II rms BcnrxJAX on iv'WJ'.Hi l .if , ruix'iXiAiTO, TTJTT 7, RF-AL ESTATE. For Sale Acreatge. A GENTLEMAN 8 . k .. I . 1 knmaalti fir country home in th, vicinity of Port land. It coven about 114 acre, directly on a splendid etreetcar lino. Just outside tho city limit, on Sandy blvd., 11 cleared and in clover, soil the very beet. wttr phone, cement walks, free deliveries from the city stores, la fact, every eon"0.1 that can be wished for and to a responsl ble party I will sell this on any . terms he may desire The price la right and if you are Interested I will be fled to take you out in my machine, show you tne property and let It speak for itself. AJ log, uigg'Jiunu. E ACRES, all clear, on main county road, only H miles from Port land Courthouse, with the "' ral ranch buildings and at a bar- . sain prloe; we have subdivided and sold out the balance of tne ranch, now the building must go. Your chance. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 103 Fourth at. A 3500. DANDY LITTLE HOME. 1014 acres, all in extra high state of cultivation, with acres fine apple orchard Just coming in bearing, all kind, brrles and garden, fenced with hog-'1" "oven wire: thla Is extra fine soil, f ne barn and out-bulldlngs. shingled cottage. 2 fine wells; this place Is 20 mllei Irom land on main county road 60 rods from Oregon Electric station: price $3750. 7a0 cash, balance 5 year,. P?r CO-OPERATIVE REALTY 3MPHAlJ.' 520 Railway Exchange. 4th and BtarK. ju ACRES.' 300 feet from Fourth street carllne. 40 minute, west of 4th and Washington sts.; land all clear 4-room modern house, 7 chlckenhouses. gasollna pump and fine water ry.tem all In lt" shape and may be had for 12500 upon good terms. TBI SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33. 102 Fourth st. A 8oO0. AUSTRALIA. VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED LANDS. Tracts from S to 200 acre, ea 81H-yr paymenta; price $35 to $65 an acre; et tlerTean pay off land at any time and become absolute possessors', abundant supply of water: climate same as Cali fornia: land, close to thriving town, with free schools: government wants settlers. Write to government agents. Peek-Judah Co!. ST Market st. San Francisco, for full particulars a, to fares and oonoea ,lon, offered to settlers. SYCAMORE ACRES to on the Greham line. Just east pf Lenta, Excellent car service, richest soil, lowest prices. , GEO. D. SCHALK. 228 Stark Street. Main 392. A 2392. COUNTRY HOME. 10 acres, near Gray, Crossing, nine miiee from courthouse, with new modern bunga low, new barn, also email two-room house, plenty of poultry and poultry-houses, splendid water system, new gasoline en gine, fine bearing orchard, grape arbor and Llklnd, of berries, smart t'Out stream run, through It; thla I, a lovely spot for a home and will pay for Itself in a short times let me show you this place. 3. DE LA HER. SOe chamber of Commerce. Marshall 688. A 7281. SYCAMORE ACRES Sycamore station, on the O. W. P. Ry.. la in the center of Sycamore Acres. M tract over Ave minutes' walk from the station. When buying, consider this con venience. . . . GEO. D. SCHALK, 228 Stark Street. Main 392. A 2492. ACREAGE traeta of to 5 and lfl acres each, close to Portland, both northwest and weet of city, at 1150 to $300 per acre upon monthly pay ment plan. See us, the oldest and largest acreage people In the city. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 8500 RIVERFRONT ACREAGE. On the beautiful Willamette; good boat landing and convenient to the Oregon City car. If you want an ideal home on the river, buy one of these acres. For price and particular, see THE LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder St. SYCAMORE ACRES On O. W. P. Ry. line. Before you buy an acre home, call or write for plat and prices. OEO. D. SCHALK. 228 Stark 6treet, Main 892. A 2392. S ACRES. 2-room house, good well, land all, clear and close to station, commuters' fare 14 cents, only 40 minuter car ride, best of soil, (1230 upon terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 12 Fourth St. A 3500. T ACRES choice fruit and poultry land, near Gresham and Troutdale. 2 acres best fruit land; 3 acres with eastern slope; 2 acre, onion land; shade trees and strong living stream; Ideal for poultry; fir and cedar timber; price $1050; $10 down and $10 per month: land adjoining this held at $350 per acre. We own the property ourselves and will accept a well secured mortgage as part or whola payment on thla property. F1RLANDS TRUST CO.. 714-730 Spalding Bldg. SYCAMORE ACRES You can get an acre facing the electric line. Johnson Creek, on Foster road, for the price of a city lot. They're good. GEO. D. SCHALK, 228 Stark Street. Main 392, A 2392. A BARGAIN ON YOUR OWN TERMS. To you want a dandy acre or half acre, near Sandy blvd., within a short distance of a splendid carllne. with water piped to the place, electrio lights, phones, free deliveries from city, etc.; in fact, all Im provement, in and paid for, soli the best and In a faM growing community? If you do. write me and I will show It to you and If satisfied, yon can buy It at the right price and on your own terms, AL 185. Oregonian. jo ajred lr ui ejejse ieJ ml oj lirea g.yi Oregon and Washington and of Portland. Either for sale or trade, but must be priced right. Established four years, but branching out and need more piopertles. Will also consider subdivision, eitner lote or acreage. If you want to buy or sell, call or address. BRIGHT REALTY CO., INC . 202 Hamilton Bldg- Portland. TWO acrea at Metsger, 9 mile, out on Ore gon Electric, about 1 acre of strawber ries, one-fourth acre potatoes, large chicken-house and park. Six-room house not finished, good well. Flva minutes' walk from station; 12 cords of wood. Price (2500: terms. Main 5S7 or L. E. Thomp. son. 324 Worcester bldg. WE HAVE some view tract, on the West Side of the Willamette River, five acre, and up. offering the same Inducements as did properties on the Oregon Electrio a abort time paat, by reason of published electric and steam railway route. Drop us a card or use the phone. Main 1410. Oregon Iron A Steel Co.. 338 cherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. INVESTIGATE tnla thoroughly and make money: are you willing to pay 50 cents per acre .down for good, level farm land, and 25 eenta per month? If you mean business, write: have no tima for curiosity seekers. N 103. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES of fine land, 14 miles from Port land near Electrio and river; 1 acres In fine hops, under splendid cultivation; - large bop house, tools, ate Phone Mon day. E. 4617. TO RAISE money this week will sacrifice 40 acres near transportation. W. H. Monroe, 264 Stark t- FOR SALE Cheap acreage on carline: easy term: " minute, to Portland. AO 301. Oregonlan. wood RIVER SO acres, unimproved; cheup at (75 per acre; will subdivide. W 2J. Oregonlan. ilw ACRES, highly Improved, good bulld IngC on carllne. $4600; (1000 less than Value! terms. Mali SOS Ablngton bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. SNAP AT MILW ALKIE. 4.66 acrea all in high state of cultiva tion, lies level, wen leneea. i acre straw berries, bearing orchard cherrlee, apples, nun. etc : irood fi-room house, good barn, 2 chicken-bouses and other out-buildings, fine well: cultivator, plow, harrow and other farming Implements go with place: this place adjoins city limits Mllwaukle. prtv huvlnr can e-et (26 oer month .for doing light work 1 hour each day near oy; price seuuu, tisuv chsii. uiuuio a.,i. gage (1600, 2 years, balance long time; 6 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 520 Railway Exchange, 4th and Blarte, GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYBODY. 10 acre, level, black, sandy loam soil; can raise anything: this Is ha zel land, with nice bunch of fir tim ber for wood; only 12 miles from center of Portland and in the Bea verton district, fine neighborhood, with all kind, of conveniences; best of pure water easily obtained; price $150 per acre; 5 year, to pay. ALVORD-CARR-HUNTER CO., 219-221 Board of Trade. THREE set, of home building, on ranches we have eubdlvided and sold off, now the. buildings must go and you may find them Just to suit. Either of these pieces may be had with 5 to 20 acres and upon monthly payment plan. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 85. 102 Fourth at. A 3500. 'SYCAMORE ACRES ' Think of It, an acre of good ground, on Johnson Creek, 40 minutes' ride from the city, for $400. GEO. D. SCHALK, 228 Stark Street. Main 392, A 2392. SO ACRES, 16 miles from Portland, on the west Biae electric uua, iuu -. -.-, cellent soli, all Improved; good buildings, very fine orchard In lull bearing; 14 acre of Loganberries, V, acre of rasp berries and blackcaps, 14 acre of straw berries; good water system; all stock ana farm Implements and crops go with the place; must be sold soon; especially fav orable term, will be given and at a price less than any land offered a, close to Portland. It will pay you to look thi, place up. W. H. LANG CO.. 315 Ablngton Bldg. THIS Is one way to be safe; 1 to 40-acre tracts, very rich. Improved land, one hour's ride; electric station on the ground: price $12 to (300 per acre; very easy terms: 10-acre commercial apple orchard. 3 year, old; one hour's ride on electric road; very choice; would exchange for farm or altf property; 5 acres level, 4 miles from 'city limits on Base Line, hae (3000 home, at Mt. Hood electric station, very easy terms or will exchange; all alxe tracts for platting a specialty. Dean Land Company, 623 Chamber of Commerce, 4 th and Stark sts., city. SYCAMORE ACRES I, 40 minutes from the city by the O. W. P. electric line and In the best part of Multnomah County, and the prices are TlghU GEO. D. SCHALK. 228 Stark Street. Main 892, A 2392. 0 ACRES. Cleared, at station on Forest Grove electric and county road; lies splen did to cut In acre tracts; can double your money this year; small amount of cash will handle it. J. E. RAND & CO., 309 Board of Trade. CHOICE PLACE. Consisting of 13 acres. 1 mile from good town; all smooth land, all under cul tivation, all fenced; very best of aoll; fam ily orchard, good (-room house, good barn; personal property, good cow, several doien chickens, harness, wagon, and all neces sary implements. Price $3600; some terms may be had. OTTO ft HARKSON REALTY CO.. 1(814 First Street. GARDEN HOME ACRE. All cleared 'and in potatoes, third of crop to buver; only 2 block, from station, $100 to $200 down and $50 every 8 months will buy it. ATCHISON ALLEN. 210 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder sts. SNAP FOR RIGHT PARTY. For sale by owner. 114 acres of well Improved land; garden and all klnde of berries. 5-room house, furnished. - with basement; cow and 100 chickens, good outbuildings: 8 blocks from car; city water. 2209 Hassalo st. Phone Tabor 4119. Price $4500; terms. 14 ACRE. RYAN PLACE. $800. Finest or garden iana, an cieareu. ONE ACRE. FINE VIEW. $1300. Surrounded by nice home with nice people: So commutation fare on Oregon Electric and only 19 minutes out. C. A. Ulnes. Agt.. on ground afternoons K. O. SKJJR. J-. wo -u' i CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH. near ., , . . i . , -r cnnnrTainM . T a n at foriianu; a xncw Duuwt,wiw. prices, best soil, fine view. wood, water and roads; 6 acres. $400 per tract; 10 $500 - 20 A., $S00; 40 A.. $1200; 80 A (2000: 160 A., (3000; liberal terms. , FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. ..I ar'DL'a mannn On Reams Road, near Base Line and Mt. Hood station: could be platted to advan tage or would pay to hold aa an invest ment. v. . rnT Trtvirc fr 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2658 YOU WANT a picturesque Summer home . . . i - . ,r - ftnall farm, an acre or two for chickens, (200 and up, easy terms, choice acreage, close to Port land, on electric carllne. phone, school, tore, etc J. W. Hefferlln. 80T Railway Kxcnange. amn .-w RIVERFRONT ACKia.-, One acre or three acres, rignt on the Willamette. 8 mile, from Hawthorne bridge: fine view, clean beach, native trees and some fruit; $3000 per acre, easy urms. Riverfront Is an Investment, Write owner. W 196, oregonian FOR SALE at a bargain, one of the most neautiiui ana o i (S " 1 .' " In the city limits of Oregon City: near stores and churcru price (550. Sheridan Lillie. owner, Orenon City, .Route 2, or see fr orPQtt. at pg.tuun.-c TEN ACRES AT IIOABft ALL IN T CROP FAIR BUILDINGS, ONLY (4000. TERMS TO SUIT PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE, INDEPENDENCE GARDENS; good soil. ciearea ana inu, v , : '' . , acres three blocks from Luther Station. 30 minutes' ride from city: low prices and easv terma Owner. 620 Lumbermena Bld"g. Phones A 1332. Woodlawn 1606. 4 seres on Caxadero line, near city: own er need, money for other business; this Is a snap if taksn at once. AH 14. Ore gonian. HOOD RIVER VALLBY40 acres; ; 10 cleared; small Bearing urvnaiu, ,ji -strawberries. free water, bouse, burn etc. ; price (70O0. terma Apply A. D. Hay. 809 BO. ol iraqe oms. CHICKEN-RANCH, 414 rich acres, all In crop, residence, nve cmcivcii . yards: bearing orchards, 14 miles on elec tric line: (175 first payment, balance easy. fnone evcuiuse, ami 2 beautiful acre,, cleared, on carllne, near ,top. West Side; running water; f 1 vx, terma r. vuuoiw, icw -ACRE in fruit with unfinished 114 -story house. 3 blocks to car. (950. terms. See owner, J. Nordberg. Gray, Crossing, Mt. Scott car. ' 17 ACRES near Beaverton. 15 cleared, ( blocks from car station and running water; only (300 per acre; terma Owner, James Wilson. Boring. Or., route L $10 CASH. (5 monthly. 160x200 In cultiva tion; 80 minutes out. Price (S50, Includ ing sidewalk. Ask for Marsten or Stearns, 202 Wilcox bldg. 5 ACRES, 21 miles out. Salem Electric; 8 room house, bsrn and chicken-house; all in cultivation; nne soil, levei; e.oou. HIQLEY A BISHOP, 201 Hamilton Bldg. XriTA FOR 2U acrea near Portland, on car- line: five minutes; walk from station; best of soil; some orchard; (12 a month will handle It. AG 198, Oregonlan. ONE acre all cleared no gravel, red shot soil, 8 blocks from' car, excellent view; fries 1475; terma, (9.(0 par month. AM, 83, Oregonlan. ' 320 ACRES in Yamhill County, cabin, 50 miles from Portland; price (10 per acre. HIQLEY A BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. TEN acres best soil, carllne and running water through It: $1600. terms. F. Du bois. 1203 Yeon bldg. JOHN Hermosillo. Mexican Land Colony. A M Hlgbhoue, 834 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE acre tract at Woodstock; must be sold. Owner. 70S Selling bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Acreage. l A r-. . . v. J . . o ai ...... In Gresham school district, good land, A onlv want S5O0 down, nrice 1200 per acre, You haven't heard of such a price at Gresham In ten years. You will have "to hurry. First State- Hank, tiresnam. ur. For Sale Business Property. 11 PER CENT NET. ' (ft feet frontage, close-in on 1st St. By erecting $30,000 building can net 11 per cent on $65,000. Special for few day at (20.000. Haif cash will handle. SEE ME SOON. THOS. P. THORNTON, 103 Henry Bldg. 6 STORES and 48 rooms, must be sold at sacrifice to satisfy creditors and liens; building' is new and on carline; will pay big Interest on investment, $16,000, half cash, balance terms, or trade, cash value. A 225, Oregonlan. ELEVENTH-STREET corner, 50x100, south - of Jefferson. Apartment and business site. F. O- Northrup. 813 uoucn blag. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES of Oregon. 100-page book, gives the amount of Government land open to homesteads in each county In Oregon, Washington and California, and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; map of Oregon In colore, showing railroads in operation, under construction and pro posed, lnoludlng Eastern and Central Ore goni book 25c, map 25c; California map In colors, 82x37, 25o; map of Washington In colors, 20a Nlmmo, Kuney 4k Co., 424 Hamilton bldg. 40-ACRE homestead relinquishment, - 30 miles from Portland, heavy timber, on wagon road and railroad, good soil, make 'good farm when cleared, close to store and postofflae: can ba timber-claimed: requires no residence; make beautiful Summer home; fine- fishing and hunting. 813 Marquam bldg. Marshall 694. For Sale Fruit Lands. PROVEN APPLE, PEAR AND POTATO LANDS AT RIGHT PRICES. Sub-Irrigated and near good town. Own er will divide in tracts to suit and will accept some Portland property ou equit able basis. The prices made here are cash prices and any exchange to be made on same basis. 200 acres, 25 acres cleared, same' amount slashed, clearing easy. Price $40 an acre. Will take part In clearing. 820 acres on a main road, covered with small yellow pine and oak: taking wood Into consideration can be cleared for $25 an acre, adjoin, fine orchard, two small creeks run through It. Prloe $30 an acre. 80 acres, on good road, two small bouses, good bam, several springs, 5 acres al falfa, 10 more cleared, 15 slashed, . balance can be cleared for $20 an acre; soil red hot clay. Only $4500 for the 80 acre, and $500 cash will handle It. 660 acres land covered with small yel low pine and oak. The finest kind of fruit gram, alfalfa and potato land. Adjoins fine orchards, easily cleared. $30 an acre. 115 acrea, 500 apple tree,, part In bear ing, 10 acres more cleared, small house and barn, creek and spring. Should produce 1500 boxes of apples thi, year. Price $100 an acre. $2500 cash will bandle thla, balance very easy. These lands are easy to see, the R. R. fare for round trip la only $8.15. If you are in the market for good land, at right . price, let us show you. W. A. BARNES, 406 Lewis building, Fourth and Oak Stf. Main 2081. Portland,Or. CHEHALEM Mountain orchards, the finest orchard tracts In Oregon; easy terms; 16 miles from center of city: R. R. ta tions on the place now. will have two electrio lines within 8 months; beautiful location: tract, planted two and years ago; make your selection now; all will be sold at end of year. 412 Commercial Club niag. TO raise first-class- fruit. It is essential that It be grown wnero me matlc conditions are most favorable; this we claim for the Little White Salmon Valley, nearly opposite Hood Rlvar. See A. Haawell, Cooks, Wash., or H. A. Pit tenger, 1095 Maryland ave., Portland. Or. Fhone wooaiawn ow. Only 4 mile from railway now being -electrified and good town; 5 acres in Spitxenbergs and Newtowns; running water all good soli, a little timber; all tillable and no rocks. See owner, 604 .j. . . 1 . 1. wmi , ..m rjpaiaing mug.. J HOOD RIVER ORCHARD, 20 acrea, 12 acres apples, 'part 20 years old: 16 acres cleared; new 6-room 2-story bungalow on wooded hilltop; magnificent view; electric lights; . gravity water system, 8 porches. Box 65, tt. L. NO. 1, nooq rtiver, ii. FOR SALE 115 acres of choice orchard land near Lyle. Will Mil 40 acres or more and will consider an exchange ol the whole for Portland property. Ad dress owner. C. M. MeLeod, Lyle. Wash. FOR SALE Hood River orchard, 10 acres; part In bearing, balance young trees; 614 miles out; small house, good barn; price reasonable. No exchange. E. I. Apgar, R 1, Hood River, Or. ' . SALE AFTER FORECLOURE. Finest orchard on Rogue River Banks; old In 1911 for $75,000; net income this year $10,000: can sell for a few days $50. 000, half cash. V 202, Oregonlan. WHITE SALMON VALLEY. Have for sale 20 acres best-lying, sub irrigated land; quarter mile from Husum; 6 acres cleared, 8 acres slashed; price reasonable. AM 205, Oregonian. FOR SALE 6-acre apple orchard, 8 years 01U, O KUTDB fl .1 ..dim, . - ..... R. R. station. 14 miles from Portland; 1 norse ana wagon, yy vo. vnnwiw. HAVE 200 acres fruit land at Medford, Or., for sale cheap: 02 acres in young Robert Martyn, ou neon pips. S0-ACRE fruit land, 6 miles from electrio car, inquire coo qoiman eve., i-n-j. For Sale Farms. AROUND NEWBERG. Newberg is one of the most desirable towns In the valley; it is 26 miles from Portland and has most excellent train service; furthermore, the Oregon Electric will complete Its line to that city before the end of this year; we have the very choicest properties to be had in the city and also the farms around there. 214 acres near the city llmita, on high ground; good view of the Chehalem Val ley; cottage 2 years old; new sheds and chicken-houses; woven-wlre fencing; about 150 young fruit trees of every description and enough garden stuff now In to bring In a good income thla Summer; 1, In the best of condition and will advance greatly In value in" the next few year,; price $1650 cash. ' , t . SO-acre mountain farm, located about 5 mile, from Newberg; 20 acres cleared, balance good timber; land can all be cul tivated but a few acres: best of soil, 6 room house, good barn, $55 per acre; time on part, . 106-acre valley land, located in one of the best farming sections around New berg; 65 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and oak grove; good buildings; $120 per acre; might consider a trade. Also some attractive houses of all de scriptions in town for sale cheap, reason able terma. , We can fit you out In anything yon want. Donald M. Wall. Newberg. Or., or j. b. Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. COME QUICK WITH CASH. 40 acre, good land, 8 ml. Chehalla. 214 to Ceres V miles to Curtis, where there I, a ,tore. P. O., school, church, eto. 6-r. new house, barn, all fenoed, bearing or chard 1 acre strawberries, 2 cellars, all tools and household goods, 4 cows, 6 heif ers. 2 sows, shoats, 75 chickens, all In good shape. Price $8500 for everything. Don't ponder or yon mis, it. 167 North 6th. Main ozo. r . . ....... . . . . TIT- T-TIIJ 1 1 T I - T.- 250 acres of fine land up the Wil lamette, nearly 100 acres cleared. 2-3 In cultivation and crop, balance In fine tim ber, about S.0OO.0O0 feet; completely fur nished; all stock and machinery goes at (65 per acre, to exchange for city prop erty. Investigate and you will deal. See Harrison or Hodge, , CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. TRUST CO., 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. $1300. 34 ACRES. 24 in cultivation, 10 In timber. 40 miles from Portland, 2 mllea from town and rail road, all good land, no rocks or gravel; (-room home, barn, part fenced; all can be cultivated: small payment down, the balance to suit; this Is an extra good bar gain. See Seachrest. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO. Tnira r loor tnamoer oi vummcmo. BURTON district, Clarke County, 6 mllea Vancouver. Wash. : 25-acre ranch, crop and stock, (1500. easy terms. Rout No. 1, Box 14 LOOK LOOK LOOK. 40 acres fine land, all tillable, in Wash ington Co.; (1100, $250 cash, bal. to suit. 1208 Yeon bldg. CHEAPEST and best farm land In North west; 40 to 860-acre tract,; easy terms; write for price list. P. O. box 331, Orient, Wasri. 171-ACRE dairy ranch, ,tock, farm and dairy. Implement, complete; lower Colum bia. Owner. 394 Grand Ave. East 2825. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BEST FARM BUY. 175 ACRES FOR $25,000. Here Is one of the best farm buys In Oregon. Certain it is that It is one of the best money-makers to be found anywhere.- Read the de scription carefully, which is a true representation of Just what' you will find when you look the prop erty over. There are 175 acres, 100 acrea in cultivation, balance (Siol timber and pasture. The entire tract the very best of land. Tho soil ' is as follows: 85 acres of genuine bt-averdam, producing the very r;et cf onion crops every year; 60 acres of snndy loam bottom, 20 acres cf which Is set to 2-year-old peaches; the balance is very best of loam upland. Two living atream, of water; good 8-room plastered bouse, hot and sold water, Dath, toilet, eto. ; splendid water aystem through cut: large barn and outbui dlaKs; this is the best value we know of. One man made a for'.une farming this place. Price S25,0i0.- Good terms. HARGROVE ft SONS, 123 th St. N.. Cor. 6th end Glisan. A 7259, Main 4331. ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. VERY MODEL FARM. 102 14 acres of as fine deep black soil as you will find In Willamette Valley; 70 acre. In extra high state of cultivation. In crop of potatoes, wheat, oats, clover and 6 acre, fine hop yard. Running stream the year round which serves every field; balance of land fine pasture and timber; good fences. 2 fine springs, land all lies levei, wun natural araiimfirj; buuu Z ,,1 Fr Mastered house, gpod barn ana. out-ouiiu- n i. ftn fomllv nrphurn all kinds Ol berries ana garaen; a norses, o 11113 sey cows, 1 bull, 9 hogs, 6 dozen chlckena all harnesses, wagons, buggy, hack, all farming implements in fine shape, an household furniture; this place is 28 mlK'S from Portland, lies 170 rods wide on main county road between Portland and Salem; 14 mile from good town on S. P. R. R.; 2 miles from Oregon Electric station In the finest farming section in Willamette Val ley; this farm is certainly up to date ana one big bargain; price Including every thing $160 per acre, $5400 cash, balance 6 years. 8 per cent. This is guaranteed Just as advertised. . CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 520 Railway Exchange, 4th and Stark. - 10 ACRES. 10 acres, all In full bearing fruit. In good condition, 10 years old, new bungalow, new barn, modern chicken-houses and large yards, good well. This place is all level and faces on 2 county roads: m" from river and railroad station, 12 mile, from Portland. Prloe $3130; good terma. H. A. DRYER. 201 Railway Exchange bldg. THE BEST BUY IN CLARK COUNTY. A most beautiful farm of 80 aores; 85 acres in high state of cultivation: a fine trout stream along the entire north line of the place; about 40 acres of this farm can be easily irrigated. It is all first-class land: the buildings are fair; Btock and im plements go with the place. Price $125 per acre; terms are half cash, balance 5 years, 6 per cent This is absolutely the best buy within 20 miles of Portland. Unimproved stump land within a mile of this farm is Belling for $300 per acre. If you are look ing for a farm bargain, don't miss seeing this place. ALFRED A. BAKER, Real Estate, 212 Ablngton Bldg. 150 ACRES, 75 acres In cultivation, 1 16 acres potatoes, 20 acres wheat, 20 acres oats, 10 acres clover, fine buildings, 2 cows, hogs, 50 sheep, ' 1 team, ohickens, self-binder, mower, rake, hay tedder, riding cultivation, harness, plows, potato planter and digger, wagon, har ness, part of household goods, cream separator and shipping cans. Price $107 per acre. J. E. Rand & Co.. 309 Board of Trade bldg. DANDY SMALL F.AIRM. 21 acres, Clark Co., Wash., mile from streetcar; 5 acres in berries, 3 acres apples, cherries, pears, 6-year-old trees, all bearing. 12 acres in high state of cul tivation, balance timber that will pay for clearing; every inch of this land can be cultivated; good farm house, good big barn and chicken-houses, etc.; soli black shot; none better; this is under market value at (400O: part cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. R. H. GOODKIND CO.. INC.; 1005 and 1006 Wilcox Bldg. FINE FARM HOME. 50 acre, first-class sandy loam, river bottom, potato, garden or peach land; no overflow, 14 clear, about 10 acres easy clearing, balance in pasture and timber; living stream on place; good S-room house, barn, prune drier and other outbuildings; 8 acres bearing prunes, large family or . chard, 2 miles to small town on R. R., 8 miles to one of best towns in Willamette Valley. Price, lnoludlng stock and Im plement!, (10.500; would consider trade up to one-third value, some cash and bal ance on long time at 6 per cent. Address owner, av vib""'"". 214 mile, from electric station and branch of thi, line to go within half mile ol this place; 14 mlfe to echoolhouee; 18 acres cultivated, now in vetch and potatoes, 3 acrea second growth fir, 100 fruit trees, berries, etc.; 150 ft. of greenhouse, good barn and well, a 4-room house and a two room house; price for aDove only (54HMJ and you can buy the stock and Implements cheap. OREGON REALTY CO., 43 Fourth St. Marshall 3790. A 8324. TWO bargains for quick buyer at Reed vtlle. important station on new 4th-st. electric, 12 miles from Portland. Valu able 20 acre tract, best soil, all In oats, imtle from station, $250 per acre. Also up-to-date country home, beautiful corner on main road. 15 acres, all in potatoes, berries and orchard, fine large buildings, city Improvements, costly furniture and personal property. Insurance (4500. Bar gain at $'.1500: long mortgage at 6 per cent; no agents. K. Helnrlch, ReedvlUe, Or. 16S-AORE farm, all In cultivation. 22 acre, in young orchard, 6 acrea family orohard, new barn, fair house, large spring, on main coun ty road, 2 miles from large town In Willamette Valley; prica $125 per acre, good terms. J. E. Rand Sc Co., S09 Board of Trade bldg. 70 ACRES AT TIGARDVILLE. Located 2 miles from electric Btation, grand vlsw. 17 acres cleared, 30 acres Slashed. 23 acres fine timber, finest and most productlce soil In valley, no waste Snd, Elgntly rolling, is the biggest snap In valley? being $125 per acre cheaper than adjoining property; think of it. only (140 Si? icrf: 10 miles from Portland; part cash, terms; act quickly. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. . jo A PBUC 17 miles west of Portland, south of Hllleboro. 2 miles from station; excellent soil- 115 acre, under cultivation; practi cally all fine bottom land; good house, Darn and outbuildings: a snap at $12o per acre and $7000 cash will handle. Nothing like It for this price In thi, locality. A 'grat KAflFFMANS ft MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. WHEAT LANDS. -3OO0 acre, wheat land in Franklin County. Wash., at $16.68 per acre, to set tle a partnership; wheat this year will averagefrom 25 to SO bushels per acre; i-nt to warehouse and water: land arSund tt seUing at 111 per acre; $18 000 trade. $15,000 cash, balance long time. Ad at? V J C., 855 11th .. Portland. Fhone Main T875. Set YOUR CANADIAN HOME FROM THE CANADIAN Pacific Why farm on hlgh Sriced worn out lands? Go to the flch SiiSin Boil of Western Canada. Finest Trrilated or Son-Irrigated lands from $10 in MO an acre. Write for booklets on Manitoba? Saskatchewan and Alberta. X v Thornton colonization commissioner. Canldli? Pacific Railway, 112 -West Adams street, mms, FOR SALE A model farm. 78 acres. 70 clear, rest timber, fine crops, good build ings, good roads, near Dumascus; old age compel, me to aeU; $100 cash to any man who bring, a buyer. For further In formation writa to Joaeph Krotacb, Bor ing, or. 1 ACRES near Forest Grove, 8 acres In crof 8-room house, barn 40x60. orchard, living Pipe in house, team, 2 cow. chick ens, alV tool,, wagon, etc., $3ioO. 1203 Yeon bldg $500 CASH buys a fine l"-c,re P.ae mile, from Portland, near carllne, 6-room house, barn, bearing fruit trees: a, "Pieb ald buy at $3600. E. J- Galser, 420 Cham Ber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE. For Sale .Farms. CHOICE AND ATTRACTIVE FARMS. 100 acres, very best of soil, largely river bottom and nearly all In high state 01 cultivation, 214 mllea from electrio line and 12 miles from Portland, on splenaia road; good buildings of all kinds and an abundant supply of water, which Is pipea into the house; about 8 acres of bearing orchard and exceptionally well stocked and well equipped; price $225 per acre. 180 acres of the very best redshot soli, the buifdings and fence, are good ana about 40 acre. In high ,tate of cultiva tion ; on this place is over 4,000,000 feet of the very best timber, mostly fir ana cedar, and two lasting running creeks, which makes it especially well adapted for stock-raising, etc.; price (75 per acre, on easy terms, and this is positively tne best buy In Oregon for the money. 40 acres, highly improved, on splenaia road, 1 14 miles from good station, on eleo tric line and 11 miles from Portland: tne soil cannot be excelled, and this Is one of the most sightly and attractive places near Portland; price $225 per acre, and might accept good Portland property, un incumbered; on part- A 10 acres, close to city limits, on gooa road and near good station; the building, are good and water plentiful; this place Is mostly set to fruit, berries, grapes, etc.; it lies high and sightly and la a very attractive and desirable suburban nomei price only $3250. on easy terma If you are in the market for an at tractive farm at an attractive price, I can accommodate you and it will be a pleasure for me to show you. For further In formation call on or write J. E. Smith. 414 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, or. ONIONS 1214 TONS PER ACRE. WORTH (30 A TON. You can grow 60,000 onion, on an acre . of land. ' In the rich Lob Mollno soil wbere you get plenty of water your onions will av erage 14 a pound each, some ol tnem weighing 2 pounds. That is equivalent to 12tf tons per Sere. One year with another onion. In Cal ifornia will average better than 114 centa, Last year the price reached 3 cents. You can hold your onions for a price they will keep. . At 114 cents Los Mollnoa land will pro duce $375 worth of onions to tne aore 214 times the prloe of the land. est alfalfa district In V. S. 10 ton, per acre. .. More water than you can use gravity Irrigation. , . , . Cows supplied without cash, to be paid for from cream receipts. Great fruit country crop never fans. ' Land only one-tenth cash. Eight-years to pay out. Tremendous sale. . Call today on H. Gv Terry. 804 Yeon W LMOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Lob Mollnoa, California. ALBERTA, CANADA, LAND Is so well adapted to the raising of horses, cattle and sheep that the best Judges who go there to see the land pronounce It the finest mixed farm land in the world. - THINK ', Of the prices for these valuable lands. (11 to $20 -An Acre. For 1 an acre you can get first-class land adapted to grain and mixed farming within 6 or 8 miles of a railroad. For $20 you can often find good sec , tions within 1 mile of a good town, with stockyards and grain elevators at your very door. , - The market price of farm produce Is . A...in9 nroflta for grain, stock', poultry and dairy products. Is to go and see for yourself. We will giaaiy map out a route iur -- you landseeker's rates. TT-.C uiniOTUV T 1 Vn ffl.. Agents for Canadian Pacific Railway Lanas. 2 Lumbermen, Bldg., Ground Floor. 64 ACRES. ' All fine clay loam soil no rock or gravel; lies slightly rolling, no waste land, 15 acres cleared, balance seeded to clover pasture; a little timber; running water with fine spring water piped to house; good family orchard, plenty of small fruit; 4-room house; small tarn, etc. On 2 county roads, 214 miles from railroad town and boatlandlng, crushed rock road nearly all the way; school at the place. Phone R. F. D. Price $3500. Favorable terms. ALVORD-CARR-HUNTER CO., 219-221 Board of Trade. THIS IS THE "REAL THING." 147 acres of the best soli in Tualatin Valley; Ideal for hops, potatoes, truck gar den, hay or dairy; 115 acres cultivated, 90 acres river bottom, balance easily culti vated, no waste; f-lr buildings; plenty, of water; 17 miles from city by auto road; 2 miles from Newton on 8. P.. which Is now to be electrified: 314 miles from Hillsboro toward Portland. I am the owner and defy competition when loca tion, quality of soil and price are con sidered. Best of terms. . G. A. NICHOLS, 907 Wilcox Bldg. Phone Marshall 16; A 8053. . 188 acres, dairy farm, all In cultivation, good rich bottom soil, ,all in crop consist ing of oats, wheat, barley and potatoes; 1 mile from Hillsboro; the very best of prospects of large crop; this leaae consists of 20 head of good milch cows, all farm ing Implements, household furniture; price $3700, takes everything, lease, crop, implements, furniture, tools, etc., with 1 year'B lease paid; hls lease runs for five tears at only $1000 per year. The cows will more than pay the rent, further In formation, address Hillsboro, Or., box 444. WE want to list real estate In all part, of Oregon and Washington and of Portland. Either for sale or trade, but muBt be priced right. Established four years, but branching out and need more properties Will also consider subdivision, either lots or acreage. If you want to buy or aeU, call or address. BRIGHT REALTY CO., INC., -202 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. " ! . FARMS. . Before buying land see what we have to offer In Improved and unimproved tracts and farms; level, cleared fruit, garden and poultry tracts; dairy hay and grain ranches with creeks, lakes and waterfront. Prices right and terms to suit. GREAT WESTERN LAND CO., 102 Second Street. A HOME COMPLETE. 10 acres, two In small fruit, two In potatoes, four In oats and vetch, balance good pasture; good five-room house, good barn, small machinery. kitchen range, hue-irv etc - close to good town on main lln! S. P. For immediate sale, $2250. 604 Spalding bicg. 40-ACRE farm, 25 acre. In cultivation, good orchards, buildings, stock and equipment, spring water and wood, fine cresk. en county road, 19 miles out, shot loam soil, $150 per acre, 5 years' time without cash down if you buy stock and equipment. 32J Lumbermena bldg.. 5th and Stark. Aiif AlA - - . . 240 acres, 1P5 under ditch, own water, on county road, house, barn, etc., dally mail, creamery route, good crop goes with place. Price (15.000, $4100 cash. This is a fine farm for the price. Zimmerman, 810 Board 01 iraae oms. SALE or trade, farm of 160 acres, 214 miles south of Blodgett; good bouse, barn and outbuildings, orchard. Bmall fruits, crop. 4,000,000 ft. good saw timber, stock; water on every 40; half cash and trade, balance long time at 8 per cent Interest. Inquire F. M. Taylor. nioQijgu, w., wi" wiijAmAia , ........ - The best 720-acre ranch near Eugene, for the price $50 an acre; easy terms; might consider good income Portland prop erty. SEE ME SOON. ...... . . . r " -T-1.. Vi r.T.V.V TTA-RAf THOS. P. THUlwMVJI, xieury oiu.. RICH man's suburban home with 10 acres walnuts, one-half actual cost. , 80 acres, crop, stock, implements, $3300. SO a. Improved; Klickitat County; $2A H. K. SWANK, 808 Ablngton Bidg. MUST sell 160-acre ranch, near Cody, Wyo ming, at once; bargain; 114 mile, from Cody; 80 acres under cultivation; water rights for 160 acrea; 4-room brick house and barn,, all fenced. Owner. AD 187, uregonian WE HAVE 78 acres, 10 mile, from Van couver, for only $37.60 per acre; owner settling up estate preparing to leave for -East- if you want something that Is not Inflated, call M. 6957. Wagner ft Hunt, 4.-S5 unam'per 01 vumui 40 ACRES hill land, one-third In cultiva tion, 6UUV Coras um't ujwucj, ...... creek 1 14 miles from station, on "county road; ideal for a fruit and poultry farm: $125 per acre on easy terms. AB 201, uregonian. 665-ACKE stock, fruit and grain ranch in Linn County; fenced, with improvements, for $30,000, one-third down, balance on 8 to 6 yeara. Address Box 244. Albany, Or. CALIFORNIA IRRIGATED ALFALFA C. L: BAMBERGER. 705 Spalding Bldg. RANCH 60 aores, with building. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all oash. By owner. 182 Morrison St. Factory Sites. FACTORY SITES FOR SALE OR RENT, on liver and rail, close to Portland; chsan power. pnone main ni. Miscellaneous. $200 EQUITY 2 Rose City Park lota; fine -room nome. Mrai auii ""- corner 100x100. E. Slat and Salmon; - . . . , ,1.,.. x -r 1 f - tage,' Tioga. Long Beach, Wash., $800. seuwooa vui. 5 ACRES, beaverdam and black loam soil. fenced ivo yaras irora vmuvu, aw aa,a CBLOCH REALTY CO., 209 Alder st. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. DAnmum 200 acres with 4 million yellow fir, 50 million more available, all good tillable land. 8-room furnished bouse, barn, shop, etc., completely equipped mill, 15,000 daily capacity; 150,000 ft. finished lum ber on hand; fine market, near Portlaid. Good reasons for selling. $6500 cash. Worth double. Box AK 196, Oregonlan. BARGAIN IN TIMBER. $20 PER ACRE. 820 ACRES. Near valley town; can show you enougn saw timber at $1 per 1000 to pay pur chase price and you have section or good land left. If you are from Missouri I can show you. Address owner, E 191, oregonian. nvaT niTV IN OREGON. 123 acres, containing 2 million feet merchantable timber, 6 miles from Rain ier; a big snap if taken at once. Ad dress Mrs. E. H. Flagg, Bayocean. Or. I HAVE the choicest large and small trad, of timber on the market, and some special pick-upa in 160-acre tracts, SEE MK SOON. THOS. P. THORNTON, 203 Henry Bldg. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN, 804 McKay Bldg. to ACRES fir timber, 3,000,000 ft. Douglas County, near Umpqua Kiver, lor AB 216, Oregonian. OVER 6,000,000 feet fine timber. 114 miles Irom coiumDia Kiver. ju iui. ureguuiau. FOR RENT FARMS. 2K Amrcn All fine land, near Portland; particular, eee Henkie ft Harrison, 611 uernnger mag. ; GOOD lltUe farm, well located, electric Une, part of crop ready to harvest. N. M. Ap ple, 620 Henry bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Piedmont or Walnut Park home up to $4000 or $4800; would like garage; pay $2000 down or all cash. Call eariy Mon day morning. Want a bargain; If you have It, can aeU at once; will buy fur nished. Also have buyers who will pay $100 to $200 down for moderate-priced bunga lows in Vernon, Woodlawn or anywhere on Peninsula. . DORR E. KEASEY ft COMPANY, 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. YOU have property for sale or you would not be interested In thi, column. Our business has been excellent and we have not enough property on our liet, now to meet the demand of the buyer,. Liberal advertising and hustling spells success In . selling. If you want to sell, all we ask for is a reasonable trial. All we charge la regular commislaon. No sale, no charge and no extras. Come in and talk It over. Property usually turned In 30 days if price is right. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. ft TRUST CO. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. Members of the Portland Realty Board. WE WANT to list real estate In all parts of Oregon and Washington and of Port land; either for sale or trade, but must be priced right, ji.etaDiiBnea jour yern, hut hranrhlntr nut nnri need more DrODer- tles; will also consider subdivisions, either lots or acreage; If you want to buy or sou, call or address. BRIGHT REALTY CO., INC., 202 Hamilton Bldg., Portland. WANTED. We want some good small close-In farms for sale or'exchange for good city property; also city property to exchange for farms at market value; we waste no ' time if your prices are not right, but have good prospeots foe, good stuff at right price. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC.. ' 1005 and 1006 Wilcox Bids. WILL PAY CASH For equity In Rose City Park or Rossmere lot; must be under the market to in terest me. Address AL 191, Oregonlan. WANTED 100x100 lot In Rossmere. Rose City Park or Alberta district, up to $1800, near car on my equity on fine 8-room resi dence with two sleeping porches and all bullt-ln conveniences, shade, and screens, on good district, block to oar. Owners only. B 215, Oregonlan. WANTED Strictly modern home of 8 rooms, bungalow preferred, Portland Heights, Laurelhurst or Hawthorne dis trict, close In, from owner and a bar- Sain. Will pay up to $5500 cash. Give escrlptloa and location. Postotflce box 415. . 3TORE building with flats or rooms above; will consider Immediate purchase for im proved corner of this description up to ' SZEt.UvU or du,uw ; please siaLo iuubuuu, price, etc, as I will be here only during Elks' week, Address AJ 192, Oregonlan. WANTED. 15 acre, within radius of 15 miles of heart of city; would like five or six acres In bearing orchard, balance cleared; must be reasonable price and will pay cash for suitable place. AP 167. Oregonlan. WANT 6 or 6-room modern house under (2500, close to car; Improved lot In Al berta at market value as first payment, balance $20 a month at ( per cent. AP 170, Oregonian. WANTED One acre land, near carllne, not over ten cents In trade for eighty acres seven miles from Estacada, ten-room house, five acres cleared. Thousand dol lars' mortgage. Phone Main 1666, A 7426. TO BUY Five acres Improved land with five or 10 acres unimproved adjoining; near Portland or Hood River; must be a bar- gain. Ay am. uregonimi. WANT 5-room bungalow, not over $2500; . will give lot 8, block 10, Swlnton Addition, a, first payment; prefer furnished place; pay balance $20 monthly. Box AK 198, Oregonlan. , WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow, not over $3000, from owner only; $300 cash, bal. $25 monthly, including interest. Box AK 197. Oregonlan. WANTED One or three acres, pan In cul tivation, small house, pretty near to city or within the 10-cent carfare limit and nearest carllne. 626 First St., olty. WANTED On or near car tracks, Ports mouth to Piedmont car barn,, lot, lOOx 100; give full particular,. B 222, Orego nlan. WANTED 7-room house between Haw thorne ave. and Sandy Road; will pay $4000. Vanduyn ft .Walton, 515 Chamber commerce. CLIENT has $4000 cash for Investment In promising city or farm property; might assume. Price must be right. H. M. Friendly, 705 Spalding bldg. HAVE buyers for good house, on East Side west of 39th St.; want lists from owners. Robert Martyn, 607 Yeon bldg. Marshall 165. WANTED Modern 5-room bungalow, not over $8500. $800 cash, bal. monthly; Hawthorne, Mt. Tabor or Rose City Park districts. B so. uregonian. WANT the lowest priced close-In West Side lot: I am In the market and If suited will buy Immediately. Address AJ 193, Oregonlan, . WANTED A bungalow or other desirable city property for 40 or 80 acres of first class fruit land in Yamhill County, prloe e-to per acre. r Ago, wi .&..,.. FROM owner, 100 to 600 lots to sell on easy terms. Call or write. 401 Behnke Walker bldg. MR LOT OWNER, I can find 100 to BOO lot buyers; what have you? 401 Behkne Walker bldg. Phone Main 4284. I WILL pay cash for a good lot In Laurel hurst If the price Is right. Answer this if you must sail. L 191, Oregonlan. IN Ladd'a Add., near Hawthorne ave., 6 or T-room modern house at right price for cash. Address O 214, Oregonlan. WE have a constant demand for close-in West Sida property. Le Nolr ft Co., 835-T-9 Cham, of Corr FOUR, five or six-room modern house; itate price, term, and location. L 197, Ore gonlan. I WANT a lot suitable for flats in Irving ton, within two blocks of Broadway car. No agents. B 211, Oregonlan WANTED Small house In some good resi dence district; will deal with owners only. O 217. Oregonlan. TO LOAN $13,000 for 3 years at 7 per cent, on close-in Portland Improved property. J 192, Oregonlan. I WANT to buy from owner one or two lotB in Irvington or Holladay: give exact lo cation and price. AR 200, Oregonlan. HAVE customers for good borne on or near Cornell road: must have view. Zimmer man, 810 Board of Trade bldgj $122,000 TO LOAN On Improved city or farm property; $1000 and up, lowest rates. Wm. C. Borcbers. 207 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED House or vacant lot. West Side. Give location and lowest cash price, A 215, Oregonlan. WANTED 10 acre, beaverdam near Port land for casn ana caeap; owner, oniy. au 109, Oregonian. WANT to buy email store, or bouse and lot on Union ave., north. AP. 169, Oregonlan. WANT a few acres, reasonable, close to city and car, for a nome. Ar 109, uregonian. WANTED A cheap vacant lot, not over , $500. M 198, Oregonlam EQUITY m Mt. Tabor lot as first payment on noma or aoraago. v kuu, uregonian. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGES. 160-acre farm near Prlneville for small grocery, newspaper or email farm. 2 1-3 acre, near Mount Hood Station. Montavllla, for house and lot, 200 acre. In Yamhill County, fine aoll. 100 acres In cultivation, $45 per acre, sale or trade for city property. $12,500 hotel, leased for $100 per month, for farm or city property to $12,000. 160 acres near Cherryville, 7-room house, 15 acres in cultivation, for good city property. 160-acre farm In Tillamook County, with Btock. for peninsula property and cash to $9000. $5000 bungalow, new, modern, take part exchange for auto, lot, or acreage, time . on balance. Good piece of business property tn South Portland for farm, fine trade. 12 acres. Improved, near Oswego, for city property. 160 acres near Glllls, on Mount Hood Ry., for income city property. 20 acres near Glllls for house and lot. 2 lot, and 6-room house, clear, for auto, or what? 100 acres near Corvallls, with stock, crop and buildings, for city property, resi dence or buainesa Fine grecery store on Mount Scott car line for small farm to $3000. 20 acres near Cottrell. with buildings, and 12 acre. In potatoes for good city property. 5-room bungalow for small ranch up to 12000, some cleared, atream, small building. We have a large list of property to ex change. Can match your property. List your property with us for sale or ex change. We have the trades and the traders. RAYMORE REALTY CO.. Main 1940. 430 Worcester Bldg. 160 ACRES near Cooks Little White Sal mon Valley) Washington, 4.000.000 feet of fir, in exchange for city property. What have you for $2400 equity In beau tiful modern home In Laurelhurst t Exchange Will take your lot as first ayment and build home for you . In aurelhurat, balance easy payments. 306 Couch Building. OWNER offers, for sale or exchange, locat ed at White Salmon, 160 acree or any part of timbered orchard and farm land, cheap for cash; modern 6-room bungalow, garage, etc., on acre ground, fine view; 6-room plastered house on large lot, stable, city water, electrio light, 1 large view lots, overlooking Hood River, Columbia River, Mt. Hood, 4 lot, 50x106 feet, one a cor- . ner lot; will sell all of the above on very easy terms for cash or exchange for acre age close to Portland on cash basis; free from Incumbrance; owner In town today. AN 206, Oregonlan. MODERN apartment-house, well leased; would consider a good large farm In the Valley; must bear Inspection on cash basis valuation. 160 aores, being one of the best-paying dairy ranches and on the Oregon Elect rlo near Woodbura, owing to 111 health con sider exchange for city or suburban prop erty. 120 acres,' partly creek bottom, mile to Crawford Station. Clark County; some cash and trade for othur property, $6000. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. 415 Cham. Com. APARTMENT FOR ACREAGE. Apartment located on Weet Side; good 4-story brick, 6-year lease and rent only $350 per month for 80 rooms, $65ti worth of furniture and $1000 cash up on lease, all go for $5500; will pay to In vestigate this. Come In and see us If you have good acreage or a small farm to trade. GRUSSI ft BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak TO EXCHANGE FOR GOOD FARM IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 1 8-room modern house and garage; rent for $65 per month. 1 lot In heart of Sellwood. 10- acres near ReedvlUe. 160 acres, sugar pine and white fir. cruise about 614 million feet. Would like good farm conveniently near to Portland at cash value about $12,000. 8. B. Hermann, 411 Rotnchiiq Piag. 1114 ACRES on Caxadero carllne 114 miles from station, fronts on Clackamas River, 214 acres in potatoes, good garden, 4 room hduse. 3 horses, wagon, harness, cov ered hack, mower, rake, plow. disc, some chicken,. Price $3300; will take house up to $2000; balance easy annual payments, or auto up to $1000. 718 Chamber of Com merce; phone Main 1351. A GOOD FARM 80-acre farm 30 miles from Portland, one-quarter mile to church, school and postofflce; 25 acres cleared, bearing fam ily orchard: house, barn, well, eto. Worth $6000 clear. Trade for city property to $8500; balance terms. Owner AO 195. Oregonlan. ROSEBURG half-acre with modern resi dence for sale or exchange. Will accept Portland Realty worth $4000 to $5000. Persons wishing a cllmatlo change can not duplicate this offer. Complete infor mation given by Frank McFarland Realty Co., 30B yeon Piag.. r-ortiana. rr.OAT-.wi xrr.n riTr TT?l iPTTRTY. My equity of $500 in 10 acres, balance paid monthly: all cleared and fenced and near good Valley town. 45 miles from Portland; will take cleared lot or trade on Improved property In Portland. M 197, Uregonian. FOR SALE or trade. 6-room house, 596 L. 89th, 8 blocks south of Richmond car, center hall, large rooms, cement basement, price $3750; small cash payment or will lake lot, cheap acreage or automobile as first payment, bal. very easy. See owner. fnone taoor a-ov. 11 a. om. TO TRADE SO acres of choice fruit land four mile, northesst of Goldendale, Wash.; 10 acres cleared, four acres In apples, house and barn; will trade for auto. Addres, C. J. Wlnchell, 47 North Fifth Bt. EXCHANGE for good valley farm or wheat ranch, equity in fine corner Irvington 9 room house, equity In 20-acre Hood River land, one-half in cultivation; equity In splendid lot, exclusive district, AP 160, Oregonian. $1950 BUYS a good 5-room cottage, large Dasement, ohui, i.is aio..vaj, 4 blocks from Richmond car, $100 cash, bal. $15 month; would also take a cheap lot phone Tabor 3230. Owner, 112 E. Btftn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 28-rooin rooming-house, close In, modern and clean, beautifully furnished, good lease, for lots, acreage or house and lot; best reason lor Belling: at a bargain. H. E. James Co.. 88 10th. near gtarn. GROCERY and confectionery, splendid loca tion; price $1000; will exchange for good paying rooming-house of 16 to 20 rooms. Jordan, Suite 619 Lumbermena bldg. tt-ad wPH a vnin. My Laurelhurst home, cost $6000: my equity, $2000; will trade for anything of value. Address S 209. Oregonlan. NINE THOUSAND equity In three new homes to trade for limber, good acreage, vacant lot, or stump land. H 208, Orego nlan. A SNAP 74 acres, bearing orchard, good house, barn and outbuildings, 8 mile, from Oakland; for hotel or mdse. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 206 Alder ,t. TRADE good wheat farm, chicken ranch, house and lot, stock farm; exchange one for the other: pay cash difference. United Realty, 206 Gerllnger bldg. FOR sale or trade new furniture of T-room flat, $400; clears (40 above rent; rent $15; 2 years' lease: $50 rash, balance easy terms, r-none nasi. WILL trade $1800 equlty In new $4100 nome; iota ahuaaw. .v .-- K 139, uregonian. 1000 ACRES fine fruit and farming land to - 1, , .1.,. n r , m n r hamt. 2tiA iratAa iui v. - - 8500 IMPROVED farm; $3350 equity for . . V W,l K O man. nouse, iota or auiwiuuuuw v nlan. , EQUITY $2500 In new 7-room modern hom In Laurelhurst exohange for acreage 01 lots. M 194, uregonian. HAVE some sightly close-in clear lot, U exchange lor larm property. n. m. Friendly. 705 Spalding bldg. 6-ROOM house, 2 lots, unincumbered, $1000 . . . . . . . TJ El jf 1 1 1 ap A ' 1 f ana some duu wi utiu. a-, . Worcester hldg. M. 1940. WB HAVE a house and 4 lotB In Seattle for Portland property. M. 6957. Wains! ft Hunt. 435 Chamber of Commerce. TWO lots In University Psrk for sals or ex. change lor larm iana. ou rirsi pv. 6333. 14 BLOCK in Piedmont for (ale or trart for improved city property. Address AB zoo, uregonian. MT. TABOR LOTS, 50x147, each $775; will sell or trade ror ,quuios in pmn hwqwii h OU sea t-tlggms at' A-oyer, main mv. I WILL accept a good 1912 or 1911 auto ,8 xirst payment up uui m aw Park. Tabor 8S8L CANNON Beach lots to trade. What hav you? Inquire 169 8d St. TRADE fine lot for 2600-lb. team, barnssa and wagon. lp. uregonian. 5 ACRES land, clear all incumbrances, for automooiie. jiaiuca, 00 avu, m-.i " 40 ACRES near Spokane to exchange for LARGE 8-room house, In Vernon; take aores or lots for part. C 2629 1010 MODEL 5-passenger auto to exchange tor clear lot, value iou. -tsonr oiua. FOR sale or trade $1200 equity In $.1000 hOUSe at a oargain. I. mil urpgnnmn. CHAUFFEUR want. Job; rellabla driver. G 207, Oregonian FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS PES GARLAND ft CO.. 191 4TH BT-