THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, merce- Commission's extensive Investi gation of that subject Just completed Raiimiila will be reaulred to estab WIFE SIGNS TO BE All Hail Orders Carefully and Promptly Filled -Express Prepaid on Purchases S 5 or Over Jthin 100 Miles of Portland-Samples Mailed on Request -Principal Portland Agents for Ladieom Journal Patterns and Publications -Very Latest Style Patterns m AH Sizes at 10o and 15c Jn lish drastic regulations to safeguard the operation or tne privileges in iu- OF ture. GASOLINE BURNS TWO MEN 25cBoxPaperl5c 500 boxes of Fine Stationery, Lawn, Cloth, Fabric- and Linen Finished Paper of excellent quality. 21 sheets of Paper with Envelopes to match. Comes in fancy floral cartons and sold regularly at 25c a box,. . 1 Cr Mechanic May Lose Life as Result ot All the 25c Grade Wa sh Belts 15c At the Notion Counter A special offering of Women's White Wash Belts, shown in neat embroid ered patterns and plain tailored ef- fects. All sizes in best 25c 1 C grade, priced this sale at . aJC Spokane Garage Explosion. Actor and Miss Zabelle Furnish - SPOKANE, July 6. (Special.) Roy Eads, a mechanic was seriously Excitement as Liner Pre pares to Sail. burned today by a gasoline explosion in a garage. The explosion' threw gasoline over Eads and his ciotning was ai.iu.ino .! most instantly. . Ed Malrneau also suffered painful hn,n, Kiit will rflrnvtr. "CHARLIE" GOING ALONG iraAa' tara hfinVlii. arms and lesrs The Most in Value, the Best in Quality priced for this sale at. were burned. His recovery is oouoi The gat-age was a total loss. One HITCHCOCK . s ' ; , ' ' Hitchcock Minim Ires Incident, Say Ing He Xeeded Signature That He Might Sell Herd of Cows They Own. NEW YORK. July . (Special.) Raymond Hitchcock and his wife. Flora Zabelle. had a squabble this morning in front of the stateroom which hi wife and her father engaged on the Hamburg-American liner Moltke, which sailed today from Hoboken for Medit erranean ports. The squabble was fur ther augmented by the appearance of a person whom all present called "Charlie." From words that flew for a time, spectators gathered that not only did Mr. Hitchcock want Miss Zabelle to sign certain papers which he brought to the ship, together with a lawyer, but he strenuously objected to "Charlie's" sailing on the Moltke or tagging around after Miss Zabelle. Matters were further complicated by the untimely arrival of Charlie himself with two suitcases. He and Hitchcock started right in without further words, but were pulled apart. Then Hitchcock fumbled in his coat pockets and unearthed some legal docu ments which he wanted his wife to sign. ' He appeared to forget Charlie. All he wanted was to have the papers signed. 'Td sign almost anything, sighed Miss Zabelle in relief, "to be rid of him." Charlie sailed when the Moltke did. At the Lambs Club this afternoon Hitchcock said he was amused over the Incident. He said that his wife had given liim power of attorney to sell their farm near Brewster and had left for the ship before he discovered that he could not dispose of their herd of Holstelns without Mrs. Hitchcock's signature. He . said his father-in-law had not much respect for his business ability and that he was a little ex cited. "Charlie," he declared, was his wife's cousin. He was on the best of terms with his wife, he said. ALBANY HEARS ORATORIO Cantata, Joan of Arc, Rendered as Fart of Chautauqua Programme. ALBANT. Or.. July . (Special.) An oratorio by. local people,- assisted by a Portland soloist, was the leature 01 the Albany Chautauqua today. It was the cantata. ."Joan of Arc" and was Dresented in the bisr auditorium to- nlg-hkrlt. a directed by-Mrs.- Adna Smith Flo,, of the conservatory of :mu sic of Albany College, and the . solo parts were- taken by Mrs. Flo. . so prano"; J. P. Mulder, of Portland. -tenor. bind J. C. Irvine, of Albany, baritone. The large chorus was . formed of local musicians. Preceding- the oratorio was a concert Iby the Chautauqua orchestra, and the (following ' musical numbers by local talent: "The Camera Hump" (Ger man), by a children's chorus: "Slum bering Song of the Sea" (Coombs), chorus or young women; i win uive the Keys of Heaven." by a children's horns: male quartet, Messrs. A. At. Hammer, C. V. Littler. J. C. Irvine and H. A. Kelson. Professor Lee Emerson Bassett, of Stanford University, gave a recital this ifternoon on "Hamlet." and Miss Mary. A. Sutherland, of the North Dakota Agricultural College, spoke In the audi torium this afternoon on "Meats, a Dis cussion of the Relative Values of the JDIfferent Cuts." A concert by the Icnautauqua orchestra at 2 o'clock and h. band concert at 4 o clock completed hhe afternoon programme. Rev. William Parsons, . D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Eugene, was the speaker at the forum hour this forenoon. The work of the Chautauqua Summer School was car ried forward today. Rev. W. B. Hln- kon, D. D-. pastor of the White Temple rf Portland, conducted the Summer (Bible school class. The attendance at today's sessions k-as large and the colony of campers bn the Chautauqua grounds was aug mented today by several people from kurrounding cities as well as from (Albany. LEBANON RUSHES SEWERS LBids for Improvements, Including Pavement, Are Received. LEBANON. Or, July 6. (Special.) Work is being pushed on the local sewer system. The outlet has been opened and pipe-laying is la progress. A large number of bids have been received for the new paving and the (bound! committee Is comparing them- and action will be taken at an - ad journed meeting Tuesday night. Last January the 160.000 of sewer funds was received by the city and Lhe Treasurer gave a personal bond In the sum of $75,000, the 12 bondsmen qualifying in the sum of 1290.000. It now develops that the county tax rolls show them to have paid taxes last k-ear on S36.945. The names Of two not Appearing on the rolls at all. No ac tion looking to the securing of a new bond has as yet been taken.- POOL FEATURE OF CHURCH V a tor Organizes Club for Swimming In Basement. ROSEVILLE, Cat, July 6. (Special.) A feature of the new Presbyterian t'hurch here, which is practically com- bleted but not yet dedicated, will oe a Swimming pool in the basement. The pastor. Rev. O. L. Linn, has or ganized an association along the lines fcf the T. M. C A., to which 60 mem bers have made subscriptions of fo eacn for the establishment of the pool, and Lrtll Day SI a month for running ex penses during the year. An additional Amount win oe requirea 10 guarantee kuccess. SHIPPING FRAUDS FOUND 'MUMng In Transit' Privileges Sub ject to Gross Law Violations. ) WASHINGTON, July 6. Gross frauds knd violations of the law in' the exer- frise of the "milling in transit privi leges" accorded to sniDners. princip ally in grain products and lumber, have WIFK OF RAYMOXD HITCHCOCK, WHO SIGNS PAPERS TO "BE RID OF HIM." .4Vf .. Flora Zabelle.. . . taxlcab and six hacks were burned, a shed in the rear of the garage was slightly burned and houses on each side of the garage were damaged. The total loss was estimated at $5000. WORK TO COME TO COAST Four of Eight Submarines Will Be 'J Built on Pacific. "' OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. July 6. Senator Jones has se cured an amendment to the Naval ap propriation bill providing that four or the eight submarines authorized, to cost in aggregate $4,440,000, shall be built on the Pacific Coast; also an amendment authorizing the erection of two large wireless stations, one on the coast of Washington and one in Alaska, to cost "not exceeding $1,000,000 each. Senator Heyburn secured an amend ment appropriating $76,000 for devel oping and mining coal on the public lands in Alaska lor tne use or me Navy. Husband Files' Complaint. ' G. Bleloh, contractor, well known in Portland, obtained an Information yes terday against J. C. Smith and Llllle Bieloh. his wife. The same defendants were arrested several months ago on a like charge and were held to answer to the grand jury. Then the complaining husband relented and tne action quashed. DR. W. A. WISE. Painless Perfect Dental Work with the assistance of a new anes thetic which causes no disagreeable after effects of any kind, we give more for the money than any other dentist in Portland. This statement Is substantiated and guaranteed by 25 years' successful practice In Port land. In that time our patients have Included the best-known men and women in the state. Our B r 1 d g e w ork, Plate Work, Crown Work, Fillings and all kinds of dental work are unequaled. Best Red Rubber Plate. eaek97J(0 23-K. Gold or Poreelala Crowm.aS.OO Gold or Enamel FtlUasa, aeal.M Sliver FUUna-, each 9 .30 Wise Dental Co. Office Hoars 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. ' Snadaya B to 1. Phoaea Main Z02&, A 2029 Falling Bldg, Third and Waahtna-toa PAINLESS EXTRACTING. ' Dr. Wise's Personal Service If Reqnested. . . WELCOME B. F. O. E. Welcome to the Hose City We extend a cordial invitation to you to make this store your head quarters while in our city. We want you to feel free to ask any of our employes, questions to par take of any and all of the conve niences we have provided; in short, to make yourself perfectly at home. Floor attendants will see that you pet everv attention and if you de sire you can check bundles for an mdefrnite tune, tree ot cost. Every department of this store has entered into this Great Summer Sale, which gives promise of being the greatest of its kind ever organized in this city. Great preparations have been made for this sale. Everything bought for Spring trade remaining has been taken off our shelves and placed on the bar gain tables, bearing prices that will cause them to take a hurried departure. Hundreds of dollars' worth of desirable goods goods you can use to advantage now are offered at prices you will quickly recognize as much under even bargain figures. Besides, we've made many remarkable fortunate pur ' chases of Summer goods paid bargain prices at bargain prices we offer them to you; For example! Big Sale Women's Fine Silk Dresses Shown in stvles entirely new this season, in plain colors or changeable effect. d (-ff Regular $17.50 and $15 values . . ? U.U V7 More new nlodels have arrived to add to our already large assortment of Handsome Silk Dresses, which portray smart, distinctive and uncommon style ideas. : Beautifully made varments shown in all wanted colors in either plain or changeable effect. Materials are silk poplins, messalines, -pongees and taffetas, cleverly finished Dresses suitable for either street or party wear. All alterations free. Regular $17.50 and $15.00 , T f ff - values, priced tomorrow ....... P V W A Most Wonderful Sale Dress' SkiFts Shown in hundreds of good styles in plain colors and mixtures; values to $9.50, sale price ..: .... If you are in need of a separate Skirt, you ought to see this, show ing, which is the largest and most complete we or any other store in this city has ever gathered. There's practically no limit to selection and you have choice from hundreds of styles in mixtures and plain colored serges, voiles, etc., made in the newest styles; panel back and front, also one-sided effect with high or regulation Q QO waist; regular values to $9.50, sale price ; pJ.JJ Bathing Suits, all styles and sizes, $1.75, $1.98, 2.50 to $4.50 Bathing Caps at 15, 25, 35j,65. Bathing Shoes at 35, 65 IP $3.90 Women's Fine osiery Shown in black and the popular QQA new shades; best $1.25 grade at. You know, the Weight and character of Stockings add to, or detract from, your comfort and costume. Therefore if you are particular about such things you .Ill of Women's High-Orade Silk Stockings. Tnese are made oi tne iinest oi siik uh double heel and toe and heavy lisle sole and ribbed lisle garter top. They come in all sizes and are shown in black and the popular new shades of tan, light and dark gray, light blue and navy, lavender, pink, etc. Stockings that sell everywhere at $1.25 a pair, priced for QQa this sale at 17 OV Women's Silk Boot Hose, 50c Grade, 3 Pairs for $1.00 These are -wonderful bargains at. this lowered price. Fine Thread Silk Hose, made with double toe and high spliced heel, double lisle sole and lisle top. They come in all sizes from sy2 to 10 and were bought to sell regularly at 50c a pair, priced for this flfh sale at 35, or 3 pairs for. . . . . . : J. W Women's Cotton Union Suits 1-3 Less Than Regular We have just received direct from the . manufacturer, a special purchase of the "Augusta" Knit Combination Suits. They are well wearing, perfect-fitting Union Suits of seasonable weight and fine rib, shown in low-neck sleeveless styles with lace-trimmecKQ knee, all sizes, regular 75c grade priced for this sale at tJXJK 'ill ':; V vf 111 iftJ&! Women's Pumps and dds IftriIiVjhwiiiaiJiTfftanBlnfllBiMi Shown in latest styles in patent colt, vici kid, gun metal and Russia calf; regular $3.00 CpLO f Q and $3.50 values, tomorrow .... . . tp JL S7 This interesting sale shows the latest style Pumps and Oxfords in qualities that annot be surpassed for wear. All styles and sizes in patent colt, vici kid, gunmetal and Russia calf, in button and blucher lace, hiffh and heavy soles, low and high heeL The i 1- i i i rr 3 aw aw. kma tnat sen reguiany at q.uu ana , T f $3.50 a pair, priced this sale,.-. ....... Important Sale Misses' and Children'3 Pumps and Oxfords Sizes 8y2 to 11, regular $2.00 values at. Sizes 11 to 2, regular $2.50 values at ...1.59 ...$1.75 ens Underwear In the Men's Section tomorrow we are making a spe cialty of Fine Cotton Mesh Shirts and Drawers at a saving figure. The Shirts are made with long sleeves; are neatly faced on the front and bound around the neck. ' Drawers come ankle length and have good sus pender straps. These garments come in plain white and are the best 50c values. Specially priced, QQo per garment. . . .'. - . Men's Dress Shirts, $1.25 values, $1.00 A special offering of Men's Dress Shirts, made of good quality plain white material and shown with plain and pleated bosom. They come coat style, with attached cuffs or regular style with detached cuffs J-j and are $1.25 values. Special at. ....... P vrJ Negligee Shirts Specially Priced $1.00 A fine line of Men's Negligee Shirts, made of fine quality mercerized material with one separate soft collar to match. They come in plain tan, cream or white; also a line made of good quality figured madras. Fine. custom-made garments, specially ' &"t QQ priced at r 7 Elk Four-in-Hand Ties at 25 and 50 Each JULY BARGAINS IN Domestics and Wasli Goods Here is a sale that ought to interest every woman in this vicinity.. The prices figure just about half those regularly asked. Are you going to miss such an opportunity? , SILK-MIXED WASH GOODS In 25c and 35c, Qualities, Priced for This Sale at 15 Yard About 3000 yards of dainty Silk-Mixed Wash Goods, shown in a wonderful assortment of plain and fancy styles. Fresh, clean goods in the wanted plain shades and neat colorings, bought to "I sell regularly at 25c and 35c yard. . This sale only at, yard yV Summer Corsets, Special 50c We are now showing an extra strong line of Summer Corsets and all the late models are represented. They' are made of good qual ity batiste, coutil or Summer net, boned with rust-proof steels and neatly trimmed with lace. Hose supporters front and side. They come in sizes 18 to 30 and there is a style to fit every 50C figure. Specially priced at . . ; .' ... , . -. . .'. . ..... . . July Sale of Go wns French and American Emb. Underwear Muslin Gowns at 98V $1.19 $1.75, $1.98 to $4.25 An elegant line of Women's Gowns, shown in a great vari ety of styles and patterns. Beautiful , garments copied from the latest French designs and finished in a superior manner. , , ' ' Hand WM Corset Covers at 59, 85, 98, $1.25 to $1.75 A most wonderful line of dainty hand-embroidered Corset Cov ers, made of good quality mate rials and handsomely finished. Chemise at 98V $1.19, $1.50 and $1.75 Dainty, well-made, finely-finished Chemise, in a large variety of pretty patterns, neatly em broidered in handsome designs. been reveaieu- oy uv mwisuiiv