THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. JULY 7, 1912. FOURTH OF JULY CROWDS ON VANCOUVER FERRY SLIP DEMON OFFICIALS 111 CLASH JUDGE'S CHAMPIONS STRATE NEED OF BRIDGE. : TESTIFY IN FAVOR Seaside Mayor, and Council Differ on Street Widening. WQ - i t. 9- lJ tw it' 1 1) I More Witnesses Will Be Heard ; ' Tomorrow on Hanford's , Sobriety.. SUPERIOR JURIST ON STAND Moderate Drinking Indulged in at ' Rainier Club but Man on Trial at Seattle Xot Seen Apparently Intoxicated, They Declare. SEATTLE. Wash.. July 6. After passing- a whole week In Investigation of the personal habits of United States District Judge Cornelius H. Hanford, the House Judiciary sub-committee when it adjourned until Monday, ap parently had not closed that branch of the subject and it Is expected that a few more witnesses will be heard Mon day concerning; the Judge's sobriety. All but one of today's witnesses were summoned by Judge Hanford's attor neys and testified strongly in his fa vor. The exception was I Frank Brown, an attorney who testified that he had seen Judge Hanford twice asleep on the bench and twice appar ently intoxicated. On one of the lat ter occasions, witness testified, the Judge was about to enter the court room in the morning. Liquor la Smelted. ' Witness smelted liquor as the Judge passed. On the second occasion when witness observed the Judge apparently Intoxicated he was on the bench and wltnes was arguing a case before him. Witness thought the Judge's habit ual drowsiness on the bench might be due to his heavy eating at lunch hour. Today's witnesses Included some of the best known citizens of Seattle. The first. Superior Judge Albertson. testi fied that Judge Hanford was not in toxicated at a meeting In the Alham bra Theater, as testified by two de tectives. Witness had never seen the Judge intoxicated, but had seen him drink moderately at the Ralnlr Club. Ira A.'-Nadeau. an insurance agent: M. B. Haines, a real estate dealer; C. 1 Ide. formerly United States Marshal, and E. C. Cheasty. a merchant, had known the Judge many years, had seen him drink occasionally, but had never leen him apparently Intoxicated. Old Caae Recalled. ', Representative McCoy, who yesterday questioned a witness on matters re lated to the Ell Melovlch case, in which Judge' Hanford set aside a verdict of 112,000 damages for loss of an arm. on frounds not named by counsel for eith er side, returned to the subject today. The witness had replied to McCoy thi-t Hanford's action was not unprece dented; that the State supreme Court, in the case 'of Williams v: Spokane Falls & Northern Railway Company, had set aside a verdict for excesslve ness. on a point not raised by counsel for either side. McCoy, by question ing attorneys, brought out that the decision was written by Judge Root and that counsel for the railroad was M. J. Gordon, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Root and Gordon afterward having undergone Investi gation by the State Bar Association for alleged corruption. EMBRYO FARMERS HELPED i University of Idaho Professor In teresting Children in Stock. LEWISTON, Idaho, July . (Special.) Dr. W. L. Carlyle. head of the de partment of agriculture at the Univer sity of Idaho, expects to Inaugurate a campaign through the Lewlston Com mercial Club for the purpose of lnter- estlng the farmer girls and boys in livestock feeding, breeding and Judging. When In Lewlston recently Dr. Car lyle offered to conduct Saturday lec tures for the farmer girls and boys and to send instructors to assist him. At the coming livestock show many features are to be Introduced that will attribute to the undertaking which Dr. Carlyle proposes. The country boy and girl Judging contest, for which a prize of $150 and two thoroughbred pigs has been offered, will be one of the biggest factors in interesting children In the raising of high-class stock. DEPUTY SHERIFF ASSAILED Interfering Officer Is Beaten V p in Tillamook Fight. TILLAMOOK, Or,' July 6. (Special.) In attempting to break up a row be tween Jeff Fleck and Henry Broughton at Pacific City, yesterday. Deputy Sheriff Dwight Edmunds was badly beaten by a number of friends of Fleck. Fleck was badly cut by a knife In the hands of Broughton, and Is now In bed. Sheriff Creshaw, of Tillamook, was summoned. Edmunds swore out a warrant against Fleck for assaulting an officer. The case is said to have grown out of the activity of Edmunds In prevent ing trespassing by fishermen along Nestucca Bay. and 1 1 la thought the quarrel with Broughton, which was the result of the celebration at PaolfloClty, was made an opportunity-for "getting even" with the deputy. Fleck Is con fined to his bed but Is expected to re- t cover. Newport. Engineer Injured. . ... . NEWPORT. Or.. July 6. (Special.) Jack Fogarty" engineer "of the steamer Truant, met with a painful accident Wednesday and narrowly escaped losing, his life. The steamer had Just left To ledo en route to Newport and Fogarty was oiling a bearing on the shaft when the sleeve of his blouse caught on a bolt head, drawing his arm around the shaft and doubling his body over It. fortunately his clothing gave suffi ciently to prevent his being drawn under. His brother. Captain Frank Fogarty. who was at the wheel "close by. happened to hear him groaning and hut off steam. Fogarty's right arm was almost pulled from its socket and the muscles lacerated badly. His right side was also seriously Injured. Historic Flag Floated. ALBANY. Or, July 6. (Special.) An American flag which was made during the Civil - War ' was displayed on the residence of the Misses Althouse in thla city on July 4. The flag waa made by the mother of the Misses Althouse and she did all ft the work by hand. During the war the flag was displayed at the Althouse borne whenever news of onion victories was received from the war and It was taken down wnen the Union Army met reverses." It . served as an Index of the status of the war to Albany people. A delightful book about the great Northwestern mountains Williams' "Guardians of the Columbia." , V ir m me? r- a - I sr i " ' ' ' 1 " sT Vancouver Feels Handicap of Inadequate Transportation. FERRY DELAYS THOUSANDS Automobiles Line Up Double for Distance of Eight Blocks Follow ing Celebration Thursday and Walt for Weary 'Hours. 7- VANCOUVER, Wash., July 6. (Spe cial.) That Vancouver needs a bridge across the Columbia River connecting with Portland was more clearly dem onstrated July 4 than at any time pre viously, when there were at least 25, 000 visitors In the- city. The crowds. In returning to Portland, began shortly after noon to gather at the foot of Washington street, the ferry landing, and grew in size until there were sev eral thousand there at one time. When the athletic events at Van couver Barracks and the horse racing at the Clark County fair grounds were over, at 4 o'clock, the automobiles be gan to line up to go on board and oy 7 o'clock there were two lines extend ing eight blocks up Washington- street. Many In the latter part of the line waited upwards of three hours to cross, as the capacity of the ferry is 12 or 13. owing to the size of the cars. In addition to the machines the forry car ries easily 1000 persons. The record trip of the ferry's ex istence was made July 4, when 1287 passengers were on board at a single crossing. Including the crew, there were more than 1300 on board. . It has been learned that several thousand persons did not come over, knowing that the transportation fa cilities would be taxed. Scores of au tomobile owners left their cars on the Oregon shore and crossed on the ferry. The size of Vancouver has increased so rapidly that a bridge seems an ab solute necessity. ALBANY PRIZES AWARDED Long List of Winners Announced in Independence Day Pageant. ALBANY, Or, July 6. (Special.) The award of the 14000 cash prizes or fered for entries In, the big parade at the Oregon Electric celebration in this city Thursday was made today, and the complete list of prizes awarded fol lows: Sunday school floats United Presby terian Church, first. School floats Central Public School, first; Madison School, second. . Lodge floats Loyal Order, of - Moose,- first.. Floats .of women's organization and auxiliaries Women of Woodcraft, . first. - Trades unions. Carpenters' and . painters' Elks Week Mail to your friends and rela tives in the East The Oregronian during' the Elks' Convention, including the big illustrated special Elks' Edition, the Sun day before the convention, and the great Sunday edition of July 14th, giving a resume of the entire week. ' Eight Issues Altogether. The Oregonian will have the best and most complete account of the days ' ' doings, profusely., illustrated, and no more attract ive testimonial to your friends could be given than a subscrip tion to Oergon's great daily during the event. Orders given now or sent by mail to .The Oregonian will re ceive prompt and careful atten tion. Subscription price for the entire eight days, including the two special Elks' editions, and postage, 23 cents. BRIDGE NEED SHOWN Jf' ft-'- jgL. --;, : .J union, first. Floats of business houses Automatic butter maker, O. L. van Orsdale. of Albany, R. F. D. No. 3, first; Beam-Fletcher Company, second. , Pro fessional. floats Dr. W. A. Cox, first. Comic floats Prairie schooner, Willie Kitchen, and ' Kenneth Golns. . first; bovine auto. Fay Miller, second. - Fire department Albany Engine Company, No. 1, and Linn Engine Company, No. 2, tied, first and second prizes divided. Decorated automobiles Oregon Mist. Mrs. George Dorr, first; battleship Ore gon, Multa Machine Company, sscond. Chautauqua decorated autos .W. O. Ballack. first: F. M. French, second. Draught teams Peter Riley, of Al bany, first: J. E. craney of Al bany, second. Carriage teams George Cochran, of Albany, first; Mrs. Louise Fisher, of Suver, second. Single driv ing rigs Miss Pauline Brush, of Al bany, first; M. F. Sharp, of Tangent, second. Saddle horses (women) Miss Esther Hecker, of Albany, first; Mrs. Nellie Scott, of Albany, second. Sad dle horses (men) Fred Gould, of Al bany, ..first ; . J.-- E. Williams, of Albany, second. Pony, double rigs E. F. Anderson, of Albany, first. Pony, sin gle rigs Miss Louise Fisher, of Suver, first. Saddle pony O. M. Templeton, of Brownsville, first. - The parade was the best pageant ever seen in the Willamette Valley, and won a great deal of favorable comment from visitors to the celebration. 'BLUE SKY'lAW DEFENDED Secretary of State Olcott Telia Why Law Is Xeeded. SALEM, Or., July 6. (Special.) In making a defense of the proposed "blue sky" law today Secretary Olcott set out five distinct points which he declared should be taken into consideration when any discussion of the bill comes up. In his statement . Secretary Olcott said: ' : , ' "First The, law is needed and has been' prepared to give the state super vision over stock-selling corporations. "Second The fees from this class of corporations will pay all the expense of administration of the law as well as all the general expense of maintaining the corporation" department, and leave a surplus, instead of taking $7000 out of the general, fund for handling the corporation department, as at present. - "Third The 'blue sky: bill does not apply primarily to corporations not en gaged In selling stock, and . will cost this class of corporations but little, if anything. "Fourth The bill will prevent 90 per cent of the fake companies from organizing and put the other 10 per cent out of business very soon after they begin Illegal-operations; it will , save the people not less than Jl. 000, 000 a year, now squandered on worthless se curities, and the corporations whose previous ' misconduct has made - this legislation necessary will pay the en tire cost of administering the corpor ation ia'ws with thousands of dollars to spare. , "Fifth Contrary to general ' opinion, there is no constitutional or statutory Inhibition against the amendment by the. Legislature of an initiative, meas ure, and If any vital defects develop In the "blue sky' bill they may be corrected by the 1913 session of the Legislature. "Those who - criticise the 'blue sky" bill on the ground of economy seem to overlook the fact that the cost of ad ministering the corporation laws at the present time , is about $7000 a year, which will be saved when the new bill goes into effect. . - "Also-it should be remembered that the present schedule of fees .and licenses remains unchanged and that the. revenue to be derived from corporations by vir tue of the 'blue sky bill will be in ad dition to the present revenue of about $200,000 a year. - "I am in favor of a separate depart ment to handle this branch of the state service, because it Is the only business like solution of a difficult problem. The present plan of dividing the work be tween two departments is very unsatis factory. "The 'blue sky bill will make the work of supervising corporations one of the most Important branches of the state government. - It will be too big for any man with no greater powers than those of a clerk. It should be in the hands of an official with final power to act and one -who shall serve under bond and be held strictly re sponsible for results. Such a man Is certainly worth $3000 a year.- It Is a matter of small Importance whether he Is appointed by the Governor or Sec retary of State, all bills must be audit ed by this office In either case.- "It approved by the voters the law will go Into effect Immediately after the election and if there are any serl' ous defects they may be remedied with out waiting for two years, as would be necessary If the law were enacted by the Legislature." ' Lovers of the Columbia and ,lts great snow peaks will enjoy ."The Guard ians." 1 - . ACCUSATIONS ARE MADE Abandoning Position as Chairman of Meeting Town's' Executive Takes - Occasion to Assert Co-Workers Interests Selfish. . SEASIDE, Or., July 6. (Special.) Proceedings in the Council Chamber were completely ruptured last evening over the matter of straightening and widening Bridge street. Trouble.'- which has been brewing since the fire, appeared In a new form last night, Mayor Gilbert abandoning his position as chairman of the meet ing' fn' open disgust and in an unof ficial capacity expressed his feelings fn' vigorous Vefn' on the way matters had been conducted. ' Warming' cbns'lderably at the way the act for street Improvement had been caught' on a shag. Mayor Gilbert made various accusations and affirmed that members' of the Council had been using their, off iqe, for furthering personal in terests.' .The street Improvement act has been discussed at length for the past six weeks, and, thinking that an agree ment should be reached by this time, Mr. Gilbert had hoped for a settlement, and the continued delay and disagree ment of the Council became a matter of great aggravation. Council Passes Act. After informing the refractory Coun cllmen that they were free to pass whatever acts they thought best, the Mayor ceased to take part In the meet ing, and with Councilman Henrlch act ing .as temporary- chairman, the Coun cil passed the act for widening Bridge slceet according, to the wishes of the mainrltv alnnir different lines . from those, draws Jy .Engineer Morris. This was done despite the warning of Mayor Gilhert. that the. act would be vetoed. The plan advocated by the-lHayor and Councilraen.BrallUer and Henshaw was prepared by Ulty engineer murris, i Portland. This plan provides for a t from the North Bank Depot to the ocean, directly south of the Hotel moore. ins j"K r TiyAtxek and Main streets is completely done away with by this plan, but. this feature of the plan also furnishes the principal cause ui uun- culty. To run a straight street through the offending corner, the projecting pieces of property will have to be cut m..nv. than thnft nieces not jutting out. To make an equitable set tlement It has Deen propuseu , .,.. -ov frnm nil holdings r nrnnoi-tv thim widening without w ,,.v1..-.--', - .(..iht.nlntf afreet. BliaieiiLu.i.b -' " ------- City Engineer Rogers, of Astoria, has been at work on a pian aions "' and specifications were presented-- be- . .. "1 1 1 V. fin 1UIO ItIO u u i n. . . . J a aiihmttteri hv Rogers. IJUOQU I" nt - - quotes togers on me that Rogers has made me pian i . rxt Mftiiin nf thp. Council wKh- - out having any preference for having the work done tnat way. .. .... Mayor Holds to Stand.' With" both Rogers and Morris back- vi- viawe tAr fitlbert exnresses himself as being much in favor of the maintains that his nniitinn cannot be changed or his ob jections overruled. Still in deadlock, the Council will -have tne maner muh : . - mMtin? and whether Mayor Gilbert can be shaken In his strong hold is not known. t .io.ii)1. Hffiriiltv has been by no means the first that has arisen over the Bridge-street question. .At several ........' .meetings attempts have been made to thresh out the affair, with little success, 'every proposal made before the meetings Deing usumiy supported solely by 'its maker. Thlnk- . nrnulrl ha facilitated ing mat uin-iLc. o . - and the work of the Council aided by an agreement among tne owners - m property along Bridge street. It was de- . . . . MAAtlna. tn 1AA.VA Sfittle- ciuea afc uno incw,o - -- - ment In the hands of disinterested par ties to be chosen by lot ana noiue uy their decision. This plan, which at ill A j . K nnorotlne smoothly. KirSl BCB1I1CU .v " - ' ' - - was blocked before any serious work was done by propeny-owi.trio, .. found that their action had placed them i . . i - thmiirh reckless dl!:re- gard of their Interests by the board of arbitration. The present situation places the Council in a difficult position on ac count of the bar sinister hanging over . . i . i n em. 1 1. rftviaiun. ill. nf West Seaside last Fall, the question of the city char ter 8 validity nas ncm "-,' r cent decision of the Supreme Court, In . . ,.!,. rt St. Johns by Wnicn mo ami. . . - ki,;h waa declared Illegal. Before the Seaside Council may exercise un questioned authority, the city charter - k. iraHd In a. decision of the IllUBl W - . , voters In the November election. AMERICANS ARE SURPRISED (Continued From Flrt Page.) outbursts of enthusiasm and college yells. Here flags and badges are thicker than' leaves on trees. Nearly every nationality breaks - Into a roar when its men give tne imanesi - Tnriav'a nroceeaings were a tumultuous as a college football game. Two dark-skinned delegates irom tne Orient got an ovation but found them .eivea far outclassed by their European and American brothers. A Turk, coni spicuous In a flaming scarlet jersey, brought the crescent badge to the front In the 800 meters for a brave dui oriei moment. Then he faded Into the back ground. . a toll .Tananese trailed -far behind throughout the 100 meters. Tonight a very oninani assemuiago watched the swimming event. ' Thou- 4. n in the era.ndstand be- iiwaa.u 0 side the river. The bands played Swedish music for. another gathering in the stadium.' " The social programme j.i..j.a reoentlnna dinners and con certs for every night of the Olympic The Americans A. van araui rmi, - . t tt. rltiH . Ndur Vnrlr nr. Snott r. Breckenridge, Washington, and Midshipman : M. W. Larimer, United States Naval Academy were successiui in the first round of the fencing con tests. The cycling race around Lake Malar will start at S o'clock Sunday morning. The contestants will cover about 200 miles and finish In the ' stadium fn the afternoon. Sunday s programme inciuaes: une hundred meters running, final; 800 me ters running, semi-final; 10,000 meters running, trial heats; running high Jump; tug. of war; modern pentatnion; wrestling; fencing, ana swimming. The only friction inus i.r nu uiitu the form of protests by representatives of several nations against separate en tries in the bicycling events Dy Eng land, Ireland and Scotland and by Aus -t-u and TTunearv. All the programmes are In the gwed v. T.-o-imix. - Imnoalna arreat diffi culties on the foreign reporters, while only the winners are announced, leav ing the spectators to guess at the sec- TRUSTEE SERVICE! In Bond Issues in any part of the Northwest. ' Under wills. For corporations. .. For. individuals. " Any transaction requiring the service of a third party can best be effected through a well - organized and well conducted Trust Company. Millions of business now under administration attest our efficiency and safety. '' Correspondence solicited." MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Sixth and Washington Sts. Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8. ond and third men In the' contests'. The summary: 100 meters, first heat Won by C. Luther, Sweden, by default. Second heat Won by H. Moller, Swe den; second, Szall, Hungary. Time, 11 seconds. Courtney Wins Heat. The first athletic victory for the United States was won by Ira Courtney, of the Seattle Athletic Club, In the third heat of the 10.0-me.ters flat. His time was 11 seconds. E. H. Blake ney, of England, was second and a Hun garian third. Fourth heat Won by Charles A. Rice, United States a walkover. Time, 11 2-5 se'eonds. ' Fifth heat Won by V. H. D'Arcy, England; second, R. Povey, South Af rica. Time, 11 1-5 seconds. Sixth heat Won by R. Rau, Ger many; second, Racz, Hungary. Time, 11 seconds. Seventh heat Won by W. A. Stewart, Australia; second, Aelter, Belgium. ..Time, 11 seconds. Eighth heat Won by JS.nna.Derg, Sweden; second, Vygoda, Bohemia. Time, 11 3-5 seconds. In the ninth heat of the 100 meters flat, Alvah T. Meyer, Irish-American Athletic Club, won y three . yards. Time, 11 3-10 seconds. In the tenth heat,-D. H. Jacobs, of England, won by a narrow margin, beating C. P. Wilson. Coe College, Iowa. Time, 10 4-5 seconds. In the eleventh heat, P. C. Gerhardt, Olympic Club, San Francisco, won, beating Frank Lukeman. of Quebec, Canada. Time, 11 1-10 seconds. In - the - thirteenth heat of the 100 meters flat, J. A. Howard. Manitoba, won. G. H. Patching. South Africa, was second and Harold W. Heiland, Xavier A. A., New York, third. Time, 11 sec onds. To beat Wilson, of Coe College, In the tenth heat, Jacobs, of England, was forced to tie the Olympic record of 10 4-5 seconds. Fourteenth heat Won by A. E. An derson. England; second, Rupert B. Thomas, Princeton University. Time, 11 seconds. T7.AAnh heat Hnward P. Drew. Springfield, Mass., High School, won by -several yaras; m. ii.ern, oi tier- many, was second, xime, 11 seconas. Sixteenth heat, 100 meters--Donald F Llppincott, University of Pennsyl vania, first; W. R. Applegarth, Eng land, second; Yahiko Mlshima, Japan, the first competitor from that country, was the last of the five in the heat. Time, 10 3-5 seconds, breaking the Olympic record. Seventeenth heat Ralph C Craig, Detroit Y.- M. C. A., first. Time, 11 1-6 seconds, Caldirell Defeats Lunsbi. First heat, 800 meters David S. Caldwell, Massachusetts Agricultural College, beat the famous Italian, E. Lunghl,' by five yards. J. Caulle, of France, made the pace for 550 meters, but he later dropped back. .Walter McClure,' Multnomah Club, Portland, was, outdistanced. Time, one minute, 58 3-6 seconds. Second heat, 800 meters flat P. E. Mann, England, first; Herbert N. Put nam, Cornell University, eecond. Time, one minute. 56 seconds. Third heat, 800 meters flat John Paul Jones, Cornell University, first. A. Z. Cortesao, Portugal, made the pace for three-quarters of the distance, Jones then forged ahead, finishing easily six yards in front. Time, two minutes. 1 4-5 seconds. Fourth heat, 800 meters flat Clar ence S. Edmundson, Seattle Athletlo Club, first; J. L. Tait, Ontario, Canada, second; C. A. C. Poulenard, France, third. The five competitors were closely-bunched. ' R. .Burton, of England, was fourth. Time, one minute. 56 5-10 seconds. Fifth heat Ira N. Davenport, Univer sity of Chicago, first; F. H.,Hulford, England, second. The three English competitors did good team work. R. marie the riinnlnsr for 400 meters and then withdrew. Time, 1 'minute, 69 seconds. Sixth heat, 800 meters flat Harlan Txr .-UnMen Rufpa Cnllece first; E. BJorn, Sweden, second. The Swede made a good race in the last nan out itoiaen finished easily -in front of the others. THE FAMOUS CANNON BEACH From Chapman Point Showing Haystack Rock and Elk Creek. -Eight Miles South of Seaside. Oregon. .rJZSjS&rt -V'M-. ZX&i.7?t'ir 'Ji Minus, in ii hiiioth.wiiw "THE BEACH OF A THOUSAND WONDERSw? -Reached by autos and stage, over eight miles of most grand scenic road. .- THREE HOTELS AND MANY COTTAGES ' . -Gov. West's magnificent Summer home Is on Cannon Beach, facing Hay stack Rock. Many other discerning citizens are his neighbors. Beautiful and ' most desirable lots for aale. Both Phones. It. C THOMPSON, Boom 21 Washington Bldg.. Portland, Or. The Best Low-Priced Land Possessing Those Advantages and Facilities That Mean Most to the Home-Maker Bear in Mind These Accessibility This fertile section is but two . and one-half miles from the railroad and steam boat landing at Goble, on the A. & C. R. R., and one mile from the Goble, Nehalem & Pacific R. li the latter running from the Columbia River to the Nehalem River. ' ' Good Roads From Goble to Columbia Acres is a new macadam road of high quality, with a grade similar to that of Washington street in Portland. Ideal Home Tracts They possess every requi sitebest of soil plenty of springs and creeks abundance " of fuel delightful surroundings school church rural free delivery, and last, but not least, intelligent and therefore progressive neighbors. The Prices Compare them with those of acre age elsewhere and you'll come to the conclusion that Columbia Acres is a genuinely good proposi tion. $40 to $60 an Acre are the present low' prices and the terms are most advantageous to the man of small means who is looking for a piece of land for a farm and orchard home. Come in and talk it over with us tell us your circumstances take home a contract we know our proposition will appeal to you. Take advantage while these desirable tracts are being offered at their present low prices it will cost you more a few months hence. Tract Map and Other Matter Descriptive of Columbia Acres Sent Free on Request. F. B. HOLBROOK CO. 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second and Stark Streets. Main 5396 Phones A 7507. including'a Turk who made one burst to the front with the star and crescent on his red -jersey, dui - tanced. Time, 1 minute, do onds. - - i . T n Seventh heat. 800 meters flat J. C. Soutter, England, first; Meivin . Sheppard, Irish-American Ainjenc liuh second. . The result was a surprise. . n.o "t- lishman sprinted 200 yards from tne finish and crossed the tape six jards ahead of Sheppard, who appeared to be winded in the nrst tvv. Canadian Sprlnta to Tape. Eighth heat. 800 meters flat O. M. Rrnrt. Ontario, first; James E. Mere dith, Mercersburg Academy, second; J. A. Victor, South Africa, third. It was a beautifully close race between four lmrin-Kaxnn competitors. me Can adian burst to the front a few feet be fore the tape. Time, 1 minute 57 sec onds. Ninth heat, 800 meters flat E. J. Henley. England, first; Hans Braun, Germany, second: Thomas J. Halpm, Boston Athletic ciun ana a oweuc, ncU for third place. Time. 1 minute 67 3-5 seconds. First heat, semi-final, 100 meters: Howard P. Drew, Springfield, Mass., High School, first; E. Kern. Germany, second; Ira Courtney, Seattle, and I. C Gerhardt, San Francisco, were dis tanced: Time, 11 seconds. Second heat G. H. Mtcning, boutn Africa, first; K. Llndberg, Sweden, sec ond. There were no Americans In this heat. Time, 10 -lo seconds. . Third heat Alvah T. Myers, insn American A. C, first; B. H. Jacobs, England, second. Time. 10 7-10 sec onds. Ralph Craig Ins. Fourth heat Ralph C. Craig.. Detroit, first; R. Rau, Germany, second. Time, 10 7-10 seconds. Fifth heat D. . uppincott, uni versity of Pennsylvania, first; W.. R. ADPlegarth, England, second. Time, 10- 7-10. Sixth heat G. V. Beiote, cnicago, first; W. A. Stewart, Australia, sec ond. . Time, 11 1-10. In the Javelin-throwing, E. Lemming, Sweden, was first with 60 meters and 64 centimeters; J. J. Saaristo, inland, nnA Rk meters. centimeters imvina Kovlacif Hungary, third. 56 m .a.Ao Kn tnt! meters. rn.. nMiiminarv hfLtR In the 100- meter swimming competition were be run tonight. "Duke" Kahanomoku, Hawaii, won his heat In the world s I. McGofray, Illinois Athletic Cluo, won his heat in 1 minute 4-6 seconds; icholas F. Nerich, New York Athletic Club, and Kenneth Husgap, Chicago Ahiti. AanHftHnn also Qualified for the next round as did British. German, Italian, French, Swedish and Austral ian swimmers. . . G. Hodgson, of Canada, easily won his heat of the 1500-meter swimming event, free style, in 22 minutes and 23 seconds. He beat - Longworth. second man, by about 80 yards. British, Aus tralian, Swedish and Hungarian swim mers also qualified for the next round. G. W. Geldzik, Chicago Athletic As sociation, qualified for the final In the high diving event. Fortunate the Women Who Take Advantage of R. E. Farrell Co's Midsummer CLEARANCE In Which Every Article Is Included. Note the Reductions TAILORED SUITS Regularly priced from $2.5 to $75, now at one-third and one half reduction. Entire Line of WOOL, SILK, WASH AND LINGERIE DRESSES now at one-third reduction. Reg ularly priced from $.5.95 to $60. EVERY COAT Regularly priced from $12.50 to $50, now showing 'reduction of one-third and one-half. . $1.85, $1.95, " $2.50. ' NEW WAISTS Now grouped at $1.29 GOWNS, DRESSES for afternoon and evening wear, now at one-third less. DRESS SKIRTS Regularly priced from $5 to $17.50, now at half price. Imported hand-made WAISTS AND BLOUSES of silk rhiffon and lingerie at half price. ' SILK PETTICOATS Now grouped at the C1 QC special p X J J SILK KIMONOS Regularly priced at $5.95, $6.50, $7.50, now grouped dJO QE at the special...... Pfr7J CHILDREN'S DRESSES All reduced one-third. CHILDREN'S COATS at half price. SILK SUITS, Regularly priced from $40 to $00. now at one-third less. CORSETS REDUCED All 6izes and many different models, in two clearance groups. R. L FARRELL CO. "Just a Little Different" ALDER and SEVENTH