The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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    AUGUST 4, 1912.'
Better Digestion
Better Appetite
Yours if You Eat More
Eugenic Exposition at State
Coe, Povey, Green and Dennis
Fair Wot After Doll-like
'; Beauty Alone.
Represent State at Bull
Moose Convention.
Holmes, of Wallowa, and Hughes, of
Marlon, Prevented by Business
From Attending -Dr. Coe on
Credentials Committee.
Oregon's National Progressive party
will have four delegates in the Bull
Jloose convention which assembles in
Chicago tomorrow. They are Dr. H:
W. Coe and D. I Povey, of Multnomah
County, and Bruce Dennis, of TJhlon,
three of the five delegates elected at
the state convention in Portland, and
R. J. Green, of Union, one of the five
E. A. Holmes, Mayor and prominent
business man of Wallowa, and J,
Frank Hughes, of Marion, the other
two regular delegates, were prevented
by business from goins to Chicago.
Since Oregon in the apportionment of
delegates was entitled to 10, each of
the four delegates in attendance wilf
have two and one-half votes on all
roll calls.
Dr. Coe was the first of the dele
gates to depart for Chicago. Having
'been selected a member of the commit
(tee on credentials which met at noon
yesterday. Dr. Coe left last Tuesday
night so as to arrive In the convention
city yesterday. Mr. Povey and Mr.
Dennis started Wednesday, while Mr.
Green did not leave until yesterday.
He will arrive in Chicago Tuesday, In
time to participate in the concluding
sessions of the convention.
State Central Committee to Get Ac
tive After Xationa Session.
George F. Rodgers, of Salem, chair
man of the recent Progressive party
convention, will Issue an official call
in a few days for a meeting of the
State Central Committee of the new
party organization in Portland. The
date for the meeting of the commit
tee has not been fixed definitely but
will be determined by. Mr. Rodgers.
It will be held as soon as convenient,
following the adjournment of the
party's National convention, which will
open its sessions in Chicago Monday.
The call for the committee meeting
has been drafted by L. M Lepper, sec
retary of the third party, and forward
ed to Mr. Rodgers for his official sanc
tion and signature. The Portland con
vention adopted resolutions providing
for a State Central Committee 'to con
sist of one member from each county.
The resolutions recommended that the
Roosevelt supporters in every county
proceed immediately to effect county
organizations and elect from their
number a member of the State Central
Committee. This committee, when it
assembles in Portland, will select a
state chairman and secretary and desig
nate an executive committee by which
the RooseVelt campaign in Oregon will
be directed.
Organization of the third party move
ment In the different counties has not
made much headway since the state
convention. It is understood the mem
bers of the Bull Moose party, however,
in Jackson and Union counties have
effected county organizations. Secre
tary Lepper is of the opinion that the
third party adherents in most of the
counties are purposely deferring the
organization -work until it has been de
cided when the state committee will be
called together.
"In addition to naming a date for
the meeting of the state committee, the
call will suggest the organization of
Progressive clubs throughout the
state," said Mr. Lepper yesterday. "It
is believed that the work of organiz
ing the new party can best be pro
moted by forming clubs in the differ
ent communities. The plan is to have
the state committee meet just as soon
after the Chicago convention as pos
sible and prepare for the aggressive
campaign that is contemplated by the
third party for Roosevelt in this state."
Oregon Not Represented Whent Taft
Receives Notification.
Oregon was not officially represent
ed at Washington Thursday when
President Taft was formally notified
by a committee, headed by United
States Senator Root, that he had re
ceived the Republican nomination for
President? At the very minute the ex
ercises were taking place. Oregon's
representative on the oommittee. Dr.
H. W. Coe, of Portland, was speeding
eastward in a transcontinental train.
But his destination was not. the Na
tional capital. He was en route to
Chicago as a delegate to the National
Progressive party convention that will
be assembled in that city Monday.
At the Reputelroan convention at Chi
cago, six weeks ago. Dr. Coo was designated-
by the Oregon delegation as
the representative from this, state, to
serve on the committee that was pro
vided to notify the President of his
nomination. But Dr. Coe. after the
convention- had finished its work, re
solved fully not to officiate on the
committee. He did not leave Portland
until Tuesday night, then with no in
tention of going to Washington. Be
sides, it would have been impossible
for him to reach Washington In time
for the formal notification exercises.
It was his plan to arrive in Chicago
early today and sit as a member of the
committee on credentials of the third
party convention. This committee will
meet at noon today to pass on the
vredentials of the delegates.
Tillamook Street Line Aked.
Extension of a streetcar line along
Tillamook street from Sandy Road to
Fast Ninetieth street is sought by res
idents living in that part of the East
Side. The plan is being supported by
the East Tillamook Street Improve
ment Club. At a meeting of the club
last. week a committee was appointed
to confer with. the. City Council and
O.-W. R. Sc N. officials in reference to
the installation of a danger signal at
the crossing at .. East . Eighty-second
street. Among ' other 'things which,
the club will wprk for are electrlo
lights, new water: mains and a school-
bouse for the district. . - '
" ' ' -; :-t '- ;..
Dr. Emius Drak to Speak,-.,'
Dr. 'Emma F. Al'Drake, secretary of
the National ' Purity " Federatloh.-"Vill
speak at th morning service today In
th United Presbyterian Church, Grand
avenue and Wasco street. She will
speak tonight at the Sellwood Baptist
Churohi Dr. Drake spoke at a large
meeting Friday night in the United
Brethren Church. Th afternoon meet
ings are for women and girls.' but the
jilght meetings aro open, to men also. .
. hm k''&&
v.r.;vv-' V &z frVr- .,Tj i iZ? A,"" --.'
ihaAIOTWWlTgwr'riiiw im '
f -- --
Equal Suffrage, Tariff Commission,
Navy, Monroe Doctrine and Free
Canal Advocated.
, K ninvltlnna nf the direct
primary law from having the word
Republican printed on the ballot fol
lowing his name, Thomas McCusker
will be required to run -as an inde
i hi rundidacv for Represen
tative in Congress from this district
At that, Mr. MCCUSKer mw umi.
is the only Republican in the eon
test. "In addition to M. G. Munly, the
Democratic nominee, the only other
hA Afffea T am seeking
voluntarily left the Republican party
recently and aeciareu u wu....
and the third party," said Mr. Mc
Cusker yesterday. "As I have already
said, I am still a Republican and Shan
continue - to be identinea wmi mi
party. I am flrmly opposed to every
: 1 . .i,h.. thrnueh the organlza-
tlon of a third party or otherwise, that
seeks to destroy or waan-cu m.
publican party."
following preliminary draft of his plat-
rorm: - , ,
.. .1.-j i. nn Inna-ar Should
rurunuu - a
not be a political highway to further
the ambition oi any "- - -
now a commercial center and should be
entitled to representation on that basis.
. .i rinaratlnn nf the United
States with the Canadian ' government
in opening the common i"
. . . . kt. thAivhv flralnina: a
vast territory into Portland. The land
in question is so prouuratc v.w
would make Portland the greatest
. . , . in h. world, and with
wnea maiivi. ."- .
the completion of the Panama Canal,
would make it the ioremos city ui
the Pacific Coast.
"I favor free tons tor .mmcn
i : .hHn.,-h th Pnmt Canal and
the fortification of the canal by this
Government. - '
..t. ... .t,A .HminaHnn nf rallroad-
owned or controlled steamship com
petition in the canai zone.
I am In hearty accord with the
Lodge resolution Just introduced Into
;he Senate which is an enlargement of
the Monroe Doctrine.
"I favor, a substantial ixavy, as i db-
...At. to AAMeMrv In order to
uevo Dm... i j - J
maintain our commercial supremacy
until such time as there shall be com
pulsory international aronranon.
"I favor the parcels posi ana an ex
tension of the postal savings bank.
"I favor a isaiionai arom auwu mw
1th a minimum wage scale, and a
restriction on tne imraigrnuu "
pauper labor.
"I favor equal suffrage, the direct
nmari.B nnH the extension of the
popular government laws.
I Tavor a permanent larm tuiuima
sion, thereby taking the tariff question
out of politics."
Nominee for Presidential Elector
Writes. to Central Committee,
irtmonlshlnor the members - of the
third party to heed the command of
their leader, -inou snait noi siem,
F. v. Carter, of Jackson County, Re
publican nominee for Presidential
Elector, in' a letter to the Multnomah
County Republican Central committee,
has declared that if elected in Novem
ber he will vote for Taft and Sherman
In the Electoral College. In plain
words. Mr. Carter asserts that if he
were not in sympathy with the party
which gave mm tne nomination ne
would lose no time in withdrawing as
Its nomine and acquainting the voters
with his position. .
"I am a KepUDlican' ana ii cnosen
." IT .
Top Row, Dr. H. XV. Coe, of Mult
nomik, Delegate; D. L. Povey, of
Multnomab, Deleaate) E. A.
Holmes, of Wallowa, Delegate.
Second Row, Bruce Dennis, of
Union, Delegate) J. Frank
Hughes, of Marlon, Delegate
Dan Kellaber, ' of Multnomah,
Candldat e Third Row, Dr.
Levi W, Myers, of Multnomah,
Candidate; W. K. Newell, of
Washington, Candidate! A. K.
Ware, of Jxkioi, Candidate.
Below, Jj. H. McMakon, of Salem,
as one of the Republican electors next
November," wrote Mr. Carter to the
committee, "my vote will be cast for
W. H. Taft and James 8. Sherman for
President an Vice-President, respec
tively. . - .' ; "
' "If my sympathies were with. Colonel
Roosevelt and his third-party move
ment I should certainly withdraw my
name as one of the Republican nomi
nees and ally myself openly with
them, but how can any man consistent
ly claim the right to make the race as
one of the electors, designated as a
Republican, and then. If successful,
cast his vote for Roosevelt?
"Surely the Colonel's slogan, 'Thou
shalt not steal,' is applicable here and
if any of our Republican electoral nom
inees are in sympathy with the Bull
Moose and his third-party movement,
they should be honest enough with the
voters of the state to withdraw their
names as such Republican nominees
and not try to sneak In under the tent
Thomas McCusker, Independent
Candidate for Representative la
Congress, Who Announced his
Platform Yesterday.
:V T 5
X Vol
iiiii iiiiisih i'""'?'" '
' i- - f 1 I
under the name 'Republican.'
"Gentlemen of the third-party move
ment, remember the admonition of
your leader: "Thou shalt not steaL' "
Mr. Carter and McKlnley Mitchell
are the only Republican nominees for
Presidential Elector who have replied
officially to the committee's letter re
questing them to define their position
as to the Republican National ticket.
The other three nominees are William
Hanley, of Harney; M. J. MacMahon
and Dan Kellaher, of Multnomah. Mr.
Kellaher, who received the Republican
nomination in the April primary elec
tion, was also nominated for the same
office at the recent third-party con
vention held in Portland.
Ever since the convention Mr. Kella
her has declined to commit himself or
to indicate in any way whether he
will support Taft or Roosevelt. He
was at Wllhoit Springs yesterday,
where, .It is understood, he made pre
liminary arrangements for organizing
a National Progressive Club.
Man Who "Beat" Board Bill Arrest
ed for Assault in Error."
VANCOUVER, Wash- Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) Thinking that the charge "beat
ing" is synonymous with "assaulting,"
when a hotelkeeper is the objective, a
telephone operator between here and
South Bend, Wash., today unconsci
ously caused the arrest of C. E. Hinkle
on a felonious charge, instead of a mis
demeanor. C. E. Hinkle, 28 years old, was In
South Bend, and it was charged that
he "beat" a hotelkeeper and was sup
posed to be on a train going to Port
land. Sheriff Stephens of South Bend,
telephoned to Sheriff Cresap, of Clark
County, telling him to arrest Hinkle, if
possible, and hold him. The wires
were noisy, so an operator relayed the
.... an4 rhanMll ttlA WOrd "bft&t-
llicsoa u, -
ing" to "assaulting," so this is the
. . n .
charge he was arrestea unuoi jj
Deputy Sheriff Elmer Barbeau, as the
train was passing through Vancouver
at noon.
Hinkle later admitted that he is the
. nit nnvinor a. board
one nnaiou .w. . f j n
bill. He is being held In Jail awaiting
the arrival oi enerin Dieimii -
subsequent message revealed the truth
that Hinkle had not assaulted the ho
telkeeper with his fists, but that he
had left the city without paying him.
A fleet of J50 refrigerator ships Is en-
raxed In carrying iren mei iu iub w.i.i.
Inlands. '
Your Child's Health
Your First Thought
If you have children, naturally your
first thoughts are for their health. Tou
certainly want them to develop strong,
healthy constitutions. .The most care
ful attention must be given when chil
dren show the first symptoms of the
many common ailments. Perhaps they
ate weakly and thin, or grow too fast,
thus sacrificing strength. These and
other apparently minor ailments may be
the. forerunner to a weak constitution
for life. . ' , ,
Such children ned Jayne's Tonio
Vermifuge, which is essentially a chil
dren's tonic. First of all, it will proper
ly care for the child's stomach. It will
also improve the appetite and will add
strength to "the other organs of the
body. In cases of thin or impure blood-,
it increases the number of red cor
puscles enabling the enriched blood to
keep the body healthy and strong. . -
Among the most common ailments
that .children develop Is that of a dis
ordered stomach, leading to an Im
paired digestion. In many cases this
trouble Is due to parasites -in the In
testinal tract. To correct such trouble,
Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge is unsurpassed.
For more than eighty, years millions
of children have been restored to
health through the use of this tonio.
Insist upon Jayne's; accept no other.
Sold by druggists everywhere. Dr. D.
Jayne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa.
Trained Nurses to Demonstrate
Methods of Washing, Feeding and
Handling Infants Cash Prizes
Are to Be Offered.
Proof of the favorable reception of
the new department of an "Exposition
of Eugenics" at the State Fair at Salem
September 2-7 is shown by the fact
that 1500 has been appropriated by the
State Fair Board to cover the premiums
and expenses connected with it.
In this eugenic department children
will be shown, varying in age from six
months to four years, and prizes
awarded for physical perfection rather
than doll-like beauty. Certain medical
standards of weight and measurement
will be used.
Comparison to perfection will be fig
ured on a percentage basis. The various
tests and measurements will be made
by women physicians, who will at the
same time point out to parents any
defects or good points in the constitu
tion of the child.
Nurses to Demonstrate.
Under the auspices of the Oregon
Mothers' Congress and Parent Teach
era' Association, and the Oregon State
Orange, a "Child's Welfare Exhibit
will be made a part of the eugenic ex
position. All the approved methods of
handling, washing, feeding and cloth
ing babies will be demonstrated daily
by trained nurses, in addition to other
There will be no competition between
the sexes; prizes of $26, 110 and 5 cups
will be awarded In each of the three
classes, for children of each sex, while
a challenge cup of B0 will be given for
the champion boy and the champion
Classes are as follows: A. Boys (1)
over S months and under 2 years. B.
Girls. (2) over 2 years and under 3
years; (3) over 3 years and under 4
Every commercial club and grange
in the state is requested by O. M. Plum-
mer, the superintendent of the depart
ment, to interest Itself In the organlza.
tlon of a preliminary show along these
lines. By this means the best baby
boy and girl in the respective com
munltles will have been selected. Each
community should then send its best
boy and its best girl as representatives
of the town or section. By this way
Mr. Plummer says the best possible
attention would be called to -the com
munity, atracting far more notice to
the locality than thousands of dollars
spent in advertising resources ana
On the other hand any child may be
brought to Salem direct without Its
having entered in any , preliminary
The score card, andVpercentage basis
will be modeled On that adopted by
the Iowa branch of the National Con
gress of Mothers and approved By tne
various health committees, and wom
ens' clubs there.
Babe'a Hand Shnke to Be Noted.
Nationality of parents, place of birth,
whether city, town or village bred, age
and color, are among the first ques
tions asked. Then follow some ques
tions of assistance to the medical ex
aminers, such as to the length of time
the child had been fed arti
ficially or from the breasts, whether
It had slept habitually In the open air
and Its state of health at Dirtn.
The general examination total is 100
points, and the perfect scores for the
various measurements and examina
tions provide interesting reading.
In addition to the everyday measure
ments of height, weight, chest, abdo
men te.. noints are given for the
quality of the skin and fat, quality of
the muscles, as eviaencea oy mo nnu
grip, sitting poise, rising, walking and
Shape, position and size of eyes, ears,
nose, forehead, teeth and Jaw all figure
prominently.. Energy and disposition
receive good marks, while the attention
given by the child also is to be taken
into consideration.
Xewberg Line Work Starts.
NEWBERG, Or., Aug. S. (Special.)
The Southern Pacific today began
tearing up First street preparatory to
laying its tracks for the electric line
through this place, connecting valley
points with Portland. Great interest
is being manifested In the work.
Becoming Universally Recognized
as Remedy for uneumaiasm,
Blood, Stomach, Skin
Quick Relief From Rheumatism.
Olympla, Wash.
C. M. C. Stewart Sulphur Co..
71 Columbia St.. Seattle, Wash.
Gentlemen: Some time ago I suf
fered greatly from Rheumatism in
both hands, they being so badly
swollen I could hardly move my
fingers. I received a bottle of your
Sulphurro from my son-in-law Mr.
L. B. Faulkner, and took it for a
while, and it entirely cured my
Sulphurro has benefited me a great
deal, and I have no objection to your
using this letter in order that other
sufferers may learn of Sulphurro s
wonderful powers.
1025 Adams St.
Each day wider use is given to Sul
phurro, Stewart's Liquid Compound of
Sulphur. This fact alone offers one of
the best reasons for its use, as its con
stantly widening circle of cures Indi
cates its merit. The simplicity and
other advantages of the Sulphurro
treatment especially recommend it. By
a common-sense process it drives out
of the blood the poisons and germs that
cause Rheumatism, blood diseases, skin,
stomach and similar ailments.
Sulphurro braces you up; provides a
tonic for the system. The Sulphurro
bath Is a real delight, restful and re
freshing. For a mere trifle In cost the
curative properties of wonderful sul
phur springs are brought into your
Read the booklet that accompanies
each bottle of Sulphurro as you buy It
at the drug store. (Bottles 60 cents
and $1.00.) Free booklet will be glad
ly sent upon request to. the C. M. C.
Stewart Sulphur Co. 71 Columbia St.,
Seattle, Wash.
During these hot hays the heavy foods over
work your body and leave you feeling hotter,
more tired than you really are.
Weatherly Ice Cream is a light, sustaining food
I ' .
THE Pacific Coast Tailoring Company announces
the opening of its new tailoring rooms on the
Third Floor of the Phoenix Building, Fifth and.
Oak Streets.
A large, carefully selected stock of Fall and Winter
woolen fabrics, suitable for men's and women's suits,
gives a wide range in ordering.
There will be no special sales or inducements. Prices
will at all times be maintained as low as high-class,
workmanship and material will permit.
"We guarantee every garment to be right or we will,
make you another one or refund the money.
Whether or not you now require a suit, you are cor
dially invited to call and inspect our stock at any time.
Pacific Coast Tailoring Company
Third Floor
Phoenix Building
L. JOHNS, Mgr.
is the place for your home. Go out today
and see what we are doing in ALTAMEAD.
See the new homes that are being built.
The sidewalk will soon be completed. You
can get LOTS 50x100 TO AN ALLEY FOR
$500 YOUR OWN TEEMS. Can you
beat it? See ALTAMEAD before you buy.
We have salesmen on the property who will
be glad to show you the unsold lots. Take
the Montavilla car to East Stark street and
walk three blocks east, or call the office
and we will call for you in our auto. It
will only take an hour. Office open Sunday.
272 Stark St. Main 937, A 2693
Ask for It
6044, B 2428
Couldn't you make your home prettier by adding a piece of
solid oak mission furniture here and there?
389 Alder Street, Opposite
that makes you
feel better every
At over 500 deal
ers, all of whom
deliver to your
East 244
Fifth and Oak
"Here Is
bread that you can eat
with a relish a joy.
The crispness of the
rich, brown crust is de
licious and satisfying.
And the sweet, nutty
flavor makes you want
is pure 100 pure.
Each loaf in a dustproof
sanitary wrapper.
Olds, Wortman & King.