The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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' - XM15 8UaljAy UKEUO.MAy, foktlact, AUGUST 4, 1913. ... -
- i I - m mm ' i ' " ' O ' "
Would you
"Let's Eat at
The Portland
Government Exposes Negotia
. tions With Weyerhaeuser
Timber Interests.
d for them fflicS let
yon choose -your owe tea
Adjournment of Hearing Being Held
at San Francisco Is Taken and
Inquiry AVill Be Resumed in
Portland In September.
SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 3. (Special.)
B. D. Townsend, special attorney for
the United States Department of Jus
tice. in the case whereby the Govern
ment is endeavoring to declare for
felted 3,100,000 acres of timber land in
Oregon, originally granted to the Ore
gon & California Railroad Company,
and now the property of the Southern
Pacific Company, crowned the last
hearing in San Francisco before ad
journment to Portland today by the
Introduction of evidence somewhat sen
satlonal and of a damaging; nature to
the Southern Pacific's cause.
Although the 'original land grant was
made to the Oregon & California Rail
road, a railroad since absorbed by the
Southern Pacific, on the proviso that
It should be sold to actual settlers only.
and in tracts not to exceed 160 acres,
and at a price of not more than 12.50
an acre. Special Attorney Townsend an
nounced today that the Government's
evidence would seek to show that when
Governmental action began to declare
the land grant forfeited for non-compliance
with the provision of the Con
gressional act of July, 1866, the South
ern Pacific Company then was nego
tiating with the Weyerhaeuser Tim
ber Company for the purchase by the
latter company, commonly called the
timber trust, of the entire land grant,
and that because of these negotiations
the company had closed the sale of
lands to actual settlers.
MrAHIater Put oa Stand.
Along this line of deduction B. A.
McAllister, land commissioner for the
Southern Pacific Company, was placed
on the stand yesterday and asked to
Identify copies of certain letters said
to have been written by ex-Land Com
missioner Charles W. Eberleln to va
rious persons and presumed to have
reference to the Oregon & California
grants, inasmuch as they were under
the file name of that company in the
Southern Pacific land office. The let
ters were among the few saved during
:he San Francisco fire" of 1906, and
the copies bore evidence that they had
been through the fire by their charred
One letter written by Eberleln to
Peter F. Dunne, former general attor
ney for the Southern Pacific, dated
August 16, 1905. related to the right
lo sell the entire land grant, presum
ably that of the Oregon & California
Railroad, as the letter was filed under
the name of that company. It is con
sidered by those who have been fol
lowing the case to be of peculiar sig
nificance, inasmuch as it was written
but a comparatively short time after
the late E. H. Harrlman had contrib
uted $250,000 to the Roosevelt cam
paign fund and after Roosevelt had
taken the oath of office as President
of the United States.
Eberleln'a Letter Read. -
Speaking of the desire of the com
pany to sell the entire immense tract
of land, Eberleln, in part, wrote 'to
General' Attorney Dunne as follows:
"My telegram to Mr. Chambers (then
attorney for the Southern Pacific in
Washington, D. C.) states the facts re
garding selections by and patents to
the California & Oregon Land Com
pany of lands originally granted by
Congress in the Oregon Central mil
itary road grant.
"Mr. Chambers undoubtedly has
looked the matter up. He makes no
citation to departmental decisions, but
I think this matter can be brought
about by conference with the officials
at Washington, who are Just now In
clined to be friendly to us.
-I think, however, that all arrange
ments should be made and then the
matter taken up with them personally
and not by letter."
McAllister freely identified all the
copies of letters, later marked as Gov
ernment exhibits, as part of flies that
had survived the 1906 fire. One series
of correspondence related to the Coos
Bay military wagon road grant, a
grant bearing about the same provis
ions as that of the balance of the Ore
gon" California Railroad grants. This
set of letters purported to show the
willingness of the. Southern Pacific
Company to dispose of the land as one
tract. "
Friendly Attitude" shows.
Another set of letters dealt with
statements made to persons, who pur
ported to be prospective settlers, to the
effect that land sales in the tract were
closed. The third set bore reference to
the friendly attitude of the Govern
mnt toward the Southern Pacific Com
pany, "at this time."
But two boxes, or files of letters
bearing on the subject, so far as is
known, were saved from the fire. The
attorney for the Southern Pacific Com
pany objected to any copy or copies of
the correspondence being taken for
publication, but this was overruled by
the United States Attorney, who held
that as the hearing was a public one,
the public had a right to know the con
tents of the letters made a part of the
Government exhibits.
It Is estimated by Attorney Townsend
that the lands in litigation are worth
in the neighborhood of $75,000,000, al
though the Southern Pacific Company
does not place quite such a high valua
tion on them.
Townsend says that 12 years ago the
timber alone on them, according to
cruisers who made, a conservative esti
mate, was worth about $35,000,000. Both
timber and land have since materially
increased In value.
Hearing I Undecided.
Neither the Government attorney nor
.counsel for the Southern" Pacific today
came to any agreement as to when the
hearing would reopen in Portland.
Townsend, however, said he wished an
understanding with Land Commissioner
McAllister, that when any documents
are wanted in Portland, and that such
documents are believed to be in the
Southern Pacific flies, a search will be
made in good faith for them. Probably
the hearings will begin in Portland the
first part of September.
2,300,000 ACRES AT STAKE
" i i
Testimony in Suit for Valuable Tim
ber Land to Be Taken.
Additional testimony in the suit of
the Government against the Oregon &
California Railroad Company for the
recovery of 2,300,000 acres. of valuable
timber lands, included In former land
grants, will be taken in Portland be
ginning tomorrow.
B. D. Townsend. representing the
Government as special prosecutor, has
been attending; a similar hearing in
The lady who pre
sides over your
household would ap
preciate and enjoy a
dlnner'here with you.
Suppose you come to
day. v
Twill be a restful
hour, and you'll both
enjoy the diversion.
We'll serve you cour
teously: nothing but
the best Is offered to
the Portland's guests.
You'll also enjoy the
evening music by our
orchestra; stroll
through the lobby
and admire the new
decorations and fur
nishings. -
The Portland Hotel
Kaufmans, Mgr.
San Francisco for several days. The
Inquiry there was concluded yester
day and Mr. Townsend and other in
terested counsel are en route to tlua
city- .... ... ..
The testimony tnat is Deing
chiefly documentary and Is supple
mental to that already written Into
the case.
FIGHT WAGED FOR $2,000,000
Divorced Wife Has Contract Giving
Her Property and Other Woman
Has Later Will.
rmrir.n Aur. 3. A flght for a
$2,000,000 fortune accumulated In Al
aska by Henry Curtis Elliott, is being
waged In the courts here by his two
widows. Katherlne M. Elliott, the first
and divorced wife, holds a "contract
will." in which Elliott bequeathed to
her all that he tnen possessea or nii
to nossess. He made her his sole ex
. j j.,,.imnt malt nr void anv
will that might have been made be
fore, is held by tne secona wue, snia.
Grace Van Wormer Elliott. By this
j ....rthfnff In lft to the sec-
Oi:uiiicu j n -
ond Mrs. Elliott and a son. Henry Cur
tis Elliott, jr.
According to the story, Elliott, wlth
.... ,,Am in is47 hAmmA tricken with
the gold fever. His first wife had saved
money by painting cnina, ana gruu-
KCU 'I1' ' " .
demanding half of his winnings in the
Klondike region. Me promisea ner bub
could have it.,
TJ mA torn fithP TY1f1 flflri t)V locat
ing and selling various claims accumu
lated his fortune. On his return to uni
cago Elliott and his wife were divorced
and he went to New York, where he
met and married Grace Van Wormer.
Elllo'i returned to Alaska, and in
loAa huriA hneAth An avalanche.
In January, 1910, his last will was pro-
Various legal entanglements have ap-
, a rro t-r 1 Tl Vl flfKt will fmm
time to time, and finally August 7 was
set as a date tor argument in uie Ap
pellate Court as to the validity of the
"contract wui.
Fraud Is Alleged in Transfer of
Company's Assets.
VALDEZ. Alaska, Aug. 3. Suit has
been begun here to set aside the trans
fer of the assets of the Hubbard-Elliott
Mines Company to the Hubbard-Elliott
Copper Company, a Washington Com
pany, with offices in Seattle, the com
Dlainants. stockholders of the former
company alleging fraud with intent to
deprive them of their holdings.
The property in dispute is a large
copper mine near the Kotsina River,
which was developed by the late Henry
Curtis Elliott, of Chicago. There are
stockholders of the original company
In all of the western and central states.
Thefts of $150,000 in Valuables
Charged to Captive.
CHICAGO. Aug. 3. After an excit
ing chase today through the crowded
streets of the business section the po
lice arrested Jacob F. Guthrie, alias
Harry Brown. 28 years old, who Is al
leged to have robbed the homes of
wealthy residents of the South Side, of
valuable paintings, silverware. Jewelry,
clothing, stocks and bonds, worth more
than $150,000.
As Guthrie was being locked In a ceil
he attempted to swallow two rent re
ceipt slips, which the police seized and
which later led to nis loentity. une was
for a barn on the West Side and the
other for a room In a storage ware
When the police searched the barn
and warehouse room they found thou
sands of dollars worth ol valuaDie
articles stolen from the homes of
prominent Chlcagoans In the last few
months. Among the articles found
were five oil paintings valued at $10.
000. stolen from Mrs. Charles P. Kel
logg. Guthrie, who lived with his mother
and brother, Robert W. Guthrie, a po
liceman. Is charged with forging the
name of Mrs. H. O. Stone and Mrs. Ella
Wilson to checks for $12,000, which he
deposited to his own credif In Chicago
banks. Guthrie is said to be a gradu
ate of a local college.
Growers'' Association Organized on
Puyallup Plan.
VANCOUVER, Wanlu. Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) To build a cannery, and organ
ize to dispose of all produce grown on
the farm, the Clark County Growers'
Association formally organized at a
meeting held in the Commercial Club
rooms today. The Clark County Fruit
Growers' Association will be succeeded
by the new organization.
1 4,8 1 5
and state through Eilers Music
A great factory surplus
the old reliable Smith & Barnes, the
Really reduced prices lower than ever
The greatest of fer ever made by Oregon's
A Few of the Pianos and
The Kimball pianos in this sale will be the new $475 style
17, at $315, and the new $600 style 21 is only $435; terms of
$10 a month will buy these. Other styles of the" famous Kim
ball piano at corresponding reductions.
There will be three styles of the Decker piano, among them
the superb new $550 style G for $376 $10 a month buys
There will be 19 of the very finest of Chickering uprights,
and Baby Grands, not the plainest and least expensive types,
but the finest $725 and $900 styles, which may be had at $585
and $665. Other styles at corresponding reductions.
MM . 13WaJ-C a week for the fancier eS, and tne piano is SL
iiplfe few m : lip m
v-' thill 1 l?2s?? i2a&4ff?ai -si' a-rl
Wo... . BWgBW., ! . .om, ,rr-, rijl wp, J J3P3idJ 1 ?' .3'
f N.jt-.f -- .-Mitt mUWlWM
I- Li! lss3l - :
: figk jSW) - The Nation s Larest
r cHoWEilers Bldg. Alder St. at 7th
i..l.. lninmnrlltlnn will t0
Al V . ' f
filed. The association will be capltal-rk-
tonnn Hlvided Into 400 shares
at ?5 each. "The plan being success
fully followed at Puyallup, Wash., will
be adopted nere.
piva tniatepR- J. L. Oavles. A. O.
Hathaway, J. D. Eaton, E. U French
and A. W. Moody, were elected today,
and they will select officers from their
own number. The farmers and fruit
growers now believe that they have
made a beginning; that will be of great
to foe paid music teachers
sale of the Nation's standard, makes Deckers,
Because business in the United States
est and oldest established makers of the best grades of pianos were compelled
enmhs st.fwks After some lenirthv negotiations. Eilers Music House succeeded
assistance to them. They will have
representatives at the Clark County
Fair this Fall, to explain their plan
and get as many farmers in the county
as possible interested. .
Convicted Embezzler Paroled.
LEAVENWORTH. Kan., Aug. 3.
Noah P. Marker, formerly cashier of
the First National Bank of Tipton.
Ind.. convicted of embezzling large sums
from that institution, was released
Haddorrr, the 3teger
heretofore. Payments
big piano house.
Some Sale Prices
The old-established Marshall & Wendell piano will be rep
resented by two of their latest 1913 designs. One is the $425
upright, reduced to $274 ($8 a month buys them), and the
other is a smaller and plainer design for $40 less.
The old reliable Smith & Barnes pianos of Chicago are in
cluded in this sale, particularly a new style F, 4 feet 6 inches
high, with all latest improvements. The corresponding de
signs of this famous old make have been heretofore sold by
other houses for $400 and $150. They may be had in this
sale for only $267 ($7 a month buys them).
All teachers are invited to send in their cards and their
rates. Eilers Music House will pay the bill for lessons for
the purchasers of any one of these 483 pianos.
has been good only "in spots," some of
finest pianos ever shipped West at virtually their
own price and a cash appropriation from eacn manu
facturer to pay for this new free scholarship plan.
Thus these fine pianos have come to us way below
value. They will be sold at prices lower than ever
known before. You've never known standard pianos
such as these being sold below regular price. Yet if
you buy now, during this sale, you get lowest price,
easiest terms and free lessons. You choose the
teacher from the great list of names of teachers to
whom we have sold and who are using our pianos;
. .we pay the bilL The money is here, $14,815 cash.
The pianos are here. Every one is plainly marked.
A little child could buy one and couldn't go wrong!
A little cash down. A dollar and a quarter
each week for the plainer styles, two dollars
a week for the fancier ones, and the piano is
paid for before you can realize it. Pay
ments can be
arranged on
our new one,
two and three
year plan, too.
; . I
from the Federal prison here today on
a "good behavior" parole, having served
three years of a five-year sentence.
The Tipton bank's shortages are said
to have amounted to over tlOO.OOO.
More File at Olympia for OHlce.
OL.TMPIA, Wash. Aug. 3. (Special.)
The following candidates filed their
declarations of candidacy with Secre
tary of State Howell for nomination at
the September primaries::. O. Con
Kimballs, Chickerings, the
ana tne oia esiaDiisnea
as little as $1.25 a week,
the larg
to unioaa
in getting
nor, of Spokane, Democrat, for con
gressman at Largo, being the second
Democrat to file; Charles Drury. of
Tacoma.' Democrat, for Congressman
from the Second District, and F. M.
Gqodwin, of Spokane. Republican, for
Congressman from the Third District.
Man Wangled by Train.
PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 3. (Special.)
At a late hour last night the dead
body of a man was found in the west
Is city
Sohmer, the Hazelton,
marsnau oc vvenaeu.
and music lessons free
Catalogues Free
Write Today
.w1 th vardq of the O.-W. R. &
N. here. It is believed the victim of
the accident in attempting to board
jin outgoing freight train missed hl
footing and fell under the train. The
railroad employes were exonerated bjr
a Coroner's Jury;
The Standard . Oil Company, of Brail',
capital V500.000, has been authorized to
operate in the republic The domicile of
the company U In Fairmont, W. Va., U. . A.