The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 30, 1912, SECTION FIVE, Image 59

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Pages 1 to lO
NO. 26.
C If - 7
vni.. xxxi.
Powers' Announces
Clearance S
$30 Seamless Velvet Rugs
Size 9x12, Special ,
Two Choice Patterns
$10 so AH-Wool Ingrain Rugs
Size 9x10.6, Special
Your Choice of Our Full Line
$4. Japanese Matting Rugs
Size 9x11.6, Special
Plain and Fancy Designs
ning of a July
Our $1 .75 Axminster Carpets
With or Without Border
$1.39 Yd.
Full Assortment of Patterns
This Luxurious Rocker of
Genuine Spanish Leather
Regularly Sold at $32 Special
Guaranteed genuine leather' is
the covering of this luxurious
Easy Rocker, and it is of the
very best built-up spring seat
construction. Base and - run
ners are of mahogany.
A Wonderful Value Even at
the Regular Price.,
m "-.'""i.iaa
I i
$12.00 Dresser, finished in golden quartered effect arid having
plate mirror of good quality and size; special redec- d Q 1 C
tion at 0. lU
$15.00 Dresser, finished in golden quartered effect, having 42-inch
top and three roomy, easy-running drawers; spe- dQ QkZL
cial at only JO.J7 J
$16.50 Dresser, of selected oak, an oval mirror pattern, finished
golden, high-grade in construction and finish; tf1 1 Ejft
special at P 1 1 tJJ
$26.50 Dresser, of solid quartered oak; a very attractive new de
sign, with large bevel plate mirror; finished gold- d "I . AC
en; extra special at..... sv .v. J X
$33.75 birdseye maple Dresser, top and drawer being in serpentine
design, large plate mirror with ornamental stand- tf ECft
ards; special at ; tPTT.OvF
$25.00 mahogany Dresser, serpentine front design, plate mirror of
extra good quality; large size, high grade fin-.d-1 7 '7
ish; special nt.. P 1 J
$39.75 mahogany Dresser; a handsome colonial pattern, oblong
plate glass mirror of large size, shaped stand- d O "7 QC
ards and legs; special at 0J
Golden Oak Rockers
$3.50 hardwood Rocker, designed with high' back with ornamental
panel and turned spindles; finished golden. Special fl Q 2Q
$7.75 Rocker, of quartered oak, a roomy and comfortable pattern
in a new design, best golden finish and first-class GA
construction, at ...
$8.50 Rocker, of quartered oak; an attractive panel back pattern,
with wood seat, broad, comfortable body; specially . C C
priced at J'T.JtJ
$13.50 quartered oak Rocker, of best quality, with genuine leather
seat; one of our most-called-for patterns at regular d 7 1 C
price; special P X J
$17.00 quartered oak Rocker, in panel-back design with saddle
seat ; solid and substantial looking and. attractively dQ QC
designed; special J7 ZJ
$24.50 Rocker, made of selected quartered oak with genuine leather
spring seat ; excellent for library or living-room d 1 T Q E
use; special at V 1 I OU
Library Tables
$12.50 Fumed oak Library Table, designed with panel ends and
shelf underneath for books; specially reduced f or d 7 QC
this sale J
$17.00 quartered oak Library Table, fumed finish; designed with
magazine ends, an extra good value; offered f or d 1 1 O C
this week at ....T7 VJ 1 ,OJ
$24.50 quartered oak library Table, made with heavy legs and panel
ends; large size top and tray for books; special t( QEi
for only V 1 00J
$50,00 quartered oak Library Table, fumed finish. Has 48-inch
top and massive legs and ends; very substantial d O 1 CfJ
and attractive; specials PO X JJ
$55.00 fumed oak Library Table, with 58-inch top and massive pi
laster base; one of the highest-grade patterns d O ? 7 C'
we have; special POO. f iv
$19.75 Library Table of all-quartered stock throughout, early
English finish ; reduced almost one-half, to the tf Q QT
special price of PftV
Regular $27.50
Princess Dresser
In Tour Choice of Birdseye
Maple, Quartered Oak or
Square scroll pattern Princess
Dresser, designed with the
new square lined base. Your
choice of birdseye maple,
quartered oak or mahogany
for the special price quoted.
One of the Strongest Values
of the Week.
i VI i
A Magnificent Display of French Wilton Rugs
including faithful copies of Orientals
If you know Rug values you will appreciate a closer acquaintance with our magnificent dis
play of the famous French Wilton patterns, which excels not only in colors aud quality but in
the wide variety of sizes which we have on hand at all times. Specimen values are quoted
herewith below and we will be glad to show you the various patterns which these prices.rep
resent without imposing any obligation if or you to-buy. tit is pleasure to vus to display
such a beautiful stock. '. ' '..
Size 9x12 $55 Size 3x10.6 $49.25 Size 6x9 $33.50 Size 4.6x7,6 $19.50
Extra Special
; it &s$l g-
mil- smm ihmmm
LEMUUlSstf ell II II II II' 1 Ln i flLUl W t tSr-,
ii i i r
On Credit
vtfifi 'ferrous
Housefurnishings of the Better Grade on Credit at Powers'
In making your selections here of the better grades' of furniture you enjoy the privileges of Mthe sa digni
fied credit conveniences as when making selections from the less expensive rafef This means that . you
have 'an opportunity-not only , to add the desired appropriate odd pieces to complete the furnishings of your
home, but of selecting ..complete outfit if desired. The advantages of purchasing from us arc almost un
limited from a point of wide choice of stock in all gradesand broad and convenient policy of credit giving
according to your means. . . t
Powers' Credit Service Is the Most Dignified and Liberal Yet Devised
Librarv Suit of Solid Oak
In Your Choice of Fumed or Wax Finish
Extra Special
These three comfortable and beautiful pieces provide half the - furniture needed -for your living-room or v li
brae They are designed exactly as illustrated and made of solid oak upholstered m Spanish .Chase Leather.
We made-a particularly fortunate purchase of a limited number of these which enables us to offer them at
this wonderfully moderate .price. ' : - ' ; '-"
Over 2000 People Took Part in Our "Free"
Sewing Machine Contest Last Week
The winner of the Machine was Mrs. J. W. o ' Jjnen, 01 w ooqsiock,
Or., who counted the correct number of dots in the picture 6867.
We were sorry not to be able to give a machine to every one of the hundreds
of women who visited our store last Saturday afternoon during the drawing
for the "Free" Machine -which we gave away but to all of those who did
not win we offer a special invitation to come in and take advantage of the
liberal terms of credit which we offer on the purchase of one of these splendid
world-famous machines. The contest served to introduce you to a machine
which features twenty-seven improvements over any other machine in the
market, and it costs you no. more than machines half as good. '
Come in some day and ask to see a demonstration of the "Free"
Macnine. rnere win do no oougauun w uuy.
Newly Married Couples Who Wish to Start
Housekeeping With a Complete Equipment of
Their Own Should See Our Special 3-Rbom Outfit
Bedroom Dining-Room and Kitchen furnished complete. Eight pieces and rug for the dining-room, seven pieces
and rug for the bedroom and four pieces, including a steel range, for the kitchen. Come in and see this outfit
before decidin- on your plans for housekeeping. How much better to" make your start with furniture of your
own than to rent a furnished apartment and have nothing to show for it after you have contributed months
of rental. You H never miss the easy payments we require. . .,. .
On Credit
4 Styles of Porch Rockers
Reg. $4.75, $5, $5.50Values
Reduced to s,i
" i
The illnstration shows only one
of the patterns which we offer
at this very special price. You
also have your choice of light
or dark finishes. Made of oak
and maple, well constructed,
and are of the newest 1912
Summer designs.
Special Prices for This Week
Iron Beds
$8.50 white enamel Iron Bed, full size, with straight top and
seven filler rods in head and foot. Specially (PA Q C
priced at
$9.75 white Iron Bed, full size, made with high head and corre
sponding foot, attractively designed. Extra spe- d C O i
cial at only PO.iU
$12.00 Iron Bed, full size, cream enamel finish, with .heavy top
rods and posts and exclusive design, featured by Qf
us. Special at only J)O.Ov
$13.50 cream enameled Iron Bed, with circular pattern in head and
foot.. Only. one of this pattern to sellforjthe spe- t y
cial price of only. P I X J
$19.50 Iron Bed; posts finished cream and hav- d - f Cf
ing 7 full brass fillers in head and foot. Special J) A t JJ
$27.00 gold bronze Iron. Bed of heavy, massive design, ! having
two-inch . continuous posts and arch top. 1 J ft ft
Special at only P L J VJKJ
$17.00 gold bronze Iron Bed; a very attractive grapevine pattern;
finish and construction of the very best. Reduced tfQ QC
this week to only J)cJ
Dining Tables
$18.75 Dining Tabic of quartered oak, golden finish, six-fool ex
tension and will seat ten persons. Special rf -l 7ft
at only I U
$19.75 Dining Tablo of solid oak, with massive pedestal and claw
foot base. Golden finish. Splendid quality and d 1 O QC
attractive design. Special only pl4Ov
$27.50- quartered oak Dining Table, : golden wax finish. First
class quality in every respect. Extra special d 7Et
for only J 1 Q. I J
$33.50 Dining Table of solid oak, Early English finish. Heavy
pedestal and base, six-foot extension. .Will seat d O 1 y
ten. Special at only ..PLi1TJ
$55.00 Dining Table of highest quality quarter-sawed oak, having
massive pedestal and heavy claw feet, Early d?OQ
English finish. Special at only ij
$115 10-foot-Pedestal Extension Table, with 60-inch top ; one of
the handsomest and most imposing patterns in d C ft
stock. Special at only... J) tuU
Bed Davenports
$35.00 Bed Davenport, with quartered oak frame and upholster-,
ing of good quality green . and black Verona d? O O ' C ft
velour. Reduced to only. tiJJ
$40.00 Bed Davenport, quartered oak frame, finished fumed and
having covering of imitation of Spanish leather. dQ1 Kft
Special at only - PO 1 U ,
$43.50 Bed Davenport, having frame of selected oak, golden finish,
upholstered in best quality Spanish Chase leath- dQ 7
er. Special at only JTT. iJ
$53.00 Bed Davenport, fumed oak frame, upholstery of Spanish
Chase leather, substantial in construction and dl ft ft
pleasingly designed. Special at only.; .... J X JJ
$49.75 quartered oak Bed Davenportupholstered j O O Cft
in Spanish Chase leather. ' Only one to sell at iPOOtJv
$110 quartered ak Bed Davenport, upholstered in genuine leather
and an example of highest-class workmanship in d 7fi lfl
every respect. Special at only P I JJJ
$87.00 Bed Davenport of genuine mahogany, in a handsome pat
tern. Covering is of highest grade of silk Verona d C Q " 7 C
velour. Special at only..'........:... PJZ I J
White Enamel Bath Room Cabinet
With Plate Mirror
In Door
Regularly Selli at $2.00
Hardwood Medicine Cabinet, 17
inches high and HVi inches
wide. Has dividing shelf inside
and door and plate mirror 8x12.
Best white enamel finish.
Only One to a Customer.
I L - I
I ' - - ' ' - -