-a I T " I : : I - I ZZm " . FOB BENT. I FOB BENT. TTANTED-AGENTS. . ' FOB BBNT. . ' u .,H , Wrat. F.mi.v. ' " Apartments. h . ": 1612 CAMPAIGN book now ready. Great est political Dafue in nm.ii T wall rrt nnmw tftlflt. .TA other Vita qumUodi must be decided by voters of the United biaies. oioBrajmp i dfdates and all facta and argument on both skies ot Issue, written by Demo hi Iran leaden thmelve. In our wonderful book containing SSO pares. 10O engraving and many Deautliui colored plates. You can make big money fast. If you alart at once. Liberal com missions. Handsome proapectua and out fit free. Send 10c to cover postage on big free outfit, Thompson runiiiaini m. 1.0U19. yiv. 40O PER CENT profit, eliding Caaters: Just mf agents, both sexes, with or without ' experience: a ao sludents; exclusive ter - ritorv- set coat 3c. sella 10c to 25c: homes " . buy O to su scia nuip vv anvone can attach: noiseless, aave carpets . in., wnn't ura t .-, floors, sensational agents- bonanza: no capital required; we give, credit: samples 4c. Evergrip Caster Co.. Drpt (Ml. ao warren-, a. . AGENTS on salary or commission: the greatest agents' seller ever produced; . every user of pen and Ink buys It on ' right: 20 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to $(120 In six din: another $32 in two hours. Monroe Aire. uo.. -V . i.a iii'"". .--. Jl'ST COIN MONEY selling New Improved Hosiery direct irom mm n oui .- vertlsing offer. You can make $25 daily. Everyone buys. Credit, tampies learner ette caso free. New Improved Knituni Mills. Chicago. TZ ,vn r.isi. ir.ESTS Sell 24 pack ages post cards at 10 eta. each. "lv beautiful doll or watch free J. - F"n'v Post card Co.. Dept. U. 4849 Henderson at., Seattle, V asn. c.-Dprv Annr phuck Demonstrate and sale is made. Stopa" the bang and saves. the door, uoxen can De runrn v-""-Demonstrating samples free. Thorns Ml. Co.. .17X8 Penn hlng- uaytnn. uniu. ti- . v-n.-n i i.i. .vents: iric n and women. Pell high-grade household specialties. X" tslklng. Easy sales. Big profits. Make - n ier week. Beaumont Supply Co.. Dept. 2. Pasadenw. Cnl. ( .ii WEEKLY selling collection cabinets to m.rrhinii No competition. Eiinwpv territory. Write for free samples and de scriptive matter. Sayera Co.. Laclede bldg. . St. l.ouls. Mo. , -MNKIXO OF TITANIC" Greatest money maker In years; 3.V pages, price 1.00. 5 per cent commission; credit given, send in- cents ior mBiunc .,..- Russell. 1"S t. lai-aiie 1 nn-aar. STATE agents to sell the newest "Ancior Sealing Machine" and gummed hind In J tape; used In all lines of business: guo-1 monev-maker. . Write O. K. Novelty Co.. Mutual Hank Piag., fan rnm. AGENTS maka big money selling our metaK lie letter for office windows, store fronts and class signs; anyone can pt tham o; samples free. Metallio Sign CO 437 N. Cisrg sc. Chicago. WANTED Women agents to handle pat ented article that every woman needs; loo ner cent nroflt. Sells on sight. writ today. Indicator Agency. Douglas. Art. FREE SAMPLES Ko-splaah water strainers are winners for agents, both aexea; dally profit $.1 upward; let us prove It; send -c (malting costi. Seed Filter Co.. New York. Tuvaov.rsVvv flvht nictures cracker- jack se'llers.' 16x20; per 100. $5.00. sample 2.c Act quick, joooera wrua tui . Peoples Portrait. Station t. Chicago. LEVRN about profits made supplying per fumes to families. Address Leffler A Co., Indianapolis. Ind. WANTED TO RF.NT. Hou I WANT to rent on Portland Heights or Nob Hill a fairly modern home, 9 to 1.1 rooms, furnished or unfurnished: must be In fine condition: would like lease, with privilege of purchase If suited. R 200, uregonian. WE have considerable inquiry for desirable ' houses, stores, etc. to rent. In all parts of the city. We make a specialty of col lecting rents and managing all kinds or property. Wm. C. Borchers, financial ' agent. 20T-208 Oregonlan bldg. "WANTED to reut A realdence of about i rooms: must be modern and up to date north of Washington street and weat of Nineteenth; atate full particulars and ' ' rent. AN 194. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent strictly modern 5 or 8 room house, bungalow preferred: with vard, on Mount Tabor car: not too far but. Address 71 Northrup at. apt. or tel. " M "Q48. WANTED To rent or buy. 8-room modern -, house m Sellwood. near 18th and Tenino: a,lve full particulars or no attention will be given. jrt dm. u"-b-"" WANTED A bungalow by 8 teachers, to care for during the beach aeason. Phone Marshall 5054. apartment 104. Buell apart ments, after " 30 P. M. TTOL'NO married couple, no children, want to care for plane during Summer. Best references. N 14. iirfsonmn. W ANTED Medlum-siie. well-arranged mod ern house. West Hide, by couple. Tele phone Marshall zno. A THOROUGHLY modern 7 or 8-room house on good carllne. with large, light base ment. Address ii.i uv WANTED To rent, unfurnished or will buy furniture of house. IS to i rooms. Ail 27. Oregonlan I WANT to rent a v or 10-room house in Irvington: must be modern; state loca tion and rental. App'r n irBw..... WANTED Small home, furnlahed or unfur nished, would buy furniture; state particu lars, AN 191. Oregonlan. IP YOU with to rent your house or flat. Me WATSON THEKKELPEN CO.. 3"6- Spalding blag. Main i..2. Booms. - XVO. 1 Room with exclusive people, meals optional; nothing but exceptionally first -clasa placea considered. AM 1S6. Orego nlan. , 6 OR 7 rooma. lurnlslied. for housekeeping, north of Washington and west of Kith St.; must be reasonable. AJ 198. Oregonlan. MAN and wife would like to live with con genial couple and share expeaaes: Weat Side. M. 2782. Apt. 6. WANTED Unfurnished room, north of . Washington St. Main P.'77. WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms, man and wife. V 205. Oregonlan. ONE or two unfurnished rooms and porch. heat, light, close in. R 203. Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. WANTED Board and room In refined home bv young man of good habits. Would be willing to do some work mornings and evenings as part of remuneration. Can give best of references. Address M 102. WANTED Room and board after Elks" con vention In private family, by lady em ployed. Permanent; references exchanged. V 105. Oregonlan. WANTED Room and board In private fam. Ily. 032 E- 6th s. N. FOB BENT. FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine. Tumlhed Booms. RAINIER HOTEL, One block from Union Depot; 140 outside rooms with hot and cold water and steam . heat; offers special ratea for permanent guests; rates 50c to M a day: (8.60 and ' up per week. Phone Main 3415. HOTEL REN WICK An Weal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor ats.. 1 block from Portland Hotel. opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Mala 818. HOTEL CALUMET. 150 Park St.. very central. European and American plan: homelike service In dining-room at reasonable price; $1 Kuropean, 12 American. Special rates per week. " VAN GORDER HOTEL. 1054 Twelfth St. Marshall 2780. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room; 1 day and up: 4 week and up. " FOR RENT. Nice front rooma, furnished, with or without piano; private place, S24 Jack son si. TITDI T .T VT1ITI I . Large, pleasant front rooma; easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences; $2. $2.50 to $4 per week. 828 4th St. Main 56 8 L 'BAKER HOTEL 245H 6th St.. opposite City Hall. New. modern brick building. . : hot and cold water, phonea and bath; beautifully furnished. Bates reasonable. LARGE, splendid double rooms on first and second floors; each aultable for S per sons; corner rooms, facing 10th and Mor rison. 195 10th sc; "W" car from depot. NICELY furnished comfortable rooms, tran slent rooms for city visitors. $87 Taylor street. THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished rooms, hot and cold water, phone, bath, $12 to $15. Main 5435. 505 Jefferson st. Newly furnished, strictly modern. S48 Salmon. HOTEL CORDOVA. 263 11TH ST. Now. strictly modern, private baths; rooms $3.i per weea uy. jiain wi. -NEATLY furnished rooms, close In. every thing handy. 80V4 North 14th at, near Washington. no you want a good room In a good loca tion at a low rateT Try Hotel Larrab'ee, "'-, u. I.arrabee sU F.sst Side. East 849. GAYOSV HOTEL, modern rooms $1 day and up. Grand ave. and East Stark. FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms In new - brick building. g64 Front St. CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEPING ROOMS. 628 MORRISON ST. THE SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorne Ave a. Vn. mhi ih. AnMt corner narlor. ed' room and bath suites In the city: large rooma. beautifully furnished, nine wln - dows. fine view of all the mountains; also some single rooma; elevator aerviuw. tele phone, hot and ooiu water, ewmo anri ateam heat: moderate oricea for da- sirable tenants; eight streetcar Unas pass the building. The largest sni coolest rooms In the city. , . If you are looking for permanent, home like quarters, be sure and inspect tha Sar gent before locating. Excellent restaurant In connection with tha hotel. Phone East J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. NOW OPEN! NOW C PEN I NOW OPEN I Those three beautiruiiy xurnisaea nu.e.--cnrirr. Hfll F!T. HdTEi, MINOOK. PARSONS, ROWLANDS. 21i 4th st 211 i 4th st. 0TV. 4thsc On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to Salmon sc: brand-new brick; elegantly fnrnlshed; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to data in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary, in tne Heart oi ice cur. i sonaMe prices, give us a call, aa we know you will like It. Rooma hy the day. week or month. Tourist traae soucuea. ANGELA HOTEL, 825 Washington St. Under New MannffemenC Largs lobby, finished In mahogany, til and marble: ladlea parlor, witn -i-t-ni fireplace; free telephone service In rooms all night and day. electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, many with i.ath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort Is tuade for tnecomrori ana convenience ot it. ru, - rents the most reasonable in the city: rooms h The .lav weelc or month. ' Look this over before locating. Take W car at Depot, get off at 19th and w-inmi'. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building: steam heated: private baths, hot snd cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, coxy, com- zortaoie; rent reasonaoie. tin ana m. u-. Regular and transient trade solicited. . r i T'VlOl IIATVI. 3s7V East Burnslde Street. . V I. . .1.1. , . i nA ...... monev your room rent. We have 120 modern rooms, single or en suite, rooms with pn vate bath: rates 50c to $2 per day. $2 ti $3 per week. Eaat 5040. B 1275. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslde sts. Absolutely fireproof; new ana eiegann fiimi-hed rooms- nrlvate baths: steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room: special rates by tne moniu. Phone Marsnsll 4lM. TWO furnished rooms, modern, all conven iences win accommodate z or -i people walking distance, rhone Marshall 3'il. Fnrnlehed Rooms In Private Family. FOR Elks only Two nicely furnished rooms In strictly private ramny. sunaoie lor or 6 people; breakfast If desired; 2 blocks soutn ot runnysiue car. near r.a-i .io. 784 East Yamhill. Phone rJast 13 1. c-ni? i f VT P"n rni.il wl rooms, use kitchen. light housekeeping ir desirea, tor man aim wife or two ladies; block north Hawthorne car. 254 East 84th su References ex changed. DURING Elks' convention can accommodate alx or more people; can no ugni house keeping; reasonable. 350 Montgomery st. Phone Marshall was. ONE or more clean, nicely furnished rooms. with or without Kltcnen, in moaern nomo. reasonable to Elks, guests: central; nrsi class. 521 Couch, cor. 15th. 8 COZY rooms, pantry, alcove, bath, piano. water and lights inciuaea. niceiy- fur nished. 630 E. Madison, near 16th. Call Sunday and evenings, ornce pnone r NICELY furnished front room, double bed, electric lights, hot bath, fine location on West Side, walking distance. Phone Aiarsnau uzv. xjua lain st. aonn. WILL rent by day during convention nice ly furnished rront parior; tive minutes walk from Portland Hotel. 530 10th. NICELY furnished front rooms, elegant lo cation, rent reasonable, bsi unsan. aiain 7J42. NICELY furnished rooms, walking dis tance, electric ugnt, pnone, cam. ii 7th sc NICELY furnished large front room, all modern conveniences, Dy tne weeK or month. Marshall 250a. 3z Harrison. VERY comfortable rooms for rent; modern apartments; only good .iks need apply. Main 7S0T; 284 JEFFERSON Large, well furnl-hed sleeping room, fireplace and batn, reason able. VERY desirable transient rooms, bath. phone, near Washington, close in. 26 pi. ITth. PARlOR bedroom for rent; also other de sirable rooms, walking; distanoe. 4i0 Main. LARiiE, pleasant room, lower floor, autt- aoie lor two; can no usea lor nouseaeep i n g. " C35 Everett su $6 MONTH, furnished rooms, phone, bath, electric light, wanting aisiance. s-i uar rison. RESERVED for Elka and guests, 6 large rooms. $2 and $8 a day with bath. 23d 0th at. Take J car at depot. NEATLY furnished front room, suitable for 3 or S, also single rooms. 212 11th St., near Salmon. NICELY furnished rooms, 2 blocks carline, close In. 708 Everett. ELKS Well-furnished room, suitable for couple; West Bide. 4s Clay, near I4tli. TWO furnished rooms In private flat, mod- era conveniences. 432 3d, flat J. NICE furnished room, light, bath; gentle- man. $5.50 month. 26tf Fargo st. u car. NICE, airy room, aultable for 1 or 2. B60 Williams ave. NICELY furnished modern rooms, walking distance. 547 Yamhill st. ' LARGE front room, reasonable; fine loca tion; walking distance. 4f ,-ith. ELEGANT modern room for 1 or 2 Elka Phone Sellwood low. FURNISHED ROOMS and board. able. 695 East Oak. E. 6ii PLEASANT rooma In Irvington home, block from Broadway car. fbone East 3226. LARGE front room, price reasonable, pri vate family. 334 rialsey. Phone c.ast 3il. SMALL front room, private res.,. $9 per montn. ik .-s. ntn st. LARGE, nice rooms, 10 minutes' walk to postomce, on car. hv.i otn. 1 NICELY furnished upstairs front room. All conveniences. 307 market. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, walk ing distance, reasonable. 445 7th st. 590 COUCH, blk. off Washington, clean furnished rooms. Main 8314. . ONE large room In modern house. 2G E. Iinh sc Phone E. ius. ATTRACTIVE, beautifully located, on West Side. Main 190L ROOMS for rent, by day or week, private ramny. Tabor soot. LARGE modern room, close In, reasonable. 46 Clackamas st. NICELY furnished rooms, close in, day. week or montn. 193 utn st. A FEW transom rooms left in private fam ily. .ia ciay. NICELY furnished room. 578 Irving, near ntn. Marsnaii SEVERAL very desirable furnlahed rooma; reasonable. .11 13tn. NICE pleasant furnished rooms, ten min utes from p. o. SHAn 4tn. A 3857. LARGE front sleeping room, upstairs. 273 H iin st. $2 WEEK Well-furnlshed front room, close- in. 4.Uft jenerson. ELKS sleeping rooms with light housekeep- mg privilege, am l-itn si. IDEAL rooms In an Ideal home; gentle- maa. pnone stain 4411. $S PER month up; newly furnished rooms. moaern, close m. 0.10 r lanaers. FRONT room, close In. 142 N. 15th; reason able. LOVELY room In new bungalow. Laurel- nurse References. ,aat 0H33. TWO lovely rooma during Elks Reunion. strictly Tirsi-ciaas resiaence. a,ast 0935. REFINED girl can have room board. $550. can HA loin St.. near waanington st. FRONT room. 100 North 17th. In walking aistance. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed room, private xamny. Z14 n. jwtn st. ROOMS, sleeping and housekeeping. 355 Taylor. NEATLY furnished front bedroom, walk ing distance. 431 etrt. - TWO furnished rooms In refined private home, pnone itasi isw. ew E. salmon ac NICELY furnished rooms, with or without breakfast. 8UM Everett sc TWO or, three nicely furnished rooms In private resiaence. reneonaoie. pwa Front. NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly; easy wanting oisiancg. woo waanington. SUITE of front rooms on park, aultable for three men. z7 w. r-arg. can mornings. NEAT, clean, sleeping apartments. 82 X. litn t. IDEAL rooms in an Ideal home; gentle man, pnone Main44i u ROOM with breakfast In private family. fjr Elks' week. ."5 might ave. CLEAJ". modern and nicely furnished room reasonable, r-none jaam as3. b'ib Lovejoy. MOI'ERN furnished rooma 6 East 12th st. CENTER rooms $1 a day. 851 N. 23d. THE SUNDAY VISITING Elks with families desiring nice ly furnished, quiet sleeping rooma and use of . cottage during week, close in. breskfast If desired, reasonable. Phone East 2742. D ls, oregonlan n V VTHITDRS A TT EST I ON. Nicely furnishe rooms. $1 a day and upwards: 10 mlnutea' walk to Elka' Tem ple. Apply 246 H North 17th. corner Marshall, pnone roam noi. LARGE, airy front room In Nob Hill apart ment-house, wanting aistance, -on ni Hide: this la strictly first-olass; two in family; no other roomers. A L. ure- gonisn. TO ELKS ONLY Two beautifully furnish nAm. t aiplf-rlv moriern nriVRte home brother Elk. durlnc convention. 101 East ititn ac LARGE. Ilghc airy room with 2 beds su able for 2 gentlemen; electric lights, ba phone, etc., close In; private entran By day or week. 228 Tenth st. - NICELY furnished room In private home -ik incluillna- hath. etc.. within easy walk ing distance, to let to responsible gentlo- mqa. can rjast 40a 1. T.ADY or erentleman can have nice room in small private .family reasonable. 146 GIbbs between coroett ana neny. mane A 3507. TWO Furnished rooms. In modern strictly private home, nice largo lawn, S blocks to two carlines, on East Side. Inquire 203 Henry blug! 1028 E. LINCOLN Large front room, pri vate batn, rennea aauit lamny; imiu breakfast if wanted: suitable for married couple; good car service. Phone a niw. WELL furnished room for gentleman in modern private home; all conveniences; references: close in. 327 6th st. Phone Marshall .766. HAVE a nice, big furnished room, would like to rent during Elks con. or longer to 2 or 3 people; walking distance; modern flat; reasonable. &o& layior. TWO nicely furnished rooms, close in on Broadway, walking distance, 1 large room with porch for 2 or 3. TeL East 4042. C 111 FLEASANT room for rent, suitable for 2. walking distance. 1 block from several cars; breakfast If desired. Phone East 4440. 229 E. 3d N. FOR RENT To single lady, large room with housekeeping privileges; strictly mod ern residence, walking distance. O 218, Oregonlan priu semt Nlce clean rooms, double beds yard, telephone, bath, electric lights. Will serve breakfast. Phone 1414 Tabor. Call 11BH Taggart st. W-R car. TWO rooms for Elks, bath, modern; one front room; also two ngnt nouseKeepina rooms; every convenience. 0 minutes nue. s-s car. iiVt a. niara su one or two furnished rooms with sleeping porch, in private family; no emiaren; 4- minute car service. -1 aoor io. THREE neatly furnished rooms, suitable for two; between 3 canines; waiaing i6in $.1. At East-f.13 Rodney ave. NICELY furnished outside room, modern $7 a month. 1 420 Ellsa. near union. cast 2532. $3 WEEK Nice furnished room in private family, waiKing aistance. jcueiwu w goes oy aoor. al cnapman st.. near u.?. rri)KiBHEn room in fine apartment house, private batn, gentlemen oniy. 10a 23d sC Marshall 2821 FURNISHED sleeping room, also adjoining rooms, suitable llgnt housekeeping. 41a S ygant su WELL-FURNISHED rooms for young man, easy vwHiaiu , uiaiautc. .. . . n.. corner of East 3 5th., Phone East 20IW1. NICELY furnished front room; modern con veniences; central, reasonable. 4ut Clay, near 10th. $13 FURNISHED room in modern apart- menu Apply a nuur u, or .oucnuu. Main 7594. LARGE front bedroom, furnished suitable for 2; moderate walking distance, close to 2 canines. 813 Hancock sc. east. COMFORTABLE front bedroom, close m. best car service, reasonable. Phone fc.aat 3680. 371 Multnomah St.. near Union. TWO furnished rooms, modern, all conven iences, will accommodate z or 4 people; walking distance. Phone Marshall 8019. visiting Rika will find well furnished rooms, reasonable. 3Z East 16tn st. f none East 0326. ' THREE furnished rooms during Elk week reasonable, tv& auiuiomsn. roune x.ut 4S08. DO NOT pay exorbitant prices; rooms at reasonable prices. a sip. in nt. iiuriu, 3 blocks from Elks- building. DURING Elks convention can accommodate six or mora people. 301 w. park. Mar shall 4215. NEWLY" furnished single rooms or apts. for housekeeping. Main 4.;4. .us fur a su, between e-almon and Taylor. NICELY furnished front room with or with- -out board, all conveniences. 787 uusan. Marshall 764. NICELY furnished room in private homo. with bath, within easy walking aisiance of P. O. Apply 59i" Main st. Muln 6879. - TO RENT Private family: walking dis tance; two nice rooms, suitable xor two; with or without board, call East 0106. NICE large and airy front rooms, one or (WO uetlB, an vunomrnw:B, icbbuukuiq rent, walking distance. Ill N. 21st sU PLEASANT front room, nice locality, walk. rng distance; reasonable rent. oifl bast salmon YOU CAN FIND very pleasant furnished 1-i Cnat "J , t H 1 hloV Mnlh tf Sunnyslde carline. Phone Tabor 2743. PLEASANT ROOM In pleasant neighbor hood ror rent auring - convention. can East 1148. NICE large front room with three large windows and alcove ror rent oy ween or month. 84 E. Taylor Bt. LARGE furnished room. 3 windows, bath. phone, modern, private home, board If desired, call at 19s feast iztn soutn. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home; reference. Kot) Hill. 738 Johnson. Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENT Unfurnished-. 3 rooma and Bleeping porch, all new and modern, shadea linoleum on kitchen floor. Phone Woodlawn 2475. Booms With Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. otn ana juaaison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. near car; 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 23d year. Rooma with boara. use or sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flandera. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. A NEW furnished room for two gentlemen, with board, reasonaDie. Appiy ii saor- rlson st. THE LAMBERSON, 554 Couch sc, very de- nlng water, with or without board, close. MANITOU. 2S1 18th su Attractive, oleaa rooms, IWBm neat, awn uui .t. i;hiib THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board. running water, steam heau 38a 3d su Booms With Board in Private Vimily. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, with board, phone and natn; - private xamny. 546 E. Davis at. ROOM and board. $S week; 2 In room $5 each. Phone, batn. u Kpaney ave. rate U car. IH JEFFERSON, room and board; pri ntiA family: rates verr reasonable: come and see. TWO or three children to board, ages from 4 to 10; beat of care; beautiful home. Phono 4613 Lents. NICELY furnished rooms, home cooking. piano, bath, parlor and phone; reason able. 492 E. 28th sc Sellwood 1104. LARGE, well furnished rooms; beautiful view, witn ooara; airicuy moaern. aiu Hassalo. e VERY pleasont front room with -board for one or two people, wanting aistance, pest home cooking. Main 82SO. IN modern Nob Hill home, nice room, with board; phone, bath, etc.; walking distance. 52 Lucretla St., near 23d and Washington. WOULD LIKE care of one or two small children. tiaoa .nome; nice lawn. lviu Eaat Alder su Tabor 1943. DANDY PLACE for 2 gentlemen; furnished front room and board; living-room, piano, home privileges. 475 Clay. COSY corner room, beautiful outlook, ex clusive neighborhood, cheap board. . 6o4 Lovejoy. ; . ROOMS with or without board. 325 Couch su YOUNG LADY as roommate;- room and board, private tamny. 4io ciay. - NICELY furnished rooms; excellent board; West Side, close in. Phone Main tftMl. TWO nice rooms board, if desired. Home comforts, walking aistance. jaain iw. OOOD room and board for one or two work ing men A 2964. 47 Montgomery su ROOM and board in a private family: home cooking, pnone 3a. o&ia. mi xotn. GOOD room and board, $20; walkiiuf. dis tance. 10 E. loth, pnone 0 itvi. ROOM and board In refined home. 383 Mill at., cor, west park. TWO pleasant rooms, large porrth and grounas; excellent ooaru. aaiu iix- 'S WEEK, central, home cooking, single or double, -lit lltn su arsnaii ioss. FURNISHED rooms, with or without boar J. IS- 12th at. NICE room, board for young man, $5.50. Call 32 10m su, near wasnrngton st. LARGE front room for two gentlemen; first UiM WWU. WW ' OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FOR RENT Furnished rooms with board in strictly private family within easy walk ing distance of business center; rooms suitable for 1 or 2 parties: especially con venient during Elks' Convention. Inquire aoy main su - BOARD and rooma in a strictly modern pri vate family, located in a restricted resi dential district: large sunny rooms; ex cellent home cooking. 615 Marshall su Phone A 48o4. n c t r--PTT-r-T all n ! tr I u fiirniihed. rooma extra large, suitable for two or more, witn separate ums, ii". water. good board, home privileges; rate a.ou Ufl. 11 il-l liai LAKUt;. pleasant room, -uii.-ii-i -dies or gentlemen, with board in private family: good home cooking; modern con- - .....1,1. in vast nth venienceb: ui nts caiiia-i. - i . . , ... . ome su ronu. rruii- r.a..-. .... IjAux Doaraer can letuic b-"'- ' ' and room in strictlv private family where . -.1.... K'avt SlrlB. no oilier puuiuria ie nci", -j 20-minute car service to town; references exenangeq. v xvt. cjrgat"'". .Ki aesiraoie Dacneior quaiwi, o porch, hot and cold water, baths ana snower; nome coo-cms. ' -o nu.c roniaiiu rieigiitp. j TWO desirable rooms and breakfast in mod- . . 1 . t,3. u.vthnrnii ern nome; mniuioa --"x , . ave, or MU Scott cars. Call or address 4o3 111. b.ia St. r-outn. ROSE CITY PARK. 1 block from carline Will board congenial young gentleman with references. Small family. Fine table. Ta- nor 1. X2 TWO connecting housekeeping rooms, clean, desirable, bath, gas. phone, elec tricity, running water and sink. No chii- aren. tiaii gncnuvcr LADY with beautiful suburban home, all modern conveniences, near carline, wishes boarders for Summer. C 3106. ' - LARGE room with board, suitable for two gentlemen; - single ocus. vdiuo - - close in. . -yi ven f" WANTED Girl to share apartment with . other girls; walking distance; expenses very reasonable. F 215. Oregonlan. t A WELL-FURNISH ED room in Private family, modern home, reasonable, uol .-naoison. x wwo. ROOM In private family foif 2: all modern conveniences: with good home cooking. o.'i m angers, apt. Apartments. - OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE. AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN ' . HUNTING APARTMENTS. ' Furnished and unfurnished apartments from $ to 5 rooms, from $20 to $1.0 pel month. If you want one, telephone. On Sundays or Main 2015 , Evenings call A 2015 Mr. Berry, r Main 2181. - t Our automobile will call at any address with our agent who will be glad to show these apartments. We own or control the following: . Angela, Washington and Trinity Place. Cecilia. 22d and Glisan sts. Claypool. 11th and Clay sts. . Fordham, 170 Ford sU Grandesta, Grand ave. and East Stark Hanthorn. 251 12th St., near Main. - Hanover, 165 King su, near Washington Kingsbury, 186 Ford St. . Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near lljh. -"Sheffield, 27S 7th sc. near Jefferson. SU Croix. 170 SU Clair su, near Wash. SU Francis, 81st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCE. 608-606 Ablngton Bids". THE ORLANDO, 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. UNQUESTIONABLY .FINEST LOCATION IN THE CITY. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, pos sessing every modern convenience; pri vate telephones, elevator service, excellent closet room, laundry with steam dryer. Most attractive entrance court In Port land. Select clientele provides precisely the surroundings desired for your family. RATES POSITIVELY MOST REASON ABLE TO BE FOUND. JULIANA APARTMENTS, 45 TRINITY PLACE, , JUST OFF WASHINGTON STREET. One two, one three, and one four-room -apartment, wen luruioiieu, c.uuai.t, cellcnt service; everv modern convenience. GRANDESTA .GRAND AVE. AND . EAST UNDER NEW 'MANAGEMENT. New brick building, newly furnished; private phono and bath In each apartment: elevator service; walking distance, burn mer rates $22.50 and up. Phone East 208. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison: 2. 3 and B rooms, furnished or unfurnished; latest improve ments; DBbI ici -t:-. -fijyij' v.. y THE LILLIAN, 6lh and Montgomery. Guests IO tne lilKS coiiveutiuu -sc.. . furnished apts. with phone and bath by the week or day; walking distance. Mar shall lata. . t, o i DT-TJI-V"T 13th and East Ash. 3 and o rooms, rur "nished and unfurnished; everything new and clean; also garage noxt door. East 2871. THE CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy St., 2. 3 and 4- . r , i 1 ...4 ,,n I.T. room apis., mrmwicu w'" for rent cheap; brick bldg.. good Janltpr service. Phone Marshall 1910, apt. 24 in basemenu " UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. 8 rooms, modern. Howard Apts. 228 North 20th. Marshall 2032. Summer rates. uc tuBT unnnTinH. 5 and 6-room apartment, choice resi dence district, walking distance, every con venience, zist ana r imiuwa ota. ji." ' 4 OR 5-ROOM apartments, steam heat, gas range, not ana wiu -.ate, back porches screened, very desirable. walking distance: oai g-ast mam at. BEAUTIFULLY furnished three-room apart ment Witn aressinfi-ruuitt ant c. porch; fine apartment-house; $o0. Phone Main HW3i. THE WINDSOR APTS. Very desirable front corner; 3 rooms, aiso rowmn, "i nished or not. Corner E. 14th and Yam- hllU .... . tiii .!.. wr.n m anri 2 TTiealS daily In exchange. Suite 32, The Marl- tiorougn. .JJ.ST. anq r mimm THE CODY furnished apartmenta. 2 and 3 lor. $16.50 to a0. Phonea Eaat 44. B 144-1. .--r-r-.w. a - ' nertmbnl' . t h T.H vate Dam, 4 uiucao ti"i ; - a week, suitable lor 4 men or iminu- Call at Moore s restaurant, -t-p .t.. ... TO SUBLET Overton Apartments, fine fur nished 3-room apt., wnn nam "t; -.-. first floor; will accommodate A or . Phor.e Marshall 388. Mrs. E. Weatock. . . . T-. T, r-i1 ' D T TRV1NOTON. East JUh and' Schufler; 1 unfurnUhed apartment; everything modern. East o-. EVELYN APARTMENTS. 267 N. .21st Jt-i 3-room lurnisnen myni m----., , rent. Marshall id. -.TT-.C--- -ct i-ino a rnnmfL well furnished with -"VL . s tVi- t PhnriP piano. urmonae, r in-iutno --- 4 on J - J.U a. 1 1 bvi.. FURNISHED room in moaern "-" "' eentlemen oniy. ap-ihu""' 5 ..,. Kioi-hall 2316. THE DAVENPORTj Newly furnished 2 and SumrTer rae. 5435. 5Q5 Jefferson. J. . -T-vu r OKK TC 1)TH o a 4-room apartments, new urlcK bu 1 i d in g. new furniture. Marghall 8. thk MEREDITH, 712 Washington -rU, X 1 o -?i.room aots.. hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnished; cfaeap- est rent In the city. " MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, park and Madison Sts. Vot rent, 8 and 4-room furnished, and t,.iv anflrtments. strictly modera. NEWCASTLE, 402 H 3d st ; housekeeping 9 o-i it.AT.inK' rooms: bath, phone ana laundries. HARRISON COURT. 5TH AND HARRISON. TTn4,.Vni4.h0l 1 And 4 room aDts. 2-room . i a . . molliiic rl lt a n f irniBneu . -.....-, Trie. SJri JjAia 4--iV -1 19 u, Williams ave., 3 rooms, modern In " 79 Cool 1fiQ . -r . XT-. A I", 4 OTXXtr. YTQ rery respect. x-. VING-DAV1&, corner r-wK iuu vavu Trs 1. i.mnm furnished or unfur- stree , ' nisnea. : thvt FLORENCE 3-room furnished apU.. .f, walklnsT distanoe. 88S lltn . n.Rfiea. jt-cl-i.- . rout e- ; Marshall 4l74. Tioyw MAWK Atrxa-, 00 "-" l.m 4nA i-rnnrn aoartments. with noreh. hill, fine 4-room apartments, wup porcn, Mtr T.ATJRETTE i furnished 3-roonTapart-T-V- nrlvati? bath and phone. 229 llth sf t; Z rwK LEON AH1 -r ooiu apartment!, ' new THfa-,, ,rr' nwPrn 665 E. Main. Rm. 1q hnnnnia. : tttt i a ETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2 iV?lZ Vomer 2d and Montgomery. roum- . NEWLT furnished room for gentleman. Apt. 61. ot. Ic"'-'n- NICELY furnished room In -modern apart- ment. mhu mis f.OR. 3D AND MILL. . - 4 and 5 large rooms: modern.- PARK APARTMENTS 853 Harrison t- Phone Marshall 3070. THE WILMAR Four and five-room apart ment. ljUereim mju n..iii. JULY 7, 1912. TRI WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor Sta THE WHEEL-DON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Bts. Walking Distance. -Fnrnlshed complete. 2. 3 and 4-roora apartmenta; buildings new " and strlctu modem; service flrst-olaae. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes, -irini.y Place, between 19tn ana zum ni. off Washington: magnificent exclusive apartments in neari 01 .... - - .. district; rentals reasonable; every modem convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; references re quired In all cases; two beautifully fur- nianea apartments avaiia-uiw m.j A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar shall 110L ' THE AMERICAN. - . . . ... Maiament In th Northwest; every , convenience: 4 ,and 5 rooms, ail OUISIUO aunn jwu.d. walking distance, 21st and Johnson sts.: choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 3360. th-ts rartter. cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur ' . nished and unfurnished in 2, 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box. plenty of -closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744, Marshall 2961. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and Upshur sts., furnished 2-room apartments, $15. $18, $20 and up. This Includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart menU private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free; also 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath, $18: 4 rooms, so. iaae . 2Sd or W cars north. Phone Main 859. THE PARKHURST. Cor. North 20th, and Northrup. Most homelike 3 and " 4-room apartments. Make reservations for Elk convention. Main 1178. NOKOMIS Marshal, near 17th su New building, never been occupied; rates $20 and up. One unfurnished, $18. ARDMAY TERRACE. 12th and Harrison Bts. Largest 2-room apartments In the city. ALTON I A. Marshal! and 19th sts. Large, airy, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet and exclusive neighborhood. T.HE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience, including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones in all apartments; high-class service; references required. Main 2276 and A 7057. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th SU, Near Taylor. Handsomely furnished or unOirnished 5 room apartments; also single furnished rooms: telephones In every apartment; pleasant surroundings, conveniently lo cated to cars. Phone or call personally. THE DEIL, 790 East Ankeny. All newlv furnished outside apartments In brand-new building; strictly modem; within walking distance. Take East Ankeny- and Montavllla car at Third and Morrison, get off at 24th st. Phor.e B. 1S08. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretla SU, Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two to five rooms, all large, light and outside: large closets, hardwood floors; under new managemenu Marshall 1513. Janitor, Mar Bhall 1500. - MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Coiner 3d and Montgomery; furnished 2-room apartments; building new and strictlv modern; elevator;- 5 minutea walk io P. "O. No children. $25.00 up. Main 0466. THE WESTFAL, 410 5TH ST. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $27.00 and up: close ih, nicely furnished 3-room apartments, with private bath and phone, elevator. A 2038, Main 207'J WINSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th. St.. at Market, new corner brick. 2-room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance; prices reasonable. For Information call Main 1739. LINCOLN APTS.. COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er. Janitor service. $22.50 to 30. including lights, private phones. A 3472. Main 1377. "THE WICKERSHAM." 18th and Flanders sts. Beautiful apartments, 5 and 6 rooms. Call and see them. GRACE. APTS.. 797 Northrup sU, corner 24th: five large room.. uiu"wu iv.w.., front veranda, large sleeping porch, pri vate telephone, water, heat and hot water, new anil strictly modern, vacuum cleaner. inc. -- 11. i Two and three-room apartments; large rooms, large closets; strictly modern, cool and airy- for Summer; reduced rates. Phone Main 7755. 695 Lovejoy st. Take W car. -. . . , ..tlk h.rh fu O rt f-rouin "um uuciii ...... nished or unfurnished. Pacific phone in each $32.50 up; outside rooms: splendid view'; convenient arrangement: superb lo . -cation; close to Postoffice; best of serv ice The Sheffield, 272 7th. cor. Jefferson. mKIAS COURT. E70 Couch, one block frum Washington, walking distance. 3 and 4-room modern unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences, "best of service; under new man agement; references required. Main 1192. C1HMITI.1TA. Jefferson and J3th Streets, 4 and 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Rates Reasonable. Modern References. New. UMBERLAND Apts.. W. Park and Colum bia Bts.: very choice 2 and 3-room fur nished and unfurnisrfed apts.,' all modern conveniences, beautiful location, facing tha park- 5 minutes' walk from business cen ter, best aervn-e. ALTAMONT Apartments, corner Fifth and College 3 and 4-room apartments. all modern convenis-m.-., city; must be Been to be appreciated; T minutes" walk to P. O- THE Columbian and Victorian Apartments, steam-heated rooms throughout, private bath and free phone In every suite; cen trally located. Main 1911, A 2i20. Co lumbia) and llth. Portland. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS. 15th and Everett 2 S and 4 rooms, unfurnished. nrlvite baths; $20 up; completely reno vated, under new management; walking distance; convenlentandbest service. .tic t Trr 1.-u v T.- Corner 3d and Hall, newly furrrlshed. 2 room apartments, building new and strict ly modern, large outside kitchens, service flrSt-CiaSS. caay C5RANDESTA furnished apartments. Grand ave East Stark. New brick building, elevator modern conveniences; closs-ln location; best of service; very low rent THE M' KIN LEY APARTMENTS. E. 7th and Morrison sts.- very central and I-room apartments, furnished com- plete. private nam. , - -up LBONCE, 186 N. 22d. near Johnson. New modern, brick, 3 and 3-room. baau tlfullv furnished apartments, all outside rooms, private bath and phone; $22.50 up. r-n.vPT.ET ELY furnished three-room apart meSt rent very reasonable. St. Francis - apts.,' 21st and Hoyt streets. Inquire Jan itor. THE ALAMO, 4S4 Market st., furnished and - unfurnished 3-room apta. also single rooma strictly modern, prices $20 to $30. nPUT FOR THE MONEY. 1 and 3 rooms, modern, housekeeping, $15 to $25. 514 Jefferson, corner of 16th. th p"oNEONTA Nicely turnlthed 2, 3 and T"rro?m apartments, only $20 $25 and $35; single rooma. tjtfi LAND. 16th and lovejoy Unfurnished front) -modern, new brick, must be seen tabe appreciated. Main 1867. A 186T. t"h k- DAYTON Beautiful location, 6 flas ,. rooms, apartment, porches and every Convenience. 662 Flanders. Reduced rent NFW modern 5-room flat. East 9th and Hancock sts.: hardwood floors, tiled bath: residence district; no children; $25. Phone East 5o70. u 1 nnOV VI ATT llth and Hall. 2. 8, 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, modern, hardwood floors. private balconies; Bummer rates. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia sts.. 1. 3 and 4 rooma . ,-v. and unfurnished: madam Tnruiin : - THE DRICKSTON. 448 llth, nicely furnished .2 and 3-room modern outside apts.. near H.iahtaMrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57. BOSE-FRIEND, cor. 7th and Jefferson, very desirable unfurnished apartments, all outside rooms. hardwood floors: rets. i HAVE a nicely furnished apartment I won t neea bwv' .. n . , ... ' . . 1 1 uy ' day or week-, close In. Call at 63 6th su Flats. MODERN B-room lower flat, corner East loth and East Burnslde sts. Phone East 235 or 3 2335. 5-ROOM flat, all modern improvements. 598 Salmon, key 600- Salmon. 3' 50 Desirable flat,- 6 rooma, attic, yard, norches. West Side. M. 422ti. NEWLY furnished 3-room modern flat. $20. SS5V E. Main, st. . FIVE-ROOM flat In new brick building. Mllwaukle and Bismarck streets; $20 a month: good opportunity to rent rooms; rent free for July to good tenanU Apply 405 Washington. .MODERN 4-room flat, close in. fireplace, furnace, built-in buffet and wardrobe, dis appearing . bed. washtrays, Dutch kitchen with gas range, waterheater; rent $32.50. Main 3754. ' 4 AND 5-room flats, thoroughly modern and attractively finished, corner E. 2Sth and Stark sts., J25 per month. H. P. Palmer Jones Co.. 404 Wilcox bldg-. Phones Main S(i99, A-2653. MODERN 4-room flat, with bath; very cen tral. East Side. No. 329 Ross st. Rent. . Including water, 2u. Phone East 3710, or Main 2114 6-ROOM modern flat at 3S K. 1st St. '.. near Broadway. $25 per month. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main goHO. A-23,-3. NEW 5-room flat, 7S2 Glisan sr.. fireplace, hardwood floors, gas range, etc.; very desirable. Call Main 2015, A 2015. Our agent with auto will call and show flat. FOUR-ROOM lower flat, modern, well fur nished, walking distance. 255 Cherry St., flat 2. Take Williams ave. car. This Is a snap. MODERN "-room flat in best location. West Side, Nob Hill: low rent to permanent tenant. Johnson St., bet. ..id ana ALMOST new 5-room flat, cheap rent and walking distance; has nice porcn, nre- piace. etc. t.ail college si VERY desirable 6-room corner flats: fur nace, fireplace, hot-water coll, etc Sss them at 22d and Kearnoy sts. nuuen,- liar, ivod Hill, O runiin. lumai-.-j fireplace. 149 N. 21st. between Hoyt ard Irving. W cars; adults, references. FI7R.VISHED flats, fresh, clean. 3. 4. rooms, E. 28th and Sandy boulevard; rent 16 to sl'0. pnone aiarsnau l.it. s-n l-nnnM nnner flat. Dorch. cas rande. gas heater, large attic, refrigerator. 104 E. 2Sth St., cor. Washington, a .uit. FINE S-room upper flat, goad location, fine view. 94Sh Corbett st. Phono Main 306O. 6-ROOM lower flat on the corner for rem; only $25: has every modern convenience. Phone feast i. 4-ROOM. walking distance, linoleum, gas range ana water neater; everyining ;im. 2tf E. 13th st., near East Asn. . FOR RENT Furnished lower flat, all mod ern conveniences. 241 Ulenn ave. mono B 2070. NICELY furnished five-room flat. two sleeping porches: player piano. Call early. 42 14th. A NEW, comortable 5-room flat, close In, rent reasonable. 400 East 12th near Divi sion. 16 DESIRABLE S rooms, with bath and gas range; water free, ozi uveriun u Phone C 1874. r.nRNFfl tr.ast 2d and Multnomah sts.. Hoi laday Add.; new. modern 5 and ft-room flats, close in, near new gteel bridge. $25. xi 7 l.RAnv lower flat: free nhone. 69 E. 22d, between Stark and Oak. Apply 127 ej. lotn, near jiorrison. x.ai. oowo. 5-ROOM modern flats, largo porches, 30; choice, central location. M. B. Rentery, Stearns bldg. 4-ROOM flats, ono furnished. Phone Eaat 1719 or call 6B4 Williams ave. 4-ROOM flats, on furnished. Phone East 1719 or call 664 Williams ave. -ROOM flat, large front porch, gas range, reasonable. Main 2160. HO 4-ROOM flat, 23 E. 12th St. J. J. OEDER, Grand and Ankeny. MODERN" S-room flat. 2911, Margin, near Steel bridge, fronting river, s.n.au. 6-ROOM upper flat. new. modern, walking aistance. inquire nztf cvercn. 6-ROOM modern flat, $25, cor. loth and loveJoy; key next door. LOWER 5-room flat, 1061 Corbett at., $20. Phone Main 3060. LOWER or upper 5-room flats. 4 38 2d St., $25. Phono Main 30o K;N 4 -ROOM flat, near 23d and Wash- Ington sts. : reasonable. Main 03., A ij-j. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt sL t .1.. in atu .t f.ln AA7R. T-ROOM flat on Everett, near 21st. Phone Tabor 3719. 5-ROOM modern flat on best carline; $14. Phone B 1503. MODERN 5-room flat, 6th near Jackson. West Side; 10 mln. walk. Main or A 1223. LOWER B-room flat, modern. 47.1 West .. Park. Inquire 4n park. MODERN five-room flats, upper or lower. Holladay Add., 340 Clackamas. C 1001. FLAT at 454 llth street. Jackson bungalow. furnished or unturnisnea. $27 Modern 6-room' flat, all conveniences. fine location, pnone c. 101 sr. N THE heart of Irvington, 5-room modern flat. Phone Mst 010 16 4-ROOM flat, new and modern, close in. Phone East 6126. ' ' FOR RENT Flat, neatly furnished. Call 6SU Powell St. . LOVELY 4-room lower flat, furnace, rent $18. Fhone'fc'ast 5. B 1404. Housekeeping Kooma. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free: $12 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-street cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts. Fur nished --room apartments, $15 up. Includ ing steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, pubjio bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free. Take "S," "23d" jr "W" cars north. Phone $1.60 to $3.00 week, clean furnished house keeping rooms. BUliaDie mr .ww or .vu. , free heat, laundry, bath, nhone, yard. gas. 406 Vancouver avenue aim pn.mn THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park Furnished or uniurnisneu avMB-wfiin apartments; all conveniences; best loca tion, bummer rates. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished, unfur nished housekeeping rouiua, cum 86. 3d and . Morrison. THE ELMS. 2 and 3-room housekeeping and s I n gle rooms; transients soucneu. j.'i. a FURNISHED housekeeping, $1.50 to $2 a week; also sleeping rooms. 291 2d st. 2 NICE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water.' -515 Mill st H oiisekeeplng Rooma In Private Family. 2 ROOMS, large porch and yard. Inquire 266 Grand ave. N., corner Multnomah. , C 2S03. TWO housekeeping roooms with batb. light and phone, I7. 74 East Sth st. North, cor. Everett. East 1339. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In pri vate famlljii m. Jtn. x-u. 63 N. 20TH. large, airy rooms, nowly fur nished, with or without housekeeping. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, nlee yard and shade trees. Phone Tabor 2023. TWO lovely furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, water, bath. Call BSJ Pettygrove St. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; only $10. 515 Clay. FOUR newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 163 Monroo. Phone Woodlawn 3015. 2-ROOM suite on 2d floor or single rooms. 632 E. Morrisorr ONE large housekeeping room, connecting bath. 30 E. 13th N. East 3249. NICELY furnished front housekeeping-room. $12. Light, batn. phone, am j-in. FURNISHED H K. rooms, cheap and good, 5 minutes from Morrison. 372 7th St. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms: two beds. 215 loth, corner Salmon. TWO pleasant housekeeping suites, two rooms each, close In. 421 7th HOUSEKEEPING suite, gas for cooking. $0.50 month. "U car. z-u naiaey st. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms in 2 and 3-room suites. 3SU 6th st. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, clean and pleasant, $10 per month. 4Q3 4lh st. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 141 N. 38th St. $20 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 353 Lincoln SU Main 6845. 2-P.OOM suite, best location, walking dis tance. 699 Everett. TWO neat housekeeping rooms, bath, gas furnished: $13 monthly. 415 Wygant st. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms on third floor, $2 week: gas, phone. 308 13th. ELKS Rooms, housekeeping or single. 04 Sherret ave.. Sellwood car. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms; reasonable. 66 E. 28th st. N. SUITE of 3 and 3 furnished housekeeping room for rent. 421 B. Ash. East DSfis. CLEAN, newly furnished housekeeping rooms: reasonable rent. 171 Union ave. A SUITE of four furnished rooms on lower floor. 261 Morris Bt. TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. 409 Eaa Ash st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Portsmouth ave. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. Running water. 340 College, corner 71 h. $2-ROOM. close In, housekeeping, .for girl employed. 134 14th. ' $10 HOUSEKEEPING room, light, clean, laundry privileges; phone, bath. 447 6th. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment In private family: entire upper floor, porch, large hall, hnt. gas range, electric lights, telephone, use of stationary tube; resloenc, district; one block of Hawthorne carlJne. Telephone B 1P4H. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 3 furnished h. k. rooms with new sleeping porch, fine view. Walking distance. Must be seen to b. appreciated. 471 Chapman st. Phone Main 51IIU. NICE front room with kitchenette; electric light, running water; $4.25 per week; iilro nice three-room eulte, $."; ensy walking distance. tlG N. 21st, 1 V, blocks from Washington. NINE rooms, housekeeping, good Income; rent $45: close In. fine location, near park; only $550. 9100 down. $20 month; bargain. Owner. 353 College nnd Park. FOR RKNT Single or housekeeping room on Portland Heights, near car. good view, yard and flowers, .private family. Tel. Marshall 4423. LARGE front rooms, also single room; light housekeeping if desired. Gas. bath, phone, etc. 211 Sherman, corner 1st. Marshall 2293. FURNISHED housekeeping front room, al cove, clothes closet, porch; suitable for gentlemen like to batch; modern. 474 Clay. $6 MONTH NU-e room, furnished, privi lege of light housekeeping, walking dis tance, working lady preferred. 321 Chup mnn. near Clay. DOUBLE parlor, furnished nicely for house, keeping; line location. Call Punrtay or evening a'fter 6 o'clock, at 661 East Mnd ison st. FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms, $13; lights, water, balli. plume free; adults. 1163 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 804 CLOSE IN 2 nice housekeeping rooms, with kitchenette, running water, porch, private entrance, yard; best Inundry privileges. 21.1 14th St.. near Jefferson. Fl'laNlSHED housekeeping rooms. Just th thing for a small family with mod-ran means: splendid location. Apply 24.iV North 3 7th. corner Marshall. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 3 modern rooms, furnished; walking distance; tine view, large yard: prlvute family. 5i'.l Clifton st. Main 4644. $S MONTH, large front housekeeping rooma alcove kitchen, nicely furnished. nlrs home for one or two ladles; walking distance. 53&Va Montgomery. TWO large, light and strictly clean house keeping rooms, completely furnished, $4.23 ' week. These are nice. Call 5114 Co lumbla Bt. ONE pleasant suite of 2 rooms. West Sloe, IO minutes' walk from Postoflcc. 012 Market. LARGE, pleasant rooma with kliehenetie; everything furnished; easy walking dl- tance to carline: reasonable. 1S1 E. 12th. ONE and 2-room suites, front and down stairs: wood and gas: also sleeping rooms. East 2364. 15 E. 8th North. THREE large, newly furnished housekeep ing rooms; with bath, gas and phone 1 rent $18. 101)4 E. Taylor. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, run ning water In kitchen, gas, bath and tele phone. 4oO Market. TWO suites of housekeeping rooms; also single rooms. In modern home. 194 North 17th. Main 8135. 1 LARGE furnished room, gas range, hot, cold wator, bath, nice for lady employed during day. B4o fourth. TWO housekeeping rooms, also one sleeping room, walking distance, reasonable. 601 Washington st. TWO or three connecting housekeeping rooms, newly furnished, modern convenien ces. 3S0 E. 1st N. THREE convenient housekeeping rooma sink, main floor; $3.00 per week. 403 4lh street. NICK LY furnished housekeeping rooms on carline. A 2064. 407 Montgomery; rea sonable. TWO well-furnlshed housekeeping rooms, modern. Phone, bath. 210 Montgomery, A 82K1. . 2 LARGE, light and airy housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, reasonable rent, close In. Ill N. 21st st. LARGE beautiful rooms with kIK'henetu and sleeping porch; Summer rales. 402 Park TWO housekeeping rooms with all prlvll-tf''i . of a refined home, $t per week. Wood lawn 1459. FURNISHED rooms In private family, clost in, front, 'gas, sink, phone, stoves, cull be used for housekeeping. 1'69 Collegost TWO nieel furnished rooms, r.as ranee, running water, bath, phone, walking dis tance. 327 7th St. FL'RNISHED 2 rooms, connecting, wnler In rooms; all modern conveniences: tine lo cation. :29 East Ankeny. East 2'.'4". TWOorthree well-furnlshesd hou:'eUo..nliia rooms, desirable location, close in. Oil lv. Morrison st., enr. 17th. B 'jwyo. FURNISHED 4-room cottage. li nilnillc walk to P. O., gas, electric light, lnyuiu 467 7th. Fl'ltNlSHED room with kitchenette, walk ing distance. Phone East ii77. 21.1 Gland avenue North, near Itussell st. 21 JEFFERSON Clean, well furnillied housekeeping rooms, reasonable. Houses. HOUSES FOR RENT. 6 rooms. East 2Sth and Franklin . .$2I.0C . .:in.oi. 8 rooms, 7 rooms, 6 rooms, 5 rooms. 14 rooms. 5 rooms. 5 rooms. 54 S 441 124 Taylor East 13th, North.. East 18th st . .$.111,110 . .$2.1.IMI . .$:tn.oil ..i.-i.im) . .$.'." no . .$jo.on . .$:i.-i.ou . .i'lo.iit . .$.1.-1 III' ..$2IMrt . .-'. c ..$17.. 'ill . .$:..". on . .$20.01) . .$2.vnn . .$15.00 . .$23,110 . .$7.vo ..$10.00 . .$2.VOiJ . .$2.1.00 41.1 188 llth st Porter E. loth and Clinton.... 454 6th st 363 13th 'st 120 East loth 346 Wasco 4.12 13th 423 Halsey rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms, rooms. 1W3 Uibbs. ,63 Irving 14th Sth 6th Meado. ... - 347 62S 4.'.2 5 rooms, 6 rooms, 9 rooms, 5 rooms, 6 rooms. 6 rooms. 6 rooms. 169 11)3 N. 22d st East Harrison FLATS FOR RENT. 562 East Salmon r0.i East Salmon 675 East Washington 446 V I.arrabee.. 550 Kearney........... . .$2 5 rooms, 6 rooms, 5 rooms, .no . .$;t7..iii . . oc . .$2. -1. IK . .J"i.oil . .$.10. of . .$111.00 ..$2.-..ni; . .$:i0.iHJ N4 Kearney. 5 rooms. 243V4 Grant. rooms, 5 rooms, 0 rooms, 5 rooms, 5 rooms. 306 4th St. . 6A2Vs Yamhill 37 X. 21st 472 Hancock. :tli;i4 Halsey PARR1SH .10 Alder St. Both Phones. Phones. II h7TT. II i.--n ut:v-T fiiih ft-room house, bat trie lights, um c;. zuin. jipiny u e house Albeit. Monday morning, ui"t x.u. car. 7-ROOM house, close in, 441 Tillamook, fireplace, gas auu oieun 11.11 j. ni"! Geo. W. Tabler, 48 N. 6th St.; both phonos. MODERN 5-room collage $18 and 6-room 2-story house $22: nice yards; cement basements, paved street, block from car. 7bo Williams ave. Woodlawn 42H. MODERN 8-room house. Irvi...,n; rase, trees, beautiful location, Broadway Lr. 6ii0 Halsey, near 21st st. Key 691 Clack amas. $4.1. Phono East 801. FOR KENT 13-room house; electric light, gas; block from car. wt Side: rent $20. 814 Nicolal. Phone E. 3.1"5. 7-ROOM house, Sunnyslde. 971 E. Taylor Bath gas, yard, $16 per month. Taboi 166. FOR RENT Small house In Council Crest Park, $7 per month. Large house tent $6; ono acre of ground. .Marshal 1371. FOR RENT 5-room house, bath, electric lights and gas. 188 tMth.'st.. Montavllla car, 2 blocks1Appl at the house. FOR RENT 2-room house, $5 per month. 05th and Willow sts. Apply 34 East Third street. FIRST-CLASS 7-room house; gas. electric ity furnace, central location. Knott nr-;if Union. Small family. Inquire 660 Kerb)-. 5-ROOM cottage, Dutch kitchen, laundry tubs fine bath, near 3 carlines; rent reas. lilt! Vnll!n at. Kast TiSlO. 5-ROOM house, E. 2.1d and Tlbbetts sts.; ...... lot. corner, good house. 430 Wor. cester bldg. Main 1040. I WANT to rent Immediately my lovely 7 room home In Irvington to responsiblt people. For particulars phone K. 584. 8-ROOM modern house, suitable for Uv families, large lot. $27. 849 E. Stark, ncai 28th. Main 2336. I NEW four-room cottage, cor. 10th and Snndy ROaO. mniin eaat o'l. 5-ROOM bungalow at 338 E. 44th. Rent $1S Tabor 356 NEW modern 5-room house. $15; gas ami electricity. 119.1 E. Sherman st. FOR RENT 7-room house. 5.18 East Al der, phone East 1646. j?IXE new, modern 8-room bungalow, Olm s tead Park, $40. M aln 8004; NEW 5-room modern house for rent. 75. Corbett st. JROOM house, four rooms furnished, $15. 500 N. 26 Vs St., fairgrounds. MODERN 6-room house. E. 13th and Di vision st., on 2 carlines; $1S. FOR RENT 5-room huiiKalow, modern, No. 39 S h a ver. Call Ma is h a 1 1 12on. MODERN 6-room house? 170 North 23d at. Phone A 8595. HOUSE, 8 rooms. close-In location, reason able. Inquire 521 Couch at., cor. loth. .1