THE SJJNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND,: JUDY 28, 1012. NORTHWEST FEAR3 FAMINE IN L OR Other Sections of Country Re port Existence of Same Condition. 50,000 NEEDED IN CANADA Competition Between East and West for Help Leads Employer to Offer Many fnusual . Concessions. SPOKANE, Wash.. July 27. (Spe cial.) That tha whole American West and Southwest la facing a aerloua labor famine like that now confronting lum ber companies, railroad contractors, farmers and fruitgrowers of the In land Empire Is indicated by dispatches that have reached Spokane today from Duluth, Minn., and Middle Western points. Summed up in accordance with in formation received from" the bis; farm ing and lumber making districts east of the Rocky Mountains ana conamons known to exist In Washington. Mon tana. Idaho. Oregon. British Columbia and Alberta, the state of affairs in the labor market presents a situation In which this section of the country is shown to be In rigid competition for men with Middle Western employers. In Duluth, as Is the case In Spokane, according to lumber companies, con tractors, farmers and employment agents, top wages and the rather un usual allurement of free fare and no employment office fee offers, have failed to secure men to nil the demands. It Is declared that 60,000 men are needed to handle the crops In the Rod River Valley and In Western Canada. Free fare Is being offered for men in Wisconsin. Illinois. Minnesota, North Dakota and Western Canadian districts. OREGON HEIRS ARE FOUND Complication Arises in Everett Es tate Case, Which Is Continued. EVERETT. Wash, July 27. (Spe cial.) Lee Cullom, of Everett, says he Is the only living heir to the estate of Alloa Howard, who died at Marysville In 110. leaving a a estate of J 10.000. but at the hearing which occupied the ttme of Judge Bell in Superior Court It developed that there are two aets of heirs and a great legal fight was waged as a result. Cullom says he la the only child ol James Cullom and an aunt's daugh ter married M. W. Howard. That daughter was Alice I. Ferguson and shortly after the marriage the husband died. At the end of a year after the marriage Mrs. Howard died. But the extra heirs appear to have popped up front the deceased aunt's side and the division undoubtedly will recognize the newly-asserted heirs, who come from La Grande, Or. (- ..... ... 1 a,f i r aallari And examined who had been brought from La Grande, and a large stack of old family albuma and family Bibles were Introduced, together with plcturea of all the relatives down two and three generations. Much time was used in identifying photographs and reading musty family records to the court. The case was continued to August 14. WOODLAND GETS BIG MILL Marble Creek Lumber Company Sawmill Is Removed. WOODLAND, Wash.. July ST. (Spe cial.) John Peterson, who has been operating the Marble Creek Lumber Company sawmill, 12 milee above Wood land, for the past four years, com menced dismantling the. mill this week preparatory to Its removal and con struction here. The mill will , bo put under the same cover that he has used for his planing mill at the northern end of the town, and after he gets It running he will be abl to manufac ture completely at this point all classes .of lumber ready for use. This enterprise means that there will be several men added to the payrolls of Woodland enterprises, and, in all . probability, the addition of several families to the population. He will bring his logs from his timber hold ings up the river and manufacture -here, and in this way will b able to - use all the product of the log. as what cannot be used for lumber oan be sold for firewood, or he may later add a lath machine, or may start making fruit and vegetable boxes. APACHE SCENES CENSORED Spokane Major to Demand Cleansing ' of Parisian Vaudeville. SPOKANE. Wash., July 17. (Bps rial.) Following complaints by several persons regarding the exhibition in Spokane vaudeville bouses of French acta depleting Apache resorts of Parts, Mayor Hlndley today took the matter up with tha local moral hygiene society-. As a result the managers of the three principal vaudeville clrculta will be summoned to the Mayor's office and Instructed to eliminate all such scenes In Spokane In future. "I visited the Empress on Thurs day," said the Mayor this morning. "An act there In which La Petite Qosse stars had been complained about, and Justly." ALLEGATION MOST UNIQUE Sheriffs Sale .Notice Cpslde Down and Only One Is Bidder. SALEM, Or.. July 17. (Special.) Peculiar allegations were contained in a complaint filed her in Ctrouit Court today by the defunct Combination Manufacturing Company, of West Sa lem, against the Falls City Lumber - Company. It is alleged by tha manufacturing firm that when a Sheriffs sale was ordered the notice of the sale was posted upside down, wtth the result that It was noticed ana reaa Dy no one. and the Falls City Lumber Company, the only bidder, was able to make a low bid without competition. UNCLE SAM TO TEST LAW Interesting; Land Case In Oregon to Be Heard Next Month. KLAMATH FALLS". Or.. July 27 fSDaclaL) A case which excites con siderable interest in thla section Is that of the United States against C A. Bnntlnr of Merrill. Or for interf er ase with the ditches of the Govern ment. This case will establish a prec edent In such matters. C. J. Ferguson, of this city, has been appointed a spe cial commissioner to take testimony In the case, and the hearing has been fixed for August 12. This course will save both sides much expense, as oth erwise all attorneys and witnesses would be compelled to go. to Portland and appear before the United States Court there. The history of the case seems to be as follows: When the Government opened the Klamath project It found here a private irrigating system, known as the "Adams Canal," which it purchased, but on examining title found that the rights of way were not all deeded. There was held back from the purchase price $5000. to assure the completion of the title. Bunting's land Is In this class, and he and the owners of the canal have not been able to agree on the terms of settlement. The Government charges that he has eut the banks of a lateral on his place at points other than the regular turn outs and thua Interfered with the dis tribution of water to his neighbors. In this state the law gives title to land held 10 years in undisputed pos session.; and the owners of the canal probably rely on that to some extent. When the canal was built the land was worth very little, but now values In that section run from 75 to 10 per acre. In the olden days men traded land about as they would dogs, one instance being cited where two men traded parts of their farms without writing of any kind and now own the land by virtue of the law oited above. The testimony will go to the court for decision. RELICS FOUND IN STONE EXCAVATION AT ItOSEBCRG IS CONDUCIVE TO DISCOVERY. Cornerstone of Old Abraham Build ing Has Held Tin Box Since 1878. ROSEBURG. Or., July 37. (Special.) While removing the cornerstone of the old Abraham-Wheeler structure, now boing moved from Its present site to be remodeled for theater purposes, . v, . Min,nti,ini. Mintrartor came across .mail tin boi in which was contained a number of rare relics. The building was recently purcnasea Dy me rrovi h a . Tnidf nnmninv. of Portland, and AM,onnnMv th. hnr and Its contents were turned over to their local agent. Other than finding several Issues of The Daily Plalndealer. long ago defunot. with dates extending nac as ir August. 1878, the contractor discovered copies of the Corvallls Gazette, of Cor- vallis; The Mercury, oi naiem, ana x i . T.,nhiiran nf Roseburs. The ttm i ..... -- -- - . . . i i.ttAr nanprs ranee from January 1, 1878. to August 10. 1879. Tintypes bearing tne iiKeness m our oman Abraham, former owner of the . . 1 1 .i t nl4 Am nr RnRhtirK-s nloneer merchants, and Jessie Barker, a pioneer Douglas County farmer, were also re covered from the chest. t th., thin found were: Several coins, one of which was deposited by Louis ijangenDerg, an Roseburg resident; charter and city ordlnanoes of Roseburg, bear- . w . .ivnatitrn nf Lafavette 1 1 1 a ww r . - -- - Lane, as recorder; professional cards bearing tne names oi f lis. a pioneer KosoDurg jtwunr, r nnn of Douelaa County's pioneer editors. A receipt, bearing the signature or lr. v.. o. xuumuuu, pioneer druggist, and a document aet fnnii that th bulldlnr was paid for, and would be utilised as a mer chandlse establishment under the title of Abraham-Wheeler & Co., and signed by Contractor Skldmore, of Oakland, -i- fm.nri Moat of the Dersons represented in tha relics have lone been dead. The contents of the box are partially ,.a ,,ri niainiv evidence their se clusion in the corner stone for nearly 34 years. The structure was erecieu lam in the year 1879. and the cornerstone was laid with appropriate ceremonies. The relics recovered today recall the early days in Roseburg, and are being viewed by tne so-caueu um umwo eagerness. At the time of its erection the Abra ham building was the finest structure in Southern Oregon. SPOKANE RECALL BOTHERS "Color of Coin" Charge Denied by Head of Movement. M UtVA-r., ,1 anil., .mj According to report from an authori tative source, the reason recall peti tions have not been filed against Mayor Hlndley and Commissioner Coats Is that five of the "paid" circulators have . - I. ,nln. nf the coin promised them and have refused to turn over tneir peuuuno. .. ... . . 1 1 th. nnHHnna In VY P nave uui aa.a. ...... . yet. so that la not the fact," said T. O. Cooper, who is the manager of the recall organization. n-w.. ...... getting signatures. Next week we will hava aomethin ready and It may be along a new line." It has been rumorea mat ine recu movement may uruppeu -damus proceedings started to compel . i laalnnava r Mall an 1 Of" - LUC V. " J v . 1 . . . . . .J . a - lnn tn rhirttr revision. Mr. COODer declined to discuss this. Damage Snlt Is Settled. fin. TMix-IA , T Ti Waoh Tulv 97 VJVl.l'Il.,J I.TUIl, 1 . HHIl " . to -1 i 1 v T. k. . . tivnil I.Vl , w tha louvciai. "A iw . n . - J administrator cf the estate of Evelyn Geer Dabney against the Spokane, r a. Q.nttl. HaOwav PfimDATIV In the Superior Court of Klickitat County for iiui.uuu oinasM hm u settled out of court, the company pay ing J2500. Mrs. Dabney was the wife . . . , . i . dh.iIbM 1 aalala OI rX. I. I m Jiic.i , aa . . dealer, who has realty holdings in the UOOonoe H111S section v. County and died as the result of in juries sustained In a wrec on mo Goldendale branch last October, when the rear coach of the train turned turtle and roiiea cown nn un-m. ai head of the swale canyon. In the com- . i . ai.j i i .1 . li . nnamnnnv tt waa plaint mwi .I"'".! a..aj ' alleged that the coach was of obsolete pattern ano. mat tne enuiymsua defective. Labor Scarce in Klamath Country. KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. July 27. (Special.) Labor is scarce in the Klamath region. The beginning of work by the Reclamation Service, the starting work In the logging camps and various mills and tha opening of the harvest season hava absorbed all the available labor, and farmers have advanced their wages from 1.50 per day with board to 82.00 per day and are not yet getting a full supply of help. The prospects are that there will be good demand for ordinary la bor here until December 1 and perhaps longer. This will be determined by the weather conditions in the late Fall. Some seasons work of all kinds can ba continued until the end of the year and sometimes the weather pre vents much outside work after Deoem ber 1. Chchalls Jewelers Win Prise. CHEHALIS. i Wash.. July 27. (Spe cial.) Burnett Bros., a local jewelry nrm, has won a cash prise for the third finest display window shown In a con test with Jewelry stores all over the United States. The prize was given by the publishers of the Keystone, a jewelry trade journal. All Ice Cream Sodas 5c Eat in Our Basement Cafeteria, Best Foods at Popular Prices American Lady, Gossard Lace-Front and Nemo Corsets "Sahlin Waists Butterick Patterns and Publications r Marshall 4900 A 6665 14 Holtz Corner' Fifth and Washington. $1.50 Table Cloths 79c On the Baicony tomorrow, 100 Mercerized Damask Table Cloths, a dozen handsome patterns to choose from, 60x66 inches in size; $1.50 values, at 79c $1.50 Napkins at 79c On the Balcony tomorrow, 250 dozen Napkins to match the cloths, ready to use, full regular size; these are a full $1.50 value ; on sale at only 79c Marshall 4900 A 6665 "Holts Corner Fifth and Washington. n At the Hoi tz afl. "'HoltZ tVHsaA .IsV Hs ) Monday A Very Unusual and Important Sale The two greatest bargains in women's apparel that have thus far appeared in Portland in 1912 will be readv Monday! Here? when we say "Greatest Bargains" we know that you will expect the unusual, and vmi will not h4 disaoDointed READ CAREFULLY: We will show and sell tomorrow the two hnes of JSsttlSSriSi belov wiih the positive knowledge and belief that where in the North west has there been an opportunity this season that will equal it m value at the price. We are going to prove Tonce.more that this is the store that gives the real values. The corner windows are showing a few resentetive styles of the many we have ready for you. Plan to be here early tomorrow morning. Here is the story, backed up by the merchandise in the windows and the stock on the second floor. Early shoppers have first choice. Lots limited $32 Suits $12.98 63 Women's Suits And a nattier, more attrac tive lot of Wdmen's Suits was ever shown pr sold in this city. In the lot are stylishr tailor made effects, made from a splendid quality of whipcord, superb English worsteds, some shep herd plaids in black and white, new rough cheviot effects; all in all, a collection of suits that only a new store with nothing but new mer chandise could assemble, because every single suit in the lot is a new late model. We had priced some of these suits up to $32.00, and they were well worth the money. For quick clearance Monday, ea. Free Alterations for Three Days $30 Coats $10.98 86 Women's Coats long, beautifully hand tailored serge coats. These are model coats, every one of them. Some with long, graceful revers; some are loose models; others have belted backs, beautifully trimmed silk collars and cuffs with narrow piping and braid ef fects. In the lot are some very natty pongee and taffeta coats of just the right cut and finish. Every garment in the lot is new and a late model. The prices at which these coats have been marked range up to $30 and re member, there isn't a single one that has been in stock more than a few weeks. You may have unrestrict ed choice at the won derfully low price of $10.98 Up t D O'$1.00)) OO ds ON THE DAYLIGHT BALCONY If it's Silks you've made Tip your mind to get for that new frock, here's your golden opportunity. You're enabled to choose from shim- mering Foulards, clinging Messalines. Extensive lines of fancy Aveaves the latest things brought our for late Summer and early Fall wear. These lots of the wanted narrow stripes and the new black and white checked effects.' All of them are the product of the looms of America's best manufacturers, many being exact repro ductions of imported novelties. The actual values of these Silks is well up to $1.00 a yard. You can buy any of them here OO tomorrow at the extremely low price of take advantage J- Uo to Si. Dress Goo ON THE DAYLIGHT BALCONY Come here tomorrow prepared to find all former bargain sales of Dress Goods outdone and overshadowed. You'll not go away disap pointed. You'll find 200 pieces of Dress Goods displayed on the Bal cony Bargain Tables and you'll find them marked at 1-3 to 1-2 of real value. The showing includes all the wanted solid colors m French Serges, Batistes, Mohairs and Sicilians and also the stunning new fancy fabrics used in the new Fall suits. - This offering shows plainly to even the most unobserving the desirability of making the Holtz Store their chief source of supply for their every need. 00 Remember, Dress Goods worth up to $1.00 a yard for only Jvv, Free demonstration, by Mme. Route. The greatest German beauty preparations that have ever been discovered. Bloom of Roses, the Beautifier, 50o and $1.00. Bloom of Rose Massage Cream, 75c. Bloom of Roses Blood and Tis sue Builder, $1.50. Also a complete line Hair Switches. Regular $30 and $25 values at $18.00. Bargains for Monday in the Pure Food Depot Flour Reduced We are overstocked on Flour. Our patrons will get the benefit. 500 barrels flour. Economy Brand, Tanc7 Blue Stem Patent, at $4.75 per barrel; special Q sale price, the bag, at only j? 1 X 7 Corned Bgef, Veribest Brand, No. 2s, 29 Roast Beef, Veribest Brand, No 2s, 29 Lard, absolutely pure, none better, 5s, 67$ Babbit's Best Soap, special, 7 cakes at 25$ Sapolio, cleans anything; special, cake, Q$ Old Dutch Cleanser, very special, cake 7$ Gold Dust, Citrus or Pearline, at each, 18 Kinffsford Gloss Starch, in 6-lb. boxes, 49 Dry Granulated Sugar in 5-lb. packages, not over two packages to a cus- tomer; on special sale at, package i C Modern Delicatessen. Very , best candies at wholesale prices. French pastries, low prices. Phone Main 4900. Prompt Delivery. A 6665 WAHKIAGUS M A N DIES JAMES M'BAIX PROMIXEXT IX COrMY'S DEVELOPMENT. Expert Stone Worker, Who Operated Quarry, Is Survived by Widow and Four Children. WAHKIACUS, July 27. (Special.) r w.d.1. -u jUmn tiara recently. J B RICS .Tl i: li.lll, 'I ' W ' - - - - yaa prominent in tha Industrial de- velepraent ol tm secuon. no at Aberdeen. Scotland, June 18, 1861. Until IS years of age he followed the occupation of shepherd boy for ..... . th.. vrinrhlands. L l. iiwn . j 1 1 n - - - Then he entered as n apprentice to a . . . j .(...maian After marDiecuner uv a.- 1 . hla aarvfiA and rive years tj cuiiiihcwu , came to America, landlns in New YorK in 1881. , . He did his first stone work In Amer ica in Cypress cemetery, near New Tork Cltv. He came to the Cascade Locks In 189S. where he worked four years until the completion f the locks. He then moved to Hood Rvr where he laid the foundations of the Baptist. Unitarian, Episcopalian and Catholic churches. The latter - cathe dral has a cornerstone that is two feet by ten feet that has wrought within, a receptacle for the church's archives, that testifies to the skill of Mr. Mc Bain as a -toneworxar. He opened marbleworks at Hood River In 1302. which he conducted nine years. He married Miss lo'a J. Dn nison at Portland In 18S. There sur vive a widow, two daurhters, Lois M. and Katherine. two sona, Thomai and Darwin McBain. The McBain quarry will now be op erated under the direction of the Mc Bain estate and John Pierle, the latter a native of Aberdeen, Scotland. Man loses Combination and Job. CHEHALIS, Wash., July 27. (Spe cial.) A. R. Conant, of Olympia. anew cashier for the express company at the Chehalis depot, lost the combination to the safe and it was necessary to drill a hole into the back of the safe before the contents could be recovered. Conant's place has been filled by J. E. Michael, ,of Portland. aa, ... a t g-".,m-'"f ' ' WtaMfc.!..)! . f 11 . : 4 I 'IV James McBain. Wabklacna Resi dent Who Is Dead. SAFE BATHING IS SEASIDE MAY PUT I.IFESAVIXG APPARATUS OX BEACH. Moved by Gearhart Drowning, Citi zens W1U Appeal to Council to Take Action. SEASIDE. Or., July 27. (Special.) Moved by the recent drowning at Gear hort. Seaside citizens are preparing to appeal to the Counoll for safeguards to bathers. Drownings at Seaside have been comparatively few In recent years, but as a protection to foolhardy bathers who persist In taking unrea sonable chances for the sake of the op portunity to show their prowess as swimmers. It is proposed to ask that lines ba procured so that an aaay res cue may be made in case any swimmer ma)seem in danger. Swimmers will be drag-eed with the proposed life lines. One line of Quarter-inch rope belong ing to the Hotel Moore has been used several times In towing ashore unfor tunates who found that the amount of strength required to reaoh shore from beyond the breakers is fully equal to that expenuea in pauams iuivuau surf outward. The proposal to be jut before the Council will bo to have several drums of light rope with cork rinks and life preservers placed along the beach wherever crowds are accustomed to bathe, so that in case of an emengeney there .will be no delay In bringing ashore exponents of fancy swimming. The Council probably will be kindly disposed when this appeal la made, the expense of the paraphernalia being light and Its neoesslty realised. Citizens also are contemplating, as an added safeguard, that a fine of S10 be Imposed upon all who venture be yond the breakers, since the aot has ards the life of the man who roust bring him ashore as well as that of the swimmer. Gun Discharged to Save Mother. CHEHALIS, Wash,, July J7. (Spe cial.) The police were called to the John Saunders home, near the depot, Friday morning by the firing of three pistol shots. Howard Dllley, son of Mrs. Saunders, was arrested for shoot ing firearm within . the city limits. Police Judge Allen dismissed the charge when the circumstances were related, though Dllley admitted the shooting. Mrs. Saunders testified that on account of ill health she has often contemplated suicide. Being alone much, she kept a revolver in the house at all times. The son said he objected to this and that this morning he took the gun and fired the shots so that his mother would not have anything with which to injure herself. He then threw the gun away. Walla Walla Mart Visits Portland. . F. C. .Elliott, a prominent business man of Walla Walla, Wash., a son-in-law of the late Dr. Dorsey S. Baker, of Walla Walla, was in this city for a short time yesterday, and in the after noon went to Seaview, Wash, to pas a few days with his family. Klamath Crop Is Heavy. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., July 27. (Special.) There are 15 threshing out fits In this county, but the crop is so heavy this season that it is feared they cannot thresh the whole crop. The threshermen are talking of organizing, with a view to districting tha work. They hope In this manner to save much time ordinarily lost In moving from place to place. Whether they will suc ceed is a question, for farmers usually hava a preference In such matters and may- not be willing to accede to th proposed plan. ; FII AS A FIDDLE A jR?l.bl0 Means of RHIeTln Mratal p prMlon, Unfuor, Hick Headaoho, Offensive Breath. Ktr. This la the time of the year when many people are dull and 1 let lew. suffer from torpidity of the liver, sour atom acta, com plain that they have no appetite and sleep without being rested or refreshed. This condition is deplorable and unless prompt action Is taken, it won becomes . chronic, far reaching and serious. When the human system becomes clogged or choked up with the product of Imper fect digestion and assimilation, complete restoration of health can only be accom plished by the prompt and thorough re moval of all effete material from the In testinal tract. "For the weak and debili tated,'4 says Dr. Phillip Brooke, "a remedy la required which will relieve constipation without producing diarrhoea and a combi nation which I hava found particularly ben eficial In gastric or Intestinal Indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and other derange ments arising from either mal-nutrttion or Indiscretion In the choice of food Is th fol lowing prescription which I can recommend as being more certain, prompt and agree able In Its action than any other which Z have used. For the as-cd or people of del icate constitution It will afford quick relief. Get from your drug!t 3 a. Aromatlo Extract of Rhamnua Purshtana. two os. Tincture of Cardamoms Compound. 3 . of Saliogyn and 2 os. Aromatlo Elixir. Mix all of the Ingredients except the fialtogyn. then add ope ounce of the Saltogyn. After taking three doaea, add the remainder of the Saltogyn and continue taklag this as before. Dose! Two tab leap oonCula SO mla utes before xntalc.