THE SUNDAY "OREGOXIA PORTLAND, , JULY 28, 1912. 9 pants Mr-and Mrs. E. J. B'.azier and their family, consisting of Claire. Beryl and Nlta. Their guests are Mrs. A Rlazler and Mrs. S. O Brlen. Mrs. C V. Cooper has opened her cottage, the Ungcooris. and has as her guests Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Powls and the Misses Dorothy Cuiss and Constance Crossfield. Kenneth. Martin. Jenny and Florence Purelius are accompanying tneir par ents on a vacation trip to Seaside. The Cottage-By-The-Sea, owned by Mr. z. M. Swett is being occupied by her this month, accompanied by her daughter Pauline, of xew torn, jars. German, and the Misses Naomi and Rachael Swett. Mrs. B. T. Soden and children. wil lard and Frances, are living In the Alder Nook. Mrs. L. A. Downing and daughter. Miss Edna, have been entertained dur ing the past week by Mrs. -M. A. Hun ger and daughter In their cotage, "Te redo." The Johnson cottage. at the north end of the boardwalk, housed Miss Louise Manning and Emma Evans as guests the past week. Five sisters from the Mt. Angel Col lege have come to Seaside for the Sum mer and are occupying the "Bonlta home. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fisher, with Miss Florence Fisher and Miss Vir ginia Wilson, are occupants of the "Honeysuckle" beach house. C K. Zilly Is visiting at Seaside, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Labbe and their daughter. Miss Pauline Labbe. E. C. Goddard has been visiting his brother and family, who occupy the Lansing Stout cottage on the board walk. Mrs. Frank Lester Stokes, of Tenlno, Wash., daughter to Dan Moore and Mrs. Harlow Moore. daughter-in-liw to Mr. Moore, together with their two children, have taken a cottage at Sea side for a month. Mrs. W. J. Ramsey and daughters. Hazel and Gladys, and Master Elmer are living in the Ramsey cottage this Summer. A merry party at the beach this Summer is the one in one of the Mer rill cottages, composed of Leon Bern stein and his sisters. Judith and Sa lome, and their friend. Miss Romaine Elliott. For the past week Frank Strahan visited at "The Den." Mrs. George Otten and daughter. Miss Ada. have arrived at the beach for the remainder of the Summer. Mrs. A. A. Ausplund and son. Andre, arrived this week at Seaside. They are living in the Libak cottage, with Mrs. Libak, Miss Adina and Master Herbert Libak. Walter and Chester Rich, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rich, have taken the "Uegeiiscn ror tneir sum mer home. Dr. and Miss Estell Elsen passed the week-end with friends in the Christen, sen cottage. Otto Roenicke and family have opened their cottage for the season at Long Beach. Wash. Miss Pauline Roenicke is one of the late arrivals at Long Beach. Mrs. W. P. Llllis and daughter. Lucy, are passing the Summer at the Lake cottage, and are tne guests ot .urs. Hills sister. Mrs. A M. smun. jir. Lillts Is a week-end visitor. "Canoe Lodge" has- been busy the east week entertaining H. T. Hopkins, editor of The Dalles Chronicle, and Miss Audrey Clark. One of the delightful eventng parties of the past week was that given at the "Agate," where Mrs. O. F. Godfrey received a few of the Seaside High School young men and women, and the students of Willamette University. The affair was Informal and all are highly complimenting the hospitality of the "Agate." E. C. Gunther was a week-end visitor f "Glen Snev." Mrs. Goss. at "Laf-a-Lot" has had Mrs. Peter Gerlach. her mother, as a week-end guest. At the Shellburne the following are registered for the week ending July 27: W. C. BurK. Mrs. w. v. uoipn. jane Ellse Dolph, Mrs. F. H. Clary. B. Kil never. Mrs. J. L. Ziegler. Gregory Ziegler and Fannie L. Ziegler, Mrs. Anne Febert and George Febert. J. J Febert. H. A. Biddle. A. Sundqulst. A. N. Holman. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Beall, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Blackburn, Lee Ornett. E. J. Flndlay and family, Mrs. Edna Saunders. Miss Marie Howell, Mrs S. H. Thatcher. G. L. Sturts, E. X. Crockett. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dibble and son. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Cald- mell and the Misses Catherine and Car oline Caldwell. Mrs. Lewis A. Clark and Helen Clark, all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Smith and fam ily, of Hood River, are passing a week at the Shellburne. Mr. Smith has won distinction through the excellent ap pies he has raised, and with which he has captured prizes at several appie shows held in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen were host and hostess at a "watermelon party" Saturday night. The crowd assembled at the "Rustic" cottage, the beautiful beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen at Seavlew. In the party were the fol lowing: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bondurant, Pauline Bondurant, Lillian Woodson Hazel Cole. Mary O'Donnell. Harlie Wilson. Jackson. Mich.: Edith H. Jose- lyns. Agnes Biddle, Grace Green. Flor ence Murphy. Alvena Peterson. Eleta Abrams. Edna Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Minor. Mrs. T. J. Hoare. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Allen, of San Francisco, "Bennie" Green and Mr. and Mrs. Allen. At Seacroft, for the week ending July 27 the following people arrived, all of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bailey, A. B. Wastell. Albert Wastell. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cameron. Eleanor, Louise and Aline Cameron. Leroy Smith, Mrs. Emma Putnam. Juanlta Putnam. Nellie Gra ham. Mrs. G. F. Peek and two sons. William and Donald. A. B. Wastell passed the week-end with his family at Seacroft. Mrs. W. S. Hutchinson has had a very Jolly crowd housed at Seacroft this week. Every night they have a bonfire on the beach and there Beems to be great rivalry among those of every house on the beach to have the biggest fire. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Seufert and family nave opened their summer home at Sea, view. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Stone are among the late arrivals at Seavlew. Dr. and Mrs. W. A Trimble arrived this week at Seavlew to pass some time. The family of M. B. Wells is located on the beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dundore, of 12 Belmont street, have come to Seavlew for a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Horning axe located at Beach Center In a cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Seaman are counted among the beach population. They expect to pass the next month here. This week Mrs. Charles A. Eastman and her little daughter Helen Celeste, are expected at Ocean Park, where they will pass the Summer. Mrs. E. Cramer accompanied by her daughter Miss Johanna Cramer, have come to Seavlew for the Summer. In the "Honolulu"' cottage Mrs. Hyer Stay and Miss Linn Roderick, of Port land, connected with the T. W. C. A., have opened a home wherein they will welcome ail friends. CROWDS THROXO TILLAMOOK Portland Furnishes Big Quota of Week-End Visitors. TILLAMOOK. Or.. July 17. (Special.) Week-end visitors here from the city crowded every available space last week, there being over 600 visitors here over Sunday. They separated to the different beach resorts during the day and found their way to Bayocean, to Nf tarts, Neskowin and the Garlbaldi Kehalem beaches. Saturday night, after the arrival of the two trains from the North, resembled a holiday in Til lamook. Prcy Caufleld. a prominent banker f Oregon City .was a visitor .here dur ing the week and covered many of the neighboring resorts. At Tillamook beach be was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shorne. of Portland, who are occupying their cottage there. In Til lamook, he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Whltehouse. Miss R. G. Stafford, of Oregon City, a teacher of Portland, has been visit ing friends here during the past week. Miss Dorothy Wyvel, of Portland, has been visiting friends here during the camping season. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Nlelson and Mas ter Jack Nlelson, Mrs. W. W. Pollock and Master Carl Pollock, of La Grande, have been visiting the parents of Mrs. Xielson, Mr. and Mrs. DeLillie. for sev veral weeks. Numerous hunting and fishing parties come into the city from time to time to report excellent conditions along the Trask and Wilson rivers. . F. Tufts, an attorney, and Pr. R. E. Brannen, of Portland, have a camp on the Trask and are frequent visitors to this city. G. W. Griffith, a prominent business man of Eugene, accompanied by Mrs. Griffith, was a visitor here last week on his way to the beaches. He is spend ing a few weeks visiting the different resorts and makes Tillamook head quarters during his trip through this locality. MAXY VISITORS AT GEARHART Golf, .Swimming and Other Pleas ures Amuse Crowds. GEARHART, OR., July 27. (Spe cial.) E. N. Wheeler, sales manager of the Gearhart Park Company, passed the week-end with his son at Gear hart. Joseph H. Ferguson is passing his vacation at Gearhart on the golf links. Miss Vivian Marshall, with several assistants. gave an exhibition of swimming and diving at the Gearhart natatorium. Mrs. E. Leonard, of Portland, with her son. B. E. Leonard, a young attor ney of Portland, is registered at Hotel Gearhart. Dr. C. F. Mubach. a class mate of Mr. Lombard's, is also passing som time at the beach. H. C. Bowers passed the week-end at Gearhart-by-the-sea. Bronte, a dog belonging to J. H. Mc Cormack, of Chicago, attracted much attention at Hotel Gearhart, and th entertainment given as part of th. Chautauqua was enjoyed by many- One of the largest parties arriving last week at Hotel Gearhart was from Chicago and Davenport, la. It was composed of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Wat zer. S. R. Watzer, G. W. Watzer, H. Watzer. G. S. Rankin. Charles Dun can arid Edward Crossett. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal are at Hotel Gearhart for a few weeks' stay. Archbishop Christie came to Gear hart to dedicate the new Catholic Chapel last Sunday. He was assisted by Rev. Father Thompson. Both men were entertained by Mr. Mitchell, pro prletor of Hotel Gearhart. Archbishop Christie returned to Portland with J. D. Farrell In his private car. Mr. and Mrs. S. Silverfleld have taken apartments at Hotel Gearhart for sev eral weeks. Horseback riding. as early as 6 o'clock In the morning Is one of latest diversions at Gearhart. Graham Glass and family have taken anartments at the hotel for a few days. The oyster bake given by the Hotel Gearhart to the druggists last week was enjoyed by about 300 person, many of the cottagers participating In the fun. More than 200 Eastern oysters were used, which were cooked on hot stones covered with seaweed. They were then shoveled onto small boards and eaten from the shell. Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. Aronson. of Seattle, have taken rooms at . Hotel Gearhart for the season. President Farrell, of the Oregon Washington Railroad Company came to Gearhart in his special car this week for two days. Mrs. Farrell. Mas ter James Farrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr accompanied him. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Grenebaum, after a few days at Hotel Gearhart, have taken a cottage. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Strlbllng and daughters, Marian and Geneva, of Spo kane, are at Hotel Gearhart-oy-tne sea. C. S. Jacobson, of Portland, has taken apartments at Hotel Gearhart. Mr. Jacobson was host at an automobile partv at Elk Creek with a clam bake at "The arren. A party of young persons had lunch eon at Hotel uearnart, aner a swim in the surf and natatorium. The party was composed of Misses Amy Roth- child. Etta Kauftman. Minnie leiscn ner, Helen Dunn. Lewis Goldsmith, Ed win Jacobs. Wilson Schlfler, Roy Marx, and Herbert Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. David T. Honeyman have been at Gearhart for the last week and have now opened their cot tage and will pass the remainder of the season here. Mrs. Frank M. Warren, Jr., and ner little daughter, Anne Elizabeth, passed the week at Gearhart. Mrs. Edmund L. Deveraux and chil Iren have been at Gearhart the last week and will remain another week. Patrons of the Hotel Gearhart for tne week endine July 22 were: From Portland L. F. Knowiton. M. Peterson. Mrs. E. H. Meyer. Mrs. C. C. Hill. Frank A. Steele. Miss A. Whelan, Blaine R. Smith, Mrs. Hunt Lewis and maid, H. M. Sawyer. A. F. Smith, C. Hunt Lewis Miss Nisbeth, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Younc. H. C. Bowers. J. Dunbar Cass, W. H. Higgins, Reed Rumelin, Herbert Goldsmith, Louis uomsmitn, Edwin Jacobs, Wilson Schrlffer, Ray Henry Marx, Amy Rothchild, Minnie Fleischner. Helen Dunn, C b. jacoo- son, Joseph H. Ferguson, Barge E. Leonard. Mrs. E. Leonard, Mrs. Neur- bach. W. C. Barbour, W. A. Kearns, f;. M. Wheeler. Harold K. vt neeier. tr. Andersen. H. C. Smith, George Thompson, Miss Eastman, Miss Shea, J. E. Wiley, William Jaiey, air. ana airs. A F N'nonan. F. E. Watson, Miss Ma- lone. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal, C. R. Seward, Miss Gabrllle Seward, Graham Glass Graham Glass, Jr., Archbishop Christie. A. Hexter. W. W. Kearns, Dr. and Mrs. L Buck. Dr. C. i. Mumacn, H. R Havck. ' Helen Hayek, Jacob Kanzler. James M. Wilson, C. B. Welch- fr. Mrs. E. Ferguson. Miss Allen, Miss Fereuson. Miss Whitney. Miss jsertna Dodd, Harry Long, B. D. Carpenter, a. D. Carpenter, Jr., James M. van uuzer. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clark, S. Silver- Held. F. G. Runkle, H. T. Minor, w. r. Brock, W. M. Abel, Miss G- Under wood, H. R. Rasmusen. Miss M. Osborn. Miss Nina Hutchinson, Miss Bess Moodv. Mrs. Tabor. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Cherrington, H. B. Scothoun, F. C Fel- er. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Anstey, Mr. aira Mrs. W. L. Leland. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. A. Laue, Mrs. George Munro, Miss Hel en Faurde, B. F. Jones, Miss Irene ones. A. W. Allen. Mrs. W. A. Hig gins. Miss Finney. Miss F. Burns, Wil liam Sawyer. W. S. Stock, Ira E. Allen. S. Benson. 1 L. Crocker, v.. a. cor mack. F. Byerley. Edward Recken, V ill D. McCurry, Mrs. S. S. McCurry, A. H. Brown and wife, Mr. and Mrs. w. i.. Wtizl. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Terman, Mrs. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Willis- ton. A. A. Duley.. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Horton. R. H. Kalts, W. R. Boone, G. Joyce, George H. Smitton, Mrs. Blaine R. Smith and family, W. F. Rtchter. Robert Adams. Mrs. Rushton, Marie Rushton. Mrs. H. J. Feuner, J. Martin. Mrs. S. Silverfleld. Mrs. S. H.' Goldstein and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Flledner and Miss Catherine Moody. From Spokane Mrs. M. A. Folsom, Mrs. H. B. Wadsworth, Mrs. M. A. Luther, Christine Hubbard, Reuel Phil lips. From Astoria u. a. jonnson, ay o. Phillips, Miss Muretta Tagg, Mr. and Mrs F. H. Haradon. Thomas F. Lev- ett, J. J. Mattson, T. F. Laurin, Frank Woodfield, C. B. Johnson, J. Burnold. and Murillo Fagg. From Chicago J. K. Rankin, Paul ine Haneson, Martha Miller, Jess Cop per, William McCormack. Registered from other places are Mrs. C. Mlckleson. Virginia, Minn; Ernest E. Rich, Lawrenceville: Etta Kaufman, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Greenbaum, San Francisco; Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Watzer, S. R. Watzer, J. W. Watzer, Charles Duncan, Ed ward C. Crossets, Davenport, la.; C. R. Watzer, Knappa; Ottle Mars. Kear ney, Neb.; E. M. Splllman, Boring, Or.; H. T. Strlbllng, Wilber Le Vette. Lake City, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. R. Harden, Denver; F. M. Gallagher, Albany, Or.; F. L. Kent, Corvallls, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, Moscow, Idaho; Ella Burham, Moscow, Idaho; N. F. Reed, Burns. Or.; F. W. Carl, Seattle, Wash.; Miss K. W. Harbord, Salem. Or.; Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Mix. Ashland, Or.; L. Johnson, Sllverton, Or.; H. M. Harlan. Medford. Or.; Charles A. Lit tler. Forest Grove, Or.; H. M. Horton, Burns, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bail- hache, -Racine, Wis.; "Fred 'Emerson Brooks, San FranciBco: Mrs. F. B. Sora erville, Edmonton, Albt.; Mrs. J. D. Mc Namara, Edmonton, Cal.; Mrs. Rose Douglas, Edmonton, CaL; S. A. Volk- an. St. Paul, Minn.: J. E. Oates, Sea side; Ben Ormond, Riverside, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Charles. Butte. Mont. Mrs. C. H. Rich, Fort George Wright; G. A. Young, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Rosen. St. t'etersDurg, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Castle, De troit, Mich.; Mrs. M. H. Aronsen, Seat tle. Wash.; Mrs. A. Bachus. Miss Bachus, Toledo. O.; Pauline Harmon Margaret Granger, Martha Miller, Jess Cofer. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Perry, Indianapolis. CAXXON BEACH IS GAY, TOO Despite Rather Bad Weather, Bon fires Enjoyed All More. ECOLA. Or.. July 27. (Special.) In spite of rather bad weather, tne bum mer gaiety is on In full swing. The beach is lighted by numerous bonfires at night and every day excursions are made to different points ot Interest. The trip to Arch Cape, at the extreme southern end of the beach, is made by many. At low tide one can walk through the double arches, while the high vaulted selling reminds one of a cathedral. Ecola rocks also tempt many. Dur ing the extremely low tides of last week two young men waded out and climbed up on one of those farthest out. When the tide came in they were unable to get off. Their plight was discovered In the evening and a rescue party tried to launch a boat, but the darkness made things difficult, so the young men had to pass a very un pleasant night on the rocks. At low tide the next day they were Drougnt safely off. not greatly the worse for their experience. The hotels are all lull ana every cottage has a patron or two. The first "hop" of tne season was given at the Warren on Saturday night and was attended by many from the cottages, as well as by the patrons of the - hotel. They will be given every Saturday. An enjoyable musicals was also given at the Warren on Wednesday evening. which drew a large crowd. Those ap pearing on the programme were: C. H. Fox. cornet solo; Miss Sadie Hav- ely, Miss Norma Fox. Miss Ethel Luke. Miss Yelma Wilkinson and Mrs. Lola Edwards Branler. Kirchanno Lodge has been opened by Mr. Hanno and family, who will pass a month here. W. H. Brltts has opened nis cottage on the ridge at Elk Creek. W. S. Chapman, who is building a new cottage on the north side of llk Creek, passed the week-end at the Cannon Beach Hotel . Miss Virginia Peterson has been en tertaining the Misses Leola Ball, Mary Ward and Viola Crane, of Astoria. The Rev. George B. Van Waters and family are in their Summer home near Haystack. They have as guests Nor man L. Burton and Stanley Semay. Mr. and Mrs. Barrie MacKay are oc- upying their cottage at Brooklyn Camp. Mrs. Dick McCormac, Jr., is visiting them. The Cole cottage is housing Mrs. Cornell and her son, Willis. Mrs. Minnie Watson and Miss Eza Ball passed the week-end at the Mi nexa on the north side of Elk Creek. C. R. Wlnslow has built a new cot tage to take the place of "Shelter Point," which burned last season. Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Labbe are enjoy ing their vacation at the Elk Creek Hotel. - - H. C. Coffin, accompanied by his wife and small son, Is taking a ton ight's rest at Cannon Beach. They will be Joined shortly by Mrs. A. S. Pattullo. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Noyes and Miss Sadie Noyes are at tbe Warren for a few wetks. Mrs. Josephine Booth is visiting friends In Red Rock cottage. Mrs. J. M. bnort is entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Logie Richardson In. addl tlon to several other guests. C. B. Woodworth. of Ladd Tilton'i Bank, passed the week-end with J. E. Simmons at Arch Cape. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are occupying the Yates cottage. Tbe Warren has the following pat rons: Mrs. A. G. Barker. Mrs. F. S. Kelly. Elizabeth Kelly, Mrs. W. C Gil bert, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Noyes, Sadie Noyes. E. O. Gardner, C. A. Foulk, Mrs. E. A. Sommer, Martha Bartell, H, P. Coffin, wife and child. Dr. and Mrs. George Marshall, Clarence Jacobson, E, J. Ferguson and wife, Lennette r ergu son, Mr. Vance, Mr. Russell, Martha Whiting, Charles B. Hand, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bielltz, and Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Bergner, from Portland; Anna Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gearhart, Mrs. G. W. Spier, Mildred Copland, Mrs. F. P. Leinenweber and S. A. Rabo, of Astoria; Miss Gertrude Noble, Sioux City; Helena M. Gleeson, Anaconda Mrs. F. S. Warriner. Honolulu; Yelma M. Wilkinson, Athena; Mr. and Mrs. W Smith,. Warrenton; Miss Hayes, Bloom lneton. HL: Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Green baum, San Francisco; Misses Beth Allen, C. B. Haradon and Josephine Haradon. Seattle. At the Elk Creek Hotel the following Dersons have been cared for: L. O. Hatchell. Major A. A. Cabaniss and wife. Mrs. Florence Carlock." Mrs. F. M. Warren, Norma Anderson, Billy Young, Robert Adams, Mr. and Mrs. M. Fleischner, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Metz ger, R. J. Gordon F. H. Powers and wife, Kathleen Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Torry, M. C. Martin, R. M. Schmeer, Mrs. B. Kistner, nurse and children, G. W. Shirley, Carl Johnson, Mrs. Wells Gibbert and son, Mrs. Thomas Foster and Margaret Foster, air- of Portland; W. F. McGregor, son and daughter, R. W. McLean, Mrs. D. E. Lagassie, F. A. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Warren, T, J. Lawrin and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Smith, from Astoria; Ista L. Page, Bellevue, Mich.; Mrs. Maxwell Blake, Tangier, Morocco; Mary K. Hawks, Chicago; B. H. Arnold, Warrenton; Miss Barrett, Dublin, Ireland; Dan J. Moore, Seaside; A. C. Anderson, Nehalem, Miss M. Stratham. Duluth, Minn. The register at the Cannon Beach Hotel shows the following names for the past week: W. H. Brltts,. wife and son, Lena Berger, Valentine Brown, A. F. Flegel, B. H. Arnold. Miss K. Miller, Mrs. E. J. Rivenburg and son, Marian Gooding, W. S. Howland, Lavina Bird, Mr. and Mrs. A. Blitz, F. H. Rothchild, G. V. Durkee and family, J. W. Shep herd and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swindler and son, Mrs. W. W. Banks and son, Mrs. J. H. Booth, W. D. Edwards and son, Sam B. Foster, Roscoe F. Hunt. H. H. Hunt and R. W. Morgem. all from Port land; Mrs. C. W. Klippell, Oregon City; J. M. Rothchild, San Francisco; Sue L. Badollet, Council Bluffs, la., Dorothy Peters, Baltimore; H. H. Hansom, Mc Minnville, C. D. Welghtman and wife, Spokane. The Arch Cape Hotel has had tne fol lowing patrons: Charles Carlson, Mrs. L. P. Keeler, Mrs. T. M. Williams, Mrs. E. O. Gardner, and Miss Martha Bartell. from Portland; Charles Glt- tere- and son, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Kritch, Mrs. G. W. Splcer, Mrs. F. P. Leinen weber and Miss Mildred Copland, of Astoria; Oscar . Lailo, wheeler, Ore.; Mrs. F. T. Warriner, Honolulu. SEA BATHERS MAKE FIXD Life Preservers Picked ITp at Neah- kali-nie Arouses Much Speculation. NEAH-KAH-NIE. Or., July 27. (SDecial.) With the arrival here last week of a party from Reed College, Portland, trout fishing in the streams around the mountain has become an important feature of entertainment. Visitors start early in the morning for the small branches of the Nehalem River, to return late in the evening well-laden with speckled beauties. A number of fine catches have been made. The opening of the salmon season here has also aroused activity among the salmon trollers. Numerous parties have spent the day on the river and the upper bay and report excellent luck. Mrs. C. H. Gilbert, Miss Frances Sheehy, Miss Florence Reed, Professor Stahl and Robert Sabin have occupied the new cottage Just completed by Miss MacMillan. Various parties have been formed for walking, fishing, boat ing and bathing, so that their Summer home has been the center of a continu ous round of gaiety. Dr. and Mrs. Allen Gilbert, of Port land, and their small daughter, Doro thea, spent the week-end with the Rev. and Mrs. W. A. M. Breck. Mrs. J. D. Hancock, of Portland, has been a guest at the Breck cottage for the past fortnight. The completion of the new cottage erected for Miss Mary Frances Isom, librarian of the Portland library, has provided for a pleasant increase to the Summer colony. Miss Isom, ac companied by her niece. Berenice Langton, arrived Thursday of last week and will make , her home here tbe scene of many entertainments dur ing the season. Mrs. J. B. Hatton and John M. Hat ton were guesta here for several days the latter part of the week. Campfires have become popular among the young people, the thick woods near by furnishing splendid op portunities for roughing it and ar ranging real "pioneer" outings. The visit of Mr. and Mrs. G. L Dove, ac companied by MiSB Gertrude Dove, Miss Leora Bradley and G. F. Nickols, has been well occupied with expeditions among the bills, trips around the fa mous trail and campfires in the woods and along the beach. The party has been spending the past ten days at the ranch-house. Mr. and- Mrs. Otto Breyman, the Misses Sherlock and Miss Harriet Brey man arrived the latter part of the week in their automobile from Port land to spend the week-end here. They came in over the mountains by way of Tillamook and reached the resort through Nehalem. Roads along the route are reported excellent. over most of the distance and numerous parties en route to different resorts were passed. A large party of visitors from Port land is expected here next week, C. B. Smith and Fred Sholin having come in during the week to arrange for accom modations and to enjoy an outing over Sunday. , J. J. Teesdale, of Portland, has been spending his vacation here for the past two weeks. Among the enthusiastic anglers here are Mr. Stockwell and Mr. Williams, who arrived Sunday for a few days' fishing, and boast they know the best pools haunted by mountain trout. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and son, "Billy," of Portland, were visitors here over Sunday. They are making a tour nf th Oriron beaches and left early in the week for a trip farther south. An event of interest to visitors was the finding last week of two li'ej servers from the steamer R. A. MHer on the beach. The cork jackets were kn on Friday and caused a good deal of speculation as to the cause of their being adrift. Work on the hotel is progressing ...uw rwi' it In exnected the new Neah-kah-nie Tavern will be Teady for opening by August 1. A party of busi ness men from Portland, accompanied by several leading citizens of Nenaiem, made a short visit here Sunday to ln- x n,amiMfl It is proposed xo Bpout mo 1' ' -- - . make the opening tne ieuis the season here. Among those registered at house during the week are the follow it, Mr und Mrs. P. H. Stevenson, Miss Lillian Stevenson, A. I Bratton, Mr. and Mrs. Pride. Maurice Hudson, -c- nenn Milton Martyn, C. M, Sheff'ler. Roland Bristol and Mr. Chaso and children. BAYOCEAX HOTELS CROWDED Warm Weather Drives City People to Seek Cooling Sea Breeies. BAYOCEAN, Or.. July 27. (Special.) .Th warm weather of the past few weeks in the city has been effective in driving all wno could get away to where the cool breezis blow, apparent ly th rush of visitors started in early in the week and continued until the week-end, when accommodations were taxed to the utmost here, the ho tel being crowded and even the tent city well- filled. In order to provide for- the large number of people coming here by train, regular ferry service has been estab lished between Bayocean and Garibaldi by the yacht Henrietta, under Captain Jenkins. The yacht Bayocean was fm,n too large, to handle in the bay and the smaller boat was recently se cured from Tillamook, where Captain Jenkins has had headquarters, especial ly for the use of Bayocean patrons. Th, nnninf of the neighboring re sorts along the coast has stimulated activity here, many visitors coming to see Bayocean for the first time. The presence of these people has provided a constant round of gayety. The days have been devoted to trips to places of Interest about the bay and to fish ing trips in the mountain streams or on the ocean. Social events of various sorts, bowling and evening bathing have proved interesting features -for the evenings. Twn unusually attractive musical events have marked the week, besides the regular programmes proviaeo. eacn evening by the orchestra. Tuesday evening, when Mrs. M. J. O'Donnell was soloist, the programme rendered was as follows: "Fruhlingsleben" (Schu mann), "Irish Love Song" (Lang), "Calm Is the Night" (Bohm). "The Ro sary" (Nevin), by Mrs. O'Donnell; vio lin solos by M. L. Cline, minuet in G (Beethoven) and "souvenir iieom;. cello solos oy KODeri o. of Love" (Liszt) and "The Swan" (Saint Saens). Special numbers rendered by the orchestra were "Awak ening of Spring" (Bach), "Extase" (Ganne) ana -jnungarian u.u;i (Brahms). The Sunday night programme was devoted to chamber music, the follow ing numbers being rendered by the or chestra: Overture, "Light (javairy (Suone); Larghetto irom second sym phony (Beetnovenj; minuet irom ui tett (Schubert); "The Swan" (Saint Saens); solo by Mr. Browne; rondo flnale from trio in G (Haydn); "Garden of Love" (Schumann); "Marcne Mill- taire" (Schubert). Vocal solog were given as follows: "Be Thou Faithful TTnto Death." aria from St. Paul (Men delssohn): "Dring to Me Only With Thine Eyes." "Bedouin Love Song" and Garden of Love. The audience was enthusiastic and completely filled the hotel parlors and office during tne concert. Dancing in the hotel parlors has been popular during the cool evenings and the regular Thursday night event was well attended, there being about 25 couples present. Among those- who took part in the dancing were Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Blletz, Mr. ana jurs. u. r: Bergner, Miss Crystallne Hyland, Stan- lev Chapln. Miss Ruth Bisseu, Mrs. BIssell. Blanche McGowan, Edna Mc- Gowan, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stone, R. E. Lafferty, E. M. Eldrldge. N. Glad stone. Frank Wood and Del Bogart. At a Jolly bonnre gatnenng xuesoay evening on the beach, below the hotel, there were present the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Reynolds, Mrs. George M. Hyland, Miss Crystallne Hyland, Miss Constance Hyland, Miss Blanche Wiles, Miss Juell Heynoioa, Miss Jessie Bengal and Miss Elizabeth Brophy, of Spokane; Henry L. King, Stanley Chapln, Frank Ware, Mr. Rum ford and Samuel Wickford. Games of different sorts, racing contests among the women and a tug-of-war between the men formed attractive features of the outing. Roasted marshmallows. toasted corn and potatoes cooked in the ashes of the bonnre were served. Wednesday evening was given over to a five hundred party in the hotel parlors, at which there were six tables. Frizes of handsome stick pins tor tne men and boxes of candy for the women were won by M. L. Cline and Melvin Reed and by Miss Blanche Reynolds and Mrs. Williams. Following the card games, refreshments were served and a short musical programme by several of the guests closed the entertainment During the past week Mr. and Mrs. T. Irving Potter have opened their cottage. The Potter party includes Mr. and Mrs. Potter, their children and nurse, Mrs. w. G. Hendricks and her son. Pending the completion of refur nishing for the Summer they have been occupying apartments in the hotel. Frank Mallory, of Portland.' has es tablished a tent on his property north of the hotel and will probably start a cottage there in the near future. The location is an attractive one but build ing on that portion of the point has been delayed until the completion of High Terrace drive northward along the beach. ' Mr. and Mrs. C W. Stose are con templating erecting a . cottage just south of the T. I. Potter cottage. Mr. Stose is a real booster for the place, although a recent arrival, and has out lined a number of improvements for the resort which may be carried out in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bleitz are spending a few weeks at the hotel en Joying the cool weather and Summer diversions. Among the guests from the "outside" during the week were Miss Jessie Ben gal and Miss Elizabeth Brophy, of Spo kane, who arrived early in the week and left for Portland Thursday. This is their first trip to the resort and they were delighted with the beautiful situation. Among the guests to arrive Saturday for -the week-end were T. Irving -ot ter, L. E. Kern. Lowell Kern, his son. and H. L. Chapin. The party left Port land by automobile at 6 o'clock Satur day morning and reached Bay City, a distance of 117 miles, before noon. Members of the party report an un usually pleasant run. The way lies through McMinnville, Dolph, Hebo, Clo verdale, Tillamook and Bay City. Ex cept for the space of five miles near the Indian reservation, it was said, the road was excellent and good time was made throughout the trip. A number of other autos were passed on the road, many of which were on the way to the cottage resorts in the vicinity of Bay ocean. . H. V. Bamford and George Bamford, of Portland, are staying here for a few days. They have been especially active in the dancing and other entertainment and also took part in the bowling con test at the pavilion Friday night. Paul E. Bleltz was high man bowl ing though given a hard run by some of the other men, notably Frank Mc Clure. one of the instructors of swim ming. This port is becoming a pop ular one and many of the women have tried developing their muscles by this means. Mrs. BIssell, Miss Blanche Wiles and the Misses McGowan hold high records in their class. The party Friday night included the following: Mrs. . BIssell. Miss Ruth BIssell. Miss Blanche Wiles. Mrs. Wiles, Miss Edna McGowan, Miss Blanche McGowan. M L. Cline, Frank McClure, Melvin Boyle. Paul E. Bleltz. Frank Woodward and Del C. Bogart. Mrs. W. L. Buchanan, wife of W. L. Buchanan, publicity manager for the Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany, was a guest at the hotel last week. She left for a trip up the Gari-baldl-Nehalem beaches, which are eas ily reached from Bayocean. An especially enjoyable trip out over Tillamook Bar was made by the yacht Henrietta. Sunday afternoon by a se lect party. The little vessel lay-to near the buoy and members of the party SUMMER FURNISHED TENTS AT COLUMBIA BEACH ON THE PACIFIC Each tent is equipped with beds, bedding, stove, table, cooking utensils, etc You will have the free use of shower baths, water, swings, tennis courts and boats. Good board may be secured at 35 cents per meal or $1 per day. Make your reservations at Western Oregoa Trust Co., 272 Stark Street, or write Frank E. Roberts, Manager, care Columbia Beacb Hotel, Columbia Beach, via Warrenton, Oregon. v.1 ZWry JUMVJ Prices $75 Up. Lots 50x100. Don't buy a beach lot until you have seen or you will regret it. People have gone, to Manzanita Beach, looked it over, and then gone to all the other beaches, looked them over, and . invariably return to Manzanita Beach and buy with out hesitating. We repeat, do not buy until you have seen Manzanita Beach. For full information, write us, or call at room 601, Board of Trade Build ing, Portland, Oregon. Manzanita Beach vv W, W. Zollars, Agent. Phone Main 2593. HOTEL SUNSET BEACH CESTER. Ideal spot, modern family hotel, coun try and seaside combined; ocean In full view; large yard for children, croquet ? round, best cuisine and table service, ishlng. surf bathing. POSTOFFICE, LONG BEACH, WASH. Mrs. Dedman, Prop- ARB YOU GOING CAMPING t TRY WILH0IT SPRINGS Best Camp Gronnda on the Coast Auto Bus for Your Baggage. Auto Stage Every Day. Hotel, European Plan. Rates Reasonable For Information Phone Kast 3138 or B S633. SEASIDE HOTEL Frettest place at Seaside. Rates to families. Good meals and clean rooms, fretty uowers. bus meets an trains, Give us a visit. Regular rates (2.50 per day. Arch Cape Hotel Moat Picturesque Spot on Cannon Beach On the Ocean Front. Unexcelled Bathing. Fishing and Hunt ing, sea .r oods a specialty. Reasonable Rates. Beantifnl Scenic Ride From Seaside. Address W. S. ADAMS. Ecola, Or. Ths management of KITSOST HOT 8F1UNG8 Announces the season now open for camp in? narties. A new 20-room bathhouse has been erected, cottsges can be rented, board obtained, food fishing. Rates will bs found reasonable. By notifying few days In ad vance conveyance will meet trains at Oak rldge. Mrs. B. B- Warfield. Pros., Hazal dell. Or. manzanita Beach tried their luck with the denizens of, the deep. Mrs. Bowman, of Portland, ; proved herself the angler of the party ; and carried home a heavy load of fish. -, The heavy rain of the night before had J produced a "flat sea" and none ot the I party was sea sick. These deep seaj trips will be a feature of Sunday morn- J ing's entertainment on the Henrietta ' during the balance of the season. Among the late arrivals here ar" Clinton Newton, wife and family, who arrived during the week to occupy the . Fisher cottage. Mr. Newton came here recently to look over the place and was so well pleased that he decided upon it as the ideal place for a Summer outing for his family. He may bulid a cottage in the near future. , Besides the Potter party, which ar-. rived for the week-end, the special, train out of Portland brought the fol-' lowing, most of whom came by way of Garibaldi; others went through to Til-, lamook and crossed to Bayocean on, the Henrietta: George W. Caldwell. wife and daughter; Mrs. J. F. Bell, Alexander Bell, H. N. Secwert and wife, Arthur Goodrich and wife. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hoyt, Miss Martha S. Hoyt. George W. Hoyt. Jr., all of Port-., land; Mrs. G. A. Phillips and Reuel . Phillips, Spokane; Earl H. Anderson, of1 Salem; Mrs. R. A. Sawyer, Mrs. F. J.J Courtney. C. A. Foster and wife. Dr. R. B. Northrup. Ms. Northrup and son., R. E. Meyers. Mrs. G. Hibbard and son. Ruby van Hook, R. C. Loucks, S. W. King and wife. W. A. Illidge. Miss Christine Lawffer. Miss Sophy Lawf ffer. H. M. BIssell, Elwood Wiles. H.j O. Baker. Lillian Baker, Blanche Lucky, Edward Base, J. C. Foth. O. H. Schmedt- a mum and wife, Joseph Jantberger, Mrs. Jantberger and Miss Jantberger. E. Bragg. Miss EUery, Arthur Cavlll. A. ' A. Russell, Mrs. W. J. Clemens and J Miss Jean Clemens, M. A. Zallinger and wife. Clifford Zelllnger and Marian; Zollinger, Henry Mears. Mrs. Frank E. , Dooly and wife. Miss Margaret Mears, R. M. Dooly. Jr., S. D. Kelly, Dr. Perk- ins and wife. The early morning boat from Tilla-:-mook Sunday brought a large crowd -of people, most of whom stayed over until Monday morning, among whom ., were the following: Alfred F. C. Burk hardt and wife. Emll Kratttnger and wife, Wllhelmine Brunner, W. G. Perk ins ind James W. Llnd. all of Port land: C. W. Mcllvulne. of Bay City; W K. Lytle, of Tillamook; Mrs. A. F. . Creveling. Mrs. C. Thomas. Thomas J. '; Shea and wife and E. A. Class, all of Portland: F. T. Wnghtman. of Salem; W. M Cake, of Portland; L. R. Stln son. of Salem; J. B. E. Bourne, ot " Rainier; Florence- Day, C. W. Cornel- ; lus, Ethel Craven, all of Portland. Among the arrivals early in the ' week were the following: J. S. Bar fCor.cIuded on Page II.) RESORTS. Oceanhiil Hotel NEWPORT, OREGON An exclusive quiet family hotel. E 1 e c t r i c-lighted. Ample playgrounds for " children; accessible beach,., no grade to climb; shel tered from all winds. Shore dinners a specialty. Bus meets boats. Make reservations now. COLLINS HOTSPRINGS COLLINS, WASH. Delightful mountain resort. Beauti- ful scenery. Good hunting and fishing . Hot Mineral Baths, excellent for rheumatism, stomach and liver trou-" bles. Fine new bath house with lady and gentlemen attendants. A perfect health resort. Accbmmoda- tions unsurpassed. Take North Bank road or Upper,. Columbia River boats. Rates on application. F. A. YOUNG, Proprietor. GotoLongBeach And Stop at The Portland European Plan. Reasonable Rate. TJ-to-Date Cafeteria and Dellcateesea. Home Cooking Our Specialty. EUGENE HAN NEMAN. Proprietor. NORTH BEACH INN - Newton, Wash. Most delightful and convenient loca tlon on Washington Beach. Large shady 1 grounds extending directly to the ocean. " Accommodations for surf bathing. Con venient to hot Bait baths and post- ... office. Excellent table and service. Address Mrs. N. M. Dewey, Magr Long Beach, Wash. Elk Creek Hotle First and best on Cannon Beach. Remodeled and refurnished. PURE MOUNTAIN WATER. Pea foods a specialty. Pleasant auto ride from Peaelde. Address ELK CHEEK HOTEL, Seaside, Orecom. .' THE HOTEL WARREN. Only First-Class Hotel on Beachfront. Situated on Cannon Beach. Beautiful , view, hunting, fishing and bathing. Best cuisine and table service. 8ea .j, foods a specialty. Pare mountain water piped to hotel. . Autos and stages meet all trains. For rates address. f M. S. WARREN, Ecola, Via Seaside, '. Oreaon. Cannon Beach Hotel Clean beds. Excellent meals. Best of everything. Fine eight-mile auto ride frnm RaniriA. nrilnff At th most heau. tlful beach In the world. Good fishing, , hunting and batmng. Address W. H. ROSS, Ecola, Oregon. Sea Croft and Annex SEAVIEW. WASHINGTON. Splendid location, facing the ocean: electric lights among the trees; large sitting rooms with fireplaces. Best of meals served in Seacroft's dining-room. Housekeeping apartments in the Annex, Mrs. W. E. Hutchinson. Haoigtr. We AVALON First-class board and rooms. Con venient to the beach. A restful re treat. Sea foods every day. Rates moderate. Write me. MRS. RICHARD GOOLEY, Beach Center Station, Long Bench, Wash, P.