TTTE SUSDAY OKEGO JIAX FOKTLAXH. JTJXY 14, 1912. 13 HELP TANTEP MAI-E. INCIDENT. Orflr Secretary Employment Department. T. M. C. A. Titinv man stran.r. se.lclna; employ ment -'0 his total cuih ass If I IT vou 5 for employment inemKnnip, t wiu have only IIS lext between me tnu L1 " - ton. re Ati r v ir, for en"iD. ment memberahin. you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all lu resource, betweea you and starvation. ftiit- TiHin man association. Tn lesa than a week be bad satisfactory employment. r. nM,tha anrilnw June ' Telia for men lflR0 Positions filled 8-t0 Employment membership guarantee mtmber will secure employment or refuna of membership fee: rlvei two month lull membership privilege. 10 months eoclal privileges and undertake to keep member employed during the full term 01 mem bership without further charge. nr. . A for n.FR FAU TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL See eecretary employment department. t. M c A. SALESMEN WANTED FOR CANADA The re: estate boom I on In Canada. If yo" can make good ae'.l'ng anything any PIC yoa can do better aelling real estate in Canada; the largest aalea organisation in Canada itant saleamen with experience eeihng real eatate. insurance, books, pic- turea. piano, etc. Real eatate rl11 not necessary; also men with ability to manage branch office and direct jnlea fnrce. Our salesmen are now making from 50 to 1X00 per weK. and we n... opening for you. Address Sales Manager. i'.ib caaogan diocjc. caisarv. a da. AN EASTERN magaslne and subscription hAAk ntihli.hinv hmi.e with Pacific t.OSSt headquarters at San Francisco desires the servtces or a manager tor ine rui . j .... branch: must be experienced and forceful man. capable of organising sales force, and kfu nmvlAii refOrrla show that he Can produce result and has done so; no other need oply. Moderate salary m .lan with, subject to raise according to mer it. Full particulars as to previous ex perience must accompany application; references and surety bond required. O 233. Oregonlan. ATTENTION. Life Insurance Men: Three openings for special agents who are ready to get Into the field and make good In personal production: company' sgencies thoroue-hlv organized In Oregon and Washington: our agents are bigh-class. nrosnerous citizens: that is the only kind we want, so If you are "broke" or not willing to have past record thoroughly In- . veetlgated. do not apply; prosperity nere Tor men wno cam ana win min groui renewal contracta or optional liberal brokerage. Address F 24. Oregonlan. ARI.R-RODIED men wanted for the Tj. S. Miu-lne Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35: must be native born or have nrst pa pers: monthly pay 115 to : additional compensation possible: iooa. ciotninK. Quarters and medical attendance free: af ter 30 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the wdrld. Apply at V. S. Marine Corps Recruiting Office. Third and Washington sis., or 13H Third St.. Portland. Or. . WANTED. High-class salesman. Ton can make from $300 to 500 monLn ee Barnard. 407 Teon Bldg. j WE want salesmen in every state of the Union, to sell our famous Premium line of talking machines and China specialties to retail merchants. We advance expense money, pay high commissions on the original mail orders. Only salesmen who can give the best of references need reply. If you are a live wire you can easily make from 75 to $100 per week. O'Neill-James Company. 337 W. Madison St.. Chicago. Ill AUTOMOBILE truck salesman wanted. A first-class and experienced truck salesman who can show a clean record can find an opening selling a popular truck which is well represented In this territory. Only those who can furnish best of references need apftlv. Stoddard-Dayton Auto Co., between 8 and 9:S0 A. M. only. Ask for Mr. Gilbert. THE COLUMBIA LIFE wants more agents In Portland: a man who couldn't suc ceed as a life Insurance agent with the Columbia Life 4 Trust Company In Port land couldn't succeed with any company nvwhere; the best of fields: the best company especially In -this field. Talk with Harry Richey at the home office. Bl Spalding bldg. WANTED Salesmen now calling on the dry goods and furnishing goods trade in ' Eastern Oregon. Washington and Idaho to carry in connection our line of men's and women's neckwear and Buster Brown hosiery: commission basis: must be able to furnish first-class references. COLUMBIA NECKWEAR MFG. CO., 83 Fifth St. SALESMEN WANTED FOR CANADA. Yes! It's the same firm as the other ad under this heading: read that, and then If you have a record for real estate sale in Portland come up and bear abiut the best opening In the world; transpor tation furnished. 10 to 13 and 1 to t. A. R. Campbell. 70S Selling bldg. SALESMAN A young man who i ener getic, reliable and has good appearance, to sell the retail grocery and drug trade: salary $15 per week, with an exceptional opportunity for advancement. In answer ing advertisement give age. reference and experience. P. O- Bog 504. Washington, D. C. WANTED Well-dressed energetic solicit ors who will work S hours a day for 3 month canvass. Can make big money. City districted. Clever proposition, well advertised: nothing to carry; no money to collect. Apply to Mr. Freedman. 511 Roy al bldg.. between a:w ana iu except Sun day. RELIABLE man out of work who knows something of carpentering, floor painting, etc. and Is willing to make himself gen erally useful about house, may nna sev eral days' work by phoning East 2120: fair 'wages. - TRAFFIC MAN Desirable position for a competent man. STENOGRAPHER Prefer young man who is an ass:stant oooKKeeper. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO.. 10S5 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ANY intelligent -well-dressed man can suc cessfully sell real estate on our easy pay ment plan. We teach you the business and guarantee results to workers. Call 8:30 to 10 room 212 Selling building and ask for Mr. comte. A GOOD salesman wsnted to travel in the State of Oregon on commission oasis; first-class line of goods handled by gro cers, feed and eed dealers. Address AV Oregonlan. - WANTED Contractor to build house, valusx$3500, and take lots at market value, $450 each: close in. 309 Board of Trade. Phone Main ltP3. SALESMAN calling on dry goods trade Sideline pleatlngs. big novelty: liberal commissions. Samples weigh two pounds. Answers confidential. Cohn-Frank Manu facturing Co.. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED Experienced industrial stock sellers; gilt-edge proposition: highest remuneration; state age. experience and references. , Address box AV 479. Ore- gonian. TEN high-class, experienced sates persons, good salary and permanent position, to competent people. Apply to superintend ent before 10 A. M. The Holt store. Holts corner. 5th and Washington. YOUNG man for family liquor store, ex perienced bottler preferred: must hsndle delivery wagon; give telephone number and experience. O r50. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class millinery traveling sa;esman for the Northwest; must have traae and best of references. Apply Holm Nathan. SO fd St., Ssn Francisco. Cal. WANTED A young nian that has had bill-In- experience on typewriter. Advancement :o rlEht partv. State age and experienc. AT 22. Or.gonian. INSURANCE AGENTS, experienced, recom mended, who want to better their condi tion. Communicate with National Life In sursnce Co.. V. B. A. $06 Selling bldg. ANT good stel ship fitter desiring steady, desirable position can secure same by ap plying st the Craig Shipbuilding Corn pan v s Works at Long Beach. Cal. WANT good trader to close exchanges; p'.enty work: fine proposition to right man. Pee Mr. Rltter. Security Develop ment Co.. 4th and Pine s-s. . Ttvo good houseto-hose solicitors wanted. Csll after 8:30 A. M., 3S2 Lumber Ex change. - SOLICITORS, listen! Big commissiona small deposits required. Call 602 Bu chanan. 2S6i3 Wash. .EXPERIENCED salesman In orchard lands wanted at once. Call between 10 and 12. 42ft Henry bldg. Main 24. VACANCY occurs for good stock salesman; splendid opening, bright future. O 248. Oregonlan. TWO or three live men wanted. Experience unnecessarv. Good pronosttion for hard worker. 322 Board of Trade bldg. "WANTED Young man with experience as Mlesman In general store. Apply Mon day forenoon. Bannon A Co.. Oregon City. EXPERIENCED eash and door machrr.e man at MeMinnvilla Planing Mills. Call rt 05 Oregon'an for Information. CAPABLE experienced man to do cleaning and pressing. Greater Portland Dye Works. XCA NTEDFlrt -clans cook, ready to go to work. At SSw Morrison. WANTED A few good salesmen. , 207 Stark at. FOUR good salesman tor city. Apply 6u2 Marauam bldg., 10 A. M. to 13 M, HELP WANTED MALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPA!fT, 222-224 Couch 1st and 2d. Telephones: Main 8570. A 14. Hln furnished free to emnloyers. Telephone or telegraph -ush orders at our expense Open Sunday 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. WANTED FOR MILLS: Gang edgerman, $1. Ratchet setter. $3.30. Carriage riders, $2.50. . Hand resawyer and ptanerman, $4. . Two planer feeders, $2.50. Two sash and door machine men, $3. Two boom men. $2.50 and $2.75. -Five lumber pliers. $2.M. ' Twenty-five yardmen. $2.25 and $2.50. Teamsters, lumber truck. 22.25. Ten mlllhands, go with boas today, $2.50 up. - Two tie loaders. $2.75. 5 men for light work around sash and door factory, J2. LOGGING. Buckers, $3 up. Ringing men. $3 up. Pnlpers. $.'!. Swampers. $3. Chasers. S3 up. Ijoader. $3 up. Fillers. $3 up. Section men, $2.25. New logging orders every day. FARMS AND DAIRIES. 1 Man and wife on dairv farm. $65 up. Man and wife on farm, $45 up; free house.- Four milkers. 140. Two milkers for Coos Bay. $40, fare naid. Two farmhands, $1.50 day, go with boss. Hay hands. J3S, -close in. Two farmhands at the coast, $35. Choreman, $20. MISCELLANEOUS. Cook, small camp. $W up. Walter. $30 and room. city. Vegetable man. $25. city. Dishwasher, country hotel. $40. . Dishwasher, city. $8 to $10 week. Bellbov. city hotel, $25. Ten men for county road Work, $2.60. Ten men on pipe line, $2.50. Carpenters. $2.00 to $3.50. l aborers, city, S2.50 up. Mortar mixer, $3. We have work for a. large number oM men where rare is aavancea. We ship north, south, east ana west FREE FARE. - FREE FARE New work coming in all the time.' Watch our bulletin boards. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222-224 Couch St.. bet. 1st and 2d. WANTED. TAILORS, for busheling work. WRAPPERS AND CASHIERS; perienced young men preferred. SALESMEN. For men' clothing department. For men's furnishing department. For men's hat department. For boys' furnishings department. LION CLOTHING CO., Third St.. near Morrison. SALESMEN. ATTENTION. We can use two good salesmen on our permanent sales staff. Only men who have good clean record and can sell one of the soundest and most profitable In vestments offered in the Northwest need apply no experience in stock-selling re quired, but applicants must be forceful and' clean-cut; no advance made, so those looking for graft need not apply; thorough co-operation given and success is sure to anyone we accept. Call Monday or-Tuesday morning. Room Sort, .Corbctt bldg. Ask for Mr. Lehman. EXPERT CIOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIR MAN wanted by the Meier r frank store. Only those having had first-class exper ience need apply at superintendent's of fice. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE. Local, rapidly-growing firm, carrying on legitimate business, paying dividends out of the ordinary, wants to engage strong salesman or business man to 'place new issue of stock; extremely 'successful en terprise, backed by leadine- Portland men. Permanency and liberal arrangement for man selected. AN 212. Oregonlan. BUY an Interest in a transfer ard storage business, old established, regular traoe. Will sell all or part. S1000 down, Dal. time. Just the thing for 2 or $ live young men with little money, to jump ngnt into a paying business, investigate, f 133 Oregonlan. ' - WANTED Men with families, steady-work In mills: also buy home easy payments. Town 8500. will double population In 2 years, located near ocean. Vessels load at mills. White man's town: 1400 men em ployed. Pay roll $150,000 a month. Give nationality ana auoress ji weBumnn. SALESMAN. Have an opening for successful, ex- nerienced salesman. opportunity excep tional r earries earning nuwer $400 monthly and upwards: only experienced, well-rec ommended salesman. Apply AN 2is, ure gonian. - HIGH SCHOOL and athletic young men to Join Company C Oregon National Guard Instructive camD: cxdtinir army maneu vers, near Seattle. July 20-30; uniforms, food and transportation furnished; pay $1.25 per day. Apply at Armory, evenings. SALESMAN wanted by leading , lace-embroidery manufacturer for their estab lished trade. Rare opportunity to right party. Can also be handled as side line. Liberal arrangements. Wilson, 493 Broad way. New 1 orK. WANTED 5 young men 18 to 25 years of age,- to -travel for - large fclastern circula tion concern; big money and opportunity for a hustler. Apply 1 to 4 P. M., room ' 1T Rainier Hotel. A NEW mill Just starting: 1 rachet-setter, $8; S doggers. $2.50; a band resaw man, $3.50; one lumber marker. $1": a mill oiler, 2.50. Butts-McCauley Employment Co., 14 '4 N. 2d. . WE WANT a permanent representative in every locality to handle our high-grade household utilities. Everything fresh. All good sellers. P. E. Sales Co. Bernice bldg.. Tacoma, Wsslr SALESMAN wanted for Wlnoua Mills seara-'- less hosiery; established business: good commission. G. W. Booxer. Mgr.. 417 Ar cade bldg.. Seattle. MANUFACTURER'S agent to handle line of shipping tags, direct to consumers. Ad dress Manager. 1001 21st it, 2d floor, Chicago. 111. DRUGGIST assistant; you must be a live one; write answer to 407 Hth St.; state age and experience: hours 7:30 to 10 P. M. two afternoons off. - COOK A nrst-class dinner cook; perma nent position at goou satary. van numo diately. Meve Restaurant,- 811 Washing ton st. $30 WEEKLY; salesmen to take orders for CUt-raie groceries, uuilu.iiit. ..v.. unnecessary. Standard Mercantile Co. Inc. $454-5456 E. 9th St.. Cleveland. O. SHIPPING CLERK, must be experienced; give record of employment, experience, phone number and age. S 214. Orego nlan. . BOOKKEEPER, out of town, thorough lum ber experience; arjie to graue au iw , $100: give place worked and your phone. J 217. Oregonlanj YOUNG MAN. 18 to 20 years, clerical work: good nana, iair euucanuu. i.uiiiaxi-,. preferred; give phone; write detailed ap pilcation. a 21 , Oregonlan. WANTED. """Experienced porters for whoesale grocery house; none 4ut experienced men need applv. S 218. Oregonlan.. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER. wholesale nouse: give asc, in".o 4iu phone. E 200. Oregonlan WANTED Young man to do porter work- Leigh ton Dairy iuncn, .s naenmgioii street. ; TELEGRAPH OPERATOR, small railroad station; give positions neia. age ana pnuua. R 21.1. Oregonlan. . LIVE men to solicit nbscriptions for Port land paper; big casn money ass urea cubl ler. Call In presence. Herald, Kenton. GOOD proposition offered, young man in terested in a airy or rancning. al z-. Oregonlan. WANTED Firnt-class .paper ruler, wag $?t per week: come at once, F. O. Tefft Co.. Aberdeen, Wash. AGENTS wanted to sell and solicit silver polish. Call Monday. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co.. 2M and Thurman. PHOTO coupon: best ever offered: snap for agents. Cuthbert Studio. Pekum bldg. PHOTO coupon agents, something new. a snap. Boston Studio. 842 J4 Washington. WANTED 2 good men. Call o0 Board ol Trade. WANTED Two experienced egg candlera. CorvaHls Creamery. 224-6 Pa'mon. WANTED High-class salesman. Ask tor Mr Burton. 422 Veon bldg. WANTED Delivery boy. 16 years of age or over. K J SO. Oreonianj EXPERIENCED young man to work In drug store. AD 220. Oregonlan. MAX to run poolroom. Call 2156 Market. HELP HAXTBD MALE. - WANTED TODAY - 4 hrldee camenter. $3.50. 9 hours. 6 bridge carpenters for repair work on the K. P. Ry. near Seattle. This Is free fare. Extra gang foreman, $S0. 4 car Inspectors, $2.75. 6 car repairers, $2.50.- 4 bridge caroenters. East, free fare. 1200 laborers on all kinds of work and tree iare on most ot it. SO laborers In city, $2.50. THJ3 N. P. LABOR AGENCY, 245 Couch St. OPEN SUNDAY. WINDOW TRIMMER WANTED By the Meier & Frank store; only those Having naa rirst-ciass experience neeu oJ. Jlljf .1 IUII l m Ul'...- STOCK and bond salesmen: legitimate man- - iifanturinar comnanv of Portland offers! block of stock at par. PTOduct protected by baslo patents prollts enormous anu demand grfeat and sure, excellent chance lor gooa live salesman iu iiiarvc inuncj , conservative dumtu cii-rhihiu .ih i business men: prospectus ready now. Call! room 401 spaiding oiag. THOROUGHLY experienced head bellman I frtt- nnRftlnn In Portland: must be abso- I lutely sober and with unquestioned ref- erenees. Apply, own handwriting. AB 220, oregonlan. a r.nnn nnlnfer ean have a lob bv renting o-room cottage; no boozer wanted. Phone I fcetiwooa 43. JVe lionsmw ni. H HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED MONDAY. C amy, CftnV. 140. Hotel cook. $30. Cook for delicatessen. $8 per week. Waitresses. $7. $S and $. Hotel waitress, out of city, $35. - Waitresses, city, $25; for t-ummer resort. $22. , . Chambermaid. i22. Housekeeper for rooming-house, $1 per day. Photo finisher. $7 per week and ex- Kurae girl, housekeepers, general helpers and laundry girls at gooa wages. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Dept. 05 li Washington. WANTED Strong woman to do dusting and cleaning; rererences requirea. Appiy Monday morning at o'clock. Power Furniture Co. rv Rummm- residence In country, near Van. couver. wanted, strong, capable girl, pre ferrably German, experienced In general housework and cooking, small family, high wages. Apply Mrs. Wood. 737 Kings Court. Take Height car. Phone Marshall asuu. T a r . 1 c si Mrn hiv monev. Learn In few days corset-making By correspondence course. New system and low lee. Address SIMPLEX CO., 7a7 Market t-, oan i r. clscu. ' WANTED Experienced girl for general hnticbivnrk amall fnmilV adults: good wages. Apply at 712 West Main t- (above King st WANTED One good lady clothes Ironer who will help on mangle In small steam laun drv; good wages. See Mr. Weymouth. at Tsmond Hotel irom iu to WILL take lady with high school educa tion In office and give business training; salary when competent. AB 218, Orego nlan. REFINED young woman to assist with sew ing and light housework, two in family; good home and complete business course- inquire hnortnanq lenciier, i . THOROUGHLY experienced salesladies for ribbons, laces and trimmings. ROBERTS BROS., Third" and Morrison St vTRn Experienced girls for labeling canned roods and -Doming es.tra.uia. Oregonlan. FITTERS, experienced, to handle help and manage alteration room In cloak and suit store. AddIv tomorrow. 302 Fleldner bldg., corner Wash, and 10th st. wivTrnin evnerienced elrl for eeneral housework: must have references. Apply momines betore 1L . S30 Marshall St. M. 8609. ' WANTED Reflned voung girl to assist with light housework in small family for room and ooara ana some wages. jmwm- day. 225 Lownsdule. nRtrssMAKERS. experienced waist finish ers, wanted: no cooks - and no- farmers should apply, only dressmakers witn ex perience. 4J4 Morrison. WANTED Middle-aged woman In small boarding-house. call sunaay ana .uou- day. 154 16th t. iTA-vrirri K!vnerlencert feeders and fold- era Call Portland Laundry Co., 9th and Couch.- EXPERIENCED cooks, $40; second girls, sio- general a-irls $40. St. Louis Agency. ;I?LS!wIr .? Main 2039 253 V, Alder St. Main 20s9. : WANTED Girl for general housework, small family: must be good cook. 628 E. 19th N. irvington. rnonc avit. WANTED Girl to assist In general house work, good home. Apply Mrs. w. weai., 571 East Morrison. wivTirn Some" one to do housework nrivata family. Phone Main 9534. G 213. Oregohianj ht:ki-ess firm needs a woman over 25 whi 1m trustworthy and capable: perlence unnecessary. AD 228, Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPER, good cook; references; I small family; state age and wages want- ed. Address AH 272, Oregonlan. MULTIORAPH operator wanted at once; a permanent position witn gooa pjr. i 1040 Chamber of Commerce. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, 3 adults; must be a good cook. 141 E. 60th St., corner Belmont. W4NTED Girl for general housework; mll waces. 696 Northrup'st. Morrison car to Twentyttirst. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 345is Washington st., cor. 7th, upstair. Phone Main 2692. DICTAPHONE operators wanted; positions waiting for competent operators. $17 1 Eiiers bldg. WANTED A woman to work for husband' board and room, amall boarding-house. Call A D0i9. WAVTKn ftirl for eeneral housework. Ad-I ply 1S1 East Irtth, near Taylor. Phones East 1593. B 2175. I WANTED Olrl for good plain cook Broadway car. general housework; I 773 Multnomah st.. I ivivTEn Oirls to make shirts and over alls. M t. Hood Shirt and Overall Fac- tory. Sd and coucn sis. rTint. for aeneral housework, two lu fam ily. Call Monday morning, 795 Lovejoy, comer 24th. COMPETENT girl for general housework: no IKUHUrf j t, ,"J.Li waB130 ""- - afternoons at 800 Union ave. N. I WANTED Two maids to do mixed work I In small boarding-house. Manitou, 261 18th st. "757 WANTED Girl for general housework. ran st. W ANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply .u na.sey i. TiiE CRYSTAL. LAUNDRT; 21st and Sandy Road, iranis one nni-cmsB jnarcner. CAN use six solicitors In city. Apply 502 Marquam bldg.. 1Q WM, to i-' ai. HKLP WANTED Union laundry Co.. Sec- I ond and Columbliu COO K Colored preferred. Rosedale Coun try Plu. Home phone a gin. WANTED Experienced cafeteria girl. Nicholas Cafeteria. GIRL for general housework, good cook, 2 in family. zso vista ave. Main aaoo. COMPETENT girl for general housework. mall family. 057 bcnuyier St., near luth. LADY for general housework, email family, I gooa wages, ti car. uast oin st. i. TELEPHONE exchange operator. Wadhams & Kerr Broe. Appiy WANTED Clean, ordinary cook for small delicateesen. References, Q 24,7 Oregonian. COMPETENT girl for general house work. 2t6 E. 33d at., near Hawthorne. WANTED Girl to sell Oriental perfume; big commission. Apply S29 Salmon st. WANTED First-class manicure at barber shop. Wilcox bldg. WANTED Woman cook 9t. at 111 North 3d 1 A GIRL to do general housework; must be I good cook. East 3204. A GOOD girl for general housework. Apply WOMAN for general housework, mornings oniy. oi e. -anrn J, -laoor xzx GIRL wanted In Japanese pool hall at North 4th at.; good wages. WANTED A. stenographer, light work. mooerate wages, ac uregonian. WANTED Competent girl for second work. Apply afternoons. I4o Bu Clara st. v GIRL for general housework; call between I IV ana 4. oi jonnson. near 2in. EXPERIENCED' Columbia st. chambermaid, girl. LADY agents wanted. Call after 10. 411 Northwest bldg.. 6th and Wash. WANTED Woman assistant: nurse pre ferred. Call after 10. 411 Northwest bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ... I WANTED YOITNO LADIES FOR . TELE PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OCT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLT AT THE PACHFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COM PANT (EAST OFFICE). COR. 8TB AND EAST . ANKENT STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK 'AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 261 - ' I GIRLS to work In factory. Must be la or over AMES, HARRIS. NEVILLE CO. . otu ana avls st. I COOK and helper. $60. Man and wife franch. 50. Cook (Institution), $40. Hotel cook (out of city), $50. Chambermaid (out of city) $50. 2 waitresses' (out of city), $25. Second girl. $25 and $30. Family cook, $40. Chambermaid, $1 day HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 345 M Wash. St.. room 1. GOOD PAY FOR EXTRA WAITRESSES for this week. Apply at once at The Meier & Frank Store's 7th Floor Restau ranu COMPETENT tiers (in to an nrir'h small fun tiy to tneir country place to do cooking and general housework for a few month. Liberal wagea. Call 510 Alexandra Court, or telephone A 6211 and ask for room D1U. ' WANTED A competent woman to take cuarge oi a small boarding house; must be nrst-class cook, and neat, careful housekeeper; a good business chance for nomeiy, motherly woman. V 225, Ore gonian. WOMEN and girl to work Jn fruit; good ,wages; long season; also a limited num ber of men. Apply Oregon Packing Co. ota UJiu jseunont. YOUNG lady bookkeeper and atennpranher jjiuBL ue experiencea in keeping lull set uuuuie entry dook. Apply, giving expe rience, references and salary expected. Atr leg, uregonian. TEN high-class. . experienced sales persons gooa salary arm permanent positions t( competent neoule. Annlv to atm-int end ent before 10 A. M. The Holt store. Holtx i-uuier. oin ana wasnington. SALESWOMAN, thoroughly experienced In xuiiertua naiierns. wantea: areaov posi tion at good pay to right person. Apply to dupl. oerore 10 a. M. Tile Holts btore. nous, cor. Etft and Washington. SCHOOL teacher and others not employed uo you wisn to make a Tew hundred dol lars during vacation soliciting your friends ana acquaintances': call 212 Felling bldg. iu to i o ciock ana ask lor Mr. comte. WANTED Four ladles of ability and busl ness experience; & good proposition to right ' parties. J. H. Tipton Co., 1108 upaiamg nidg. Ask for Mr. Salln. YOUNG or middle-aged woman for general nouaework in small family on Oregon City carllne; must be reliable. Phone Miiwaukie, Red 312. WANTED Lady (married or single) to col lect on montniy accounts. commission paid and expenses. Give references. Ad dress P. C'liox 241, San Frunclsco, Cal. WANTED Stenographer, familiar with sur. ety Dona and ore insurance business: give experience and salary expected. Address a 23. uregonian. INlRSE girl, not over 20 years, to care for three small children: must be neat and educated; references required; wage u raw, uregonian. - WANTED A girl living around 22d and Everett, 14 to la years, for two hours ev ery morning to take baby -out.-". Apply to lanuiauy Arcaaa Apis. iut jsvereti. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ny oi lour: must be good cook: no chil dren, good wages. Apply .-5 Overton. Telephone Marshall 1828;':- ' ' SALES, ladies wanted to canvass in and about Portland; useful article; big money made by right parties. Only good sales iaaies neea apply. 441 Washington at. THE COTERIE General and Domestic Serv ice Bureau, room 806 Central bldg., en deavors to render the best of. service to its patrons. Main 7667. py-TiTi . on r-rrr NURSE girl, not under 20 year, to car tor three "mal1 children: must be nea and educatea. reference, required; wage care eat ges $20. 1327 Cleveland ave.. Piedmont. TWO SALESWOMEN CAN SECURE PROFITABLE POSITION, PLEASANT WORK. APPLY 534 ALDER ST., MON DAY. LADIES. REFINED AND SUFFICIENTLY EDUCATED TO FILL A POSITION OF RESPONSIBILITY. 501 MERCHANTS TRUST. DEMONSTRATOR wanted, young lady, ex perlence not necessary, fhone or call to- day, room 216. Eaton Hotel; good salary. WANTED Elderly lady to help with house work; one wanting a home more than wages. 1079 Holgate Bt. Sellwood 1027, GIRL for general housework. German or KngMsh preferred. small family. Cjulmby St., near 23d. neat girl for light work from 11 A. M. to 4:30 P. M.. $15 a month. Address Bn 871, City. TWO character, 1 Juvenile and 1 for small parts in tneatrical company. New York Ttheatrical Agency. Eiler bldg.. suite 510, WANTED Good, reliable help for dress making. 655 Washington (.Ella-st. en trance WANTED Good neat trimrfi for pri- vate trade; honest girl; one who live at -home. O 248, Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY experienced salesladies for ribbons, laces and trimmings.- Robert Bros., 3d and Morrison. WANTED Experienced g-iri for srenerai housework, family of two. 753 Clackamas St., near 22d. Phone East 254 WANTED Refined, capable woman for re- sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Rota cnnu piqg.. 4tn ana wasnington. WANTED Sales ladies for a fine country town near roruana. inquire after 1 p. M. at the Dlgesto cigar factory, 243 Ash si. WANTED 3 ladies of business ability to meet tne general puDiic call between 4 and 5 P. M. at 449 Sherlock bldg. GOOD cook for family of 8; no children- vu ACL, .-w. .... .. . ah. Irvlngton. PRINTER WANTED Good two-thirder or briRht lafv compositor. Herald, Tllla- niook. Or. EXPERIENCED hairdressers, xriifnlcurlst and jo air worxer. , jKocentaai bisters, 110 mi. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Wasninston bids., 2704 Washington st.( near 4th. phone Main 8836 or A 8266. WANTED Dining-room girl at 163 12th and Morrison. uaii oeiwaen v ana IX A. M. A yQUNG lady for companion and personal attendance upon n fiierjy iaay. jursc Bllnn, Hill Hotel, Jefferson and 14th st. WANTED Girl to assist with baby and sec ond work. fe-4 Meuuaa ave.. nead of Johnson st. COMPETENT girl wanted for general houseworK, wmanieuB ng.a. pan i. aa si. WANTED Girl for general housework. 57T East liZna aireei ionn. HELP WANTED MISCEIXANFXHJS. MOVING PICTURE operating, full practical course taugnt; secure jjunition. iv noic chjjd bldg.. 4th and Washington sts. GOOD position open to responsible man; lust have 3frU casn. wnicn im sec urea, ae 242, Oregonian. . PRIVATE instruction, shorthand, typewrit ing, bookkeeping. o, numuion oiag. Marshall 4-oe 1 ANYONE, anywhere, can earn good Income copying addresses; particulars 4c tamps. rl . tLi. rtOgers. UPpt. J. jjvo wh. aiart. MAKE money writing short stories, or for Daners: bi pay; free booklet tells how. United Pruas Syndicate. San Francisco. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we 11 teacn you. -iciur rmy aasoujaiion, San Francisco. " BE a detective earn $150 to $300 per month, travel over tne worm- wrue aupc. wig, 3402 Scarritt bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. DRESSMAKER can share established apart ments with nrst-ciass .aaiea taiior. aj 216. Oregonlan. ; ' I WILL pay responsible man-$100 month and interest for pany wun owu, money secured. AO 217, Oregonlan. SHORTHAND, typewriting school, 26 34th st. Mam 3"S- r-Pri instruction, o mo. 600 BUSINESS cards, $1; a bargain. Rose City Printery, 1926 8d. corner Taylor. WANTED YOUNG: MEN TO LEARN MOV ING iuxuau urai-Aiwu-. kiju.. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SALESMEN, no xperience required, poai tiona assured earn good wages while learning; hundreds positions open paying $1000 to $5000 year; write today for par ticulars, list of openings. Address nearest office, dept. 4&3, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago. New York. ' Kansas City, t Seattle. New Orleans. To ronto. . BARBERS' Board of Examiners of Oregon will be in session July 15, 16, 17, at 107 H First st., thi city, tor the purpose of ex amining all those . holding permit.; all permits will be revoked if the parties holding them do not appear for examina tion. T. M. Leabo, secretary. MEN WANTED for firemen and brakemen on nearby railroads; $60 to $100 monthly; promotion, engineer-conductor; - experi ence unnecessary ; no strike ; age 1S-3S. Railroad employing headquarters,, thou sands of men sent to positions on over 1000 official calls. 8tate age. Railway Association, Oregonlan. WRITE for our free booklet.- We teach you the real estate, Insurance and general brokerage business by mail, appoint you our local representative, and got you suc cessfully established; complete real es tate equipment furnished. National Co operative Realty Co., 7th floor, Pacific oldg.. San Francisco, Cal. MOTION PICTURE OPERATORS MAKE $25 TO $40 WEEKLY. Easy Inside work, short hours; actual theatrical experience given. LEARN BUSINESS IN TWO WEEKS. : special low price on lessons. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. H26H Washington, near 17th. MEN and boys to learn automobile repair ing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering, surveying; methods most practical; room and board while learning; position secured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engi neering, 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles. WE teach you a trade in a few months time; no expense but your work; elec tricity, automobiles, plumbing, bricklay ing; 100 satisfied workmen today; 40 Jobs going; catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. un and women to luarn the barber trad In eight weeks: special Inducements; per centase paia wnue teaming; iuuib " o.norfc lnt-ttr-tn-- 17 Vriara In the bust ness; 87 schools; a lifetime membership given to each stuaent. Aioier uaroer lege, 35 N. Fourth St.. Fortiano, ur. WANTED Young men to sell candy wit ticket sellers, and door talkers; -those with . experience given preference. Also man to work tin type picture cannon machine, - Address or call. Circus Manager. Pe Ell, Wash., 14th; Winlock, Wash., ltfth. FREW Illustrated book tells about - over 360.000 protected positions, u. a. service more than 40,000 vacancies every year there is big chance for you, sure, gener mi. na v lirVtimA flmolovment: easv to get Just ask for booklet C 369; no obligation. Earl Hopkins, W aehlngton. u. v. WILL start you earning $4 daily home, spare time silvering mirrors; no capiiai , new instructive booklet, giving plans of oper ation. G. F. Redmond,, dept 56, Boston, Mass. WANTED Man and wife to work on apple orchard; woman to cook lor lamuy, man to work around orchard. Inquire 302 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. mf:m and women for Government position: $S0 month. Write for ,isi or pwiuum open. Franklin Institute, Dept. u it, Rochester, N. Y. - LADIES make shields home, $10 100; work sent pre pawl to reiiaDie womeu. -.r tit ulars for stamped, addressed envelope. Eureka Co., dept. 34. Kalamazoo, Mich. kypei.t.knt nnnortunltv for resDonsibl -man nri rt ra nr rancner in oomnern -rv scon: lease for long term or sell, P 211, Oregonlan. T T n- a ty mail rlrk d re nil re no offs, sure pay; free book. Call today, P clfic States bcnooi, aicjvay m.. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION for schools and teachers, eiv bweuana diu.. . .. . .. HELP WANTED MALE OR F KM ALE. SOLICITORS wanted at 427 E. Morrison st. A-l nroDosition: aood commission ana un limited work. Call Monday morning S to 12. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED machinery man. capabl setting up. Installing and running steam engines, boilers and machinery; also gaso line engines; good mechanic, familiar with pipe fitting, etc., and woodwork. competent to take charge of work, of good address ana capaoie salesman; nom U(IU pUBUIUIt' 11 uam, uuv ii w uivi .! leave, end want position that time at any kindred work offered. H 214, Oregonian. SALESMAN HAS COVERED FROM COAST TO COAST; EXPERIENCED OFFICE MANAGER AND SALES MANAGER. AK 214. OREGONIAN. POSITION wanted bv experienced book keeper and cost accountant ; can iumisn the best of references; experienced in huilrfpra' hardware. Daint. lumber and iron lines. Address R. R. Perner, 60 East Main st., Shelby, Ohio. vnrTNf- man. S years of aee. srood person ality. well educated, or high moral cnar nctar. who has been employed as travel ing salesman; would consider position of responsibility and trust. AC 217, Orego nian. nrn w. KfiHMAN'. Orenco. Expert Book keeper and Accountant, books opened and closed. Tangled accounts adjusted; complicated accounts made plain Charges reasonable. satisfaction guar anteed. Write me for schedule. GOOD young man stenographer, high school and business college education, some ex perience, wishes peremanent position; ex s!lent cltv references from former em ployer; moderate salary to start. D 215, Oregonian. MR, BUSINESS MAN If you desire the services of an experienced salesman, so licitor, collector and an all-around office man, I will be glad to call on you with view of entering your employ. Address AH. 2tj, uregonian. - - - fiiTKA Ttnv am manaet-r or assistant man Hcer hotel, cltv or country, expernuccu from bar to kitchen; local reference; age 31; Eastern, western experience. t :u, Oregonian. IF YOU need an A-l stenographer and gen eral office man, please communicate; age 24, married, now employed; principally packing-house experience. W' 215, Ore gonlan. , " st KMnGRAPHER-BOOK KEEPER Thor ough omce man, gooa corrfsponaeni ana penman, age 3tK desires position; highest references. jarorey, Aiain xto or w Oregonian. ; . YOUNG man, 10 years' successful experience as corporation accounta-m, omce Hiaimpei and .salesman.- warns unn-o buivh, pu mary object is to get permanently located in Portland, v aa, uregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare oaiances ana state meats, install systems. Gillingham. au ditor. 012 Lewis Didg. jaaranaii in. KTRNOGRAPHER. competent, ten years' experience, wants permanent poauion wun reiiaDie nrm; DeaT gi cL.rt.uucs. c -uo, OregoniaiL -t ASSISTANT bookkeeper. thoroughly experienced in general office work, desires position, temporarily ur pci-uau.u-iy. 21. oregonian. - EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general of- hice man wants po.iuwii, vunie wen recommended. Address m ure gonian. MAN of S7 wants position as bookkeeper, cashier or otlice assistant: gooa collector. experienced, single, sober and reliable; best references. A 244, Oregonian. wnoKKEEPER 7 years' experience gen eral office worn ; can roxureuces. N 22. uregonian. - GROCERY manager and buyer wants posi tion or will buy interest in Dusiness; ref erences exchanged. H 217. Oregonian. GROCERYMAN with 8 years' experience in the business wants a position. 20 years old. AG 213. Oregonian. F YOU have a position to offer an intelli gent voung man wno is a gooa worer, address AB 213, Oregonian. POSITION as pianist In moving picture show. AO 221, uregonian M Isoel Laneons. POSITION wanted by a mechanical engineer tosretner wun uo tmu'iuui anu uiocrai makinff. Box 11, Lirmton. Or.. R. R. XL FIRST-CLASS man wants position as sales man or cierg. iteiorencea, no. commission. A 219. oregonian. YOUNG man wants position as chauffeur; stead ana sooer; wui ao own repair ing. H. Johnson, 193 Union ave. AN ENERGETIC young married man needs work; what nave your xpenenceo sales man eid clerk. AK 218, Oregonlan. DRUG clerk, registered, good habits and references, "H years oja. acquaiaiea witn Uyal line. W- H. Land. Albany, Or. YOUNG man 21 desires position with busi ness house. AK. -it, uregonian. 'IN DOW cleaning, wood work and floor pollihing. Main 6573, evenings, Thomas. MAN and wife, Americans, want situation on a rancn. aj xxo, uregonian. JANITOR and elevatorman wants steady place, city rererences. uregonian. WINDOW washing, house cleaning, floors waxed and ponsnea. aouwooq FIRST-CLASS painter want work in city. Alt. Xiis oregonian. SITUATION' WANTED MALE . Mlsoell aneous. MTJPNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. . 215 Second St., Corner Salmon. ' Women's Department, 245 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. Phone Main 8555, A 0C24. MR. TIMBERM AN. Will you employ a young college grad uate ' who desires to learn the timber business and whose only demands ars work and an opportunity for advance ment? A high salary is not expected; have had some experience; references. AH U7K Oregonian. A COUNTRY STORE SALESMAN. Desires a position: an energetic business man,, large experience in grocerii-s, dry goods, shoes, clothing, etc.; can take charge If desired and build and boom business. J. w. Pad don, Orenco, Or. YOUNG man, orchardist, wants position as foreman or manager on fruit ranch, ap- ' pies; 11 years' practical and theoretical experience; not afraid of work himself. Best of references. Address P. A., 483 East Morrison St., Portland. YOUNG man. reliable, ambitious and en ergetic, with business qualification and references, experienced In grocery busi ness, desires permanent business with re liable business house; give mo a chance; I'll make good. AT 213, Oregonian. WILL pay $:! for a good, steady position; understand handling of boilers, pumps, engines, steam heating plant; can do all kinds of mechanical repairs and pipe fit ting. P 231, Oregonian. ' APPLfcS, as packer, buyer or salesman, bright, ciean-cut American: can rurnis A-l reference as to ability and honesty. J. J. 8., 1157 Fulton ave.. Bronx. New York City. F MAN and wife on dairy ranch, both good milkers, can run separator ana make nut ter, woman good cook, man can do an kind or farm wont; no cnuoren, j zi. Oregonian. YOUNG Bulgarian man, 22 years old, with out parents, with good character, m drink, wants to work in farm chore work $J0 month, board and room, but steady jod. At" , uregonian. FLORIST and landscape gardener wants position on private or commercial piac " can furnish references of former em ployer. Address K. T 483 East Morrison St.. Portland. Or. WANTE D Position as traction or station ary engineer; seven years' experience also have diploma from Clark scnooi; ca do all held repairing. Walter Owens, lu Camas, Wash. FOREST SCHOOL GRADUATE Desires position as camp clerk and scaler have had experience in woods and mill Writo at once F 283, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes position as timekeeper or as collector on salary; pest ot rerer ences as to character and ability. T Oregonian. POSITION wanted, traffic manager or t celving clerk, thoroughly . familiar with railroad tariffs. Address Ai' .47, ore gonian. YOUNG German, experienced in black smithing, automobile and machine repair ing; best references; willing to start with small wages. 50i Columbia. THE man you want to repair and Improve your macninery ana toois; printing spec iallty, have own tools. G. G. 781 Over look Blvd. Woodlawn 2680. SITUATION bv a cook or aardener: Ameri can, handy with all kinds of tools: good home considered more than wages. A Oregonian. AN Elk strayed from home herd desires permanent employment; clerical preterren, but work has never hurt me. AO 228, Oregonlan. A RELIABLE vouns: man with 6 yrs. expe rlence in general mdse.. Including buying, desires position in country store. r itol class references. A 251, Oregonlan. SPECIAL salesman, capable handling men, large acquaintance among general mer chants, Oregon. Washington; good refer ence. a t. uregonian. SITUATION bv man. 4." years of age. som experience, chance to team candy mag lng. Al ice cpeam maker. A 232. Ore gonian, KXPRHTENPRn valet and butler, soeakin several languages, but little English, wishes situation. C, 2H Market at. Mal 551. YOUNG man. doctor, good speaker on an subject, wishes weekly salaried position am an experienced salesman. AB 2S6, Oregonian. REGISTERED PHARMACIST. years ex perlence, capable of management, oest ox references, aesires position, ao- uu, ure gonian. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur wishes position shnn ttxDerienca. aood references. not afraid of work; will consider any offer. S 219, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted as janitor in an apt. house; nave A-l references. t ure gonian. 1 PAYING position wanted by young married man wno is not airaia oi wort, ai ztt. Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending school wishes post tlon for summer; pest references. ub Oregon Ian. - WANTED Care of country place or ima ranch, by experienced married man. 215, Oregonlan YOUNG man attending school desires to work lor room ana ooaro. Air ure gonian. CHAUFFEUR, 23. wants position driving automooiie or auto true a; rexerences. Woodlawn 108l WANTED By an experienced carpenter, email house building or repairing eitbe by contract or by day. Call at 412 N. 25th. JAPANESE, experienced cook, wants posi tlon, hotel or restaurant, private laniiiy, only -cook, f z.a, uregonian. PRINTER Job or news man, young, mar rieO, no, imjbil.uu. iu wun- try OlllCe. A ur;um-.n. YOUNG boy, Toreigner of 34. wants position in private noun, iw duiu nuu rwm, Apply ia jn oa avic-v. YOUNG Japanese wants position to take care ox a uiomuuno uu a i , ui e gonian JAPANESE, experienced gardener, wants po sition ana cook, up. j. urcRu- nian. i.ivrrr salesman desires position wit tOaHL concern, nnr iviuo olij uaiuiouuo iu Middle West. Ad io. uregonian. some of the finest noteis in country wants pos It i on In hotel or ciup. azs, uregonian. POSITION Colored registered chauffeur, references, plenty or experience, ao t, Oregonlan. WANTED Job a sheep herder, Eastern iffer Oregon or otner pi aces, vv rue to me Mutzu, 940 Upshur St., Portland. Or. YOUNG man wants position in grocery or general store; s years experience; oest references. AG 22S, Oregonian EXPERIENCED chauffeur and gardtuier, speaks .ngiisn, r rencn, wants position. AH 282. Oregonian. GOOD. ALL-ROUND PRINTER WANTS STEADY JOBvIN COUNTRY. AB. 230. TE OREGONIAN. AUTOMOBILE repair man and driver; thor oughly experiencea on an ainas ox auio bile work. P. O. Box 22, city. PIANIST and drummer: same family; ex perlencea; non-union; wants poiiuoo pic ture nouee. eum. nyiui. vni;va man. experienced grocery man. wishes position in or out oi tne city; oeai of references. ah .kj, uregomam FIRST-CLASS ladies' cutter and fitter, all- round tailor, so yenir m uua. ness, wants position. C Oregonlan. A-l SALESMAN wants to change positions. Knows genera-i ounuius tunirn;iuri m Portland. AK. ut uregonian. . WANTED By man and wife, situation on farm. J Zi. uregonian. MARRIED man wants work, any kind. trustworiny, ni.nw. i mn cute. rw.. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPER with Knowledge of stenog- ranhv h nr ana cenera omce worn, desires position with business firm who can appreciate aDiniy; gooa civy reici ences. Sellwood 1591. EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper and sten- ograpner o-sires jjumhuii, ih lokb ium charge of fire insurance department. Ad cirvas AB 227. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer desires position ; gooa penman ; wining to wura for small salary at start. A 253, Ore gonian. ; WANTED A permanent position by A-l stenographer, dook Keeper or assistant; j years' experience; also general oCfict work: reference. AC 219. Oregonian. TOT'Nfl lady wants position who has some experience with so a a xountain ana conf lectionery store, n io, - ureguuiau. YOUNG lady would like position as cashier. assistant dook Keeper or general on ice clerk. Main 6381. WANTED By experienced bookkeeper, set of books to Keep evenings, or can givs half day. Address AB 229. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. 4H years' experience. Would leave city, AM wants position. 223. Oregonian. COMPETENT lady stenographer wishes em ployment afternoons, o to o:ov. a ooo, Monday. YOUNG lady stenographer, with some ex perience, wienes ponnun m on ice. s out penman ; small salary to start. Phone Mar shall 707, room 5. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookketf-pers and Stenographers. MILLINERY BUYER or assistant in de partment or exclusive millinery sunt; thorough knowledge of all details of the business, with high-class experience; de sire permanent position with respoiuiible tlrm. AO 220, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. Judy with high-class experience in executive posi tions, either stenography or dhuuphonti; thorough, accurate, close attention to de tail. X 213, Oregonian. CAPABLE stenograopher, eight years ex perience, desires substitute work. O 2-14, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier de sires position; Al references. H 231, Ore gonian. Dressmakers. A RELIABLE neat sewer makes a specialty making infants clothes and underwear; wishes a few more customers. . 415 Mill st. or phone Marshall 3744. WILL go to your home for fillings; prices same as per day. Phone Marshall 1241 for further information. DRESSMAKING Bring your old clnth-s and have them made new, as well as new ma terial. 264 14th st. Phone Main 8024. MENDING, darning day or at home. 1852. and plain sewing by 770 Kearney st. Main EASTERN dressmaker, using "Querni City Tailoring System" wants work by the day. Tabor 1768. Address 212 E. 3uth st. GOOD dressmaker wifl muke engagements for July by the day; best of references. Phone Sunday and evonintrs. B 1135. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, prices reason able. Masses Penrose and Veedor, 231V. N. 23d st., room 6. DRESSMAKING by day, ladies' or children's work. AN 21S. Orrgonlan. ALTERATION, repair work and general sewing; reasonable. Main 1104. SEWING, out or home, by experienced tail oress And dressmaker. Main IW10. WANTED Plain sewing and mending by day or home; reasonable. Main &jM. Nurses. TRAINED nurse, competent, dependable, would like position in physician's or den tist's office or would take charge of one or two children; moderate salary. Ruth Gordon, gen. del., Seattle. YOUNG Christian woman as child's nurse or to assist with housework. Phone Mon day B 17M. Housekeepers. WIDOW of 30. with small boy and girt wishes to keep house for widower with no children; good home more than wages. S 217, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make en gagements; price reasonable. Woodlawn 33:i9. EXPERIENCED housekeeper desires situa tion; can come immediately. AO 2-it. Oregonian. NEAT housekeeper wants position for wid ower who has a home. A.I 218. Oregonian. FASHIONABLE dressmaking at home or by day. 503 Williams ave. East 0H7. SITUATION wanted Housework in city or country. AB 232, OreRonian. WIDOW, unincumbered, desires position as housekeeper. R a 16, Oregonlan. Domestics. TWO German women seek hotel work, one as linen maid, the other chamber work, or waitress, both good experienced work ers. B 233. Oregonian. WANTED Position as first-class cook or chambermaid. East 5010. Miscellaneous. YOUNG lady of education and ability de sires position superintending first-class apartment-htoiisc; references furnished. A 217. Oregonian. LARGE well furnished east front room, modern; easy walking distance: $2.25 per week. 65 East Ninth st.. between Stark and Oak. Phone East 2512. VERY competent manual training teacher desires Fall position. Institutional and public school experience. AP 203, Ore gonian. WOULD you like some one to read to you 7 Experienced in reaaing to invaiius, m blind and clubs. Phone evenings be tween 6 and 7. Main 091. NORWEGIAN woman wants washing and Ironing at home; reasonable. pnone 6eJlwood 1056. EXPERIENCED German woman wants day work, washing, ironing, cleaning. Male 0163. GIRL wishes work in a delicatessen store; can furnish good references. At xoo, urs gonlan. HIGHLY experienced teacher would like to tutor in .puoiic scnooi orancnes or mun school mathematics. Phone Marsh; 130. YOUNG lady wants housekeeping or cook ing; best references. Miss iien tsriCKSon, 1240 E. 9th at. N. YOUNG Swedish woman with a bahy would like to work for room, ooara ana smaii wages. F 235, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER desires to care for chil dren evenings In whole or part payment of room and board. C 270. . RELIABLE German woman wishes any kind of day work. 4ia mim. juarsnan ;i744. POSITION wanted: Middle-aged lady would go to beach to care for old people nr Child for expenses. Phone Sellwood 9U. WANTED by two women, cleaning in office building, morning .ana evening, r -mi, Oregonlan. ' COLORED girl wants place to cook for thr or four gentlemen or Qayi work, rnona Woodlawn 10-49. . LADY going to San Francisco would cars lor invana or cniiaren, ooa. or train. 6771 Main. A BRIGHT young lady wishes experience In office work; salary lie per montn. as Oregonlan. WANTED Day work, line laundress, iron ing, cleaning; references, can an weetc B 1071. . MAN and wife camp cooks, want small camp job; good rererence. al zz, uro gonian. WILL give piano instructions to heglnnof ror 0C an Hour. jars. Annoy, oue naw thorne ave. EXPERIENCED cook wants position In private family, no general nouseworK. AL 210, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl would like to hava work with family going to tne Deacn for Summer. Main 2242, Monday. RELIABLE woman will care for children by the hour, day or evening, rnone Main 6S15. . A COMPETENT maid desires a position In private family. tor inrormation can Woodlawn 89r. EXPERIENCED Norwegian woman wants day work, washing ana ironing. Aiar shall 4020. ' ' WOMAN would like day's work. Phone all day Sunday or evenings m tne weea Woodlawn 2182, Marshall 1664. FIRST-CLASS cook, middle-aged, respect able, wants position in note,, restaurant or camp. Room 15. 3S7 1st st. CAPABLE woman wants day work. Room 15, Main 226. EXPERIENCED lady wants work by day oi hour; good worker, h-none cast LAUNDRY done at home. Phone Marshall 3075. NORWEGIAN lady wants some day work Marshall 17P.-. STRONG woman wants work by the day, 5c hour. East ih-. EXPERIENCED woman wants hnne-clean- Ing. 20c per nour. i eiepnone i anor vm;. LACE curtains washed, 10 years experi ence. Taoor rs. acoit. WANTED By colored lady, by the day, cooking and sewing, aiain p.iht. WANTED Children to care for; mother' care. Phone Taoor - YOUNG woman wants day work; references A 1554, 2 bens. WOMAN wants work by day. washing and housecleanlng. pnone vvooaiawn oiu. LACE curtains laundered by expert, 25c up. called for. none jaoor WOM VN wants position as camp cook or on large farm. 10 to zj men. ihm i;n st. WANTED Housework forenoons, by expe rienced woman. n. r,ast v iny. DAY work by good woman. Phone Main 4394. LADY wishes cooking by day or hour. Phonj Marsnau a-. , - GERMAN woman wants a few days work, washing or sweeping, t-none k. i4. COMPETENT colored woman wants gen eral houeeworK., i-none Main h4. YOUNG lady with, experience wishes posi. tlon as cashier. v i;,. uregotnan. f WANTED, by neat colored woman, daj work. Phone Mam 7821. - WANTED, by good worker, chamber wot If or offices to care for. Main 5009. ALL East SOlO for washing here or there. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents to handle British Colum bia farm lands on easy payments; ll.ersl commission. National Finance Company. Limited, Vancouver, B. C. FREE SAMPLES No-splash water strain ers are winners for agents.v both sexes; dally profit to upward; Jet us prove It; send 2c. Seed Filter Co.. New York. LEGITIMATE substitute for slot machines) patented; sells on sight ror fl. Particulars, Glsha Co Anderson, 2nd.