The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 07, 1912, Image 1

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VOLi XXXI 0. 27.
Lodge Would .Preserve
Antlered Herd.
Order Will - Co-operate With
State and Nation.
National Home Is Question Upper
most In Minds of Delegates.
Rebuilding of Old Place in
.'- Virginia. to Be Opposed...
DAT, JtXT tU -;-
Formation on Twelfth street, south
of Salmon. :.'-.'
East on Salmon to Eleventh.-
North"'on Elevenh-te Morrison.-
East on Jfoniaon to Tenth.
' Kortlt'on Tenth to Alder.
Eut on Aider to Sixth.
South on Sixth to Morrison. .
Eaft on Morrison to 4th. -
South on Fourth to Madison.
East on Madison to Grand avenue, ;
North on Grand avenue to Burn
side. ' ' " .
West on BumsMa to Third.
South on Third to Pine. -'
Teit on Dln to Fifth.
South on Ftfth to Oak.
.West on Oak to Seventh.
South on Seventh to Washington.
East on Washington to. Sixth.
Sooth on Sixth to Morrison.
East on Morrison to Fifth. ., -
. Southe Fifth-1 TatnhltL
.West on Tamhlll to Seventh.
. South on Seventh."
Disband front Tarlor south... -' .. . '.
Co-operation with tha tat and Fed
sral Governments ;l the preservation
3 . the animals from which the. order
derived Its nam is one' of Use objects
tor which the Grand Lodge of Elks will
work during Its session lh this city.
The committee on preservation of
elk, of which Rush LHollaod. of Colo
rado Springs, Colo., out grand exalted
ruler,. Is chairman; and of which' Sena
tor Chamberlain, of Portland, ts a
member, has waged an active cam
paign In the past year to secure fur
ther protection ' for the band of elk
that roams the hills of Wyoming and
other. scattering portions of the West
and. Northwest, where the encroach,
tnent' of - civilization has not driven
them out or starved them to death.
. , Laws t Preserve Herds.
Through the work of this committee
legislation has been Introduced Into
Congress which. If enacted into law.
It ia believed. will go far toward pre
venting the annihilation of the species,
which now threatens.
Individual members of . the grand
todge have expressed the belief that
the -Government is -better- able to carry
on- the work of protecting the' wild
elk than the order Itself. ' The grand
lodge has spent considerable money
and has given-- much- attention to this
work. '. Sentiment expressed -at grand
' lodge , headquarters . yesterday Indicated-
that the "forthcoming business
sessions will Issue an emphatic appeal
to all. members of the order to urge
their Representatives in Congress to
vote and work for legislation to pro
tect. the noble symbol of the order.
. ' Home tsneattott Foresssst.
While this subject has received con
siderable discussion, most Interest cen-
(Concluded on. Pace 8.)
i I ' ' ' ' " ' ' '
w A : a ,vvi smaw- W . l ssss, -. - - i ' . sw
Correspondents at First Content to
" " Bejf. 'W Turn Attention, to ;
.-" - Plans for Revenge.. , ..
NEW YQRKJuly . (Special.) De:
luged with threatening letters, warn-
lna-a of danger -and demands for money,
William Vincent Astor, youthful head
of the.. Astor -family, has armed nlmself
with a revolver, stationed guards about
his homes In Fifth avenue and ' t
Rhinebeck. and Is constantly trailed by
an, armed guard when he goes about
the city or to the country.
Ever since the-drowning of his fath
er,. Colonel John Jacob Astor, in the
sinking of the Titanic, and the settle
ment of the estate, by which' the
rounr man became possessed of wealth
amounting to more than 100.000,oou,
he has been bounded, nestegea ana
overwhelmed ." better-writers.
His correspo. n. at nrst were con
tent to advise y.
Mr. Astor to di'
vfde "his 'fortune , -r. matter a .few
thousands In -such v hey might
indicate. " "When they iu hat Mr.
Astor did "not act. upon th.'- , erges-
tions. thev letters became thtv :ng.
. . . V
Davidson Rendered Unconscious for
Time In FHgbt, Tries Again.
CHEHALIS. Wssh.. July 6. (Spe-
claLJ Successful ; balloon ascensions
last evening; and today by Davidson
.were features of Chehalla'.. three days"
celebration Incident to Independence
day. Last night the Chehalis band en
tertained a large audience at the City
Park block with a concert, unusually
large crowds have visited the city.
Mur have stODood over here en route
to Portland to the Elks" convention and
the Tacoma' festival. Tomorrow there
wilt be a larare number of Chehalis
autoists drive to Tacoma to witness
the racing and see the City of Destiny
on dress parade. ' r. " " .
; Last night in descending Davidson's
parachute caught In a,tree nd be fell
bout 44 feet, rendering him uncon
scious, for a time. He was game, how.
!vernd made another successful; trip
tonight. " -
$1000 -
Wife of A. D. Smith, Tualatin Mill
Owner,. Sues for Divorce- .
HILLEBORO", OfT July" . (Special.)
Mrs. Vienna bmtth. of Tualatin, hsa
filed suit against Ambrose D. Smith, a
member of the Tualatin Mill Company,
klnr for divorce.' for $500 'suit
money and for 111,040 permanent ali
mony. ' She asks tor an injunction
preventing the husband from disposing
of his one-third Interest in the com
pany's property., which. In. the wile's
estimation. Is worth 130.000.
The complaint alleges marital mis
conduct and says that the wire ias
been forced, to cook lor a crew or log
gers for several years, while she was
St times obliged to. live on a scow in
the - Tualatin' River.- The wire, also
bases - her' suit i for separation on the
grounds of too excessive-use of liquor
and another paragraph charges that
while Mr. 8mlth allowed her to visit
th Lewis and Clark fair but a portion
of a day, her husband visited the fes
tivities several days. , '
Warren and Jim Johnson Die To
- gether Off Tillamook.
TILLAMOOK. Or., July .(Spe
cial.) Warren and Jim Johnson, broth
ers, fishermen of Paciflc City, about 25
miles south' of here."-In' attempting to
cross the: bar at Nestucca Bay in a
small skiff, were capsized and drowned.
The two. boys left the city the morn
ing of July I to attend a Fourth of July
celebration at' Nesmowln, taking a dog
with them. A few hours later the dog
swam ashore. ; A searching party dis
covered a. pair of oars and a hat. The
bodies have not been recovered. J The
boys -were about -20 years old. ' They
leave a brother and two sisters.-.
SS ACrui. A T
City and State Honor
"Bulldog of Navy.'V
Drawing 28 Feet, Boat Breaks
Port Deep Draft Record.
From Time Craft Enters Colnmbla
River rntil Arrival. In Portland
Harbor, Din of Hearty Wol- .-
romo Reverberates.
'. :FROM IjSO TO 6 P. M. ;
Because the Oregon will make a
short stsy In , Portland, Captsln
Jensnn consented yesterday to re--ceive
visitors aboard from 1:30 to C
o'clock this afternoon, though lie
said the vessel was not as presenta
ble as he wished.
During weekS days visitors will be
allowed aboard from 9:80 until ' '
11. JO o'clock each morning and from
1 :80 to S o'clock .In the afternoon.
Barges have been provided to be
made fast on the port side' of the
vessels and . visitors will go a6oard
. from one barge and leave from the
other. - Launches will , operate from
the foot of Stark street snci points
nearby for the accommodation of the
public. . . ' '
The Oregon Is home. - -'
'' The historic battleship. that bears the
name Of a great state anchored' in the
harbor at 4:30 P.. -M-yesterday and in
so doing "the-bulldog of the Jfavy" did
for Portland and the state another pub
lico service, just as In 1898 the Oregon
did a National service in-making the
hurried' voyage of 14,700 miles via the
6tralts of Magellan 'to the Atlantic
Coast in time to participate- In destroy,
ing the- Spanish fleet off t. Santiago,
Cuba. - :.- . 7. . :. ' . . ' . i
This time her mission Is one of peace
and . her service -Is to aid the state by
demonstrating to the world' that the
Columbia River has no . terrors for an
unwieldy battleship, of approximately
1X000 tons displacement and drawing
28 feet of water; that the .Columbia
River Is open to the biggest ships aneT
that Portland's harbor safely can float
Its holiday visitor. Many previous ef
forts had been made to bring the Oregon-to
Portland when at the senith of
her career, and to the Portland Elks'
committee belongs the honor' of Anally
persuading.the Navy authorities to give
their, consent.
Canaoa Welcome Warship.
"I will Are shot for shot." said Cap
tain Jenson, of the Oregon as , she
steamed through the harhor yesterday
and two fleldpieces ashore, manned by
men from Battery A. Oregon National
Guard, belched forth their greetings of
21 shots.--It was purely-non-regulation
In the eyes of a naval officer to have
a National salute fired on any "occasion
other than a holiday, and Captain Jen
son officially was not entitled to such
recognition. ..' " --
It was the Oregon that' was. given
tho salute. Those who planned It want
ed to create a great din to work off
their pent-up enthusiasm and ' they
were in league with Adjutant-General
Flnser, of the Oregon National
Guard. He In turn-joined with Cap
tain. Welch,, of the battery. In the
scheme and the result was that two
guns were stationed on the north side
of the ' Spokane', Portland & Seattle
(Concluded on Page 9.)
&Y4 y 'AfUTS Vbi6j0?0 Wyf-7TW
rOtTODAI.., ... .
J 7 A. Jr. to midnight Reception
j committee, welcome squad and band
; meet special trains at .all depots.
' IV noon to midnight Concerts by
i visiting bands m streets. . '- -. !
1 :30 - to 5 P. M. Reception on .
..board battleship Oregon In harbor, '
2:SO. F. M. Baseball,. Portland vs.
I Vancouver, ' Recreation-; Park. :
2:30 P. M. Motorcycle races at
'Country Club. ' . I ?
8:80 P.-'M. Illumination . of court.
: of -honor, principal streets v and
x buildings, n . . ' ' 4 "
'Everybody's Doln It" and "I Want
to Be. an Angel" Cheer Play. ;
; erson Their-Way. .
iOS ANGELES. July 6. (Special.)
"Everybody's Doln' It,"- sang the Tem
ple Baptist Church choir' as "Heine"
Heltmuller lined out a beautiful hit in
the', first inning of today's baseball
game between the Oaks and the-.An-gels.
"Singing at a ball game!" shrieked
an . amazed fan - as he - took - his eyes
from the pitchers' box long enough to
survey the strangers. In tho grandstand.
The first verse of a -popular song was
wafted from first to second base and
from second to third, following, the
base-runner. The crowd caught, the
enthusiasm and Joined In the chorus,
"Everybody's - Doin' It,"'" they sang.
Everybody's Doln' It; Doln' What?
Hittin' 'Em, Hittin, 'Em." - -
If Frank Dillon's band of popular
pastlmers needed any incentive to. go
out and' win a ball game they certainly
had It this afternoon. -. And so it was
that Dr. James Whltcomb Brougber's
aggregation of ISO trained voices, who
attended the baseball game today with
their pastor at their head, wished that
everybody on . the .Los ' Angeles team
would follow Heltmuller's example.. In
this particular class of service.
The choir occupied a section of the
grandstand, this being a special occa.
sion and one not often enjoyed by the
singers, and when they -were not sing
In " 'Everybody's Doln' It,"" it was
'Dr.. Brougher, the Baseball Fan,'
'Has Aaybody Here Seen Kelly.!? and
'rW'ant ,to Be an Angel." - - v
. a . '..',' ' '',
Actions Following San (A Rosa Wreck
.Total $500,000. y -5AN
FRANCISCO, July i.-Iw hun
dred thousand dollars is the aggregate
amount1, of the damage suits filed to
day against the Pacific Coast -'-, Steam
ship Company, by persons who were
subjected to hardships and lost their
effects when the steamer Santa Rosa
was wrecked off Point Arguello July
7. 1911. - - - - - ; - -
This brings the total of demands ror
damages In this city to nearly $500,
000. This is exclusive of the suits filed
In Los Angeles. .
Indicted 'Banker's Attorneys Work
Hard to Raise Cash-Bond.
SPOKANE," Wash July 6. (Special.)
Although Fred Miller, of Spokane,
and Walter 'Hanson, of Wallace, attorr
neys - for B. F. O'Nelt, 1 were ; putting
forth every effort to raise bonds for
the indicted Idaho banker it Is believed
that they will be. unsuccessful,, accord
ing to reports from Wallace.' ..".'.
.O'Nell, . charged -with : embezzlement
in connection with the State, Bank 'of
Wallace,' 'Is now in the ; Wallace'" Jail
waiting trial. ' " . ... .
Insurance Commlseioner Reports. ;
. SALEM.- Or., July . (Special.) In
surance . Commissioner Ferguson - has
eompleteM his annual report, the .major
portions of which bavo heretofore been
published. Copies of the "report have
been turned over to the Insuranc Com
mission by the State Printer. .-'
- -1'!'-' , '',
s - - ...v"..
t.'jiny''',' ''-'t',l" i :
Hm 108.2
Rabid Dogs Add Terror
to Torridity.
Wave. Spreads Over: Country
'.: and Benefits Crops.
Forest Fires In Michigan, Cloud
bursts In North Dakota Do Dam
: age to Property Urban ',
- .--Population Gasps. .
CHICAGO. July S. (Special.) Twen
ty deaths In the two days of torridity
Chicago has experienced was the record
tonight when the statistics were footed
up. In addition there . were half a
hundred serious prostrations and' 18
persons were bitten by rabid dog;.
Meanwhile the heat wave has "flat
tened out," to use a technical expres
sion of the weather forecasters.. Over
the grain fields of the West and South
west the blazing sunshine was making
millions . in agricultural wealth. . The
suffering In. the cities meant the-fortune
of the farmers. .
The temperature, today did not reach
yesterday's extreme height . and the
humidity was. 71, or four degrees below
that of yesterday, but men and horses
continued to drop, in- the streets, which
ware like hot tunnels.
'' Lake Frost Alone Feels Relief, t
.- Some : relief came In the . afternoon,
when shifting winds brought' a light
breeze off the lake. It was confined to
that portion of the city within a half
mile of the lake front, however,; as the
breeze was so light it lost its coolness
after traveling over, belching chimneys.
By way of comparison., it may . be
noted that San Francisco, with' a maxi
mum of 60 and a minimum of SO, was
the coolest . spot In. the country. Port
land, had 62.-52. . Los Angeles, " with
78-58, comes next in ore than 20 degrees
coojer than I Montreal and Toronto.
Phoenix, Arit, claims the heat record,
witt I0t Boston reported 90, New
Vork 12 and Washington 90. Various
Tex-as points had an .average of 96.
Cincinnati was comparatively cool at
SO,' or eight decrees cooler than fit-
Louis, 7 which had precisely the same
temperature as St. Paul, 88, and was
four degrees cooler than Madison, Wis.
Saulte-Ste-Marie, usually, the -abiding
place of the chilly wave, sweltered at
92, 10' degrees hotter than Memphis,
Tenn.' Green Bay,' Wia, also one of
the "cold spots" on the tourist circu
lars, reported 94, or 10 degrees warmer
than. Denver. '
Other Polats Report Deaths.
In addition to 20 deaths in Chicago,
five deaths were reported from "Phila
delphia, one from La Crosse, Wis., .and
five others from various points.
In Michigan .there were, disastrous
forest- tires,- and c two cloudbursts In
North .Dakota did... great damage ' to
property. .
Rain, . accompanied in the Northern
and Western cities by heavy thunder
and electrical - storms, was reported
from Jacksonville and " Tampa, Fla;
Cincinnati, Marquette, Mich.; Central
Illinois points, Eastern Iowa points and
portions of North Dakota. There . Is
also promise of rain In the Gulf Coast
country and portions of Missouri and
Montana. In Chicago the population
gasped on front . stoops. In sheltered
corners. In the parks and the bathing
beaches, all- of which were crowded to
the limit. Last night the Are escapes.
(Concluded on Page S.
Reports of Nervous Prostration and
Other. More Serious " Ail- ;
mcnts Are Denied. ;
UTICA.. N. T., : July 6. (Seclal.)-f-Vice-President
Sherman, . by . direction
of his - physician. Is taking a three
weeks'. rest cure at his homo in this
city. According .to a statement by his
secretary tonight,' the Vice-President
Is rapidly regaining his rugged health.
By the advice of his Washington ; phy
sician, the Vice-President, & few weeks
ago, dropped his work as presiding of
ficer of the Senate and came to his
home In this city for rest. After a few
days here he went to Big Moose, an
Isolated spot In the Adirondar.ks, but
the high altitude did not agree with
him and he returned to Utlca.. Upon
orders of his doctor he put all business
aside and entered upon the rest cure
at his residence here. . '
' Tho reports that the Vice-Fresldent
is In an alarming condition, suffering
from nervous prostration and other
more serious ailments, are untrue. He
will be In fine trim for the Fall cam
paign, when the rest cure Is completed.
and fully able to carry through the ag
gressive fight he plans, ac-ordlng to
the statement of his physician. '
Knowing Dog Drags Mistress Out of
Burning House.
' SAN FRANCISCO, July . (Special.)
A collie, Omega, saved the life of its
mistress at -2 o'clock today, when the
bungalow of Mrs. Von Daggett, on
Forty-seventh avenue, . was .destroyed
by fire. Mr. Daggett was down town
and Mrs. Daggett was upstairs, when
the-barking .dog burst Into the room
and tore at her dress, plainly begging,
in his- canine way. for-his mistress to,
follow hlnv .Mrs. Daggett followed, the
dog down stairs and found that the
ground floor -was -ln-f lames.
While neighbors were hurrying
across the street : the woman tried to
reascend the. stairs to get some jewelry.
She swooned from ' smoke ' and excite
ment. :As;aln the dog tusr'ged at her and,
thmis-h she weiens pounas. man
aged to' drag her to the yard. The dog
and woman were both singed.
License to ' Practice Medicine Re
voked by State Board. !
TACOMA. July . Basing its'action
on her' conviction by a -Jury In the
Kitsap County Court, the State 'Medical
Board last night revoked the license of
Dr. Linda Burfleld Hazzard, of Seat
tle, who was sentenced last- January to
not less than two years In the peni
tentiary as a result of the death of
Claire Williamson, an English woman.
Miss Williamson ; succumbed while
taking the fast cure under Dr. Has
zard's direction. The state charged that
the woman physician starved her to
death In order, to loot her estate.
The attorneys for Mrs. Hazzard will
carry the light over the license into
the courts.
John Spain, of Union, May Hare
lassoed least Horse.
-BAKER, Or., v July . (Special.)
John Spain, of Union, reputed to be the
champion roper of the worjd, may never
rope again as the result of an accident
at an exhibition at Halfway yester-
hday. - ..
. While lassoing a horse the rope
caught around his ' arm, . his horse
stopped suddenly and the' taut rope
cut his arm to the bone, severing the
veins... The arm may have to be ampu
tated. Spain was brought to the St.
Elizabeth Hospital here. Spain ap
peared' at the Pendleton Round-up and
the Union StocS Show. "
: i'V
Athletes at Olympiad
' Dazzle 'With Speed.;
United States Has All Except
One in-100-Meter Final.;.;
Edmundson Takes 800-Meter Trial.
.. Honolulu Swimmer Establishes
' New Mark -Oriental Runners '
Vie Vainly Amid Cheers. -
STOCKHOLM, July . The glory of
the opening of the Olympic games of
1912 should be divided between Sweden,
and the .Urflted States. Sweden gets
the lion's share, . for the impressive
stage setting she provided for the con
tests, which, with the natural beauties
of. Stockholm ltn parks and palace
and lakes and the moving ceremonial
with which the King inaugurated the
meeting makes it by far the motlx
memorable international festival ever
America's share of the honor Is due
to the remarkable fashion In which her
brawny young men, set to work on the
cinder path.. They, j-an away with
heat after heat In the first rounds rf
the ,100, and 800 .meters; they outdid
the expectations of . their trainers and
completely upset the calculations the
public had made. - -They left their old
tlme British rivals far behind. '
Five Sprinters la Finals. ;
With five American sprinters Drew.
Meyer, jCralg. Lipplncott and Belote,
and the South African.: Patching, to
run the final, in, the loo meters, that
event may be written down -for tli'a
United States. With eight men out of
18 to compete in the. semi-finals of th'e .
S00 meters, five of whom won their
respective heiits in the trials. It would
seem as' though the United States had
an excellent opportunity to annex that
also.' . Trainer, Mike Murphy's cup of
Joy Is fSll. . '
Americas Smashes' Record. . ,
The smashing of "the Olympic record
byD.'K. Lipplncott,' University s of
rensylvanla. In the 16th heat of the
100 meters event, puts that runner ill
the hero class.
The only cloud In the sky is due to
an unfortunate accident suffered by
the Springfield high school boy. H. P.
Drew, who strained a tendon of his lejf
in the ' semi-finals of the. 100 meterc,
the .first heat of which he won: This
may bar htm from the final.
" The world's record' with the javelin
made by E. Lemming, ' .the Swedish
champion, was not unexpected, but the
Hawaiian swimmer, "Duke" Kahana
mokuv covered himself with ' glory -by
slipping through the water in his trlajt,
heat of the 100 meters free style, whkh
which gave 'the- United States the sec--ond
world's reoord of the meeting. '
' Carnival Spirit Pervades.
The" picture, when nearly . 2000
bronzed athletes, - picked men of the
world, with the Scandinavian women
gymnasts, the flags of the several na
tions planted, .before them, faced' the
royal box, in which were seated tile
King and .most of the royal family,
while the bands played ami thousands
sang the Swedish hymn, was one never
to. be forgotten. The-carnival spirit
pervades Stockholm, the Olympiad con
trasting cheerfully with the more sol
emu atmosphere or. London in 130S.
There yelling; and . flag-waving ' viv.
frowned - down . upon as bad form;
American spectators were censured for
i Concluded on Page 0.1