15 MILLIONS SPENT DOG ANTICS TOLD SUNDALE, NX AS THE DALLES, PRODUCES GOOD APRICOT CROP THIS SEASON. BETTERMENTS Owners Describe Actions of Pets to Health Officer. North Bank and Hill Lines Offer Great Showing for Fiscal Year. REMEDIES COME BY WIRE THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX. PORTLAND. STJTt 25, J9J.3. '"' '" " WORK COVERS WIDE RANGE On North Bank and Electric Lines Many Notable Improvements Hare Been Made In Ore gon and Washington. In the last 12 months the North Bank railroad, and the Hill lines in Oregon and Washington have expend ed more than $8,000,000 in improve ments and betterments. This state ment has Just been prepared to cover the fiscal, year ending June 30. For the first six months of the present year the expenditures have totaled more than $4,000,000. In this report are included the North Bank road between Portland and Spo- kane and the division to Astoria and 'Clatsop Beach points, Oregon Trunk railway, Oregon Electric railway. Spo ikane & Inland Empire system. Pacific A Eastern railway. The Dalles, Port land & Astoria Navigation Company and the United Railways. Remarkable progressive development is shown by these figures on the part of the Hill lines in Oregon and Wash ington and represent in the grand total of expenditures many betterments to the North Bank line to Spokane, im provements to the Oregon Trunk ex tending into Central Oregon and the ' extension of the Oregon Electric from 6alem to Eugene, besides improvements ito the United Railways, the Hill elect ric line that has recently opened the North Tualatin Valley country. Luce Contracts I'nder Way. At present the company is greatly Improving its Portland-Spokane line and several large contracts are under way. The fill in the trestle over the Little White Salmon River Is costing $85,000. This work is in progress near Cooks station. The military reserva tion bridges near Vancouver are being filled at a cost of $50,000. A fill in the bridge over the White Salmon River is costing $31,000. One of the largest contracts of this kind is the fill in the Sprague Gulch tunnel at a cost of more than $400,000. Another large contract is the lining of the Kablotus tunnel, to cost $78,000. The L.yle trestle fill will cost $100,000. Probably one of the most important betterments to the North Bank road is the reduction of the only seven degree curve to three degrees to con form with the established curvature of the road for its entire length. This will enable the company to operate its trains at fast speed without reduction at this point. The work Is in progress near Cascades. Three-degree curva tures make it possible for companies to operate long trains at fast speed with the greatest degree of comfort for passengers, a feature in modern rail- Is also an established three-degree curvature electric road, on steam road standards. Improvements at Spokane. On the Spokane & Inland Empire system a number of big improvements are under way. The new line on North Adams street. Spokane, repre sents an expenditure of $25,000. The Post-street l!n In the same city cost $12,000, and other large items bring the total cost of Improvements for this spoke in the hub of the Hill system In Oregon and Washington to more than $250,000 since January 1, 1912. Rapid progress Is being made on the extension of the Oregon Electric be tween Albany and Eugene. Regular service has been maintained since July 4 on the Portland-Salem-Albany line. When the service is inaugurated to Eugene the Oregon Electric will repre sent a total Investment of $4,500,000. Eugene business men are now making preparations to welcome the first train over the electric line and propose to hold even a greater celebration than did Albany when the first official train reached that city Independence day. New stations are to be erected at both Albany and Eugene. Plans for the Albany structure call for a build ing to cost more than $15,000. The Eugene depot will cost $20,000. The freight, passenger and express facilities will be ample for years to come. Plana Ready for Portland. With plans already announced for the East Side terminals and the Union Depot matter likely to be settled In the near future, further expenditures by the Hill lines for betterments in Port land, and Oregon and Washington in general, will be large. The work now In progress on the Hill system in the two states is in keeping with the policy of the company to provide and main tain the most modern railroad possible. This means new extensions, additional equipment to meet increase in traffic, and such improvements and better ments as will keep the Hill roads In line with the rapid progress of the country which they serve. With the opening of the line to Eu gene this Fall, and with service al ready given the district between Port' land and Albany, the electric service to the Willamette alley, as inaugurated by the Hill lines on the initiative of James J. Hill, has provided a most necessary adjunct to the intensive ag riculture for which the Willamette Valley is famous. It has given fast and frequent trains for people and products, brought the country closer to the city and given the city the benefits of the country, the result of electric transpor tation, according to railroad men who have given the question much study In recent years. l fi ''OT6 APRICOT BRANCH, 18 INCHES LONG, BROKEN FROM S'S-YEAR- OLD TREE. The above branch was brought to Portland by Dr. J. R. Cardwell, who has just returned from Sundale, near The Dalles. The fruit is firm and of best quality and on the little branch were 70 apricots. Dr. Cardwell is one of the oldest planters in that section and has a flourishing orchard on his tract. The crop there is exceptionally heavy, 3 -year-old trees bearing as much as 100 pounds of fruit. Another product of the section is grapes. The fruit clusters on the vines in bunches weighing nine pounds each. The best thriving variety was imported from Europe. POWER PLANT RUSHED NORTHWESTERN' ELECTRIC HAS MACHINERY EX ROtrTE. Fnnlnment Worth $100,000 to Be Installed at White Salmon Project Upon Arrival. Fugitive Must Return to Ohio. Clyde Curran, formerly a superin tendent of construction In the employ of a contracting firm at Norwood, Ohio, was arrested yesterday by the Burns Detective Agency on a charge of being a fugitive from justice, and was turned over to the police. Curran, who is of clean-cut appearance, was discovered in a lodging house at Third and Pine streets, where he has been living with his wife. It is charged against him that while at Norwood he deposited a forged check in the First National Bank of Norwood to the amount of $450. and thereafter pro ceeded to draw checks In his own namt on the bank, finally drawing the entire amount of the worthless check in this way. Norwood admitted his identity. An officer is on the way from Cincin nati to take him back. Snecial machinery costing between $75,000 and $100,000 is on the way from the East for use in the construction of the dam and rower plant of the North western Electric Company on the White Salmon River. Virtually all the costly preliminary work on the project nas been completed and work on the dam itself will begin as soon as. me ma chlnery can be Installed. The preliminary work has included the driving of four tunnels and the building of a wooden flume 800 feet long. In which the entire flow of the White Salmon River will be carried past the site of the dam during its construction. Workmen are now put- tlna- in a cofferdam across the stream at the upper end of the flume. The force of the torrent against this cof ferdam will raise the water nearly six feet high so that It can run into the mouth of the flume. One of the pieces of machinery for which a special order had to be placed In the East is a huge concrete mixer that can turn out 200 tons of concrete a day. Six steam hoisting engines and a rock crusher are also on the way, The rock crusher wrll provide all the sand and crushed rock necessary in the dam work. The 30.000 tons of this material required will be quarried out of a cliff 400 feet above the aim, crushed, automatically screened and as sorted into sires and dropped to the concrete mixer by gravity. Another expensive piece of machinery Is an auxiliary electric plant that will be used In furnishing electrical power needed In the construction work. Parts of this plant are now on the ground and set up. It will be situated at the lower end of the flume and will gen erate 300 horsepower. The rock crush er, concrete mixer and other machinery will be run by electricity. As the railroad station at Underwood is three miles from the dam. how to transDort this heavy machinery, some pieces of which weigh several tons, up to the dam has presented a stiff prob lem. It has been met by constructing a special roadway for part of the way and widening and improving tne pres ent mid in other places. Between 25 and 30 teams are now employed on this work. The dam and power plant are to be completed and ready for use on Jan uary 1, 1913. Twenty thousand horse power will be generated. With the completion of this plant, work will be ein on another plant on the Klickitat River, from which the Northwestern Electric Company will get 30,000 add! tional horsepower. Roads to 'Carry Exhibits Tree, SALEM. Or, July 27. (Special.) The Southern Pacific has forwarded to Su perintendent Alderman rules to govern the carrying of exhibits to and from the State Fair, that road agreeing to carry such exhibits for children's In dustrial contests free. The Oregon Electric and the United Railways have also agreed to take the same attitude and will carry such exhibits free. WARNINGS NOT HEEDED Alderson Fined $100 for Working Horses Pronounced Vnfit. For working a team Of horses, after lepeated warnings by himself, accord ing tn the testimony of Humane Offi cer Crate, W. S. Alderson, driver of an ice wagon, was fined $100 by Judge Taswell, In the Municipal Court yes- Sergeant Crate testified that the horses had sores on their shoulders, and that their physical condition was so poor they were not in shape to work. Some time ago Alderson was before the court for working the horses, and at that time hs was warned not to work them until they were In better condition. Despite the-warning, it is said he worked them, and when cau tioned b- the humane office became de- ""lderson, who pleaded his own case, explained that he did not work thi horses regularly, but used them only occasionally, when necessary to give other torses used by him a rest. He also said his only object was to keep them in condition. "Why, that team'll pull a load of Ice wun three ton on it, declared he. "No it won't," retorted Special Prose cutor Robert Tucker. "I don't mean I'll make it do It, but I mean It can do it," Alderson said. He declared that he kept the horses in oest condition, and that their con dition was not aggravated. When found guilty by the court, he asked that the fine be made large enough to permit him to appeal the case, and a fine of $100 was Imposed. CONTROL BOARD MENACED Petition to Transfer Water Rights Cases Threatens Body's Use. SALEM. Or., July 27. (Special.) Should It be determined as the re sult of a petition which has been filed with the State Engineer that the ques tion of adjudication of water rights may be transferred from the state courts or the board of control to the federal courts. It will result in prac tically doing away with the efficiency of the board of control. Hearing as to water rights on the Sylvies River has been set for August 26. No provision is made in the state law for the Federal court to assume jurisdiction, but the Pacific Livestock Company, of San Francisco, declaring itself to be a foreign corporation, has filed a petition asking for a transfer to those courts. Inasmuch as foreign owners have water rights on practically every stream in the state, should the peti tion be granted and the contention of the company hold good, it would give the possibility of throwing practicallv all water right disputes into the Fed eral courts. It is probable the en gineer will deny the petition and com pel the company to secure an injunc tion which will take the expense from the settlers and throw it onto the com pany and the state. People Are Either Terrified o Amused at Mention of Rabies, . Says Dr. White, and Men ace Is Not to Be Ignored. 'Every describable and indescribable antic of almost every dog in Portland has been reported at this office today," said Dr. Calvin & White, of the State Board of Health, yesterday, discussing the present epidemic of rabies which Is a matter of anxiety to people all over the city. Two new remediea have been received already at the office and a wire arrived from the Hygienic Labor atory of the United States, Public Health Office in Washington, D. C, during the course of the day, in which it was stated that four additional remedies, as yet untried here, were be ing sent, with the announcement that all demands' for supply of material in connection with the outbreak could be supplied immediately. While large numbers of people are seriously alarmed, others seem to think that rabies is nothing serious. or else they show a lamentable ignor ance on the subject," said Dr. White. One case, an 8-year-old boy named Smith, living at 75 North Thirteenth street, who was bitten on the uppe lip by a collie, was not reported until today, though the boy was bitten Wednesday." Wide Area Affected. As a result of calls from all direc tlons, inspection visits were paid to the corner of Twenty-third and Wash ington streets, to Mount Tabor and to Alberta street district, a range suffl clently wide to show the difflcultie to be encountered in case the outbreak spreads. In connection with the possibility of an epidemic. Dr. White mentioned the little Spits dog that died. It had two other companions constantly with it. These in all probability have been in fected, but they are now roaming the streets and no one knows where they may go. "As for the idea of graft In the purchase of muzzles for dogs, that I too ridiculous to be taken seriously, if given a moment s consideration, con- tlnued Dr. White. "People can buy their muzzles where they like, for something in the neighborhood of 5 cents, and are not compelled to muzzle their dogs when on a string or leash. Therefore put the number of muzzles to be bought, say at 600, or even 1000, divide the higher sum of $500 between the various hardware companies, even allowing half to the company alleged to have made a rerent investment In muzzles, and then any one who can find a munificent profit is a marvel. They might just as well forbid a bit for horses on the ground of graft." Pit Bulldog Had Infection. Professor E. F. Pernot, bacteriolo gist to the Board of Health, found negri bodies not only in the brain 'of the pit bulldog that was killed cently, but also in the scrapings from the teeth, and the water from the 'eye. He had two marvelous photograph of the animal, one showing the curiou snarl on the upper face of the animal, which gives rise to the use of the word "mad." The other reproduced a char acteristic appearance after convulsion, Dirt and rubbish is collected in the mouth and the lnclsory teeth had bit ten into the tongue. LUMBER MEN TO FORM OREGON AND WASHINGTON WILL BE WELL REPRESENTED. Organization to Be Formed to Push Sale of Douglas Fir In Markets of World. All lumber exporting districts In Ore gon and Washington will be represent. ed In an organization to be formed soon to extend the market for lumber products. Seven lumber manufactur ers are members of the special com mittee that will have charge of the preliminary work of the organization. E. G. Griggs, of Tacoma, president of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Com pany, is chairman of the committee. Representing the Columbia River mill- men on the committee are O. M. Clark of the Clark & Wilson Lumber Com pany, and L. J. Wentworth, of the Portland Lumber Company. It is announced that the organization GUESTS AT CHILDREN'S PARTY OUT FOR A JOY RIDE ON THE PONY OF CARL TUCKER, JR. ?V." t Ill - ' ,"; 1 MILDRED LEFT TO RIGHT CARL TCCKEB, HELEN SMITH, TUCKER AND JACK SANDERSON. The yard of Mrs. J. Rabb Is a paradise to the children, and at the party given in honor of Jack Sanderson, son of Dr. T. J. Sanderson, of Scio, Or., the feature was a ride around the leafy grottoes of the yard on the back of the Shetland owned by Carl Tucker, son of Dr. A. C. Tucker. Helen Smith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Smith. The three guests of Jack Sanderson are all his cousins. Mrs. J. Raab is his grandmother. PLUMBING SUPPLIES $26 Three Pieces $26 FigMio We Sell to All the Trust at Wholesale Prices Help Us Fight the Trust We are positively the only Independent Plumbing Supply House in the city. We sell to all. When you buy from us you are helping to break the largest of all trusts. We guarantee all our goods absolutely new. We carry a large and complete line. We can furnish you first-class plumbers at $5.00 per day. J. SIMON BRO FRONT and GRANT STS. V, Take "S" car going south on Third, get off First and Grant and go one block East. proposes to effect a strong selling agency along lines similar to those em ployed by association handling rail business. "The tidewater mills of Oregon and Washington will be well represented In the new organization," said O.- M. Clark, wtio returned yesterday from Tacoma, where a meeting of the com mittee was held. "The lumber export ers have never been well organized and the export trade has been handled in the past by the individual manu facturers or through brokers. We be lieve that with a general selling agency we will be able to get better results as well as to extend the market for lumber in foreign countries. It Is ex pected that a meeting of the committee will be called soon and mat a perma, nent organization will be effected prob ablv this Fall." The committee has discussed the plan of establishing representatives in all the lumber markets of the world where Douglas fir is known and finds a sale. The effect of the opening of the Pana- ma Canal, it Is agreed, will be bene ficial to the lumbering industry of the Pacific Coast, and it is probable that recommendations will be made that the Droposed organization prepare for new business expected through that chan nel. The most important foreign markets at present for Douglas fir are in tne Orient. Australia, New Zealand, South America, Africa. Japan and Europe. In addition to the foreign trade, large quantities of lumber are shipped from the tidewater milts in Oregon and Washington to California. CLERIC SEEKS REHEARING Man Who Made Misrepresentation for Insurance sks Sew Trial. OLTMPIA, Wash July 27.--(SpeciaL) Petitions for rehearing of the case of Rev. W. A. Bass against Rev. MarK A. Matthews, of Seattle, has been filed with the Supreme Court. The action was instituted by Mr. Bass to recover damages for an alleged libel, but the lower court dismissed the suit, and its decision was affirmed by the Supreme Court. Plaintiff now seeks to have the case reconsidered. There were also filed in the bupreme Court petitions for rehearings In the case from Chelan County pf School Dis trict No. 56, in which the district was upheld when it sought to- acquire cer tain land for school purposes by con demnation, and In the case of Gran ville Turner against the American Casualty Company. In the latter action it was held by the superior court 01 King County that Turner misrepre sented his physical condition to tn company's agent, and that no recovery could be had. The judgment of the Superior Court was reversed by the Supreme court on appeal. trying to catch. He lived three hours afterward, but did not regain con SAMUEL HiULJN OREGON Good Roads Enthusiast Motoring to San Francisco for Meeting. prtn'EVILLE. Or., July 27. (Spe cial.) Samuel Hill, of the Washington State Highway Advisory Boara, accom- anied by C H. BaococK, 01 mcamn ille! and C. P. Chamberlin. of Maryhill. Wash., passed through here last even ing in Mr. Hill's auto on tneir way to San Francisco to the good roads con vention. Mr. Hill Is to be one of the prom inent speakers at this meeting. He is advocating an interstate highway east of the mountains from California to British Columbia and ' is taking this route to familiarise himself with the country. Xewberg Xad Killed by Horse. NEWBURG, Or- July 17. (Special.) Funeral services were held here of Harvey C. Way, the 11-year-old son of Mr. ad Mrs. Victor Way, of Newberg. The lad was killed Tuesday afternoon on a farm owned by the family Just across the Willamette River by being kicked in the head by a horse he was Eufanla Postoffico Discontinued. CENTRALIA. Wash., July 27. (Spe cial.) Notice has been received from the postoffice department at Washing ton, that after August 15 the post office at Eufaula, 40 miles southeast of Centralis, will be discontinued. Patrons of the office will thereafter get their mail at Stella. Mrs. B. F. Laugh- lin has been postmistress at Eufaula for sometime past. Sturgeon Four Feet Long Caught. PASCO, Wash- July 27. (Special.) James Lavin, one of the proprietors of the Vlllard Hotel, while fishing in the Columbia River near the Pasco docks, caught a sturgeon' measuring about four feet in length. The fish was served to the guests of the popu lar hostelry, of which Mr. Lavln Is one of the proprietors. At 85, Gave Him Vigor and Relieved Constipation From a mere skeleton, constipated, no appetite, Mr. S. H. Hiestand was restored to health, gained 20 pounds and reinvigorated till he says he feels like a young man again. ., "Two years ago I was a mere skeleton, weighed less than 100 pounds, was constipated, appetite gone, and thought I would never recover. I procured some Duffy's Pure" Malt Whiskey, used it, and it put new life into my body, and in the course of three months gained 20 pounds. I remained well for two years, and once more was taken with a bad cough and appe tite gone; also became constipat ed. I used more of this medicine, and am happy to say that I am h. Hiestand, &5 tears old. once more well : am feeling just 25 and yet I am 85. I have been recommending it to other old people and I have nof found one whom I persuaded to try its virtues but who has been wonderfully benefited. S. H. Hiestand, Liberty, Ind." sir "f - -few- , is one of the greatest strength builders and tonic stimulants known to science. It assists digestion and assimilation of the food, thus driving nourishment into the system and giving tone and vitalty to every organ in the body. It has been used with remarkable results in the prevention and relief of all throat, lung and stomach troubles and all wasting and diseased conditions. Recognized as a family medicine and prescribed by physicians everywhere. BE SURE YOU GET DUFFY -i when too auk roar druggist, grocer or deijer for Daffy's Pure Malt Whiskey be sure yon get tne genuine, it is an aft. olnteiy pure medicinal malt whiskey and 1 sold IN SEALED BOTTLES OXLV never In bnlk. Look for tbe trade mark, the "Old Chemist." on the label, and make sure the scat over the cork Is tinbroken. Price (1.00 n large bottle. Write onr Medical Department for dor tors' advice, and an illustrated medical booklet sent free. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, A. Y. RUPTURE seeley's Speraatic Sileld Truss parmatlo Shield Pad Do of"0"fhiBrMVil Seeleyg Spermatic Shield Truss, as fitted to the Czar of Russia and now used and approved by the. United States Government. will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immediate relief, but also closes tbe opening in ten days on tbe average case. If you can 't come, send for descriptive literature. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. THLBD AND YAMHILL, PORTLAND, OR. Trass Experts and Exclusive Agents for Seeley's Spermatic Shield Truss.