The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 14, 1912, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 26

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400 per rent profit. gliding caster. Just
nnt; we want agents capable of earning
JiO weekly; exclusive territory; own sub-agents-,
set costs Sc. sell 10 to 2&c: homes
buy 6 to 40 sets; hotels 60 to 500 sets;
anvone can attach; noiseless; save car
pets, furniture: won't scratch floors; sen
sational agents" bonanza; samples 4c
tivergrip a-aksier ft--. ft.7, , ' .
k ALVtUAllULi C 11 LI IV 1 J ucaa a..,;....,..
Dusiness; we carry siuca. sc. ."ft, v
able business with t-ver Increasing income
cate. orders; pleased customers recommend
... Ih.i. fn.nri.- .hnlllli tlPt VOU an
income of ST. a week; one god man or
woman in each territory; just send postal
saying: Send me terms and tree sample.
.union .uamews, x-ajuu. uu.
START in business: be Independent; atarted
as agent, now bis manufacturer; have
hundreds agents wonting; i 11 siari yu.
aicents of ability wanted to open branch
offices, employ sub-agents: no money
needed; write me fully, frankly; no n i
day. C. E. swart baugh Co., box 74. To
. ledo. O.
AGENTS on salary or commission. The
greatest agents seller ever proouct".
rvfrv uspr of nen and 4nk buys it on
night: 2i" to 5iK per cent profit: one
agent's sales amounted to $020 tn six
days; another ;2 In two hours. Monroe
Mfg. Co.. X. 4 4. I. a Crosse. is.
WE will pay your way to Ban Francisco
ana return, now or xvi., . -
work- high-class proposition; no canvas
sing; trips limited. Answer quick to be
first in vour own town. California Travel
Association. 1127 Hearst bldg.. San Fran
cisco. Cal
WANTED State and county agents for
.... . . i i T-1 .. . . .- I'ri-Mnl Maoo.
- i n X i C .iiapiv .av. ' j
Slak.s delicious syrup. V ratall price
Sample for half gallon and information,
prepaid. 10c. Western Maple Syrup Co.,
. u. r.t
AGENTS Just cotn money selling new Im
proved hosiery direct from mill with our
big advertising oner; you i-o
dally everybody buys: credit: samples In
... ....... Tmnroved
1' Hinti cur . - . . . . . --
ft, . 1 1 1 J sTll
WANTED Live agents: men and women. t.iBh.rHA hA.iwhnlil aneclaltles. No
talking. Easy aales. Big profits. Make
V per week. Beaumont Supply Co..
Iept. 1. Pas:ula. t'al.
IGt.N T8 make big money selling our metal
lic letters for office windows, store fronts
. and class signs; anyone can put tharoon:
samples free. Melallio Sign Co.. 431 N.
WOMEN and men to sell high-grade toilet
articles and family remedies: quick sell
em. big profits to agents. Oliver Rem
edy Co., 47ft 44th St.. Oakland, t'al.
BEST household seller on market. Sales
made entirely on merit. tiood profits.
Brinckerhoff Supply Company. Dept. 4,
i anion, ir.
AGENTS Here's an excellent proposition.
Kit repairs punctures In one minute. On'n.
er of automobiles want it. Write today.
BIG MONEY Mall order business; I start
you free: no investment except postage
and envelopes; co-operative. J. E. Bel
yea, l'uyallup. Wash.
. PER 10 for collecting names and ad
dresses: all or spare time; stamp for
particulars. Keystone Sales Co.. Darby,
I a.
WANTED Women agents to handle pat
ented article that every woman needs: 1O0
per cent profit. Sells on sight. Write
today. Indicator Agency. Dougias. Aria.
W K have considerable Inquiry for desirable
houses, stores, etc.. to rent. In all parts
of the city. We make a specialty of col
lecting rents and managing all kinds or
property. Wm. C. Borchera. financial
agent. 207-208 Oregonlan bldg.
BETWEEN" now and October 1 1 want to
rent a thoroughly modern house of 9 to
12 rooms, on Portland Heighls or Nob
" Hill: house MUST BE IN FIN E condi
tion and not furnished: will lease with
privilege of purchase If suited. T 210,
GIVE us a description of youi. house with
price and terms; we have calls for all
kinds of property. I"urse x Co., 818 Cham-
lwr or l ommerce.
WANTED About 6-room good house, com
pletelv furnished, close In. for 1 to 3
months: adults; would like piano; refer
ences fumisnen. rnone p -!
WVNT to rent modern 5-room bungalow In
good district: mut bo nice place; no chil
dren. Art -'. ureyiniaii.
WANTED House, with 7 or more rooms.
In Irvington. east of 13th st. Address 810
emng mug.
IF YOU wl?h to rent your house or flat,
S03-6 Spalding blag. Main .592.
W A NTED 6-room house or more. modern:
must be reasonable. Phone A 4627.
(.ROOM modern house. Marshall 1S0S, be
fore 10 morning. AO 213. Oregonlan.
1 OR 2 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms
by young couple in private family on West
Mile. Li urrjiiniinn.
W VNTED J-roon. with bath, unfurnished,
with heat. In vicinity of S3d and Irving;
nice iiouse. " jtj. v.
WANTED A large furnished room, two sin
gle beds, for long time. Apply B -43.
WANTED Two unfurnished light house
keeping rooms, walking distance Dental
College; must be cheap. C 213. Oregonlan.
.... and nimnl
WAITED Room with breakfast and aup
per by business man In home of young
or middle-aged lady who lives alone; no
other boarders: state location and terms;
" must know by Wednesday. AG 220, Ore
gonlan. WANTED By a young married couple with
best references, room and board in pri
vate family of an elderly couple, who wMU
make It like home; no other boarders. AC
22S. Oregonlan.
WANTED First -class board and room In
strlctlv private family on West Side by
married couple; prefer place with no other
hoarders. X 216, Oregonian.
GIRL of 17 who attends school wants place
to room and board in private-home In
good residence section. AN 219, Orego
nian. YOUNG man wants room and board in
Catholic fami'y. West Side: pleaso state
terms. AN 220. Oregonlan.
GENTLEMAN", age 45. tired of hotels,
wishes board end room, private home, best
references. AS 21S, Oregonlan.
KENTUCK1AN. 4.1. railroad man, wants
homelike boardinghouse. AT 2-6. Oregon
lan. .
BUSINESS man. single, desires board and
room. East hiae: state numuer ui uvi
ers; full particulars. Aq 230. Oregonlan.
WOMAN wishes room and breakfast ex
change Tor A-l it'. JVAJ
STENOGRAPHER desires to care for chil
dren evenings In whole or part payment
of room and board. C 27'8.
Business Places.
BARN or room wanted in which to repair
automobile: West Sldo preferred. D 211.
FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, very
suitable for gentlemen. Kamm Bldg., 1st
and Pine.
Furnlohed Rooms.
150 Park st-. very central. European and
American plan: homelike service In dining-room
at reasonable price; SI European,
12 American. Special rates per week.
THE GILMORS. JSHi 10th. corner Alder,
well furnished rooms, some large front
rooms very reasonable: clean, quiet place
for transient or permanent, 60c to SI a
day, special rau- vj -
105 Twelfth St. Marshall 2790.
In heart of business district; steam heat,
fcri and cold water, free phone In every
K St day and up: $4 week and up.
Tsx-e pleasant front rooms; easy walk
tnidlstanoe: all home eonvenlencea; S3.
s t" 0 to S4 per week. 828 4th at. Main 8581
; HOTEL CLARNO; nice, large, airy, out
side rooms, all conveniences, transients
toe and up. by wees; S2.60 and up. 24314
Holladay ave.
to voung lady, front room in Highland
court Apt. 22d and Glisan; private phone
and bath. Call Mar. 3266.
ion at "low rate. Try Hotel Larrabee,
gjrV Larrabeo st. East Side. East 49.
New, strictly modern, private baths:
rmr,!, S3.M per wee. ui ' -
i-i-RVlSHED suite, beautiful apartments.
hotV cold water and light, only S22.00.
call C IpSO-
XICEI Y furnished room In private family,
walking distance, 7i2 Glisan. Phone Main
NEATLY furnished rooms at the Rose, 189 y,
8d st.
. . . . nrvvffTT rl Tl VI i R
tlUIE-U i, .. . . i - . - - - -.,
Rooms strictly mooern. ev.iu up.
ALDER-GRAND Nice, clean rooms, 12.00
up. t- l -
THE GENEVIEVE. 44.1 Columbia SL Nicely
furnished sleeping rooms. .
frurnlftbed Rooms.
15th and Yamhill Btreeta. and Tamhlll Streets.
1.1th and Tamhlll Streets.
Portland's Newest and Grandest Family
, Inspection Cordially Invited.
210 elegantlv furnished rooms, each and
every one supplied with every 20th-cen
tury convenience. &tricuy up 10 um-.
Eight Stories of Solid Concrete Con
struction. A place where you need not hesitate
to make a- nome tor your grow.ius
Rates for the Summer months will be
extremely moderate. .
Location l."th and lamnlll puts It
witnin easy warning uiu
luth and Washington. -. .
Grand and Hawthorne Aves. !
For rent, the Snest corner parlor, pea
room and bath suites In the city: large
rooms.' beautifully furnished, nine win
dows, nne view of all the mountains; also
some single rooms: elevator service, tele
phone, hot and oold wster, electrlo light
and steam heat; moderate prices lor de
sirable tenants; eight streetcar Unes fas
the building. ,
The largest an coolest rooms 111 tne
If yon are looking for permanent, home
like quarters, be sure and Inspect the Sar
gent before locating- Excellent restaurant
In connection with the hotel. Phone East
J. H. CLARK. Proprietor.
Those three beautifully furnished hotels
minook. parsons. Rowlands.
21814 4ih st. llH4thst S0TH 4th st.
On Fourth st.-. running from Taylor to
Salmon st.: brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly up
to date In nil respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will like It. Rooms by ths day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
C25 Washington St.
Under New Management.
Large lobby, finished In mahogany, tile
and marble: ladies' parlor, with elegant
fireplace; free telephone service In rooms
all night and day. electrlo elevator, steam
heat, hot and oold water in all rooms,
many with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, where every effort Is msde for
the comfort and convenience of Its guests;
rents the most reasonable In the olty;
rooms by the day, week or month. Look
' thla over before locating. Take W car
at Depot, get off at 10th and Washington.
New building, new furniture, hot and
. cold water and telephone In every room,
elevator service day and night; prioes rea
sonable by day or week.
6th and Burnslde sts.
fl'nder new management).
181 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick building: steam
heated; private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms; beautifully furnished, cozy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Regular and transient trade solicited.
IWtVt East Burnslde Street.
Live in this hotel and save money on
your room rent- We have 120 modern
rooms, single or en suite, rooms with pri
vate bath; rates 00c to S2 per day, f2 to
S6 per week. East 6040. B 1275.
390a Morrison St.. corner 10th.
S3 and 13.50 up per week; neat, airy
rooms. Including bath and phones. No
extra charge for two in a room.
One block from Union Depot: 140 outside
rooms with hot and cold water and steam
heat: offers special ratea for permanent
guests;, rates 60c to 2 a day; 83.60 and
up per week. Phone Main 8418.
HOTEL LA SALLE, 10th and Burnslde sts.
Absolutely fireproof; new and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths; steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special rates by the month,
phone Marshall 404
pssnt outside rooms, 'A, 4 and 5 and
corner room-; also a large rooms down
siaire cu!bb'e for 3 or 4 people. 163 10th
St., oorner oi Morrl jn.
I HAVE several nice light apartments at
167 Stout at., lust south of Washington,
to rent to desirable tenants. My prices
are right. This Is only S minutes from
the shopping district.
HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; 7tb and
Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 918.
Furnlnhed Booms In Private Family.
WELL-FURNISHED front room facing
southeast; two windows, front door open
on large open porch: clothespress, two
beds for two gents, free bath; one block
from Williams ave. or Union ave.; price
81 per week each. No. 611 Rodney ave.;
also one single room, $1.50 per week;
private house; second floor just vacated;
seven restaurants within two blocks. L.
8. White.
NICELY furnished front housekeeping
rooms. 82.50 to 84 per week; light, bath,
phone; 5 minutes to Postoffice. 327 8d.
ROOM facing Trinity PI. In Juliana Apt. No:
1. with bath and kitchen, completely fur
nished, for 85 week. Phone Marshall 703.
ONE or two rooms unfurnished or fur
nished housekeeping if desired; nice
room with porch. A 7595, t3 Hoyt at.
A BEAUTIFULLY furnished large, room,
Just off Wash.: modern conveniences;
XS.SO per week. 29 N- 17th St.
NICE small room adjoining bath, cheap;
good board If desired. 4 North lHth.
89 PER MO. for beautiful furnished room,
walking distance. 4111 0th at.
LARGE, furnished front room in private
family, close In, reasonable. 269 College.
A SINGLE room, all conveniences, reason
able rent. 187 H lOth
LARGE room on first floor, suitable for one
or two: reasonable. 268 12th st.
FINE furnished room, fine view, walking
distance. 330 Larrabee. Phone East 64Q4.
LARGE, airy, bay-window room, modern
eonvenlencea SSS Everett.'
ROOM, suitable for two gentlemen. 1035
E. 6th N.
PLEASANT outside rooms, reasonable,
walking distance. 661 Wash at., cor Ella.
ONE nice clean front room, close In, rent
reasonable. 173 17th st.
WELL-FURNISHED room with bath and
phone. $10. 273 14th. M. 5b2L
2 NICELY furnished rooms with all con
veniences. S8 Irving st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room: use
of phone. 698 Vt Hoyt St.. near 21st.
NICELY furnished room, 810 per month.
547 Yamhill St.
NICE clean sleeping rooma for rent. 68 N.
CLOSE-IN furnished rooms and bath, on
two carllnes; rent 82. 422 Jefferson st.
NOB HILL Newly furnished room 810
month: bath, phone 123. N. 23.
ONE or two rooms, modern, walking dis
tance. 12S East 16th at.
DOUBLE and single sleeping rooms; phone
and bath. 221 13th.
ROOM for a gentleman in a strictly private
Jewish family. Marshall 1782.
2-ROOM SUITE, best location, reasonable.
609 Everett.
WELL-FURNISHED coxy front room, mod
ern. 80 N. 16th near Washington.
NEWLY furnished room at 268 Fargo street.
V. imams avenue cm.
NICELY furnished room. S per month. 67
N". 14th St.. Davis to Everett. -
Williams avenue car.
TWO rooms. $2 and S2.50 per week, close
in. us ggumg u" -
432 8rd Flat C 2 nicely furnished rooms,
modern conveniences.- Main 8422, S car.
FURNISHED bedrooma for rent. 35 . East
Jessup St.. rpnianu.
NICE sleeping-room, close In, 810 month
tci 11(h at
LARGE, comfortable front room, also good
rho. 186 14th.
590 COUCH Nicely furnished rooms; ref
.nea. exchanged. Main 8314.
ONE large one small room, with break--.rl.
P. .lA.l-.rl reasonable. 403V4 12th St.
$3 00 WWEK BrighL airy room: gas plate,
" . ... wall, Q9 lOtK
oat n ; quiet . anon- .... -
NEVTLY furnislfed large room, 810 month.
5 N. 15th or call Main ti3i.
TVVO large comfortable rooms furnished;
very pleasant porcu , - --"-
Furnished Rooms la Private Family..
VTCRI.V in-nlMhAft double aleolnff-rOOm
nle&flAnt aiirmnndlnirn : aulet. COOl and
cheerful; close In: 82-50 for one and S3
lor two. ami 4th st- not ana coia wie.,
bath. teleDhone an A electric lights free-
Also large front room and kitchen, fur
nished for light housekeeping, 84 per
week, si.) month; ready first ww.
FOR RENT Rooms In 2-story bungalow
. house; modern; electric lights, steam heat,
big porch, yard. Juat finished; one room
with private bath; prices good: walking
distance; dining room; near, car service.
S4 12th St.. cor. Harrison sr.
NICE room In nrlvate home, with breakfast.
Sunday dinner If desired, for one or two
gins; use or air jiome privileges ii.iuu
lng phone and piano, S7.50 per month.
Call Tabor 820 Sunday or afte S week-
XEWI.T fnralhri liht ftirV bedrooms,
one at 84 per week and two at S Pfr
week. In a first-claw neighborhood, with
in a block of 2 carllnes; references ex
changed. 33a 12th st. -
IF you want a clean, comfortable home, flue
location, terras reasonable, walking dis
tance, free bath and phone and you are
permanent, call at 405 W. Park at. Phone
Main 47i.
LARGE, light, well-furnished room with
private family of two In Westmoreland
addition near carllne. Sellwood car to
Bvbee street. 1457 E. ISih. Phone B
men or married couple; new, mooern
home; bath, phone, piano; close In, few
steps isast Mornson-st. canine.
mont sL. comer East 18th.
CHOICEST rooms in Portland, suitable for
2 or 3: running water, beautiful surround
ings, lawn and porch, homelike place, 4
blocks from P. O. 265 6th. Come and
see and you will rent.
A BEAUTIFUL furnished room, suitable for
one or two gentlemen: to one who wou d
appreciate a good home In small family
would give one or two meats it uvns".
Rfnln 7S07.
VERY desirable rooms, all newly furnished;
large yara; excellent ondni ei . j
walking distance. 655 Everett, near 20th.
Marshall 2S20.
LARGE, light, airy room with 2 beds suit
able for 2 gentlemen; electrlo lights, bath,
phone, etc., close In; private entrance.
By day or week. 228 Tenth st.
NEWLY furnished rooms, right .downtown:
82.50, 83.25 and 85.00 a week, iu- l-m su
DESIRABLE room, with or without sleep-
Insr norch. nrivate home: every conven
ience; Nob Hill; walking dlstanoo. AK
''!. oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL double front room for one or
two gentlemen; gas and batn: st tor one.
SIO for two. 353 Hancock st.. between
Union ave. and Williams ave.
ROOM with use of kitchen, piano. S6 month:
jMay only, rnone h l'idi. .m c. u, nei
Stark; am away during day. Call Sun
day or after 6 P. M. .
PLEASANT front room. nice locality.
walking distance; 89 month. svi case
LARGE beautiful front rooms, all conven
iences, with or without board. 2 car lines.
23rd and W.. 275 N. 24th. Marshal! 30rtf.
WELL furnished, large front room, suitable
for 2 with light, batn ana pnone. io a
month. ISO E. 16th st. Phone E. 5728.
PLEASANT room, modern house, walking
distance, choice neighborhood. pnone u
2s03. 216 Grand ave. N., cor. Multnomah.
FURNISHED room. gentleman. 812.50
month. Apt. 4. Marlborough Apts.. ztsi
and Flanders st- .
ELEeSANTLY furnished parlor bedroom.
modern conveniences; close In; reasoaaoie.
675 Glisan. A 7497.
NICELY furnished rooms, from $2 weekly.
easy walking distance, phone, oou Wash
ington. 185 it 18th street near YamhilL Beautiful
large room auitable for one or two gentle
men. Bath and phone.
CLEAN, airy furnished or unfurnished
rooms; modern; gooa location; cneap.
Main 6046.
PLEASANT front room, electric light and
phone, nice yard: 810 month. on .ast
Main. Phone East 141. '
NEATLY furnished room for business man;
all conveniences; nve minutes from post
office. Phone Marshall 3756.
NEWLY furnished room in private family
for business couple; references exenangea.
Phone East 4672.
FOR 2 gentlemen, desirable room; hot and
cold water, sleeping porcn, z oeas. o.n
W. Park. Marshall 4215.
NICELY furnished front rooms, modern;
walking distance; transient or permanent,
also single room. 327 7th sL
TWO well-furnished attractive rooms open
ing on sleeping porch: In Irvington. Call
E 2612.
DESIRABLE furnished room In modern
spartment. Apply second floor L, 469
Jefferson. Main 7594.
FOR RENT Room in new home; newly
furnished. 80 per month. 113 ,ast teitn,
Mt. Tabor car.
FRONT room with private porch, suitable
for 3, with or without boara. walking aie
tance. Modern. SSuhi Mill St.
LARGE front room, modern, reasonable;
suitable for 2 or S; fine location. o-i.lM:
Montgomery st. Phone Main 8607.
N'ICELY furnished front room, modern con
veniences, central, reasonable. 404 Clay,
near 10th.
VERY desirable front sutt, modern, finest
location; suitable for two gentlemen or
ladles. 67 N. 20th St.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good
home; references. Nob Hill. 738 John
son St.
ROOM In nice apartment house; private
bath; gentleman only. Phone Marshsal
PLASANT rooms In new, modern house op e Multnomah Club, 82.50 and 83 per
week. 208 17th et.
585 E. ALDER, neat front room io modern
home; womsin preferred; references re
quired. Phone East 5141.
LARGE, front bedroom, furnished, for 1 or
2; moderate; close to 2 carllnes; walk
ing distance. 313 Hancock St. E.
82.50 Neat, clean single room for gentle
man, modern conveniences. 4 blocks from
P. O.. homelike place. 265 6th.
FURNISHED bedroom for rent; 1 gentle
man, 8 Pr month; 2 gentlemen. 88 per
month. 21 E. 15th. Walking distance.
FOR RENT Furnished room in private
family. 1 block from carllne; board op
tional. Call Woodlawn 2240.
NO. 7 EAST 7th et. ' Newly furnished
rooms, sleeping or privilege of light
housekeeping. Call Monday.
VACANT today, a neat room; home privi
leges: board if desired; reasonable terms.
445 6th st..
ELEGANTLY furnished room in . beautiful
private home; modern conveniences; close
in. 71 Trinity Place
NICELY' furnished front room, suitable for
two: references exchanged. Phone Mar
shall 2205.
84 WEEK Suitable two gentlemen; Ave
blocks from Postoffice. 2S0 10th. S
350 SALMON ST., 3 blocks P. O., large
front room, suitable for 1, 2 or 3; modern.
81.75 TO $2.25 weekly, desirable rooms. 305
12th st. . ,
$14. i well-furnished rooms for gentlemen;
modern conveniences. 700 Flanders.
CHOICE room. new. private home, near
Multnomah Club: first-class. Main 2219.
Unfurnished Rooms.
UNFURNISHED rooms. 81 a week, single
or en suites; bath, light and water. 61
E. Slst St. '
3-ROOM unfurnished flat, private bath, hot
and cold water. 515 Mill.
Rooms Wltn Board.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE
HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda; quiet, close In, near
car; 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
P.ooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 310 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup.
THE LAMBERSON, 654 Couch St., very de
airahle outside rooms, steam heat, run
ning water, with or without board, close.
LARGE, airy roam, with rusning water,
suitable for one or two persons. . Manitou,
21 13th. ' .
MANIIOU, 261 13th St. Attractive, clean
rooms, steam h-?at, good hoard, close In.
THE HAZEL -Furnished roms with board,
. l. . JQ- O .
Tunning Water, icam ncm. oil oft.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, good board.
pice location. Ola Lincum. main IBOg.
TWO pleasant rooms, large porrh and
grounds : excellent board. Main 20T1.
BOARD and room: best of . references re-
qqtred. Main 6978. .
ROOMS and board; modern conveniences.
883 Mill St.. cor. West Park at.
WOULD like a lady to room and board.
reasons o le. J'Q .nm ai-
FURN1SHED rooms and board, reasonable.
69S E. Oak. E 552.
ROOM and board, rates reasonable. 655
Kearney. Phone Marshall 1978.
ROOM board, private family, two gentle
men. 676 Ladd ave. East 2333.
SINGLE or double rooms with board; $6
each. ' Marsnan grmj. m inn si.
A LARGE front room, with or without
board. 48 North 15th. -
BOARD and room; best of references re
quired. Main 97a
Booms With Board In Private Family.
TWO newly iurnlshed sleeping rooms In new
bungalow, with best home cooking ana
home privileges, suitable for man and
wife or two men; 3 minutes walk from
Mt. Scott or Hawthorne tave car. 3tt
45th st. 1
WANTED --One or two clean-cut gentlemen
to take room and board with young
couple; newly furnished home, on East
Side. Call Tabor 4191 or address M 227.
FOR RENT Very desirable front parlor
room, with first-class board, in strictly
private family, and located witnin easy
walking distance of the business center;
terms reasonable. Address 389 Main st.
ONE large nice front room upstairs for
rent with board for two people: house
modern, home cooking, home privileges,
$3 a. week. Phone E. 2075. 441 Halsey
st., corner E. 7th.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room,
bath, phone, use of piano, in strictly pri
vate family, with or without board. $12
per month. Main 6116.
LOVELY front room; first-class board;
walking distance; pleasant surroundings:
one or two people; terms reasonable.
Main 3280.
NICELY furnished room with board, suit
able for two,-In modern flat with young
couple; every convenience; walking dis
tance. Phone A 4IH13.
ROOMS and board for rent In private fam
ily on East Side. 932 E. 6th St. N.. near
- Prescott st Take Woodlawn or Alberta
car. Phone Woodlawn 2411.
ROOM and board for young men in private
family; all home privileges, good home
cooking, East Side. 1074 Albina ave., or
Phone Woodlawn 2397.
NICE room and good board in jnodern Nob
Hill home, homelike and comtoriaoie;
walking distance. 52 Lucretla, bet. 22d
and 23d. near Wash.
VERY desirable rooms, all newly rurnished;
large yard: excellent board near; easy
walking distance. 655 Everett, near 20th.
Marshall 2S20.
ROOM and board in private , family, one
large front room, two single brass beds,
also one single room, everything first
class: 825 a month. 553 E. Couch.
LIGHT, airy room, suitable for 2 or 3. ex
cellent, home cooking. $5 per week; 3
meals. 16th-st. cars pass door. 517 la 8th.
A 3752.
ROOM for one or two in strictly private
home: modern conveniences; also good
home cooking. 638 Flanders, apt. 3. Mar
shall 1121.
DANDY" place for S gentlemen: furnished
front room and board r living room, piano,
home privileges. ' 4 75 Clay.
ROOM and board, $6 week: 2 In room. $5
each: free bath, phone. 5fi0 Rodney ave.
Take TT car.
NICE room, walking distance, fine location
for 1 or 2, with or without board. East
ROOM and board In refined family, two
or one in room, every home convenience.
Terms ;25 per frionth. 746 E. Burnslde st.
LARGE room with board, suitable for two
gentlemen; single beds, baths attached;
close In. 291 West Park.
LADY to room and board In private family;
all home privileges; sleeping porch if de
sired. Phone Woodlawn 2S51.
ONE furnished room, excellent board. $18
per month, a widow witn no cnuaren.
0J2 nay si. mono ai. cmv.
LARGE outside rooms, with or without
Doara; n.iu per wees, wuikihk uiaiMifta.
Main 4761
NICELY furnished rooms, large, airy, ex
cellent Board, gooa service, not, coia
water, phone, piano. 551 Everett st.
PLEASANT rooma with good home cook-
lag, near Multnomah Club; reasonaoie.
Marshall 4112. .
NOB HILL; new private house, handsomely
xiirnisnea room, warning uisiauce. v
Lucretia. '
NICELY furnished rooms; home cooking,
phone, bath, parlor and piano; reason
able. 492 E. 2Sth St. Sellwood 1104.
ROOMS and first-class table board, home
cooking. $6 and 87 week; fireproof, build
ing, ssij 'Grand ave. none j.ast iiai.
NICELY, furnished airy room in private
xamiiy ot two, guuu luiiuuiiuuiftB
montns poaro It uesircu. vv uu'imw ii -i -
I HAVE nice large room for working couple
witn boara; reasonaoie. oo xseccn
WANTED Boy between 18 months and 2
yearn tnu to ware lui , icima ,vaouuft.w..
5K2 E. 26th St..- South.
ROOMS with board for one or two persons
rooming together. 004 Everett St., aiar
shall 3i02.
ROOM and board in private family for two
. v- J. - eft, n .1 t? Dlr
gentlemen, -.-..ctii vfti. oft aim
Phone B 1904., . . -
NICELY furnlshe'd rooms with board; home
cooking; house modern;- west biae. aiain
ONE room, with private bath and one with
out: fine location, gooa warning uitimt:,
home cooking. 617 Kearney.
ROOM with board in private family. 674
Ladd ave.. 1 block from 12tn ana .Haw
thorne. East 514 5.
ONE large front room with seven windows
and two closets, one smaller room; terraa
very reasonable. 720; Belmont.
LARGE furnished room, private flat, home
privileges, home cooking, reasonaoie; ret
erences. 410 Va Park st.
FURNISHED rooms and board, reasonable.
595 E. Oak. E. o2.
2 and 3-room furnished apartments, pos
sessing every modern convenience: pri
vate telephones, elevator service, excellent
closet room, laundry with steam dryer.
Most attractive entrance' court in Port
land, i
Select clientele provides precisely the
surroundings desired for your family.
One two, one three and one four-room
apartments, well furnished, exclusive, ex
cellent service; every modern convenience.
NEW MA.NAUr.-Yir.. l
THE. WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup St.. near
21St; u-rOOm UlllurillBlicvi am iiimiii,
with all modem conveniences, bath, tele
phone, gas range, refrigerator, steam heat,
hot and cold water, gas, electric light.
Janitor service, etc. Take W car to 21st
and Northrup. Phones Main 4370, A 118a.
i C IV. mia-ici....
Three, four and five-room apartments,
furnlfhed and unfurnished: large, airy
rooms, beautiful view, sleeping porches,
tiled baths, private halls and phones,
mirror doors, beautiful rotunda, ballroom
for use of tenants. References required.
u c- smti HIT?? ST.
N. 20th and Northrup Sts.
3 and 4-room apartments, all outside,
balcony to every suite..
706 Everett.
2-room apartment, modern, nicely fur
nished, all outside windows. -
5 and 6-room apartment, choice resi
dence district, walking distance, every con-
J fin r A an alt a Via In T11 ft
VglllglH:' fcsoi. ntiv a.
NEW CASTLE, 402 ii 3d st. 3 an furnished
nHvutA hath. $20: 4 furnished
..iata hath .t.'Ell: sIditIa rooms.
rooma, jji . --. -
$2.50. ;
THREE connecting outside light rooms, in
m Umttt tram ra n era
corner aptuiiiii . , a t - - w n --a
laundry, walking distance, 21st and Flan
ders sts., Marlborough. Apartment 33.
...,-Tft-T E--W IPARTHEItfTH
X II C ul rv . - i. - - .
E. 7th and Morrison sts.: very central,
a l.rnom aoartments. furnished com-
plete. private baths; from 820 to $32.50.
.FURNISHED and furnished apts.; mod-
and1 shade trees. Howard Apts., 228 N.
20th St. aiar. ftw
HH LILLIAN, 6th ana Montgomery,
rooni furnished apartments, with private
bath and phone, by week or month. Mar
shall inio.
WALDUKJ LOUni, iiiii,iv.
Vast 9th and Schuyler; 1 unfurnished
apartment; everything modern. East. 647.
C looo.
(iHiNDESTA furnished apartments. Grand
ave. ana Ji-a31- -"- . ,
rt..tni- modern conveniences; i close-in
location; best of service; very low rent
THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington st. 2.
8 and 4-room apts.. n.iu-v --- ---- -
every convenience, newly furnished; cheap
est rent in tne i-.ftj.
j ROOMS, bath, kitchen stove, gas heater,
JOUX8. DBLIl, Hlftixioftft .- o .. ftftft.,
Irenlace; unfurnished; newly painted, tlnt-
K . ' ... VI- IOG fl......
, ClOSe in, reaaonam. " x-.ouftfto.a.
.. - i . , i ' I lc,uftm nnla V-rnm
LiniuriiiBiieu . jj . , '
furnished apt.; waiting,
GARDNER APRT., 18 E: Ash. 8' and 5-
room furnisnea anu uuiui.iiibu, iuuu lo
cation, r-noiitj .
furnished apartments, modern.
i0.5O to $30. Phone East 44, B 1401. 431
East Taylor St.
ment: private bath and phone. 229 11th st.
FOR RENT 4-room apt., unfurnished. 407
efferson st.
RNISHED room In modern apartment;
alklng distance, i or jnmu oi.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments
from 2 to 5 Tooms. from $20 to $60 per
month. If you -want one, teiepnone.
Main 2016 Evenings call A 2018
Mr. Berry.
Our automobile will call at any address
with our agent who will be glad to show
these apartments.
We own or control the following:
Angela. Washington and Trinity Place
Cecilia. 22d and Glisan sts.
', Claypool, 11th and Clay sts.
Fnnlham 1 TO TPorrt at.
Grandesta. Grand ave. and East Stark.
Hanthorn, 251 12th St., near Main.
Hanover, 163 King st., near Washington.
Kingsbury, 186 Ford st.
Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near lltn.
- Sheffield. 272 7th St., near jenerson.
St. Croix, 170 St. Clair St., near Wash,
St. Francis. 21 st and Hoyt sts.
Wellington, 15th and Everett sts
502-506 Abington Bldg.
Cor. Park and Taylor Sts.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta.
TLTb 1 Vina, rtlttuiea.
Furnished complete. 2, 8 and 4-roora
apartments; buildings new and strictly
mo a era ; service nrst-em
n- . r-T . .1 . l.-T-XtlTXTT-q KetV All
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
iIBCe, Ql 1 w trn 11 twftfti biiu '-- - "
off Washington: magnificent, exclusive
apartments In heart of apartment-house
district: rentals reasonable; every modern
ennvenlence: sleeDlng porches, high-class
service- refined clientele; references re
i . 1, . kftHlltlflll Tlir,
quirea in ail i.nrni - " -
?,-ft- . n,..n.M. xfav 1. Mrs.
maiieu biiii iiuom. ...... . j
A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar-
snan not.
Most up-to-date management In the
iNortnweot: rv j u' ' . . n -1 - - - . - -rooms,
all outBlde sunny rooms: "new:
walking distance, 21st and Johnson sta;
cnoice resiaence aianin, tiftm.,,,.
premises. fliarsnau pjqu.
IBB BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta;
thla rnnr 4-torv brick now open: fur
nished and unfurnished in 2. 8 and 4-room
suites; 'reception hall, electric automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built-
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice
box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to :na
Phones A 1744. Marshall 290L
NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments,
$15. $18, $20 and up. This Includes steam
heat, hot and cold water in every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electric
lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free:
also S-room unfurnished apartments, with
private bath, $18; 4 rooms, su. laaa .
Z3G or w cars norm, r-nono
nuikuiiais Aiaraitai, ucAr 11111 - - -
building, never been occupied: fates
' $0 ana up. une uniurmsueu, a-to-ARDMAY
TERRACE. 12th and Harrison
sts. Largest 2-room apartments In
ALTONIA, Marshall and 19th sts. Large,
airy, a, o hhu -1 nu... ---- ---
quiet and exclusive neighborhood.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fur-
nisneo auariiiicu fta i n i-" -. .
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phones in all
apartments; high-class service: references
requirea. juain iiio ana a mn-
Tur TiW7.Tr:vtSriRl?
208 16th St., Near Taylor.
Handsomely furnished or unfurnished 5
room apartments; also single furnished
rooms: telephones in every apartment;
pleasant surroundings, conveniently lo
cated to cars. Phone or call personally.
liUtltla.llA V.WUJV1.
liucretia at., Ietti aou emu
Unfurnished apartments, from two to
rive rooms, an large, iigiu uu u.i
large closets, hardwood floors: under new
management. Marshall 1513. Janitor. Mar
shall 1500.
One nice four-room apartment and one
two-room apartment tor rent; an motiern
and reasonable price; all outside rooms
and front: also five-room cottage on East
Side, walking distance, pnone aiarsnan
2011. .
Jefferson and 13th Streets.
4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished
apartments, exceptionally well arranged.
Rates Reasonable.
Modern. References. New.
All outside, 2-room apartments; nonneo
h.H. hnilt-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er. Janitor service. $22.50 to $30, including
llgnis, pnvaie pnunca. A ,-.. "
THE Columbian and Victorian Apartments,
steam-heated rooms throughout, private
bath and free phone In every suite; cen
trally located. Main 1911. A 2720. Co
lumbia and 11th. Portland.
CUMBERLAND Apts., W. Park and Colum
bia sta.; ' very choice 2 and 8-room fur--.laiviaiH
ana nf urnlslied ants., all modern
conveniences, beautiful location, facing the
park; 5 minutes' walk irom Dtisinuaa cen
ter, best service, prices reasonable.
191 and Harrison: 2. 3 and 5 rooms,
furnished or unfurnished: latest Improve
ments; best service. Apply on premiBwa.
inn uniiii
Two and three-room apartments: large
rooms, large closets: strictly modern, cool
and airy for Summer; reduced ratea
Phone Main 7756. 695 Lovejoy at. Take
W car.
670 Couch, one block from Washington,
walking distance. 3 and 4-room modern
unfurnished apartments; all modem con
veniences, best of service; under new man
age m e n t tferenxearequIreMain lli
841 14th st.. at Market, new corner
brick, 2-room suites, completely xurnisneu
for housekeeping; walking distance: prices
reasonable. For information call Main 1739.
r-.,iav,eri snH unfurnished two and
three-room apartments, strictly new and
modern; cool ana airy; reuticea ratea.
Phone Marshall 2603. 23d and Hoyt.
18th and Flanders sts.
Beautiful apartments.
5 and a rooms. '
Call and see them.
Everett 2, 8 and 4 rooms, unfurnished,
private baths; $20' up: completely reno
vated, under new management; walking
- distance; convenient and best service.
Corner 8d and Hall, newly furnished, J
room apartments, building new and strict,
ly modern, large outside kitchens, service
first-class, easy wal'ting distance.
THE SHEFFIELD 3 -room apartments with
bath, 3 Murphy concealed beds and Pa
cific phones In each; outside rooms, splen
did arrangement, superb location, near P.
O Best service. 273 7th, cor. Jefferson.
THE WbS lPAii, 4iv i) I a oi.
and up' close in, nicely furnished 3-room
apartments, with private bath and phone.
pa,ra ana juauiauia oia.
For rent, 8 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartments, strictly modern.
11th and Hall, 2. 8. 4 rooms, furnished
or unfurnished, modern, hardwood floors.
private paicoinea, quim.,;.
THE OXEONTA Nicely rurnished 2, 3 and
4-roomcapartments, only $20, $25 and $35;
single rooms, i. at.
a-tri;- CHELTENHAM. 255 N. 19TH-
2 8 4-room apartments. new brick
building, new rurniture. marsnau 658
thp DRICK6TOS, 448 11th. nicely furnished
. modern Olitalda nnta nana-
?. F W. MeCune. Marshall R7
Heignia. j.. -- . :
THE LEONCE. 186 N. 22d. near uunnson.
vw modern, brick, 2 and S-room, beau
tifuiiy furnished apartments. $22.60 up.
tub KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis
streets. 8 or 4-room furnished or unfur-
..h..-i. i"i"
the ALAMO. 494 Market St., furnished and
unfurnished 8-room apts., also single
atrlctly modern, prices $20 to s.30.
- , uum- -- .
twit ORMONDE Nice, light 4,room apart
ment. Either furnished or unfurnished.
636 glanders St.. nop nni; main 8251.
'mri LAJiD, 16th and Lovejoy Unfurnished
Vr-nntl- modern, new brick, must be sesn
- (front. . . ,SB7
to po apt"
rTTvEJOT APTS. 17th and Lovejoy. Main
oi-i Two and three room furnished apts..
modem. . ;
II 1- . I . lft .ft I ft 1 C .1 1
14th and Columbia sts 2. 3 and 4 rooms.
fll"i.hed and -unfurnished; modern.
i tr v 1 1 cor. 7th and ta.Hn.
9.s " j-.irhlo unfurnished aDartmenta an
...;id rooms- uoift.aift.ftiu noors; re
Tin t aETTE Furnished and unfurnished
JHH. Corner 2d and Montgomery.
outside rooms, hardwood floors; refa
UP- -
Tnic f-OR. fiD AND Mil. I.
4 and 5 large rooms: modern.
fTUE CAnn. Ai AiimiL.I 13
333 Harrison st. Phone Marshall 8070.
: ... w a wr APTS.. 185 E. 15th near Vam
hill in 4-room apartments, with porch.
Kaat 13th and East Ash sts.
S and 5 -room furnished and unfur
nished apartments; large rooms; fireplace,
built-in conveniences. $35.
East lath and East Taylor sts.
2. 3 and 4-room new apartments; all
modern built -In conveniences, hardwood
floors, sleeping porch, free phone, etc
$17 to $25.
715 Wayne st.
(1 block south Washington, near King.)
6-room (3 bedrooms) apartment, mod
ern conveniences; view of city; walking
distance, . fine neighborhood. $50.
184 24th, North.
4-rom new apartments, furtilshed and
unfurnished; modern conveniences; 2 wall
beds, free phone, sleeping porch, excel
lent neighborhood; all light rooms. Rents
$45 and $55.
Rent your apartment from us now. Sum
mer rates pood all Winter.
Main 6869. 369 Washington st. A6267.
4 AND 5-room flats, thoroughly modern and
attractively finished, corner E. 28th and
.Stark sts., f25 per month. H. P. Palmer
Jones Co., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main
8699. A 2B&3.
$16 A SNAP.
5-room flat, located Milwaukie
and Bismark, good chance to rent
rooms. Apply 405 Washington BU
26TH AND Upshur lO-room unfurnished
flat, suitable for rooming-house.
321 N. 20th, Jv-room unfurnished flat,
$15. Inquire H. Weinhard Brewery, 13th
and Burnslde sts.
FOR RENT Furnished flat, fnte rooms, fire
place, tils bath, hardwood floors, sleep
ing porch, first-class In every way; also
one unfurnished. 310 Oleen ave. Haw
thorne oar.
NEW 5-room flat, 782 GlUan bl, fireplace,
hardwood, floors, gaa range, eto-; very
desirable. Call Main 2015, A 2015. Our
agent with auto will call and show flat.
NICELY furnished flat, 4 rooms and sleep
ing porch; all modern conveniences; reas
onable rent, 2 blocka from Ankeny car.
Inquire S4T E Pine.
MODERN flats for rent These flats are
strictly up to date and can be hnri at a
reasonable rate. Inquire of D. McKenn,
164 E. 2Uh st. Phono E. 3b-.
wav ear. n-alklnsr distance: 6 rooms, lower.
modern, hardwood floors, lawn, $25. East
CORNER East 2d and Multnomah streets,
Holladay Add.; new modern i and
room flats, close In, near new Steel Bridge,
LARGE, choice 4-room flat: convenient,
range, linoleum. 2 closets, private veran
da; furnished; sleeping porch; view. 408
FOR RENT 260 Ross St., ground floor flat
5 rooms, modern, southern exposure. Mrs.
uarctner. -'tja koss.
6-ROOM modern flats, large porches. $30;
choice, central location. M. S. Rente ry,
Stearns bldg
SIX-ROOM strictly modern flat, close hi.
on the East Side, within easy walking
distance. Only $25. Phone Marshall 823.
NICELY furnished flat, near Hawthorne
School; reasonable. East 5403. 052 E.
563 EVERETT, corner 17th Upper, corner,
6 large outside rooms. Adapted to roomers.
Furnace, gas, electricity, lawn. $37.50.
MODERN, corner, upper 7-room flat, 161
East 17th st.; rent $27.50. Phone Mar
shall 4317.
MODERN 5-room lower flat, new. $22.50.
Including water; also one for $18; lower
outside rooms. East 6317.
4-ROOM modern; lineoleum, gas range and
water heater; everything clean. 26 E. 13th,
near East Ash.
$14 3-ROOM lower flat, furnished, front
and back yards, all conveniences. 3.8
WEST SIDE, walking distance. 3-room flat;
gas and bath; $13.50. 383 Cable St., near
lltth and Mill.
$ltl Desirable three rooms and bath; water
free; gas range, etc. 621 Overton st.
Phone C 1874.
FINE modern 6-room upper flat, 16 23d
et. near Johnson. Rent $35. C. H. Kor
ell. Lumbermen's bldg.. 5th and Stark.
FURNISHED lower flat, with all modern
Improvements, in Sunnyside. 241 Glenn
ave. B 2070.
5-ROOM apartments; conveniences; north
porch ; reasonable; opposite Multnomah
Club. ."!92 Salmon. -
NEW, modern 4-room flat; walking dis
tance. 569 Market. Main 4079.
MODERN 4-room furnished, bath. etc. 539
Commercial Court, Just off Russell.
NEW flat, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, on
good carllne; f to. iast mp.
NEW 4-room flat, corner of Failing and
Commercial, rnono w ooaiawn .ssj.
$16 4-ROOM lower flat, modern. U14 East
Morrison, near aotn. aunnysme.
FURNISHED flat, 5 rooms; references re
qulred. E. 1046. .
5-ROOM new modern flat, 1296 Belmont,
$14. Phone Tabor 2684
NICELY furnished 6-room flat for rent,
reasonable. 264 7th at.
$14 NEW 4-room flat overlooking park. 154
Ainswortn. car.
NEWLY furnished 3-room flat for rent, $18.
SSo'A E. Main st. .
$32.50 DESIRABLE flat, 6 rooms, attic,
yard, porches. West Hide. M 4220.
4-ROOM flat, furnished and unfurnished.
Call 296 f argo st. nast .too.'.
4-ROOM, steam-heated apartment, modern.
Cottel Drug Col
MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson,
West Side; 10 min. walk. Main or A 1223.
MODERN 4-room flat, near 23d and Wash
ington sts.; reasonaoie. aiam ao.j, a ia-a.
654 CORBETT ST. 6-room modern flat.
$12. 50. i. a. rnompson at vo., ovy
FOR RENT Four-room flat, $15 per
month. pnone jwarsnan t-o or on u.
UNFURNISHED 3-room flats, $16 and up.
225 Market St. rnone amui uiq.
FOR RENT Modern 6-room upper flat. 782
Johnson st. Tel. Main iozu.
LOVELY 4-room lower flat, furnace, rent
$18. Phone .feast o. a no.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free;
$ia per month up; a clean plaae. best In
the city Lor the money ; short distanc
from Union Depot. Taka B or 16th-street
cars north, get off at Marshall st. No doga
THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sis. Fur
nished 2-room apartments. $15 up, lnclud
inv tam hAn.t. hot and cold water in
every apartment, pub! lo bath, elecirio
lights, gaa range, laundry-room, all free.
Take "8. "28d,T or W" cars north. Phons
Main 859.
NEW MANAGEMENT Furnished house
keeping rooms, sieepm iouiwo,
reasonable; electricity and gas and free
phone. 1143 Minnesota ave. Takit SL
Johns car. ..
$1.50 to $3.00 week, clean furnished house-
Keeping rooma. aui.u . ,
Xre heat, laundry, bath, phono, yard, gaa,
406 Vancouver avenue and 203 Stanton.
3 LIGHT, clean, completely furnished house
keeping rooms; not anu vuiu wat-ci,
tlful location, cheap renL Call 495 Mont
THE MILNER. 350 Morriaon. ofcr. Park
Furnished or 'unfurnished housekeeping
apartments; all conveniences;
tion. Summer rate
HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished complete
with cook stoves. oinK'
week, $2.25 per suite, wi -wm oi
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. n;ast atn, com
pletely furnisnea nousoAcepiug buhcb,
LARGE, airy rooms for light housekeeping.
rea.8uutiu.ti -
HOUSEKEEPING rooms at 915 Thunnan.
cor 2 i tn. a. ana w www. uvuo
A 1681.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, pantry for cook
ing. 126 VY- rara ucmceu
and Alder.
THE GENEVIEVE, 445 Columbia st. Nicely
furnished nouse Keeping ruuuia, uui. uu
cold water.
CAMBRIDGE bldg., furnished, unfurnished
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, 67
v- 1 4, at nnvla to Everett.
THE ELMS, 2 and 3-room housekeeping and
; t n gte ruvmo. ft ft... - - :
jlO 2 SETS of rooms, modern, walking dis
tance, aou nftii .ft-
NICE, large furnished housekeeDinff rooms,
very Cneap. viyt rirat St.. naar pia-iift.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
NICE housekeeping- room with kitchenette.
lights, Dam, pnune. iia .1. a nn .t.
blNGLB. housekeeping rooms, fl2 a month.
168 lutn.
IVROE. airy room, completely furnished
lor nouseuBBping. 00 -vftu.
3.50 WEEK Nicely furnished 2-room
SUlie. 1- At'ftu aft-, n"ftft n.i-
354 SALMON Two lovely rooms, furnished
for nouserteeping; aiso lurmaneu ruun'a.
NEWLY and beautifully furnished large
H. K. suites. SJ'J.iXJ up. !).- iiay au inn.
2. 3 OR furnished rooms, gas. electricity;
all conveniences, reasona-oie. x,a.ft -ova.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
FINELY furnlHhed housekeeping rooms,
large front room, dining-room, kitchen
ette; new, modern; gas range, icebox,
phone, bath, piano; to refined couple with
out, children; close In, few steps East Alor-rison-st.
carllne. Belmont st., comer
East ISth.
ONLY $1; S furnished rooms, second floor,
2 nice new beds and mattresses; every
tfinK fresh and clean; gas and wood
stoves, beautiful yard and neighborhood,
overlooking river; walking distance. 131 Vs
Porter. Phone Keilwood 1109.
NEWLY t urnlshed housekeepf nc or sing Is
rooms, also 4-room apt. In modem hou?
running water In rooms, larae porch, very
desirable location for people wishing a
homelike place close in. 415 Mill U.
cor. 11th.
THREE connecting rooms ground floor,
complete housekeeping, $10 month ; mod
ern convenience!.. Parlor organ included;
adults only. 731 Rodney, corner Fremont.
Williams avenue car.
THREE very large hotiffekeeplng rooms;
with b3th; nicely furnished; in private
homo; $-'0 per month, including lUht,
phone and water; adults only; references.
Ifllti E. Stark St.. Mount Tabor car.
3 NIi'E, cool rooms, lower flor. furnished
complete. piano, lights and water includ
ed. C::o E. Madison, near itnb. Call eve'i
ings. all day Sunday. Office phone E. 4iS.
TWO furnished housekeeping room, reason
able, light, gas, bath, everything modern,
15 minutes on car. 7- E. Stark. Sri
NICE front room with kitchenette, elertrto
light, gas, bath, phone, easy walking dis
tance; $4.2. pT week. 6fc .. 21st St., 1
blocks from Washington.
housekeeping rooms with nw sleeping
porch, finest view, walking distance. M.
$18 Three completely furnished rooms, bath,
laundry, pas range, phone. lnr srd,
flowers, walking dlxtanc-. 311 Tillamook.
TWO unfurnished rooms, large porh ami
yard. Inquire 2.i Grand ave. N., cor.
Multnomah. Phone C iTo:;.
TWO nicely furnished rooms; gas range,
running water, bath, piano; walkinc
tance. 327 7th at.
TWO housekeeping rooms, $4.2." per w"-k.
private entrance, bath and phone. 2Jt
12th, near Salmon.
TWO cosy furnished housekeeping rooms,
sink in Kitchen, bath adjoining, electricity,
gas range and phone. 4,r.O l ark.
410 SALMON ST. 2 nicely furnished house
keeping rooms; all conveniences; ventral
TWO well-furnished rooms: hath. fas.
phone; $16 per mouth. Call Mon.1 iy. 312
Columbia, near 6th st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, furnace, separate entrance. $16 per
month. TS3 Overton sr., corner lth.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance, slnplo or en suite.
to S2o. Modern. First floor. 37 Mill t.
2 FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms; walking distance. Esst Side.
122 E. loth st. North.
6 rooms, nicely furnished, for the Sum
mer. Phone Main S7SS or 390 Hall st.
TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, walking
distance, bath and phone, $10 per month.
3SS 6th.
FURNISHED housekeeping front room, al
cove, clothes closet, private porch. 476'
$S PER montrt up; single hotuekeeping
. rooms and two-room suites; modern dwell
ing. 6o5 Flanders, near 2'tn.
TH REE very desirable furnished rooms,
sleeping or housekeeping. 174 East .'loth;
one block soutn ou sunny sine ear nn-.
3 LARGE newly furnished housekeeping
rooms, bath and gas; big yard with trees;
$18.56. Tabor 217. 1014 E. Taylor
TWO cozy furnished housekeeping rooms;
sink in kitchen, bath adjoining; eleetric
lty, gas range and phone. 4.o Park.
WANT couple to share my 6-room furnished
bungalow; rent $12. 308 E. 45th. Tabor
I3."iy. i
3-KOOM suite, nicely furnished, separata
entrance, modern conveniences. 700 FUn
ders. DOWNSTAIRS flnIy furnished fronU sultj;
also single room; all conveniences. 307
$14.00 3-ROOM lower flat, furnished, all
conveniences, front and back yards. 323
HOUSEKEEPING position by a young wid
ow, refined and line appearing. AP 204,
i0 TWO fine housekeeping rooms, phono,
electricity, gas, piano. 695 Madison. Call
324 14TH ST. Two nice front housekeeping
suites with baLh and light free, and ulfco
sleeping rooms.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms, gas rang.
347 Hall st.
NICE front room with a kitchenette, cen
trally located. Marshall 5s3j4l',a Hth.
66 NORTH 14TH. 1 suite of housekeeping
rooms; also furnished rooms Main 7621.
$16 DANDY 2-room front suite; also on
3-room suite $2 2.50; on carllne. 450 Hull.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
reasonable rent. 464 E. Oak si.
LAKGK room, gas. nl":ely furnished, b:ilh.
reasonable, ntee location. ."th.
SINGLE housekeeping rooms. l'hona and
bath. 22 lath St.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms In i
and 3-room suites. :ls tith st.
3 FURNISHED h. k. rooms, resldrneo dis-
trict. reasonalile. Bt'U K. .nurnme.f
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, -121
East Ash St. East
2 PLEASANT, nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, close In; $:l week. 4"3 4tli m.
SINULB; houtekccpltig rooms. I'hone, Imtli.
221 13th at.
$20 THREE nlco, clean furnished house
keeping rooms. 8."i Lincoln. Main :,.
NK'ELY furnished front housekeeping rooms.
3-111 Yamhill st.
FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeeping
room; reasonable. 4rtH E. Oak.
TWO housekeeping rooms very cheap. 721
First St.. corner Hooper.
TWO housekeeping rooms on third; ,2
week ; gas, phone, bath. .IPS 13th St.
AND :;-room suites, 1S and 2J. l'hona
Main Rl'.IM. '
TWO nlcly furnished housekeeping rooms,
sink, water, bath. BS a Pettygrove at.
FOR RENT 2 fine modern, gas and
electricity; ft rooms, Its" E.- 2uth st. N-. -blocks
to Alberti car; i"-room house, 18 E.
4th st. N.. 2 blocks from Montavllla car.
For sale. 5 acres of apple land at Mosler.
east Hood River. Or., nearly ready for. the
trees. D. Otis Bean. (14th and Oregon.
houses and flats for rent.
Cor, rirand ave. and E. AnUenv.
7-ROOM house, good condition. In suburbs,
close to car, large garden, mostly potato;
cheap rent to good tenant. 615 Chamber
of Commerce. Main 155.
WILL lease our home for two years; iaivi
6-room house, garage, hot water heit.
plenty of closet room, good location, near
Washington High School. 566 East Ash.
FOR RENT Aug. 1, beautiful, larar r.-rooin
bungalow with furnace and fireplace and
all modern conveniences; no children.
Phone Sellwood 412.
COTTAGE. 2C; attic, basement. !'l X. 13th.
Phone Drako (Uennett's Labor Agency).
34 N. 2d.
6-ROOM house, modorn. walking instance,
35 B. 3d St. North; -'' montii. .-securiiy
Development Co- 4th and Pine.
3-ROOM house with
house with m aero 01 ground,
nlle from ena 01 ueni. cat.
line; 10 per month.
Phone .Main 7-'i"j.i.
ATTRACTIVE 7-room modern home: hard.
wood floors, furnace, yara, iivuig-runni,
carpet, rhone B 27I.V Call 344 K. 27th.
5-ROOM modern cottage, 41 E. Alder st.
Inquire 01 o. a. L-n-
60 20.
SR003I cottage. Dutch kitchen, - laundry
tUDS tine uam. nefti o ft.i,iiii-o,
onable. . 1S6 Falling St. Phone East oSl'l.
FOR RENT 2 modern cottages, wllhifl
walking instance, -o eacu. jtppiy as.;-
field. Fries & Co.. 8S 4th at.
2 MODERN 7-room house, 50 and 52 E. i3tl
st. N. inQUira nou uiucn. rnone it
FOR RENT 2 bungalows. 1 cottage. 1 7
room house, reasonaoie. nowaro, boj
Swetland bldg.
FOR RENT Council Crest Park, one houso.
$10 per montn: nouse ,tent. sw: acre os
ground; telephone Marshall 1371.
FOR RENT 2-room house $5 a month; 6ruh
and willow sts. inquire 84 cist 3a st.
MODERN 6-room corner house. East 29th
and Hoyt; key next door.
FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, modern. No.
2! Shaver. :ail Aiaranau i.'in.
A MODERN 7-room house.' 2.11 N. 21bi St.,
between Marshall ana .Northrup.
MODERN S-room house, newly tinted. 611
E. Couch. Phone tl bo,j.
6-ROOM house, close in. $15 per tnoiiih. wllh
water. 3ol K. Harrison. Phono inn imiiw
MODERN 6-room house, close-in, near car-
ine. Phone East 53o. t
A 3-R)OM cottage at 270 E. 6th st. North,
Hollartav Addition. Phone c v.iim.
A NEW, modern. B-room cottage for rent.
bu2 JbLeroy st. I'nona woouiawn iii-