THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JTJXE 30, 1913. NEWS HAPPENINGS OF WORLD ARE TOLD IN PHOTOGRAPH French Soldiers Act Part of Sir Walter Ealeigh Wien Queen Wilhelmina of Holland Visits Paris i ii . rvn - Bm - - - ' 4' i. '-hi 411 In ( t J V; - l - j& 1-:;Jr1 I 7 . A 5 tff 'If- i4feTi : NEW TORK. June 2S. (Special.) A charming incident of the visit of Queen Wilhelmina, of Holland, to Parle was the Walter Raleigh act of eoroe Freneh artillerymen at Camp Eatery, where the Queen attended a review, accompanied by President Fai lle res, of France. When her majesty about to return an artilleryman seeing that the ground was muddy i brought some boards and placed them on the ground for the Queen to walk on. His fellow soldiers then Joined him and they Improvised a footway over the muddy soil. . There were not enough boards to complete the path to the reviewing stand so, as the Queen walked, the soldiers lifted the boards behind her and ran to place them In front. The Queen was greatly pleased and held out her hand to the man who placed the last board. The oldier removing his cap kissed the Queen's band. e The Kaiser's three warships that have been anchored In the Hudson River sailed a few days ago. The Br e sen headed for Baltimore, where she will stay a fortnight. The Moltke gees to Kiel and the Stettin to Vigo. Spain. The big ships weighed anchor about 5 o'clock. An enormous crowd lined the banks cheering the depart ing fleet. The Admiral and officers of the squadron expressed themselves as much pleased with their reception and the good time New York gave them. During the recent socialistic disturb ances in Budapest. Hungary, the Min ister of the Interior found It necessary to call out the entire Budapest garri son of 10,000 men to put down the riot The Parliament buildings re sembled a hospital as all the wounded were carried there and placed on the floors. About 20 people were 'killed and 250 wounded. Stores were demol ished, streetcars overturned and a great deal of damage was dofie by the rioters. The trouble started as a pro test against the action of the Oovern- ment In postponing the universal suf frage bill. An enormous crowd witnessed the unveiling of the statue of Christopher Columbus at Washington June 8. Sec retary Knox, as president of the Co lumbus Memorial Commission, presided and President Taft made the principal address. The procession was ono of the largest parades ever held In Wash ington. It was eclipsed only by the Presidential inauguration parades. An inestimable number, probably running about 100,000, viewed the parade of National and District of Columbia mil itary and Naval organizations, Knlghls of Columbus, who came on special trains from all parts of the country and various other organizations, in all perhaps 40,000 strong. Christian X. the new ruler of Den mark, was proclaimed King on May IS. Immediately after the ceremony the King appeared upon a balcony over looking a courtyard of the palace ana delivered an address to the crowd as sembled there. Among the royalties who witnessed the proclamation were the Crown Prince Frederick. Prince Knud, the King of Sweden, the King of Greece and the King of Norway. IMMERSION IN WATER NOT CHRISTIANITY DECLARES PASTOR Dhristless Philosophies Invariably Shattered and Rjligion of Jesus Christ Prevails; Church Alone Saves no Soul and Foundation of All Is the Saviour, Says Rev. Mr. Hinson. "Christ and the Church." 0rraon by Dr. Walter B. Htnaon. at White Temple. Text: Mattuew xl;is. I WANT to say some words to you this morning In exposition of the faith we bold and I base them upon the text I have read, which text de clares Jesua Christ to be the Founder. and the Builder, and the Defender of the Christian Church. Emerson once suggested that every great reform is the lengthened shadow of an individual. The T. M. C. A. being the lengthened shadow of George Williams. Its founder; the Society of Christian En deavor being the lengthened shadow of Francis Clark, who originated It: the Salvation Army being the length ened shadow of William Booth, present leader. Ton will observe that these great reforms would move along in all their stately progress If the founders were removed from them. For the T. M. C. A- dies not with George Williams and the Christian Endeavor Society will not die with Francis Clark; nor will the Salvation Army die with Wil liam Booth. But Christianity, dies with Christ! And if Christ be not alive, your faith Is vain; our preaching Is vain; ye are yet In your sins; and they who have fallen asleep in Jesus are perished. We need the historical Christ; we need to know that he was born of a woman, and that ha lived his wonderful life, and uttered bis marvelous teaching, and died his substitutionary death. But we also need the immanent Christ, who died for our sins, but rose again for our Justification. And you cannot separate Christianity from Christ, as you can separate Mohammedanism from Mohammed. and Buddhism .from Buddha. For when Christ dies. Chris tianity dies. And we have no religion today unless Jesus Christ, the once cru cified, be now the risen and reigning Lord. For he is the foundation upon which Christianity rests this morning. Aa he said himself. "I, tf I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me." "He that belleveth on the Son hath life; he that belleveth not on the Son shall not see life." He emphatically affirmed. "No man cometh unto the Father but by ise." And he declared of himself that ho waa the Way. the Truth, and the Life. And Peter understood clearly enough that Jesus Christ was the founder of the church. Christ la the Foaaaatloa. It never occurred to Simon Peter to believe that Jesus was building the church upon Simon. Hear him in one of his own utterances, "By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This was the stone which was set at naught by you builders, which Is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other, for there Is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we can be saved." There was no thought (n the mind of Simon Peter that he was the underlying foundation of the Christian church. He affirms Christ Is the foundation. And not only so, but he also affirms that other foun dation than Christ can no man lay. and all his fellow apostles understood the fact that Jesus is the foundation of the church. Hear Paul as he says, "The Son of God loved me, and gave him self for me. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou ahalt he saved." And hear the apostle John as he asserts that "The blood of Jesus Christ cleana eth from all sin." And the Individual Christian Is quite within the limits of the New Testament teaching when he sings: On Chrltf the solid rock I stand All other' (round Is sinking land. And the church clearly la Justified In singing: Zlon stands with hills surrounded. Zlon kept by power divine. For Christ , Is the founder of the Christian church. But Christ Is also the builder of the Christian church. Let it be affirmed once more from this pulpit that we are only saved as we come into contact with Jesus Christ. I repeat his utter ance, "He that belleveth on the Son hath life." You are saved, my brethren, when yon come Into personal touch with the personal Saviour. Jesus Christ. And you continue saved, as you con tinue in contact with the Son of God. "Abide in me. and ye shall bring forth fruit. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is with ered." Dtvlae Doctrlae Possesses. We are in possession of the divine nature by our relationship to Jesus Christ; and thus the old life passes away, and the new life approved of God Is the life that we live. I know conversion Is ' a change of state. I know that the man before the conver sion has to say, "Wretched man that I am. who will deliver me from this con demnation and doom?" And I know that in conversion the state of the man is so changed that he gladly cries, "There is now no condemnation to them that are In Christ Jesus." But I also know conversion Is a change of nature. The old nature receives its death blow, and the new nature comes Into existence. And just as the old man Is declining, and diminishing day by day; so the new man is coming into the fullness of his strength and of his power. And, Jesus pervades the In dividual life of the Christian. r Whfn you are seeking to solace your soul In the midst of the clouds that surround you, it la not to dogma that you turn your eyes; nor Is it to a statement to which you have given your intellectual assent; but you turn your eyes to the cross, and you see the Christ, and you then say, "I know that I am saved, because I know my life Is hid with Christ in. God." And you are not so foolish as to think you are in a condition of salvation because you were Immersed In water. You know Dr. W. B. Hlaaoa, Pastor of the White Temple. that it is only to those who receive Christ, that he communicates the au thority to become the sons or God. Now- just as Christ permeates the life of the Christian, does he pervade the Christian - church. That is why this morning we uttered words of prayer to God, that Christ placed upon our lips, as we said the Lord's prayer. And that Is why we sang: Bock of ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in thee. And that Is why for our lesson we read the conclusion of Christ's ser mon on the mount. And that is why we give to him the homage of our souls in prayer, and adoration, and worship. Jesus Christ Is the builder of the church, and he selects the ma terial he sees fit to use. For it is not of the will of the flesh, and it is not of the will of man. but it la of the will of God. that these living stones are placed in the great temple of the Christian church. Church Falls to Save. We are not being saved by the church, for the church never saved a soul yet. It Is not the province of the church to save souls. It Is the province of the church to turn the eyes of men who are under the con demnation of sin to the great Christ who is the only atonement for the sin of the world. It Is good for the church to do all sorts of Christian work, but it is well for the church to understand that when it comes to the regeneration of the soul, more Is required than the church possesses. For that there is required the divine energy of the holy spirit, and the cleansing blood that Jesus Christ spilt upon the cross. And I tell you, my brethren of this church, of any church, of all churches, I tell you it is only in proportion as we re main faithful to the cross, and faith ful to the Christ who Is the hero of the cross, that we can accomplish any thing in this weary, wicked world. And so we must be clear in - our under standing, and our statement of the fact that Jesus Christ is the builder of the church. And lastly he is also the defender of the church. "The gates of the un seen," he said, "cannot prevail against the church." , While we were living the carnal life, my friends, we thought little of the gates of the unseen. But when he were converted we came into the apprehension of the fact that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. bet against principalities, and powers. and spiritual wickedness in high places. And the unseen then becomes very real to us. Devil Orlgimates Heresy. But the unseen has never prevailed against the church. O the devil has originated many a deadly heresy, and cast it out like a poisoned atmosphere around the Church of Jesus Christ. But the old Christless philosophies are dead. and the religion of the Lord Jesus ob tains still. Many a mighty error has flung itself against the little bark of the Christian Church, but always the broken wave has fallen back with Its power all gone ana tne ennstian Church still endured. Yes, and the church has prevailed against the seen adversary also. O xou who hay read your church history, know how great empires have risen up in their wild wrath, and have determined that they would subdue and destroy the Christian Church. You know how an Emperor of Rome set up great pillars of stone, on which was cut the statement that he had destroyed the Christian religion. and obliterated the very name of Christ. And all the time the great hosts of the church were calmly smiling at the foolish utterance of the Roman Em peror. You know how Julian used to boast that he was making a coffin for the Gallilean. and that In a little while he would have Jesua Christ In that coffin. " But you know how he caught the rushing life blood as he lay wound ed on the battle ground, and flinging it skyward, he bowed down his hope less head, and cried, "Thou hast con' quered O Gallilean." The gates of.yie unseen and the gates of the. seen have alike been powerless to prevail against the church. Aye, and there was a-tlme too when this same Roman Catholic Church rose up against the Church, that is based on the simple acceptance of a crucified Jesus, and that boldly asserts that we have no priest save the great high priest ofpur profession. And you know how the fires were lighted, and how the racks were placed In order, and the aristocracy of God poured out their blood. Church Remains aad Prospers. But still the church remains, and still the church prospers. I was told how once a great body of Christians met in session in New York City, and an old preacher etood up and said, "I under stand there is another convention in this cltv at the present time, and it is a convention of free thinkers or Lib erals as they call themselves." And he said, "I move you that we send them a message from our convention." "and." said the old man. "I move you that that this be the message: O where are Kings and empires now Ox old they, went sna came: But Lord, the church is pnylnc ret. flimply to thy cross I cllngr. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Oh; I . tell you, the church Is like the aru God bade Moan nulla; the deeper the flood the higher the ark,' and the nearer to heaven. I tell you it is like the burning bush that Moses saw; it is ever on fire, but It has never been consumed yet. It is like the three Hebrew children in Nebuchad nezzar's furnace; and the flames work no harm to him who relies upon the Immanent Jesus Christ. The church has always had its enemies: but while it has never wanted a foe; It has never refused a challenge; and it never bugled retreat. Pitiful in the. extreme were it If we had any other founda tion than Jesus. For there come times In the experience of the most saintly when they lay small stress upon their attainments, and little emphasis upon their achievements, but trustfully sing, Two thousand years the same." Nothing in my hand I bring. And there alone Is a sufficient com fort to be found. Sad indeed would It have been had the building of the Church of Jesus Christ been committed unto man. And it would be a sad thing if the church's defense rested .lilt the arm of flesh'and blood, or in any kind of force.. And it is a blessed thing that Jesus Christ himself Is the defense of the church as he is the defender of every single member of the church. Pertiaeat Questions Asked. And the pertinent question for my soul to answer Is this. Am I on that foundation,' Jesus Christ? Can I say he took me up out of the horrible pit and miry clay and set me on a rock, and established my goings? Do you know what it Is to have a personal experience of religion, my hearers? If the dew on your brow be comes cold ere the sun sets today, would you be able to die in calm reli ance on the Son of God as your Saviour and your everlasting hope? Are you being built up by cnrist on tnis sure foundation? Are you as a revelation" of Jesus Christ, so that aa men look at you, they say, "Those people have been with Jesus and have learned of htm?" Are you being defended by this Christ who is your Saviour? Are you able to turn all the enemies of your soul over to Jesus Christ? Do you realize that between you and the. evil there stands the glorious form of the great Christ who is your substitute and your re deemer? O, people of this communion, or of any communion, have you re ceived Christ into your hearts, the hope of eternal glory? Then, no weapon formed against you shall prosper; and every tongue that rises up in judgment against you shall be condemned. Do you say, "Oh, that I had this faith?" Why not receive it this morning? For there has been opened a fountain in the house of Israel for sin aad all un cleanness. And the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin. O, no, it is not by the rites or the ordinances of any church, or of all the churches, that your name Is written In the Lamb's book of life. But it is by the personal acceptance of the finished work of the atoning Lord. So let. us go forth this morning from the sanctuary to show by our consistent Christian lives that we know the real living personal Saviour; and that fe are In his grasp; that we are living his life; and that we are about his business. Christ con strain us to thus live, so that we may In our degree reflect his Image, and bear his likeness, and so Increase his glory. A BLOOD MEDICINE WITHOUT ALCOHOL. Recently it has been definitly proven by experiments on animals- that alcohol lowers the germicidal power of the body and that alcohol paralyzes the) white cor-' puscles of the blood aad renders them unable to take up and destroy disease fermt. Disease germs cause the death of over one-half of the human race. do entirelv without alcohol, which is pure flyeerie ex- traot of roots, such as Bloodroot, Queen's root, Golden Seal root, Mandrake end Stone root, has been extensively sola ny aruggwts ior cos past iony yew mm ejt. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The refreshing influence of this extract is like Nature's influence the blood is bathed in the tonio which gives life to the blood the vital fires of the body burn brighter end their increased activity oonsosscs the tissue rubbish which has accumulated during the winter. ...,, . Dr. K. V . fierce, tne lounaer ox tne invanas noun ana Surgical Institute, sad a physician of large experience and practice, was the first to make up an Axtbxattvs Extbact of roots, without particle of alcohol or narcotic. "It Is with tiie greatest of pleasure, that I write to let yea knew of the great benefit I received from the ase of year snedtchMS end sehT trsatmsnt Mhosse," writes SIsaWsLHSTBS, of Lsdysmitk. B. C. "leaf fared for three years, from a naming- sare. Consulted foar doctors bat they failed to mentor sive relief. Finally I was told I was in consump tion and would have to consult a specialist concerning my ear, that the dead bone most be cut out before the wound would heal. A kind friend advised me to write to Dr. Pierce, which I did, and after seven months' use of the treatment the sore is healed, and I enjoy better health than I redid. I dressed the wound with Dr. Pierce's AU-HeaHnsr Salve aad took the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Pleasant Pellets' for ear troubles. I shall always rwwisnend your medVmea. Or. Fierce'! Pleasant Pellet reiuUte liver and bowala. ' Wit Bm