The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 07, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 7, Image 53

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1(1 ONE YEAR 20,000
To Pass Up
Value of Shipments Abroad in
Last 12 Months About
mule France Leads World, Cnitcd
States Surpasses All Other
Countries in Rapidity of
Growth of Production.
Statistics compiled by the Govern
ment shows that more than 20,000 auto
mobiles were exported in the fiscal
year Just ended. Their value, includ
ing parts and accessories, amounted to
approximately (27,000,000.
This statement is necessarily in
round terms, as the Bureau of Statis
tics, upon whose figures the estimate is
based, has at present detailed figures
covering only 10 months. They show,
however, nearly 17,000 automobiles ex
ported to foreign countries endlngr with
April, valued at I1S.500.000; parts there
of. $3,250,000; tires, sent separately
from machines under the head of ex
ports of rubber manufactures, moro
than $2,000,000, and automobile engines
$376,000, making a total for the 10
months of practically (22.000,000, and
. fully justifying the assertion that for
the full 12 months the total will ap
proximate and probably exceed 127,-
000,000. This figure Includes only the
exports to foreign countries and is ex
clusive of the 900 machines sent to
our non-contiguous territory, valued at
about $1,000,000.
This total of $27,000,000 worth of au
tomobiles sent out of the country In
1912 is in marked contrast to the fig
ures of a decade ago, 1902. which, by
the way, was the first year in which
the Bureau of Statistics found the ex
ports of automobiles of sufficient Im
portance to Justify a separate record.
The total for that year was less than
$1,000,000. An Increase of $26,000,000
has been made in 10 years.
The growth in exports of automo
biles from the United States has been
especially marked during the period
since 1905, this development being
coincident with the expansion of the
domestic Industry and a corresponding
' decrease in the imports of automobiles.
Thus in the period from 1899 to 1904
the value of domestic manufactures of
. this class of articles increased about
$26,000,000; from $5,000,000 in 1899 to
$30,000,000 in 1904, while in the period
from 1904 to 1909 the value of the out
. put increased practically $220,000,000,
from $30,000,000 in 1904 to $249,000,000
In 1909. Accompanying this marvelous
growth In production, the imports of
automobiles decreased from $4,600,000
. in 1906 to $4,750,000 in 1907, to approx
lmately $2,500,000 in 1912.
-While France still leads the world
In exports of automobiles, the United
States surpasses all other countries in
rapidity of growth of production and
exportation. For example, our own
exports of that class of articles have
- Increased from $5,000,000 in the calen-
dar year 1908 to .nearly $20,000,000 in
. 1911; while in the same period those of
France Increased from $24,600,000 to
$31,700,000; those of the United King
dom from $7,600,000 to $15,500,000; those
of Germany from $3,000,000 to $11,
000,000, and those of Italy from $5,600,
000 to $6,100,000. Thus in the brief
three-year period from 1908 to 1911
there was an absolute gain of about
$15,000,000, or 300 per cent, in exports
from the United States; of $7,900,000,
or more than 10 per cunt, in those of
the United Kingdom; of $8,000,000, or
. 2S per cent, in those from Germany,
and of $600,000, or slightly more than
. 1 per cent, in those of Italy.
Approximately 25 per cent of the au
tomobiles exported from the United
States are shipped to Canada, about 40
per cent to Europe, chiefly Great Brit
ain; about 0 per cent to Australia,
about 8 per cent to South America and
smaller proportions to Mexico, the West
Indies and various countries In Asia,
Oceania and Africa.
During the ten months ending with
April, the latest period for which fig
ures for distribution are available, 4716
automobiles were exported to ' the
United Kingdom, 4424 to Canada, 3034
to British Oceania. 1282 to South Amer
ica, 849 to Asia and other Oceania
ports and 1502 to other foreign countries.
Good Roads - Slogan of Farmers,
Writes Cottage Grove Dealer.
As evidence " of the Interest mani
fested by residents of the rural dis
tricts in the Pacific Highway, now
known throughout the country as the
"Road of Three Nations," a letter from
3. F. Hickey, manager of the Nesmlth
Auto Company, of Cottage 'Grove, Or,
states that the route of the Interna
tional road through Pass Creek Can
yon now is In good condition.
"I would like to state for the bene
fit of those who anticipate traveling
south over the Pacific Highway that
the road now is passable for automo
biles." writes Mr. Hickey to The Ore
gonlan. "Any machine can get through
without the aid of teams, as was here
tofore necessary in negotiating Pass
Creek Canyon.
"A great deal of Interest is being
taken in the Pacific Highway by the
farmers in this locality. They are do
ing everything possible to put the road
in good condition and hope to have
It macadamized by Fall, so it will be
good for all vehicular traffic through
the Winter."
The Cottage Grove automobile
dealer concludes his letter with the
statement that good roads is the motto
of all In the Pass Creek country.
Several Delegates and Families Use
Cars to Reach Convention.
More than a score of Elks from vari.
ous parts of Oregon. Washington and
California will attend the gathering of
Elkdom after a Journey by auto. Sac
ramento will have two families of Elks
here, which will make the trip, by
Dr. J. N. Keene, of Medford. who has
been here more than a week, and after
a rather rough ride from the Southern
Oregon metropolis, is taking in all the
side trips around Portland before the
active week of the Elks' celebration
begins Jn earnest.
E. S. Bargelt, of Marshfleld. Or..- Is
also making the trip to the convention
by auto. He is expected in some time
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mosher, of Se
attle, and their two daughters will
make the trip from the Sound city by
auto, arriving Monday probably.
Mr. and Mrs. w. 8. Bruce and their
son and daughter. Warren R. and Miss
Helen, were considering the trip from
Boise, Idaho, stepping here on their
way to Gearhart. Or., where they usu
ally spend the Summer,
Winning the 500-inile race at Indianapolis should
demonstrate to you the reliability, power and longevity
of the National car. "- .
The National car you buy off our salesroom floor is
direct from the factory, through the race test to you.
If this great 500-mile race was the only event the Na
tional had ever won you might be inclined to Bay "racing
luck," or "a flash in the pan.",. But this Win is the cul
mination of the greatest racing campaign in the history
of the motor car.
When we say a better car than the National could
not be built we have every proof to back up that state
ment. ' -
We do not sell you a racing car. We do sell you a car
embodying the principles found perfect, and able to stand
the hardest of tests. We sell you a car that has proved
its superiority over all others.
The National is the criterion in every respect for 1913.
With left-hand drive and center control, long wheel base,
deep, luxurious upholstery, self-starter, tire pump, in
tegral part of motor, gas and electric lights, long, low
bodies of beautiful design and finish; long resilient
springs, powerful but flexible motor, noiseless and com
fortable, no other car offers greater service or enjoyment
than the National.
The' National is the most renowned car on earth, and
enjoys the greatest prestige because it is able to crown its
past achievements, such as World's Stock Champion, with
the International Championship.
The 500-mile race is a positive test where the Na
tional's quality is proven to be the best, most reliable and
durable. " - ,
' - '
Howard Auto" Go.
Seventh and Couch Sts.: -MEL
G. JOHNSON, Manager
This is the Car
If you want power abundant power for all possible requirements each
MICHIGAN model is a masterpiece of its particular type. All that anyone
can ask in style, speed, power, comfort and dependability are embodied in the
If you want a big car, a car that fulfills every demand under all conditions, an
automobile in every sense of the word, choose a MICHIGAN "40" TOURING
Select your car today phone us for a demonstration pick out a rough, hilly
stretch of road and y6Si will say that you never saw a' better behaved car at
double, the price. " ,
Test its speed and reliability in every way FORGET PRICES, just imagine it
a $2500 carand judge it from that standpoint alone.
No matter what you want in an automobile, you will find it in the MICHIGAN
less the high cost. -
5 MODELS, $1350 TO $1850
Late Auto Models Strive for
Ample "Leg Room' Also.
and modify the dome lights, and by
an Ingenious system of switches, either
of the interior lights may be cut off
at win.
. v ... - -
ichigari Auto
& B
uggy Co
Upholstery on Seats Costly and Rich.
Brocades of Heavy Silk Used In
Limousines Xew Cars Also
Generate More Electricity.
luxury, niceties and refinement are
three of the chief features embodied In
the latest automobiles. The open-body
cars have ample leg room in the ton-
neau; the closed bodies rival the most
palatial of the railway parlor cars.
mis year the lenKtheninar of the
whole base has given opportunity to de
signers to add the extra six inches to
the depth of the tonneau, which. In
many cases means the difference be
tween being cramped and absolute
ease when riding. The foot rails of
1913 the ones that extend across the
bottom of the tonneau and afford a
chance to rest the feet and steady
the body in going over rough roads
are heavier than they were last year.
Some of them are built on hinges so
that they may be folded down against
the floor when not In use. The coat
rail on the back of the front seats
is also Improved and protected so it
can do no damage to clothing.
' Springs Are Improved.
The most practical improvement Is In
the character of the springs and up
holstery of the tonneau seats. It had
been found that the additional weight
of the after portion of the car nec
essitated heavier springs under the
body, and this reacted by making some
of the cars rather hard riders. To ob
viate this difficulty without affect
ing the chassis itself. It was deter
mined to- Install better springs and up
holstery in the tonneau seats to coun
terbalance the Btlffness underneath. In
deed, the' back and sides of the more
expensive 1913 tonneaus are upholstered
as richly and beautifully as costly
The pockets for storage of small ar
ticles are placed a-.trlfle higher on the
doors of the tonneau than they were in
1912. and . in some cases are made
deeper and fuller, having a water
proof flap two inches longer than formerly.
The pockets are large enough to con
tain a route book and . other articles
of similar size. There are usually only
two of them in the tonneau, but In
some cases two small auxiliary pock
ets are placed on the sides of the seats.
Limousines Are Luxurious.
One small improvement consists of
stout straps, ' located at the sides of
thetonneau, just back of the doors, by
which the passengers may hold steady
in going over rough roads.
The added beauty and luxury of the
current limousine models, particularly
In accessories, is notable, and In cars
specially designed .for feminine use
the materials are wonderfully fine
brocades of heavy silk occasionally
covering the interior of the body to
make an unusually rich contrast with
the seat material, if it be soft leather.
The lighting has developed a step
further. The dome light, back light and
side lights for 1913, will be more pow
erful.' owing to the greater amount of
available current. Many of the big
cars generate their own current, and
those which have no generators, draw
their current from cells. Frosted
globes are used extensively to shield,
Columbia Car Made 14 Years Ago!
. Affords Interesting Contrast.
Featuring the travel and vacation
show In Grand Central Palace, New
York, recently, was a Columbia auto
mobile that was built 1? years ago and
gave 14 years of service. Battle
scarred, but still capable of operation,
the old car Is far from resembling the
motor car of today.
- For its day and date it was a re
markable achievement. The wheelbase
is short, but when first built its length
seemed eternal. The steering is by
pivots in axle paws. Full eliptlc
springs, tiled steering wheel, left-hand
drive, wire wheels and a two-cylinder
vortical motor, mounted in the rear of
the chassis, almost directly underneath
the seat, are features of the old relic.
The motor Is cooled by both water and
W. A. WILDRIUK, Manager
With Perfection of Storage Battery
Lamps Are Success.
Of the many accessories to the mo
tor car owner, that of supplying an
electric light system Is at the present
time the most attractive.
"The great advancement in this line
within the last two years is surpris
ing," says Stanley Clenence, of Chans
lor ft Lyons.
"With the commercial perfection of
the storage battery and of the high ef
ficiency Tungsten electric lamp has
. MMiirlatsMS limi T1 U. li-22, livt
hold the
road like
a spiked
You are per
fectly safe on
wet, slippny
pavement if
car is equipped
with the '
non-skid tire
Distributed Vr
344 Burnside Street
81x-cyllnder, lake wood body, fully
equipped, perfect' oondltion used
only three months, good as new.
Cost $6150. Will sell for $4260 cash.
Address R. D. WILLIAMS, Apt. 34 K,
Hampton Cenrt Apts San Francisco,
369-71 Hawthorne Avenue
PHONES -East 1422, B-1345
arisen an urgent demand for dyna
mo which will deliver a suitable charg
ing current to the battery when driven
at varying speeds from a railway car
axle or from the engine of an automo
bile. - r. V , t
"It is characteristic of dynamos of
all ordinary - types-that their current
output and voltage varies with their ro
tative speed. Both the problem and the
demand are illustrated by the fact that
in the past SS years some 500 patents
have been lssused on various devices
for controlling the output' of train.
lighting dynamos driven f rom tneaxie.
Yet a railway train runs ordinarily
from 40 to 60 miles an hour and very
rarely below 30 miles an hour. An
automobile runs from 12 to 60 miles an
hour." ' ' "
In South Australia, Victoria, South
Wales and Tasmania the good roads far
exceed the bad, wnlle heavy and neg
lected roads are becoming fewer with
each succeeding year. The ordinary
Australian road will allow an average
speed of 23 to 25 miles being main
tained by a car of 20 horsepower with
out knocking the car about.
,. -
Speed Comfort Safety
in driving this car
' .'-, , .
The Cartercar rides easily and is very quiet, because it
has no gears to make a noise or jerk the car.
The Friction Transmission is remarkably simple com
posed of only t,wo units. . It gives any number of speeds v
. and is controlled by one lever. i
; Simple, easy control and three strong brakes are,fea- ;
tures which mean safety.
- Cranking and bother are eliminated from starting by
the excellent self starter. Ladies can easily operate the
Cartercar. - " ' '.-. 1 ' '
Every part is simple and strong;. The car is reliable
under all circumstances. '. ,. ... . ' '.
Full floating rear axle, three-quarter elliptic, rear
springs, chain-in-oil drive, and many other features.
Five good models Roadsters, Coupes, . Touring Cars.
Let us send you catalog explaining all details carefully.
Cartercar Company
Pontiao, Michigan .
Seventh and Couch Sta. Portland, Oregon
Phones Main 2320, A 7207
What Rim-Cutting
Costs in Tires
An Average Waste of 23 Per Cent
We sent men tcTa plant which' dealt" with old
rubber. They examined there thousands of ruined
tires, of nearly every make.
And they found that 23 per cent of the "old-type
tires of the clincher tires were rim-cut.
Some were slowly wrecked by running ' soft
Some were wrecked in a moment -by running flat.
They-proved that nearly one-fourth: of .all tiro
upkeep was due fo rim-cut tires.
All Needless Waste
No-RIm-Cut tires end this- loss
forever. Out of overl.250,000 sold
not one has ever rim-cut.-
All -the cost and worry of rim
cutting is now a needless waste.
In this way alone' these patent'
. tires afford an average Saving of
23 per cent. "
Then No-Rim-Cut tires the
new-type tires ana 10 per cent
over the rated size.
And that 10 per cent oversize;
nnder average conditions, adds 25 .
per cent to the tire mileage.,
That's another saving.
These two features together ;
No-Rim-Cot and oversize cutthe
average tire bills in two.
200,000 Users
Some 200,000 motor car owners
have proved ont Goodyear tires.
About one-third of all' can use
As a result, No-Rim-Cnt tires
now far outsell any other tires.
The sale today is 12 times larger
than three years ago.
Yon are paying, twice too much
for tires nntll you use this type.
Our 1912 .Tir Book based oa
13 years of tire making is filled
with facts you should kaow. Aak
u to mail it to you.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
10 Oversize
With or Without Non-Skid Tread
TM Company has no connection whaterer with any other -
rubber Mnrarn whl. k wu V. .
w wwuiw nmtttmw
PORTLAND BRANCH, 62 Seventh Street.
Phone, Pacific Main 2190, Home A 4016.