The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 28, 1912, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 42

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Pacific County United in Effort to Improve Highways for Autoists Who Would Visit Resorts Visitors at Summer Place Are Many.
Wind and wars and the warm white
A cloudless sky and a kindly un
Oh! know ym the way to the silver
To the beach when the tide Is low?
The s& Is cold and the wind Is fresh.
But never a care have we.
For buried half In the sun-kissed
With the warmth plied high .on
either hand.
We can lie, forgetting; the rough
world's woe;
And laugh at the wares that come
and go.
Oh! know- ye the path that leads to
the sea?
To the besch when the tide Is low?
NORTH BEACH. Wash.. July 27.
(Special.) With an end In view
to have good roads throughout
Pacific County, which includes the
Summer resort known as North Beach.
a convention was held at Ilwaco the
past week and an active interest was
displayed. The idea manifested is to get
the north and south parts of Pacific
County Into harmony so that the two
can pull together for good roads. They
are uniting their strength to secure
State Aid Road No. 5 and to make
roads connecting the Columbia River
country with Grays Harbor and inland
Eli Rockey. president of the Pacific
Good Roads Association, was chairman
of the meeting, and L. L. Bush, secre
tary. L. D. Williams. County Commissioner
from here, haw secured the services of
the rock crusher with the quarries at
Megler. Already they have started
work and expect to start laying the
stones in a few weeks. The first road
to be repaired and put into use will bf
the old plank road between Sea View
and Iiwaco. with which every one li
familiar who comes to the beach.
Auto owners who have occasion t'
run their machines over the road say
that the wear and tear is bad and they
are enthusiastic over the prospects.
Delegates to the meeting consisted of
representatives from Raymond. South
Bend, Nahcotta, Long Beach, Chinook,
Bear River and Ilwaco. Ilwaco will buy
rock from the Megler quarries. j
The single rail track which runs :
through the renter of all "the little !
towns along the North Beach will have
to be replaced soon. Travel is becom
ing. iuu Biem up kuu auwn long 10 per- i
...... ....... .... .in. 11 a. n. ua a
sidewalk safely. The commissioners
have been consulting with the railroad
officials for some time to have the
track straightened out so that the
county road will be where the railroad
cow is. This would cut out the two
crossways between Ilwaco and Sea
The family of I. Gevurtz has arrived
at the beach and has taken a cottage at
Center Beach for the remainder of the
Dr. Trimble, of Portland, with his
family, is summering at Sea View.
The family of D. Goldsmith has lo
cated at the beach.
Mr. and Sirs. W. D. Allard and family
sought the beach during the week on
account of the extreme heat in Port
land. C. J. Boss and family have settled on
the beach for the next month.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Howard have taken
a cottage on the North Beach.
The dwellers in the Snyder cottage
for the next month will be Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Watson.
The two Holman girls are "batching'
in "The Willows." Their brother, Fred
erick Holman, passed Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Slnnott are late
The family of Ben Greene are enjoy
ing the pleasures that the beach af
Oscar Larsen and family have a cot
tage at Sea View.
.W. S. Spinning and family are sum'
merles at Sea View.
Score Enjoy Kide to Willapa Bay.
News of Beach Resort.
LONG BEACH, Wash.. July 27.
(Special.) The launch belonging to F.
H. Irwin was brought into good use
Tuesday when a party of 20 were
taken for a ride over to Willapa Bay.
In the party were Dr. and Mrs. Henry
Clay, A. Bush, Jr., and Mrs. Bush, Mrs.
J. Cronln and the Misses Rose, Mae
and Evelyn Cronin, Mrs. G. U. Dodds,
Misses Helen and Irene Burns, Frances
McAtee, Mayme Jordon, Theresa Daus
and V. G. Rich. R. R. Tony, Herbert
Brandon and Charles Arthur.
Mrs. Norris B. Gregg and small son.
Jack Morris, are cosily located in their
cottage at Breakers. Mrs. Lawrence
Holman and daughter Marjorie have
been Mrs. Gregg's guests for the week.
Mr, Holman and Mr. Gregg are week
end visitors. Mrs. Curtis Sargent and
son. Harrison Sargent, and Mrs. Cyrus
Harrison, the latter of San Francisco,
will be Mrs. Gregg's guests this week.
Milton York is at his old stand at
Long Beach.
At the Breakers Hotel for the week
the list registered follows: A. G.
Fields, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Arrington,
Mrs. Reinhardt and family, Harry
Everett. G. T. Barker, Claude D. Starr,
U. C. Francis, Miss E. Higglns, Miss
L. A. Silva, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gault
Harold N. Strong, Tom Richardson,
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hall. Caroline
Forney Hall, John M. Hall. Mrs. J.
Shemanskt and three daughters, H. A.
Brandon and son, Margaret Hapgerty,
Mrs. Ed Loder, Stella M. Jones. Grayce
E. Graves, S. A. Oberender, Miss Helen
Wood, "Miss Elisabeth Richardson, Tom
Richardson, Miss Lucile Jenkins, all of
Portland; Miss Lillian Kellay, Pitts
burgh. Pa.: Mrs. Fred H. Hills, Mrs.
George Bliss Blackwell, Miss E. Rldg
way. Miss E. La Ferte, all of Seattle:
Mr. and Sirs. R. Hardesty, Denver,
Colo.: Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Dennis,
Tacoma; V. G. Rich. Robert R. Long,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutherland. Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. White and son, of Spokane;
J. Brunold, E. F. Laurin, of Astoria;
Bessye Baxter, Jule Dewey, Salt Lake
City: Mr. and Mrs. John C. Richardson.
Medicine Lodge, Kan.: Mrs. J. M. Mc
Laughlin. Birmingham, Ala.; Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Davis and family, Welser,
Mrs. L. E. Swetland, of Portland, has
come to Long Beach, -where she is
ccupying her own cottage for the
Mr. and Mra, J. B. Stevenson are
new arrivals at Long Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lee are occupy
ing the Swetland cottage at Long
Jiidge and Mrs. Stearns are among
this week's arrivals at Ocean Park.
Their daughter. Mrs. Spaulding, is
with them with her children.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner and Miss
Laura Scott are occupying the York
sottage at Seavlew.
Mrs. John Dellar and children, of
Portland, are living In the "Roosevelt
Favorite' cottage. The Dellar children
are along, too.
Dr. Paul, of Ilwaco, has a new black
runabout which he uses on the beach.
rs. Knott left for Astoria Wednes-
1 . - ASM ' IC li j
day to meet her son, who has been in
Alaska the past 17 years.
Mr. and Mrs. William Weber, Jr., and
son .Harry, of Portland, and Miss
Nettle Perdue, of Colorado, are visit
ing at the Case cottage. Long Beach.
Perhaps the most delightful bonfire
party held on the beach this week was
the one tendered the patrons by the
management of the Breakers Hotel,
Driftwood was plied high and after
the match was applied the flames
leaped high into the air. A treat was
offered the crowd when ice cream and
cake were served after the marshmal
lows had been toasted and the pop
corn. Miss Bessie Jett is a newcomer to
Tioga for a week's vacation.
Miss Dorothea Pike and her mother,
from Lents, will be at the beach for
this week.
Harold Hugglns created widespread
curiosity on the beach this week when
ha arrived. He came attired in Jap
anese costume and paraded round in
the clothes all day. Hugglns was offi
cial interpreter to the American Con
sul at Toklo and has returned for a
visit with his parents, who are passing
the vacation at Long Beach.
'Mrs. L H. 'Sroak with her little son,
Donald, of Astoria, are visiting Mrs.
Fred A. Collines and daughter, Audrey,
at Sunset.
At the Hackney cottage the follow
ing people were visitors for the week
ending July 23: Lester SlehL Sam
May. C. E, Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Lounsbury and family, Mrs. C. B.
Whetsel, her daughter. Miss Whetzel,
and son, Paul Whetzel Frank P.
McGinty, Paul Grlesel, A. N. Holman,
R. E. McElhose, G. V. Gardiner, L. F.
Bush, E. F. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Markerntz, Edward Low. L. A. Gravll,
Flora Gammie. Mr. and Mrs. William
G. Beck, Jr.; Dr. Equi, H. E. Louns
bury, George H. Fitzgibbon, Mrs. Guy
G. Willis. Guy A. Rogers, Ethel R.
Cohn. Mrs. U. S. Spinning, Miss Agnes
Vaughn, all of Portland; Miss Ruth
Mosgrove. Mr, and Mrs. George H.
Sutherland and daughter, of Walla
Walla, Wash.; Mrs. Henry C Harts,
Boise; Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell, Pendle
ton: Mrs. H. Gladstone, C. I. Lewis
and H. S. Jackson. Corvallis, Or.; Mrs.
Frank Hugglns, Elkhart, Ind.: J. A.
Hazeltine, South Bend, Wash.; George
Trlschman and Miss Trlschman, of
Yellowstone Park, Wyo.; Miss Margar
et Lowell, Pendleton. Or.; Mr. and Mrs.
R. Hardesty. Denver, Colo,; Earl S.
Hodges, Ridgfarm. 111.
Edward Low, who is registered at
Hackney cottage from Portland, 1 is
making his first visit to the Pacific
Coast. He is from Scotland and Just
been in America a year.
Travelers on the railroad, going
north, were delayed an hour one day
this week when a freight train jumped
the track at a place between Ocean
Park and the Life Saving Station and
tore up the ties for fully 100 feet. No
one was hurt, and there was no dam
age outside of an hour's delay.
At Hotel Sunset the following vis
ited for the week ending July 23: Mrs.
Edward D. Sandeberg and little son,
David, Mrs. J. A. Clemenson and son,
Theodore, Ora Moore. Arthur M. Hoff
man, Isaac Swett, Mrs. Fred Rittenour
and Helen Rittenour, Mr. and Mrs. F.
T. Greer, Master Frederick A. Greer,
Al Krause, G. C. Ruff. Mrs. F. Ashford.
Mabel Haines, Mrs. F. M. Crlssel. Mr.
and Mrs. Pritzold, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Jurgens, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Chasewird
and son, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
I. K. Sroaka and son, Astoria; Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Griffin and family, of Her-
miston. Or.; Robert Morris, Leadville,
At North Beach Inn for the week
ending July 2S the following regis
tered: Mr. and Mrs. H. Behrendsen,
of Portland: Mrs. S. F. Aunks, Pitts
burg, Pa.: L. Burham, Tacoma; Eu
gene Clarke. Seattle; Mrs. A. O. Ender
sen, Mrs. F. D. Sawyer, Hood River;
Miss G. E. Hutchins, Miss Mary Louise
Jones, Miss Beulah Wagner, Minneap
olis. Minn.: Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Barn
hart, and their children, Grace and
Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Barnhart,
Mrs. L. Barnhart, Mr. and Mrs. G. O.
Krlchbkum and boy, all of Starbuck.
Wash.: Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Barnhart and
Harold, of Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Tryer and baby. Butte.
Mrs. Porter was hostess at a much
enjoyed five hundred party Thursday
I . it, k$ -X M lmmi,,mm,m mmmmmmmmiiuimild ,
afternoon at her beach home, "San
Sea Wave," on the ridge. The affair
was given in honor of Mrs. Abrams,
of Los Angeles, who is a guest at the
E. B. McFarland cottage at beach cen
ter. The first prize was given to Mrs.
Effie Johnston and consolation fell to
Mrs. Denny. Ice cream and cake wore
Mr. and Mrs. B. Hicks are among
the new ones at Long Beach.
Miss Grace Bingham is the guest of
Miss Bessie Jeffrey.
Robert McCarl has come to Long
Beach for a visit and is at Driftwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver K. Jeffrey are
occupying their pretty cottage on the
ridge near Tioga- They have their
auto with them and enjoy many a
country drive.
Mr. and Mrs. B, K. Lee and daugh
ter, Elsie, are guests of Mrs. Lee Hicks
and Mrs. L. D. Thomas. .
The Misses Violet McCarl and Elsie
Lee, of Portland, were the inspiration
for a merry gathering of young folks
Wednesday evening. Misses Bessie
Jeffry and Helen Hicks were hostesses
and five hundred the amusement. The
affair was held at the Summer cot
tage of Miss Hicks and parents. Card
honors fell to Lawrence Dineen and
Miss Beth Smith, of Pendleton. The
party included Violet McCarl, Elsie
Lee. Beth. Una and Beulah Smith, Bes
sie Jeffry, Helen Adams, Ada Howard,
Nina Cox, Emily Marshall, Harriet
Cousins, Corinne Kellogg. Lydla Meis-
aer, Lillian Hicks. Alice Thomas.
Susie and Elizabeth Hicks, Mrs. T.
Vaughn, Mrs. E. Smith, Lawrence Di
neen. Victor Strode, Alfred Owens,
Robert McCarl, Jean Blake. Max
Mitchell and John Thomas.
For the past week the following have
been at Long Beach Hotel: C. S. St.
Helens, J. A. Jeffries, U r. Jeflrles,
Mrs. E. Wright, Mrs. L. DeVaney, H.
M. Kahn, Mrs. M. I Kreugel, Mrs. E.
B. Marvin, Miss Edna Ring, U. A. Pratt.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ott and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ogillen, M. A.
Johnston, Jelma and Cecil Coss, R. H.
Robertson, U. J. White, Harry Fisher,
Dr. Marie D. Equi, H. F. Rodney. Mr.
and Mrs. M. Kelly and son, T. C. Dun
ning, C. E. Arhman, Charles Mlllhollen.
W. U. Culley. all of Portland; Mrs. E.
Burton. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rasmussen,
of Tacoma; Mrs. J. A. Lauer, Payette.
Idaho; Mrs. H. Hlnze, Weiser, Idaho;
Mrs. William Kelly, of Astoria; George
Foster, Lester Holmes, Charles H.
Mills, R. S. Henderson, G. G. Hicks, A.
E. Van Duzen. all of South Bend; James
O'Neill, Castle Rock. Wash; J. T.
O'Neill, Carlyle, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Walt
Heath and son; A. C. Little, of Ray
mond, Wash.; Oris J. Munson. Sand
One of the merry outing parties this
week was the crowd that left the '
Shellburne for the fishing rocks one
day during the week. The party num
bered 45. They were laden with lunch
baskets and passed the entire day
At the Portland Hotel the following
were guests for the week ending July
24: R. H. Katz. E. H. Langford, H.
Shoof, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Trott, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Giles, J. H. Stanley, Mr.
and Mrs. U. C. Elliott and family, Mr.
and Mrs. M. J. Williams, George
Thompson, James Waserman, Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Griffin. D. Flood. H. o. Mil
ler. J. A. Rust, Mrs. Carnes, Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin B. Robb, all or Port
land; Betty Shadow, Berlin. Germany;
Franc Adele Ensign. Agnes Winner,
Duluth; R. H. Wildemadt, Mr. and Mrs.
D. C. Brown, Raymond, Wash.: Thom
as O'Den, Baycenter; Dr. Edward R.
Perry, Raymond, Wash.; Dave Newman,
Franklin M. Leary, San Francisco; Win
lfred Schumacher, Marysvllle, Wasn.
A. W. Calder, Vancouver, Wash.
The following Portland people were
at Driftwood this week: T. J. Coffman
U R. Jollife, M. J. Bloch, Mr. and Mra
Emll Martinson and Robert Martinson,
Charles B. Frazier, C. J. Kauffman, Lee
J. Oppenheimer. Mrs. P. F. McMorrow
and Margaret McMorrow.
Miss Katherine Tracy is with her
parents in their beach home at Beach
Center for the Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Schllt have lately
come to North Beach and re now in
their cottage for the Summer.
J. J. Kadderly's cottage at Long
Beach is opened and occupied by his
The house of N. R. Ladd Is opened
for the Summer.
The family of R. J. Abbott are vis
itors at the beach now.
Ed Kendall's family are beach vis
itors. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jacobson are
located in a cottage at Long Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Jacobson have a
beach home this season.
Many Portland People Are Enjoying
Beach Delights.
SEASIDE, Or, July 27. (Special)
"Clatsop County holds forth great op
portunities for the man who decides
to go into the cranberry-raising in
dustry. It will take a couple of years
to become well started, and by that
time the Panama Canal will be opened
and business will really begin." Thus
an optimistic feeling is expressed lo
cally. Professor C. L Lewis and Pro
fessor H. & Jackson, the former hor
ticulturist and the latter pathologist
at the Corvallis Agricultural College,
made a visit to the beaches the past
week. They went to North Beach and
then came on the Oregon. Monday
evening they delivered lectures at As
toria, which were well attended and
which were of much value to those in
terested. Mr. Lewis emphasized the
fact that this county is an excellent
place to raise loganberries and a cer
tain firm species of cauliflower.
The private car belonging to Carl
R. Gray drew up at the Seaside sta
tion the beginning of this week, and
since that time the jolly little party
it contained have been passing a most
delightful week at the seashore. Mrs.
Carl R. Gray, Sr., is hostess and her
guests include her brother, Dr. w. w.
Flora, Mrs. Flora and their two daugh
ters, Harriet and Frances, all of Colo
rado Springs; Mr. Gray's sisters, the
Misses Grace and Mary Beattie, the
former of Colorado Springs and the
latter from Flint, Mich.; Miss Leonora
Strassburger, of St. Louis, two life
long friends -of Mr. and Mrs. Gray;
Howard Gates, of Little Rock, Ark.;
A. J. Davidson,- of Portland, and Mrs.
Gray's two sons. Masters Howard and
Russell. An auto belonging to Mrs.
Gray was shipped to the beach for the
week and the party has enjoyed sev
eral trips of interest to near-by points.
A daily trip to the natatorium at Gear
hart was one of the pleasures.
Fred Rothchild, of Portland, and his
brother, Joseph Rothchild, a promi
nent attorney of San Francisco, were
week-end visitors at Seaside.
Master Norman Yeoman has come to
Seaside, where he will be the guest of
friends for the remainder of the Sum
mer. Mrs. J. M. Main, accompanied by her
son, Fred, and Master Harold Cake,
passed the week just closed at Sea
Philip Grossmayer was a week-end
visitor with his family at Seaside.
Price Wanklin, of Leadville, Colo,
exalted ruler of the Elks there, has
been a visitor at Seaside the past few
days. He reports a delightful time
since he has been here.
Miss Esther Goodman, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. George P.
Alexander, in the McCalman cottage,
has returned to her home in Port
After passing the past six weeks at
the beach, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander and
their charming little daughter, Janet,
have returned to their Portland home.
Mr. Moore has added several clusters
Of hanging lights to the electrical fix
tures in the lobby of the Moore Ho
tel and they have a very pretty effect.
A crowd of cottagers had a baseball
game on the beach Tuesday morning.
They played until the tide drove
them in.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yeon, whose cot
tage is the Winslpw, have opened it
for the Summer. Miss Margaret Mock,
sister of Mrs. Yeon, also Mr. Yeon's
father and the two Yeon children. Miss
Pauline and Master John, are in the
Dr. Raffety and his son, who were
injured in Portland some weeks ago
by a gas explosion, have come to Sea
side to recuperate.
R. W. Wilson and family have ar
rived at Seaside for the Summer vaca
tion. John Kapp's family are Seaslders this
Mrs. M. Abrahams was among the
late arrivals at Seaside. She has opened
her cotage.
F. W. White came down this week
and prepared his Summer home for the
coming of his family.
The "Hello Bill" la occupied by Mrs.
Joseph Grieber.
Mrs. H. Hannon was a visitor to Sea
side the early part of the week and
later Journeyed on to Cannon Beach.
The cottage "Content" has been taken
by Herbert Greenland and family.
Mrs. M. W. Parellus has a Summer
home at Seaside. '
The Merrill cottage No. 2 is occu
pied by the family of A. Bernstein.
The families of W. T. White and
Fred Orfer were visitors to Seaside the
first of the week and from here went
on to Elk Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ringler and fam
ily are living in the "Ola."
Dwellers in the Risley cottage, a
pretty place on the south boardwalk.
are Mr. and Mrs. J. r . msiey ana iam
Woodland cottage is occupied by the
family of William Ballls.
At Locksley Hall, for the week end
lng July 21, the following people had
registered: From Portland, Deo Mal
lett, C. M. Conry, Glen Maddix, George
Simpson, R. W. Bell, Jean Olive Ja
cobs, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hall, Maud
Stapleton, Anna Borglund, Frankle
Howard. J. Marks, Miss Hallle R. Hart,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Denny, Mr. and Mrs.
D. L. Povey, David and Darrell Povey,
C. F. Fuller and son, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Landberg, George E. Clarke, W. C.
Funks, R. E. McElhose, James Cronln,
R. W. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Still
man, of 668 Kearney street, Mrs. Rus
sell and Anna B. Kusseii.
The family of J. E. Solomon are
the occuoants of the "Glen Mar"
house at Seaside. Henry Solomon and
Masters Jerome and Arthur are also in
the crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eckharat and son
Lloyd have a Summer home at Sea
W. A. Harris, of St Helens, has
brought his family, Mrs. Harris and
daughter. Miss Edna, to Seaside, where
they make their Initial visit to their
new. Summer home, built in the south
Mrs. E. M. Biurock and family are
down here for the season.
From Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Blake and daughter, Claire, have
come to the "Rockford" cotage.
Mrs. Fred Runke has opened the
Ramsay cottage.
The family oi a. Morgan is semea
in the Wayland.
Mrs. Amanda Kerr, accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Holbrook
(Jeanie Kerr), nave come to seaside
and opened their Summer home, the
Instructors G. A. Campbell and Al
bert Bloom, both having wide experi
ence alone; the Atlantic shore, have
come to Seaside and will give lessons
n swimming here. Every day during
the bathing hour they will be on duty
on the beach in case any of the bath
ers venture out too far. A boat will
also be placed on the beach this week
and no doubt will meet with the ap
proval of all the beach population. It
is not infrequently that someone gets
out a little too far In the water and
some strong swimmer has to risk his
life to go after the belated one.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Zancker, together
with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wheat, are
living in the "Doo Little Camp."
From Sacramento, Cal, comes Mrs.
William Braden and Mrs. M. P. White
head, Miss N. Adams and Mrs. H. Faust,
who have a cottage In Hermosa Park.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Summers, of Lewis
ton, Idaho, are living In the Wayside
Herbert Hill, in the Sandhurst cot
tage, has his friend, Faul Reagor, vis
iting him.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lewis and
children are in the Breyman house
this Summer.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Graham have
moved into their newly erected cot
tage in Hermosa Park.
Mrs. E. Lovegrin and her children,
Grant and Lloyd, of Seattle, have the
privileges of the Sans Souct.
At the Colonial Hotel for the week
ending July 21 the register showed
the following from Portland: A. H.
Kreue, Mrs. C. O. Gates, Mrs. D. Mc
Greevey, W. J. Reldt and Nellie Reidt,
Julia Bates, G. W. Lehberg. M. W.
Ransom, D. G. Demon and Mrs. Do
njon, Mr. and Mrs. P. Q. Rothrock, R.
A. Douglas, R. E. Crego, Mrs. A. L.
Sauvie, M. H. Keen, H. M. Radford,
Mrs. N. Johnson and children, Jennie,
Alfred and Arthur Johnson; A. H.
Moore, Mrs. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. B.
J. Mills, H. W. Chattendon, M. A. Fitz
gerald, C. N. Miller and Miss Pearl
Miller, Miss M. Sutherland, R. M.
Cooledge, Mr. and Mrs. McManus and
mother, Mrs. Cave: Mr. Aunks, F. R.
Stipe, Staley Stipe. H. A. Meier, An
drew J. Sampert, Clara Eaton, A. L.
Clark, George T. Settlemeyer and
niece. R. H. Tato, Frank Holbroke,
R. Teufel, E. Nepple and T. C. xnomp
son. Necanicum Inn for the week ending
July 27 registered from Portland the
following people: Misses Hazel and
Gladys Ramsay, Mrs. W. J. Ramsay,
Mr. and Mrs. Elof Johnson. Mr. and
Mrs. J. C English and Mrs. N. M.
"Sea-ward." this Summer, Is th
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hlcko
with their children Florence, Fred and
H. O, Jr.
Mrs. George Williams and Mrs. F.
A Gaddis are among Seaslders. They
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Wil
liams and Miss May Joeckel this week.
The "Webb" Cottage has as its oc
cupants Mrs. Frank L. Smith and her
children Frances Alleen. Alice, Gene
vieve, Simon and Frank L. Junior. Miss
Elsie Gllsdorf is a visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hill and son Her
bert have the "Sandhurst" opened for
the next month.
A new cottage finished this week,
was one belonging to Mrs. Swetland,
of Vancouver. It Is located in Her
mosa Park.
Mr. Charles Lockwood visited his
family the week-end in the La France
Cottage in Hermosa Park.
Mrs. B. H. Hlckox. accompanied by
htr son and daughter A. L. Hlckox and
Miss Lucile, have the "McMahon"
"Oliver's" Cottage has been opened
for the Summer by Mrs. R. W. Rus
sell. Her guests include the Misses
Elsie Bertha and Ida Henriings.
At the "Smile Is quartered Mrs. a.
E. Dlgman with her children Clarence,
Rn.ri. James and Jessie, also Mrs. Dig-
man's friends Miss Hazel Hulme, Mrs.
J. Ruedy and Miss Hilda Ruedy.
Mrs. E. Killfeather and children,
Nellie and Jerry, are located in the
"Pioneer" Cottage this year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Numsell enter
tained the following gueBts at "Wald
mere" the past week: Idr. O. M. Scott.
Miss Lois Scott, Miss Grace Thrift and
Miss Norma Counsel.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gordon, their
daughter Ethel and Bon Wayne have
the "Blde-A-Wee" this year.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McClung and
their children Mildred, Lucile and Ed
win are at the "Elmore."
Mrs. if. C. Bowles is a visitor at
Seaside, and is living In the cottage
Mr., and Mrs. Edward Schofleld. ot
Vancouver, have a cottage at Sea
side. Sea Lodge has been occupied lately
by Mrs. E. Hemig and her week-end
guests Mrs. Rose Hemig, Miss Freda
Hemig, and Mrs. Charles Meyer, of St.
"Krupke" Cottage is housing its
owners, Mr. and Mrs. William Krupke
and children Robert, Helen and Esther,
and their guest Miss Luella Schaur, of
San Francisco.
Miss Luctle Hughes is a guest at
the "Fernwood" Cottage, where Mrs.
J. R. Caples and children. Miss Helen,
and Master Gale, make their home in
the Summer.
Mrs. A. H. Wey and son Harold are
living at "Pleasant Nook" for the Sum
mer with their guest Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Krupke.
Mrs. Ida Johnson, Mrs. Jennie Prunle,
Mrs. O. E. Claire and her son Harvey,
Mrr. Sweeney and daughter Margaret
have the "Seldom Inn."
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Roy, accom
panied by Mr. Roy's mother, Mr. F.
X. Roy and Clarence McKlnley, ar
the occupants of the "Irvlngton."
From year to year, it becomes more
noticeable that people farther inland
than Oregon, seek the Oregon beaches
as their Summering places. Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Crane and their little son
have the "Oneonta" cottage. Mr. and
Mrs. F. P. Harter and children are
with them.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dunne; with
their children David and the Misses
Ruth, Helen, Gladys and Dorothy, have
come to the beach for the Summer,
where they are living in their own
Mr. and Mrs. B. Hall have taken "The
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Palmer, the for
mer of the firm Palmer-Jones Com
pany, have come to Seaside to pass the
next month. Mr. Palmer has just fin
ished his new Summer home close to
the ocean. - It is nestled in a small
grove. The cottage is called "The
Palms." Two large palms mark the
entrance. Little Geraldlne Palmer and -H.
P. Jr., are the center of attraction In
the household.
Mrs. F. B. Hobart and children, Mar
jorie and Bob, of Scappoose, are living
in the "IUawara."
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Alger are late
arrivals at Seaside and will occupy
the Huckleberry Dell. They have as
their guests Miss Rubel and Mra. F.
Deppe. .
The Neltra is occupied this month by
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Higley and their
guest. Miss Laura Jeffers of Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stopper have
taken charge of the Foehen Wald for
the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward are
The most beautiful sweet peas on
h. hch are to be found in the yard
of the Seaside Hotel. Variegated al
most beyond description and of the big
double assortment tney mane a gor
geous display. Many people have vis
ited the hotel simply to see the
flowers and were rewarded by a large
bouquet of them. The people registered
at the hotel for the week ending July
27 were: Mr. and Mrs. James u i-onner,
Arthur. Mayme and Doris O'Conner, R.
J. Silke. Roselle Wilson, Mrs. Jansen,
Mr. and Mrs. Weightman, Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. tt. w. snep
herd and family, Fred Welch and Mrs.
wirh. Sara Macauley. Mabel Thomas.
Henrietta Rauve, Helen Rauve, Mr. and
Mrs. r Alexander. Mrs. Kust and Mrs.
Carnes. all of Portland. -
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. luinam ana aaugn-
tor Roberta have opened their beach
home for the remainder of the season.
They call their cottage Camp Alexan
der. When the fire at the new Moore
thnttr sweDt awav the belongings of
a theatrical troupe, the members of the
Aloha Stock Company got together and
gave a benefit Wednesday night.
Miss Dorothv Ramsdell is at Seaside
as the guest of Mrs. Dobson and son
Tom. In the Dobson cottage.
The Helen Claire has as its occu-