1912. NroKTur rf AnfT atsitv trr cranberry bedre attractive Hundreds, Who Would WORTH BEACH. Wash... July S.- iJ More than a mert pleasure resort Is North Beach becoming though indeed wbether on the beach (or plea' nre or duty if far better than the elty for the whole year around. But the cranberry Is invading North Beach with alarmin? speed. Hundreds of people interested In cranberries will visit the beach this year if for no other reason.- But it Is a (food feature and the faet that the Pacific Coast is entering .the industry as a rival of the Atlantic Coast is all the more interesting. - The cranberry bogs afford excellent pleasure trips for the bearh visitor, for It is new. It le Interesting, and it Is a sure thing, and, most of all. the people are interested. Cranberry bogs do not exactly belong on a society page, perhaps, but lnas much as at -present It blda fair to be. come a great fad with beach people, It's excusable. Once the plants are started well the production is almost perpetual, with gains each year.-dependlng on the care, etc The soil is of -s peat mainly and very damp. Heat kills as would drouth. Men with money are taking hold of the industry. This undoubtedly- wm mean that they will build elaborate Summer homes for their .families and ultimately the upbuilding of the en. tire beach along metropolitan lines, The Naselt River, which is one of the several little streams on the east ern side of the peninsula, affords an excellent place for a day's outing. The fishing Is fine, as one of the pictures on the page today will testify. It ll a picture of F. H. Irwin, of the Break. " ers Hotel, who caught BO flsh while on a trio there Wednesday. Many of Portland's oldest residents spend their Summer on north jseacn because, they say,, they "like to get way from the commercial parts of life awhile." and on North Beach there is ample room to make a selection, Many persons came to North Beach Wednesday, making the trip dowq on the Potter in its maiden voyage of the season. The day was moat dellgntiui. At the Breakers Hotel the following were registered for the week ending July 2: a Blue. Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert, Mrs. N. B. Gregg. H. Dunfenfield. Seat, tie: Mr. and Mrs. Mackensle Gordon. Ban Franclsoo: Bert Grlesh, Mrs. H. L fitribling, Christine Hubbard, Spokane: Mrs. W. G. Alklre. Springfield, Hi. Many reservations have been made by Seattle and SDokane people for July, Captain and Mrs. .J. J. Reynolds and baby daughter, Mrs. Reynold's sister, Helen Barnes, and Mrs. Johnson were among the beach arrivals at the Break ers. They came down on the first trip of the Porter and have opened their cottatre for the Summer. Mrs. L. A. Cruikshaok and son. with Miss Lena Dranza. are living in their cottaee at the Breakers. Mrs. B. Fickett, of Portland, will pass . the Summer en the beach. Mr. and Mrs. L. & Logan and Wanda Logan have returned to their beach home from Portland. Mrs. D. Schloth and her daughter, Miss Hannah Schloth, have opened their beach home. Mrs. Edward Hume and sister, Miss Elsie Hamilton, and their maid have ' taken up their Summer abode at Beaah Center. Thomas Moran has returned from a visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harris and chil dren. Mary. Gertrude and Bingham, Julie and John Piatt, will pass the next two months in the Harria cottage. A pretty, new, brown bungalow on the ridge at Tioga is occupied by Mrs. C. U Echoenfeldt and son, Arthur; also her parents, Mr. and Urs. D, A, Morris. Mr. Bchoenfeldt passes each weak-end at Tioga. Mrs. E. L. Shaffer and two nieces, Verda May and Mary Watson, are lo cated in their Tioga cottage. " Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mumford, whose new beach home is Just finished at Tioga, have moved into it. They come from Pendleton. E. L. Smith and family, of Pendle ton, are Jiving in a cottage next door to the Mumford home, Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffery and their daughter, Bessie, are located in their Summer home. William and Jean Blake are down at Long Beach for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Murphy, with - their two children. Dolores and "P. K.," are residing in their new cottage at .Long Beaeh. Mrs. John O. Thomas and children and nieces, LUlle. Helen, Susie and Elisabeth Hicka, have takes cottage at Long Beaeh for the next two months. The Hosford cottage at Long Beach is occupied by Mrs. R. U. Steel and two " children. They have Mrs. A. R. Stringer. Jr., with them also. Three sisters. Mrs. John Qutnn, of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Eppely. of Cornelius, and Mrs. C. D. Lafburette. of Oregon City, are passing the Summer in Mrs. Quinn's cottage. Mrs. A. Cunningham, of Castle Rock, Is visiting friends en the beach. Mrs. J. Withers and family are lo cated at Beach Center. The Portland hotel register for the week ending July I; Charles Kirkland. Frits Lupton, A. A. Wright, C. H. Boothby, H. JL Newhall, L. M. Coleman, C. E. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. B. Chrla teson, Mr. and Mrs. C E, Haienson, all of PoKUu.ii.Miss J. Shoultes, Marys vine. Wish.; J. C. Jones. C K. Barker, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Buffum, all of Seat, tie: H- C. Sohumaoher, Marysville; James Athertop, London, England;' R. M. McGregor. Glasgow, Scotland; John Qerten, Raymond: -W: -H. Burrage, 6un nyslde: Mrs. F. .Henry. , Seattle; C, J. Stack, Lopg Beach, Cal.; George f, Crum. Raymond. Wash. ' . Mrs. F. Sealey. whose husband 1 with the Sealey-LoweU Company, has taken up her residence at Beach Cen ter. At the Driftwood for the week end ing July were the following: Jack 11c Cord, Gladys Scarth, Charles B, Stur gis. A. A. Wright. T. C. Frasier, T. H. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Jones, Devils Lake, N. D.l C. H, Wright and Ellas Pierson. South Bend. L. D. Thomas, with his family, re looated at Beach Center. Mrs. Ed Glancy, with h,er daughter, Edna, and two cousins, will occupy their new beach, Ijome for the first time this week. Miss Evadtna Hager. who attends school In Vancouver, Wash., has re- turned to her home here for the Sum mer. The following Portland people were registered t the Long Reach Hotel for the week endlng'July t: Mrs. C. C. Nepple and Miss Olive Nepple,' Mrs. Robert Bettner, Mr. and Mrs. E). L. Nor rls. John C Dunning. Theodore C. Dun ning. T. C. Jones. Syracuse. .N, T.; Syl vester Thomas, Eugene; Mr. and Mra. E. D. Baker, Vancouver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. John II. Secor, Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Petersen, Walla Walla; Joseph Gribbler, Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Norton. Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Whitaker, Raymond; R, Schleber. Seattle; E. E. Laralleur, Sa lem: J. P. Keil, Seattlel Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mumford. Pendleton: Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Barkman, Raymond, - Wash. Mr, and -Mra. Charlea Davidson,- of Portland, and friends, Mrs. ' Robert Arenson and Mra David E. Cohen, are in the "Eleanor" eottaga for tht Bee- son. Mr. and Mrs. John Budelman have temporarily closed their beach home. The little place known as Seaview is growing Into a well-populated vil lage which boasts, a picture show as a new acquisition. Mr. and Mrs, Horaae Mecklin are numbered among the late arrivals to pass the Summer here. They are in the H. K, Albee cottage. Dr. MoCracken. of Portland, with Get Away From Busy Whirl Mrs. McCrackea and Mr. and Mrs. Rob. lnson, will Summer in the cottage be longing to the latter. Mrs. Allen Todd's cottage- ia opened for her for the next two months. Mr. and Mrs. T- C. Elliott and family, of The Dalles, are Scavlewers. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen have rent ed a cottage for the season. Mrs. lone Buchanan has come to the beaeh for the Summer, Mrs. H. E. Vernon, with her family, have located at the beach for July. Hugh Glenn, with his daughter, Mrs, Crelghton. both of Portland, are num. bered among the beach population. One of the cottages belonging to Tim Hoare is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. William Parker. . A crowd of youngsters had what was really the first bonfire party of the season Tuesday evening. Those in the narty were Donald Hanson. Merrltt Williams, George Pauley, Curtlss Hoare, Helen Stout, Gretehen Jackson ' and Julia Hoare. Ida and Ver Simmons elalmed distinction as being hostesses. Miss Stewart chaperoned. Mr. and Mra. Hackney have the fol. lowing people at their house for the ween ending July Z: Mra. Dan Keua her. May Coon. D. D. Sweet Mrs. L. Burch, George O. Durham, E. J. Dur. ham, T. C. Dunning, Mrs. 'Edna Wood and son, Russel, and baby daughter. Henry Johnston. Mra. R, K. Chanlng, Jr, Miss Blanche Burke, all of Port. land; John C Pupning, Providence, R. L Among the first to make the delight- ful trip to North Head this season were the following people: Mrs. Walter Mc Monies. Mrs, Rachael Gates, Miss Edna Gates, Miss Marjorle Gates, Miss Terja McMillan, Miss Gladys Scarth, John Gates, E. M. Rowley, Clayton Stearns and Walter McMopies. . They drove from Ssavlew to North Head, then to Dead Man's via the lighthouse., Mr. Stearns and ili Scarth led the party on a seven-horsepower motorcycle owned by the former, making a good trip over a difficult road. At the -snelburn House the list ef guests ia a follows: Mr, and Mrs. A. Lawson, Frederick M. De Neff, Greteh en Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Scott and daughter, Mr. and: Mrs, John Ditchburn, R. C. Lewis, H- L. Robin son. M. G- Flynn, Madge Riddle, Mr. and Mra. H. A. Biddle, Mra. F. a. Ste venson, Doris M. Stevenson, Q, O. Hol land, all of Portland; Glen F. Holland, M. Holland, Frankfort. Ind.i.J. A. Otleson. -Chinook; F. N. Heath and Ar thur Strand, Ilwaco; Edwin N. Melner- ney...W. A- Crawford,- The Dalles. Mrs. pedman is acquiring her usual Summer crowd, as follows: Ray Bai baqh. Mlssea Laura Hastings. A. Stan ley and Mrs, Frederick A. Hemmingson and Master Jack, all of Portland; Mrs. O. P. Brlgham, Mrs. C. G. Bryant, Clara, Bryant, Mrs. H. T. Fraser and sen, Hugh, Mrs. F. A- Colllnes and daugh. ter, Audrey, all - of Hermlston, Or.; William Henry, Seattle. A large sh. net caused wide specu lation Wednesday and Thursday at this week and so far is still at sea. It was to be seen drifting near shore and. thinking, of course, it had broken loose from its moorings, a few men attempt ed to pull it ashore gt low tide by get ting a repe tied tu the inner line of the net and attaching a four-horse team to It. But it wouldn't budge, either because it wa so heavily loaded with fish, loaded down by sand or some unexplained reason. it was t nought probable that the owner himself had beoorne entangled and met his death herein, The lire-saving crew from Fort Canby patrolled the water Br there for-some hours, but eould, find no traces. Ail of North Beach Independence day celebrating was done at Long Beach, where a programme was given, with musical numbers, recitations, races, speeches and various contests- The day ended by a big opening season (Jane and roller skating- : NECANICOC YAGHANT STItE.Sf Summer Visitors at Coast Plsepver ltlver's -Course Chgnges. SEASIDE, Or., July l,(Speola.)r Have you ever walked along the shore from Seaside to Gearhart, and when you get to the Necanlcum River find a man sitting in a row boat who will ferry you across? Well if you have not been to the beach fos two years, and should come now and take that same walk you would say to yourself: "Why have they moved the Gear hart HotelT Why the river waa oloser to the hotel when I was down last Summer, I know It was, for don't you remember it was audi a long way from Seaside to the river ' and now, why you're just half way when you cross the river." . And then' you are tojd that the Na. canlcum River, slowly is wearing a pew bed for itself. In fact it has very recently changed Its course, for in the last week it has moved south 100 feet. of Commercial Life, Find Industry at Pacific Seashore Is itsj mmiimnn .wiljim jiMMH,tuwseses'''iWftn'yf'' y um l is r -s-JP' v s- ? k -1: Z f$x ' The . river constantly is wearing the southern bank away although in Sum mer more so than in Winter, when the southern current ' fills ' the mouth of the river about three m.Ue back and of course gives it greater power return lug. , . Thursday was the last day that the T. W, C, A. girls passed at the beach, For the last ten days they have, been combining pleasures with lectures, meetings and the conventionalities of the- convention. There have been several conventions held at Gearhart-by-the-Sea during the last few weeks, but none brought such a lively set a did the T, W. C. A. One afternoon the crowd, numbering more - than - 100, walked to Seaside, and people of that place wondered who were the invaders. The University Of Washington was represented by the largest number of delegates.' There was one Indian girl, who represented the Chemawa School. Following is the list of girls present: Misses Marguerite Allan, Qf Boise; Anna V, Amundsen, of Seattle; Birdie Ander son, of Sumnen Wash,, Mary p. Ander. son, Spokane; Isabella Austin, Seattle; Viva Baldwin,. Coeur d' Alone Idaho; Vera Berger, Tacoma; Ann Barrett, Ta coma; Mary - Bash. Seattle; Harriet Bates, Missoula, Mont. I Mrs. C. A, Be mi a, Seattle; Elizabeth Boles, New. York City; Mrs. C. S. Bowie, Tacoma; Edith Brenneman, . Bozeman, Mont.; Raymond Brooks, Walla Walla, - Wash.; Fannie Brown, Great Falls, Idaho; Jeanette Buckles, Chemawa; Mrs. E. B. Burrell, Seattle; May C. Callahan. Waltsbyrg, Wash.; Eva M. Campbell, Sherwood; Elizabeth Chesney and Elisabeth Clara han. of Seattle; Lolo Cox, Toppenlsh, Wash.; Edna Cody and Winifred Coe. Seattle; Lucy and Ellen Crawfbrd.'Lald law; Helen Curtiss, Rheubens, Idaho; Edith - Davidson, Everett, Wash.; Mrs. Frank Davis, Tacoma; ' Gertrude Eakln. Salem; Luella Dufrasne, Ta coma; Edna Elder, Tacoma,; Rose Erd rleh, Seattle! Robert Ewing, Madras, India; Vera Findlay and Elizabeth Fox, Seattle; Kate Flegal, Eugene; Gladys Freeze, Mlsspula. Mont-; Ruth Fulmer, Port Angeles, Wash.) Marie Fullmer, Pullman, Wash,; Bianohe Funk and Frances Gage, Seattle; Viola Goldener, Missoula, Mont. Llnette Graham, Se attle; Mary Gunn, Wenatchee; Edna Harvey, Eugene; Clara Hartzog, Lake view; Elsie Hays and Mrs. James Hays, Tacoma; Lulu. Heist, Salemi Ada Hill, man, Tacoma; Louise Herman, Gene see, Idaho; Jennie Houston., Mlssoyla, Mont: Dorothy. BelUngham, Wash; Clarlbel Engle, Hendrick. Idaho; Mary Irvine, Albany; Beth JoHpstonat Seat tle; Mrs. Gertrude Jay, Charlotte Jones and Eva L. Jones, Spokane: Jean Jud son. Great Falls. Idaho: Mrs. Kerkow, Seattle: Nora Kiaar. -Philomath Mrs. Elers Koch, Missoula, Mrt; Ada Kraus. Seattle.; Ada Lrsdn, Focatello; Grace Lawson and Aim Leonard, Tacoma; Eunlee Lewis, Newbergi Mrs. Thomas Lippy and Mrs. Grace Master, Seattle; Annabelle Ldchart. Great Falls; Wini fred Long, Tacoma; Laura Lyman. Day. ton. Wash.; Margaret McCloskey and Carrie H. McKee. McMlnnviile; Elsie Malette, Putnam, Wash.; Esther. M. Miles, Kewberg; Edna Miller. Mabel Oman, Esther Pedersen, Eleanor Rathe, Katharine Reynolds. Mattia Rose, Rev, H. L. Smith, Besse Sprague, Emma Thomas all of Seattle Wllatta, -Eugene, Winifred Meyers, Tacomarlnez Moore, Bozeman, Mont.; Maude Meyers, Em mett, Idaho; Delia Parrish, Newbergj Grace Paul, Caldwell, Helolse Phillips, Philomath; . Adeles Poels, - Billings. Mont.; Lucie, Rathvon, Marysville, Wash.; Iva. Raymond, Caldwell, Idaho; Ruth Reese, Everett; Gertrude Reeves, Lebanon Jessie Rich and Lillian Rog ers, Great FHs, Mont.; Edna Rowell, Spokane; Mrs, Eva May Rupp, North Yakima, Wash,; Frances Scheels, Ta coma; Ethel Scheldemantel, Wenatchee; Winnie Schramm. Salem; Florence Semmea, Aberdeen; Mabel Water, Bell- 7 'pa s. 'i 2 ingham; EiUabeth BmUh,' QrandYlew; Zella Soults, Eugene; . Anna borenson, Nrth Yaklmai Sarah " Bnrlnger ' and Helen Stafford, Seattle; Elenor Steph enson, Spokane; Jessie Teitora, Kiam atb Falls: Mildred and Ruth Thomas, Forest Grove; Hazel Tooie, Oregon City; Gladys Tucker, Everett, Waah,; Florenoe Tunnard and Graqe Tunnard, Tacoma; Carrie Varker. North Yakima; Frances Wakefield, Washington; Elate Waldron, Bellingham; Grace West, Po. i-atoilo: JpBFaleen Wilkins and Maud Wilkins, Missoula,: Mont; and the fol inwinr from Portland: Ruth Young, Ruby Weyburn, Mary Weird, Mrs. B. Aj Thaxter, Annette Sullvah, Ruth and Gertru-de r Stone, Louise Stephenson, Lola G. Smith. Cecil Miller, Ermel Mil ion T.vaia Mvrloh. Mae Norton, Jessie Mnt tine-ham. ' Mabelv Personet, Helen Pollard. Lulu Pratt Helena Saxton, Arta Andersen. J. H. Boyd, Louise Boyd, Marion ' Briggs. Martha Case, Florence Cleveland. Marlon 'Connolly, Mildred Frost Nina Graves, Esther Hettinger, Carrie Holbrook, Mabel F, Lewis, Minnie Masters. Miss Millie Schloth arrived here from Portland to pass the week and her friends urged her to give an exhibition swim. The word was passed quickly and at the time set a number of per. sops from Seaside .were present to watch the. : swimmer. . Miss Schloth gave the various swimming strokes, showing the advantages of one and dis advantages of another, diving feats and showed speed from one end of the tank to ths other, The Norrie cottage la being occupied this month by l$rs. Aroe. n4 several U Mrs. Bert Ball and her sister, Mrs. Mulr, together. Wltn tneir mumd, Walling, and their children, have taken a cottage at the beach for the Summer. Mrs. Ross, with her sister. Miss Ag nes Watt have returned tothe beaoh after a visit to Portland.. They have thet cottage at Gearhart Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Storey, with their sister, Miss Luta Briggs, the lat ter of Atchison, Kan., are occupying one of the 8uttrul4 cottages for the Summer. . ,,, Mrs. William J Morrison and. chil dren, of Holladay avenue, have arrived at Seaside, where they will pass tho Summer. . . Mrs. Frank A. Spencer and her son are occupants of ope of the Butterfleld cottages, - ' C , j Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Doyle and children have Cfrmfeaslde to pass the month of July: They are living In the Piper i cottage o the board Mrs G. T. ' Trommald, of Hassalo street with Miss Poulssn, r Visitors at the beach and wia remain the next moQth ' L-'-" '"" ' ' - " j. W. Morris, civil engineer, of Port land, is passing a, tew days ftt Seaside. Mrs, I, K, Levy and her daughter, Miss Luclle.s have :taken - the Ramon QMr's. Cohen and daughter. 'Miss Leah. hava. opene heir cottage, the Crow's Nest a pretty home on a knoll back (a the trees. --; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rosenfeld and daughter, Delphine, are located in the Fullam home' forthe Summer. Mr, and Mrs. Dean Hayes, of Eugene, are at the Moore and have been visit ing many Of their; Portland friends who are at the beach thia month. . Miss Minnie Fleisoiipep haa left the beach to spend he next month at hey home in Portland. - Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hill, who occupy the Sandhurst eottaga, have vacated it for a couple of weeks in order to be on hand la Portland for the Elks' con vention! -.,' ' -' , , Mr. and Mrs. E-VH. Meyer and Miss Maginnis and the Meyer 'children, are In the Lingerlonger No. 2. . At the "Glentar" cottage are lodged Mr. and Mrs, E, P, Noousi- Dr. and Hrt Loeke and family, at , Bival of Atlantic, as Well as ,1 i4n ' 5 "4 t , t i t i -1 'J Portland, have moved . Into their cot tage, the Lockhayen. for the Summer. Melville Meyer, of Portland, was the guest at the J, I. Fleischner home for Mra'nd Mra Sigmund Schwabacher, with her two children. Miss Minna and Max, of San Francisco, are the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bornstein. J. W. Cummlngs, of Delta, Col., who is passing some time in and about Portland, took, a trip to Seaside this Mr. and Mrs. W.' G. Brown, of Kan sas City, who were among the first of the big expected- crowd to arrive in Portland, Journeyed on to the beach for a few days tho past week. Mrs. Waite and family, of Portland, are occupying the John Mannans cot tage at Seaside. Mr, and Mrs. I. Borpeteln are enjey. ins; the use of their seven-passenger oar. . Mrs. M. Parker, of Portland, is visit ing her mother, Mrs, McGuire. Colonel John Adair, of Portland, is passing the week at Seaside. Ed Labbe Of Portland is at Seaside, superintending the finishing touches to 0?L f jr. Convenient N Thermos Bottles A wonderful pleasure to Auto jnobilists, hunters, travelers, fishermen and invalids. In fact, they are a great convenience to anyone. Keep contents hot 24 hours, cold 72 hours. In case of accident to bottle, a. new filler can be "bought at a moderate cost. All Swes and Styles Carried !iifi! il l I '111' Hawkeye Refrigerator BALLOU WRIGHT - SO-82 Seventh 3k, automobile; accessories Pleasure Resort, Interesting r his father's beautiful home in Mount View park. At Locksley Hall for the week end Ing July 1 the following names are to be found on the register! Mrs. W. D. Carlisle, I A. Carlisle, Morrlston Devereau and Mrs. Devereau, C. Tag. geresell, J, F. Youngferdorf, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Elsie Adams, all of Port land; Mrs. Charles Olson and son. New York; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wyndham, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hobbs, Chicago; George James, Hood River; Dollle JDean, Great Falls; Miss Al Newcomb. Seattle; K. Cedarholm, Great Falls; J. B. Wilson, C. Dahlatrom, Portland. Mrs. T. H. Comerford and two chil dren,. Bernard and Marlon, are living In the Rlsley cottage, Mr. and Mrs. G. Q. Forbes. Harold Jory, William BartleU, Miss Edna Emmell, Miss Goldie McElroy, Miss Helen Dupertuia, George Simpson, and Ihe two Otto boys were a merry crowd of picnickers who went to Gearhart one day last week. They are all of Willamette University, Salem, G. Fisher has taken the Knelling cot tage for the Summer, and later his family will come down. Miss Leone Cass Baer, accompanied by her sister, Mrs, Edward Traoey Bemis, and her little daughter Leone, of Billings, Mont., have come to the seashore to pass the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Helberg and family will pass the Summer at their cottage, the "Helberg." Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Blaeslng and family will soon open their cottage, the "Royal Knoll." built high on the banks of the Necanlcum, Mr, and Mrs. H. Greenland, with their guest. Mrs. J. A. Norman, have thrown open the doors of "Content" cottage. At the "Gerias" cottage for the past ten days have been Mra W, D. Plue and son Gerald and his CPualn, Earl Burton, ' . C. C. Lonius and his son have been down to open their cottage near the footbridge over the . Necanlcum. Eugene R- Orinshee and Armstrong Orlnshee, of Walla Walla. Mrs, Harriet G, Bates and Lawrence Bates, of Mis-1 soula, Mont.; Mrs. R, E. Bohaeffer, of ecessities N Lunch Baskets No. 0 93.50 No. l....,.$450 No, 2...... $5.00 Jjarge size for run ning: board, 810 to $15-00 Corner Oak, Portland, Oregon MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES Because of Sandy Shore, r Portland; Mrs. Alma Mueller and daughters Norma and Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Penner, all of Salt Lake City, were registered at the Necanlcum Inn for the week ending July 1. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McGregor, of Astoria, were visitors the past week at the "Rob Roy" cottage. Mr. McGregor Is collector of customs at Astoria. Mrs. I. A. Potter and family have taken the "Gladiola" cottage for the Summer and have had as their guests so far this season Mrs, Grant McDonald and son Grant Jr. Half ownership in the Colonial Hotel, whioh has been owned entirely by Mrs. Coniff and her son, haa been acquired by C. V. Moody. Mr. Moody passed the Winter In Portland, but a year ago managed a Summer resort in Northern Idaho. The Colonial register for the week ending July 1: Mrs. Brown and daugh ter, R. W. Morris, J, E. Heath and daughter. W. H. Fuller. C. F. Elvln. Alfred Bennett. J. C. Keldow. Mrs. J. A. Tierney, Miss Viola Kuehn, C. S. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Hyer, all of Portland. Mr. Hyer, Just mentioned, is an aviator and is the one who was to have made flights on the Fourth and during the Elks' convention in Port land, but his machine met with an ac cident. Also the following registered: F. H. Brlndett, Isle of Wiprht, England; F. G. Wilson and R. G. Brown, of Scappoose; W, L. Crabtree, of Kamalah, Idaho; Misses C. C. Lester and B. M. Mcintosh, of Spokane; Paul Grelner. Condon; Lena Sophy. Astoria; Fred Thomson, San Francisco. Mrs. Van Nice, of 7J7 Broadway, with her two little sons, have come to Sea side to remain all Summer. They are in the "Caroline'' cottage. Mrs. H- E. MacConaughey and daugh ter. Lois, of Oakland, Cal., with their guest, Miss Mllle Schloth, have been staying at Captain W. II. Patterson's "Sea Breeze" cottage. Mrs. Leroy Getze, of Cornelius, with Billy and Kdna Patterson, will occupy the "Sea Breeze" cottage during Au gust. Mrs. Getze is a daughter of Cap tain U. H. Patterson. Mrs. E. W. Wright and two sons, Ted and Bill, are now to be found In their Summer home near the mouth of the Necanlcum River, "Natonla" beach house is In the pos session of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Morgan and sons, of Irvington- Mrs. F. H- Peterson and children are living in "Uneedarest," the Seaside Summer home belonging to Mrs. Peter sen's father, J. 8. Appleby. Mrs. John McCraken, of Portland, visited her son, Robert McCraken, at the Hotel Moqre, the past week. They left the latter part of the week for California, Other Portland guests at Hotel Moore for the week ending July 1 were H. A. Van Aunninge. D. A. W. Lean. Mrs. J. L. Baur. G. W. Parker, Mrs. Philip Grosamayer and son. Jack; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Krause. Mrs. B. It. Niooll. Mrs. M. E. Pierson, Mrs. F, C. Thomas and son, F. D, Waddells, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walton, O. A. Rltan. J. M. Millard. W, 8. Johnson, Charles J. Mc pherson and W. G. McPhersou, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Frederick and son, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. ! and family. U E. Gregory, Mr. and. Mrs. T. W, Rodah lng. Dr. and Mrs. B. N. Wade. G. R. Williams, W. J. McLel'an, Clinton Jen sen. J. J. Fallen. J. E. Morrow, Lee Grubbs, Mclnrosh. M. Lonsdftle. Miss Saxon, George Rlohart, C. O. Lavltzer. W. C. Johnston. Ford Tayley, ltay Holly, Leone Cass Baer, J. C. M. Shet terley, R. C. F. Ashbury, Robert Mc Craken, Miss Bonita Stroud, Mrs. Har rison, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jones, Web ster, N. D.: Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Monro, Seattle; Mrs. Frank Keith and Mls Ruth Keith, Missoula. Mont.; Mrs. T. B. Swltzer. Bozeman; Fritz Lupton. Chi. cago; Mrs. Harry Newman, Astoria; Mrs. O. S. Bressler, Omaha. Neb.: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. DaLalthe, Minneapolis; Mrs. Rose Stephens. Troy, O.; Edward j. Carter, Mrs. M. Dawson, A. Masio Singleton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Col. vln and family, all of Bpokane; C. J. Clarf and Mra Clarf, Chicago; Flor. ence I. and Estelle Ryan, St. Paul. Minn.; Hulda Guerber, Illllsboroj Montana Hlrschey. Dillon. Mont: Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Krause. West Point Neb.; Mr. and Mra John Pierce. Green town, Ind.; Lawrence Harris, New York: E. E. Gray, Chicago; Mrs. Ems hof, New York; J. L. Mllup, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Nugent, Big Eddy; ea"- Little, Astoria; Aleck Angus, Ral. nier; Mr. and Mra Lee Darwell, Kan sas City,, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Woolston", Denver; J. C Jones. Seattle; Mrs. E.- F. South wick, Boston, Mass.; Mrs. Edward Tracey Bemls and daugh ter. Leone, Billings, Mont. Gearhart. Mrs, Crouthera, of Portland, who has a cottago at Gearhart for the Sum mer, has with her her mother, Mrs. Denton, of Brownsville. Mr. Crouthert is a week-end visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Lombard have ts. tablhed their Summer residence In their beach home at Gearhart. Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Simmons, of Hall forTourists Dusters For Summer w ear, ranging in prices from $1.50to $15 Classy styles. They look well and protect your clothes, caps, gloves, etc. CRADLsH T LUGGAGE. y . PARTNERS 1 ' hi 1 - TJiia earner is all iteel, solidly adjusted to any ear. Price ....93.00 Trunks for touring, dustproof, with or without sep arate suitcases. Prices $17 to 840 Spare Tire Trunks.,..,..,..,, $9.0O up A