The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 28, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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AH Credit Purchases Tomorrow Go on August Accounts, Payable Sept. 1st
Demonstration of Famous
Melba Beauty Creams and
Preparations in front of Rest
Room, Second Floor.
Every housewife should learn
the use of Way-Kuk Paper
Cooking Bags. Pkg. of assorted
sizes, 19c Stationery Dept.
Turn to the Great Double-Page Announcement of Our
August HoMeffraisieg Sale
in Center of This Section! Lqtgest Sale of Furniture,
Carpets, Draperies and Kindred Lines, We Ever Held
' IB
Clearance of All Smart
Cream Serge Wool Siiits
DURING August the "reign of white" will be at its
height in town, at the beaches and Summer
resorts. And what looks prettier for early Fall wear than a
Cream Serge Suitt Clearance prices on all our Cream Serge, Diagonal
and Whipcord Suits tomorrow plain tailored and fancy models, with the
modish Empire and belted-back coats. Also Cream Suits, with black pen
cil and hairline, stripes.
$30 White Suits, $22.50
$35 White Suits, $25.25
To $45 Suits $24.45
Several racks of our fine
man-tailored $38 to $45 Suits
reduced for Clearance. Smart
models of serges, whipcords and
worsteds, in neat line stripes
and mixtures. Very similar to
Fall styles. For Qyf A C
Clearance only tS)T"T'0
Cream Serge Coats
Stunning Coats -of cream
serge, cheviot, whipcords and
basket weaves, in long semi
and loose-fitting models. Beau
tiful for street and theater wear.
$25 White Coats for $20.00
$30-$32.50 W. Coats, 22.50
$40 White Suits, $30.00
$45 White Suits, $33.75
To$15 White Dresses $8.85
Pretty White Lingerie
Dresses, trimmed with dainty
laces and embroideries. Also
white and colored linen and
cotton corduroy in the trim
tailored models. Clearance of
$12.50 to $15.00
Dresses, at only
White Dresses $12.45
Lovely Lingerie Dresses of
filmy batistes, Swisses and mar
quisettes, trimmed in laces and
embroideries. White and col
ored linens, corduroys, ratines,
all included. $16.50 to $25.00
Dresses, Clearance at $12-45
$1.50 to $3 Irish
OUR big stock of exquisite,
real hand-made, hand-embroidered
and Irish Crochet Neckwear rad
ically reduced for the Clearance Sale to
morrow. LOT 1 consists of pretty hand-embroidered,
Irish Crochet trimmed Sailor Collars,
Jabots and Dutch Collars. Also the Princ
ess Tat Tunie Peplum; if 1.50 to $3 QOi,
1 'I " ' 1 I r -
LOT 2 i n c I u des
hand- embroidered
Lace Collars, side
frills. Also Irish and
Cluny - trimmed Ja-.
b o ts and Chemi
settes; resrular $4.00
pieces, dJI A7
each, ntV1'
LOT S consists of
fine mull, Collar and
Cuff Sets; Irish
trira'd Jabots, hand
embroidered D u t ch
Collars and Cluny
Kabats and Jabots;
$3 to $6 $1 QO
p i e c e ? A .iO
LOT 4 i n c 1 u d es
Fichus, large lace
Revers, Cluny and
Irish lace-trim 'd Ja
bots, Rabat s, Stock
Collars. Regular $7
t ,
LOT S'includes
Cluny Fichus, hand
embro idered Coat
Collars, Chemisettes,
Sailor Collars, Ja
bots, Fancy Stocks,
Irish (.ape Collars;
.! to
Complimentary Exhibit'n
Franz A. Luminal's
Masterpiece Painting'
'The Crucifixion'
Fifth Floor, New Building
The Meier & Frank Store gives
to every man, woman and child in
Portland and surrounding cities an
opportunity to view and study at
close range one of-the most famous
of the many great paintings of
"The Crucifixion..'' ;
Valued at $100,000, the 9x14
canvas is the1 largest and most, pre
cious of the artist 's works. Franz
A. Lundhal, the painter, was born
in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1849. He
began the study of art under-the
famous Roberston of Chicago, and
afterwards studied in Paris . and
Munich, and in Stockholm, under
such masters as Jerome and Ben
jamin Constant.
Lundhal 's close adherence to the
new Testament ' description of
"The Crucifixion" is remarkable.
Wonderfully impressive is the can
vas. Brought out in compelling
vividness the silent, insistent mes
sage becomes a sermon none can
Purchase of Sample Silk
BEAUTIFUL, luxu r i o u s
Venetian and Italian
Silk Underwear every garment bear
ing a name famous the world over!
When the maker sold ns this splen
did purchase of his samples and sea
son 's-end accumulation, he specified
the name was not to be advertised.
But it's on every garment. See the
6th-street window display.
$2 Venetian Silk d- AO'
Vests, Tomorrow P 1 rO
Pink, blue and white plain Silk
Vests, with ribbon beading at neck
$4 Sample Silk
Luxurious Vene
tian Silk Combina
tions, in white,
pink or blue, plain
or with lovely -embroidery
$6 Italian Silk
Just about 80 of
these elegant Italian-
Silk Combina
tion garments, in
white, piuk and
blue. Plain or
hand - emb-vokes.
$6 Italian Silk
Emb'd Vests,
. Samples of the
most exqui site
hand - embroidered
Italian Silk Vests,
in white, pink and
blue. Just a lim
ited quantity.
Second Floor, tw Building Mall Orders Filled.
$ 1 .25 to $2.00
27-Inch Swiss
Flouncings, 98c
ANDSOME 27-inch
Swiss Flouncings,
in a beautiful assortment of
eyelet and floral patterns.
All woven on hand-looms,
with strong edges which will
not easily fray. Just the
Flouncings favored for
waists and gowns. Regular
$ 1.2o to $2 grades
in the Clearance
tomorrow at, yd.
To 75c Flouncings, 39c
- New 27-inch Swiss Flouncings,
for trimming dresses and under
muslins. Large variety of dain
ty designs; excellent 50c OQ
75c Flouncings, yard, at'C
To 20c Embroid'r's, 10c
An immense St. Gall purchase
of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric
Embroideries. Edges and Inser
tions, 1 to 9 inches wide, in neat,
durable patterns for undermus
lins. Regular 12c to 20c 1
grades, special price, yd. "C
First Floor, Sfew Building-.
. Mall Order Filled.
1M. U1UI
Clearance of $5 and $6
Waists at $2.98
-??.2l m. tt i mrm'i t; -rt'
You must have a Sweater
Coat for beach and vacation
wear. A sreat selection of wom
en's and misses' Sweaters, in all
weaves and colors; "V"' and
Ruff-Neck stvles. Clearance
sfwials $1.95, $2.95 and
d Floor, Main Building J
Lingerie Blouses
that you'll surelv want two or
three of when you see them tomorrow !
Low neck, short sleeve, with sailor
collar or high neck, long sleeves.
Sheer mulls, marquisettes and dotted
Swisses trimmed in daintv Swiss in
sertion, allover embroidery and filet
laces. Open front or back. Regular
$o and $b Waists,
in the Clearance
tomorrow at onlv
Smart Mannish Waists
Shirt style, or tailored Waists of lin
eues, linens, madrases and piques. Spe
cial lines SI. 2. SI. 48. SI .An
, ,
Big Grocery Economies
T EAL Grocery economy means
more than . mere price it
means a saving on pure, quality Foods 1
Such is the standard on which our big
Pure Food Grocery has founded its im
mense patronage. Read these for Mon
day :
Mecca Asparagus, large can, at only 19
Ripe Olives, three cans, special, only 25
Mexican Beans, special, five pounds, 25
Walnuts, Maachurian, two pounds for 25
Shredded Cocoannt, special, a pound, 15
Roundup Cleaner, 6 cans for 25
Pancake Flour, 15c package, 10
Standard Soap. 11 bars for. 25
Kings ford' s Gloss Starch, wooden
boxes, 50
American Lye, 4 cans at only 25
Yeloban Milk, 4 cans at only 25
Mustard, three jars at only 23
Macaroni, 3-pound package at 20
Dry Lima Beans, Zyt lbs. for 25
CCO Dry Milk, 25c can, only 19?
Pure Food Grocery. Basement.
25c Fiction, 19c
Select the Summer reading from
this splendid assortment of .over
500 titles of good Fiction. Includ
ed are works by such authors as
Holmes, Clay, Southworth and
Charles Garvic. 23c edi- 1 Q
Hons offered now at only X5C-
Book Store, Basement.
in s
to blBCi From
Monday, Tuesday and
AH New, This Season's
Extra Salespeople 3d Floor
'LIBERAL training urged
Jcrlurrr Would Not Crowd ' It Out
for Industrial Work.
buly 27. (Special.) "I believe III and
sympathize with the efforts we are
making to brlnp education, whether
cultural or industrial, within the reach
of all the people." sa'.d Professor Grant
Showerman. of the I'nlverstty of WIs
ronsin. In his concluding lecture at the
Vnlversity of Oregon Summer school
"But I do not for a minute believe
hat industrial and vocational educa
tion should be allowed take the
r -
place of liberal training, or to crowd
it out. or that-our efforts to minister
to the needs of the masses should re
sult in our neglect of the training of
our young people who have Intellectual
talent above the ordinary. The state
should afford every possible encourage
ment to higher education. -
'Thls is Its duty, or Its privilege: its
'duly because Intellectual talent has as
tjust a claim to the fostering hand of
I the state as the more ordinary talents:
: its privilege, because If our generation,
is to be useful to posterity, or even
I known. It will be so. by reason of Its
j transmitting .to future generations not
j merely the memory of its achievements
and discoveries, but of the. emotional
experience which begot them. Those
nations of the past which command our
admiration and stir our idealism are
the nations which produced great lead
ers in literature end the arts, and thus
gave ais not only a knowledge of their
times, but preserved for our Inspira
tion the emotional ideals which made
their times great."
The subjects of Dr. Showerman's lec
tures for the past week were: "The
Roman Ideal." "The Spirit of Roman
Literature." "The Roman Contribution
to Pi-ore Style." "A Roman Poet and
Philosopher of Life." "The Significance
of the Greek and Roman Civilization."
Fish Company Incorporates.
' SALEM, Or.. July tl. (Special)
Articles of incorporation were ' filed
with the Secretary of State today by
the Tillamook Co-operative Fish Com
pany, capitalized' at-tSO.OOO.
Impressive Services Over Auto Vic
tim Largely Attended.
So large was the gathering of mourn
ers at the funeral of Bertrand E. Flske,
wuo was Kiiiea in an automobile acci
dent last Tuesday, that more than 100
persons were compelled to remain In
the reception room while the services
were conducted in the Skewes chapel
yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by
Dr. Luther R. Dy'btt, pastor of the First
Congregational Church. Flowers were
massed In profusion In the chapel, cov
ering the entire rostrum.
Members of the Portland . lodge of
Elks, of. which the .deceased .was a
member, acted as pallbearers. After the
services In the chapel members of the
Washington Lodge of Masons, to which
the victim also belonged, headed the
procession as far as First and Madison
streets. There they boarded a special
car which took them to the Portlanu
Crematorium. On arrival the full
ritual of the Masons was carried out. -
In his sermon Dr. DyotJ spoke feel
ingly of the sudden loss of a life so
young and promising.
The pallbearers were Frank Coffin
berry, Gus C. Moser, TV. C. Haseltine,
T. E. Manner, C. E, McDonell and C. C.
Two wagon loads of flowers ;were
displayed, wreaths from the Elks'
lodge.- the Portland opticians and from
the letter-carriers being prominent,
two enormous baskets filled with beau
tiful flowers were sent by personal
Rev. Lyons Accepts Chicago Offer.
NEWBERG, Or.. July 27. (Special)
Rev. John S. Lyons, pastor pf the
Presbyterian Church of'Newberg, has
decided to accept the offer made him
of the position of librarian of the Mc
Cormlck Theological Seminary of Chi
cago. He Is a graduate of that semi
nary. He came to Ne,wberg in 1909
and has built the church up by effi
cient work.
Booth, of McMinnvIIle. It has been
known here for some time that Mr
Galloway planned to Join the ranks ot
the Benedicts soon, but be has been
religiously keeping secret the date.
Friends . Hear Galloway Weds.
SALEM, dr., July 27. (Special.) It
was reported here tonight that Charles
V. Galloway, state tax commissioner.
was married ' today to Miss Alpha
Northwest People in Chicago.
CHICAGO. July 27. (Special.) Ore
gon persons registered at Chicago
hotels today as follows:
Prom Portland Mr. and Mrs. George
Fulton, at the Grand Pacific; J. IL
O'Meara, J. O'Meara. at the La Salle.
Britain Rests Canal Protest,
WASHINGTON, July 27. The British
Government has decided to rest Its
protest against the pending Panama
Canal bill, for the present, on the note
submitted by Charge d'Affalrs Innes