The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 07, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 9, Image 55

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Proect Represents Expendi
, ture of $3,000,000.
Plant on Bull Run River Will
Have Capacity of Nearly
30,000 Kilowatts.
Works of Portland Gas A Coke Com
pany to . Be Among Finest t in
Coontry Daily Capacity Will
Be 15,000,000 Cubic Feet.
Beautiful Hap py
Cost of Development Will Approxi
mate $3,000,000 Entire Dis
trict Shows Activity and Many
Realty Projects Under Way.
At the present time the largest force
of workmen in the vicinity of Portland
la employed In construction work upon
the Big Sandy, north of Cherryvllle, In
Clackamas County. Over 500 men are
engaged in building a dam and con
structing a flume for the Portland
Railway. Light & Power Company.
Upon taking over the Mount Hood
Light 4 Power Company's property, the
engineers deemed it advisable to de
velop what Is known as the Big Sandy
project. It 1 estimated that the com2'
pletion of the Mount Hood property, as
planned by the new owners, will re
quire an expenditure of between $4.
000.000 and $5,000,000. -.
The construction Is under the direc
tion of Chief Engineer Hewtns, of J.
O. White ft Co. The main features of
the work are the construction of a dam
on the Big Sandy, the building of a
flume and the digging of a canal, so as
to divert the waters of this stream
through a tunnel Into the Little Sandy,
where the waters are again flumed to
the power-house at Bull Run.
The work Involves many Interesting
engineering features. The tunnel
through the mountain, connecting the
Big Bandy with the Little Sandy Is
4004 feet long, while the oanal from
the Big Sandy to the mouth of the
tunnel provides for several small tun
nels of 100 or more feet In length. At
the present time, the larger tunnel to
connect the Big and Little Sandy lacks
00 feet of being completed. From the
dam in the Little Sandy to the Bull
Run powerhouse Is a distance of three
and one-half miles. Over this ' route
there has been constructed a flume nine
by 12 feet in sise. Upon the top of It
there is a tramway with gasoline cars
to carry material from the powerhouse
to the mouth of the tunnel. A ride
upon this is most Interesting. The
flume travels along the crest of the
mountains, and beneath can be seen
the gorges and canyons of the Little
. Sandy as well as the Bull Run rivers.
As a result of this development It Is
proposed to produce 30,000 kilowatts at
the powerhouse in Bull Run. The 30.
000 added to the SO, 000 produced 'at
Cazadero, Estacaua and Oregon City,
will give the Portland Railway, Light
& Power Company approximately 80,
000 kilowatts. This Is considered more
than enough to supply the City of Port
land for years to come.
There is a great amount of activity
throughout the entire Cherryvllle dis
trict on the part of land owners, who
see in this development greater possi
bilities for the producing power of
their land. Cherryvllle has organised
a Commercial Club, and is trying to
connect Itself up with the extension of
a line of electric railway from Cottrell
to Sandy. It Is pointed out that the
several million dollars that the Port
land Railway, Light & Power Company
la gcAng to spend In the development
of its projects will make - this section
boom. It is only 24 miles in a direct
line to Portland, and with the construc
tion of the railway from Cottrell to
Sandy, a new country will be opened
and become Immediately tributary to
the city.
The location of a reservoir at the
Bull Run Station has already resulted
in a number of small ranches being lo
cated at that place. This reservoir
covers 200 acres of land, and when
completed will form a good sized lake.
It will be 25 feet deep at Its lowest
point. There has been constructed
here a large cement in-take to feed the
waters Into the penstocks and pass on
Into the turbines of the powerhouse.
When all this work is completed It
will be the largest hydro-electric plant
of the company, and there will be still
left another development which will
permit of 50,000 or 60,000 kilowatts of
electricity being placed upon the wires.
The combined hydro-electrie power of
the Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company will be as large as any sin
gle plant upon the Pacific Coast, and a
great deal larger than any other pros
pective power plant. '
Brlquettlng Plant Is Urged for
One of the greatest needs of Port
land Is cheap fuel not only for domes
tic use, but more particularly for man
ufacturing purposes. In the opinion of
Harvey Beckwlth, manager of the
Portland branch of Wells-Fargo & Co.
"Portland has an opportunity to se
cure cheap coal through the Installa
tion of a brlquettlng plant." said Mr.
Beckwlth yesterday. "There is a large
deposit near Chehalis which contains
millions of tons of coal. This coal is
of a good quality, but is subject to
air-slacking. By the brlquettlng pro
cess the water is entirely eliminated
and at the same time all the chief
qualities are retained. Reduced to
briquettes this coal Is of an excep
tionally fine grade, as demonstrated by
tests recently made. With a plant es
tablished in Portland it Is declared.
that coal can be delivered to the con
sumer -at between 26 and 26.50 a ton.
This same coal, in Us natural state,
is now being used extensively by the
Northern Pacific and O.-W. R. & N.
"Such a plant in Portland would
mean the saving of millions of dollars
to the consumers of Oregon and a
large part of the Northwest. Immense
sums of money are sent out of this
rilstrirt everv vear to foreign districts
for our coal supply. I believe that It
Is up to the business interests or run
land to Investigate the proposition
with a view ot securing an immense
brlquettlng plant and providing this
territory with cheap fuel."
' D. W. Campbell, . general superin
tendent of the Southern Pacific; C C
Colt, president of the Union Meat Com
pany, and other Portland men have
looked into the proposition and are con
vinced that the establishment of a
brlquettlng plant in Portland, such aj
has been proposed, would solve the
problem of cheap fuel for this terri
tory. Irvlngton Home Under Way.
Work has been started on a modern
two-story residence for Dr. S. B. Wright
on East Nineteenth street, between
Stanton and Knott streets, The house
will contain eight rooms, finished in
selected Oregon fir and white enamel.
The floors will be of hardwood. The
house will cost about tSOOO and will be
ready for occupancy August IS. It is
being built by Q. W. Trlest.
11 ."
4 jN i
S i" V " 9
The handsome new residence of W. J. Hofmann. at the northwest corner of Hancock and East Twenty
seventh streets. Irvlngton. was purchased last week by S. L. Tevis. of the L. B. Menefee Lumber Company,
for 216 600 The house contains ten rooms and basement and Is finely finished. The ground Is 100x100
feet. The sale was negotiated by S. R. Norton. Mr. Hofmann has purchased a- building site at the northwest
corner of Knott and East Twenty-third streets through the agency of Goddard & Wiedrick and will erect
a modern residence. r. , ' ?- .
Land Trading Continues Brisk
Throughout State.
Improved Place of 80 Acres Near
Falls CJty Purchased by T, M.
Word for $81,000 Suther
Iln Farm Brings $1 8,000.
Trading in farm lands during the past
two weeks has been active, although
not quite as brisk as In the early part
of the Summer. According to reports
received from all sections of the state,
there appears to be a considerable de
mand for small farms. Newcomers to
the state seem to be pleased with the
possibilities of the Willamette Valley.
Many homeseekers also are arriving in
Central Oregon.
One of the large sales made recently
was the purchase by Tom Word, of
Portland, p f a 280-acre farm near Falls
City, the consideration being 221,000.
There are 110 acres set to peaches,
cherries and walnuts of 1-year-old
trees. Mr. Word .plans to make addi
tional Improvements on the place. .
Colby Adams has' sold his farm of
180 acres near Sutherlin to M. Mc
Mechiel and J. Headley, recently of
Wilcox, Canada. The place brought
$18,000.- The farm is well improved and
is considered one of the best in Suth
erlin Valley.
Two years ago P. O. Jeffery, of Gar
field, Wash., purchased the J. W.
Dickey farm west of Wingvllle, in
Baker County, consisting of 400 acres.
Last year he sold 240 acres and re
cently sold the remainder of 160 acres,
nottlng a profit of $7000 on the invest
ment. A- C. Henderson, of Pilot Rock, has
sold a ranch of 800 acres In Umatilla
County to S. Randall, of Boxeman, Mont
The place Is used as a stock farm. The
price pa'd 'for the property was $18,000.
Eric Ghylln, of Bismarck, N, P., has
purchased a farm of , 30 acres from
Harry Bradley, located near Banks, in
Washington County. Mr. Ghyllq is
pleased . with the Banks district and
plans to make substantial improve
ments on his newly-acquired property.
T. A. Krugler. of Tacoma, has bought
from J. E. Oates a tract of (2 acres
near Wahanna Station, in Clatsop
County, the consideration being 210,000.
Mr. Krugler will" engage in truck gar
dening. The tract of vacant land
known as Venice Park at Seaside has
been sold by F, H. Lelghton to the Em
pire Investment Company, of Portland.
The tract contains 45 acres. The price
paid for the property was $35,600. The
land will be Improved for residence
William Williams and Herbert Bar
rett, of Eugene, have purchased a tract
of 120 acres on the Mohawk River from
George Rlgga. They have removed to
the place and will develop It Into a
modern farm,
Ben C Holt, of Walla Walla, has sold
a tract of 103 acres in the Mllton-Free-water
fruit belt to W. T. Braden. the
consideration being $12,250. The place
Is Improved
Rock, Fremont, Summer Lake, Blye,
PalslCy. Bonanza, Klamath Falls and
Chlloquin. These points are all mak
ing progress. I found Bend and Red
mond going ahead at a rapid rate. In
nearly all these places the old wooden
business buildings are giving way to
structures of a substantial character.
The entire Central Oregon country is
In a most prosperous condition,
"At Chlloquin, the present terminus
of the Southern Pacific ' line leading
north from Klamath Falls, them is a
force of about 100, men at work. Con
struction work will be prosecuted
steadily, and H will, pot be -many
months before the Natron -Klamath
Falls cut-off is completed. The great
est need of Central. Oregon is railroad
transportation. At the rate that dis
trict is settling up more railroad con
struction is bound to come. It Is ex?
pected that plans for the construction
of a line north from Lakeview will be
announced In the near future.
"In the irrigation districts there will
be bumper crops this year. The farm
ers are making progress and seem to
be generally prosperous,"
Homeseekers Continue to Flock Into
That District More Railroad
Construction Greatest Need..
"Central Oregon Is preparing to har
vest the biggest crops in its history,"
said O. W. Olson, of Portland, who has
Just returned from a trip by automo
bile through. Crook, Lake and Klamath
"An unusual occurrence for that dis
trict has been the visitation of Sum
mer showers. The rains came Just at
the TiKht time to aid the growing
crops. In sections where Irrigation is
not yet in use the shewers proved a
great benefit to both grain and hay
"There are many homeseekers arriv
ing in Central Oregon and there is
marked activity in all the districts. On
my trip I visited Bilver Lake, Fort
Lobby 40 by 40 Feet, Furnished in
Solid Mahogany, Is Index to
Comfort and .Solidity. '
Completed with every provision for
safety that modern engineering skill
commands and fitted with a splendor
that Orientals would deem extravagant.
The Annex has been opened at the cor.
ner of Washington and Twelfth streets
aq a high class family and commercial
The entrance . court, leading from
Washington street to the main lobby,
has a particularly handsome effect with
Grecian marble columns, mahogany
wainscoting and ' tiled floor with the
celling in gold. The lights flashing
through art glass are . hidden. The
lobby, which Is really a beautiful room
but with a cosy effect, is in brown, 40
by 40 feet, and all the wood used Is
mahogany.. Big leather covered loung
ing chairs add to the air of luxury.
Of the 138- rooms, 70 have private
baths. Each floor is furnished in a
different style with fittings that were
specially manufactured In the East. The
Napoleon suite vies with the Louis
XIV, although the one fitted with satin
walnut furniture is considered by many
to be the more elegant. The carpets
and all tapestries harmonize with the
furniture in each suite, and the halls
are richly carpeted.
One feature of the building that, ap
peals to a guest is the solid concrete
stairway absolutely fireproof, conveni
ently located to every corridor. The
building also Is entirely constructed of
reinforced concrete.
With both telephone systems in every
room the conveniences of the guests are
provided for In many ways. The hlghr
est cli8 service is afforded In the grin,
and a first. class buffet is located on
the Twelfth-street side, with entrance
from the lobby. The hotel is owned by
the Annex- Hotel Company, of which
Henry. W. Fries Is president and F, P,
Williams is manager.
Grade Crossings on 0.-W, R. &
N. to Be Eliminated.
. -a ; v. .
Territory on Either Side of Halaer
to East Eighty-second Also - to
Get Streetcar Jjlnes Rapid . '
Growth Is Predicted.
With the elimination of grade cross
ings on the O.-W. R. & N. along the.
eastern boundary of the city, a big
building movement s well as a public
improvement programme will take
place In the Immediate . future. The
railroad eompany will spend a large
sum in lowering its grade between the
intersection of its line at Sandy road
and East Eighty-second street and in
installing viaducts.
. The establishment' of grade crossings
at the principal arteries of traffic will
make it possible to provide an immense
district with streetcar extensions at a
nominal cost, besides eliminating dan
gerous traffic conditions. The prop
erty owners in this district are anx
ious, to have these improvements made
as soon as possible, and virtually all
of them have signed an agreement with
the railroad, company waiving claims
for damages.
The Halsey-Street Improvement Club
has organised a movement to secure
better transportation facilities for the
district south of Sandy road and east
on either side of Halsey street as far
as East Eighty-second street. It Is de
sired to have an extension built frem
the Sandy road line to a point south
on East Sixty-seventh or some other
street about midway between the in
tersection of Halsey and Sandy read
and East Eighty-seepnd street A line
running east and west through the dis
trict is also sought.
It Is estimated that about 20,000 peo
ple will be directly benefited by the
proposed Improvements. In addition to
a big building activity that it is ex
pected will take 'plaoe within the next
year in the various residence add!-.
Hons, It is probable that several ware
house enterprises will be established
along the O.-W. R. N. right of way.
A community center of considerable
proportions is springing up at East
Eighty-second and Halsey streets, Re
cently three .store buildings were com
pleted and other business buildings are
planned. A block near this center was
purchased last month by J. L, Schute,
of Seattle, for $5000. Mr. Sehute plans
to build a factory for the manufactur
ing of incubators and poultry utensils.
It is expected that the plant will em
ploy between 50 and 60 men steadily.
"This entire district will make bla"
progress during thei next two years,"
said J, Fred Larson, of Umbdenatock
Larson Company. "The plan to lower
grade of the railroad company and to
eliminate grade crossings by the cob.
structlon of viaducts wJU mean much
for the district.
Work Is progressing rapidly on the
new $3,000,000 plant of the Portland
Oas & Coke Company. The site com
prises 45 aores lying between the Spo
kane, Portland & ' Seattle bridge and
the Government moorings, and has a
frontage of 1800 feet on the Willam
ette River.
- About 15 acres of the property has
been filled, bringing the site for the
buildings up to a 34-fopt level, which
Is one foot above the extreme high
water mark. This is also on a level
wjth the S., P. A S. tracks. , A' spur
is now being 'built from the main line
to the property. It will be completed
next week so that it can be used for
the Immediate delivery of material and
machinery from the East direct to the
site of the plant. .
There has been dredged from the
river channel immediately In front of
the property 200,000 cubic yards of
dirt, which was used for making the
fill for the building sites. The fill
reached an average height of IT feet
Leading directly from the wharf to
the filled portion of the property is a
trestle SO feet wide. This struoture
will make it possible to provide ample
facilities for water shipping. The
wharf and trestle have Just been com
pleted. The plant will also have direct
shipping connections with the Sv P,
& s. -
"By next Christmas the first unit,
with a dally capacity of 6,000,000 cubla
feet of gas, will be In operation," said
Manages Pabst yesterday. "The mate
rial for the tanks and machinery Is
new being shipped from the East and
work will be started immediately on
the buildings. - The buildings will be of
reinforced . conerete construction and
as nearly fireproof as it is possible
to build them. The plant will be as
modern and complete as any in the
country. Everything- about the plant
will be first class. The buildings will
be of architectural beauty, while the
grounds will be given landsoape treat
ment to conform with the City Beau
tiful plan to be carried eut, in Pprt
land. - , .
; "With a generating capacity of
000,009 feet available by' the close of
the year, we will be enabled to dis
continue operations at the old plant at
the foot of Glisan street not later than
April of next year. After that date
we will be ready to dismantle the old
works and to hurry the completion of
the new plant. The new plant, when
entirely completed, will hav a dally
capacity of 16,080,000 cubic feet. This
will be 9,000,000 double feet over our
present dally capacity. The district
gas supply holders will be connected
with the trunk main leading from the
new plant and, with the exception of
these tanks, all city works will be
abandoned, thus eliminating the smoke
In addition to the pew plant the
company . Is building a three-story
reinforced warehouse on the quarter
block at the southeast corner of Sec
ond and Flanders streets. When this
building is completed the warehouse
and 'gas- holder at Fourteenth and
Couch streets wljl be dismantled. The
new warehouse will be equipped with
all modern appliances for the handling
of material. The building will have a
red pressed brick facing and will be
built to carry two additional stories.
The stable at the northwest corner ef
Second and Flanders streets is being
converted into a garage, which will be
used for the storage of IS auto trucks
and five touring cars. The company
has abandoned the use of teams en
tirely, believing that with the use of
automobiles and motor trueks it win
be enabled to reach outlying districts
to better advantage. The garage and
warehouse will be completed and
ready for use In about two months.
,' ' Country Schoolhouse to Rise.
Plans and specifications are being
drawn for a schoolhouse, 85x83 feet in
else, with basement, for the Plainvlew
district, in Multnomah County, by Arch
itect Newton C. Gauntt It will eon,
tain one large classroom and a play
room Jn the basement. The. contrast
will be let Jujy
Concrete 6tblQ Completed.
A two and one-half-story concrete
stable, 100x100 feet, has been com
pleted by Thomas Hlslop on I?no5
avenue and East Salmon streets, at a
cost of $15,000. Modern plans were fol
lowed for safety, sanitation and lights
throughout the structure.
Albany's "Hub" Is Typifying.
ALB ANT,' Or., July 6. (Special.)
The "Hub," typifying Albany's prom
inence as a railroad center of the Wil
lamette Valley, was a leading feature
of the decorations for the big Oregon
B'ectrlc celebration In this city last
Thursday,' and as a prominent part of
the 'hub" display the hub of a wagon
which crossed the plains to Oregon In
I Mm lts V" i . t" -
Here the country and the city meet. Here you have all the ad-
antsges of ths country combined with practically all the con
veniences of 'right " downtown. " Parkrose is the place for
YOU. It means a better living for your family and more chance
to get ahead- And think of this a Parkrose acre costs co more
than a good city lot a whole acre, remember. It is right in the
pathway of Portland's growth just beyond Rose City Park
Before yon know it, you are the owner of several choice lots.
It's- a good investment for every man. Investigate Parkrose
today. .
Slauson - Craig Company
Successors to Real Estste Department of Hirtmaa & Thompson
304 Oak Street, Opposite Commercial Olub
1149 was Bhown in. the parade. This
old hub, which has been carefully saved
as a historic memento of pioneer days
in Oregon, was plaoed in a glass case parade
and arranged on an automobile float
by the First National Bank of this City.
It attracted great attention la the
Deep Water Seaport,
Railroad Tenulnus
on Tillamook Bay
Here are the factors that will make BAY CITY
Oregon's second metropolis:
The new jetty at the entrance of Tillamook Bay.
The deep channel direct to BAY CITY.
The Panama Canal (all three to be finished about
the same time1914). "
The 35,000,000,000 feet of timber tributary to Tilla
mook Bay. This represents a pay roll of $320,000,000
to haul and eut the logs to lumber.
The Transcontinental railroads. One there now and
another built one-third the way.
The dairying industry of Tillamook County.
The fisheries. '
As sure as roses grow in Portland, Bay City will be
Oregon'? second metropolis.
LOTS $65 to $1500
On Very Liberal Terms
Call or write for particulars.
701.2-3 Spacing Building ,
Commercial Center of the Middle Canadian West
We are building a country here in this most rapidly grow
ing portion of the American Continent. Calgary is the com
manding center of . this great territory the heart whiub,
receives from all portions of the tributary region a quota
of the wealth which they produce and in turn distributes to
them necessities and luxuries gathered from the marts of the
world. Over X80 wholesale houses sending out one thou
sand traveling salesmen from Calgary each week, testify to
this fact. If you are looking for a new and inviting field
in which to engage in business or manufacturing, Calgary's
opportunities will attract you. Write me for individual
Andrew Miller, Industrial Commissioner, Calgary, Alberta
Splendidly located near Portland, on United Railways. Fast trains, week
end rates, COMMUTATION TICKETS. Near town of North Plsins, Else
trie light, pure' water, improved streets, modern buildings. Ideal locatioa foi
( Tor literature write or tall at office of
Main 5076. or A 3774. 235 Stark Street, Portlad. Orefoa.