XTTVl SUITOAY OREGOJflAW. PORTLAND. 3fT7XB 30, 1918. 6 CLARK ARRIVES AT SCENE TOO LATE jPostponement Rushed in Hope t of Keeping Him From Speaking in Hall. i. 9 I itolSSOURIAN'S CAMP SPLIT Majority of Friends Deem His Ap Ji paring at Convention Inadvls ;i able, Although Justified by i t Bryan's Attack. ; . BALTIMORE. June 29. Speaker 'Clark came tonight to Baltimore In response to the urgent request from Senator Dubois. hl campaign man ager, and George Williams, of Massa chusetts, who reported that the Mis Bourlan's candidacy had suffered by jreason of an "attack on his" honor" ghade br William Jennings Bryan. The ioonventlon, apparently hopelessly dead locked, had adjourned until Monday be fore the Speaker's arrival. ' Back of Mr. Clark's coming- WM Tumor of disruption In -.his political .campaign. Senator Stone, ex-Governor Francis and the main body of the Mis aourl delegation 'were said to be stren uously opposed to the Speaker making any appeal to the convention in his be half. They objected to the activity of Messrs. Dubois and Williams, and they believed the convention would misin terpret Mr. Clark's appearance -on the platform. Adjournment Follows Hewn. J It was no surprise therefore when Governor Francis, of the Clark forces. seconded the motion of Representative Palmer, of the Wilson camp, that an adjournment over Sunday should be taken. Mr. Clark's train left Washing ton at 10:45 and the adjournment was taken 15 minutes after the news reached the convention floor. There Is a great deal of bitterness against Mr. Bryan among the Clark adherents. They feel that the Nebraa kan had no right to attempt to place a Morgan-Belmont-Ryan brand on the Speaker just because the New Tork delegation gave Its support to him. They have attempted to offset the ef fect upon the progressives made by Mr. Bryan s statement that he would with hold his vote from the Missourlan so long as New York's vote went to him. .t the same time they argued that he fould not wipe out the Injury without attacking Mr. Bryan in the forum where Mr. Bryan's assault was de livered. Appearance Thought Inadvisable. The majority of the Missouri dele gates felt that while Mr. Clark would be justified In facing Mr. Bryan and defending himself before the conven tion, his opponents would' charge that his appearance was for the purpose of personally seeking vindication in the form of votes. , Mr. Williams and ex-8enatot Dubois were said to have ignored the advice of their associates and to have told Mr. Clark that his only chance of re dress lay In an Immediate confrontal of Mr. Bryan and the convention. They urged htm to take, the first Wain, be lieving It would get him here before the adjournment of the session. The chances are that Mr. Clark would save reached the convention hall in time to make a dramatic entrance had sot the plans of Messrs. Williams and Dubois become known. It was the plan to adjourn shortly after midnight and be Clark forces, not wanting another ballot after the 26th. had entered upon , counter Wilson demonstration. As eon as the Wilson leaders heard that Senator Dubois had gone to the sta tion to meet the Speaker -they called In thoir following and the elaborate demonstration quickly subsided. i Difficulty May Be Adjusted. ! -The adjournment over Sunday will give the Clark forces time to adjust their difficulties. These are not se rious and It Is believed Mr. Clark will be able to heal them. ' "It could not--, be learned tonight whether Mr. Clark would attempt to see Mr. Bryan. Some members of the Missouri delegation believe he would be content to make a statement to the convention, through some friend, or that he will ask that a letter be read sotting forth such statements as he cares to present. There is no way he could address the convention except by Invitation, but it is not likely this would be withheld. If he desires to apeak Monday. I Mr. Clark arrived in Baltimore at 1T:45 and went directly to the Emer son Hotel. There he went Into con ference with his manager. ex-Senator Dubois, of Idaho, and William K. Hearst, of New York. ; "I came here to Baltimore to con fer with my friends on matters eon. corning which I will probably have something to say after the conference," said Mr. Clark. "That Is all I have to say now." Speaker Issues Statement. After his conference with Mr. Hearst, Senator Stone, David R. Francis and others. Speaker Clark Issued the fol lowing statement: "Today in the National Convention an outrageous aspersion was cast upon me and through me upon the Demo cratic party by on who, of all men, ought to be the last to besmudge or betray his friends or his party. So far as I am personally concerned. It Is enough to say that the charge which reflects upon my personal or party In tegrity Is utterly and absolutely false. I might afford to forget myself, but I am, by the choice of the Democratic majority of the House of Represen tatives, the ranking Democratic of ficial in public life. I cannot be false or corrupt' without reflecting upon my party In the most serioua way. "Any man who would enter Into an alliance with any selfish interest or privileged class of this country to gain the nomination for the Presidency is unworthy of- the Presidency and of the Speakership of the House. If I have not entered into such aa alliance, then the Democrat, however distinguished, who wantonly charges me with this act is a traitor to the Democratic party and to his professed friendship to ma Plea Itmt far Nomination. "I am not here to plead for a nom ination or attempt to influence any man's political action. Let every man proceed In this convention according to tna expressed wiu ox nis constit uenta I aak no undue consideration from any man, be he friend or foe, but I demand exact justice from every Democrat, either In this convention or throughout the Nation. With William J. Bryan and his charge made to the convention today, the Issue la proof or .retraction. I shall expect him to meet that issue. CHAMP CLARK." No further statement was Issued, and at 12:45 A. M. Mr. Bryan had retired lor the night, leaving word that he was not to he disturbed, i C fif- mm f ,A xMKr iSa , - I k -v '!-rh'i ''W im ..iiMrri- -l " -n; RECESS IS TAKEN Democrats After 26 Ballots Adjourn Until Monday. LONG FIGHT IS POSSIBLE Delegates at Beginning of New Week TTnlikely to Be In Haste Sun day to Be Day of Import . ant CJonferenoea. (Centlrmed from Plrst Paa) The grnat bulk Of tha Massachusetts d)atlen deserted Clark and started a Fobs boom. Xt created little excite ment. Having failed to nominate by the week-end. It Is expected tha delegates will not hurry on a decision on'Sonday, and the fight may be prolonged for sev eral days. The Clark people are stiu confidant that enough of their dele gates will remain steadfast to consti tute tha necessary one-thtrd to prevent a nomination. Many of the delegates were, hopeful that aa early decision might be reached. but the two leading candidates were tonight so far snort o. th Hi 1-S rotes PRE-EMUTENT FIGURE IK . J- Y& J 1M ' : : II I dmMu v ,---V,vt:..'- I I 1111 1 m-4 IU iTllSimg!? II I r 'f.x vx I Will"" JENNINGS BRYAN. necessary to nominate that the prob lem seemed a most difficult 'one. Clark Forces Worried. . The Wilson forces were enthusiastic tonight and Asserted they ultimately would win. The Clark people plainly were worried by the defections In their ranks. -Kansas was the first Important state to desert Clark as a whole for Wilson. The sentiment In that delegation had favored Wilson from the beginning, but the Wilson contingent was not able to get a two-thirds vote until today. . Then, under state convention instructions, the. entire 10 Kansas rotes went to the Wilson column. After the 21st ballot the Clark peo ple, In something of a panic, sought to DETAIL OF BALLOTDTOr FOR PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES IN DEMOCRATIC OOKVEMTIOM' SINCE VOTIKQ BEGAN. 2 S 9 ? ff g f g f BALLOT. I I J I J f P I I .1 S l l 1"! ; " i' : : ; : : )' ' ' 1 440,324 117H 148 81 fa 1 I I 1 ..... 44fc 8S9H lllt 141 1 1 ..... S .1441 345 114 14014 81 14 1 1 4 443 349 4 IIS 1S4 81 14 ' S 44S 351 11(4 141 H 8t 2 445 S54 121 18 81 1 1 T 449 852H 12SH 12954 81 1 1 1 1 44654 35118 HO 81 1 X 1 9 432 332 1224 127 81 I 1 10 05 8SOi4 117 H 81 81 J 1 11 S54 86414 11SV4 80 1 J 12 649 354 128 29 81 1 1 18 50444 85 11S14 2 14 553 SUl 111 29 89 15... 552 3S2 110H 29 SO 2 1 ......... 551 .182 112 28 89 ..... 2 2 17 545 82M 112 29 SO 1 4 18 535 SSI 125 29 80 1 8 19 532 358 180 29 80 T 1 1 20 512 8S814 121 29 80 J 1 I S . "1 ......... 508 S95 118 29 80 1 t S 3 1500 38ill5 SO 1 1 43 2S 497 3f9 11 80 1 1 45 - ti .4t 42 llf 30 1 48 SS I49 405 108 29 89 1 S 4S 26 14031407 11121 29 1 .1 I .1 43 EEJffOCBATTO CONVERTIOH. have a recess. ' The Wilson people, encouraged by their steady gains, fought the motion and defeated it on a roUcalL . ' Bryan s Is Storm Ceateiw The afternoon session was marked by another dramatio outburst . from Mr. Bryan. Claiming the privilege of ex plaining why he and more than a dozen other delegates from Nebraska were going to switch their votes from Clark to Wilson, the former candidate held the floor for nearly an hour and was the center of a storm which swept tha hall In changing waves of protest and approbation. He deolared that so long as Champ Clark continued to ac cept the support of Cnanes T. Murphy and Tammany Hall,, he would not vote for him. In changing to Wilson, Mr. Bryan said he reserved the right to (witch again if New York, or any other state delegation "controlled by the Interests," should go to the standard of the New Jersey Governor. Nebranknn Target ef Questions. From the' floor. a score of delegates hurled questions at the Nebraskan and groaned or cheered as he attempted to make himself heard in answer. South ern delegates demanded to know if Mr. Bryan would support the ultimate nom inee of the convention in the event his nominating Tots Included the 90 from the State of New York. Mr. Bryan said be was content to make his protest in advance of any decision by the conven tion. He "expected" to support the nominee. A lawyer, he shouted, was permitted "to defend a criminal," after the crime was committed, but would not be permitted to defend the criminal If he had abetted the crime." Some of the delegates believed Mr. Bryan was making a final bid for the nomination. If it was Intended aa suoh it appeared to fall, for there seemed to be a crystallzatlon of the forces against him and their strength seemed to indicate that a Bryan stampede, so often predicted, was out of the ques tion. . - ; GEORGIA 'LEANS TO . WELSOX tate Senate Urges Switch if No Chance for Cnderwood Remains. ATLANTA. Ga, June 28.- Georgia's delegation to the Baltimore Democratic convention was called upon to cast Its vote for Woodrow Wilson for President and Oscar Underwood for Vice-President, when they "find that Underwood cannot be nominated for the Presi dency," in a resolution introduced in the State Senate. The resolution must lie on the table for one day, under he. Senate rules, GLARK UNLIKELY TO L New York's Support Regarded as Insincere and Unlikely :to Stay to End. WILSON HAS FAR TO GO Nomination of Either Leader Seeans Improbable Several Hundred Delegates Absent From Every Ttollcall. RECOVER OS 7 1 1 HOW CANDIDATES STOOP ON TWENTY -SIXTH BALLOT, THE LAST ONE TAKEN. " I Q I 1 g ? 6 " a S 1 STATES. : .: I H Alabama 2 Arizona "..5 1 " . Arkansas ....... 18 , California 26 , Colorado 12 ..... ..... - . Connecticut ..... .4 Delaware '.'i' Florida 1 ' Georsla ii: 28 " Idaho . Illinois 68 Indiana Iowa ,.. ...... 20 Kansas Kentucky ...... 28 Louisiana ...... J 1 A x Milne 1 J!,'-, MarylMid ...... U J . Massachusetts... , s Michigan ....... 18 12 Minnesota ........... 24 Mississippi Missouri 88 ' Montana 8 B 1 Nebraska ....... 2 14 " Nevada 1 Nsw Hampshlne. i 9 New Jersey .... . 4 ' 24 . i New Mexico 8 ,, New York .'. 90 ....... , , North Carolina JO , North Dakota... ..... 1 1 ,, Ohio J" 1 Oklahoma ...... 10 10 ' 1 Oreuon 1 Pennsylvania ... 5 . 71 1 Khode island... 10 1 South Carolina 18 1 eouth Dakota 10 ....... Tensessee 12 10 a Texas 0 Utah - 1H , , ( Vermont . ii;: , , , Vlrsirla 11 4 Washington .... 14 . Wen Vlrslnla... 18 . T -Wisconsin" l f Wyoming 8 ...... f A laska 1 f District Columbia 8 Hawaii f f 1 Porto Rico 1 4 , 4 ' Totals .4631407 112 43 1 I "Indiana gave Marshall Its 80 I votes. Hanr.on polled 29 votes in I Ohio and Bryan one In Wisconsin. BY BARRY J. BROWN. : BALTIMORE, June 29. (Special.) Af ter ten solid hours of balloting. In a hall oppressively hot, the Democratic National Convention adjourned tonignt, ftnnarpn tlv no nearer a selection of a candidate for President than it was 24 hours ago. This has been a sad day for Champ Clark. The slow and steady loss of votes has served to emphasise what was Dlalnly apparent when adjourn ment was taken last night, that in all reasonable probability he cannot be nominated. ' . Woodrow Wilson, on the other hand, while making small but steady gains throughout today, as Clark's following disintegrated. Is far from his goal, ana before he can be nominated must add 265 votes to his maximum strength, de veloped on the last rollcall tonight. There appears to be no reasonable probability that he can get them. New York's Vote Insincere. Clark developed his maximum strength on the tenth ballot last night, when he received 665 votes. His high est vote today was on the 13th bal lot, when he had 664 From that on he lost support with each succeeding ballot, until at the close of tonight's session he had only 46 J hi votes, 23 more than he started with. When it is reckoned., however, that 90 New fork votes are Included in Clark's ap parent strength, it is seen that he to. day is materially weaker than at any time since the balloting began, for New York's votes are only compllmen tary and are not expected to stay with Clark when the critical stage is reached. - " . Eliminating New York, Clark would still have enough votes to hold up the convention. Indefinitely, If he could hold together those delegates who have Stood with him throughout today s bat tie. His managers assert that he can control these delegates indefinitely, but this is extremely doubtful. Clark at beBt could only dictate by indef initely prolonging the convention, and an overwhelming majority oi aeie aates. exhausted and disgusted, are approaching the condition where they will be willing to compromise on any reasonable candidate to bring the con. vention to an end. Leaders Intensely Opposed. When adjournment was taken tonight it seemed out of the question that either Clark or Wilson could be nominated, be cause of intense opposition to each Bryan has arrayed himself against Clark and while his explanation for dis regarding his instructions was reason, able in a way. it was perfectly appar ent that he had merely been wanting for some excuse to come out clearly aerainst the Speaker. His statement was taken more as a denunciation of Clark than an indorsement of Wilson. and Bryan would be one of the leaders to welcome a compromise, provided a compromise can be had on some candi date acceptable to him. Bis first choice of course is well understood, but Bryan will accept some other candidate than himself if the other leaders are able to reach an agreement upon some Democrat recognised as progressive. The New York leaders at heart are not at all enthusiastic over Clark and would accept him only as a last re sort. To the surprise of the Clark lead ers. Underwood also Is opposed to Clark, and the Underwood delegates stoutly resisted all efforts today to take them into the Clark camp. Underwood followers will fight Clark to -the bit ter end. On the other hand, Clark's supporters are determined to prevent Wilson's nomination at all costs. , Crowd la Wltk Wilson. There have been efforts to combine the Underwood forces behind a Wilson Underwood ticket, but even this, as the present strength is shown," would not give Wilson anything like the necessary votes to nominate. Wilson has the crowd with him. as did Roosevelt at Chicago. . The convention hall for two days has been crowded with Wilson rooters, largely Princeton youths with leather lungs and Innumerable banners and megaphones. But noise and dem onstration do not sweep conventions and as far as delegates so, Wilson Is a long way from having the necessary two-thirds. - Conferences Bunday may result in the formulation of a programme, which would enable the convention on an early ballot Monday to nominate a candidate for President. If this can be done, the remainder of the pro gramme. Including the selection of a Vice-President, will be rushed to a speedy end. Already numbers of dele gates are leaving Baltimore, and oth ers will depart tomorrow when ar rangements can be made to vote their delegations under the unit rule. Fi nancial reasons and Baltimore's op pressive weather have combined to force premature departures. At no time today was there a full attendance of delegates and a vote by individual delegates would have dis closed the absence of several hundred on every TollealL BREAK IN OREGON RANKS Continued From First Page.) and has been able to control the dele gation for two days. How long he can hold them together against their per sonal desires remains to be developed. When the 21st ballot was taken, J. W. Black, of Everett, grew restless and demanded a poll of the delegation with the expectation that a majority would vote to abandon Clark and swing to Bryan, Kern or Wilson. But the poll disclosed the fact that the Clark forces dominated, 17 delegates voting to stand by their Instructions, four voting for Kern, five for Wilson and two being absent. A majority having voted for Clark, tha unit rule demanded that the 14 votes of the state again be cast tdr Clark. Each Delegate Has Half a Tote. Each Washington delegate has halt a' vote. ' On the poll the delegation di vided as follows: . For Clark: Wallace, Shram, Zlttel, Jerome Drumhlller, Turner, Green, D. M. Drumhlller, Bhaser, Merrltt, Neterer, Munday, May Arkwright Hutton, Ma loney. Davis, Hatfield. Bits. For Kern: Shorett, Lyter, Troy, Fits, henry. . For Wilson Black, Langhorne, Bird, Wheeler and Fletcher.. Absent and not voting: Horner and Rauslth. One of the most interesting disclos ures made by this poll was the vote of May Arwrlght Hutton, of Spokane, for Clark. During the past week Mrs, Hutton has been interviewed by all tha Baltimore papers and 'many outside papers, and every time has predicted the nomination of Bryan and has ex pressed her personal preference for him, but today, when she had an opt portunlty to vote for Bryan, she passed It up. - Yesterday Mrs, Hutton was a luncheon guest of Mrs. Pltzer, dele gate from Colorado, and a sister of Champ 'Clark, and the fact that Mrs. Hutton this afternoon voted for Clark Is taken to mean that she allowed her self to be persuaded by the only other suffragette delegate In this convention. Idaho Breaks From Clark. Idaho stood solidly by Clark, in ac cordance with Its Instructions, until tha ,16th ballot. Then an attempt was made to desert Clark and go to Bryan. several aeiegates were aDseni at m time, and those remaining were evenly divided, so It was agreed to cast that vote for Clark. . When the next ballot was taken, however, Idaho was able to divide and cast two and a half votet for Kern and two for Wilson. Idaho delegates have half a vote each, and on this ballot those voting for Kern were Rich, Whiffen, Hutton, Lowry and Miller, while Hitt, Heitfeld, Smith and Hawley voted for Clark.., On the 19th ballot the Idaho delegation got Into the real limelight by casting six votes for Bryan and twd for Clark. This was the largest vote Bryan had received on any ballot up to that time and when the chairman of the Idahc delegation announced six votes for Brvan. there was a brief period of tur moil in the ham Alter mat, jaano scattered Its votes, giving Wilson on the next ballot the six it had given Bryan and then on the next ensuing ballot all eight Idaho votes were cast for Wilson. On the last ballot Idaho gave one-half vote for Clark and 7H votes for Wilson. BRYAN HURLS DEFIANCE (Continued From First Page.) to speak, is not willing to participate in the nomination or any man who is willing to violate the resolution adopt ed by this convention and to accept the high honor of the Presidential nomina tion at the hands of Mr. Murphy. (Great applause.)- 1 Spirit of Instructions Observed. "When we were instructed for Mr. Clark, . the Democratic voters who in structed us did so with the distinct un derstanding that Mr. Clark stood for progressive Democracy. (Applause.) Mr. Clark's representatives appealed for support on no other ground. They con tended that Mr. Clark was more pro gressive than Mr. .Wilson and indig nantly denied that there was any co operation between Mr. Clark and the reactionary element of the party. Upon no other condition could Mr. Clark have received a plurality of the Democratic vote of Nebraska. "The 13 delegates for whom t speak stand ready to carry out the instruc tions given In the spirit In which they were given and upon the conditions un der which they were given. (Great applause.) But seme of these delegates will not participate In the nomination of any man I cannot say for how many I speak, for I have not had a chance to take a poll but some of these dele gates will not participate in the nomina tion of any whose nomination depends on the vote of the New York delega tion. "Speaking for myself and for any of the delegation who may decide to Join me, I withhold my vote from Mr. Clark as long as New York's vote is recorded for him. (Great applause and hisses.) And the position that I take in regard to Mr. Clark I will take in regard to any other candidate whose name is now or may be before the convention. Candidate Must Be Free. "I shall not be a party to the nomina tion of any man, no matter Who he may be or from what section of the country he may come, who will not, when elected, be absolutely free to carry out the antl-Morgan-Ryan-Bel- mont resolution ana mine nis admin istration' reflect the wishes and the hoDes of those who believe In a Gov ernment of the people, by the people and for the people. (Great applause.) 'If we nominate a candidate wno is under no obligation to those interests which speak through Mr. Murphy, I shall offer a resolution authorizing and directing the Presidential candidate to select a campaign committee to manage the campaign, in order that he may not be comDelled to suffer the humiliation and act under the embarrassment that I have. In having men participate in the management of his campaign who had no sympathy with the party's alms and in whose Democracy the general pub lic haa no confidence. 'Now. having explained the position taken by myself and those In the dele gation who view the subject from the same standpoint, I now announce my vote. Mr. Bryan then voted for Governor Wilson, -