CSINE8S OPPORTUNITIES SALOON MEN. 1 FIRST-CLASS SALOON PROPOSITION. INDEPENDENT LICENSE. 8-YEAR LEASE. DOING BETTER THAN $0 DAILY. RENT $123 PER MONTH. THIS to x.i-iv-w uiccn tor YOU. THE OWNER DESIRES TO GET INTO OTH ER BUSINESS. CONFIDENTIAL IN FORMATION GIVEN BY ADDRESSING J 206. OREOONIAN. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 20,000 CORDS FIR WOOD. STUMP -AGE; TIMBER IS FIRST GROWTH. CLEAR AND SOLID; CAN BE BROUGHT INTO PORTLAND CHEAPER THAN ANT OTHER WOOD OF EQUAL GRADE: PRICE S5c CORD STUMP AGE: LARGE PROFIT SURE. AM 193. ORB GONIAN. ONE of the most substantial corpora!'0" In Portland desires the services of a reliable man wim some ii'ift'11''" c ' -. .-I.. l. ... Imvwtr.nnt hrAflPR UI to the to concern: prefer & man with $10,000 for tu.uw capital 1 ' 111 ,,oii . . ... - -, either In corporation stock or first mortgage on high-class real estate: po altlon carries good salary: splendid oppor tunity lor the right min. AB 19S. Ore gonian. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS WHICH CLEARED $4122.20 SINCE NOV. 1. 1011. BOOKS OPEN rvK isvimiuoi PRICE $.V)00. THIS BUSINESS. --;N EASILY BE DOUBLED. N via - UONIAN FOR SALE Good established department store In one of the best towns In the Northwest, carrying; complete stock oi ready-to-wear for men. women and cmi dren. Will sell all or part or would take good real estate. Stock and fixtures will Invoice between $23,000 to $30,000. In quire M. Steinfels, 107 West Main sL. Wal la Walla. Wash. IF YOU NEED the services of an expert on SAFE INVESTMENTS, call or write Chas. J. Barnard. 0T J eon t,ldg.. for SO years connected with Com mercial National Bank of Chicago. Ul No charge for advice. PARTY with $2000 for Investment In gpod pavlng manufacturing concern; to t charge of office and sales end; good op portunity for good salesman and book keeper; no green cloth or mlsrepresenta tlon. AS 206. Oregonian. . 11300 CASH INVESTMENT ONLY. Your money fully secured and carries with It salaried position; you must have reputation of being honest and willing worker; references exchanged. G ore gonian. FOR SALE A well established men s cloth ing and furnishing goods business: a good paying proposition In the most active me dium else town In Washington, about $10. 000 well selected mdse. at a right figure; reasonable rent and good lease, w 203. Oregon is n. . WE have the best grocery bargain In the city The owners are compelled to sell on account of sickness. Business over 100 per day and strictly cash. Long lease and low rent. For particulate call Main 9194. . . WANTED. Partner to take half Interest In a light manufacturing plant; a man who can take charge of an office and manage men: sal ary $125 per month. Kinney Stam- p ner. jiz i.umnri c.uan.. ....... 50- ON THE DOLLAR takes our staple line of general merchandise. Invoicing about X.tnoo: must sell quick: have other busi ness interests which net-d prompt at tention. Mlksche Co., Hlllsboro, Or., op posite rmisooro ..uuunu. INSIDE Information worth millions: coal land selling now almost nothing, soon to Increase Immensely account railroad com ing: few dollars Invested now means mil lions. Address quirk. "Operator," Fair- view, Linn GROWING MILLINERY BUSINESS. $3000. Clean, salable stock, modern oak f.xlures. Axmlnster carpet, new stora front, good West Side central location; rent 10 per c-nt of sales. Lease worth half the price asKea tor an. -v iki. .jurat?........ fCi 1 Vftrt.". ' ' . A sure money-maker Elks' week: get in on the ground floor and make money; we have three 7-passenger automobiles lor sale on easy terms. Call early If you want bargain, fee tounfr. en ! GREAT opportunity, on account of other In terests, offer for sale located and most up-to-date clnthing and furnishing goods stock In best town in Idaho; no old stock; invoice about tWKKi: give your address. AV )4". oregonian. A STOCK of 5c. 10c. 15c and 25c goods In a fcood country town, going good busi ness: has bright future; a money-maker for someone: $750 cash. Inquire 205 Cor bett bldg. (STOCK fancy groceries, delicatessen, home bakerv; established milk and cream route, with team and wagon: money-maker for live wire. No fake: no agents; deal di rect with owner. AV 443. Oregonian. PARTNER WITH AUTO WANTED. . . .4 flnn Inim t Inn mnn- nave ouu F'"u , . $?rate rent, fine list of larse farms, ciy property. tc. Call up Matn 32ft. or come to Jt7 N. 6th. . ... . 'AA . -... In f omat in hunt JJA.I Willi v - B.i-usu ...-.-- ... ; ness that will pay 1000 In four months and liberal salary; money Invested; will be secured In answering; give phone num- ber. AP IT. Oregonian. $2150 CASH will take lunch and restaurant business. I want to go to Alberta. Profits $15 net a day. Leare. low rent. No trlflera. Investigate fully. K 194, Ore gonian CORPORATIONS financed: Canadian. Eng lish. American capital. Stocks, bonds sold, commission. Rates reasonable. Interna tional Investment Corporation. 534 DOVer- COUrL A Ul unm. .,....- OLD-ESTABLISHED milk business with full equipment: owing to leaving city will sell furniture also; if you want a good busi ness and nice home right in city. P. O. Box 475. Vancouver. Wash. ' CONFECTIONERY, fruit, soda fountain, to bacco, lunch and waltlng-room; best lo cation, 4-year lease, average $53 per day. Owner called to foreign country. 230 Washington. IF you need capital, have stock or bonds for sale, or wish to Increase net business profits, address Business Development Company of America. 116 Nassau St.. New York. IF YOU are the right party and have $2..00 cash will give you half Interest and should clear St.0"O first year. $U00 cash, ba'ance four montns. AM 16. Oregonian. MANUFACTURING AND V. HOLLA Lb MILLINERY HOUSE TO OPEN HERE; WANTED. AaPARTNER TO TAKE IN TEREST. L 193. OREGON! A.N. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity offered to lady or gentleman who can Invest $300 and services. Thia Is a music proposition and a good one. Ai-lvJ. oregonian PARTY owning salmon fishing patent wants money to demonstrate It. small risk, with chances ot very large return, F --5. Oregonian. LIVERY BARN for sale In the heart of city: doing good business. Must sell at once, a-count of sickness. Part cash, rest In trade. pnone l aoor i FOR SALE Meat market at beach resort, doing cash business. It will pay you to look Into this proposition. Owner wants to leave. $3oO. G 10. Oregonian. GENERAL merchandise country store. In voice $1650: cash sale: located- on the bank of Willamette River; deal with FOR SALE A good hardware business in a town of 12O0. Ac opportunity without question. Best of reasons for selling. M 190. Oregonian. IF YOU are dissatisfied with your present Income or position. I can Interest you In nionev-getter. G 13. Oregonian. TOM BUTLER. PHYSICIAN Can locate you Immediately in one of the best fields In the city. Call Tabor 1562. B 2412. FOR 6 A LE Gen. Mdse. store. 50 minutes' ride from city center, A-l location. AF 202. Oregonlun LOOKING for a good business? We 11 he. p vou make $500 to $30o0 monthly. Address Mutual Prosperity League. San Francisco. SMALL rrocery with furniture of 2 rooms; rent $.0. sales $500 month; good value. T 194. Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED In a light cash manu facturing business; have goods placed In 6.KI stores. Call mornings. 356 14th at. THE MYSTERY of the bridge of Notre Dame. i TACH up-to-date chiropody reasonable. DrT Kelson. 2.T0H Alder. Matn 7368. MILLINERY stock and fixtures in Oregon. ,ast of Portland. AV 416. Oregonian. A small merchandlte business for sulu. Ad dress Box 482. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE Small grocer- store. 517 Union . - k- .......... en.. "In HALF interest In restaurant on Washington st; $750. AS 204. Oregonian. GROCERY. Fine, clean stock of groceries, close in. good location: good fix tures. This place includes 5 living rooms, bath, hot and cold water, etc.; new building: rent only $23 per month. Price SiK. If you want a real bargain INVESTIGATE THIS. Will trade this for vacant lot. FRANK B. FORD. SI" Chamber of Commerce. Main 1429. ni.n.rTihrisrn automobile business; centrally located; cheap rent;- Including lease of building; a numDer or auiumu blles; stock and fixtures. This Is a good, well. established husiness. oaylng good re turns on amount invested. Owner must sell on account of other business connec tions and will sacrifice for i.000. $.1000 cash: balance time, or will accept first mortgage on real estate tor tun -uiou. Investigate. Address V 2. Oregonian. cHfu'ERV A.-o. Nice clean stock, and good living-rooms. Another good one at . ........ Ftiu i with tvKiHern IlV- invenior. aniwim . .... -- lng-rooms And another one that will in voice about $1100. These are all good lo cations. See us for grocery stores; w make a specialty of them. Call olO Roth child bldg. AN exceptional opportunity for trustworthy man. and .i.hi can. secure un niici.. established business: no experience re quired: must be reliable and honest; mon ey absolutely secured: guarantee a week; will stand investigation. r Oregonian. WATER POWER MANUFACTURING AND TOWN SITE, between Portland and coast; excellent transportation ty water and rail. .arA nnnnrliinilv fnr miln and DaPCr mill and tourist hotel: want party with $2500 to Join in taking over same ior oi' ment. G mil, Oregonian. DO you want to buy. sell or trade? Let us mail you a list of over 400 business propositions of all kinds. We have some - exceptionally fine bargains In restaurants and rooming-houses. Name what you want The Palace Realty Co., 215ft Yam hill. Main 2913. THE OREGON LOCATORS. 610-511 ROTHCHILD BLDG. MAIN 1222. BUSINESS CHANCE HEADQUARTERS. If you want to buy. sell or exchange any kind of a business, come and see us. Wo have on our list everything that is for snle. that is worth having. IF an investment In a new Western manu facturing industry of universal need would Interest you. 1 have an unusual oppor tunity for a capable business man; can devote part or all of his time to a great advantage. Further particulars, address F. Hopiey. csewara noiei. UNDERTAKING business, up to date In ev ery respect; $1000 cash will place you In as good a business as there la In Port- hFglEY BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED TO BUY. In a good town of 1500 to 5000. the leading hotel; or would build or lease: by experienced hotel man. Box o5, Jennings Lodge, or. I WANT to buy any good paying buslneM located in Oregon; about $20oo or less: good paying hotel would be considered. AV 4yo. oregonian. CASH for furniture 13 to 13 rooms, with lease, close In. upper West Side, where rent la In bounds of reason. X 207, Orego nian. , I WANT to rent a moving picture theater, wlfi privilege of purchase; must show llv Ing profit. Address AV 407. Oregonian. $100 DOWN. Buvs a 10-room transient house, closa In, West Slle. 618 Yeon bldg. DOCTOR wants country location; would buy practice. AM 304. Oregonian. WANTED 2 or 3 -chair barber shop In small town. AS 109. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES THE OREGON LOCATORS. 510-511 -Rothchlld bldg.. Main 1222. ROOMING-HOUSE SPECIALISTS. Here are a few specials for Elk week. 5 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, cheap rent. long lease; extra good furniture and carpets, corner location; about $1500 cash or real estate and It's yours. 50 rooms, very close In, strictly mod ern, transient house, well furnished, $1000 cash, or real estate to value around $2500 and you can commence to count your money. . . J4 rooms No better central location, always filled every night, a big money maker; small cash payment or will ex change for good real estate. 20 poo ins Fine corner location, rent only $t0; with 2 years' lease; good real estate to value of about $1MI0; la as good as the cash to the owner. 20 rooms. $730; terms If wanted. Id rooms. $9u0. half cash. This is a splendid little place. lo rooms, good furniture and carpets, lorig lease: close In; the right parties can make a barrel of money here. Don't buy a rooming-house until you see us. We have everything that la for rale that's worth having. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 4:h and Pine sts. Main 6252. 80-room hotel, beat location in city; furniture new; all full; will exchange for land. ::3-room hotel, center of West Side; bargatn, or will exchange tor land. 8-room house; flne; will trade for lotr. 12-room house, new, full, good location: must soil quick; furniture cost $1200; will take $400; $2o0 handles it. 36 rooms, central; clears $250 per month: price $1200; must sell: going East; all full; $400 handles It; all mod ern; good long lease; low rent. Answer quick if you want it. HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMING-HOUSES, HOTELS AND APARTMENT-HOUSES. If you want to buy or trade ' for a rooming-house, hotel or apartment-house call on O. C. R. ELLIS CO.. 500-510 Wilcox Bldg. RELIABLE BROKERS. The oldest established agency in the city. $400 CASH DOWN Buys the furniture of a 17-room house, lo cated within 10 minutes' walk of this of fice. This Is all quarter-sawed oak, leath er upholstered chairs and davenports. I silk-floss mattresses. Wilton and Axmin ster carpets: J years' lease. On account of death, must sacrifice. Further particu lars at 618 Yeon bldg. Will consider prop erty In trade. NEWLY FURNISHED APARTMENT. Consisting of 10 2 and 3-room apart ments. Just newly furnished with very best of furniture, rugs, etc., all full and showing good income; very reasonable rent and long lease. Price $3000; $1200 to $1500 caah, balance $40 a month. GRUSSl & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MARY E. LENT CO PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY, HOTELS ROOMING. APARTMENT HOUSES. All sizes and nrlces. R22-4 Falling bldg.. 3d and Washington. 10 ROOMS, good furniture, fine close-in. Wert Side location: must be sold Monday regardless of value; Is well worth 600. price $250 for bargain hunters. Inqulrii S.8 10th. near Stark. 25 LARGE rooms, furnished, seven with hot and cold water, and dlr'.ng depart ment, at 10th and Couch; will sell cheap on terms; great chance. AR 204, Ore gonian. FOR 8ALE or trade, dirt cheap, 1$ rooms, rent $45; this house taken on mortgage and we have no use for it. so you can get a real bargain. What have you? Phone Marshall 42ta or call $45 1st st. aOOUlNcTHOI'SE. 28 rooms, centrally lo cated, elegantly furnished; take real estate as part payment. If you want a fine place and have something to trade, get this sna p. James. y8 loth st, near Stark. irutj T) I nil I TV Owner going East, will sell my equity In modern apt. house, brick building. 50 rooms, furnished; no agents. F 219, Ore gonian. II ROOMS housekeeping. 2 baths. large barn, lease, rent $40; good Income, close ln. Sacriflce $400; $75 down, balance $13 month. Owner, Marshall 8240. 02 ROOMS, well furnished: rent $250 month; 4 years' lease; profits $350 month; 8-roora contract pays half rent; leaving city. Hall. R08 Abington bldg. GOOD 9-room house, finest location In the city, close In. 10 minutes' walk to P. O.; an opportunity to get a bargain If taken soon. Phone Main 6002. . IF YOU have anything to trade for a rooming-house, see us. We have a list from 6 to 65 rooms to choose from. H. E. James Co.. 83 10th. near Stark. 11 ROOMS, housekeeping, bath, close In; must sell: leaving city: sacrif.ee $375; $75 down- terms ault. Marshall 3240. FOR SALE Small rooming-house, flne lo cation, well furnished, c.enn room, full; price reasonable. AO lflMi Oregonian. FURNITURE 10-room house; will sell the honest value you put upon IL Marshall 4212 or Main 4071. FOR SALE One of the best-paying rooming-houses in Portland, central, big trade, over 50 rooms. Address P 203. Oregonian. 9-ROOM. centrally located, clearing about $50 a month; can be taken today at a bargain. 243 5th at. ELEGANTLY furnished 10 rooms In choice location; owner leaving town, must sell at once. 687 Gllsan st. HOOD RIVER LAND, unimproved and gllt edg.v value $7000. Will trade for good room'lng-houee. M 303. Oregonian. 43 ROOMS modern, all full. $1000 down. See owner, straitoo, 3d and Pine. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO- ftli-aiu Henry Diag. fm-VTW - unTKi. 1KD BAR t- nf'ih. llvj tmni tMnKA to Portland: 5 years' lease at $150 per month for 45 sleeping-rooms, completely equipped kitch en, dining-room. lODoy, sampie-ioon k.p T Hi. 1. the lefldlnr hotel In the town. is clearing 'between $."i00 and $000 per " . . .7. i i A k -nTH-iTl m on I II now. aou kii chijti icih-.u komM An much better. Pay no attention to this unleus you want a good thing, mean business and nave s-iuvu cam to iurau niiivvrrars TRAX'SIEXT HOUSE 45 rooms, corner brick, long lease at $300 per month, wnlcn memoes ve." h.nt and hot water, mis Is a fine tran sient house, having an entrance on two streets. It is elegantly lunuBucu .1..H.. hi mntitv: renuires $2000 cash and you can pay the balance at $100 per monthly out or tne earnings oi uic n u -"-. nr. ROOMS. APARTMENTS. This la a genuine bargain If there fver was one; close in, on a corner, into 2 and 3-room apartments; i"' is... at l.-,n ner month: orlce only $imju. Requires only $1100 cash. If you are a bargaln-numer aan i overioon. mio. twik t a ri:y. 34 rooms, fine location, rent only $55. ..mni...iv fnmifihpd for housekeeping; rooms all rented and clearing $ TO per month; you can Bnaie tnis tor pay balance out oi earnings ot nuuo. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 517-311) Henry bldg. A FEW SACRIFICE OFFERINGS. FOR 1MMEDLVTE SALE. . n - . . . . v.h it n i dis trict. unfurnished, full of high-class tenants; on ner - a hurry to leave city: yours for $500 cash and security on lease: will pay for entire In vestment next week, no ROOMS. Hotel, strictly modern, heart ... .1.... ertoo nior month : owner compelled to be out of city most of time and can't give It proper attention; equity of $12,000 exchange for clear real estate; iarm prcieneu. 51 ROOMS, apartments, rent $3 per room, cost $0000 to furnish; abso lutely clears $200 per month; yours for $3S00, part cash or IIHUD. 1 1 (I I . ' ""J .... . 22 ROOMS, housekeeping, rent $55; owner aireaay gone cjh.i.. uh . -good people: price $1000, any terms you desire to responsible parties. 12 ROOMS, close In. clears $75 per month; dandy little place. $200 cash, balance of $200 easy month ly payments. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC., . ,. - . ...... .. . i 1 ! 1 A rr ONE OF THE NICEST LITTLE HOTELS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND, LO CATED CLOSE IN ON THE WEST SIDE. NEW BRICK. ALL NICELY FUR NISHED. GO ROOMS, LONG LEASE. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE MR. PR1GMORE. WITH WARD YOUNGER. SUITE 426 YEON BLDG. 25-ROOM apartment-house, completely furnished- cheap rent, good leaEe. Phone Main 6493. ROOMIXG-HOUSB for sale cheap by own er; 14 rooms, gooa rurniture. uui qj FOR SALE Lease and furniture of good country notei. a v vicsm.. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day: we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, 26-Jo ront. r-none aiitin J " LEFT on northbound S. P. train at Oregon Cltv June 30. A. M., leather hand bag containing money, keys. Forester Lodge cards, etc. Return to Mr. Lee. safe de posits vaults. 5th and Morrison, Portland. t.lDerai rewaru PARTY finding velvet bag with gold letter "T," containing S. P. pass and other ar ticles, keep money, but please, return bag and other articles to 376 Ross st. East 2740. ' LOST Black and white female cat, Laurette Apartment, fcleventn anu jim. " 7009. Reward for right cat. No other desired LOST Between 3d and Morrison and 2d and Alder, two Infants' shirts. Saturday after noon. Finder please leave at Oregonian office. LOST Friday afternoon. Grand Army but ton worn as pin: gold ring around outer edge: valued highly as family keepsake. rJUart -a North 17th St. A 7008. LOST A female pit bull, black with white ....... n n. n t ft 1000 liltlBt cnest. riimer leiuw. M.i.iw . Irving St., or phone East 3345 and receive rewara. LOST Brownie kodak. 2A. Return t Olds. Wortman & Kln? accommodation desk ana receive rpnam. tosT Bunch of keys Saturday night on West 6lde. Reward if returned F. R. Hal- t lock & Co.. 2i rty. r-x. oiag. LOST A Rebekah lodge pin, a crescent, 3 links ana letter n , u to 414 Jefferson st LOST Lady' black Jacket on or In tak ing Vancouver car .iuiy in m ieny. Phone Main 4071. Reward. LOST Brown spaniel dog, heavy set. De liver at 455 Mason or phone Woodlawn 1341 and receive reward. LOST Saturday, in shopping district, lady's goia watcn ana nu; iiwii.i. mi .&,.., K. iS. ; Iinaer pnone jnareiian n.u LOST United Railway car or vicinity Har- tjorton, ladies gum "hcu niiu ..- tints G. 8. Reward. 374 13th st. REWARD for return of large fountain pen lost Saturday. 1105 Spalding bldg. MOTOR, boat is found. Andrew Reznlcsek, 627 Guild ave. North. LOST Black gauntlet glova In Public Market. Kindly phone East 1498. LOST Ladys little-finger cameo coral ring; reward. Phone 4034. BLACK dog. license 4212. Notify E. L. Cllne. A 5744. Main 4080. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal. Invited SALE OF CITY BONDS. Dalles City, Oregon, hereby calls for bids for the bonds of the city in the amount of the cost of the construction of a sewer age system, which Is estimated at $90, 000. Bonds will be in the sum of five hun dred H$500) dollars each, bearing date of July 15, 1912. and bearing interest at the rate of 5H per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest pay able In U. S. Gold coin at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in the City and State of New York. These bonds are a general obligation of Dalles City, due and payable on the 16th day of July, 1937, but Dalles City reserves the right to pay the bonds at the expiration of any semi-annual Interest period at any time after 20 years from the date thereof upon giving notice of such Intention by publication in a news paper, printed and published and of gen eral circulation in Dalles City. Oregon, not less than twice during the month pre ceding the expiration ot said semi-annual interest period, and Interest thereon shall cease at the semi-annual Interest period next following said notice upon the pay ment of principal and accrued Interest to said date. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check for not less than 5 per cent of the amount of the bid, to be forfeited to Dalles City In the event said bid Is ac cepted, and the bidder shall refuse to complete the purchase of said bonds. All bids must be sealed and filed with the recorder of Dalles City on or befora 12 o'clock noon of July 20, 1912. Further particulars will be furnished upon request. Dated at Dalles City, Or., this 25th day of June. 1912. GEO. P. ROSS, Recorder of Dalles City. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON: in the matter of Leonard Bennlnghoff, bankrupt, I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise pertaning to this estate, located at Ha 158) Peninsula avenue, consisting princi pally ot drugs, amounting to $1030.67. to gether with equity in fixtures of the In ventory value of $959.00, said fixtures be ing subject to & chattel mortgage of $600. up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, July 8, 1912. A deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid and the aale Is subject to confirmation by the court. Inventory may be seen at my of fice No. T First street, during business hours, and stock may be inspected on ap plication. R. L. SABIN, Trustee. Dated Portland. Oregon. July 1. 1912. BIDS will be received until July 13 for the painting of schoolhouse In District No. 13, Multnomah County. Said schoolhouse to receive two coats ot paint; bids will be re ceived for the calcimlning of two rooms and halls of same building. Trustees re serve the right to reject or accept any bid. For information call Marshall 2S88. T. M. Glass, clerk. Hillsdale. Or., R. F. P. No. 2. " Miscellaneous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Take notice that from and after this date I shall not be responsible for any obligations Incurred or contracted by my wife, Mrs. Gertrude Gerllnger, either In her name or mine. (Signed) Edward E. Ger llnger. NOTICE is hereby given tp all persons hav ing claims against the restaurant at 263 Russell St.. Portland. Or., to present their claims to S. Hewitt, 303 Lumber Exchange, as said restaurant Is sold. BARGES for rent; capacity 400 tons. Pat tullo, 334) Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. LOANS. ON COLLATERAL OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION; CASH FOR IMMEDIATE USE: RELIABLE SERVICE. LAWSON BROWN INVESTMENT CO., 1124 YEON BLDG. MAIN S75. WE will furnish the money at a low rats of Interest and save you more than the bro kerage of 2 if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay to see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc. 324 Abington bldg. IF your money earns 6 per cent we can double It probably treble It without risk. "7 per cent guaranteed, safe as a bank; booklet free. J. A. Baxter, 147 23d St. North. Portland. Or. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldg. Loans. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or uregon. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. ' Loans. H. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and sellers' equities bought- E. L. Dover, eaux. 1009 Spalding bldg.. 8d and Wash ington. Main 63. ' NEED MONEY and will sell $1300- co-operative supply house stock for $1000. Spot rash. Burden, 322 Henry bldg. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgages (first and second , equities. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on first-class Portland real estate security at lowest rates. Morgan. Fliedner A Boyce. 503 Abington bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts aod" commission accounts bought, real .estate loans. E. B. Miller. 410 Abington bldg. CONTRACTS and mortgages We have cli ents who buy contracts and mortgages. HIGLEY BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. TO LOAN AT ONCE ON. IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. $1500 FOR 3 YEARS. $2000 FOR 3 YEARS. J2MI0 FOR 3 YEARS; $4000 FOR 3 YEARS. $15,000 FOR 5 YEARS. J. H. TIPTON CO.. INC.. 1108 SPALDING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN Oft IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOB BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS: NO. COMMISSIO-U. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO. 1S SPALDING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN. $300 TO $50,000 ON CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. REASONABLE INTEREST. APPLY. MR. NEELY. LOAN DEPART MENT, WARD & YOUNGER. SUITE 42B YEON BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 6 to 8 per cent on Portland residences and income property and improved farms. CALLAN & KASER, 722-728 Yeon Blig. . TO LOAN ON PORTLAND REAL ESTATE. $2000. $5000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000 or multiples, at 5 to 7 per cent. MALL VAN BORSTEL, 104 Second St., Near Washington. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residence and business prop erty and Multnomah County farms. EDW. P. MALL, 800 to S04 Chamber of Commerce. $.10,000 TO LOAN. I have $.10,000 to loan at 7 per cent. flrsL mortgage. Income-bearing property; will take building loans on small amounts up: no agents: principals only. Address AF 210, Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES PURCHASED. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO., Commercial Club Bldg. ON improved city property or for building purposes. 8 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment ' privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark St. MONEY ON HAND FOR I. OAKS U.N FARM AND CITY PROPERTIES. WILLIAM H. M'DONALD, 404 OERI.INGER BLDG. $1200, $1500. $27011. $3000, . $4000. $3000, To loan at 7 per cent for three years on Portland Improved property. GOODS ELL BROS., 433 Worcester Bldg. IMPROVED ACREAGE MONEY. $500. $1000. $1200, $1800. $2000. I can place these amounts if your valuation Is right. Fred W. German, 436 Chamber p.' Commerce. Main 6445 $500,000 ON improved city or farm property, building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenzle & Co., 514-510-51B t-Terunger Diag. I WILL lend $10,000 at 6 per cent to a satisfactory borrower on West Side prop erty worth $30,000 or more. T 201, Ore gonlan. . $5000 TO loan at 7 per cent on centrally located improved property. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. TO loan, estate moneys In any sum from S50) un at current rates. Rooms 10-11 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. $15,000 TO lend, one loan. Only best of mortgage security win ue 204. Oregonian. $1230 AT 8 per cent on improved city real ... HlQv k-jniffmrnin Moore. 325 LumDer K?:cnangt', LOANS in large and small quantities on col lateral security: mui magn Uwub... sold. Phone S064. Egan. 414 Couch bldg. TO LOAN $15,000 for 3 years at 7 per cent, on close-in ' Portland Improved property. J 12. Oregonian. ' $2000 OR less to loan by private party on good real estate security. Address X 198. Oregonlan! $14 000 at 6 per cent; first-class inside prop erty; also. $500 at 8 per cent. S 196. Or egon Ian. t MONEY to loan on improved city property at current rates. Lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co., room 6. Board of Trade bldg. PLENTY MONEY. 6. 7. 8 PER CENT. J. O. ROUNTREE. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. TO LOAN 5(iuu OK LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $122 000 TO LOAN On Improved city or farm property:' $1000 and up. lowest ratea Wm C. Borchers. 207 Oregonian bldg. $200 000 TO loan; large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rates. W.. G. Beck. 315-310 Falling bldg MORTGAGE loans on either city or farm property; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bldg. MONEi' to loan at reasonable rates in sums from $500 up. The Lawrence Co., 248 Al der st. IMPROVED or unimproved property: small building loans, coniracua ttiiu 111UUSU5C1 bought. W. H. Nunn, 44S Sherlock bldg. notas and mortgages bought. W. A. Hatraway. rouni w .m. $1000 TO $15,000 ON CITY PROPERTY, IN AMOUNTS TO SUIT. HERMAN MOEL- LER. IQUW Vtl.Ul-A DI.UU LOANS made on Improved city property in any amount; regular rates. JAS. P- DOLAN & CO., 309 Ry. Exchange. $1000 OR LESS to loan on Portland real estate, ti- up-knpi.. $2000 TO LOAN now; no agents. J. K. Mirr., $1500 AND $3000 to loan. Henkle & Har rison, uerunger umy. MONEY to loan by a private party. Phone oreguuiaii. $1000 TO loan on city property. AG 200, Oregonian. FARM and city morlg. loans. Ore. and Wash. n. ll. rrieiuiiy. .........a $1000 TO loan 1 to 3 years. S per cent. Wm. Hall, wasiiinywH tims. MONEY, any amount, to 8 per cent. W. Xi. BMUl --' . p MONEY to loan, first mortgages. Commer- . MAm oni T.ewla hlrlrr ciai rtean? ' - $6000 OR PART for immediate loan on real estate. Phone Tabor 771. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 813 Ch. of Com. STATE funds, 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 229 STARK ST. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort- gages. jniigy. rwm -v v.. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 3 LEWIS BLDG. $1500 TO loan on Portland real estate; no commission. Shlvely. 1403 Yeon bid.;. ' MORTGAGE LOANS. X O. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDG. PRIVATE PARTY has $300 to $3O00 ito loan on real estate. T 392. Oregonian. $700 TO place right away. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-332 Lewis bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. PRIVATE money to loan on personal or chattle security. 07 Oregonian bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattels. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, small sums, private par ties. A 213, Oregonian. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN. $10 AND UPWARDS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. ' NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO.'S CHARGE. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES. DIAMONDS OR SALARIES. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 207 MACLEAY BLDG., A 2897. COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. . MONEY FOR VACATIONS. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. S1A ranaM In ln.ln)lm.nt of $ .45 $20 repaid in installments of 80 $50 repaid In installments of 2.00 LARGER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. All we require is that you be employed on salary ana you get tne money quiuu. without mortgage, indorser or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO.. 308 Falling Bldg. $$$$$ MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, autos, livestock, storage receipts, real estate and contracts, at lowest rates and strictly confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. 312 Hamilton Bldg. Main 2084. $ $ $ $ $ MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cneapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want it and pay as you can. Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tol man, 817 Lumber Exchange. PRIVATE PARTY LOANe on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc Quick, reasonable and confidential. ELBY COMPANY, Main 4617. 820 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms In Oregon. D. D. Drake. 807 Spalding bldg. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelrv at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace. 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. PRIVATE FUNDS on collateral of every description; yoa can get It today; confidential. BLOCH REALTY CO., 2itf Alder st WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half tho . rates charged by brokers. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st. PRIVATE money, small amounts. short time, any good security. Call 510 Roth chlld bldg. MONEY sold oa installment; confidential, salaried people. F A. Newton. Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry; strictly conlidential. 141 3d. near Alder. Loans Wanted. ONE of the most substantial corporations in Portland desires the services or a re liable man with some business experi ence, to take charge of an important branch of the concern; preter a man wun $10,000 to $40,000 capital to Invest; se curity 3 for 1, either in corporation stock or first mortgage on -high-class real es tate: nosition carries eood salary, suien did opportunity tor the right man. AB 197, oregonian. $1500 3 YEARS, 8 per cent, new bungalow, at Woodlawn, value $3500. $2500 3 years, 8 per cent, Irvington home, value $6050. $3000 3 years. S per cent, Irvington home, value $6950. $4200 2 years, 7 per cent, Portland Heights, two houses, value $13,000. CALLAN & KASER. Main 1S33. 722-728 Yeon Bldg. FARM LOAN WANTED. WILL PAY 10 PER CENT. Have two loans of $2500 each on im proved property in Clarke County, Wash. Amount wanted is not to exceed 30 per cent- of real value. Loan Department, Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Com merce. WE WANT a loan of J25O0 on a well-improved farm close to Portland; the security la first-clasa and wo will pay a reasonable interest.- HARGROVE & SONS. No. 122 North 6th fcL Phone Matn 4381. WANT LOAN OF $.;iH0 ON FINE PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROP ERTY. (VALUE $30,000); WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. AM 188 OREGONIAN. SECOND mortgage for $7500 at 8 per cent, paying $150 a month and interest: will discount 30 per cent; value of income property $26,000; first mortgage $8000; in come from property $3U0 per month: lo cated on Wi-st Side. N 178. Oregonian. WILL YOU Loan $2000 for three years at 8 per cent and $50 bonus on first-class real estate worth $1,000? A first mortgage, per fect title; no agents, deal with principals only. Address A. 194. oregonian. .iiuui r r A M Y17 A VTPn CI NT MY HOME AND FINE VIEW LOT. (VALUE $12,000): WILL PAY 8 PER CENT AND EXPENSE, NO AGENTS A I. 100. OREGONIAN. $1600 and $3000 at 8 per cent, on two homes, worth $3000 and $t;5K each, lo cated in good districts: WANT PRIVATE MUSfil. AO xyi. oregonian $20,000 LOAN DESIRED at 7 per cent, with interest pavable quarterly, on good brick building in business block valued at $55,000. STRONG & CO., Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bldg. WANTED To horrow $10,000 for .1 years at 8 per cent Interest, nrst mortgage, on .- .... I rt IT. 1IW DrOUe IV OI Jitf.WU .aiunuuu. Oregonian. $2000 LOAN WANTED ON MY NEW 7-ROO.M HOUSE. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY.' A. M. 191, OREGONIAN. FIRST mortgage of $1150 for three years at 8 tier cent Interest on real estate sold for $3000 will be sold at liberal discount. E IMS, Oregonian. - FOR SALE $575 mortgage for 18 months drawing 8 per cent, tirst-class real estate security, at big discount. E 1S9. Ore gonian. WANTED $3000 for 3 years at 7 per cent on fine new house in Laurelhurst, value ti-000. Call 818 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. A 4401. , WANTED from private party on first mort gages, improved Portland property. $000, 3 years, 7 per cent; $1250. 3 years, 8 per cent. tjralg carrier. rnmw wain $0000 3-year. 7 per cent, security 6S0 acres of land. 18 million feet of good timber, within 50 miles-of Portland; value $27,000. X 204. Oregonian. LOAN OF $1500 WANTED. ON MY NEW HOUSE. 8 PER CENT. INTEREST TO PRIVATE PARTY. AM 190, OREGONIAN. WANT $1000, first mortgage. 8 per cent, from principals; security $2S00 Improved Portland realty. Daring, 904 Wilcox bldg. Marshall LMT WISH TO BORROW $5000 at 7 per cent for 1 year, upon collateral security valued at $15,000. Will deal with principals only; no commission. K 196. Oregonian. $1000, S per cent. 3 years, from private parry on 3 lots and house in Tualatin View Park. Council Crest car. Inquire . room A, Lumber Ex. $5000, ONE or two years, 8 per cent: bor rower highly responsible: high-class se curity; regular commission. H 192, Ore gonian. - WANT a 1st mortgage loan of $2;.00 on 2 modern new dwellings, value $6000, lo cated In Montavllla district. Owner, W 200, Oregonian OWNER Just finished modern bungalow. Value $200. Want $1000 on 1st mortgage. three years, a. iho. tregonmn. I WANT $1500 at 8 per cent for 3 years on Improved property; private money: no agents. P 204, Oregonian. WANTED $2000 at 7 per cent for 3 years on good residence In Sunnyside. Y 201. Oregonian. WILL PAY $25 for use of $250 3 months; security valued at $1500 given. J 104. oregonian I WANT $1800. 3 or 5 years, S per cent. Gilt-edge suburban security; no agents. Hinsdale, or., rt r . jt. no. a, oj u. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale. Henry C Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bid. WANTED $3500 for first mortgage on good income business property worth $7500. Phone Woodlawn 1696. No agents. WANTED $350 on good security for three months at 10 per cent. Phone Main 8592, Wallace. ' WANT $1400 loan on my $3500 home; will pav 7 ner cent and costs; private parties only. X 190, Oregonian. WANTED $150,000 at 7 per cent, and $100. 000 at 6 per cent on centrally located in- come property, r -oo. ureguman. $3000, 3 YEARS. 7 per cent: income .busi ness) property worth $SO0O. C. L. Bam- Oerger, IU,I PjiaiuiiiK muts. maia .w, WANT to sell first mortgage $2750 on a $0000 Irvington home: principals only. James J. Mears. Tabor 4093. MONEY loaned for private investors at best rates of Interest: estates handled. Wm. Borchers, 207-208 Oregonian bldg. WANTED $500 on SO acres, clear of in cumbrance: price $4000: will pay 10 per cent. Ownqr. U'l 4th et. WANTED A long-time loan of $3000 at 7 per cent. 1528 Knowles ave., St. Johns line. WANT $2500 on acreage, 3 years, 8 per cent. 820 Chamber of Commerce. Loans Wanted. $500 at 8 per cent, four lots and store on Base Line Road, near city lim its, value $1700; well rented. - $750 at 8 per cent, two and half acres close to Base Line Road, value $1875. $1000 at 8 per cent, store and 8 lots, in Eslacada. value $4000. $1600 at 8 per cent, eight-room residence in Northwest Mount Tabor, value $4000. $3000 at S per cent, choice Rlverdale home, value $0500. B. LEB PAGET. 414 Falling Bldg. Phone Main 763. 8 PER CENT Interest for money in amounts ranging from $300 to $3000; secured by first mortgages on improved real estate. We loan 40 per cent of the value of the property. We charge you nothing for ex amination of titles, recording of instru ments, etc. And besides this, we collect your Interest during the. life of your mort gage free of charge. Besides handling our own funds, we manage loans- for a large number of clients. Let us explain our system to you. The Western Securi ties Co., 414 Spalding bldg.. cor. 3d and Washington sts. WE HAVE the following loans for sale: $1050 on property worth $.13000. $1000 on property worth $2800. $2250 on property worth $5000. v $1000 on property worth $6500. $:1500 on property worth $7500. $8000 on property worth $20,000. None but approved applications accept ed. Call and get particulars. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Commercial Club Bldg. I WISH to borrow $3000 on fine residence property, close In: I want private money; will furnish abstract. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. $1500 WANTED from private party. See Mr. Harrison. 511 Gerllnger bldg. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12. 34-lnch switche $4.45 $6 26-inch switches 2.45 Hair dressing 25 Face massage .25 Shampoo 25 Manicuring 25o; five for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 5-00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and $6 PUFFS, only $1.45. nut hair In anv ahade: switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. KTTrirn VT.TTOITK HAIR. Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed from the face, neck and arm a Our B needle method, absolutely painless, used by experts. Is the only cure. Avoid Inex perienced operators, those professing to do everything; "Jack of all trades"; we do this work ana notning eise. ELECTROLYSIS CO., 504 Swetland Bldg. 5th and Washington RADICAL cure oy tne latest natural heal ing methods, including radium, all eleo trical currents, lights, heat, vibration. haths. massage, adjustment and manipulations; most expensive, flnest equlDped private office In Oregon: no medicine or operations; over 6000 treated patients and not a death while under our care; we will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory. S12 Rothchlld bldg SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. Superfluous hair, moles, warts removed from the face, neck and arms. Our 5 needle method, absolutely painless, used by experts. Is the only cure. Avoid inex perienced operators, those professing to do everything: "Jack of all trades' ; we do this work and nothing else. ELECTROLYSIS CO., 504 Swetland Bldg., ' 6th and Washington MR AND MRS. E. N. STEVENSON, of Mayten, Slskivou County. California, would like to have Information about their son, Marlon Stevenson, who was last heard from in Portland. August 28. 1911. Ho Is 31 vears old. 5 feet lo Inches tall, has dark brown hair and gray eyes; he works gen erally as a farm hand; he afflllatos wtlh the Socialists. vr matter how long you've been sick health , ha vr.ur. Scientific druirless treat ments. Williamson & Ballou. doctors of mental-therapy ana learners oi imi"i and mental culture. 213 Aiisay oiug., cor. Morrison and Third. Main 9091. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfois graduate; rneumatism, nw.uui " ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th st second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 260. B 1803. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumoagu, biu, iuuo0aS.a baths. 300 Holladay ave., corner Occidental- "U" car. Phone East 3608, C 2553. Open Sundays. FEBVET & MAISiirJUX, Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human hair goods, switches from 95c up, hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to ...r ti7 7th. near Morrison. Main 544. ELECTRIC Witch Haiel Skin Food, re moves wrinkles and blemishes. To Intro duce, 50c size now 25c. Generous sam ple 10c Reliable lady solicitors wanted. Call between 10-11. Fletcher, 290 13th St., Portland. , SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles and warts re moved from face, neck and arms; -satisfaction guaranteed. Olga Gerth, office 504 Swetland bldg. 6th and Washington. Main 1308. . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, moles removed by the electric needle: 17 years' practice In Portland; physician's references; lady operator 130 East 19th st. S-E or Mt Tabor car.- Phone East 6038. WILL take a limited number of chronic -axes or invalids in my home. Beautiful view and pleasant location. Best of ref erences from city physicians. B 200, Ore gonian. MISS PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse. New York school of C. and D., treats rheumatism, paralysis and nervous cases. 290 13th st.: 13th or Jefferson car. Open r, . I u.ln 7 ,! H I KEEP COOL NOTHING! Not when your feet hurt. Our Sweet-foot Powder stops It 25e the box. Clemenson Drug Co., Front and Morrison sts GERMAN lady with strong magnetic power -,t i . i n .1 r.r BiimAnli anrl rllflea. cure" an . , , - in.i.,tn. cancer. No matter what alls you. see her. 916 E. Yamhill. Tabor 4103. DRESS SUITS for rent. Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips renalred $1.50 month. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., !09 Stark. I WILL send vou a reecipt that will posi tively relieve those sore, sweaty, aching, foul, smelling feet. . 'A. Abbett. 719 E. Mich. St.. inaiaiiatwiia. SAY. walk In and get a box of our Sweet foot powder. It makes walking easy, re moves oaor aivi ........ ... . Clemenson Drug Co.. Front and Morrison Mrs Stevens. 18 yrs. Portland's leading palm-i-a. hr lata book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale, 0574 Williams ave., cor. Knoll, vine -. ." . - MADEMOISELLE GUILLEMET'S girls' . , . i. 1 tr.v.v fia- lup anrl nn.nl coaming ",-,i""t, iA ,1 r September 10. Box 6i9. city. MRS SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and splrit ual science. 302 Allsky bldg. Question meeting Wed, and FTl. a P. M. Main 6S24. MANAGE. $1: scalp and face treatment. Ooen Sundays 10 to4 P. M. 406 North west bldg.. 6th and wasn. - a NT vou use combings, cut hair puffs and switches It's snap. 504 Swetland bldg. Main 1308, ZEROL The great nerve tonic and sys t.m builder. $1 per box; 6 boxes, $5. Btlpe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st MARINELLO famous cosmetics, sclentiflo facial and scalp treatments. Marlnelio S hon. 402 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. HAASS, U J . . ..---.....j. Switches. 95c; curls and puffs, 5c. San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. MRS 6 C MORRISON Steam baths and masseuring for rheumatism, lumbago. 333 Madison, a j MISS HEDLUND, hairdressing, manicuring, .... and aealn treatment. 350U Morrison st., room 30. SCOTCH nurse, mental scientist, treats rheumatism; also spiritual advice. 5554 Morrison. A 5600. Take W car, off at 18th. INTERESTING Information given free to 'sufferers from rheumatism, catarrh and a iMrHera 49 Union ave. V. DlUVil. " ' nrmTON graduate nurse and medical gym B.i.T. B:t92 Jefferson, up one flight. ralM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonic Tablets. 582 Davis st. Main 9215. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp traat ment. shampooing. 307 Northwest bldg. MASSAGE. $1; open evenings. 413 North west oius.. nt ES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. tV Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 8473. FACIAL IemlM,,c,orw'' "'' ??? Mrs. t-ouruiB'". - i MASSAGE. IJ.; open evenings. 406 North West PIOK" cm." tt .unistwi. LADIES, try Oak Balm; free samples 411 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. WANTED Party to adopt baby girl, 3 montns uiu- . w ..... MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. Koom i. -.'. i " .w.i oi. HAIR STORE, 120 6th St.. near Washing ton. Better quality hair, any shade. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Amateur Kodak Finishing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for pries list. The Kodakery. 6th and Wash. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brasscastlng and machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 2.02. Assayers and Analysts. PICKERING & CO.. assayers, smelters, re. finers and buyers of high-grade and bul. Hon gold. 142 "4 Fourth st. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers; chem lets and assayers. 2044 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison sL Attorneys. ALEXANDER & ALEXANDER, lawyerll practice in all state and Federal courts; abstracts examined; expert conveyancers; collections. 437 Cham, of Com. bldg. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-iaw. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed ta 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A 2071. Csstoff Clothing. LADIES' and men's clothing bought. Main 7895. Chlropraotlo Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg.. next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 0i.il ; res. B 2B7IV "" Coal. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST. WOOD. Chiropodists. WILLIAM, Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. DR. U. S. G. and Mrs. Fletcher Painlesi chiropodists. Over Hazelwood. Main 3713. Dancing. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. 10$ Sd at., bet. Wash, and Stark, and Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught dally; waits and two-step guaranteed In four lessons; clasa Monday eve. 8 to 10, at 101 2d su: Us sons 25c PROF. WAL VILLSON'S Dancing School; Summer open-air hall; waits, two-step, three-step, schottlscho and stage dancing, li-ssons 25c. Royal Acsdemy Hall. 854 Fifth street, bet. Stark and Oak strsets. Phone Main 7037. RINGLER'S ACADEMY, leading obc0,' dally instructions; informal dances ta nesdays, traturdays. 2314 Morrison. Detective Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con servative, reliable, conddentiui; rates $i per day. ORlce 510 Dekum bldg. M. 64-4. JKducationaL ENGINEERING Electrical, civil. mining, mechanical, survey, assay, cyanide, archl; tect. Vandeer Naillun-lieald School. 4- McAllister st., S. F.. Cal. Established l""1- STAMMER ? Method for cure explained Ire M. L. Hatfield. 11)18 Grove. Oakland, lal. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agents Bex bury steam engines and boilers, gaiollua engines 2S1 -2b3 E. Morrison. PUones;.olJ. Leather and Finding. CHAS. L. MASTICK & Co.? 74 Front. Leather of every description, tabs, mlrs. lindane. J. A. STKOVVBR1DGE LEATHER CO. lis tablisbed 1858. 18 Front su Messenger Service. HASTY Messenger Co., day and night serv ice. Phon Main 33. A 21o3. Mines anil Mining. MINES and mining securities, stocks In active properties. Coeur d'Alene dlatrkl a specialty, r.. A- iiem. ruuiium, GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought; cash, as saying 50c. Pioneer Assaying Co., ilia Mar ket St., San Francisco, Cat Musical. PIANO studio; modern methods. 2B'J 141 h. Main 3MI.. Arrangement, v timl Tnielhoro. vloilj. leaclier. ptij.il oevci. 91)0 Marquam. A 4100. Marshall 162U. Office Furniture. DERBV desks and office furniture. Halef Desk Co., 230 Seventh st. Main 5i. Osteopathic Physicians. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415.10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone, Office. M. 341) ; res. East or B lo-a. DK. LEROY SMITH, graduate Kirksvllls. Mo.. 1898. post-grad. 1D07. 1122 beillue 4- Painting. WILL tint rooms, $2.50 uDido painting al reasoiltttiie ,yi Paints. OH. and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is besl adapted to the Coast climate BAsa-Hr-ElER AINTO.. 191 Second st. IIASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints oh afsssT sash and doors. Cur. 2d and Taylor. Patents. INVENTIONS developed and patents ob tained In all countries, without delay CaU or write the Home Office of Oregot Inventors for rree booklets and prelimi nary advice before making applicative for patents. List of putent buyers fur nished.. Phone Main U479. PETER HABEHLIN. Registered attorney betore the U. E Patent Office, 320 Worcester bldg.. Port land. or. PATENTS that piotect and pay; book! free- highest references, best results; sent lor list of Inventions wanted; patents ad vertlsed free; send sketch or model to, free search. Watson hi. Coleman, paten lawyer. 622 F st Washington. D. C. PATENTS secured or leo returned; lllus trafd guidebook and list of invention! mailed free lo any ad.1 ress ; Pat.ii t se cured by us advertised free in World! ProgresV; sample copy free Victor J Evans & Co.. Washington, P. L. Patent Attorneys. patents obtained, trademarks, copyrlghti registered, all countries. Booklet free p 'l" R JIABEjtLlN. 326 Worcester bldg Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney F at"aw, late of the U. S. Patent Off Ice. Booklet tree aoiu p. . -.-. iTii. AND FOREIGN PATENT procured b) O. O. Martin. 408-409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Sr WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat. .uts. infringement cases 604 Dekum bldg. Patent Engineers. INVENTIONS developed and patents se cured All kinds commercial and allot draughting. Coop Schmltt. consultln. en glneers. 501 Henry bldg. Main 128o. Pawnbrokers. iiA"CK at reasonable Interest on clothing lewVlry real estate, stocks, etc. Stein I jewelry, .,,h ttiiritalile iJawnsnoo. " T-ut'i v Myers' Collateral Bank; 40 yeeri b ''ifcr.tlnd. 71 6th st. Phone Main 91U. Paving. THM Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 60S TiluS bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. DnRTLANO WOOD PIPE CO. Factory ano PRrL. near SMth and York sts. Main 848. - v.- u SAFE CO.. 106 2d St. Safes THE MOSLLR Art C". ' at "clwJ Screens. ui-ii t-TO-ORDER screen doors and win-BLlLT-iu d hu!lg complete. Amsrl. f'.y.a.'J'rf-o. Phone East 5229. Kecondiumu iioot-a. inthinic furniture and tools. High. WE.bUyr.c. Paid for second-hand clotnmg. yfLKST Efols. Marshall 2354. Taae.. Bank mna snow r.xture.. S,,,.. i i-TKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap THoB. Showcase c 6th "and Hoyt. K. Lutke. manager. k H B1KDSALL, 208 Hamilton bldg. Show- c-jesln stock, prompt delivery. .la.et M. Winter Lumber Co. tT.iKTLAND EHOWCASE FIXTURE CO. K till st. Main 7617. Cabln.t work. - . kkHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new -d second-hand. Main 27U. cabinet work. Storage ana fu"'- r. rv. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co.. office! C O. i,m, 4-story brick warehouse, a rate Iron rooms and fireproof vaulu for va ab.e.: N. W. cor. 2d and Pin. sis; and furniture moved nd p.ck.o - i?iDolng; special rates made on goods 7U cToV ihiougli cars lo all domestle sod lu f,t noinii Main 606, A "96 1UIH' r , ., .,n.--KO TKANSF-K CO.. s-.naral iraiisternng and siorag., safes, aud turnituro moved anu packea for,nlpment. b7- Front at. 'AeLpnaae m-'"54' or A -4' .,,, TitANSriiK CO.. established 187U. -r.fer aud forwarding agents. Olfics .. storage 474 Gllsan st., corner lath aud ' a.J'. Aione. Main 69, A 1169. Typewriters. i r:'T buy a poorly constructed typewrltei wu hen you cau Duy high-priced stauuaid akes direct from manufacturers at $3$ .i or Installments; special rental ratal rfo Dei month. $5 three months. Rein ing ton T ypewrlter Company, 245 Stark St. iTT TO"7oS will buy a REBUILT 1 VPK- vv'iJlTEK- rebuilt as good as- new. ail makes to choose from at Gill's, ad and Tiaer; terms to suit, every machine guar. Vniea Call or phone for representative. J. a in 8500 or A 6U0- wi.- are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; luvestlgaie; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter ux cuange. 3514 Washington at. i-icw rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cul rates. P. P. C. Co.. Ml Stark. M. 1407. veterinary Schools and Coll-ges. s. F VETERINARY COLLEGE tegins Sepu 10.' No protcssion offers equal rt unity. i-aiaiOgU tie's. v. n,.v, . -. ..a. ..- Ket t.. '- Well Drilling. DliiLi.iG eils. enone Main l.iii or ante A. Wsi. 1S2 Morrison su