SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL, MUSIC AND SOCIETY VOL. XXXI. SUNDAY MORNING, -PORTLAND, OREGON, JULY 7, 1912. NO. 27. Delightful Luncheon Served in Our Tea Room, 4th Floor -Special 25c Lunch Served Daily in the Basement Ice Cream Parlors, Etc., in Basement Large Assortment B. P. O. E. Decorations, Flags, Souvenirs, Pennants, Postcards, Views of the City and Rose Carnival Elk Ties, Hosiery, Etc. 1 All Visitors Welcome Visitors to this city are Invited to make headquarters at this store Meet friends here, use our rest rooms, writing' rooms, retir ing: rooms, telephones, mothers' room or nursery and emergency hospital in char gr e of graduate trained nurse. Our big- audo-. torium on fourth floor will be used as an emergency rest room during: the convention. All parades pass this store. ' Tou can spend the day here in comfort. OMs9 Wortmiam&Kumg Occupying Entire City Block Bounded by Morrison, Alder, Tenth and West Park I - .-. : . " " : "i Great $6000 Voting Contes t 21 Cash Prizes to Be Given to the Most Popular Societies, Churches and Charitable Institutions Votes With Purchases Ask for Them WillametteValley Interurban Cars Stop at Our Doors Before coming: to the city write or phone to your friends to meet you at our second- floor rest rooms. All city cars transfer to this store. Our floor men will cheerfully give information about the city and assist you In any capacity within reason. Parcels checked free at our accommoda tion department, first floor. Spe cial guides will be provided those who wish to fro through this en tire store, which is the most mod ern in Uia West. Ecfco.o-.o- cr-o- B L o x o o o p 53 To) 12)0 We Ourselves Are- Be t ter Served by Serving Others Best Visit This Store The Mercantile Show Place of the Northwest ElkTiesfor Men Whether you are an Elk or-not you should wear an Elk Tie. "We have them in real royal purple, neatly embroid ered in white, for only 25 S 50, $1.00 Lingerie Dresses , For Women $6.50 to $95 Garment Store, 2d Floor, Southwest. A complete and well assorted stock of women's beautiful lingerie and marquisette Dresses neatly, trimmed with Valenciennes, cluny, filet, Irish embroidery, Bhadow and heavy laces, also dainty French hand made and hand embroidered dresses with high and low necks, with 6nort sleeves, many come in tne new pepmm, tunic ana nouncea ei J fects; some have silk sashes. In all the best and most ' varied assort- r j c ai. i n : ta assf U1CUI, UJ. UaUilJ UrCMCfi 111 LiiO I J HI till HI ao- SJ - mm m prices ranging for this special sale at from $6.50 to.p0 vvr Tub Dresses at $4.50 Each ' Garment Department, Second Floor, Southwest. A very special sale of women 's"Tub Dresses of marquisette, linene and -ging ham materials, styled with Dutch necks and short sleeves; dainty striped ging- hams are trimmed with bands of plain material and lace insertion-; the marqui settes in neat stripes, have lace collar and plain bands; the in- ( enes eome in white and eolors, neatly trimmed. " Special at "only V White Shoes For Women $3.50 Grades $2.89 The Elks are coming and Portland women will turn out en masse, dressed in white shoes and purple ties. Here 's a line of white sea island duck high button Boots with'" Goodyear welt soles, the Comfort street shoe ; the $3.50 kind, special for d9 3Q this sale at only, pair Pw0I7 BarefootSandals $1.75 Grades $1.29 $1.25 Grades 98c Misses' 'and children's white Witch Elk Barefoot Sandals. A big ship metn just received. Will be special ized for Elks' week as follows. The $1.75 grades for $1.29, and thiQ 0 $1.25 grades, special, the pair CO' .M. -319121 Ill " . "XJ' It sTkW.tA s $1.25 Silk Voile 59c $1.25 Tub Crepes Yard, 98c In the Silk Aisle, 1st Floor, lOth-st. Way. A great mill-end cleanup of all Silk Voiles with satin stripes, dots and floral designs in a good assortment of the best and most wanted colors, suitable for dainty gowns and dresses; our regular stock of IjQ $1.25 fabrics specialized for this sale, the yard, at onlytJjO m t- n j i i e i e a j J , uu urepes in a guuu assorxmeui. ox uaru. cuiurs lur waisis turn uicsscs, this fabric will launder like a linen kerchief and is a splen- QO 1 did $1.25 seller, and we have placed it on special sale for only VJ Imported Tub Silks, regular $1 values, special, the yard at only 79 $1.25 Neckwear 25c 85c Silk Ribbon 33c A general clean-up sale of women's dainty Neckwear in - all the newest styles,- slightly soiled or -mussed from being shown on the counters; a vast selection for your choosing. Our reg nlar stock values to $1.25, Qtf special tor this sale .at only i 5000 yards of high-grade fancy Silk Ribbons in every imaginable color combination effect, in widths to 64 inches ; D r e s d e n s,: plaids, stripes, checks, etc. Suitable for every pur pose where good ribbons may O be ued. Values up to 85c at Vf . The newest Elk Pen nants with official seal, all sizes, priced at onlv 25V 50fV 9100 Souvenir Spoon In sterling;. gilt or sil ver color, beautiful de signs, $1 and $1.25' 75c Veilings 48c 356 Veilings 19c A great sale of all the newest Mesh Veilings, in plain, dotted or novelty mesh. The entire stock goes on sale as follows : Our 75c grades "t Q at 4Sc, and regular 35c grades d- Mesh Bags for $1.37, $2.37, $3.89 New. Mesh Bags, exceptional values in unbreakable mesh with plain or en graved' frames, bright or dull finish. Priced special for this (PQ DQ sale at $1.37, $2.37 and P O O i7 B. P. O. E. Purple Sateen 25c Purple Sateen in fast color, royal pur ple, 38 inches wide, for makingpil !ows, fancy work, for decorat- O CZ ing, etc. At lining counter, yd. $6 Handbags $4.98 All the newest leather effects, with plain or .fancy frames. $1.50 values for 98c; bur $3.00 Handbasrs at $1.98: our $4.00 Bags for $2.98 P A f O and our $6.00 Bags for P70 Women's TfMM&dirHtiis Values to $12.00 for $1.95 $12.50 to $24 Hats $3.95 In the Millinery Salon, 2d Floor, South. Our annual July cleanup of trimmed millinery ; the bargain event of the year, com prising our entire stock of trimmed Hats, patterned and tailored hats, excepting -ostrict and paradise trimmed hats and a few new felts which have just arrived. k Hats originally marked up to $12 are on sale at $1,95 ; regular stock fi Q ! Hats originally priced $12.50 up to $24 at $3.95 and $25 prrtt above. p 00 f Great Sale of Trimming Flowers 19c Flowers for 10c $1.50 Flowers for 75c SOc Flowers for 25c $2.00 Flowers $1.00 75c Flowers for 39c $2.50 Flowers $1.25 $1.00 Flowers for 50c .$3.50 Flowers $1.75 In the millinery store, second floor, tomorrow, a great hal price sale of beautiful trimming flowers, comprising our entire stock of roses, forget-me-nots, wistaria, pansies," violets, water lilies, daisies, corn flowers, poppies, foliage, a TiSgy etc. Thousands to choose from; singe and bunches, good condition, 2 Ce Jo) m $40SilkCoats $23-95 Rich taffetas in plain and changeable colors, black bengalines and natural pongees; all-the newest styles, semi-fitted and loose. Regu lar values to $40 buy them (PO O 7Ck tomorrow at spc'l price of ''-' $30SilkCoats$1795 Women's Coats in rich, lustrous taffeta silk, plain or changeable colors; also pongee silk and peau de soie silks, in a good range of colors. Bargainized for to- t T Q CZ morrow's sale at low price oP-- J mm Women's Tailored Suits at lh Price $20.00 Suits for $10.00 $85.00 Suits tor $42.50 A splendid selection of women's high-grade tailored Suits taken from our regular stock. New ones are added to the lot each day as the lines become broken through purchases. $20,00 $22.50 $25.00 $28.50 $30.00 $35.00 $38.50 $40.00 $45.00 Suits only $10.00 Suits only $11.25 Suits only $12.50 Suits only $14.25 Suits only $15.00 Suits only $17.50 Suits only '$19.25 Suits only $20.00 Suits only $22.50 $48.50 $55.00 $58.50 $60.00 $62.50 $65.00 $68.50 $78.50 $85.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits only only only only only only only only only $24.25 $27.50 $29.25 $30.00 $31.25 $32.50 $34.25 $39.25 $42.50 White Wool Suits $16.65 up to $43.88 Special sale of women's white wool Suits all this season's models in serges, diagonals, whip cords, Bedford cords, etc., in plain tailored and fancy styles, many Norf oiks in the lot ; all lined with peau de cygne silk. In every instance you may realize substantial saving on these suits, fi Et Q OO priced for season's cleanup at $16.65 to f)rOtOO Women's" Silk Boot Hose, 47c Pair In the hosiery store, 1st floor, Silk Hose with lisle tops and soles, with thread silk boot; black, white, tan, pink and sky shades ; all sizes A 7g in the lot. priced SDecial. r.air' Wayne Knit Hose 3 Pair for $1.00 Women's "Wa3'ne Knit" indestruct ible, guaranteed Hose, silk lisle with four-ply sea island cotton toes and heels, deep garter tops ; tan and black, all sizes; also fine black cotton with special "Wayne" foot, deep garter tops, high spliced heels fiP Tj flf and double soles; 3 prs:.,,''" "Little Beauty" Infants' Hose 25c "Little. Beauty" infants' Silk Lisle Hose, seamless ; black, white, pink and sky; .sizes from Ay2 to 6V, 0J offered special at, pair, only"''' Misses' Silk Hose for $1.00 Misses' pure thread Silk Hose with lisle tops and soles and high spliced heels; black, white, tan flj "f ff and sky shades; the pr. W iil fij ' li 1 1; l f CSM'iMl bits Men's Suits Reduc'd $40.00 SUITS AT $26.25 $15.00 SUITS AT $11.25 - 1st Floor, Southeast. , A sale which will leave a lasting impression on all men who take adyantage. Visitors to the city should especially see these suits. - Our entire stock is on sale, blacks, blue serges and all the season's best novelties for men and 'young men, there is a broad selection of good values for choosing. Choose any $15.00 Suit here for $11.25 Choose any $20 or $22.50 Suit for $14.50 Choose any $25 or $27.50 Suit for $17.50 m arf n i - nn e? -i uuuuse uiy aou.uu oiub xxeio iui is.ou P;H Choose any $35 to $40 Suit, for $26.25 Boys' Wash Suits at V2 Price 250 Wash Suits of the finest imported ma terials, broken sizes and odd suits and sam ple lines in attractive'patterns, 2 to 7 years : $4.00 Wash Suits reduced one-half, $2.00 $4.50 Wash Suits reduced one-half, $2.25 $5.00 Wash Suits reduced one-half, $2.50 $0.00 Wash Suits reduced one-half, $3.00 Grocery Specials Marshall 4800, A 6231 VotMcontest , Selecting aCor set Portland Fruit and Flower Minion Day NurMry 671,800 Baby Home . . .' 686.875 Young Women's Christian Associa tion . .' 360.8T5 teachers Retirement fund 860,000 Portland Women's Willamette Club. 354,000 Portland Boy Scouts, Troop 3. . . .331.250 St. Agnes' Baby Home ...... .....811,050 Oddfellows Borne .: 225,230 Newsboys Kome ................ .2?!, 223 First German Evangelical Church. 210,200 Portland Women's Union .....210.600 First If. E Church South.. ...!. .201.850 Children's Home 164.300 Synnyslde M. E. Church. 150,525 T. M. C. A. Boys Home.. .124.675 Oregon Congress of Mothers. 113,825 Marguerite Company, R. N. A... .107.750 Anabel Presbyterian Church 100,650 St- Elisabeth Bouse 86.650 Oregon Humane Society 94,475 Wlllsburg Congregational Church Aid Society 94.450 Patton Home for the Aged 94,025 St. Ann's charitable Society 86.550 Industrial Home, W. H. M. S., M. S. Church 78.275 St. Francis Church 76,875 Scholarship fund Oregon Federa tion of Women's Clubs 76.550 Florence Crlttenton Home 70,850 Jewish Neighborhood House ...... 67,825 Orphans Home 58,250 Piedmont Presbyterian Church.... 57,250 Good Samaritan Hospital 55,550 Atkinson Memorial Congregational Church 50.100 Ioulse Home .. 48,425 K. O. K. A., Castle Rose 45,875 Forbes Presbyterian Church .' 44,325 Immanuel Church pipe organ fund 89,725 All Saints' Church 86.600 Boys and Oirls Aid Society. .30.300 1 A. A., Hibernians, DiT. No. 2. 80.275 St, Patrick's Church 25,775 Westminster Presbyterian Church.. 25.375 Old People's Home 25,100 Arion Philharmonic Society 24,775 St.' Vincent's Hospital ... 24.675 First United Presbyterian Church 21.750 8f- Mary's Home 21,725 United Artisans, Piedmont Assem bly No. 458 Brentwood M. E. Church Aid So ciety First Presbyterian Church, Van couver ........ ,.- Sunbeam Society. .... .- ..... . Christian Science Church Deutsche Altenhelm , American Women's League . Baptist Church, Lents........ 8t, Stephen's Pro-(5athedral . St. pavld's Church Multnomah A. A. Club ...... Lincoln High Alumni Visiting' Nurses Association ...... Unlversallst Church of Good Tid ings , , 21.725 21.600 21,300 21.075 20,750 19,760 18.275 18.550 18.100 17,875 15.200 15.175 13,275 13.225 is a matter of serious consideration with most wo men. A corset that is perfect on one woman may be an utter failure for her friend and create an unde served prejudice against all corsets of that particu lar make.' "While it is unfortunate that this condition exists, we are frank to say that more than often the fault, lies with the salesperson, who in her anxiety, to make the sale loses sight of her customer's ulti mate comfort and satisfaction. You will never be advised in our corset section to buy any model that is not perfectly suited to your own particular figure requirements. This policy is religion with us and to its strict adherence we believe is due the fact, that a woman once fited in our 'corset section in variably becomes a permanent patron. Mme. Ma riette Corsets, custom tailored along French lines for American , women in a wide variety of models to suit every possible figure requirement. Sold by us exclusively. Priced at $5.00 and up. See them. The Royal Worcester Corsets for $1.19 $10.00 Bon Ton Corsets $6.49 Royal Worcester Corsets, made of batiste," styled with long hip and low bust with lace trimmed top ana fitted with six rSf 1 TO hose supporters ; all sizes ; ' pr., .V Maine Corn, the can, at lit O. W. K. Excellence Flour, on special sale, the sack, $1.35 Prepared Mustard, 3 jars 25 South 'n Head Rice, 4 lb. 25 Pink Beans, 5 lbs. only 25 French Boneless Sardines 14 Herring in Tomato Sauce. 9r 25c Ripe Olives, can, at 20 Mason 's Semolina Macaroni, special price, the pkg., 15 45c bottle Grape Juice, 35 25c bottle Grape Juice, 20 Lime Juice, the bottle, 30 $2 JAPAN TEA AT $1.50 Uncolored Japan Tea for those who know, fancy selected, first picking; $2 grade $1.50 Marmalade, Crosse & Black well's, special price, jar, 20 Kippered Herring, a can, 20 Asparagus, special, can, 25p 25c Gold Dust Washing Pow der, special price, only 18 25c 5-min. Wash Comp, 18 25c Champion Washing Tab lets, special at. two for 25 40c Wash Goods 18c Dainty Tissue Ginghams for Summer street dresses; a very popular fabric, worth 25o a yard, on special t Qf sale at low price of, the yard Pt Persian Lawns, 45. inches wide, finest weaves, sheer and dainty;-our regu lar 30c, 35c and 40c values, 1 QJ on sale at low price of, yard Ov 20c Wash Goods 10c ' Printed Batiste in a great variety of patterns, dots, conventional designs and floral effects; regular t ) 20c values, special at, the yd., White Linaire, the fabric of quality, in plain stripes, checks, and crossbar effects, our regular 30c and OOp 35c a yard grades, special at ww- $1.25 W'shGoods 75c Dress Ginghams in plaid effects, for beach and school dresses; our regu uiar 10c and 12Vc grades, O, at the special low price, yard,-'' Voiles and Marquisettes in allover de signs, hard to distinguish from hand work. Beautiful designs and 7 g regular $1.25 grades, special, -?- A broken line of Bon Ton Corsets in batiste, coutil and silk, in pink, blue and white, medium or low bust, long hips, giving long, Cfj V5Q graceful lines; to $10 values for pOTrI Another Lot of Bon Ton Corsets, of fine cou til, modeled on long, straight lines, medium bust, long hips, lace and satin JJQ A fk trimmed. Special at low price of ipOfrl $5.00 Marquise Corset $3.98 Closing out discontinued models of the famous Marquise Corsets, in brocades, fancy batiste, coutils and silks. .These corsets are especially adapted to slender figures, most- ffl Q QO ly small sizes; values to $5.00, at p&.&O