THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. JULY 7, 1912. GARDEN ON CITY LOT FEEDS SMALL FAMILY Vegetables Valned at $50 and Permit of Generous Remembrances of Neighbors After Family's Wants Are Supplied, Grown by L. S. Wright. T 1 1 ir Li--N . " r-i- . '',1: wHB practicability of the city garden I laid out on a lot 50x100 feet is being clearly demonstrated by I E. Wright at 310 Ross street, who has a garden which for the past month has. and for the next three months will furnish all the vegetables a. fam ily of four can use as well as per mitting generous gifts to the neigh bors. Buying piecemeal from the grocer and street vendors the garden would have a value of about $50. but the great value of the amateur farm la the choice and variety which It affords to the owner. ' , "Of course the money value of the garden Is a great factor considering the work which It represents." says Mr. Wright, "but the great point is the idea of having everything fresh from your garden when you want it and never being disappointed." A few of the things grown in this garden are: Onions, lettuce, parsnips, -beans, carrots, peas, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, ground cherry, watercress,' salsify and rhubarb. "Lettuce we use every" day and with what we give away and use, four heads are a fair daily average. The lettuce season lasts about four months. Figuring this out. we produce close to iOO heads. The best price to the con sumer at the store is usually three heads for 10 cents. According to this we get 113 to IIS worth of lettuce alone from our garden. Furthermore, we never have to put it In the Ice chest for half a day to try and make It crisp." Turnips, carrots, beets and, parsnips are some of the minor items. There is a small bed of each, but enough to supply the family for the entire year. About 65 grocery-stose-slze bunches of each of these form the season's crop. Beans again are a larger item. About 100 pounds each of peas and beans form the usual crop In this field. At the best market prices this would be worth about S15. Radishes also make good in the garden, being used every day. Even when purchased in the smallest amounts retailed at the stores, there is more than enough for a small family, and they spoil from one day to-the next, whereas from the home garden they can be taken when needed. Corn is an experiment, but one which furnishes a few good meals every year, anyway. Onions, cucum bers and squashes are some of the minor varieties grown. In sufficient quantity to furnish all that is needed. In addition to the products enumer ated. Mr.lfWright is also trying experi ments in horticulture. In the yard Is an old almond tree, which is still plen tifully filled with juice. On the stump and few large limbs he has grafted roses, five kinds of cherries, nectarines. Oregon peaches and two other varie ties of the same fruit and prunes. All the sprouts are showing healthy signs of growth, some having sprouts an inch long, with Indications of prosper ing. What the result of this may be Wright refuses to predict. Another novelty Is a mulberry tree, which Is at present loaded down with large berries as luscious as the best variety. The berry resembles the gar den raspberry, only much larger, and is maroon-colored when ripe. Of the black type, this is probably the only tree in the city or the Northwest. The yard is so crowded with vege tation, there being a half dozen fruit trees of different varieties, besides a hedge of berries, that the curb and the little plant in front of the house have to be used for the floral experiments. Along McMlllen street the curb Is fenced with real Scotch thistle, grow ing . to the height of a man. This causes more speculation among passers-by than anything In the yard. It will blossom In about two weeks, the buibs at the top bursting into large purple balls, six inches in diameter. The curb along Ross street is a mass of golden popples, which are so thick that the green of the foliage can hardly be seen through the blanket of bloom. Xews Tells of Son's Injury. VANCOUVER, Wash., July .(Spe cial.) Reading In a newspaper that his son. Paul A. Woolsey, 19 years old, probably had been fatally injured. Charles O. Woolsey, of Colma, San Mateo County, near San Francisco, Cal., who harpened to be in Portland, at once telegraphed his wife in California A mm ft lr me nam A Glorious Tribute to the Wonderful West. Where Else on Earth Could Such a Record Have Been Achieved? Study this sketch. It means more than mere commercial achieve ment. It preaches most elegantly of the great west's prosperity. t.iiA flMfiTiGss and the tmrDose of the Westerners to surround their lives with everything making for refinement and culture. Thousands of beautiful pianos all sold by one Portland establishment, placed three hundred feet apart would reach from the Gulf of Mexico through the Sunny South, Atlanta, Washington, New York, Boston to Portland, Me., then clear across the continent back again to our own beloved Portland, Or. UNIQUE BASEBALL TEAM PLANS SERIES OF GAMES IN WASHINGTON. " l . ..-.. , .a- ., . ' NIXB BROTHERS WHO HAVE FORMED A BALL TEAM. . WASHOUGAI Wash., July 6. (Special.) Abaseball team made up of the nine sons of Mrs. W. Wall, of Washougal, has been organized here and is preparing to play a series of games with other Washington teams. The unique, team made its initial appearance on the diamond July 4, when It defeated the Forest Hill team by a score of 14 to 4. The brothers range in age from 17 to 32. and all live near Wash ougal. Thy all were born in South Dakota, and came to Washing ton together several years age. Their names and positions on the team are: Jesse, left field; Alvin, right field; Philip, pitcher; Thea dore. catcher; Ansel, first base; Oris, center field; Ernest, third base; Edgar, short; Ray, second base. ' . Vr (yVv-7 ,v X &:-tv'.'. JLV J fiSi could exclaim' when contemplating I'M f.f. VV 1 A'f ?SZL T-S&'K-.-..- AV I-1 1 the West: "Yours is a well-to-do Ijfc in5a . aj X tiiir AV''.-J i.'."'.tft-:-'rT- aTbf I community, you have-eliminated the - k jjftjf f-jrlrV .A 1 - . 'jr I'-' ai .UrJM 9m (. I poor but honest people. Anybody TXijJiiJiiuuJ'if?VT w 'riiir ''' ..-O If MJTw mam X who is healthy and honest has no a-'nJrikJCTara wk','.! II I --y excuse in this West for being poor, law Siv and your people are refined and ff- '" educated." . Mg( If In Ukiny a ride through the city a piano were found upon every block It would be noteworthy. If each one of such pianos were found to have been furnished by Bilers Music House it would, be quite remarkable. But If, after riding hour after hour and day after day, good pianos were found at every 300 feet of the way and all sup plied by Ellers Music House, it would surely prove a matter of astonishment. Thus this statement will probably be received with astonishment by many and with doubt by some, but it Is true: Ellers Music House, of Portland, Ore gon, has now sold more man enougn pianos. Autoplanos, Baby Grands and organs, to- say nothing or taiKtng ma chines, which. If placed 300 feet apart. would reach from the Gulf of Mexico through the Sunny South, and up the Atlantic Coast to Portland, Maine,, and (roil there back again to Portland, Oregon, as Is Indicated In this sketch. At the commencement of the second half of this, our fortieth year in busi ness, Ellers Music House publishes this statement and this sketch with a deep sense of appreciation.- It speaks.for Itself. : These thousands of pianos, mile upon mile, have been sold upon a definite money-back guarantee basis. They must thus be giving perfect satisfaction and therefore this record becomes still more noteworthy. - " Eilers Music House sells everything that is dependable and best In musical Instruments. Eilers Music House sells everything -at lowest cost because It has the organization, the resources, and the experience. Buying all instruments In larger quantities than does any other institution." Ellers Music House sells such instruments at lower prices. i The policy of largest possible sales at the smallest possible profit on each sale has brought the Ellers organiza tion from the one small store of com paratively but a few years ago to the forty thriving establishments of today, which are the foremost in each Western city wherever located. And doesn't this speak In terms most eloquent and convincing of the happy conditions, of the truly general pros perity, of the great purchasing power and thecontinued development of life's better aide on the part of those for tunate enough to live In this great West? The growth of our business Is lim ited only by the number of people who Investigate the advantages we have to offer." To. examine our facilities care fully means to become an Ellers Music House customer. No transaction Is right or considered as concluded "by Ellers Music House that does not mean satis faction to the buyer. Our patrons are our references it would take hundreds of pages in The Oregonlan to merely name them all, but Ellers Music House confidently refers anyone who may want to Investigate as to a musical In strument to any customer who has ever dealt with us. ' Buying anything of the Eilers houses anywhere In he West means securing highest quality at prices that are not high. It means Insurance against dis appointment and for this reason more than half the pianos and player pianos sold on the Pacific Coast 'since 1905 have been sold by the house of Ellers, the Chickerlng and Autoplano and Kim ball distributers. Headquarters, ,the Ellers bldg.. Alder street at Seventh. Wholesale dept., on Pettygrove street, 15th and 16th. WHAT DOES IT STEANf More pianos have b?n sold by Ellrt Music Home during- the past - three years than have ever before been sold here dur ing any ten reaiui. Many of these Instru ments were the very costliest and hlichest prfred American makes. What does It mean 7 It means that the Northwest Is prosperous. It means that the people of the great North west possess the necessary knowledge and culture to appreciate fine pianos, and that they have the wherewithal to secure the best. There are twenty-seven piano dealers and stores In the state. The records of trans portation companies shovr that Eilers Muslo House has handled anil sold nearly three times as many pianos and organs as have been sold by all the others combined. What does this mean? It means that Gllera Muslo House Is able and willing to furnish piano buyers more in trinsic piano value for the money than any other concern. Do not fall to get a piano now: the coun try is solid. The future is surety bright for all of us living on the great Faolfln Coast. Investigate present conditions, and If you do you will not fall to get a good piano, or a player piano now at Ellera Mu slo House, the house of hlRhoat quality, the Nation's largest. Eilers Bldg., Alder street at Seventh. and came to Vancouver at 11 o'clock last night. Young Woolsey had been working for a paving company. On the Fourth he was sitting on the sidewalk, watching the races, when a pony, rid den by "Dude" Waite, bolted into the crowd, and trampled young Woolsey, fracturing his skull. Dr. R. D. Wlswall, who chanced to be a witness to the accident and who has attended him since, holds little hope for his recovery. LODGE DEFENDS ANDREW SENATOR SATS MAO VEAGHS ... STATEMENT IS ABSURD. KING PHARAOH STAR AT THE OAKS THIS WEEK Lady Livingstone, Only Skating Bear Known, Is Unique Attraction. Punch and Judy Seems as Popular as Ever With Children. who are as willing to listen all day to the quips and fun of the old London showman as he Is to furnish the en tertainment. From day to day various attractions are being added to the Oaks and the bills are larger than have ever been offered at the park. Assistant Secretary Declared to Be Trained Economist and Efficient Administrator. DUBLIN. N. H., July 6. Franklin MacVeagh. Secretary of the Treasury, today denied reports that he had lnai- cated to President Taft ah intention to leave the Cabinet next March, regard ess of the result of the coming .elec tion. The matter has never come up in end conversation, that I have had with President Taft," said the Secretary, "and you may say that the reports are absolutely untrue. . . Senator Lodge, m Washington, vig orously dissented from Secretary Mac Veagh's statement that his former as sistant In the Treasury Department, A. Piatt Andrew, was asked to resign because ha was inefficient. The statement of Mr. MacVeagh that A. Piatt Andrew was Inefficient is absurd." was Lodge's comment. I know of him as a professor at Harvard and President Eliot recommended him the National Monetary Commission as a trained political economist ana Insruist. When he was Director of the Mint I kno whe was considered an efficient administrator, and I am told that during the year he held the office he saved the Government 1320,000 through reforms." NEW 'OFFICIALS CONVENE Heads of Federation of Women's Clubs Discuss Organization. SAN FRANCISCO, July . The new officers and directors of the General Federation of .Women s Clubs held two meetings here today to discuss with the outgoing officials subjects pertain ing to the work of the organization and to effect temporary organization preliminary to the first regular meet ing of the board, to be held tnis an at a date to be fired later and at a point to be designated by the new preslddnt. ' ' Mrs. Pennypacker. or Texas, tne new president, presided at both meetings and also at the session of the council. There will be .no changes In the per sonnel of the various departments un til after the Fall meeting. Mrs. Pen nypacker requested the officers and directors and the" heads of departments to submit all suggestions In writing to her. The officers were the last of those who" attended the convention to depart for their hotnes. It Is estimated that onlv 3.DSG.500 pounds jf di.m:te- will be requiv-d So: ork during the tar be(,iauius July . '::ir:$iJVhJ DR. D. B. BOYD AND KING PHARAOH, TUB OAKS. EDUCATED HORSE, AT THE throngs tnat traveled to tne Oaks last week, rain or shine, were an adpAimtii testimony to the char acter of the bills being offered at the amuHcrtient park by Manager Cordrayl Twenty-four acres or amusement are offered to -the tourist or to the Port lander who has an hour or two to spare, or who wants to spend a happy lay unaer toe desi puasiuic ngs. . . t . 1. n nPAaant nrAAlr thrn Will oam nio-ht hv the Oaks Park Band, with special matinees this afternoon and Saturday. The balance of the programme will be given every afternoon and evening. Manager Cor-draj- having inaugurated full Summer matinees July 3. - - Lady Livingstone, the sRating Dear, ho not seem to mind whether c r urrmnii nlnno or in tomanv. an undniihtAd a t tras-.t I nn. Inas much as Lady Livingstone Is the only bear in the world that can skate, she seems fully conscious of her own im portance. King Pharaoh, the educated horse, occupies a place of honor in the bill as well as In the park. From his ele vated platform. King likes to frolic with the children after he has dis pensed with the purely educational part of his programme. To see King going through his performance is like watching a 6-year-old child taking ele mentary lessons in ' reading, spelling and arithmetic. King . draws the crowds with ease. , The Neapolitans are proving an easy first-class attraction. Their genial bon homie and catchy little songs and airs provoke laughter from the audience every time. Punch ami Judy never fails to be a continual attraction for the youngsters, OREGON PIONEER PASSES Last Tribute Paid Mrs. Maria Hast ings Idttleflefd at Seattle. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash.. July . (Special.) The funeral of Mrs. Maria Hastings Llttlefleld within two days of the 43d anniversary of her marriage to David M. Llttlefleld, a veteran of the Civil War, marked the passing of daughter of one of the earliest pioneers of the Oregon country, and of a woman whose own life was intimately con nected with the early history of the Northwest. Mrs. Llttlefleld, who was born In Portland. December 28, 1860, was the oldest daughter and third child of Loren Brown and Luclnda Bingham Hastings, who, originally Vermonters, but really hailing from Hancock, . 111., crossed the continent in a prairie schooner and settled In Portland in 1847. Here Mr. Hastings engaged In business until 1852. Mrs. Llttlefleld is survived by three brothers, Oregon C. Hastings of Vlcto ria, B. C; Senator Frank W. Hastings and Captain L. B. Hastings, of Port Townsend, and by one sister, Mrs. Thomas H. Crang. of Portland; her husband, David M. Llttlefleld, connect ed with the Customs Service 30 years, and three daughters, Mrs. Charles Grant Perkins and Mrs. Frank J. Reynolds, of Port Townsend, and Mrs. William B. Dennis, of Carlton, Or. OFFICER WILL AID UMPIRE Walla Walla Police Will Arrest Players Who Dispute. - WALLA WALLA, Wash., July 6. (Special.) Because he thought less wrangling with the umpire would make the game more popular, Mayor Gillis. of this city, after he saw the Pendleton-Walla Walla game In the Western Trl-State League Friday, - is sued an order to Chief of Police Davis today, instructing him to have an of ficer attend each game for the specific purpose of putting any player who dis puted the umpire's decision, off the field and arresting him, if necessary. Umpire Breed, who Is officiating at the present series, says be seldom feels that an officer is necessary, but the Mayor's order is law and the umpire hereafter will have an aide in brass buttons and blue uniform. ARCHBALD TRIAL IS NIGH Final Draft or Impeachment Indict ment Approved by Committee. , WASHINGTON. July '6. The' final draft of the impeachment indictment against Judge Archbald, of the Com merce Court, was approved today by the House committee on judiciary. Chairman Clayton will present it to the House Monday, ask for immediate con sideration and submit a list -of seven members on the part of the House t conduct the trial before the Senate. It is customary in the House to fol low the action of the committee, whore there Is no division. EDMONDS SOCIALISTS QUIT Unable to Coerce Board of Education Party Disbands. EVERETT, Wash., July . (Special.) Following their failure to gain con trol of the Board of Education at Ed monds and force Leyda and janewaj. members of the organization, to hand In their resignations to the County Super intendent of Schools, Socialists of Ed monds have disbanded and the organi zation, which a year ago had control of the Council and Mayor, is now his tory. Fruitless efforts have been mado to reorganize the party, and It is admitted that the effort ot Invade the public schools was fatal. Leyda and Janeway, who refused to hire and "fire" teach ers as dictated by the Socialist organi zation, have the support of many of the Socialists who have turned from their party. As a result of the attempt to get Socialist teachers regardless of their qualifications. Edmonds elected an entire Socialist ticket at the last city election. LONG FAST SHAKES MIND Forty-Seven Days Without Food Cuts Weight to 45 Pounds. -Tasting food for the first time after a fast of 47 days, J. J. Downey, a real estate man of Monterey. Cal., last night went Insane In a Turkish bath In the basement of the Corbett building. He was confined In the County Jail. Downey, who came here from Mon terey a month ago, had been takini; frequent Turkish baths and had com plained to bath attendants that his long fast was beginning to wear, upon him. He had dwindled to skin and bones. Friday he became temporarily Insane, but recovered and announced that he was about to break his fast Last night he ate and soon afterwari became violently insane. Downey now weighs only 45 pounds. ILL-FATE PURSUES WOMAN Widow Marries, After Husband Shoots Self, Then Sickness Comes. VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 6. (Spe cial.) Mrs. William Simpson In of th belief that fate is pursuing her unre lentingly. She was married last Satur day. On Sunday she was taken 111 with appendicitis. On Monday she was oper ated upon. On Tuesday she began to suffer with inflammatory rheumatism, and tonight her condition is critical. Mrs. Simpson was the widow of Jena Soeby. who lived on the famous float ing farm In the Columbia River, seven miles below Vancouver. Last year Soeby became despondent and shot his head off. after writing a note to his wife apologizing for his Intended act. . M. Clozel. the artlnc Governor-Gonrsl ol French West Africa, nas Just established si th radlots-legi-sphlc station at Dakar srhool of Itofetrurtion, in order that military tHea;i-aphlsts st'nt for service to French West Africa may coiftyiei tnoir aaowicuac