The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 07, 1912, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 52

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Tetzlaff, Road Race Champion,
Will Endeavor to Win
Laurels Here.
.ilia . mi : & - mi mm
Eelnman and Frltcli "Will Add to At
traction at Auto Moot Here as
Will Silas ChrtBtotferson
Who Will Make Test.
Featuring the two-day autorfoblle
race meet at the Country Club track
Tuesday and Wednesday, will be a
match race between Barney Oldfleld
and Teddy Tetzlaff. the two mos:-popu-lar
racing- drivers In America. The race
will be over the ten-mile course.
By virtue of hts victory in the Santa
Monica road race, Tetilaff has the title
of road race champion of the world.
Oldfleld's superiority as a dirt track
pilot has never been questioned.
Advance dope figures Oldfleld to come
out victorious because of his superior
knowledge of track driving and his
utter recklessness when rounding the
curves. Tetalaff, however, displayed
championship form when he broke all
records In the Santa Monica race and
It was mainly due to his intrepid work
on the bends that he carried, off first
Oldfleld will probably drive a Benz.
It was in a car of this make that
Barney achieved most of his fame,
which has endured through all the
years. Even though he haa been out
of the game for a long time, he still
retains his Immense popularity with
the public.
Another treat is on the programme
In the shape of the fastest motor car
ever built. This Is Oldfleld's latest
acquisition. It is a 300-horsepower
Christie. Coming with Oldfleld are
Helnmann. with a Ben, and Bill Fritch.
Cino factory pilot. Helnmann won un
dying fame by his spectacular victory
In a recent Vanderbilt cup race. At
that time he was driving a Marmon.
Eight events will be run each day.
Bid! WHS - " " " " , I
Tetzlaff still sticks to his Fiat. This
. .L . 1.1.1. V, wftn tha title I
is 1.11 e car m wwivw .- -----
of road race champion of the world.
He drove the Flat in the Santa Monica
road race, coming out victorious, and
finished second with It in the interna
tional sweepstakes at Indianapolis. Me
morial day. .....
The Flat team Includes, in addition
to Tetzlaff, Hewlett, Verbeck. Hill and
Maggino. '
Eight events will be on the pro
gramme each day. They will be from
live to 151 miles In length.
At no time have Portland people been
given the opportunity to see so many
famous automobile racers in one meet;
In fact, this Is the first real automo
bile race meet that Portland will en
Joy. While the automobile races naturally
will overshadow all other sports here
during the Elks' convention, the fact
that Silas Chrisofferson will give two
flights in his Curtlss aeroplane each
- day should not be lost sight of. Chrls
tofTersop will attempt to beat the time
of one of the automobiles around the
circular course. The Vancouver air
man jumped Into the front rank of the
world's aviators recently by beginning
a flight from the roof of the Multno
mah Hotel. It was the first time In
the history of man's attempts to con
quer the air that an air pilot had the
courage to start oft the top of a large
building in the business section of a
city where danger lurked at every turn.
On paper It looks as If Oldfleld should
prove the star driver of the meet. Bar
ney was the original pioneer In the
dirt track game, in regard to auto
mobile racing. He has followed this
' branch incessantly for several years
and has been acknowledged without a
peer in this field. This will be the first
time that Oldfleld will be seen In com
petition on a dirt track since he was
reinstated by the American Automobile
Association a few weeks ago. Just
whether he retains his old-time skill
and daring remains to be seen. It has
often been said that "they never come
back," and with truth, too, but this
axiom never has been applied with full
lores to this particular sport.
Oldfleld's driving in the Santa Mon
ica road race was not as good as many
expected. He explained this, however,
.by pointing out the fact that all the
luck of the race went against htm; that
he had lots of mechanical and tire
trouble and, further, that the fortunes
of racing do not always fall to the
same man.
Tetzlaff is anxious to make a name
for himself as a dirt track driver. In
an effort to satisfy this ambition the
Los Angeles boy will go against time
in several distances. He seems to think
that tho Country Club track was Just
. made to his order. Anyway, he pro
nounced it the fastest mile dirt track
he ever saw when he visited It while In
Portland recently. This view of the
course decided for him and he an
nounced that he would try to break the
recoris for the one, five and ten-mile
distances, providing weather condi
tions were favorable.
Among th local drivers who will
shine at the meet are Frank Tauscher,
H. J. Groat and Dundee. Tauscher
will drive his special Cole racer. Groat
will pilot a Stearns and 'Dundee will
drive the famous "Whistling Blllle," a
White creation.
Tower and Evans, whose names are
linked with record-breaking perform
ances with Flanders and E-M-F cars,
will be here with all their dash and
enthusiasm. As drivers in like car
events these two men have gained a
noted reputation for spectacular and
speedy driving.
Each day's sport Is scheduled to start
at 1:30 P. M. Special train service has
been arranged for.
u-iip , , i n
More Firestone Tires are sold on
personal recommendation than any
other make of tire. This is no flash-in-the-pan
Harry Brant Made Record for
Seattle Half-Mile Track.
Washington Rider Made Lap on
Conntry Club Course In 50 Sec
onds- Special Car Service Ar
ranged for Rose City Line.
Harry Brant, one of the Portland
motorcycle racing cracks did a round
of the half-mile track at the Seattle
Club's meet July 4 in 32 seconds. The
Portland boys went up with the inten
tion of showing the Sound riders how
to race and they sure did it. This was
the fastest time that has ever been
done on the Seattle track, and is with
in two seconds of the world's record
for that distance. In the three races
that were run off on that day the Port
land crew took two. Brant winning the
three-mile open event, and Ed Berreth
taking the three-mile stripped stock.
The members of the Portland race
committee that made this trip have
made arrangements with Zwtck and
two other of the boyg from the Sound to
enter this afternoon's meet. They have
been practicing on the local track for
the past two days and are well pleased
with the opportunities for making
speed Among the entries from out of
town that are here are R. Knudson and
Ross Cummlngs, of Spokane, both fast
riders, and showing up very well in
the preliminary workouts. -
The racers have been usingjhe track
for the past three days and some very
good time has been made. One of the
Spokane boys did a lap In close to 50
seconds Friday afternoon, and miles
win be reeled off in that time or bet
ter, as the track Is in perfect condition.
All of the turns have been baDked for
eo-second speed and many hope to see
the local record of 48 seconds for a mile
equaled this afternoon.
Special car service has been ar
ranged over the Rose City line from
Third and Alder streets, and as there
were fully 4000 people at the last meet
the cars will begin to run early this
time in order to handle the crowds.
The $300 worth of cupsthat were
bought for the winners in the races
have been on exhibition in a down
town Jeweler's window for the past
week, and will be awarded at the close
of the races. J. B. Lindsay, state ref
eree for the Federation of American
Motorcyclists, and treasurer of, the local
club, will officiate as refereeand C. L.
Mensles. H. W. Relbensteln and A. L.
Short will Judge, while the timers will
be E. 3. Jaeger, B. Campbell and H.
Jaeger. The Pathe weekly will have a
machine at the track to film the meet
While Roy Brown was thrown and
hurt at the Seattle races it is probable
that he will be in shape to enter this
afternoon and those that reoollect his
gritty driving of a Merkle at the last
meet will welcome him on the track.
Locally Berreth, H. Zob, Roy Brown,
Harry Brant. Vern Maskell. Fred No
watny. Gala Peppell and I T. Dean will
be among the drivers. In the big
seven-horsepower race there will be
eight starters, more than have ever
entered a meet before on the Coast.
Fast time Is assured and some very ex
citing races should result. At the last
meet e. mile was done In S4 seconds
and this should be bettered, as there
are more entries, consequently more
competition, and the track Is in better
shape. ". j '
Charles Splltdorf Gives Timely Hints
on Ignition.
The following timely ignition hints,
given by Charles F. Splltdorf. of mag
m u th autolsta many
an hour. Regarding the length of the
spark gap whlcn a spars: piug enouiu
have, Mr. Splltaon avises mo
- .- m-na t-v vikn n the manufac
turers of the magneto In use direct.
Too long a gap for magneto use, ae
says, tenas to cut aown .me
current and also to reduce the heat of
the spark.
"If the igntl on system of an old or
second-hand car proves to be erratic
anil Ulna 11 r hutteries at an alarming
and expensive rate. It ia a good plan
to look caretmiy arcer.ine winug :iu
particularly those wires leading to the
t.." ..MaT-e. Mr. SDlitdorf. . "Gen
erally they will be found to have be
come oil-soaked, or so naro mai iuey
are covered with fine cracks, which
permits serious leakage of the electric
current. In this case, renew the wir
Doctor Rnns Machine 8S68 Miles at
Total Cost of $24B.a?.
This seems to be the open season for
dealers exhibiting testimonials of the
low cost of maintenance of the cars
they . represent. In hls connection,
Fred Howe, ' district head of J. W.
Leavitt Sc. Co, Is pointing to an unso
licited letter that the Overland people
have received from Dr. William M.
Hoon, of Champaign, 111. -
Dr. Hoon's maintenanoe account for
8.8S3.6 miles, made during 24 months.
Is as follows:
Repairs. 7.15; gasoline. $51.5:
lubrication. $18.28; tires, $B.(0; clean
ing, $6.75. making a total of $$42.17. or
a monthly average of $10.91.
The Jeffersonvllle (Ind.) Automobile
Aeni1fttlnn haa chftna-ed its name to the
Clark County Good Roads Association.
and the organization win devote us en
ergies toward road Improvement, the
prosecution of those damaging the road
and Interfering with automobiles.
2 .
Oil V i Vr
4, .
Daring Auto Driver Expected
at Meet July 9 and 10.
Pilot King,. Now at Butte, Thought
by Portland; Promoters to Be
Willing to Ship Powerful
Cars to' Portland Event.
Although negotiations have not been
definitely concluded it looks reason
ably certain that Barney Oldfleld will
be the star attraction, at the two-cay
automobile race meet at the Country
Club track July 9 and 10. M. C. Dick
inson last night received by telegrapn
the terms of the pilot king and an
nounced that in all probability the race
committee, of which .he is chairman,
and Oldfleld will be able to find terms
mutually agreeable. . He made no se
crecy of the fact that he would not ac
cept the terms stated In the telegram.
. "Oldfleld Is coming here anyway for
the Elks' convention, and I am positive
that he will enter the meet," Bald Mr.
Dickinson. "Oldfleld is now In Butte,
where bv will race July 4. It will be
an easy matter for him to ship his cars
to Portland. I anticipate no trouble
have been consistently acknowledged leaders for a period of more than
12 years. Not an off-season has marred their quality-giving history.
Back of this success has been nothing but consistent, persistent,
service-giving quality of material and manufacture.
This extra quality adds about 5 to first cost,-but adds an average
of 35 to mileage service, car protection and comfort
Specify Firestone Non-Skid Tires for xmapproached SECURITY
and ECONOMY under every condition. Edges, angles and vacuum creating
hollows of extra thick tread grip the road, radiate the heat, increase traction,
add resiliency, protect car mechanism, give longest service. .
The service record of Firestone Tires is your sure guide to
Most Miles Per Dollar
Regarding Rims, Firestone Quick-Detachable, Demountable Rims are
universally acknowledged correct in principle. They alone have passed the
experimental stage.
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company
"America's Largest Exclusive Tire and Rim Makers"
AKRON. OHIO . AU Principal Cities
Distributer in
P " -
whatever in concluding- negotiatlbns
with him."
Powerfnl Cars In String.
Oldfield's string Includes a 800
horsepower Chadwlck, said to be the
fastest automobile: in the world. Ac
companying the daring racer are two
well-known drivers, whom he did not
name. A powerful Bens and a giant
Mercedes complete the string.
Besides the noted dirt-track racers,
Teddy Tetzlaff, Caleb Bragg and an
unnamed driver with a Fiat are among
the racers who compete here.
"With Oldfleld and Tetzlaff we will
have on our programme the two "most
famous automobile pilots in America,"
said- Mr. Dickinson. "The meet will be
part of the official entertainment of
the visiting Elks and undoubtedly will
be the most spectacular part of their
"Fortune is playing into our hands
and I consider it a good stroke of luck
that gives us the chance to bring these
two men together on " a dirt track.
Tetzlaff won the last Santa Monica
road race because of his daring work
on the curves, and. this stamps him as
a good dirt-track driver. Oldfleld, of
course, is the - champion of them all
when It comes to circular track driv
ing. He alone furnishes enough sen
sational bursts of speed to hypnotize
the spectators.
"Oldfleld now is driving a 300-horsepower
Chadwlck, the fastest automo
bile ever built."
Official Are Named.
The meet Is being held under the
auspices of the Portland Automobile
Racing Club. The officials for the
meet, announced yesterday, are as fol
lows: .
Referee, W. J. Clemens; judges, M.
C. Dickinson, Waller Chanslor and J.
B. Yeon; starter, C. H. King; assistant
starters, I H. Rose and R. L. Blodgett;
American Automobile Association repr
resentative. H. L. Keats; umpires, Sol
Blumauer, E. J. Clarke, R. D. Inman
and Mel Johnson; timers, A. E. McKay,
Oliver K. Jeffery and Elliott Corbett;
scorer, Charles Mead; technical Com
mittee, H. L. Keats, H. M. Cpvey and
John 8. Beall.
King on Washington Trip.
C. H. King, sales manager o'f the
Keats Auto Company, now is .on a trip
that will take him to the principal
agents of the Keats Company in Wash
ington. Mr. King left last week, his
purpose being to find out the demand
expected for Chalmers, pope-Hartford
and Peerless cars for the coming sea
son. Mr. King stopped in Tacoma long
enough to be an Interested spectator
at the automobile races. He will re
turn to Portland In a few days.-
1013 U-C-H Will Be Fitted Wltbj
Five Electric Lights.
Full equipment figures prominently
In the 1913 model thus far announced
by motor car manufacturers. The
makers now realize that the purchaser
demands full equipment end in the ma
jority of Instances they are complying
with the demand.
The latest concern to announce Ha
1913 equipment is the R-C-H. It In
cludes five electric lights, non-skid
tires all around, Warner auto meter,
top fitted with Jiffy curtains, top sP
cover, rear vision mirror and robe rail.
This is the first cheap car to have as
Its standard equipment all those ar
ticles named above, and the announce
ment illustrates a trend of designers'
Ideas for the coming season.
Is the "Real Thing" in Auto Value
Priced at
J ' j
48 Horse Power
Wheel Base
36-Inch Wheels
Demountable Rims
Don't pay a thousand or so more when
the Mitchell Six at $1950.00 repre
sents trueio1163 value. Everything
you need and want in an automobile.
You can't get . the . same value within
$500 or $1000 of our price. f
Other Models at Portland
$1150 to $2450
i Ma
East Morrison St