The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 04, 1912, Image 1

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PAY ROLL $125,000. .
76 Pages
New Party Committee
Framing Roll
Senator Says Last 29 Days
Have Awakened Nation.
Seats f .-Southern Delegates Claimed
by RiTal Factions "Steam Roll
er' Tactics Not to Be Csed,
Say Roosevelt Leaders.
CHICAGO. Aug. 3. The National
Progressive party emerged from Its
waddling clothes and got down to real
political work today. The provisional
National committee of the new party
took up the work of framing the tem
porary roll of delegates for the con
vention that will meet on Monday.
The committee settled the question
of the representation of various ter
ritories and outlying possessions 'and
heard arguments of various contesting
Dixn Rfvifwa Work.
There were on the committee some
35 men, representing varloua states.
Senator Dixon.-' of Montana, presided.
When he called the meeting to order
shortly after noon he made a speech
outlining the purposes of the meeting
and predicted great things for the new
party. He reviewed the work done by
the Roosevelt forces after the Repub
lican convention and up to the time the
call was issued tor the progressive
meeting here.
The provisional committee adjourned
-at 11:30 tonight after a session last
ing since noon today, having acted on
a single contest. that in - Alabama,
where 12 white delegates were seated
,rer'the claims of the negro con
testants. A dispute over the contesting
negro delegation from Florida pro
longed the session and finally forced
adjournment until o'clock Monday
"This call was signed on July 8." he
wild. "I doubt if in the history of
the Anglo-Saxon race there has ever
been such a development, such an evo
lution politically among 90.000.000 peo
ple as you have witnessed" during the
last : days.
"During that time. 47 of the 48 states
of the Union, through their representa
tives in mass meetings, have come to
'gether;.a National convention has de
veloped."" Representation In Limited.
He said the call limited "each state
to representation in the convention
' equal to the number of Senators and
' Representatives it elected. -
Senator Dixon then reviewed the
work of the progressives In various
"Gentlemen." he said, "this is a posi
tive demonstration and when 1100 men
meet on Monday down in the Coliseum
and the story goes to the country that
a new Nation-wide movement In Ameri
' can politics has become an actual realty,
you are going to see the line stiffened
In every state of the Union and you
are going to see It demonstrated that
it Is not a flash in the pan."'
' Senator Dixon said he had spent a
week in Washington recently.
"Positively, the atmosphere under the
rapitol dome was like an old-time coun
try funeral." he said. "I don't quite
understand what has happened. I think
the atmosphere at the capitol is the
worst of any place in the Union, but
they are beginning to hear from home.'
Territories Get No Vote. .
When Senator Dixon concluded varl
sus members of the committee ex
plained the progressive situations in
(Concluded on in. - .
m a '''''' , .
- - r7 I p" ToootS ' I za-j!: J
Plan Is to Tour Cnitcd States in
, Cities Where Not Barred w
York May Be Visited.
NEW YORK! Aug. 3. (Special.)
Oscaf Hammerstein has decided to
give up his Ixndon opera venture and
Is1 coming' back to 'America to put on
opera with his present singers In cities
from which he Is not barred by his
agreement with the Metropolitan Opera
Company. The Impresario also is frank
In admitting his dearest wish is to get
back into opera In New York. '
Mr. ' Hammerstein returned from
London today on -the Lusitania for a
four-weeks' stay, g ' will begin imme
diately on his Dlaln bringing his
Condon company to V1" -rk in Jan
uary. He will pass moi,'f'-l- time
while In this country pert ar
rangements for this newest ventu O
Is not Improbable he also will coni'
with those in control of the operatic
Situation here with a view towara a
possible return of the Hammerstein
opera to New York.
The second and last season of the
Ktngsway opera house as the home
of Hammerstein opera will open in
October and close in January. The
entire company then, will be brought to
America for a tour of the larger cities,
avoiding New York. Boston. Philadel
phia and Chicago, from each of which
the impresario is" barred. This tour
will last, according to present plans!
until April. 'The following season the
London house will not be opened at all,
so far as Hammerstein opera Is con
cerned, and the London company will
open Its tour of America In the Fall
and will run, if public support war
rants, through a season of usual
V. B. Dixon, of Canada, Rides Once
In Lifetime, but Xo More.
"It isn't often one finds a man now
adays who has grown past maturity
without having ever ridden on an ele
vator," said the clerk at" the Cornelius
Hotel yesterday. "But I met one to
day." ..
W. B. Dixon, of Saskatchewan, Can
ada, a rancher, came to Portland yesi
terday.wlth Mrs. Dixon and registered
at the Cornelius. The page took their
luggage and led the way inside the
elevator. Mr. Dixon
n.gaye no sign oflthelr otf Ice in the full confidence UlAtilxMl pp. -fjl V TFMflVF MANIA
e novelty'h'e wftsTsuch I performance will have strong "MM I f t IVIft I t . CM U V C. . W Mmr.
uneasiness over th
experiencing in transportation, until
the car came to a standstill and the
page led him to the room that had been
assigned him.
'Boy." he said, as the page turnert
to go. "can I walk down stairs again
if I want to?"'
"Certainly. If you wish."
"Thank you. I think 111 just taks
the stairway hereafter, then. Not that
I'm afraid of your machine, but I've
gone a good many years without one
and I don't think I want to have to
get used to It now." i-
Soldier Discharged for Brownsville
Riots to Be Reinstated. - -
WASHINGTON. Aug. S. By an exe
cutive, order of President Taft, Mingo
Sanders, who. was a sergeant of bne of
the negro infantry companies dis
charged for. participation in the
Brownsville riots, became a messenger
today in the classified service, and
went to work at the Interior,' Depart
ment at' J70 a month. Recently Sand
ers took part as a spellbinder In the
Ohio primary fight between President
Taft and Colonel Roosevelt.
Representative Rodenberg. of Illinois,
said today lie would introduce next
week a House bill to reinstate Sanders
In the Army and permit "his retirement
at once. When discharged Sanders had
served 26 years and, after another
year's . service, would have been en
titled to retirement at .two-thirds pay
and allowances. -
Rodenburg said he will later Intro
duce a bill for the reinstatement of all
the Innocent soldiers discharged for
participation .in the Brownsville af
Mass Meeting Will Be
at Cooper Union.
Citizens to Be Asked to Give
Money Toward Campaign.
" uepUrture of Inspector Hushes for
Catskills Gives Rise to Rumor
That Capture of Fugitives
Is Not Far Away.
NEW YORK. Aug. 3. The revela
tions of the Rosenthal murder case,
pointing to the existence of a system
of police blackmail levied upon illegal
resorts, prompted a number of leading
citizens to issue a call today for a
public mass meeting at Cooper Union
next week to adopt plans "to make ef
fective the public demand for the ob
servance of law and order in this city."
The signers of the call are Jacob H.
Schlff, Kugenlus H. Outerbridge. Eu
gene A. -Philbin, Henry Moskowltz.
Allen Robinson and Felix Adler. A
number of prominent women, including
Mrs. Russell Sage and Mrs. E.-H. Har
riman, have been asked to become mem
bers of the woman's auxiliary commit
tee. Call Seat to Mast?.
The call, sent out ovr the signatures
of this "citizens' committee" to a large
number of men and women in all walks
of life, says: x
"The sttte of lawlessness now exist
ing in this city under cover of which
crimes have been committed with im
punity and criminals permitted to go
unpunished, has reached a "point where
public sentiment demands that the of
ficials charged with enforcing the laws
for the protection and well being of
our citizens shall perform the duties of
public support.
"It Is proposed that a public meet
ing be held:at Cooper Union in the
near future, at which prominent speak
ers will be heard and plans adopted to
make effective the public 'demand-for
tjhe observance of law and order In
this city."
. Fund to Be Raised.
A popular subscription - to provide
funds for an investigation and the em
ployment of lawyers and detectives Is
Included, it is understood, in the plans
of the committee.
"While Inspector Hughes was absent
today in the Catsklll Mountains di
recting the search of his men for "Gyp
the Bloo"-and "Lefty" Louie, two of
the fugitives charged with Rosenthal's
murder, several gamblers mentioned
by "Jack" Rose as having paid protec
tion money to the police, were called
to the Criminal Courts building, and
examined by an assistant District At
torney. '
The exact nature of the information
they had to give was not revealed, but
It was said that as a result of their
examination, further important evi
dence of ..police corruption would be
ready for the grand jury when that
body resumes its Investigation next
week. "
Police Expect Capture.
The departure of Inspector Hughes
for the Catskills led to reports that
his detectives were close to their quar
ry and the attitude tonight at police
headquarters In regard to the capture
of the men was one of expectancy.
Inspector Hughes' detectives were
reported to be working in the general
vicinity of Fleischmann's. the Catskill
Summer resort, where "Whitey" Lew
Is. one of the men wanted for the mur
der, was picked up Thursday.
Deputy .Police Commissioner Dough-
Operators Getting Smallest Salaries
and Working Hardest Hours "
Are Not Forgotten.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 3. (Special.)
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
Company has announced a substantial
Increase In the wages paid to operators
In San Francisco, Oakland and some
of Its . other exchanges, amo'untlng ' to
$125,000 a. year. This increase was
voluntary on the part of the company
and was wholly unexpected by the
employes. , . "
The distribution of the Increase is so
graded that the greatest increase is
given to those employes receiving the
lesser salaries, and particularly to
those who are required to work even
ing or night hours, the Increase for
the evening or night shifts ranging
from nine to 20 per cent.
Substantial Increases have also been
given to the supervising operators and
as these positions are filled by pro
moting the more efficient operators,
the earning possibilities of the opera
tors have been considerably increased.
Officials of the telephone company say
that this Increase was made in accord
ance with the general policy of the
company to increase the salaries of Its
employes whenever It can properly be
Feminine Strikers at Wenatchee
Cannery Would Do Violence.
WENATCHEE, Wash., Aug. 3. (Spe
cial.) Militant feminine strikers, more
than "0 in number, today threat
ened physical violence to women who
took their places at the canning plant
of the Wenatchee Fruit & Cunning
Company when the regular force went
on a strike. .
Led by a big, brawny woman, the
strikers marched the main streots
shouting vengeance and displaying a
threatening placard. For a time the
police threatened to take a hand.
The strikers, who are employed as
pitters by the - cannery, refused to
work when their wages were redured.
They had been getting 12 a day, but
yesterday were informed they wohld
be paid by the box. After one. day
under the new scale they struck.
Enough women to take the places of
the strikers were employed under
threats from the strikers.-
Burglar Submits to Operation on
Brain to Cure Desire for Theft.
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 3. In an oper
ation today on the skull of John
Howard, aged 21. a burglar, wuo nas
urged physicians to operate in order
that, he might become an nonesf citi
zen, two physicians removed a tumor
which was pressing upon his brain, be
sides lifting a depression of the bone
over the right temple.
At the City Hospital it was said that
the operation was successful and that
It was believed Howard could e cured
of kleptomania.
Victoria Men Would Explore Tibnron
Island for Native Gold.
VICTORIA. B. C, Aug. 3. Bound
for the famous Tiburon Island In the
Gulf of California, which is said to be
rich in gold and other minerals, which
have been successfully held by fierce
natives, said to be cannibals, two lit
tle schooners, the "Tenderfoot" and
"Drift," of the Victoria Yacht Club, left
port last night carrying an adventurous
party of treasure hunters.
They expect to be gone six months.
They will stop at San Francisco en
Danish-Americans Give Park.
COPENHAGEN. Aug. 3. A great
concourse of Danish-Americans who
have come from the United States to
attend the inauguration of the Danish
American National Park In Jutland,
which is to be formally presented to
the Danish Government by the Danes ot
the United States on Monday, gathered
today In the Tlvilo Gardens.
Four May Have Perished
Near Huntington.
Landslide Blocks Trains Now
24 Hours Late.
In Worst August Storm in History of
Eastern Oregon County LItcs -May
Have Been Blotted Out.
Big Ditch Breaks.
Huntington Waterspout sweeps
away two homes. Family of four,
mother and three children, believed to
have perished. Landslide blocks all
trains. -
Pendleton Heaviest rainfall known
damages hay. Harvesting halted.
La Grande More than Inch of rain
falls. . Some damage reported.
BAKER, Or.. Aug. 3. 'Special.)
Four persons are believed to have per
ished seven miles west of Huntington
last night, when a waterspout swept
away the home of John Powell. Mrs.:
Powell and her three children, ranging
from four to 11 years, are believed to
have perished.
Powell was working .at Gypsum and
first . heard of the waterspout this
morning. He headed a searching party
of 25. which has been hunting, all day
for his family without finding any
trace of them.
It Is, believed that they were caught
in the flood .and their bodies washed
toward the Snake River... As the house
la ivvo-nW frorn.jyi oJikscjUiere-was
no chance for tfiem to escape to neigh
bors It Is believed they were caught
while asleep. . V
Much Dainatre Done.
Much damage resulted from the
heaviest storm in August ever known
in this part of the country. ' ' .
Following the most evere electrical
storm known last night' 1.25 inches
fell, making the largest rainfall for
the entire month of August in the his
tory of the local weather bureau.
A.- Cantrell's home, two miles east
of the Powell home, was swept away,
Kut the family was away and escaped.
Both houses and outbuildings were
worth thousands'of dollars'.
Irrigation Ditch Breaks.
An irrigation ditch at Huntington
broke and flooded part . of the town,
doing damage of over $5000 to goods
stored in basements. Main street rras
badly flooded. The heaviest damage
was sustained by O. S. Faer & Co.,
cigar and liquor dealers, who lost
J3000 in goods; John Thinner's hotel,
$1000; other smaller: losses.
Fences were- blown down and gar
dens and lawns destroyed.
A landslipe "near Weatherby covered
the O.-W. R. & N. tracks twelve feet
high for a quarter of a mile, making
the worst condition there ever known.
Both east and westbound 'trains are
held at Baker and IJuntington.'and all
may not be able to get through for. 24
hours. Wrecking .crevr r are on the
scene, but the work Is slow.
Trains Held up by Storm.
The westbound- train, due here at
7:45 last night, is still at Huntington.
Eastbound mall due at 7 this morning,
arrived five hours late, and Is . held
here. No trains have left here since
last night.
The storm was general throughout
(Concluded on Page 6. )
San Francisco Labor Council Refers
Question' to American Federa
tion for Adjustment.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 3. (Special.)
Why is a lady barber and has she
the right to cut. pinch, scrape and pull
at mere men "with hirsute troubles?
This was the main question in a dis
cussion at the Labor Council last night.
Before settlement of the question dif
ferent factions became almost violent
and heated arguments obtained.
One fact " standing out above all
others was that all the handsome men
were champions of the fair, while
their "less favored brothers couldn't and
wouldn't see why a woman should be
a barber.
The cause of the trouble was that 40
women in the erty engaged In the
"barber trade" want to affiliate with
the union, but as the bylaws of the
International states that men only may
be admitted, the union would not ac
cede to the request. The women then
took the matter up with the Labor
Council. The executive committee rec
ommended that the case be referred to
the American Federation of Labor and
through it to the International Broth
erhood of Barbers. This decision was
not altogether satisfactory, hence the
Mrs. W. M.""Slms. a lady barber, pro
tested against the treatment accorded
her committee, saying that the union
would not recognize women's right to
Xoted Guests 4t Marriage of Lady
Marjorle Manners.
LONDON. Aug. 3. Society and the
world of art and letters were well rep
resented at the wedding today of the
Marquis of Anglosey and Lady Mar
jorle Manners, eldest daughter of the
Duke of Ruthiand. The marriage took
place in St. Peter's. In Eaton Square
The guests included Prince Arthur of.
Conhaught. the German Ambassador
Baron Marchall von Blebersteln, the
Duchess of Marlborough und William
Phillips and William P. Cresson of the
American Embassy.
The archbishop of Canterbury per
formed the aeremony. The bride car
ried a prayerbook instead of "a bouquet.
Lady Diana Manners, sister of the
bride, was the only bridesmaid, but
the bridal party was followed by five
boys and ten grlls attired in costumes
representing a period of years ago. ,
American .Fighter. Asserts He Will
.' Clear Xanie of Larceny Charge.
. LONDON. Aug. 3. "Kid" McCoy, the
American prizefighter who has been re
leased on bail in connection with the
charge of alleged larceny at Ostend,
made the following statement tonight:
"It was the most unjust and out
rageous thing ever perpetrated to take
a man away from his wife, family and
business and ruin his name, who never
had anything against it. If I had to
stay here a year I'll stay and ferret
it to the bottom. I know how an ac
cusation of this kind sticks and I ask
the American press and my American
friends to withhold judgment until the
final disposition of the case."
Reunion of Family Long Estranged
Irf Now Complete.. f
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Aug. 3. The re
union of the family' of Mr. and Mrs.
John P. Cudahy was complete today,
when the four children arrived from
Pasadena, Cal., where they had beon
in the custody of their grandmother.
Mrs. Michael Cudahy. By agreement,
the children were sent to the home of
their grandmother two years ago. dur
ing the Cudahy divorce suit.
Immediately after their marriage six
weeks ago, John P. Cudahy and hla
wife began arranging for the return
of their children.
Thousands See Aviator
.in Daring Flight
Regular Postal Service to Ore
gon City Starts Soon.
Walter Edwards Rises From Lowe
Harhor, Files Up River and Re
turns to Water Height of
Nearly 2000 Feet Attained..
In an unofficial flight to try out
Fred A. Bennett's hydroaeroplane, with
which heexpects soon to begin Carry
ing the Cntted States mall from Port
land to Oregon City. Walter Edwards
established a new altitude record for
hydroplane flights In the Northwest
yesterday evening, reaching a height
of between ISOn anil 2000 feet.
The machine used by Mr. Edwards
is the same Curtiss biplane in which
Chrlstofferson mad his sensation;
flight from the roof of the Multnomah
Hotel in the Rose Festival week, al
tered to a hydroaeroplane by the sub
stitution of a pontoon for the wheels
used In starting from the land. Ti)
extremities of the wings are also
equipped with small floats to prevent
the wings from dipping into the water
before the machine rises from Its sur
face. .
Although the flight was made merely
as a trial and It was not gerrraily an
nounced that Mr. . Edwards was to
make it yesterday, his passage up the
harhor and over the city was witnessed
by hundreds of people, who were at
tracted by the noise of the engine as
the -machine passed overhead before It
had climbed to tho higher ureas of the
, Hundred See Flight.
rfttiftte-TOW-The-Tirrdges and in the
streets stopped . in their tracks and
stared up at tho soaring blrdman,. and
eten after he had risen to such a
height that the whir of his engine was
no longer audible, hundreds upon hun
dreds of other people, attracted by the
watching attitudes of others, joined
the throng of those who witnessed the
unannounced and sensational flight.
Mr. Edwards made his start from the
lower harbor at . the foot of jSeven
teenth street.
When the engine was started the
tug of the machine almost dragged lnu.
the water the two assistants who wer
clinging to the framework near the
rudder, waiting for the signal to let
Mr. Bennett and his assistants were
waiting in a motorboat to follow the
flight a part of the way up the river.
Mr. Edwards himself was the most
unconcerned of the little party that
had gathered to witness the trial. Ha
twisted the wheel, waggling the rud
der to and fro, and wriggled hla shoul
ders to sec that the equalizing planes
were In good worktnjr order.
The motor began to roar faster and
louder, and the assistants dug their
heels into the mud at the margin of
the river to prevent being dragged out
and unceremoniously "ducked. '.
"All right," said the aviator.
Craft ItesemblcM fen Bird. .
Like a sea bird, half lifting Itself out
of tho water for flight, the machine
glided out Into the river, circled and
started downstream, for the aviator de
sired to run far enough downp the har
bor to turn and come up In the face of
the wind, so as to rise the more rapid
ly and gain a better, altitude before
passing over the bridge...
The chief difficulty even while run
ning downstream with the wind, seemed
to be to hold the machine to the water.
lOoncIudPd on Pajft 14.)
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