.00 3.45 Brooks' and other Hats to 5.00 2.35 Broken lots standard Hats to 5.00 1.65 Caps, odd lots to 2 00 45 All Straw Hats to 5.00 . .85 Yonman's Silk Hats to 9.00 5.95 Boys' Caps, 40 dozen, to -50 .15 Straw Hats, broken lots, to 3.00 .45 Infants' Holeproof Sox, 4 pair 1.00 .50 Holeproof Hose, boys', girls', 6 prs. 2.00 1.35 Holeproof Hose, same as above.. . . 3.00 1.95 Adler's Tryon Gloves 1-50 1.10 Dent's outseam Gloves 2.00 1.45 Hansen's auto Gloves 3.00 2.15 E. & W. Redman Collars, four -.50 .25 E. & W. linen Collars, two 50 .25 Soft Collars, four 100 - .25 Soft Collars, P-K, two .50 .25 E. & W. white dres3 Shirts . . . 2.50 1.25 E. & W. white dress Shirts 2.00 1.00 Cluett Shirts, white . 1-50 .75 Manhattan Shirts ........ 2.00 1.05 Manhattan Shirta to 3.50 1.65 . Steinbach SALE ARTICLE price PRICE Monarch Shirts $ 1-00 .65 Cluett Shirts 1-50 .95 Negligee Shirts, collar attached 1.50 .75 Steinbach Shirts to 2.50. S1.35 Ruff Neck Sweaters to . 8.00 5.15 Silk Hose, all we have, to .75 25fr Holeproof Hose, men, 6 pairs 1.50 .95 Holeproof Hose, men, 6 pairs 2.00 1.35 Holeproof Hose, men, 6 pairs .. 3.00 1.95 Steinbach Hose, men, 4 pairs 60 .25 Pure silk Hose, two pairs 50 .25 Pongee silk Night Shirts & Pajamas 5.00 2.45 Madras and soisette Night Shirts to 2.50 .95 Silk Underwear, garment 15.00 4.35 Health Underwear, pure linen, gm't 6.C0 1.85 G. & M. Underw'r, sweater neck, to 2.50 1.15 G. & M. Underwear to 3.50 1.85 Cooper springneedle Underwear. . . 1.50 .85 B. V.XD, Underwear 50 .25 B. V. D. athletic Underwear . . 1.50 " .95 Porosknit Underwear 50 .35 White Cat Underwear, union suit. 1.50 .85 Knit Sweater Vests 5.00 2.45 Stockinette office Coats 5.00 1.15 All wool Sweaters, coats 3.00 1.35 All wool Sweaters, coats 7.... 5.00 2.35 Negligee Shirts, collar and tie 2.00 1.15 No-fade Shirts, collar to match... 1.50 .95 Steinbach Shirt, collar to match . . 1.50 .85 Silk & wool Shirts & Drawers, gmt 5.00 2.65 Boys' wash Suits to 1.00 .35 Boys' wash Suits to 2.00 .65 Boys' wash Suits to 3.00 1.15 Boys' wash Suits to 4.00 1.65 Boys' wash Suits to 5.00 1.95 IDTtr Steinbach SALE ARTICLE . Price PRICE Rogers-Peet Clothes, finest makes to $40.00 $18.65 Rogers-Peet Clothes, finest makes to 27.50 13.85 Rogers-Peet blues and blacks to. . . 35.00 21.65 Stratford Clothes, other makes to 22.50' 11.75 Stratford Clothes, other makes to 18.00 9.35 Full dress & Tuxedos, R-P. to. . . . 60.00 37.50 Full dress & Tux., 1911 models, to 50.00 28.50 Black Cheviots, young men, to 22.50 4.85 Three-piece Suits for young men to 25.00 7.85 Two-piece Suits for young men to. 25.00 4.85 College b'd S'ts, 1912, young men to 25.00 13.85 English covert Top Coats to 20.00 5.85 English Top Coats, box back, to ... 35.00 9.35 Odd Suits, immense lot, 1911, to . . . 20.00 5.85 Boys' knickerbocker Suits to 15.00 7.95 Boys' knickerbocker Suits to ... 11.00 6.65 Boys' knickerbocker Suits to 8.50 5.15 Boys' knickerbocker Suits to 7.00 4.15 Norfolk Suits, 2 pairs pants, to..;- 5.00 3.35 Russian and Sailor Suits to 3.50 1.95 Russian and Sailor Suits to 5.00 2.95 Russian and Sailor Suits to 7.50 3.95 Russian and Sailor Suits to 10.00 4.85 Men's extra Trousers to 3.50 1.95 Men's extra Trousers to 5.00 3.15 Men's extra Trousers to 6.50 3.85 Men's extra Trousers to 8.00 4.85 Men's extra Trousers to 10.00 6.85 Ladies' tailored Waists 2.00 .85 Ladies' mannish Waists to 3.00 1.35 Ladies' silk tailored Waists to 5.00 2.30 Steinbach standard ladies' Waists . 1.50 .65 SPECIAL NOTE Every Steinbach price remains marked on original tags, so that you can see what you are saving. DON'T BE ANNOYED IF WHAT YOU WANTED HAS BEEN SOLD OUT. Sale Continues Monday Morning at 9 o'Clock 4th and 4th and Mor- rison LION CLOTHING CO., SUCCESSORS RUDOLPH METER DIES WELIi - KXOWX DRAUGHTSMAN PASSES AWAY AT FARM. Superior Technical Training Makes Native of Westphalia, -Germany, Valuable City Employe. Heart failure yesterday caused the death of Rudolph Rueter, for 20 years chief draughtsman in the City En gineer's office, at his farm near Cove Orchard, Yamhill County. Mr. Rueter was 63 years old, having- been born January 7. 1849, at Wesphalla. Germany. With his family he came to tjie United States 23 years ago and chose Oregon as his home, settling for a time at Forest Grove. Later he came to Portland and entered the service of the City of -Portland. His superior technical training, acquired in his na tive country, gave him opportunity for rapid advancement and he became chief draughtsman for the City Engineer. Mr. Rueter served under Engineers H. H. Gradon. Frank Gilliam and Douglas W. Taylor and enjoyed the friendship of many city officials. Including the late George H. Williams. Mr. Rueter was a familiar figure about the City Hall and he was beloved by friends and associates as well. In late years, Mr. Rueter was In charge of the Sewer Department and superintendent and construction of the Brooklyn sower. He also assisted In platting the present City Park. Ill health forced his retirement from ac tive life two years ago and acute suf fering from minor ailments developed into heart failure, which caused his death yesterday. His death was not unexpected by his family. A daughter. Miss Emma Rueter, was at the" bedside to the end. The late engineer was a highly learned man and a linguist of more than passing ability. He was a lieu tenant In the German rmy before coming to America and came of a prom inent family. Dr. Herman Rueter, a brother, is a prominent physician at Hamburg, Germany. Another brother Rudolph Rueter, Ex-City Engi neer. Who Died Yesterday at Cove Orchard. is Adolph Rueter, of Forest Grove, Or. He is survived by his widow, two sons and two daughters, who are Mrs. Elizabeth Barry, Miss Emma Rueter, William Rueter and Carl Rueter. The funeral will be held Tuesday after noon from the family residence, 786 East Taylor street. Interment prob ably will be at -lone Fir Cemetery. MRS. RICH TRIES SUICIDE Woman Known In Portland: Becomes Despondent- In San Francisco. A report was received by Captain of Detectives Baty yesterday to the ef fect that Mrs. Benjamin B. Rich, whose husband formerly owned a string of clear stores here, had attempted sui- Lcide in her , apartments, 1701 Bush street, San Francisco, several days ago. Mrs. Rich became despondent while her husband was out of the city, ac cording to the report, and attempted suicide by inhaling gast She was dis covered and resuscitated. After she had regained consciousness, Mrs. Bush told the police that she had become despondent because the preced ing night, at a party at which she was the hostesB, one of tha guests had re marked pointedly ,that there was net a word of truth in a story that she was telling. . Marshal Arrests Two. Deputy United States Marshal Beatty returned yesterday from Pendleton, having In custody Ernest Johnley and C. B. Reed. The arrests were ordered by the Federal authorities on a oharge of introducing liquor on the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Johnley was in dicted by the last grand jury. ' One-halt the world, balng- short, dotra't know how the other half rets alone. "liO" CATS WATCHED POLICE TO REPORT WEIRD AC TIOX OF STRAY FELIXES. All Unlicensed Dogs to Be Chained to Telegraph Posts and Collected by Poundmaster. Six' dozen dog chains were delivered yesterday to the police by City Pound master Welch, with which to chain up all unlicensed dogs. In an order is sued yesterday to. patrolmen. Chief of Police Slover instructed them to take up immediately dogs found running at large without licenses. The dogs will be tied to telegraph posts. In sheds, or any place that is convenient, and held there until taken away by the pound master. In the same order, Chief Slover re- qulres his men to report Immediately any case of suspicious action on the part of dogs or cats, and to secure de tailed Information in such cases. Since the order of State Health Of ficer White, issued recently, many dogs have been muzzled, and the number is Increasing daily. Though the police are not authorized to enforce the order of the state officer, in the absence of any effective city ordinance, they are assisting in every way possible, as far as empowered. State Veterinarian Morel, however, is assembling a force of men. and is preparing to enforce the ordinance as speedily as his force will permit. Chief Slover is preparing to enforce the ne city ordinance requiring the muzzling of dogs with a vengeance, as soon as it goes into effect, on August .28. Drowning Cause of Nurse's Death. CATSKILL, N. Aug. 3. The re port of the physicians who performed an autopsy on the body of Miss Dorcas L Snodgrass of Mount Vernon gives the cause of death as drowning. RUPTURE seeTeyV Spermatic Shield Truss Sptrmttta (Mold Pad Doyor"C"thilreovaT Seeley's Spermatic Shield Truss, as fitted to the Czar of Russia and now used' and approved by the United States Government. will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immediate relief, but also closes the opening in ten days on the arerage case. If you can't come, send for descriptive literature. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. THIRD AND YAMHILL, PORTLAND, OR. Truss Experts and Exclusive Agents for Seeley's Spermatic Shield Trust.